I hope you survived your May Day (or your m’aider as the news seems to think). For me it consisted of walking home and seeing a lot of cops, and wondering why there are so many. Then kind of remembering and keeping walking. And then having someone in my building freaking the fuck out. Also some people on Twitter. In conclusion, I almost feel like we need better shitty anarchists.
Over at Politico they’re getting nervous that Cruz may be finished.
What’s the Kubler-Ross model for Trump?
So Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is apparently seeing about a 20 point drop in positives and a ten point jump in negatives since The Club for Growth ordered him to quit doing his job back in February.
I’m pretty sure Grassley is going to get re-elected in November. But it’s going to end up costing him, his major donors, and the NRSC a whole bunch more money than any of them had ever planned. The opening on the Court is undoubtedly bringing in more money than otherwise. But so far the spending on the other side has been pretty anemic, and yet… 20 points. Another 20 points wont be nearly as easy, and once Grassley, his super PAC and the NRSC get spending things will certainly stabilize. But it looks like it’s going to be much easier than anyone expected to jeopardize a solid red Senate seat. Senate Republicans might have more money to spend but they’re going to need every penny of it. And they’re going to spend tons of it in places they wouldn’t have to if they just did their jobs. None of which helps any of the vulnerable Senate Republicans who are presently occupied putting tape over the “Rs” in all of their campaign materials.
So “conservative” donors cough up more money. Senate Republicans pass on their last chance to fill the vacancy with a moderate. And the professional class of political hacks, money managers, and media buyers get a bigger pie to fight over and bigger commissions.
This is what a Republican “win” looks like.
Ever since I accidentally wandered into the WTO mess, I stay away from Seattle protests. But I do think the police handled it better this year. Reporters get hurt because they embed themselves in conflict. Not good, but to be expected. They should at least wear helmets. Their insurance should demand it.
But I do think the police handled it better this year.
Yes, so good of that officer to catch the Molotov cocktail with his face so the bottle wouldn’t break and catch everything around him on fire.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Sure glad I’m not a journalist anymore. I’m too old to dodge SPD blast balls. https://twitter.com/seattlish/status/727013222125961216 …
Not to mention that vexing expectation that you at least make some effort to discuss both sides of an issue.
Looks like SPD did good work. They came prepared. None of the officers appeared to get their “feels” hurt and fly out of control to no good purpose. Certainly helps to deploy sufficient numbers of adequately trained and equipped officers along with a tactical plan and clear chain of command. Most of the arrests will result in charges. Most of the forceful response was in proportion to the obstruction/resistance. I’m still troubled by the use of explosive concussion type weapons, even against violent crowds, since this is understood to be a weapon that cannot be individually targeted. It’s just one mass confrontation. But it looks to me like SPD has made some progress since the consent decree.
@4 And here we have the police-state enthusiast weighing in.
@5 Journalists have no obligation to “discuss both sides of an issue.” Their job is to report what they see. If a cop beats the shit out of a peaceful protester, there are no two sides of an issue to report, just the fact a cop beat the shit out of a peaceful protester. If a violent protester throws a molotov cocktail at a cop, same deal, that’s what the reporter’s story should say. No philosophizing, counseling, or moralizing is needed or wanted.
I slept in yesterday, so I missed it. Was this a Trump rally? It looked like one.
SCOTUS rejected franchisees’ appeal of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It doesn’t really matter, because nobody can live in Seattle on less than $15, so franchise owners who don’t pay $15 aren’t going to have workers anyway. If you can’t pay $15 you might as well flip the burgers, wait on the customers, and sweep the floors yourself because you won’t be able to get anyone to work for you.
The city council is voting today on whether we have to pay for the basketball palace 90% of us voted against. Anyone wanna guess how that will go?
I could be wrong, but burning millions of dollars in elephant ivory strikes me as counter intuitive. First off, that could buy protection for the elephants. Secondly, flooding the market would drive down the price. Thirdly, I can’t imagine why we don’t stain the ivory while it’s on a live elephant so it’s visible and unusable. In, fact, cut them off. Better live elephants without tusks than dead elephants with no tusks. We could attach metal tusks to the base. Solid steel? Something. Anything.
Man that’s a broken record. A loan and tax incentives is not us paying for it.
Hansen wants to own the building, not rent it. He also wants to own the soon to be extremely valuable retail space surrounding it. The MOA does not mean Seattle is on the hook for any costs or losses.
No NBA team, no deal so no loan.
It’s the Jerry Jones / PacBell Park model that has been proven. After the loan is paid (and it will be if there is an NBA team and again, no team, no deal) the city gets a regular sales tax and parking tax and hotel tax revenue stream while Hansen gets to rent the place out. When that little Benghazi film had a premiere in Cowboy stadium, guess who got the money to rent it? When they have a Bowl game in AT&T Park, guess who gets to rent the building and get all the concession revenue.
Unlike the NBA’s demands for the Sonics to stay, the Hansen group is of the new school of Sports Franchise owners who have figured out that paying a municipality a rental fee each season it is far less profitable than owning the building and be the landlord for your own team as well as AEGLive, NCAA or any other entity that wants to use it when your team isn’t playing.
I had a resource economist explain this to me in school once a long time ago. She said things like ivory aren’t like oil or coal or corn. It isn’t a practical commodity used in basic economic transactions. It’s a pure luxury with no intrinsic value. Even used in applications like piano keys it isn’t as good as modern thermo plastics and composites. So it’s only economic value is culturally derived. Putting seized contraband ivory into economic circulation supports and reinforces those cultural values and the markets that depend on them. Besides education the key to destroying the demand for these products is to deprive the marketplace of supply. Restrict supply hard enough long enough and buyers shift their demand elsewhere.
Wanna know why we killed off the bison? Drive belts for early machine age factories. Once they were killed off industry quickly switched to other sources and methods.
So WaPo just weighed in on what everyone knows but the trolls here don’t want to acknowledge.
Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president.
To sum up. a new poll of Florida has Hillary beating the Donald by 13 points and Cruz by 9. RCP average has Clinton by 6+ and really the Rasmussen, the only poll since February that isn’t a Clinton win, and yeah, Rasmussen is keeping that number closer than it probably is.
@12 Well, if that model is so great, why does it need tax incentives?
A couple days ago, we found out Boeing got a free pass on $302 million of taxes. It seems the only people still paying taxes are the little people. Leona Helmsley was right; only the little people pay taxes.
Now whose fault is this? Should the inebriated cyclist’s family be able to collect from the school bus driver?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Without question, this is a tragedy for everyone involved, most of all for the deceased cyclist and the loved ones he leaves behind; but the cyclists-can-do-no-wrong mentality pervading our community and legal system needs rethinking. The bicycle is just a different form of transportation. The rules of the road and personal responsibility should be the same for everyone using public streets and sidewalks. The most basic rule of all is, when it’s your fault, the other person shouldn’t be blamed or held liable.
Yeah, okay, so I dislike aggressive cyclists. I admit it I’m not a fan of cyclists, because too many of ’em are assholes. I’m fine with those who don’t run over rabbits, run red lights, and flip off motorists driving legally just because they hate cars. Not all of us are young and healthy enough to peddle everywhere we have to go in all weathers. If cyclists who ride negligently end up as road pizza it’s their own damn fault. I’ll never forget being knocked down in downtown pedestrian crosswalks twice in three days by assholes on bikes. Fuck assholes on bikes! If they don’t want me to despise them, then don’t run over rabbits.
Not all of us are young and healthy enough to peddle everywhere we have to go in all weathers.
That’s why Seattle had to spend $1.5 million to take the bikes back up the hills because no one would pedal uphill! http://www.kplu.org/post/seatt.....are-system
Yeah, okay, so I dislike aggressive cyclists.
Just another set of tree hugging libtard DUMMOCRETINS R senile! They are just like you R senile. Smug ASSwipes!
but the cyclists-can-do-no-wrong mentality pervading our community and legal system needs rethinking.
The Seattle single party voting of King County DUMMOCRETINS created that fiasco R senile. Talk to the hand dumb bunny! It’s your peeps!
but the cyclists-can-do-no-wrong mentality pervading our community and legal system needs rethinking.
The Seattle single party voting of King County DUMMOCRETINS created that fiasco R senile. Talk to the hand dumb bunny! It’s your peeps!
I swear, that if I didn’t have it on good authority that that guy was in his late 40s, I’d swear he couldn’t be much older than 9 or 10.
Was that even English?
Then there’s this guy.
Another Republican Hero bites the dust.
dr checkmate,
The same WaPo called Jimmy Cahrrrrrter beating Ronald Reagan in 1980! http://spectator.org/articles/.....eat-reagan
Don’t you remember that dr checkmate? Hmmm…? So we are supposed to jump right up and accept that kook-aid again?
Do tell schmucko!
The way that kid took down Ted Cruz was awesome!
I wonder if this is how Boob and Puffy hold hands.
Hahahaha – too funny.
Carly Fiorina And Ted Cruz Awkwardly Holding Hands Is A Cringe Bomb http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....24768.html
Of course if you can’t find one example of something you claim to be a problem you then have to fake the problem.
I’m sure they are salavating to be perverts. Maybe they think their will be some baby goats in the toilet room.
‘Family’ Group Says It’s Now Sending Men Into Target’s Women’s Restrooms http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....23952.html
I think the smartest move for Clinton, her super PACs, and the DSCC is to play Trump as close as possible while safely preserving the win.
No matter who the Democrat, and no matter how sweeping the victory, Republicans in Congress will reject the victory, ignore the will of the majority, and obstruct any President they don’t control. Clintons best chances for success in office must be predicated on the certainty that a certifiably crazy Republican party will never work with her under any circumstances.
To have any opportunity to implement any legislative agenda she needs to flip seats. Spending even one penny more than it takes to get to 270 is a waste. Every remaining resource has to go toward destroying Republican majorities.
@19 You’re a smug asswipe without the tree hugs.
Confessions of a Republican (LBJ 1964 Presidential campaign commercial)
History repeats itself. The parallels are amazing.
Silly person,
No we don’t need to look at battleground states. They are talking about one. Florida. And they aren’t saying Hillary is close they are saying she has a significant lead.
“It’s all skewed. Romney won, just like I said. McCain won just like I said, Governor McKenna is doing an excellent job, I knew he would.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Only fucking morons think that procreation is the way to everlasting society.
Wake up fools. As resources and disease thin the herd, man will die of purposely and naturally. The irony of Republicans belief that procreation is the response to why being gay is not a viable option and not doing anything about global warming all stems from their secrets to be one of the few humans living in the future.
The future is something that needs no sex for procreation.
See what FACTS did to dr checkmate? Who is the silly fool again? Focused in on the hijacked paragraph without looking at the other “calls”!
Heh. The babbling jackass smugly believes its beloved adopted white identity politics will carry the day..
Here’s a picture of the babbling jackass’ beloved karson kook-a-nut with an infamous political fixer for whacko kleptokratic diktators and nutjob american klownservatics.
Two freaks riding the white identity politics wave to power!
Here’s the very lengthy backstory on this klownservatic prince of darkness.
Facts, like all the states where the polling showed Reagan ahead or slightly ahead they called “close” and they ended up all voting Reagan just like the polling said they would?
How does that apply now? I’m not going to check but I’m guessing whoever editorialized for WaPo in 1980 is retired and/or dead 36 years later. I know Kathy Graham is dead and I don’t think she ever had her tits in a wringer. I don’t even have to look it up to know Ben Bradlee and Jason Robards are both dead.
I also like that in discussing punditry that was wrong they mention Dick “Romney 325” Morris. A true skewed polls believer that one.
Will the down ticket swamping of Republicans because of a Trump led party be enough to once and for all rid us of drain bamaged Congressman Dave Reichert?
Tony Ventrella seems to think so
@ 36
Self-described longshot sportscaster hopes to become a congressman. Without raising campaign contributions except those the likes of MBS might send his way.
Yeah, that’ll fix what’s broken in Washington DC.
Not that I’m not worried about the down-ticket swamping. Jesus.
@37 welshing Boob,
Yeah it’s totally improbable that a political neophyte with only name recognition from a media career and no fund raising apparatus could defeat an experienced lifetime Republican candidate in 2016.
I’m supporting Santiago Ramos, but we’ll see which of the 3 Democratic candidates make it. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Reichert won’t get past the primary.
Why should any Washington Republican vote in the a 2016 primary?
@2 I hope there is a spiffy young Democrat running against this asshole Senator and who drills him every speech about the open seat in the court. It’s a long time until November. Math says another 20 points loss in positives and another 10 percent increase in negatives makes it a competitive race. Maybe it will be a spiffy socialist who gets the seat. Wouldn’t that be a total gas!
@16 As an attorney you do know the basics about tort law. It’s a school bus and if the driver could have stopped even if an idiot bicyclist blasts through a stop sign and the family comes to you. Then if you can make a reasonable argument on behalf of the family then you can sue the bus driver and the school that has the bigger pockets.
Where is the Hispanic candidate on the DUMMOCRETIN side?
Nope. Whatever deal they made during the last redistricting puts Reichert in office. They carved a smallish liberal leaning area of south Bellevue and Issaquah then made it run all the way down a strip of the I-90 corridor and then swamped it with conservative rural voters in Cle Ellam, Wenatchee, Ellensburg and Chelan.
This is a district that Strom Thurmond could have won in “Liberal” Washington.