I know that I usually do local stuff, but goddamn the Jason Chaffetz iPhone garbage is super garbage. But as she often does, Imani Gandy has the best take.
So in case you’re wondering how, when it comes to health-care policy, Republicans are going to convince Trump voters that the shit sandwich the GOP is serving up is really a croque monsieur, they’ll continue to employ racial dog whistles that at this point are so loud and piercing one might best call them racial vuvuzelas.
Don’t miss Jonathan Gruber doing his best Chip Diller impression on NPR’s Morning Edition today.
All is well with Obamacare. No, really.
The best part’s not that it was failed VP candidate Kaine’s kid.
The best part is that he was caught while running away.
Sen. Kaine’s son arrested at Trump rally in Minnesota
Linders said Kaine was seen with four people who lit fireworks in the capitol and fled. Police were investigating whether Kaine lit a firework, the newspaper reported.
Linders said Kaine and the group were arrested a block from the capitol. He said police tracked Kaine and the group down and arresting officers had to use “some force” to take him into custody.
Apparently spineless anatomy is a Kaine family trait.
I might have been too quick to label Kaine’s kid as spineless. Here’s a different headline:
Tim Kaine’s son forcefully arrested at Trump rally at Minnesota Capitol
St. Paul police arrested Kaine and the four others near Rice Street and University Avenue, less than a block from the Capitol. After the group ran and a St. Paul police officer detained Kaine, “he turned around and squared up to fight with the officer,” Linders said Tuesday. “The officer was able to place Mr. Kaine under arrest and take him to the Ramsey County jail for booking.”
The officer used “some force” to take Kaine into custody, according to Linders, who said he didn’t have details about what it involved. The State Patrol arrested a sixth person at the Capitol.
There’s a time to run like a pussy and a time to fight a cop.
Right there in Ecclesiastes 3.
Fireworks? Oh my gosh! That’s just terrifying! Wait, no. THAT’S TERRORISM!
You poors hillbillies have enough to be afraid of without having to shit your pants in fear that some dirty hippie might set off a Smoky Joe!
Today’s A Day Without A Woman.
We’ll miss ya, YLB.
I gotta feeling that for more than a few hillbillies, every single day is A Day Without A Woman.
Doctor Dumbfuck knows a thing or two about running like a pussy. We see the traitor do it in these threads all the time.
Run from this again, you pussified fucking traitor.
“a boring, very forgettable guy” “Like Gary Locke.”
Gary Locke. Friend, classmate and fellow housing project resident Gary Locke. Distinguished Eagle Scout Award winner Gary Locke. State Representative Gary Locke. Chair of the Appropriations Committee Gary Locke. Governor Gary Locke. United States Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke. United States Ambassador to China Gary Locke. Loyal American Gary Locke.
Long after you’re both dead and gone, he will be remembered, and remembered well. You will be forgotten, you fucking traitor. It will be as though you had never lived at all.
@ 7
Yeah, Steve, you’re absolutely correct. It’s been 50 to 2 for six-plus years around here, and yet I’ve hung in.
One thing goes wrong in November for your ilk, and Goldy Goes Godwin and Steve becomes a one-trick pony.
You’re a real brave guy when it’s 50 to 2, Steve. Hell, even YLB says you’re a HA Hero. Bet you’ve even got a participation trophy on your mantle.
“Internet trashes Trump’s cynical Women’s Day tribute”
Tweet of the day.
“@realDonaldTrump You honoring women is like Michael Vick honoring dogs.”
@ 10
Michael Vick makes triumphant return to Georgia Dome
And yet a majority of Americans polled wanted the Patriots to lose.
Various Republicans are making statements that they know RyanCare is bad but once it’s passed they’ll fix it I was trying to figure out where I’ve heard that before.
“I am a descendent of King Abdullah Saud Aladdin of Nigeria who has just passed away. I need your help. If I can secure $500 I can release my share of his estate and I promise you untold riches in the future out of the billions I inherit. I just need you to fund me now and you will be repaid hundredfold.”
“Steve becomes a one-trick pony”
Says the dumbfuck twit who has left us over 3,000 hashtags.
“You’re a real brave guy when it’s 50 to 2”
The day it gets down to one on one, you’ll find religion, you fucking traitor.
These classy fans?
@ 12
You probably are remembering something said by someone significantly closer to home, Cz-252.
Pelosi: It’s Time to Fix Obamacare
Obama will make an announcement Thursday about a proposal to fix this issue, and Democrats in Congress may also propose a legislative fix, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the House, told The Atlantic’s James Bennet at Thursday’s Washington Ideas Forum. “Stay tuned. It could be an administrative fix, it could be a legislative fix,” Pelosi said. “I would rather it be done administratively, because then it could be done much more quickly without any accompanying agendas.”
One-sixth of the nation’s economy, and Pelosi wanted the pen-and-phone approach after botching it legislatively.
“Michael Vick makes triumphant return to Georgia Dome”
Makes sense. Georgia Republicans fuck dogs.
“Georgia candidate for governor admits to bestiality”
You guys should be more concerned with the latest Wikileaks stuff and the Dark State. Government bureaucracies are now starting to think they’re a separate and superior government to the elected government. The CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, DIA, et. al., are going rogue. The Constitution is being shredded by their evil deeds. We’d better do something to check their power before it’s too late.
Whats a “womxn”?
Singular? Plural? Both?
Perhaps just some catxhy new femmxnxst/millxnial thing?
Yes, that’s exactly what it is – re-inventing language to support a political/social agenda. In other words, it’s make-believe bullshit.
I see. Three years after a bill is passed, maybe there are some things that we could fix.
“Yeah we know this is a giant shit sandwich any idiot who can finish reading it in the next two days will see that it is bullshit. But we’re going to go full bore to pass it anyway.”
Bad news for trolls! Roger Rabbit survived surgery! There’s three of me now and they’re all pink. Must be the painkillers.
they may be going “full bore” because they know already that it can never pass their own opposition but they need to check the box and move on to the tax cuts. I think you might have to go back to Jimmy Carter’s first year to see a similar example of a do-nothing unified federal government. If they can’t deliver the tax cuts they may see some of the mid-term financing dry up. So that’s the real priority.
@ 21
Q: What do a typewriter and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have in common?
A: They each have a semicolon.
Bad news for your family. For their collective sakes I hope you’re worth more dead than you are alive, RDR.
Behold below what may be the precise moment when the hillbilly idiocy finally curled around and began to consume itself:
Charles C. W. Cooke Verified account @charlescwcooke Mar 7
I’ve yet to read a single positive analysis of the House’s Obamacare bill.
Carol Bannon @MAcatholicmom Mar 7
@charlescwcooke try going 2 a conservative source? Open up your reading habits 2 include those w/ whom u would naturally dismiss
Charles C. W. CookeVerified account @charlescwcooke Mar 7
Charles C. W. Cooke Retweeted Carol Bannon
I’m the editor of National Review Online.
When you put five decades into breeding hillbillies you shouldn’t be at all surprised to hear the faint sound of banjos coming from the basement.
Makes sense. Georgia Republicans fuck dogs.
And that’s why they invited a dog abusing DUMMOCRETIN?
The shit pressure is getting extreme!
President Donald Trump has promised to deliver better healthcare at a lower cost while allowing every American access to coverage.
What i have read, the republican plan does not do that.
Fucking Moron @ 26, you should learn to color inside the lines before moving on to word books.
trump: President Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii and is a secret Muslim….Never backed that up.
trump: Ted Cruz father killed Kennedy….Never backed that up.
trump: Obama tapped the phones at trump tower….
For those of you playing along at home, here is the score thus far:
Officeholders Elected by Washington State’s Voters: 1
Officeholders Rejected by Washington State’s Voters: 0
The sweet taste of victory:
The Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw their appeal — and pay our costs — confirms what I said yesterday: The President’s original travel ban was unconstitutional,” the attorney general said in a statement issued this afternoon. “Contrary to President Trump’s indefensible criticisms of the judiciary, his concession today admits that Judge Robart got it right when he enjoined the original Executive Order.”
The American Presidency should not be the first time someone works outside the home.
Too bad the rest of the country failed to take Washington’s voters seriously on that. Pay up, losers.
@29 “Pay up, losers.”
Kicked Trump’s ass.
“The Trump administration also agreed to pay court costs.”
Got something snide to say, Doctor Dumbfuck? I have an idea. Lay a dozen hashtags on us, you dumbfuck America-hating traitor.
And that was before this came out.
“Jeff Sessions Likely Met Russian Ambassador A Third Time”
Sucks to be Sessions.
“American voters say 52 – 40 percent that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearings and say 51 – 42 percent that he should resign”
Also sucks to be Doctor Dumbfuck. You never should have sided with Russia against America, you piece of shit traitor.
On a more local (to me anyway) vein, our own State Senator Doug Ericksen took a job with the Trumppp administration for a shade under $2 grand a week.
The Washington State Constitution:
No person, being a member of congress, or holding
any civil or military office under the United States or any other power, shall be eligible to be a member of the legislature; and if any person after his election as a member of the legislature, shall be elected to congress or be appointed to any other office, civil or military, under the government of the United States, or any other power, his acceptance thereof shall vacate his seat, provided, that officers in the militia of the state who receive no annual salary, local officers and postmasters, whose compensation does not exceed three hundred dollars per annum, shall not be ineligible.
Seems to me that the State Constitution is quite clear on the subject: our local “strict constructionist” Senator forfeited his seat, and is now claiming to still hold it even when the Law has been specifically pointed out to him. He lost his seat the moment he accepted the position. There is no recall needed, no new election to see him retain it, he gave it up voluntarily. It’s entirely automatic.
So why is this not being made an issue? I’ll tell you why. The fucking Conservatives have absolutely no regard for the law, nor do they give a rats ass what the Constitution says. They never really have. They pretend it doesn’t “really” say what it says, they pretend the Law doesn’t apply to them somehow.
That makes them frauds.
But we knew that already. It’s time to enforce the Law on this matter.
Heh. Guess where the asshole’s hand was when it farted @5..
So insane klown preznit once tweeted that Jon Huntsman gave away America to GYNNA!
So now ikp has given Huntsman a new job:
ambassador to RUSSIA!
Tillerson oversees the hollowing out of State:
“Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed.
… Inside the State Department, some officials fear that this is a politically-minded purge that cuts out much-needed expertise from the policy-making, rather than simply reorganizing the bureaucracy.
There are clear signals being sent that many key foreign policy portfolios will be controlled directly by the White House, rather than through the professional diplomats.”
Purging institutional memory from the State Department (remember the dissent channel?), memory that spans both Republican and Democratic administrations, serves whose interests?
It begins with an “R”..
(no, not Republican, at least not directly)…
@35 Putin will be pleased. But that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Pleasuring Putin.
The whole lot of them should die in prison. And toss Doctor Dumbfuck in there with them. Justice would truly be served if he spent the remaining years of his life being a pudgy, pasty white boy toy bitch for the black inmates in Cell Block D.
So let me see if I can get this straight,
Obama and his administration, including the Clintons, were so totally incompetent that they couldn’t create a good health care system, screwed up foreign relations, destroyed the economy, blew up the national debt, lost millions of jobs, alienated even the friendliest nations, allowed international agreements that screwed the United States on trade, and bungled every overseas military action.
At the same time they’re able to mastermind a sweeping conspiracy involving paid protesters, various lists of dozens or hundreds of people considered “enemies” who are now all dead, managed to gin up multiple studies from multiple different sources to produce laughingly fraudulent data, fully incorporated the majority of the media to report fake news with fake facts and fake sources, located and convinced millions upon millions of people to vote illegally, and break the law by wiretapping Trump Tower during and after the election, all without leaving even a single shred of evidence or having even one major player with knowledge of any of that come forward and toss a hand grenade into the whole clandestine mechanism?
So which is it? Massive, world-ending levels of incompetence or massive, world-ending Machiavellian scheming?
I’m becoming more and more disconcerted about the whole thing. But then of course, there is this. Completely coincidental, of course.
It’s pretty evident that what is going on is smuggling of some sort. Cash or some other valuable and fungible commodity such as bouillon or Grey Poupon. Park next to each other on some obscure tarmac in some smaller regional airport and sit there for a day. A couple of million dollars in cash fits in a small suitcase or even a smaller container when it’s something else. The Swiss and Germans don’t make million dollar wristwatches for the fashion.
Sky Rockets in flight, it’s an afternoon of delight.
“Tea Party Leader Tears Apart House Health Plan: Prices Will ‘Skyrocket'”
Et Tu Rasmussen
49% approve, 51 % disapprove.
The approval index sits at -8
Wiliam Henry Harrison had a better second month than Trump.*
*I stole this joke from someone on twitter that I can’t find but for the history nerds of the world, god damn that’s funny.
Maybe not.
Gutting the essential health benefits may enable sister-fucking hillbilly states to drastically lower prices for health plans.
Of course, they will be health plans that pay for nothing but abstinence education, dick pills, and eyelash implants.
What about sex change operations? You covered? Big deductable?
I propose that Goldstein be used as a verb.
New on Your Dinner Tab: a Labor Surcharge
“I really wanted to try Tarzan i Jane but after they goldsteined their menu I decided instead to pay my rent this month.”
I’m pretty sure Orwell got there first. Sixty years ago.
Editorializing in the opening…
“In Lieu of steep menu price increases…”
This is a crappy writer with no analytic skills. If, for example, a 3-4% “surcharge” cited in the same sentence is going to cover the labor costs translate that to the food and drink as a same percent price increase.
The STEEEEEP increase would mean a table that has a $100 bill prior to labor increases is now looking at a bill of $103-104.
“Wow, that’s steep. I can’t eat here anymore.” -no one
BTW, it’s the same fucking thing you moron WSJ writer. It’s the associative property of math. (menu item + menu item + menu item) x service charge = (menu item x service charge as price increase) + (menu item x service charge as price increase) + (menu item x service charge as price increase
(25+25+25+25) x 1.03 = 103
Generally, employers may deduct the remuneration paid to employees up to $1,000,000 as “ordinary and necessary” business expenses. Obamacare added a lower limitation for certain health insurance providers that exceeds $500,000 paid to an officer, director, or employee. This section repeals the lower limit on the deduction of a covered health insurance provider for compensation attributable to services performed by an applicable individual starting in 2018.
Unable to wait for reconciliation, Trailer Trump America has begun doling out billionaire tax cuts right away!
@42 ahole is as ahole does.
I don’t mind a business owner covering its costs and trying to get as much margin as the market can bear. If it’s too spendy it’s too spendy. You can learn to prepare a lot of great meals by watching youtube.
I mind bullshit cheap labor propaganda. No business from yours truly. Ever. A labor surcharge item on yelp listings would help shut that shit down.
Note to trolls: just went out to dinner last night at a favorite neighborhood place. No bullshit surcharge in sight.
Here’s the latest progress on the hillbilly revolution:
As of 4pm yesterday, two term African American President Barack Hussein Obama is still slightly over 92% in charge of the federal government. And Teh Hillbilly Jeebus is still throwing twitter tantrums and running away to play golf.
Legislation proposed by the White House: none.
Legislation passed: none.
Key nominees named: 40.
Key nominees approved: 18.
Key positions they haven’t had time to think about even once in the last four months: 512.
White House offices remodeled: 17 (almost as many as nominees approved).
Eisenhower offices remodeled: 43.
Presidential dick pills consumed: 200.
I mentioned once before my local Pizza and Beer place put a note on the tables for a month or two saying they had raised the price of all pizzas $1 to cover the increase in the minimum wage, thanks for understanding. That’s it. The base price of any size pizza is +$1.
So yeah, when I go there by myself and have a personal and a beer I pay an extra $1. When the whole family goes and we get the same extra large we always got I pay an extra $1.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me a living wage was free.”
The only reason to put a “labor surcharge” as a line item on the bill is to try to get the asshole segment of the population to resent your employees.
It is quite possible that the surcharges are intended to provide a way for the house to pay higher back of house wages without simultaneously raising tip out to front of house. Servers at white table cloth establishments are now commonly going home after a six hour shift with between $200 and $300.
Many establishments that have tried to support higher wages among cooks and dishwashers by doing away with tipping, raising prices 15% to 20%, and paying higher wages to back of house staff have experienced turnover among servers.
Definition: a doctor making $500K/year who whines about people making a living wage and having health care insurance.
-a doctor making $500k/year who whines about paying an extra fifty cents for his
fatty liverextra value meal.Maricopa County raises the bar on patriotism.
Such has always been the same. They were the same when they called themselves the Ku Klux Klan. They were the same when they called themselves the Silver Legion. They were the same when they called themselves the Moral Majority.
They’re always the same.
Because nothing is more important than the rich getting richer, even if others must die for it.
“Paul Ryan Suggests New Health Care Bill’s Tax Cut For The Wealthy Is No Big Deal”
Fuck you, Doctor Dumbfuck. Fuck you all to hell.
Go get ’em, Ferguson!
“Washington State Seeks To Halt Donald Trump’s New Travel Ban”
“Washington state’s attorney general will ask a federal judge in Seattle to confirm that a previous court ruling halting a temporary travel ban signed by President Donald Trump applies to a revised order signed by Trump this week.”
@ 48
The only reason to put a “labor surcharge” as a line item on the bill is to try to get the asshole segment of the population to resent your employees.
I guess the fuel surcharge on medical gas deliveries is intended to make some people hate dinosaurs, then.
@ 53
Oh, Steve.
Your reaction to #CrookedHillary’s loss just makes it that much sweeter.
Had I voted for her, she still would have won Washington, and lost the Electoral College vote.
You know, Steve, had the Obamacare taxes been more equitably distributed, their repeal wouldn’t be so inequitable. Ryan’s got a point.
Samantha Bee is another DUMMOCRETIN scumbag. Picking on the hair of a cancer patient! http://politistick.com/progres.....-4-cancer/
CIA tools under Obummer became more FASCIST! Obummer’s CIA/NSA configured your smart TV, iPhone, computer laptop listening to your moans and groans in the bed room. For ylshx it was that squishy sound of moist pink panties when it reads Daily Kooks!
You really are one dumb fucking traitor, Doctor RAH. My reaction is to Republican treason, including yours. I suggest you pray to God that I limit my reaction to your treason to posting in these threads or you’re in deep fucking shit because I already would enjoy nothing better than doing truly horrible fucking things to you.
Note to libtards: ylshx just went out to dinner last night at its favorite neighborhood place.
McDonalds! Got that speshul samich!
No bullshit surcharge in sight.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Gee HA schmucks, Puddy wonders who has been wildly inflating those “expectations” of this supposed investigation? Who is it that has been on television day after day after day, spewing FAKE NEWS; talking about collusion, treason and impeachment? Now that’s really a tough one. Might it be the Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRETINS along with their moronic twits in the national libtard biased media?
Remember this HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS? https://youtu.be/9QheAtCaeMk No SMOKING Gun!
CNN’s Manu Raju, “Can you say categorically that there were no contacts whatsoever between any officials affiliated with the Russian government and the Trump campaign?”
House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, “Not that I’m aware of. We still haven’t seen any evidence of anyone from the Trump campaign, or any other campaign for that matter, that’s communicated with the Russian government.”
Once again we learn that DUMMOCRETINS SUCK! Full of gross DUMMOCRETIN incompetence!
Imagine this… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....wikileaks/
You don’t say. Much better information that the fools at raw story!
So Robby Mook spilled the beans… Clinton’s campaign team received “special intel” from Obummer’s team!
@ 59
Gee. I guess I had better keep my medical insurance, then.
Meanwhile back at the ranch… http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/cr.....-or-emails
PuddyCommentary: There goes all those Friday Night Comix and Drunken Libtard Tuesday Farts! All that scream from the useless tits on a bull gang: DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, vomit producing dead toad, Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom, salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot moist pantied arschloch jackASS, early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit, hanging human teabag licker and krazy karl!
4 out of 5 Russian spymasters said “DA!!” to Michael Flynn’s appointment to become America’s National Security Advisor.
As did Hillary Clinton’s major-party opponent.
Live on your knees.
As long as we’re gonna repeal Obamacare, while we’re at it can we index the AMT for inflation, too, please?
No, that wouldn’t do you much good, Doctor.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks he can sit at home and watch it all on TV, immune from the violence that will unfold.
“Trump supporters call for ‘liberal genocide’ and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally”
Watch the whole thing! Very revealing on the FBI and what they didn’t get a FISA request for!
Oh Shit Pressure Steve @69,
Puddy wondered WTF you were screaming about! That raw story was from November 1 2016.
Watch the head explode!
@ Steve @ 69
Already posted the story @ # 52
True American patriots, all. Real White Christian Americans that
would make any SS Officer stand proud.
Meanwhile, an author of some of the most outrageously fabricated stories, several of which have been posted right here by the Schiz and his “doctor” buddy, has come out saying that he just made all the shit up. The Schitz just lapped that ship up like it was from the Great Noodles itself.
Jesus Fucking Christ, Conservatives are goddamned stupid. There is absolutely no point whatsoever trying to reason with someone who is so tribalistic and brainwashed that they’ll agree to anything that bolsters the lies they tell themselves and think they’re able to convince people with.
The GOP is a cult. They make the goddamn Branch Davidians and the MOVE organization look almost rational by comparison.
Of course the article in the Rolling Stone will be discounted by HA DUMMOCRETINS! http://www.rollingstone.com/po.....ia-w471074
I propose that Goldstein be used as a verb.
Good to see you’ve discovered something so new, so fresh, so
last yearthe year before last:Douglas writes that his restaurants are “immediately removing the 2% wage equality surcharge,”
The best part wasn’t that he backed off immediately at the first hint of criticism; the best part was that he had just admitted the higher minimum wage was going to cost a whopping 2% more.
But we have good news on your naming rights: “thinking you’re original and clever, when you’re just really old and stale,” is a great definition for “Dumbfuck”.
Wear it with pride!
Awwww the vomit producing dead toad Russia collusion story is falling apart and he calls conservatives names?
As long as we’re gonna repeal Obamacare…
Wait. What?
State exchanges? Check.
Gubmit provided subsidies? Check.
Freeloader penalty? Check.
Provider support? Check.
Pre-existing conditions? Check.
Adult kids on parent’s plan? Check.
Permanently enshrining the expectation that every fat lazy Fanta guzzling diabetic hillbilly is entitled to health insurance with help from da gubmit? Great big fuckin’ CHECK.
Ryancare doesn’t repeal shit. And with each day it’s looking increasingly doubtful that Zombie Eyed Granny Starver can pass it. Fuck, he may not even last the year.
Hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
Meanwhile at the IRS… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2616837
Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal!
And those DoJ scandals need to be investigated too!
@ 74
It’s been discussed a little more recently than that. Check the Goldy twitter feed, which should take you to this:
Feb 17.
So, managers in other places failed to learn from Tom Douglas’ experience. That makes their managerial failures even more inexcusable, yes, but it does not make the issue anything new or original. You’re still almost two years late, and a few dollars short, on your silly naming idea.
And the result is the same:
…the W Hotel backed down the same day that Civic Ventures founder Nick Hanauer called them out on Twitter,
Worse yet, as Attorney General Ferguson reminded everyone back then, a surcharge for X must, by law, be spent on X, with accounting paperwork to show this in case of an audit. Given the tiny surcharges, the additional burden simply isn’t worth it. It’s another basic managerial failure from persons who presume to lecture from a position of knowledge about management.
Then again, lecturing from abject, pitiable ignorance doesn’t bother you, now does it?
Think about it: there’s failure, there’s epic failure, and then there’s failure to learn from Tom Douglas on the topic of operating restaurants in Seattle.
They may be trying to keep their workers’ wages low, but our local opponents of a living wage are always willing to redefine failure upwards.
What difference does it make….if the cost is the same, who fucking cares if the cost is rolled into the base price or if its shown as a surcharge?
Fuck, what a bunch of oversensitive pussies.
How many restaurants does tensor(with a lower case t) own?
Change of topic
Long list of struggling retailers, what is causing this? The internet taking their lunch? Not enough disposable income? All are paying their employees too much? Mismanagement?
Im thinking the internet is a signifigant reason.
The loon says, “Russia collusion story is falling apart”
There is good reason why he is known as “the loon”.
“FBI probing server connection between Trump Organization and Russian bank first reported in October”
Heh. A link to Rawstory. That alone will light the loon’s fuse. Loon head explosion in 5, 4, 3, 2…
“Fuck, he may not even last the year.”
Fuck, he might not even make it through April, maybe not even March.
Yup, the Russian collusion story falling apart alright.
“FBI has records of Trump trickster Roger Stone communicating with Russians behind DNC hacks: report”
Yeah shitstorm Steve…
citing an unnamed source.
Just like and unnamed source claimed Russia was in contact with Trump!
No one has produced evidence that the servers actually communicated. – CNN
What difference does it make….if the cost is the same, who fucking cares if the cost is rolled into the base price or if its shown as a surcharge?
That’s exactly the point we proponents of a higher minimum wage have been saying all along. Businesses raise prices all the time, for all kinds of reasons; it takes a special failure of restaurant management to charge an extra $2 on the price of a dinner in a downtown Seattle restaurant and whine that comes from having to pay the employees.
Luckily, the restaurant managers in my fair city can simply slap a 10,000% Tolerating a Loudmouthed Dumbfuck surcharge on the next meal served to our favorite troll here, and make more money than all of the penny-ante percentage minimum-wage charges would ever pay.
“– CNN”
As the walls close in on my old friend, and his dreams of an American fascist dictatorship are crumbling, I’m just glad to see that he’s finally come to believe in the veracity of the Clinton News Network.
How the Trumppp gets his news:
Trumppp wakes up in the wee hours of the morning with a random, paranoid idea. Tweets it to the whole world and rants on the subject to his handler, Steve Bannon. Bannon then calls his old friends at Brietbart and FOX and discusses the idea. Fox and Brietbart then report the subject as fact, The Trumppp then sees this on his television. Voila`, his fantasy is thus confirmed.
Remember, this man watches between 8 and 12 hours of television a day, every day. That’s what he does. He makes no decisions, he has no original thoughts or ideas. He sits and watches television and then repeats what he sees without bothering to consider where the shit he sees originates.
He’s Chauncey Gardiner, Cedro Willy and Charles Montgomery Burns all wrapped up in one fat stupid package.
So if thats the case, then why all the triggering and crying about a surcharge….hell, some of you crying-room types are boycotting places with a surcharge now…..
I know you guys are pussies and all, but god damn, you keep taking it to new levels.
And please, stop citing the “its only $2 more” BS”. The impact varies greatly between different types of businesses…..and $15 is still years away.
So if thats the case, then why all the triggering and crying about a surcharge….hell, some of you crying-room types are boycotting places with a surcharge now…..
The restaurant managers are claiming these surcharges are business decisions, but they’re really cheap, dishonest political theatre. That’s why these surcharges get revoked at the slightest challenge. (I know you hate watching something you like crumble at the first hint of a challenge, but really, you should be long habituated to that by now.)
I know you guys are pussies and all, but god damn, you keep taking it to new levels.
That’s rich, coming from a guy who loudly whines (and whines and whines and whines) about the ST3 taxes he loudly claims not to pay.
And please, stop citing the “its only $2 more”
Facts: they’re not your friend. Never have been, never will be.
Poor baby!
Oh poor tensor….
Triggered at the sight of a surcharge…
Lolz @ seattle lefty millenials.
Losing? Thats funny coming from a guy with no car living in a studio apt.
Again….how many businesses have you owned?
Dont be late for the choo choo!
And since $2 isnt that much, can we get you choo choo and bus riders to pony up another $2 per ride? It would certainly go towards paying your way a little more……and…..its only $2 more, right?
Interesting word “”access”. Republicans say everyone can “access” health care, but that doesn’t mean they can afford pay for it.
“What? you can’t access your health care? If you just stop buying those 4 iphones a month, you could afford it. Taker”
I suggest you not throw around terms you clearly do not understand.
…seattle lefty millenials…a guy with no car living in a studio apt.
While I certainly have fond memories of that great little apartment I had in my twenties, I have moved on. Try it sometime!
Dont be late for the choo choo!
Chill out, dude; trains come every few minutes at rush hour.
Again….how many businesses have you owned?
I currently own at least several dozen times as many high-end Seattle restaurants as you do, I’d bet.
And since $2 isnt that much,
It was a 2 per cent surcharge.
… can we get you choo choo and bus riders to pony up another $2 per ride?
Given that most fares are less than $3, that would be many, many times a 2 per cent surcharge.
Math, how does it work?!?