I never get allergies, but this year, they’ve just knocked me on my ass. I don’t know if it’s the warm spring or what looks like all of the world’s Scotch Broom growing by the building where I work.
When Bernie hits, is it with a closed fist? Or does he do it like YLB?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
For some reason Goldy’s benefactoremployer saw fit to include a photograph of the entrance to the National Restaurant Association building in a retweeted sidebar piece.
Maybe it means they’re rich enough to afford their own building. Maybe it means as anchor tenant they’re allowed to put their name above storefront glass.
Seemed pretty extraneous to me but I’m not a billionaire.
Sort of a metaphor, since Goldy likes shopping for those.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Goldy @GoldyHA
Colleges & universities opposed to the new overtime rule should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting adjunct professors & other workers.
In which Goldy begins to understand the true meaning of ‘free college’.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Carri Bugbee @CarriBugbee
WHOA! #Bernie is winning in Oregon’s capital city of Salem 98% to 2%. Statewide 58% to 42%. #FeelTheBern
8:29 PM – 17 May 2016
What, no women in Salem?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now all he needs is a flood of Biblical proportions. Any dams nearby? A dam burst might do it.
“Ark Encounter could generate up to 21,000 jobs for the region over 10 years and up to $4 billion in revenue for Kentucky, according to a 2015 study conducted by a consulting firm hired by Answers in Genesis. … Over the short term, Kirkpatrick expects Ark Encounter to create upwards of 2,000 jobs from the ongoing construction at the park and from a tourism-fueled boost in economic activity.”
Yeah, except you can’t get one of those jobs if you’re Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, or agnostic:
“[C]ritics have attacked Ark Encounter for requiring park employees and job candidates to sign a ‘statement of faith’ affirming belief in the basic tenets of Christianity, a policy disclosed on the park’s website as a condition for employment.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Republicans got their way, every employer in America would be able to require this. In other words, they don’t believe people of other religions have a right to make a living. This is brought to you by the same people who bring you so-called “right to work” laws. “Right to work,” of course, applies only to Christians of northern European ancestry willing to work for $7.25 an hour. Everybody else can fucking starve to death as far as these people are concerned.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Betcha 98% of these chair throwers will vote for Trump in November, which tells you who they really are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1-@4 Must not be any sick old people in the Islands this week. Or maybe the doc just got replaced by a robot after screwing up one diagnosis too many.
Roger Rabbitspews:
South Carolina Republicans just gave people one more reason not to live and work there.
Betcha a good number of them will. But Oregon’s is a closed primary, so every one who does is a previously registered Democrat, asswipe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Kansas Republicans determined to keep American citizens from voting in their own country (because it’s the only way they can win elections) get their asses handed to them by a federal judge.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are mean, nasty, shitty people; and of all the crass, un-Christian things they do to others, obstructing them from voting is one of the lowest.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Site wouldn’t let me delete/modify @ 9
I initially thought RR was referring to OR, not NV. Apologies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Well, let’s talk about Oregon anyway, since your intent is clear. To vote for Bernie in Oregon yesterday, you had to be a “previously registered Democrat” for at least 21 days. Which means any Trump chair thrower who wanted to vote against Hillary could have become a “Democrat” 3 weeks ago. Now, how hard was that?
Reminds me of a joke I heard in college. (NSFW) Guy is hitchhiking on a deserted highway in Arizona. A farmer picks him up and starts talking politics. The hitchhiker says he’s a Democrat. The farmer slams the brakes, opens the door, and kicks the hitchhiker out, snarling, “Son, around here everyone is a Republican! No goddamned Democrat is gonna ride in my truck! Get a fucking clue!” Well, this happens a couple more times, and the hitchhiker is convinced the farmer knew what he was talking about. So when a blonde in a Corvette convertible comes along and picks him up, and the conversation drifts to politics, the hitchhiker nervously assures her that he’s a Republican “just like everyone else around here.” She says, “That’s good, because if you were a Democrat, I’d have to kick you out of my car. What are you so nervous about?” The hitchhiker replies, “It’s very strange. I’ve been a Republican for only 10 minutes. And I already want to fuck somebody.”
And that, kiddies, is today’s lesson about party changers.
Distant Replayspews:
guess I missed the part where chairs were thrown in Oregon.
Or the data array indicating Sanders primary voters in Oregon will either stay home or cross the ballot in November.
Seriously. Oregon? Your desperation must be fucking with the last bits of your brain that haven’t been fried with radiation. Trump wins Oregon in the general. Sure, Boob. Sure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Well, I know what you mean about this site. HA is continually crashing my Google Chrome. I don’t have this problem with other websites. The HA site must be loaded with spyware, because it looks like about 20 or 30 of them have to open before my computer unfreezes. I wish Goldy could fix that. That might be hard to do, though, because this stuff probably comes from all the scammy ads that support this site. Russian and Chinese girls for dating, and that sort of shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Oh, go easy on him this time. He said he made a mistake and tried to delete it. We already know Bickle’s mind is clouded. We also know he’s old, slow, and on the cusp of retirement. He’s entitled to an Alzheimer’s pass now and then. I’m more annoyed by the fact I have to reboot my computer 3 times for every comment I post or edit on HA. Don’t the moderators ever clean the junk off this site? (And don’t anybody try to blame my computer, which was just in the shop and is clean as a whistle.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
HA isn’t the only one having problems. NYSE has suspended trading in 199 ticker symbols because of a “technical” issue. Probably the fucking Russians or fucking Chinese are fucking with the capitalist system, is my guess.
Distant Replayspews:
The Trump campaign’s manipulation of media has been very impressive. But given some of the face palming they’ve engaged in on local ground game, maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised if they decided to squander resources in a state like Oregon, but I sure haven’t seen any evidence of it.
One or two big roadside signs by a hay field. Campaign offices in Tigard (?) and Eugene (maybe he’ll make an appearance at OCF!).That’s about it.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Travis @9,
BINGO! R is very senile! Salem has which Oregon university R senile? A private Baptist university. So Baptists for The Bern! Seems these simple facts escape the senile mind of the dumb wabbit!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
To vote for Bernie in Oregon yesterday, you had to be a “previously registered Democrat” for at least 21 days.
Wow R senile is giving the average Trump voter credit for intelligence. Remember he recently called them stooooooooopid. So R senile, why the flip flop? Trying to make your silly-ASSed point work?
AdChoices content is driven by individual meta data. You see ads targeted specifically to you (or your computer) based on tons of relevant (and sometimes not so relevant) data from online purchases, searches, subscriptions, downloads, geographic location, etc.
Some of it is better targeted that others. Some of it is just simply bad marketing by lazy asshats who bamboozle their clients with jargon. For instance, every time I visit NYT I get ads for a Seattle company called Zulily. That’s because about four years ago I did a web search to learn a bit more about one of the founders and his company. He was one of the guys who started Blue Nile. He was touted as a “genius” in e-commerce. His new company, Zulily, is (or was) a “daily deals” internet retailer targeting upscale career mommies with batik print maternity clothes and high tech strollers.
And his marketing campaign targets me. Still. Four years later. He may be a genius. But maybe not so much an e-commerce genius. But it all depends on who you ask.
So if you’re seeing ads for mail order brides its because some shitty algorithm somewhere thinks you’ll be interested. Just like they think I’m interested in high tech nursing jog-bras.
Ima Duncespews:
A friend tells me that eating a tablespoon of local honey every day helps alleviate symptoms from pollen allergies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 I was talking about Nevada, you fucking idiot. See #11.
Distant Replayspews:
Don’t know why I’m gonna bother. But it just gives some insight into the kind of misinformed douchery that emanates from a Trump voter.
Salem Oregon is the location of Willamette University, which variously competes with Whitman and Reed for the title of “most expensive” private liberal arts university in the PNW. Founded by methodist missionaries in the 1840s, it boasts a pretty decent law school, a well regarded management school, and an international exchange program linked to Japan. It’s located in downtown Salem a few blocks from the state capitol and all the courts and state administrative buildings. Student body generally leans liberal, as much as astonishingly rich kids tend to lean liberal. Put it this way: Seattle Pacific is waaaaay more religious and strict.
I don’t know if there’s a “private baptist university” in Salem (don’t really care). Considering how many private, baptist, liberal arts colleges there are in western Oregon it could be. Practically every fucking town of 25,000 or more in western Oregon has a private liberal arts college. And about half of them are “Baptist”. Which most of the time counts for shit. Since the kids they cater to are usually interested in the “full college experience” which means parties with alcohol. But if there’s a “baptist” college in Salem it’s gonna be pretty small and exert pretty much zero institutional influence. So who knows where that Fuckwad gets this shit. He pulls it outa his ass, and whatever he doesn’t smear all over himself he spits out in these comments. Which is why I’m going back to blocking that shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 How do you turn that shit off?
Teabagged Againspews:
@1 someone should probably hit you on the head with a chair – might knock some sense into you.
Distant Replayspews:
if you’re using Chrome you can install an ad-blocker like Adblock Plus. But you should bear in mind that by doing so you’ll be potentially depriving HA of ad revenues that support hosting. So you could install it and at the same time click the donate link and give HA some money to support the site.
As for trying to prevent big data centers from aggregating data associated with your computer’s IP and MAC addresses I don’t think it’s worth the trouble. You could use a proxy server or a VPN which are ways to surf anonymously. But you’ll pay for it not only with a monthly account fee but also with generally slower page loads. Frankly, I’m not the target demographic, and I suspect neither are you. Dump your browser cache (in settings) from time to time. Include cookies and form data but bear in mind you’ll have to re-enter that stuff. Don’t worry about it. It’s the 21st century equivalent of telemarketing. Just hang up.
And the hits for Trump and his taxes keep coming.
In response to<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics....." media questions (why do you say your Golf Course is worth $50million and yet for taxes you swear under penalty of perjury that it is worth $1.35M) the Trump team is revising that figure from $1.35M to $9M for taxation.
I’m not the IRS but that could be willful tax evasion. I mean understating something by 900% seems a little hard to be, oops.
Hey Trolls, wanna lay odds on what happens first? Hillary Clinton indicted for emails or Donald Trump indicted for tax fraud?
Roger Rabbitspews:
George Zimmerman claims he got over $120,000 for the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin. I don’t feel sorry for whoever’s out the $120,000. And to demonstrate what a class act he is, “Zimmerman has since publicly denounced the Martin family and the Black Lives Matter movement that began after the shooting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now that Zimmerman is a successful marketer, it’s just a matter of time before the GOP recruits him to run for Congress. Maybe for Allen West’s old seat.
When Heilary releases her wall street speech transcripts Trump should release his tax returns!
Plain and simple!
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Hey Trolls, wanna lay odds on what happens first? Hillary Clinton indicted for emails or Donald Trump indicted for tax fraud?”
Maybe both events will happen at nearly the same time! We should be so lucky!
After all, the only good thing about Hillary Clinton is that she’s not Donald Trump, and the only good thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders would be better than both of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like $Rmoney threw in the towel today on trying to stop Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party.
“Mitt Romney won’t launch a third-party presidential campaign of his own and has stopped trying to recruit somebody else to do it.”
Hey Liar, totally the same. Nice meme you’ve copied. Should we add plagiarist to liar?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 My problem isn’t annoying ads. My computer freezes up, then Chrome crashes. It’s not my cache; it does this even when the cache is empty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 In that particular case (the golf course), he’s cheating the county and town out of property taxes. But the Trumpistas don’t give a damn. Hell, they’re cheering him on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 While I don’t like either of them either, if you’re trying to peddle the idea that Hillary and Donald are equally bad, you’re full of shit. One of them is clearly a better choice than the other. If I have to tell you which, you’ve got bigger problems than I can help you with.
Ima Duncespews:
@37 Dumbty Trumpty is so clearly of limited perspicacity.
Washington’s “Jefferson Davis Highway,” better known to the public as State Route 99, will be renamed the “Stewart Highway.” Stewart was a black Civil War soldier who is buried in the Grand Army of the Republic cemetery in Snohomish.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Drumpf today identified 11 conservative judges he won’t have an opportunity to appoint to the Supreme Court. I’m more interested in who Hillary’s picks will be. I hope Elizabeth Warren is one of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Drumpf is now the leader of the Republican Party.
“For a decade, Republican voters have signaled they wanted to protect Medicare, cut immigration, fight fewer wars, and nominate no more Bushes. Their party leaders interpreted those signals as demands to cut Medicare, increase immigration, put boots on the ground in Syria, and nominate another Bush.”
Yet despite repeated requests from voters, members of the media and primary opponent Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), she has refused to release the transcripts of speeches for which she was paid exorbitant amounts. One of Sanders’ popular quips on the campaign trail is to joke that Clinton’s six-figure-per-hour speaking fees must be as good as “Shakespearean prose.”
PuddyCommentariat: So you see leftard loser dr checkmate… another EPIC FAYLE in your ANALysis! Bernie Sanders asked for them not Donald Trump.
Sux to be a retarded dr, dr checkmate! dr checkmate, retarded as Roger is senile and everyone sees how senile R senile has become!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, with all this BULLSHITTIUM being proffered here by R senile, the oregon moron and others, you DUMMOCRETINS have real problems with Blabbermouth Schultzie. The lamestream media is finally printing and vocalizing the truth and it ain’t pretty. http://freebeacon.com/politics.....a-sanders/
Jeff Weaver charged that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) is undermining Sanders’ candidacy during an appearance on MSNBC as the Democratic Party has been thrown into turmoil amid increased infighting in the wake of a chaotic Nevada state party convention.
Sanders supporters lashed out at party leadership Saturday during the Nevada Democratic convention, shouting “Bernie or bust” as they yelled curses, made obscene gestures, threw chairs, and issued death threats to Nevada Democratic Party chairwoman Roberta Lange and her family because they believe the convention and primary rules are rigged against the Vermont senator.
PuddyCommentariat: Well, DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS, no matter how many chair throwing lies R senile throws up on this blog.
We know exactly how much money Clinton earns and where she earns it from.
We don’t know that about Trump and we never will. He could be taking income from communist Chinese dictators. He could be taking money from pornography. He could be taking money from drug dealers and pimps. He probably is. Since that’s the most logical explanation for his refusal to disclose how much he makes and where he made it.
To recap, according to Rendell, who once fell asleep during an interview on MSNBC, Clinton has a special appeal to the flat-chested, the cheated-on, and the downtrodden.
PuddyCommentariat: So all you ugly HA DUMMOCRETIN wimens who read this blog, we now know Heilary is your woman!
I remember last summer I was sure that Trump’s campaign was a phony grift to pump “conservative” idiots out of money and promote the brand and their expense. I figured there was no way a guy like Trump would ever expose his personal financial details the way Presidential candidates have been expected to for the last half century. Who knows? Maybe that was true and the whole thing just blew up.
Only crooks refuse to disclose how they earned their money. That’s been the standard since the biggest crook of all, Nixon. You’d have to be a gullible twit to put a crook in charge. Or a Republican.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
We know exactly how much money Clinton earns and where she earns it from.
Puddy thought the Oregon moron didn’t read PuddyMissives except from his weekend phone. No one else discussed Clinton speech money except Puddy.
Lying EPIC FAYLE Oregon moron! So Oregon moron by Ed Rendell’s reckoning… ugly wimens will vote for Heilary. Good to know y’all married some really UGLY ones!
Reports are now emerging that some of Trump’s income has come from co-branding licenses in casino businesses featuring child prostitution in emerging eastern European cities.
Distant Replayspews:
Also emerging are some old international reports of Trump organization investments in Asian markets, previously divested, that involved widespread child labor in some pretty grim conditions.
Distant Replayspews:
One of Trumps 11 SCOTUS picks has been ripping him pretty good on Twitter for the last eight months.
Must be another one of those technical errors.
Hey Liar, Free Beacon.
We are getting drip, drip, drip information that The Donald is defrauding the Government he wants to run.
Feel free to think paid speeches to private companies is the same thing. This is the thing that will take down Hillary, finally, THIS!
Distant Replayspews:
There’s never been an expectation of Presidential candidates that they would reveal details of private financial transactions, contracts, or fees for services. We got a giant dumpload of Whitewater because of litigation and a Republican Congressional leadership suicide pact. It’s reasonable to draw a line. Just because somebody wants to go into public service, doesn’t mean they should have to forfeit all of their privacy. But nobody is asking Trump to reveal private loan contracts that he’s made, proprietary business arrangements, or private transaction details. He’s just supposed to disclose what’s on a few lines of his taxes. The idea isn’t to learn precisely how a Presidential candidate earned their money. Just how much they earned and who they earned it from. We know from a handful of public records required because of public financial involvement that W got a bunch of daddy’s pal’s money to put together his baseball deal. And we know from a few other pals that they helped set him up in oil before he fucked it all up. But W never had to spill how he’d been maintained in luxury for decades until he decided to go into politics. Just like we never got to find out how 41 was financed by his daddy. That’s always been considered private. Same with Clinton’s speaking contracts. We know who paid her and how much they paid. But we don’t have a “right” to know why they paid her.
All that Free Beacon bullshit is just that. That’s a special standard the freaks want to apply selectively.
Clinton should be required to release transcripts of private transactions only when Trump is. Frankly I don’t need to know how Trump earns his money. I just want to know who he earns money from, who he owes money to, and how much. That’s the normal precedent.
Distant Replayspews:
I demand a transcript of Trump’s divorce depositions.
Particularly the pages where Ivana Trump describes the night he beat and raped her.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
So, Zimmerman’s used pistol @ 29 is worth as much as a quarter of Roger Rabbit’s stock portfolio.
I don’t know which interpretation of that is more sad.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 32
You had me. It was really, really good.
Right up until that last line.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Goldy Retweeted
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
Hey Twitter: do you think Paul Ryan actually believes this shit or says it cause the Koch’ pay him to?? http://thehill.com/regulation/.....e-disaster …
Hey Nick:
Doesn’t this beg the questions of whether Goldy believes what he spews, and which billionaire pays him for doing it?
crackerjack quack dr checkmate needs searching skillz. Puddy told it happened on May 3rd. crackerjack quack dr checkmate expects Puddy to jump for it when its Google skillz fails.
Sux to be crackerjack quack dr checkmate!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Where are the claims @49 and @50 with links Oregon moron?
No links just BULLSHITTIUM! Rejected with prejudice!
“By mandating overtime pay at a much higher salary threshold, many small businesses and non-profits will simply be unable to afford skilled workers and be forced to eliminate salaried positions, complete with benefits, altogether.”
Then the positions were bullshit to start. You want to classify a position as exempt it should meet the statutory requirements. Besides the pay threshold there are others. And far too many fuckhead cheap labor employers have winked at them for years. Ignoring the FLSA requirements and simply daring low salaried workers to sue for overtime was a dodge to force desperate people to work weekends and evenings for free.
Fuck that.
Welcome back to the weekend America, thanks to two-term President Obama!
Still clinging to a lie. Liar.
It’s like if you say “nuh-UHNH neener neener” and stamp your feet no one will remember you got caught lying.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
BTW crackerjack quack dr checkmate,
Free Beacon gives a more thorough story than raw story ever will!
Demanding links eh, LIAR?
How ironic.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
crackerjack quack dr checkmate,
Clinging to no lie. Puddy gave you the date to search. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding. You can’t make Puddy do anything. Apparently your search skillz are as good as you being a crackerjack quack dr checkmate!
Awwww pooooor pooooor crackerjack quack dr checkmate! Got its ASS handed to itself because still can’t find it. Puddy found it again on a local website too.
Maybe you need to buy gold from Rosland Capital because your skillz won’t pay the billz in the future!
Hey crackerjack quack dr checkmate, is Senator Feinstein a liar since she said this on the Clinton News Network? Is the Free Beacon quoting Feinstein through the Clinton News Network lying? More thorough than the “raw story”!
Shorter: Liars tend to believe lies.
Like Boob’s theory about how average Trump primary voters aren’t really wealthier than the overall average of primary voters. They just inflate their income. And they support Trump because he too inflates his income.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is why I think we should have a death penalty. It shouldn’t be used lightly, or often, but there are times when you just want to kill the fuckers.
@55 Shows you how careless some people are with money.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 I’m with you on this one, Boob. Let’s be practical.
Distant Replayspews:
I remember my neighbor down the block when I lived in Seattle with the big “W” bumper sticker on his truck back in 2000. No it was not a “W” for Washington. He was by my casual research far and away the only Bush supporter on the block. Or within a dozen blocks. To me that indicated that he listened to Rushbo, hated taxes (who doesn’t), felt like welfare and unemployment were unfair to him personally, and didn’t want to be scolded by smarty pants know-it-all enviromeddlers about his giant truck. Points of view about political issues. Fairly legit, even if you don’t agree. Respectable.
I think 2016 will be the first time in my adult life when support for a particular candidate will pretty clearly indicate a morally flawed approach to society. It’ll take a ton of work that I really doubt they have the stomach for, if Republicans ever hope to redeem themselves after this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Anyone who can’t pay $7.25 x 1.5 for overtime shouldn’t be in business. Of course, in the nonprofit sphere, this requirement will eliminate a lot of Noah’s Ark tour guide positions. It’s obviously an Obama plot against religion.
Liar. Maybe you should look up irony. Plenty of links were provided proving you lied.
Liar. Lying is a sin. Apparently that means something to your holy book. And I know you aren’t Catholic so no quick confession will get you off. Good thing hell doesn’t exist
Distant Replayspews:
Don’t expect much enforcement. Tons of people in Seattle still aren’t getting the new minimum. The small number who’ve pushed complaints through the City are still waiting. U.S. dept of labor isn’t any better. If I were a youngster starting out again, I’d install some reliable app on my smartphone with location logging to validate, and track my hours diligently right up until the day I give notice to take a new job. And I’d have my lawyer serve them the same day.
My guess is that this blog thread is being spammed with the batshit crazy loon’s cut & paste head explosions and psycho-laughs. How nice not to have to see the loon’s tiresome batshit insane comments posted here anymore.
Teabagged Againspews:
Yeah Checkmate – I get all my news from Tree Bacon! So there!
Teabagged Againspews:
@76 I hear you – even scrolling quickly past them is getting tiresome.
@72 I have mixed feelings about this. The blue collars lining up behind Trump have legitimate grievances, and have been ignored by both parties. Some of these voters are more respectable than others; that group includes some racists, but not all of them are. The basic problem facing the GOP is they’re a top-down party dominated by billionaire donors and elites who expect the grassroots to dance to their tune, but their goals and policies are fundamentally at odds with the needs and wants of the supporters now rebelling against them. For example, the cheap-labor policies that favor business are bound to lead to conflict with the party’s working-class voters. Trump deftly — and I would argue intelligently — exploited this schism. The GOP poobahs are so out of touch with Middle America they didn’t see him coming or foresee the explosion he has triggered. Trump’s problem is his supporters are outnumbered, and he can’t put together an electoral majority even if the rest of the Republican Party falls in line behind him, as it appears most of them will do.
The morality of voting for Trump is a separate issue. American voters have gotten used to flawed candidates, because respectable people don’t go into politics anymore. That’s what money and negative campaigning have done to our political system. But Trump takes political treachery and smut to a whole new level. He’s getting away with it because our political system is failing the people it’s supposed to serve. The lesson of 1930s Germany is that desperate people will vote for a Hitler if things get bad enough. No political system should have let things get that bad, and the rise of Trumpism signifies just how badly the Republican Party has failed as an institution. Trump is a charlatan for sure, but he’s merely exploiting the conditions that were created by people like Gingrich and Rove who steered American politics on a path of nihilism. It is they whom history should spit on. They are responsible for Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As for Puddy, I’d blame him on his mother, except I’m not so sure he has a mother. He looks more like something that crawled out of a petrie dish. His existence indicates some lab needs better security measures.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Hey it’s NY State, run by DUMMOCRETINS so… they are saying… ‘Unrealistic’ to guarantee no wrongdoing
The blue collars lining up behind Trump have legitimate grievances, and have been ignored by both parties
The DUMMOCRETINS bragged and bragged how they were the party of the little people while they claimed Republicans were the big money party. Well the foo shits differently with Heilary taking those speaking fees.
The rest of your crap is crap!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 The WSJ estimates Drumpf’s 2016 pre-tax income at $160 million based on his FEC filings and other information. Drumpf, of course, disputes this; but if this figure is anywhere near accurate, and Drumpf is worth the $10 billion he claims, then his return on investment is 1.6%. My annualized rate of return so far this year is 7.4%. This means if financial acumen is your litmus test, you should vote for me, not Drumpf, because I’m 4.6 times better at making money than he is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 If blue collars want to vote for the party that supports union-busting, votes against overtime laws and raising the minimum wage, and wants to dismantle Social Security and Medicare, that’s their business. But it appears they’re not entirely stupid, and are hijacking the GOP with the intent of reversing the policies foisted on them by the billionaires and business elites who previously controlled the Republican agenda and turned it into a cheap-labor, worker-exploiting agenda. This should be quite entertaining to watch. I can’t fathom why a stupid shit like you supports the GOP’s racist agenda. You’re stupid, yes, but mere stupidity doesn’t entirely explain it. The logical answer is that you’ve got something psychologically wrong with you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
An EgyptAir A320 with 66 people aboard has gone missing while en route from Paris to Cairo. The plane was inside Egyptian airspace when it disappeared from radar. Also, a B-52 has crashed on takeoff at Guam. Seven people aboard escaped injury, but the plane went up in flames and is a total loss.
Distant Replayspews:
don’t be bamboozled.
The so-called “blue collar” voters lining up behind Trump earn on average more than the average of all voters, and lots more than the average of Democratic voters. Whatever “grievances” they may have arise exclusively from seeing the system of de jure entitlements and privileges dismantled by federal law and by a department of justice finally willing to enforce the law. They are just low enough down on the elevated income scale of Republican voters that their middle class income alone is not enough to fully insulate them from the effects of civil rights law. And that makes them angry. But don’t let yourself be fooled into believing this makes them “working class” and certainly not “victims”. Archie Bunker they most certainly are not. They haven’t fallen behind and they aren’t being left behind. They are just furious that they are no longer entitled to victimize others. Look at the data I linked to above. Economics don’t really motivate this specific subset of Republican voters. Economic issues are not what separates Trump supporters from other Republican primary supporters. These people are averse to non-whites and non-Christians. That is not a morally defensible position to hold in a modern pluralistic society.
Dang. The gas tank is under the 1/4 mark. Time to fill up.
Yours truly has a 60 cent per gallon discount at the QFC.
With that discount, we should pay about $1.70 a gallon.
It sure is great living large under the leadership of a TWO TERM Democratic President.
And it’s even sweeter when the trolls are shown to suck so much.
Both 81 and 90 are truthful views into the republican demographic, just not the same groups. Why either or, why not both.
Obama is an amazingly good president. America is so much better off because we elected him. Twice.
81 & 90. The obvious follow on question, if you were in charge of the Democratic party, what policies would you enact to appeal to those voters while still staying true to progressive values?
The schizo community must be so proud of being the primary source of fresh baby meat to child molesters. A Church is the best place for pedophiles to find their victims and is certainly the easiest place to convince little Suzy or Tommy to shuck his pants for Jesus.
A child is certainly much more likely to be raped in a Church, by several orders of magnitude, than a public restroom.
But, as the Republicans will tell you, until they’re all purple faced with their eyes bugging (or is it buggering?) out of their heads, you gotta fear da Queers! They’ze always near! Lurking around every corner in every public restroom dressed up like Mrs. Doubtfire, with their beady little eyes always searching and just itching to get their sweaty hands on other people’s babies.
No wonder the Rightists want to carry guns in Church. They need them to protect their pastors in case the Police come.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Yes vomit producer there are bad apples everywhere. Puddy identified the latest DUMMOCRETIN bad apple in Congress. As Jesus said in Matt 13:25, the enemy Satan (your best bud) planted weeds while the farmer slept. Satan plants people who say they are Christians but not in deed or thought in the church. They will be cast out when Jesus returns in His clouds of Glory! Too bad you won’t be included.
Meanwhile the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is screaming about the fact it spent $700 of Mrs arschloch’s hard earned cash feeding its two high school spawn. Hence the 70 cents saving per gallon. This is nothing new. Gas prices were averaging 1.83 back in Seattle mid January 2016! Now they are way higher!
So now the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is bragging they are now $2.30 a gallon. So why has the price of gas risen that much since January salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? Oh wait you are tooooooo stooooooooooopid to answer that question! Why hasn’t Obummer held down prices for Heilary attempted Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) with Blabbermouth Schultzie? Maybe it’s due to feckless foreign policy decisions like the Iran nukular deal we now know was a big fat lie! Isn’t it great we are paying higher prices due to Ben Rhodes?
When you are crazy like the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, FACTS never make sense!
This is about military valor, something most HA DUMMOCRETINS here hate! It is also about the WWII holocaust, something most HA DUMMOCRETINS discredit like the morons they cheer in Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah their heroes! http://abcnews.go.com/US/wwii-.....d=39170077
Why do HA DUMMOCRETINS hate the military so much?
The batshit insane loon’s kindred spirit. Both live to fuck goats and orphan children in the name of Baby Jesus.
“Texas Christian missionary pleads guilty to sexual abusing at least 5 orphans in Malawi”
Tired of the cut & paste spam posted by the loon? There’s a script which can solve that for you.
Ima Duncespews:
I’ll keep saying it. There is one motivation for a vast majority of Trump supporters. Open and unabashed racism. They see the double elections of Obama as the end of an era. One in which they could impose their sick, twisted and selfish will on everybody else. Hate is their main motivation.
Awww… another libtard DUMMOCRETIN scream goes down in flames!
Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.
– Millennials just don’t trust Hillary Clinton, and they’re sick of being told they should support her simply because she’s a woman.
Butt butt butt Gloria Steinem and Madeline Half-Bright said they had a special spot in hell if they didn’t go for the vagina in November! They also realize the DUMMOCRETIN primary system is rigged for Heilary by Blabbermouth Schultzie using the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)! This is why they are pushing for The Bern to drop out and why those Nevada videos were so true about the real DUMMOCRETIN voter!
– “She definitely does have some trust issues amongst the population,” another graduate agreed, adding, “I don’t believe a word that she says.”
Puddy realizes the Oregon moron reads conservative sites and it also realizes most HA DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs sooooooooooo it must put forth a front on Republicans are bad since millennials see Heilary as damaged DUMMOCRETIN goods.
University of California system president Janet Napolitano announced Wednesday that she will earmark $25.2 million to fund loan programs for undocumented students over the next three years.
When the programs fails, U of C will ask for a bailout! Watch and see!
Dumbty Trumpty’s attacks on Bill Clinton are meant to distract from the fact the RepubliKKKlans had a creep child molester as Speaker, Denny Hastert, to impeach him.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Donald Trump’s attacks on Bill Clinton are to remind Heilary if she wants to go back 20+ years on the Donald, he will return the favor on her for allowing Wee Willy’s predatory ways on unsuspecting wimens to go unchecked.
Dumbty Trumpty’s attacks on Bill Clinton are meant to distract from the fact the RepubliKKKlans had a creep child molester as Speaker, Denny Hastert, to impeach him.
No, they’re meant to cause further damage to Hillary Clinton.
Hastert became speaker a month after the House impeachment vote.
Other than those two errors, you’re spot-on.
“Hastert became speaker a month after the House impeachment vote.”
Smooth move. No, really. After a couple of fidelity-challenged Speakers accused our president of infidelity, you guys come up with a pedophile to do your dirty work. But seeing as how the rest of the Republicans in the House fucked goats, that was probably the best move available to you.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Travis @107,
FACTS mean nothing to HA DUMMOCRETINS. Just look at what the Oregon moron offers as DUMMOCRETIN thoughts above!
Speaking of goatfuckers and pedophiles, I’d bet the house on the batshit insane loon littering this thread with his lame cut & paste head explosion spam. Thank goodness the script provided by Dr. Orpheus has pulled the hook on the loon’s tired, hate-filled act.
Poor Bob. Imagine how it must suck to be a white racist whose only friend and kindred spirit on this blog is a batshit insane black man who fucks goats at night and then wakes up spewing hate at 4:00 AM. If our doctor had just a little bit more sense, he’d probably be using the loon-eliminating script too.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Notice how QPPS @111 is a one track mindless boob for the last 9 months.
1) Cried to Darryl – Please get rid of Puddy
2) Cried to Carl – Please get rid of Puddy
3) Cried to Goldy – Please get rid of Puddy.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! FACTS hurt the leetle femtometer sized single brain cell.
An EPIC FAYLE in its own mind… When will we all see the next raw story with only half the facts QPPS?
BTW the Dr Obnoxious script doesn’t remove the posts you fool. That is totally lost on your silly mind.
So why aren’t you using it QPPS?
The America-hating pedophile loon’s head will no doubt experience yet another explosion of cut & paste spam. After all, there’s few things the America-hating pedophile loon hates more than Americans having the right to vote.
“Judge Tells Kansas: 18,000 You Disenfranchised Get To Vote”
@92 and 94,
There’s not much evidence that “aggrieved” “blue collar” “working poor” whites turn out to vote in Republican primaries more than in Democratic primaries, which is to say not much. And of those who do turn out in Republican primaries the data indicates they have not been drawn to Trump’s campaign more than the other Republican candidates. Two exceptions were Cruz and Carson. They tended to draw lower income evangelicals who attend church weekly when compared to Trump. But the data on Carson is scant.
I’m not arguing identity politics here. Trump and the media are. I’m not suggesting that poor white people facing economic uncertainty, community and family disruption, and the systematic dismantling of the social safety net that they depend upon should be abandoned by anybody, least of all Democrats and progressives. If by some strange miracle establishment Republicans (and at this point that would include Donald Trump) wake up in the next six months and discover that they actually care about helping poor people out, I’d be delighted by that news. But that isn’t happening. What little Trump indicated about an interest in helping out poor people he is right now in the process of rapidly walking back in order to appease the big money donors. Meanwhile Zombie Eyed Granny Starver remains the Speaker and self-appointed “intellectual soul of the Republican Party”. They still insist on emptying out the Social Security trust fund and handing it over to Wall Street hedge fund managers. They still insist on shifting the tax burden onto future generations of working poor. They still insist on giving poor unskilled uneducated whites no options but to volunteer to fight for oil overseas. They still insist on blaming the poor for being poor. Etc. Big fucking etc. And Trump wouldn’t change any of that. He’d just make a lot of other things much much worse.
I simply refuse to go along with the false narrative. It’s bullshit. Bullshit that poor people have any sort of special affinity for the greedy tin siding salesmen who run the Republican Party other than race. Bullshit that electing a monstrosity like Donald Trump would help them in any way. Hardly.
There is no racial equivalency here. Opposing decades of discrimination and white privilege in order to give women and minorities an equal footing with white men is not “equivalent” to baiting and pitting those same white men against the oppressed for political advantage. Do Democrats gain political advantage by advocating for minorities and women? Hell yes. That’s doing the right thing. And that’s what upsets Trump voters so much.
This should cheer the hate-filled pedophile loon up. If there’s anything the self-loathing black loon loves more than fucking goats and children it’s seeing a white racist man hating on grieving black families and their slain children.
“Meet the big NRA sponsor who loves smearing slain black kids and their families”
you sure gotta hand it to Boob on that one.
Girding themselves for their moral crusade against blowjobs, House Republicans purged the ranks of their leadership and searched high and low to find their moral standard bearer.
A serial pedophile.
“A serial pedophile.”
He was the best they could find. And it showed that Republicans still had moral values of a sort and where they draw the line- getting blown by children trumps blowing goats.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Projecting pedophilia again? You have that hankering every three months QPPS! How will you take care of it this month?
Liked this quote from the article about the texas christian missionary in Africa
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
— Abraham Lincoln
Woman has short hair because she donates her hair to child cancer victims. Goes to use restroom. A rightwing asshole bullies her thinking she must be trans because, you know, short hair. Ignorance, stupidity, and bigotry aren’t admirable traits. They’re character flaws.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans just can’t resist being total assholes.
Meanwhile, in Oklahoma, Republicans are passing make-work bills to keep the Supreme Court employed:
“Oklahoma lawmakers have moved to effectively ban abortion in their state by making it a felony for doctors to perform the procedure, an effort the bill’s sponsor said Thursday is aimed at ultimately overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This actually makes a certain amount of tactical sense. The idea is to pass a law in such blatant violation of Roe v. Wade that you’re guaranteed to get it struck down in the courts. That opoens an avenue to SCOTUS, which you hope will overturn RvW. This possibly might have worked while Scalia was alive, although that’s doubtful, but doing it now is betting that Trump will win and appoint several anti-abortion justices whom the Senate will confirm. Seems like a stretch to me. Or maybe I’m overthinking this and the Oklahoma legislators who voted for this bill are merely being assholes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?
Gas prices were averaging 1.83 back in Seattle mid January 2016!
Damn! Gas was that low in Jan under the leadership of a TWO TERM African-American Democratic President? A babbling jackass troll admits the gas price was LOWER than the best average of the empty-suit it voted for twice. What a FACT! Miracles never cease.
And is the jackass getting the vapors about a recent bump up in price? Of course! It’s a miserable babbling jackass!
The fiend as usual distorts reality. Prices are usually lower in the winter (a lot lower under the leadership of TWO TERM President Obama) and the gas price almost always rises just before peak driving season which isn’t even two weeks away.
Commodity traders are understandably nervous about the choice of white-identified klownservatic republicans
EVERYWHERE: Donald Drumpfhole – same as $4.11 / gallon empty-suit Bushit and with the potential to be just a little worse.
The choice of white-identified klownservatics like the babbling jackass troll and its beloved karson kook-a-nut. Oh what a feeling! To “feel” so white-identified!
Yours truly still paid way less than $2 a gallon. We entertain a little in April and reap the benefits in May. Oh those gas prices! Life is good. Suck on it troll! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
LOL! Our trolls are so white-identified, David Duke is busting its white ass to put them on its mailing list.
Distant Replayspews:
option 3:
Like many modern “conservatives” OK Republicans own or are invested in businesses that grift off of ginned up “outrage”. During a Presidential election year Congressional Republicans have to cool it for the sake of the nominee. So the lifting falls to the state legislatures in places like Kansas and Oklahoma.
Passage and signing of such bills are promoted as “milestone accomplishments” to the Xtian Taliban. Fund raising appeals to follow. Later the inevitable court decisions striking down the blatantly unconstitutional bullshit are promoted as “outrageous judicial activism”. More fund raising appeals follow.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
90 cents on the dollar goes toward expenses for hookers and blow. 9 cents on further appeals. 1 penny for cat food.
“Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?”
From the age of the earth to Denny Hastert, the loon is in denial about just about everything. Sadly, too much denial and an inability to speak intelligibly have turned our loon into a babbling jackass.
The new GOP – guns, bombs and kiddie porn.
“Trump Brownshirt Indicted For Having Kiddie Porn, Explosives, And A Machine Gun”
dangerous paramilitary white supremacist terrorists, and Republicans are handing control of their political party over to them purely for the sake of partisanship. What they and their media stooges call unity is pure partisanship. And they’ll stop at nothing, not even outright treason, for the sake of partisanship. Because partisanship is their business. And business is good.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
“Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?”
Did they know about his past back then QPPS? Or did this come out after he was elected speaker? Google it fool!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@130 Ever heard of “background check?” Oh, that’s right, your faction doesn’t believe in ’em. Just give Speakerships and guns to everyone, and hope for the best.
“Here’s one EPA official in Washington, a [General Schedule]-level 15. This guy sat around for years and watched porno and is getting a $125,000 [salary],” said Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. “Actually, I think he is still on the job. Must be a great job where you can just sit around and collect $125,000 a year.”
A bunch of unintelligible gibberish closing with the usual cut & paste head explosion spam, no doubt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Last week I posted a lengthy comment arguing that China is planning for war against the United States, and we’re not ready for it. That time may not be far off; the evidence is growing that Beijing, under new management, has an itchy trigger finger.
“China’s attempts to claim a nearly 1.4-million-square-mile swathe of open ocean are without precedent and probably without legal merit, but Beijing continues to assert its right to the economically critical zone — and increasingly puts its claims in military terms.
“Speaking to a small group of reporters in Beijing on Thursday, a high-ranking Chinese official made his warning clear: The United States should not provoke China in the South China Sea without expecting retaliation.”
Retaliation? For what? “Provoking” China by flying in international airspace and sailing in international waters? Should we refrain just because China claims it owns the whole damn ocean?
“Two Chinese fighter jets on Tuesday intercepted and passed within 50 feet of a U.S. military reconnaissance plane.”
Tuesday. Day before yesterday. And these incidents are becoming common. What happens when — not if, but when — the Chinese shoot down a U.S. recon plane? Or fire anti-ship missiles at an American aircraft carrier?
“The South China Sea for years has been a point of contention for bordering nations … but in recent years has become a larger nexus of disagreement as China has unilaterally declared the region its own.
“China’s fishing fleet, the world’s biggest, operates increasingly within the legally exclusive zones of Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries.
“A tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is expected to rule in the next couple months on China’s expansive territorial claims, though China has already rejected those proceedings.”
This is naked aggression in the form of territorial conquest, pure and simple. The U.S. and its allies can’t give in to it. Not only because the South China Sea is important in and of itself, but because the precedent it would set — allowing a belligerent country to close off to others millions of square miles of ocean by making threats — would invite global conflict.
Unlike many liberals, I believe the U.S. must spend more, not less, on defense to beef up its readiness to meet this Chinese aggression. I also think we should reconsider our practice of educating young Chinese in our universities — so they can go home and use the engineering and computer skills they acquired from us to design and build weaponry to use against us. And we should stop sending them our money. When you buy “Made in China” goods, you’re not only buying crap, you’re also giving China the financial wherewithal to arm against us. They’re using our money to buy anti-ship missiles, submarines, stealth fighters, and weapons capable of disabling our satellites. Those aren’t the actions of a peaceful nation.
Distant Replayspews:
only one “background check” is needed.
-Is there an (R) after the candidates name?-
If you answered yes, evacuate the area, pull the fire alarm and immediately call 911.
Teabagged Againspews:
@104 and if you are just an alien, like You, don’t. And just hag out here at HA, like Boob too
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Squid ink.
R senile’s fall back comment when Puddy hands is old decrepit ASS to him with FACTS!
Teabagged Againspews:
The loon was a babbling jacksss at conception. His momma couldn’t wait for him to pop out of her gash. The day he popped out his little stunted arms were flapping around as if he was a duck.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Last week I posted a lengthy comment arguing that China is planning for war against the United States, and we’re not ready for it.
So? Looks like it didn’t make an impression. Senile ramblings do that to peeps!
My bad. I can see the loon being born a babbling jackass with his first head explosion occurring while still in the womb. And probably an early morning delivery with the loon popping out spewing hate at 4:00 AM.
@136 @140 Squid ink is the smokescreen the squid lays when he changes the subject and runs for cover.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@138 Bingo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
USA Today’s headline is, “Trump’s Tax Troubles.” Its story says, “While Donald J. Trump refuses to release his federal tax returns, saying his tax rate is ‘none of your business,’ a USA TODAY analysis found Trump’s businesses have been involved in at least 100 lawsuits and other disputes related to unpaid taxes or how much tax his businesses owe.” But hey, you don’t have to be reputable or have good character, or be a responsible citizen, to get Republican voters to vote for you. Read the disgusting details here:
Changed the subject? NOPE you DOPE! Puddy delivered DUMMOCRETIN examples you can’t deal with. FACTS your senile mind can no longer comprehend! Hence you scream squid ink.
No chairs were harmed in the publication of this headline.
Nevada Democrats accused Bernie Sanders’s campaign of inciting violence. And Sanders is hitting back.
When Bernie hits, is it with a closed fist? Or does he do it like YLB?
For some reason Goldy’s
benefactoremployer saw fit to include a photograph of the entrance to the National Restaurant Association building in a retweeted sidebar piece.http://prospect.org/article/co.....te-economy
Maybe it means they’re rich enough to afford their own building. Maybe it means as anchor tenant they’re allowed to put their name above storefront glass.
Seemed pretty extraneous to me but I’m not a billionaire.
Anyway, that photograph was from 2011.
In 2012 the building was demolished.
Sort of a metaphor, since Goldy likes shopping for those.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Colleges & universities opposed to the new overtime rule should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting adjunct professors & other workers.
In which Goldy begins to understand the true meaning of ‘free college’.
Carri Bugbee @CarriBugbee
WHOA! #Bernie is winning in Oregon’s capital city of Salem 98% to 2%. Statewide 58% to 42%. #FeelTheBern
8:29 PM – 17 May 2016
What, no women in Salem?
Now all he needs is a flood of Biblical proportions. Any dams nearby? A dam burst might do it.
“Ark Encounter could generate up to 21,000 jobs for the region over 10 years and up to $4 billion in revenue for Kentucky, according to a 2015 study conducted by a consulting firm hired by Answers in Genesis. … Over the short term, Kirkpatrick expects Ark Encounter to create upwards of 2,000 jobs from the ongoing construction at the park and from a tourism-fueled boost in economic activity.”
Yeah, except you can’t get one of those jobs if you’re Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, or agnostic:
“[C]ritics have attacked Ark Encounter for requiring park employees and job candidates to sign a ‘statement of faith’ affirming belief in the basic tenets of Christianity, a policy disclosed on the park’s website as a condition for employment.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Republicans got their way, every employer in America would be able to require this. In other words, they don’t believe people of other religions have a right to make a living. This is brought to you by the same people who bring you so-called “right to work” laws. “Right to work,” of course, applies only to Christians of northern European ancestry willing to work for $7.25 an hour. Everybody else can fucking starve to death as far as these people are concerned.
@1 Betcha 98% of these chair throwers will vote for Trump in November, which tells you who they really are.
@1-@4 Must not be any sick old people in the Islands this week. Or maybe the doc just got replaced by a robot after screwing up one diagnosis too many.
South Carolina Republicans just gave people one more reason not to live and work there.
@ 6
Betcha a good number of them will. But Oregon’s is a closed primary, so every one who does is a previously registered Democrat, asswipe.
Meanwhile, Kansas Republicans determined to keep American citizens from voting in their own country (because it’s the only way they can win elections) get their asses handed to them by a federal judge.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are mean, nasty, shitty people; and of all the crass, un-Christian things they do to others, obstructing them from voting is one of the lowest.
Site wouldn’t let me delete/modify @ 9
I initially thought RR was referring to OR, not NV. Apologies.
@11 Well, let’s talk about Oregon anyway, since your intent is clear. To vote for Bernie in Oregon yesterday, you had to be a “previously registered Democrat” for at least 21 days. Which means any Trump chair thrower who wanted to vote against Hillary could have become a “Democrat” 3 weeks ago. Now, how hard was that?
Reminds me of a joke I heard in college. (NSFW) Guy is hitchhiking on a deserted highway in Arizona. A farmer picks him up and starts talking politics. The hitchhiker says he’s a Democrat. The farmer slams the brakes, opens the door, and kicks the hitchhiker out, snarling, “Son, around here everyone is a Republican! No goddamned Democrat is gonna ride in my truck! Get a fucking clue!” Well, this happens a couple more times, and the hitchhiker is convinced the farmer knew what he was talking about. So when a blonde in a Corvette convertible comes along and picks him up, and the conversation drifts to politics, the hitchhiker nervously assures her that he’s a Republican “just like everyone else around here.” She says, “That’s good, because if you were a Democrat, I’d have to kick you out of my car. What are you so nervous about?” The hitchhiker replies, “It’s very strange. I’ve been a Republican for only 10 minutes. And I already want to fuck somebody.”
And that, kiddies, is today’s lesson about party changers.
guess I missed the part where chairs were thrown in Oregon.
Or the data array indicating Sanders primary voters in Oregon will either stay home or cross the ballot in November.
Seriously. Oregon? Your desperation must be fucking with the last bits of your brain that haven’t been fried with radiation. Trump wins Oregon in the general. Sure, Boob. Sure.
@11 Well, I know what you mean about this site. HA is continually crashing my Google Chrome. I don’t have this problem with other websites. The HA site must be loaded with spyware, because it looks like about 20 or 30 of them have to open before my computer unfreezes. I wish Goldy could fix that. That might be hard to do, though, because this stuff probably comes from all the scammy ads that support this site. Russian and Chinese girls for dating, and that sort of shit.
@13 Oh, go easy on him this time. He said he made a mistake and tried to delete it. We already know Bickle’s mind is clouded. We also know he’s old, slow, and on the cusp of retirement. He’s entitled to an Alzheimer’s pass now and then. I’m more annoyed by the fact I have to reboot my computer 3 times for every comment I post or edit on HA. Don’t the moderators ever clean the junk off this site? (And don’t anybody try to blame my computer, which was just in the shop and is clean as a whistle.)
HA isn’t the only one having problems. NYSE has suspended trading in 199 ticker symbols because of a “technical” issue. Probably the fucking Russians or fucking Chinese are fucking with the capitalist system, is my guess.
The Trump campaign’s manipulation of media has been very impressive. But given some of the face palming they’ve engaged in on local ground game, maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised if they decided to squander resources in a state like Oregon, but I sure haven’t seen any evidence of it.
One or two big roadside signs by a hay field. Campaign offices in Tigard (?) and Eugene (maybe he’ll make an appearance at OCF!).That’s about it.
Travis @9,
BINGO! R is very senile! Salem has which Oregon university R senile? A private Baptist university. So Baptists for The Bern! Seems these simple facts escape the senile mind of the dumb wabbit!
To vote for Bernie in Oregon yesterday, you had to be a “previously registered Democrat” for at least 21 days.
Wow R senile is giving the average Trump voter credit for intelligence. Remember he recently called them stooooooooopid. So R senile, why the flip flop? Trying to make your silly-ASSed point work?
So if Kentucky holds for Heilary, she would have won the Deep South and southeast! She beat Obummer by 35 points in 2008.
Old WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETINS can’t change their spots or their voting preferences!
AdChoices content is driven by individual meta data. You see ads targeted specifically to you (or your computer) based on tons of relevant (and sometimes not so relevant) data from online purchases, searches, subscriptions, downloads, geographic location, etc.
Some of it is better targeted that others. Some of it is just simply bad marketing by lazy asshats who bamboozle their clients with jargon. For instance, every time I visit NYT I get ads for a Seattle company called Zulily. That’s because about four years ago I did a web search to learn a bit more about one of the founders and his company. He was one of the guys who started Blue Nile. He was touted as a “genius” in e-commerce. His new company, Zulily, is (or was) a “daily deals” internet retailer targeting upscale career mommies with batik print maternity clothes and high tech strollers.
And his marketing campaign targets me. Still. Four years later. He may be a genius. But maybe not so much an e-commerce genius. But it all depends on who you ask.
So if you’re seeing ads for mail order brides its because some shitty algorithm somewhere thinks you’ll be interested. Just like they think I’m interested in high tech nursing jog-bras.
A friend tells me that eating a tablespoon of local honey every day helps alleviate symptoms from pollen allergies.
@18 I was talking about Nevada, you fucking idiot. See #11.
Don’t know why I’m gonna bother. But it just gives some insight into the kind of misinformed douchery that emanates from a Trump voter.
Salem Oregon is the location of Willamette University, which variously competes with Whitman and Reed for the title of “most expensive” private liberal arts university in the PNW. Founded by methodist missionaries in the 1840s, it boasts a pretty decent law school, a well regarded management school, and an international exchange program linked to Japan. It’s located in downtown Salem a few blocks from the state capitol and all the courts and state administrative buildings. Student body generally leans liberal, as much as astonishingly rich kids tend to lean liberal. Put it this way: Seattle Pacific is waaaaay more religious and strict.
I don’t know if there’s a “private baptist university” in Salem (don’t really care). Considering how many private, baptist, liberal arts colleges there are in western Oregon it could be. Practically every fucking town of 25,000 or more in western Oregon has a private liberal arts college. And about half of them are “Baptist”. Which most of the time counts for shit. Since the kids they cater to are usually interested in the “full college experience” which means parties with alcohol. But if there’s a “baptist” college in Salem it’s gonna be pretty small and exert pretty much zero institutional influence. So who knows where that Fuckwad gets this shit. He pulls it outa his ass, and whatever he doesn’t smear all over himself he spits out in these comments. Which is why I’m going back to blocking that shit.
@21 How do you turn that shit off?
@1 someone should probably hit you on the head with a chair – might knock some sense into you.
if you’re using Chrome you can install an ad-blocker like Adblock Plus. But you should bear in mind that by doing so you’ll be potentially depriving HA of ad revenues that support hosting. So you could install it and at the same time click the donate link and give HA some money to support the site.
As for trying to prevent big data centers from aggregating data associated with your computer’s IP and MAC addresses I don’t think it’s worth the trouble. You could use a proxy server or a VPN which are ways to surf anonymously. But you’ll pay for it not only with a monthly account fee but also with generally slower page loads. Frankly, I’m not the target demographic, and I suspect neither are you. Dump your browser cache (in settings) from time to time. Include cookies and form data but bear in mind you’ll have to re-enter that stuff. Don’t worry about it. It’s the 21st century equivalent of telemarketing. Just hang up.
And the hits for Trump and his taxes keep coming.
In response to<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics....." media questions (why do you say your Golf Course is worth $50million and yet for taxes you swear under penalty of perjury that it is worth $1.35M) the Trump team is revising that figure from $1.35M to $9M for taxation.
I’m not the IRS but that could be willful tax evasion. I mean understating something by 900% seems a little hard to be, oops.
Hey Trolls, wanna lay odds on what happens first? Hillary Clinton indicted for emails or Donald Trump indicted for tax fraud?
George Zimmerman claims he got over $120,000 for the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin. I don’t feel sorry for whoever’s out the $120,000. And to demonstrate what a class act he is, “Zimmerman has since publicly denounced the Martin family and the Black Lives Matter movement that began after the shooting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now that Zimmerman is a successful marketer, it’s just a matter of time before the GOP recruits him to run for Congress. Maybe for Allen West’s old seat.
R senile @23…
Got the response Puddy was looking for.
Thanks for playing!
When Heilary releases her wall street speech transcripts Trump should release his tax returns!
Plain and simple!
“Hey Trolls, wanna lay odds on what happens first? Hillary Clinton indicted for emails or Donald Trump indicted for tax fraud?”
Maybe both events will happen at nearly the same time! We should be so lucky!
After all, the only good thing about Hillary Clinton is that she’s not Donald Trump, and the only good thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders would be better than both of them.
Looks like $Rmoney threw in the towel today on trying to stop Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party.
“Mitt Romney won’t launch a third-party presidential campaign of his own and has stopped trying to recruit somebody else to do it.”
Hey Liar, totally the same. Nice meme you’ve copied. Should we add plagiarist to liar?
@27 My problem isn’t annoying ads. My computer freezes up, then Chrome crashes. It’s not my cache; it does this even when the cache is empty.
@28 In that particular case (the golf course), he’s cheating the county and town out of property taxes. But the Trumpistas don’t give a damn. Hell, they’re cheering him on.
@32 While I don’t like either of them either, if you’re trying to peddle the idea that Hillary and Donald are equally bad, you’re full of shit. One of them is clearly a better choice than the other. If I have to tell you which, you’ve got bigger problems than I can help you with.
@37 Dumbty Trumpty is so clearly of limited perspicacity.
Awww dr checkmate @34 just went
Bernie Sanders asked about the wall street speeches ya moron! Can someone help dr checkmate with searches?
Don’t like it? Suck it! See ya!
Washington’s “Jefferson Davis Highway,” better known to the public as State Route 99, will be renamed the “Stewart Highway.” Stewart was a black Civil War soldier who is buried in the Grand Army of the Republic cemetery in Snohomish.
Drumpf today identified 11 conservative judges he won’t have an opportunity to appoint to the Supreme Court. I’m more interested in who Hillary’s picks will be. I hope Elizabeth Warren is one of them.
Why Drumpf is now the leader of the Republican Party.
“For a decade, Republican voters have signaled they wanted to protect Medicare, cut immigration, fight fewer wars, and nominate no more Bushes. Their party leaders interpreted those signals as demands to cut Medicare, increase immigration, put boots on the ground in Syria, and nominate another Bush.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, professional malpractice.
You see dr checkmate, truth is foreign to you and your kind… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....-speeches/
PuddyCommentariat: So you see leftard loser dr checkmate… another EPIC FAYLE in your ANALysis! Bernie Sanders asked for them not Donald Trump.
Sux to be a retarded dr, dr checkmate! dr checkmate, retarded as Roger is senile and everyone sees how senile R senile has become!
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, with all this BULLSHITTIUM being proffered here by R senile, the oregon moron and others, you DUMMOCRETINS have real problems with Blabbermouth Schultzie. The lamestream media is finally printing and vocalizing the truth and it ain’t pretty. http://freebeacon.com/politics.....a-sanders/
PuddyCommentariat: Well, DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS, no matter how many chair throwing lies R senile throws up on this blog.
We know exactly how much money Clinton earns and where she earns it from.
We don’t know that about Trump and we never will. He could be taking income from communist Chinese dictators. He could be taking money from pornography. He could be taking money from drug dealers and pimps. He probably is. Since that’s the most logical explanation for his refusal to disclose how much he makes and where he made it.
Of course a DUMMOCRETIN would say something like this… http://www.mediaite.com/online.....omen-vote/
PuddyCommentariat: So all you ugly HA DUMMOCRETIN wimens who read this blog, we now know Heilary is your woman!
I remember last summer I was sure that Trump’s campaign was a phony grift to pump “conservative” idiots out of money and promote the brand and their expense. I figured there was no way a guy like Trump would ever expose his personal financial details the way Presidential candidates have been expected to for the last half century. Who knows? Maybe that was true and the whole thing just blew up.
Only crooks refuse to disclose how they earned their money. That’s been the standard since the biggest crook of all, Nixon. You’d have to be a gullible twit to put a crook in charge. Or a Republican.
We know exactly how much money Clinton earns and where she earns it from.
Puddy thought the Oregon moron didn’t read PuddyMissives except from his weekend phone. No one else discussed Clinton speech money except Puddy.
Lying EPIC FAYLE Oregon moron! So Oregon moron by Ed Rendell’s reckoning… ugly wimens will vote for Heilary. Good to know y’all married some really UGLY ones!
Reports are now emerging that some of Trump’s income has come from co-branding licenses in casino businesses featuring child prostitution in emerging eastern European cities.
Also emerging are some old international reports of Trump organization investments in Asian markets, previously divested, that involved widespread child labor in some pretty grim conditions.
One of Trumps 11 SCOTUS picks has been ripping him pretty good on Twitter for the last eight months.
Must be another one of those technical errors.
Hey Liar, Free Beacon.
We are getting drip, drip, drip information that The Donald is defrauding the Government he wants to run.
Feel free to think paid speeches to private companies is the same thing. This is the thing that will take down Hillary, finally, THIS!
There’s never been an expectation of Presidential candidates that they would reveal details of private financial transactions, contracts, or fees for services. We got a giant dumpload of Whitewater because of litigation and a Republican Congressional leadership suicide pact. It’s reasonable to draw a line. Just because somebody wants to go into public service, doesn’t mean they should have to forfeit all of their privacy. But nobody is asking Trump to reveal private loan contracts that he’s made, proprietary business arrangements, or private transaction details. He’s just supposed to disclose what’s on a few lines of his taxes. The idea isn’t to learn precisely how a Presidential candidate earned their money. Just how much they earned and who they earned it from. We know from a handful of public records required because of public financial involvement that W got a bunch of daddy’s pal’s money to put together his baseball deal. And we know from a few other pals that they helped set him up in oil before he fucked it all up. But W never had to spill how he’d been maintained in luxury for decades until he decided to go into politics. Just like we never got to find out how 41 was financed by his daddy. That’s always been considered private. Same with Clinton’s speaking contracts. We know who paid her and how much they paid. But we don’t have a “right” to know why they paid her.
All that Free Beacon bullshit is just that. That’s a special standard the freaks want to apply selectively.
Clinton should be required to release transcripts of private transactions only when Trump is. Frankly I don’t need to know how Trump earns his money. I just want to know who he earns money from, who he owes money to, and how much. That’s the normal precedent.
I demand a transcript of Trump’s divorce depositions.
Particularly the pages where Ivana Trump describes the night he beat and raped her.
So, Zimmerman’s used pistol @ 29 is worth as much as a quarter of Roger Rabbit’s stock portfolio.
I don’t know which interpretation of that is more sad.
@ 32
You had me. It was really, really good.
Right up until that last line.
Goldy Retweeted
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
Hey Twitter: do you think Paul Ryan actually believes this shit or says it cause the Koch’ pay him to?? http://thehill.com/regulation/.....e-disaster …
Hey Nick:
Doesn’t this beg the questions of whether Goldy believes what he spews, and which billionaire pays him for doing it?
There’s Pajama Boy.
And then there’s the ORIGINAL Pajama Boy!
Free Beacon?
Are they wrong crackerjack quack dr checkmate? Can you prove them incorrect in their ANALysis crackerjack quack dr checkmate?
crackerjack quack dr checkmate needs searching skillz. Puddy told it happened on May 3rd. crackerjack quack dr checkmate expects Puddy to jump for it when its Google skillz fails.
Sux to be crackerjack quack dr checkmate!
Where are the claims @49 and @50 with links Oregon moron?
No links just BULLSHITTIUM! Rejected with prejudice!
“By mandating overtime pay at a much higher salary threshold, many small businesses and non-profits will simply be unable to afford skilled workers and be forced to eliminate salaried positions, complete with benefits, altogether.”
Then the positions were bullshit to start. You want to classify a position as exempt it should meet the statutory requirements. Besides the pay threshold there are others. And far too many fuckhead cheap labor employers have winked at them for years. Ignoring the FLSA requirements and simply daring low salaried workers to sue for overtime was a dodge to force desperate people to work weekends and evenings for free.
Fuck that.
Welcome back to the weekend America, thanks to two-term President Obama!
Still clinging to a lie. Liar.
It’s like if you say “nuh-UHNH neener neener” and stamp your feet no one will remember you got caught lying.
BTW crackerjack quack dr checkmate,
Free Beacon gives a more thorough story than raw story ever will!
Demanding links eh, LIAR?
How ironic.
crackerjack quack dr checkmate,
Clinging to no lie. Puddy gave you the date to search. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding. You can’t make Puddy do anything. Apparently your search skillz are as good as you being a crackerjack quack dr checkmate!
Awwww pooooor pooooor crackerjack quack dr checkmate! Got its ASS handed to itself because still can’t find it. Puddy found it again on a local website too.
Maybe you need to buy gold from Rosland Capital because your skillz won’t pay the billz in the future!
Meanwhile the big time DUMMOCRETINS are worried… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....nc-repeat/
Hey crackerjack quack dr checkmate, is Senator Feinstein a liar since she said this on the Clinton News Network? Is the Free Beacon quoting Feinstein through the Clinton News Network lying? More thorough than the “raw story”!
U R a jackASS crackerjack quack dr checkmate!
“Last week, Public Policy Polling revisited Mr. Drumpf’s attraction to conspiracy theories. Among voters who viewed him favorably, PPP found that 65 percent think President Obama is a Muslim; 59 percent think he was not born in the United States; 27 percent think vaccines cause autism; 24 percent think Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered; and 7 percent think Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.”
Shorter: Liars tend to believe lies.
Like Boob’s theory about how average Trump primary voters aren’t really wealthier than the overall average of primary voters. They just inflate their income. And they support Trump because he too inflates his income.
This is why I think we should have a death penalty. It shouldn’t be used lightly, or often, but there are times when you just want to kill the fuckers.
@55 Shows you how careless some people are with money.
@56 I’m with you on this one, Boob. Let’s be practical.
I remember my neighbor down the block when I lived in Seattle with the big “W” bumper sticker on his truck back in 2000. No it was not a “W” for Washington. He was by my casual research far and away the only Bush supporter on the block. Or within a dozen blocks. To me that indicated that he listened to Rushbo, hated taxes (who doesn’t), felt like welfare and unemployment were unfair to him personally, and didn’t want to be scolded by smarty pants know-it-all enviromeddlers about his giant truck. Points of view about political issues. Fairly legit, even if you don’t agree. Respectable.
I think 2016 will be the first time in my adult life when support for a particular candidate will pretty clearly indicate a morally flawed approach to society. It’ll take a ton of work that I really doubt they have the stomach for, if Republicans ever hope to redeem themselves after this.
@61 Anyone who can’t pay $7.25 x 1.5 for overtime shouldn’t be in business. Of course, in the nonprofit sphere, this requirement will eliminate a lot of Noah’s Ark tour guide positions. It’s obviously an Obama plot against religion.
Liar. Maybe you should look up irony. Plenty of links were provided proving you lied.
Liar. Lying is a sin. Apparently that means something to your holy book. And I know you aren’t Catholic so no quick confession will get you off. Good thing hell doesn’t exist
Don’t expect much enforcement. Tons of people in Seattle still aren’t getting the new minimum. The small number who’ve pushed complaints through the City are still waiting. U.S. dept of labor isn’t any better. If I were a youngster starting out again, I’d install some reliable app on my smartphone with location logging to validate, and track my hours diligently right up until the day I give notice to take a new job. And I’d have my lawyer serve them the same day.
My guess is that this blog thread is being spammed with the batshit crazy loon’s cut & paste head explosions and psycho-laughs. How nice not to have to see the loon’s tiresome batshit insane comments posted here anymore.
Yeah Checkmate – I get all my news from Tree Bacon! So there!
@76 I hear you – even scrolling quickly past them is getting tiresome.
Did QPPS @76 say something worthwhile?
Oh jackASS crackerjack quack dr checkmate,
Where were the May 3rd links? Remember May 3rd!
Sux to be you!
@72 I have mixed feelings about this. The blue collars lining up behind Trump have legitimate grievances, and have been ignored by both parties. Some of these voters are more respectable than others; that group includes some racists, but not all of them are. The basic problem facing the GOP is they’re a top-down party dominated by billionaire donors and elites who expect the grassroots to dance to their tune, but their goals and policies are fundamentally at odds with the needs and wants of the supporters now rebelling against them. For example, the cheap-labor policies that favor business are bound to lead to conflict with the party’s working-class voters. Trump deftly — and I would argue intelligently — exploited this schism. The GOP poobahs are so out of touch with Middle America they didn’t see him coming or foresee the explosion he has triggered. Trump’s problem is his supporters are outnumbered, and he can’t put together an electoral majority even if the rest of the Republican Party falls in line behind him, as it appears most of them will do.
The morality of voting for Trump is a separate issue. American voters have gotten used to flawed candidates, because respectable people don’t go into politics anymore. That’s what money and negative campaigning have done to our political system. But Trump takes political treachery and smut to a whole new level. He’s getting away with it because our political system is failing the people it’s supposed to serve. The lesson of 1930s Germany is that desperate people will vote for a Hitler if things get bad enough. No political system should have let things get that bad, and the rise of Trumpism signifies just how badly the Republican Party has failed as an institution. Trump is a charlatan for sure, but he’s merely exploiting the conditions that were created by people like Gingrich and Rove who steered American politics on a path of nihilism. It is they whom history should spit on. They are responsible for Trump.
As for Puddy, I’d blame him on his mother, except I’m not so sure he has a mother. He looks more like something that crawled out of a petrie dish. His existence indicates some lab needs better security measures.
Hey it’s NY State, run by DUMMOCRETINS so… they are saying… ‘Unrealistic’ to guarantee no wrongdoing
DUMMOCRETIN gun nutz in California tied the rope a dope and the Ninth Circus smacked them back… http://dailycaller.com/2016/05.....gun-store/
R senile,
You are from we the wabbits. Review some of your early 2005 posts! Or ax the crazed databaze deala!
Puddy came from a human mother and a human father.
The blue collars lining up behind Trump have legitimate grievances, and have been ignored by both parties
The DUMMOCRETINS bragged and bragged how they were the party of the little people while they claimed Republicans were the big money party. Well the foo shits differently with Heilary taking those speaking fees.
The rest of your crap is crap!
@68 The WSJ estimates Drumpf’s 2016 pre-tax income at $160 million based on his FEC filings and other information. Drumpf, of course, disputes this; but if this figure is anywhere near accurate, and Drumpf is worth the $10 billion he claims, then his return on investment is 1.6%. My annualized rate of return so far this year is 7.4%. This means if financial acumen is your litmus test, you should vote for me, not Drumpf, because I’m 4.6 times better at making money than he is.
@86 If blue collars want to vote for the party that supports union-busting, votes against overtime laws and raising the minimum wage, and wants to dismantle Social Security and Medicare, that’s their business. But it appears they’re not entirely stupid, and are hijacking the GOP with the intent of reversing the policies foisted on them by the billionaires and business elites who previously controlled the Republican agenda and turned it into a cheap-labor, worker-exploiting agenda. This should be quite entertaining to watch. I can’t fathom why a stupid shit like you supports the GOP’s racist agenda. You’re stupid, yes, but mere stupidity doesn’t entirely explain it. The logical answer is that you’ve got something psychologically wrong with you.
An EgyptAir A320 with 66 people aboard has gone missing while en route from Paris to Cairo. The plane was inside Egyptian airspace when it disappeared from radar. Also, a B-52 has crashed on takeoff at Guam. Seven people aboard escaped injury, but the plane went up in flames and is a total loss.
don’t be bamboozled.
The so-called “blue collar” voters lining up behind Trump earn on average more than the average of all voters, and lots more than the average of Democratic voters. Whatever “grievances” they may have arise exclusively from seeing the system of de jure entitlements and privileges dismantled by federal law and by a department of justice finally willing to enforce the law. They are just low enough down on the elevated income scale of Republican voters that their middle class income alone is not enough to fully insulate them from the effects of civil rights law. And that makes them angry. But don’t let yourself be fooled into believing this makes them “working class” and certainly not “victims”. Archie Bunker they most certainly are not. They haven’t fallen behind and they aren’t being left behind. They are just furious that they are no longer entitled to victimize others. Look at the data I linked to above. Economics don’t really motivate this specific subset of Republican voters. Economic issues are not what separates Trump supporters from other Republican primary supporters. These people are averse to non-whites and non-Christians. That is not a morally defensible position to hold in a modern pluralistic society.
Dang. The gas tank is under the 1/4 mark. Time to fill up.
Yours truly has a 60 cent per gallon discount at the QFC.
With that discount, we should pay about $1.70 a gallon.
It sure is great living large under the leadership of a TWO TERM Democratic President.
And it’s even sweeter when the trolls are shown to suck so much.
Both 81 and 90 are truthful views into the republican demographic, just not the same groups. Why either or, why not both.
Obama is an amazingly good president. America is so much better off because we elected him. Twice.
81 & 90. The obvious follow on question, if you were in charge of the Democratic party, what policies would you enact to appeal to those voters while still staying true to progressive values?
Ah, religion.
The schizo community must be so proud of being the primary source of fresh baby meat to child molesters. A Church is the best place for pedophiles to find their victims and is certainly the easiest place to convince little Suzy or Tommy to shuck his pants for Jesus.
A child is certainly much more likely to be raped in a Church, by several orders of magnitude, than a public restroom.
But, as the Republicans will tell you, until they’re all purple faced with their eyes bugging (or is it buggering?) out of their heads, you gotta fear da Queers! They’ze always near! Lurking around every corner in every public restroom dressed up like Mrs. Doubtfire, with their beady little eyes always searching and just itching to get their sweaty hands on other people’s babies.
No wonder the Rightists want to carry guns in Church. They need them to protect their pastors in case the Police come.
Yes vomit producer there are bad apples everywhere. Puddy identified the latest DUMMOCRETIN bad apple in Congress. As Jesus said in Matt 13:25, the enemy Satan (your best bud) planted weeds while the farmer slept. Satan plants people who say they are Christians but not in deed or thought in the church. They will be cast out when Jesus returns in His clouds of Glory! Too bad you won’t be included.
Meanwhile the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is screaming about the fact it spent $700 of Mrs arschloch’s hard earned cash feeding its two high school spawn. Hence the 70 cents saving per gallon. This is nothing new. Gas prices were averaging 1.83 back in Seattle mid January 2016! Now they are way higher!
So now the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is bragging they are now $2.30 a gallon. So why has the price of gas risen that much since January salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? Oh wait you are tooooooo stooooooooooopid to answer that question! Why hasn’t Obummer held down prices for Heilary attempted Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) with Blabbermouth Schultzie? Maybe it’s due to feckless foreign policy decisions like the Iran nukular deal we now know was a big fat lie! Isn’t it great we are paying higher prices due to Ben Rhodes?
When you are crazy like the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, FACTS never make sense!
Seems the Egypt Air flight sent a distress call before disappearing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/egyptair-flight-from-paris-to-cairo-vanishes-over-sea-investigators-rule-out-nothing/2016/05/19/db504838-1da8-11e6-9c81-4be1c14fb8c8_story.html
This is about military valor, something most HA DUMMOCRETINS here hate! It is also about the WWII holocaust, something most HA DUMMOCRETINS discredit like the morons they cheer in Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah their heroes! http://abcnews.go.com/US/wwii-.....d=39170077
Why do HA DUMMOCRETINS hate the military so much?
The batshit insane loon’s kindred spirit. Both live to fuck goats and orphan children in the name of Baby Jesus.
“Texas Christian missionary pleads guilty to sexual abusing at least 5 orphans in Malawi”
Tired of the cut & paste spam posted by the loon? There’s a script which can solve that for you.
I’ll keep saying it. There is one motivation for a vast majority of Trump supporters. Open and unabashed racism. They see the double elections of Obama as the end of an era. One in which they could impose their sick, twisted and selfish will on everybody else. Hate is their main motivation.
Apparently to 90% of Native Americans, the Washington Redskins name is perfectly A-OK. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-poll-finds-9-in-10-native-americans-arent-offended-by-redskins-name/2016/05/18/3ea11cfa-161a-11e6-924d-838753295f9a_story.html?wpisrc=al_alert-COMBO-exclusive%252Bnational
Awww… another libtard DUMMOCRETIN scream goes down in flames!
Sux to be a DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile the Vagina Chronicles continue. http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7592
– Millennials just don’t trust Hillary Clinton, and they’re sick of being told they should support her simply because she’s a woman.
Butt butt butt Gloria Steinem and Madeline Half-Bright said they had a special spot in hell if they didn’t go for the vagina in November! They also realize the DUMMOCRETIN primary system is rigged for Heilary by Blabbermouth Schultzie using the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)! This is why they are pushing for The Bern to drop out and why those Nevada videos were so true about the real DUMMOCRETIN voter!
– “She definitely does have some trust issues amongst the population,” another graduate agreed, adding, “I don’t believe a word that she says.”
Puddy realizes the Oregon moron reads conservative sites and it also realizes most HA DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs sooooooooooo it must put forth a front on Republicans are bad since millennials see Heilary as damaged DUMMOCRETIN goods.
Hey if you are an illegal alien, go to school in California… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7585
University of California system president Janet Napolitano announced Wednesday that she will earmark $25.2 million to fund loan programs for undocumented students over the next three years.
When the programs fails, U of C will ask for a bailout! Watch and see!
Dumbty Trumpty’s attacks on Bill Clinton are meant to distract from the fact the RepubliKKKlans had a creep child molester as Speaker, Denny Hastert, to impeach him.
Donald Trump’s attacks on Bill Clinton are to remind Heilary if she wants to go back 20+ years on the Donald, he will return the favor on her for allowing Wee Willy’s predatory ways on unsuspecting wimens to go unchecked.
This is why dunceman fits you perfectly.
A real LIV dunce!
@ 105
Dumbty Trumpty’s attacks on Bill Clinton are meant to distract from the fact the RepubliKKKlans had a creep child molester as Speaker, Denny Hastert, to impeach him.
No, they’re meant to cause further damage to Hillary Clinton.
Hastert became speaker a month after the House impeachment vote.
Other than those two errors, you’re spot-on.
“Hastert became speaker a month after the House impeachment vote.”
Smooth move. No, really. After a couple of fidelity-challenged Speakers accused our president of infidelity, you guys come up with a pedophile to do your dirty work. But seeing as how the rest of the Republicans in the House fucked goats, that was probably the best move available to you.
Travis @107,
FACTS mean nothing to HA DUMMOCRETINS. Just look at what the Oregon moron offers as DUMMOCRETIN thoughts above!
Speaking of goatfuckers and pedophiles, I’d bet the house on the batshit insane loon littering this thread with his lame cut & paste head explosion spam. Thank goodness the script provided by Dr. Orpheus has pulled the hook on the loon’s tired, hate-filled act.
Poor Bob. Imagine how it must suck to be a white racist whose only friend and kindred spirit on this blog is a batshit insane black man who fucks goats at night and then wakes up spewing hate at 4:00 AM. If our doctor had just a little bit more sense, he’d probably be using the loon-eliminating script too.
Notice how QPPS @111 is a one track mindless boob for the last 9 months.
1) Cried to Darryl – Please get rid of Puddy
2) Cried to Carl – Please get rid of Puddy
3) Cried to Goldy – Please get rid of Puddy.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! FACTS hurt the leetle femtometer sized single brain cell.
An EPIC FAYLE in its own mind… When will we all see the next raw story with only half the facts QPPS?
BTW the Dr Obnoxious script doesn’t remove the posts you fool. That is totally lost on your silly mind.
So why aren’t you using it QPPS?
The America-hating pedophile loon’s head will no doubt experience yet another explosion of cut & paste spam. After all, there’s few things the America-hating pedophile loon hates more than Americans having the right to vote.
“Judge Tells Kansas: 18,000 You Disenfranchised Get To Vote”
@92 and 94,
There’s not much evidence that “aggrieved” “blue collar” “working poor” whites turn out to vote in Republican primaries more than in Democratic primaries, which is to say not much. And of those who do turn out in Republican primaries the data indicates they have not been drawn to Trump’s campaign more than the other Republican candidates. Two exceptions were Cruz and Carson. They tended to draw lower income evangelicals who attend church weekly when compared to Trump. But the data on Carson is scant.
I’m not arguing identity politics here. Trump and the media are. I’m not suggesting that poor white people facing economic uncertainty, community and family disruption, and the systematic dismantling of the social safety net that they depend upon should be abandoned by anybody, least of all Democrats and progressives. If by some strange miracle establishment Republicans (and at this point that would include Donald Trump) wake up in the next six months and discover that they actually care about helping poor people out, I’d be delighted by that news. But that isn’t happening. What little Trump indicated about an interest in helping out poor people he is right now in the process of rapidly walking back in order to appease the big money donors. Meanwhile Zombie Eyed Granny Starver remains the Speaker and self-appointed “intellectual soul of the Republican Party”. They still insist on emptying out the Social Security trust fund and handing it over to Wall Street hedge fund managers. They still insist on shifting the tax burden onto future generations of working poor. They still insist on giving poor unskilled uneducated whites no options but to volunteer to fight for oil overseas. They still insist on blaming the poor for being poor. Etc. Big fucking etc. And Trump wouldn’t change any of that. He’d just make a lot of other things much much worse.
I simply refuse to go along with the false narrative. It’s bullshit. Bullshit that poor people have any sort of special affinity for the greedy tin siding salesmen who run the Republican Party other than race. Bullshit that electing a monstrosity like Donald Trump would help them in any way. Hardly.
There is no racial equivalency here. Opposing decades of discrimination and white privilege in order to give women and minorities an equal footing with white men is not “equivalent” to baiting and pitting those same white men against the oppressed for political advantage. Do Democrats gain political advantage by advocating for minorities and women? Hell yes. That’s doing the right thing. And that’s what upsets Trump voters so much.
This should cheer the hate-filled pedophile loon up. If there’s anything the self-loathing black loon loves more than fucking goats and children it’s seeing a white racist man hating on grieving black families and their slain children.
“Meet the big NRA sponsor who loves smearing slain black kids and their families”
you sure gotta hand it to Boob on that one.
Girding themselves for their moral crusade against blowjobs, House Republicans purged the ranks of their leadership and searched high and low to find their moral standard bearer.
A serial pedophile.
“A serial pedophile.”
He was the best they could find. And it showed that Republicans still had moral values of a sort and where they draw the line- getting blown by children trumps blowing goats.
Projecting pedophilia again? You have that hankering every three months QPPS! How will you take care of it this month?
Liked this quote from the article about the texas christian missionary in Africa
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
— Abraham Lincoln
Didn’t take long for this to happen.
Woman has short hair because she donates her hair to child cancer victims. Goes to use restroom. A rightwing asshole bullies her thinking she must be trans because, you know, short hair. Ignorance, stupidity, and bigotry aren’t admirable traits. They’re character flaws.
Republicans just can’t resist being total assholes.
Meanwhile, in Oklahoma, Republicans are passing make-work bills to keep the Supreme Court employed:
“Oklahoma lawmakers have moved to effectively ban abortion in their state by making it a felony for doctors to perform the procedure, an effort the bill’s sponsor said Thursday is aimed at ultimately overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This actually makes a certain amount of tactical sense. The idea is to pass a law in such blatant violation of Roe v. Wade that you’re guaranteed to get it struck down in the courts. That opoens an avenue to SCOTUS, which you hope will overturn RvW. This possibly might have worked while Scalia was alive, although that’s doubtful, but doing it now is betting that Trump will win and appoint several anti-abortion justices whom the Senate will confirm. Seems like a stretch to me. Or maybe I’m overthinking this and the Oklahoma legislators who voted for this bill are merely being assholes.
@118 Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?
Damn! Gas was that low in Jan under the leadership of a TWO TERM African-American Democratic President? A babbling jackass troll admits the gas price was LOWER than the best average of the empty-suit it voted for twice. What a FACT! Miracles never cease.
And is the jackass getting the vapors about a recent bump up in price? Of course! It’s a miserable babbling jackass!
The fiend as usual distorts reality. Prices are usually lower in the winter (a lot lower under the leadership of TWO TERM President Obama) and the gas price almost always rises just before peak driving season which isn’t even two weeks away.
Commodity traders are understandably nervous about the choice of white-identified klownservatic republicans
EVERYWHERE: Donald Drumpfhole – same as $4.11 / gallon empty-suit Bushit and with the potential to be just a little worse.
The choice of white-identified klownservatics like the babbling jackass troll and its beloved karson kook-a-nut. Oh what a feeling! To “feel” so white-identified!
Yours truly still paid way less than $2 a gallon. We entertain a little in April and reap the benefits in May. Oh those gas prices! Life is good. Suck on it troll! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
LOL! Our trolls are so white-identified, David Duke is busting its white ass to put them on its mailing list.
option 3:
Like many modern “conservatives” OK Republicans own or are invested in businesses that grift off of ginned up “outrage”. During a Presidential election year Congressional Republicans have to cool it for the sake of the nominee. So the lifting falls to the state legislatures in places like Kansas and Oklahoma.
Passage and signing of such bills are promoted as “milestone accomplishments” to the Xtian Taliban. Fund raising appeals to follow. Later the inevitable court decisions striking down the blatantly unconstitutional bullshit are promoted as “outrageous judicial activism”. More fund raising appeals follow.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
90 cents on the dollar goes toward expenses for hookers and blow. 9 cents on further appeals. 1 penny for cat food.
“Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?”
From the age of the earth to Denny Hastert, the loon is in denial about just about everything. Sadly, too much denial and an inability to speak intelligibly have turned our loon into a babbling jackass.
The new GOP – guns, bombs and kiddie porn.
“Trump Brownshirt Indicted For Having Kiddie Porn, Explosives, And A Machine Gun”
dangerous paramilitary white supremacist terrorists, and Republicans are handing control of their political party over to them purely for the sake of partisanship. What they and their media stooges call unity is pure partisanship. And they’ll stop at nothing, not even outright treason, for the sake of partisanship. Because partisanship is their business. And business is good.
“Do you deny that House Republicans elected a serial pedophile as Speaker ?”
Did they know about his past back then QPPS? Or did this come out after he was elected speaker? Google it fool!
@130 Ever heard of “background check?” Oh, that’s right, your faction doesn’t believe in ’em. Just give Speakerships and guns to everyone, and hope for the best.
Porn? Glad you went there! http://www.federaltimes.com/st...../84544040/
“Here’s one EPA official in Washington, a [General Schedule]-level 15. This guy sat around for years and watched porno and is getting a $125,000 [salary],” said Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. “Actually, I think he is still on the job. Must be a great job where you can just sit around and collect $125,000 a year.”
Rampant in the Obummer sadministration!
Van Jones Is ‘Ashamed’ Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘I Wish Reince Priebus Was My Party Chair’
Thanks DUMMOCRETINS crooks and DUMMOCRETIN liars!
Background check on a sitting congressman?
Remember Florida judge Alcee Hastings… Impeached from the bench. Elected by Florida DUMMOCRETINS to congress.
Yeah you went there R senile!
@132 Squid ink.
@134 One squirt wasn’t enough.
“Squid ink”
A bunch of unintelligible gibberish closing with the usual cut & paste head explosion spam, no doubt.
Last week I posted a lengthy comment arguing that China is planning for war against the United States, and we’re not ready for it. That time may not be far off; the evidence is growing that Beijing, under new management, has an itchy trigger finger.
“China’s attempts to claim a nearly 1.4-million-square-mile swathe of open ocean are without precedent and probably without legal merit, but Beijing continues to assert its right to the economically critical zone — and increasingly puts its claims in military terms.
“Speaking to a small group of reporters in Beijing on Thursday, a high-ranking Chinese official made his warning clear: The United States should not provoke China in the South China Sea without expecting retaliation.”
Retaliation? For what? “Provoking” China by flying in international airspace and sailing in international waters? Should we refrain just because China claims it owns the whole damn ocean?
“Two Chinese fighter jets on Tuesday intercepted and passed within 50 feet of a U.S. military reconnaissance plane.”
Tuesday. Day before yesterday. And these incidents are becoming common. What happens when — not if, but when — the Chinese shoot down a U.S. recon plane? Or fire anti-ship missiles at an American aircraft carrier?
“The South China Sea for years has been a point of contention for bordering nations … but in recent years has become a larger nexus of disagreement as China has unilaterally declared the region its own.
“China’s fishing fleet, the world’s biggest, operates increasingly within the legally exclusive zones of Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries.
“A tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is expected to rule in the next couple months on China’s expansive territorial claims, though China has already rejected those proceedings.”
This is naked aggression in the form of territorial conquest, pure and simple. The U.S. and its allies can’t give in to it. Not only because the South China Sea is important in and of itself, but because the precedent it would set — allowing a belligerent country to close off to others millions of square miles of ocean by making threats — would invite global conflict.
Unlike many liberals, I believe the U.S. must spend more, not less, on defense to beef up its readiness to meet this Chinese aggression. I also think we should reconsider our practice of educating young Chinese in our universities — so they can go home and use the engineering and computer skills they acquired from us to design and build weaponry to use against us. And we should stop sending them our money. When you buy “Made in China” goods, you’re not only buying crap, you’re also giving China the financial wherewithal to arm against us. They’re using our money to buy anti-ship missiles, submarines, stealth fighters, and weapons capable of disabling our satellites. Those aren’t the actions of a peaceful nation.
only one “background check” is needed.
-Is there an (R) after the candidates name?-
If you answered yes, evacuate the area, pull the fire alarm and immediately call 911.
@104 and if you are just an alien, like You, don’t. And just hag out here at HA, like Boob too
Squid ink.
R senile’s fall back comment when Puddy hands is old decrepit ASS to him with FACTS!
The loon was a babbling jacksss at conception. His momma couldn’t wait for him to pop out of her gash. The day he popped out his little stunted arms were flapping around as if he was a duck.
Last week I posted a lengthy comment arguing that China is planning for war against the United States, and we’re not ready for it.
So? Looks like it didn’t make an impression. Senile ramblings do that to peeps!
Squid ink and wasted pixels.
My bad. I can see the loon being born a babbling jackass with his first head explosion occurring while still in the womb. And probably an early morning delivery with the loon popping out spewing hate at 4:00 AM.
DUMMOCRETIN Black Lives Matter Hero did what? http://dailycaller.com/2016/05.....-old-girl/
Invited to the whitey house AFTER he was busted! On CBS news too!
This will go right over the heads of HA DUMMOCRETINS, especially to loony toon @143… QPPS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtAAeyswlHM
PC strikes again… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7602
@141 Well, she shouldn’t have fooled around with that mallard.
PC strikes again… http://dailycaller.com/2016/05.....too-large/
@136 @140 Squid ink is the smokescreen the squid lays when he changes the subject and runs for cover.
@138 Bingo.
USA Today’s headline is, “Trump’s Tax Troubles.” Its story says, “While Donald J. Trump refuses to release his federal tax returns, saying his tax rate is ‘none of your business,’ a USA TODAY analysis found Trump’s businesses have been involved in at least 100 lawsuits and other disputes related to unpaid taxes or how much tax his businesses owe.” But hey, you don’t have to be reputable or have good character, or be a responsible citizen, to get Republican voters to vote for you. Read the disgusting details here:
A San Francisco cop shot and killed an unarmed black woman sitting in a car today. Hours later, the mayor fired the police chief.
You see R senile, this is a well written article on Chinese hegemony… http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....se-empire/
Way better than the crap you post above!
Well R senile, another libtard city police department gone amok!
Meanwhile it continues… http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/0.....m-in-ross/
R senile @149,
Changed the subject? NOPE you DOPE! Puddy delivered DUMMOCRETIN examples you can’t deal with. FACTS your senile mind can no longer comprehend! Hence you scream squid ink.
Sux to be so senile and decrepit!