I’ve seen a lot of how-to-survive May Day posts in the local media recently. Or more accurately, I’ve been seeing a lot of headlines about them on social media and rolling my eyes about the whole thing. So here’s A Downtown Resident’s Guide to Survive May Day:
1) Are you a window Downtown? If so, congrats on being able to read, and thanks for choosing HA. There is a small chance someone will throw a brick at you and if that happens a decent chance that brick will smash you. That sucks, but your owner probably has insurance and at least you’ll get to be on TV continuously for the next few weeks and then in perpetuity ahead of May Day every year. There’s also a chance that someone will spray graffiti on you. That’s less bad, but still.
2) Are you a police officer? If so you’re probably getting more training than a nonsense snark blog post can provide. Please don’t attack peaceful protesters and try to use harm mitigation strategies on ones damaging property, or putting people in harms’ way if that happens.
3) Are you a protester? I’m usually against the bottled water industry, but I always recommend if you’re marching to have a bottle with you. It can be tap water, but those marches can be dehydrating. Maybe bring something you can eat like some trail mix or a Cliff Bar. Please don’t be violent to another human. If you’re going to smash windows or graffiti stuff, know the consequences of that ahead of time.
4) Are you worried about being stuck in traffic? Since May Day is the only day in Seattle where the traffic gets annoying, this is a reasonable fear. If you’re in your car, take alternate routes, I guess. Or wait for the marchers to go somewhere else. They’re marching, so they’ll pass. Give yourself some extra time and be patient with other people caught up in traffic.
If you’re taking public transit, just be patient. Give up your seat if you can since it might take a little longer. You know, bus stuff we already do, mostly.
5) Are you going to be outside Downtown, including suburbia, or like, anywhere North of the Montlake Cut? I guess just watch it on the news. If you do, maybe try to remember that if you’re seeing the same window smashed for the 5th time, it doesn’t make it 5 times as bad. Or watch something else? Maybe. There’s got to be some playoff basketball or a Mariners game. You probably have Netflix, so you can watch something on that. Maybe play a board game with your family.
Isn’t the bottled water for washing tear gas out of your eyes?
Now wait for the trolls to post that people who throw bricks through windows should be executed. Preferably immediately, by the police, without a trial. Oh wait, that’s Jeff Sessions who advocates this.
On a different subject,
“President Trump gave a lengthy interview Sunday morning to CBS’ John Dickerson about the Republicans’ health care plan. His responses to basic questions — like what provisions the bill includes or how it would change the health insurance system — suggest … an unfamiliarity with basic policy details of a plan that has been public for nearly six weeks at this point [and] his administration has pushed Congress to pass. … His answers on CBS suggest that, if he actually read the Republican bill, he would find it sorely … at odds with his health care goals.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Great, just great, we have a fuhrer who doesn’t know what’s going on to the point where if, say, a terrorist attack happened on our soil he’d attack the wrong country. Oh wait, we’ve seen Republican preznits do THAT before.
There’s a glimmer of hope, though. With an incompetent boob like Drumpf in the WH it’s possible that a tax cut meant for the rich might reach the middle class, or health care deductibles might go down instead of up, or net neutrality might accidentally be preserved, or an executive order intended to deport Dreamers after they complete voluntary military service might create a new national monument instead.
There are times when you WANT fuckups to fuck up, because that’s the best outcome you can hope to get.
All was interesting until you left bricks and graffiti as normative “If you’re going to smash windows or graffiti stuff, know the consequences of that ahead of time”
Premeditated property damage is implied, which is a riot, not our right to peaceably assemble.
Meanwhile, nothing will happen today where I live.
If you’re Jesse Hagopian, catch a clue about what’s going on around you this time.
And this is only the first book.
“Florida started coming in fine,” one top Hillary aide said. “And then Florida started getting tight.”
F–k you, [Democratic pollster] John Anzalone thought. You’re being too pessimistic. From the boiler room, the veteran pollster and his fellow Clinton campaign consultant Jim Margolis were on the phone with Steve Schale, an old pal from their Obama days. It was 7:45 p.m., and Schale had called to say Hillary was in deep trouble in Florida.
2017’s gonna be a good year.
Now, though, with the president placing a consolation call, the reality and dimensions of her defeat hit her all at once. She had let him down. She had let herself down. She had let her party down. And she had let her country down. Obama’s legacy and her dreams of the presidency lay shattered at Donald Trump’s feet. This was on her. (from link @7)
Not just on her, really.
Plenty of other people drank the Clinton Kool-Aide, as well.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
Thank thee, former Senator Harry Reid, for the gifts which thou hast bestowed.
Conservatives prepare for Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement
…Trump has the opportunity to fill Kennedy’s seat. Kennedy, a centrist conservative, has cast a key vote for gay marriage, abortion rights, affirmative action, and fair housing law.
Kennedy controls the outcome of cases like no other justice in more than a decade. With four conservatives to his right, four liberals to his left, he often holds the decisive vote on business and regulatory matters as well.
Meanwhile, anxiously asked elsewhere: Are you feeling any better this morning, Madame Justice?
If you’re gonna do a May Day, HA libbies, have the stones to do it right.
Chaos in Paris as annual May Day march turns into mass riot in protest against Marine Le Pen
We’ve seen what you can do when the mood strikes you. Who’s up for another Battle in Seattle?
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: You’ll be especially thrilled with the photos of police officers set on fire. Good day for you!
@4 “as normative”
Break out a dictionary, look up “That sucks,” then get back to us after you figure out what it means.
@6 In other words, if you’re black, don’t go anywhere there’s cops.
@7 “2017’s gonna be a good year”
For who? Besides Putin, I mean.
@9 Kennedy hasn’t said anything about retiring. Do these people know something about his health he doesn’t? Maybe he should hire a taster.
If those Seattle protestors cause enough mayhem, I’ll suck the statue of Lenin’s cock at high noon tomorrow over in the Fermont district.
@10 Maybe the French learned something about rightwing politicians from 1932.
@ 9
Google ‘Kennedy retirement rumors’.
As usual, they center around the clerks.
@17 Taking your advice, here’s what I found:
“After hearing this rumor a few weeks ago, I followed up with my sources. I determined that there wasn’t sufficient substance to merit a story, and I decided not to write about it. This is a not uncommon occurrence here at Above the Law; we hear all sorts of wild rumors that fall apart upon investigation.”
Now I have some advice for you: Try dealing with facts instead of rumors or wishful thinking. I realize that’s hard for any Republican, but you’ll make an ass of yourself less frequently.
@ 18
Your linked piece was penned in November. Since then, Trump has nominated a former Kennedy clerk to the Court, and Gorsuch has been confirmed. In doing so, Trump has shown Kennedy that he can be trusted with the weight of a nomination of this magnitude. Kennedy’s legacy is assured with the elevation of one of his own, and Trump has floated the names of Raymond Kethledge and Brett Kavanaugh as future nominees, both former Kennedy clerks. The former was one of the seven finalists for Scalia’s seat.
Oh, and Dems have since shown Kennedy that there isn’t much to stand in the way of a successful nomination next time, either. Well done, Chuck Schumer.
You’re a clown, only instead of the big red nose and floppy shoes, you’ve got a big floppy urine bag filled with red fluid attached to your catheter.
It’s too funny seeing these trolls getting bent out of shape by May Day protesters.. It’s been going on in these threads for weeks now.
What proof do these idiots have that even a small minority of liberals support property damage as an effective or even acceptable form of political speech?
As usual you trolls entertain me.
Who could’ve foreseen the GOP’s mouthpiece, Fox News, would someday be embroiled in sexual harassment and racial discrimination lawsuits?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given their other labor problems, I won’t be surprised if we learn they make the janitors work off the clock, too.
@19 The only thing Trump, McConnell, and the other GOP senators have demonstrated is that they will stoop to anything to inflict a partisan court on the American people.
Shorter Dumbfuck @19:
Rumors are true if I want to believe them.
YLB at 20; this blog post itself suggests property damage; it correctly says not to hurt humans, but then suggests you know the law if you hurt property. Its implied.
For GOP dogmatics, the holy grail of SCOTUS appointments is getting a majority to overturn Roe v. Wade. But that might not be easy as Boob thinks, and it’s very unlikely it would sit well with the public, a solid majority of whom have consistently supported legal abortion for many, many years.
Then there’s the matter of stare decisis. Sure, SCOTUS has overturned before — e.g., Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, etc. But Roe v. Wade is different because it involves a minority imposing their religious beliefs on the majority. Frankly, I don’t think Kennedy would approve of any nominee who would do that, and I doubt his former law clerks fit that mold. In any case, throwing out Roe v. Wade would accomplish nothing more than to revive the practice of abortions being performed by unlicensed practitioners using coathangers as instruments. As a doctor, surely you disapprove of that, don’t you Boob?
A 15-year-old boy, straight-A student, no arrest or disciplinary record, is dead. Shot in the head. By a cop with a high-powered rifle. While riding in his brother’s car. In Texas. He was black.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Black lives don’t matter. They just don’t. Kids like him get tombstones. The cops who kill them get a free pass. Taxpayers get the bills for the legal settlements. Those of us who think something is wrong with this get stuck with Trump and Sessions.
If atheists are wrong and there’s really a God, then he must have been too busy playing golf with Trump on Saturday to give a damn about some innocent black teenager in Texas.
@24 This post suggests the utter lack of reading comprehension skills we’ve come to routinely expect from HA’s trolls. America’s political right is an educational desert even by sixth grade standards.
@7 “2017’s gonna be a good year”
For who? Besides Putin, I mean.
For many of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign staffers, each of whom will make huge piles of money from
bookshastily ghost-written piles of utter garbage, sold to risibly gullible fools at $24.95 apiece.The conservative-majority Supreme Court ruled today that cities like Miami can sue mortgage lenders like Bank of America for lending practices that led to foreclosures, blight, and lost revenue from property taxes.
More proof that Trump lacks the brains and judgment to be our nation’s leader:
“‘Equating brutality and despotism with leadership is not an American value,’ CNN’s Jake Tapper said on Monday in response to … Trump, who called … Kim Jong Un a ‘pretty smart cookie’ … on Sunday, and said … he would be ‘honored’ to meet with him.
“‘Kim Jong Un had his uncle murdered.’ Tapper said …. ‘That doesn’t make [him] a smart cookie — that makes him a murderer.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even toddlers know the difference between a dog you can pet and one that snarls and bites.
With a dozen House Republicans still undecided, Repeal & Replace 2.0 is 1 vote away from defeat. The Master of the Deal is still tweaking it, trying to save himself from another crushing legislative failure.
What proof do these idiots have that even a small minority of liberals support property damage as an effective or even acceptable form of political speech?
How many video links would you like, YLB?
Or may I begin with a simple response from Rose City’s finest?
Portland Police ✔ @PortlandPolice
If you do not need to come to Downtown Portland, please stay away. #MayDayPDX is now considered a riot.
4:57 PM – 1 May 2017
with $100k from Seattle taxpayers just so some hillbilly in blue could vent her authority-rage, my guess is Mr. Hagopian will be high above it all sipping Billecart and laughing.
Did Врач немой ебать get any $100k checks for always being an obedient hillbilly, groveling to authority and genuflecting to the Orange Dick Pill Addict? I don’t think so.
Keep the faith, hillbillies!
@ 33
Don’t doubt he’ll be high.
Any check in the amount of fewer than five figures doesn’t warrant a special trip to the bank for deposit.
And people get checks for no reason all the time. Deathfrogg. ‘nuf said.
Damn! Roberts betrays the hillbillies again!
Maybe Cheeto Jesus is right. Maybe the real problem isn’t the judges. Maybe it’s this goll durned Constitution thingie.
you know, some of them there young folks claim they can deposit checks any time they like using only their fancy phones.
Heck, you’re a disgraced former doctor driven into early retirement by skyrocketing mal prac premiums. I’m sure a smaht hillbilly like you can figure it out. You might never have to visit Greenbank again.
@ 35
I guess you didn’t catch the part about the challenge of actually, you know, being able to prove the claim, as noted by the justice appointed by The Clinton Who Was Not A Total Fucking Loser.
Here permit me to help you out:
“Nothing in the statute suggests that Congress intended to provide a remedy wherever those ripples travel,” Breyer wrote. “And entertaining suits to recover damages for any foreseeable result of an FHA violation would risk massive and complex damages litigation.”
1. Free coffee.
2. Free cookies.
3. Attractive women who speak in complete sentences.
4. My dog can come in and she gets a biscuit.
Quik tip: When at the McDonald’s pick-up window, ask for one french fry for the dog drooling on your left shoulder. Half the time they bring you a filled small bag of them. (No, YLB, they don’t do that when you only order a large water.)
@ 20
Probably just one of those conservatives playing with fireworks too close to the Dakota pipeline again. Right, YLB?
Second pipeline arson near Newell damages equipment
Here’s my contribution for The Most Easily Answered Question of the Year Award in the Submitted by a Woman category:
What proof do these idiots have that even a small minority of liberals support property damage as an effective or even acceptable form of political speech?
I can see why you would think that since the rest of the paragraph is more normative than positive. But my intent is that it switches to positive in that sentence: If you commit a crime there are consequences, and you should know them. Maybe it was too abrupt a tone shift? I don’t take a position on if it’s worth it in that part, although I do tell the window “that sucks” about window smashing.
I think you’ll find that’s true most days, and why people are moving to cities.
YLB’s fawning bromance with The One making ever more sense.
Obama’s new biography reveals that he ‘considered gayness’ during college
“Three years later, Obama wrote somewhat elusively to his first intimate girlfriend that he had thought about and considered gayness, but ultimately had decided that a same-sex relationship would be less challenging and demanding than developing one with the opposite sex,” Garrow wrote.
Actually, I’m not sure Obama was wrong about that.
I’m sure it’s difficult, wrestling with these moral issues of whether violence against property or person has a moral justification, even if not within the law. Goldy probably thought all of three seconds before
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Lee Rosenberg @Lee_Rosenberg
Punching a Nazi is akin to civil disobedience – a clear violation of the law that’s recognized by the masses as a moral act
Perhaps more people are moving to cities so they will have more opportunities to punch their opponents in the face.
@18 this might be a crazy analogy but try to follow me. Let’s say that for years there was a barrel filled with very good apples in the public square. And every day the people went and grabbed an apple and really enjoyed how delicious the apples were and they never ever came across any bad apples that were over ripped. But then came a bunch of people that didn’t like the fact that people were enjoying all the freeeee apples. So they started to warn everyone, “don’t eat the apples, don’t eat the apples, the apples are spoiled and you might get sick. But the people for the most part didn’t believe it and continued to eat all the delicious apples, without ever finding any bad apples. So those scrougy fucks came up with an idea and said to each other, ” hey let’s swap out one or two of the good apples with two spoiled ones (in or their words – introduce some bad apples for real). And they did. So now people started to get a bad apple. And the dirty little fuckers said, “See! The apples are bad”. So then people stared to stop eating the apples. Inspire!!!
The media is Fake!!!!
Chief Justice is going to resign!!!! So eventually even the Chief Justice may want to decide. What’s the purpose of starting a rumor if it didn’t work. Vicious little fyckers. The same fuckers that believe in letting the market takes is “free” course. The same fuckers that fake freedom and patriotism.
Long Live Ireland !!!!
Damn I thought the comment @24 was vacuous..
Pass the popcorn. Boob has spring fever.
Or is mixing ED medication with loratadine and bourbon.
@23 see above 43
The window is gay……conservatives are throwing bricks too.
@26 and stuck with a Boob the bad apple tosser.
Damn. Best news I’ve read in months:
Burn it down! Long Live Russia…..ohhh, I meant Ireland.
Don’t know how to strike out. But I thinks it’s something like
Russia“How many video links would you like, YLB?”
I guess the answer is zero, because that’s how many you actually provided.
Oh I did it! Called it!!!
the precedent establishes standing.
Standing is the tap root from which all Litigation Cottage Industry grows, empowering small time populist hustlers and bearded hippies to bring low the mighty.
And sue shitty radiologists.
You may be surprised to discover that when it comes to hillbilly, I know whereof I speak. And during my undergraduate days, while regrettably pursuing an education into the hillbilly sciences (which I somehow recovered from), I had a very memorable opportunity to visit what was at the time a state of the art, bovine processing facility for unproductive dairy cows going mostly to the hamburger industry (and indirectly to Golden State Foods whose trucks you’ll see unloading into the back of what is apparently a favorite place for lonely disgraced radiologists to hit on teenagers – ewwww).
I will spare you the horrors I witnessed that day. Although I’m sure in your residencies you saw, touched, smelled (and dare I say, tasted?) much, much worse.
However largely because of what I witnessed, I have not partaken of the culinary delights available from the various clowns, Kings, Jacks, Wendys, grumpy pipe smoking sailors, stars, bells, cowboy hats, pirates, southern slavers, and other cartoon pitch personalities since. I count myself the richer for it.
Once again, cops are caught lying by their own police video.
“A suburban Dallas police chief acknowledged Monday that an officer who fatally shot a black 15-year-old in a moving vehicle fired as the car was driving away — not as it reversed toward officers, as the department had previously asserted. Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber told reporters that police video contradicted his department’s original statement about the Saturday night shooting of Jordan Edwards.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whether the car was coming toward the cops or driving away is the difference between justifiable homicide or murder. Of course they lied about it. This is why a growing number of citizens no longer feel they can trust the police.
@32 Given that you feel free to call anarchists and rioters “liberals,” I feel free to call you a “quack.” What goes around, comes around, doctor.
Did boob just say a substantial portion of the voters for the presidential candidate who got the most votes last November supports a bunch of hormonal post-teens wearing kerchiefs and busting the windows of Nordstroms?
Wow boob those voters can even make the 8 years of the last two term serving President a total bummer for you too.
You’ll never get those years back thanks to those voters. Sux to be you.
Walked through downtown on the commute, as usual. Other than seeing more police than pedestrians, all was as usual.
(What if Hillary has a deal with her ex-campaign staffers, to get a cut of the take from any tell-all memoir any of them publish? That would mean hordes of Hillary-haters will soon be dumping money into her pocket.)
@34 “And people get checks for no reason all the time.”
You oughta know.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) secured nearly $5 billion in new domestic spending by exploiting disagreements between Trump and GOP lawmakers over spending priorities.
Democrats’ lopsided victory on the five-month deal, which is likely to be approved this week, means it will be very difficult — if not impossible — for the GOP to exert its will in future budget negotiations, including when it comes to Trump’s 2018 budget blueprint.
Looks like majorities in both houses and having the Oval Office don’t mean squat when accompanied by abject, drooling incompetence.
“Of course they lied about it.”
Because time and again, public prosecutors sworn to protect the law and serve justice look away when police swear false statements and willfully commit acts of criminal perjury.
Obamacare is law of the land.
No wall for now.
NAFTA not so bad.
5 billion in new domestic programs.
Immigration reform is next?
After last week, though, many moderates are frustrated with the process. Some say they see their party making the same kind of mistakes Republicans criticized Democrats for making back in 2010.
“We didn’t learn anything from their mistakes,” said Rep. Mark Amodei, a moderate Republican from Nevada told CNN. “We learned nothing from their mistakes.”
To be fair, Republicans don’t learn anything from their own mistakes, or from the mistakes of independents, either.
Here com de recession!
@56 “Did boob just say a substantial portion of the voters for the presidential candidate who got the most votes last November supports a bunch of hormonal post-teens wearing kerchiefs and busting the windows of Nordstroms?”
Yeah. That’s why we call him “boob” and “dumbfuck,” epithets which in his case are well deserved.
@59 It’s like having one of these: http://www.gettyimages.com/det.....386235-001