If you’re like me, yesterday’s vote was pretty rough (and if not, congrats). I will, of course, support the Democratic nominee whole heartedly. And not just because President Trump is a garbage nightmare, but because it is a million things that the President does that will be better under Biden than any Republican. And obviously the House and Senate are also important, so work on that if you can.
Roe v. Wade opponents might not have a SCOTUS majority:
“Chief Justice John Roberts left open the possibility that he could side with the Supreme Court’s liberal wing during intensive, fact-based arguments on Wednesday in a high-profile abortion case.”
Even without president RapeHero’s “wisdom and courage” to inject himself in the Alabama Senate primary, his presence will be the 5000 lb gorilla in the runoff. All the campaigns turned especially nasty in the last two weeks each launching attack ads aimed at discrediting their opponent’s loyalty to the Cheeto Jeezus.
Now with Sessions and Tuberville the only two remaining, the next four weeks will go full Lee Atwater, featuring plenty of Bridget-McCain-style racist dog-whistling and RapeHero loyalty oaths. That will probably prove irresistible to the RapeHero himself. There will be blood. Look for some “independent group” to dredge up Tuberville’s sordid past protecting athletes facing rape and assault charges. Look for some other “independent group” to raise questions about Sessions’ sexual orientation.
Thank god the corona virus hasn’t produced a run on popcorn.
Carl, I don’t think Bernie could go the distance. He’s a lovely man, but his ideas turn off some of the voters we’ll need in November. Biden has weaknesses, too, but he looks like a solid guy compared to Trump, someone the average American can vote for without reservations. And black voters love him. People will look at Biden and think, “he’ll do”, and that’s good enough for our main purpose, which is to evict Trump. Heck, even Doctor Dumbfuck might vote for Biden; that ought to be a no-brainer even for a dumbfuck. Yeah, it’ll be a bland four years, but isn’t a little boredom a whole lot better than watching a tinpot dictator appoint himself Field Marshal next January 20 and then ordering troops into the streets with orders to shoot Madonna on sight?
More encouraging Senate news from last night.
The $3 million Moscow Mitch spent on the Democratic primary in North Carolina trying to sow division went absolutely nowhere except straight to the septic lagoon behind the trailer park.
$3 million that will never be available to defend a frightened and very vulnerable Thom Tillis.
@2 Yesterday’s biggest winner in Alabama: Roy Moore’s horse. He gets to sleep in today.
Some more “2020 Texas is not 2008 Texas” news:
Having spent perhaps more money than his uncle JEB! spent losing to the RapeHero, in a bid for a safe House district Pierce Bush failed to advance in the primary, becoming the first Bush to lose a Texas election in more than 40 years.
I knew, months ago, Biden was the best choice for the Democrats in November. It looks like the Democrats are realizing this, too.
Heck, even Doctor Dumbfuck might vote for Biden
Vote against its rapist tribe? Uh, I dont think so. drumpf to dimfuk is the fufillment of legitimate rape. Sanctified by something “gold” leafed from the Franklin Mint or Goldline.
What a racist Republican “thinks” is best for Democrats is about as close as they can get to participating in this year’s presidential election.
They troll. We vote.
Today’s less-than-shocking news:
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is assessing her path forward in the 2020 Democratic presidential race, an aide to the contender told NBC News on Wednesday morning.”
Dimfuck sure is gonna miss her. He won’t have a woman candidate to bash. Except Gabbard.
If staying in front of their television and “thinking” isn’t enough for racist trolls this year, maybe they ought to think about turning up for a campaign rally like this “very fine” person:
Go ahead. Say some racist assed shit to Symone Sanders. Should be fun!
The primary field narrowing as it has (and may yet still) will undoubtedly change the complexion of the campaign messaging as well as the nature of the primary debates.
Biden coming back to assume a modest lead in delegates, the dropping out of all the other so-called “moderate” candidates, and perhaps even the dropping out of Warren some time later today, will tend to make this a two candidate race. All by itself that will tend to place some pressure on Biden to pivot a bit from his arguments about “electability” toward addressing policy specifics in his campaign rhetoric but also in debates. And it should be assumed that Sanders and Warren (if she remains in) will seek to exert the same pressure as well.
Moderate Democrats should be encouraged by that and embrace it. Facing a highly polarized and partisan electorate any candidate who seeks to define themselves exclusive in vague terms of personal character and formation narratives is at a fundamental disadvantage. Those stories and those terms are far too easily weaponized against them.
Less engaged, lean-D swing voters bombarded by attack ads and foreign espionage bot-farm campaigns may very well develop “concerns” or “uncertainties” about a candidate’s personal story, campaign narrative, or character. But those sorts of misgivings that might otherwise reduce turnout among such potential voters can be overcome by strong policy messaging that speaks directly to those potential voter’s biggest concerns. And regardless of policy, turning out those potential voters will have the biggest positive impact on down-ballot races.
The Harris County GOP is pleased to announce today a very successful initial test of our coordinated plans to solidify and advance GOP minority control in Harris County and the rest of the state of Texas:
@12 “develop ”concerns’ or ‘uncertainties’ about a candidate’s personal story, campaign narrative, or character”
Relative to what? Anyone contemplating voting for Trump doesn’t give a damn about issues or character. They’re motivated by something else entirely, something off the charts. Such as racism, Area 51, opioids, or they suffered brain damage in a pickup rollover. Or they’re voting from a cubicle in the FSB building in Moscow. Whatever the Democratic nominee’s shortcomings are, any normal, sane, voter will look past them at … Trump.
@13 Republican election strategies aren’t based on persuading people to vote for their candidates or policies; they’re based on preventing citizens from voting at all.
You may be missing the point.
What the data has shown is that the difference comes down to the people contemplating whether or not to vote at all. How they will vote is largely baked-in by polarization and partisanship. For a Democratic nominee to win they have to get these disengaged, lean-D potential voters to show up. Clinging to a model of voter behavior that assumes (in the absence of data) that candidates and parties win by persuading voters to change their minds about candidates and parties is how Democrats lose national elections (it is how Clinton lost).
2016 is a nearly perfect study in voter behavior in many respects. Clinton ran a campaign characterized by messaging mostly untethered to any strong policy goals (other than the goals agreed upon by party stallwarts). She made it mostly about her personality, character, and “fitness”.
And with a huge assist from Moldovan bot-farms so did Trump. Her character and personality were put on trial every minute of every day among those disengaged, lean-D potential voters. While there was almost no corresponding effort to challenge Trump’s character among disengaged, lean-R potential voters. And unlike Clinton with her swing voters, Trump delivered for lean-R potential voters with strong messaging on concrete policy goals related to those voter’s biggest concerns.
All the shit that we Democrats dismiss as hateful, ineffective bullshit is precisely what sold them and got them to turn out. Border walls. Summary executions for “urban thugs”. Cutting off “welfare queens”. Tariffs and trade wars. Refugee roundups. Firing NFL players for exercising their constitutional rights. Celebrating police shootings of unarmed children. Cutting taxes without regard for budget deficits.
Clinton never answered. There was never any meaningful engagement with the policy goals that were most important among her own lean-D potential swing voters. Things like expanding access to health care and eliminating medical bankruptcy. Affordable college tuition. Income inequality and minimum wage. Criminal justice reforms. She soft peddled policy objectives among her own swing voters, while at the same time mostly refusing to challenge Trump’s character among his. That approach was almost precisely formulated to flip the turnout. And it certainly made the difference in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
And if you don’t think the GOP and their Moldovan bot-farm backers will do a full court ButteryMales on Joe Biden you just haven’t been paying any attention.
If Biden wins the nom (and probably well before if he opens up a big delegate lead) they will go to work flooding the social media zone with “Creepy Joe” memes and Burisma Bullshit. That messaging is mostly not aimed at you and me or anyone else on a blog like this one (which makes you wonder about Teh Dumbfuck). Nor is it aimed at Republican voters or even lean-R potential voters.
It’s aimed at relatively disengaged, somewhat low-information, lean-D potential voters with a spotty voting record. These are potential voters who would almost never vote for Trump. It’s purpose is to produce doubts and discouragement. It’s intended to convince them of certain cliches like “my vote won’t make a difference”, “all politicians are the same”, “the system is rigged”, etc. Or it works but just producing enough uncertainty about the nominee that they decide to not bother with them.
At the same time, and mostly in ways voters like us would never see, the same Republicans backed by Moldovan bot-farms will go to work producing intense fears of Biden among their own group of disengaged, relatively low information, lean-R potential voters. Biden will take their guns. Biden will die in office leaving a Socialist in charge. Biden has dementia. Biden will raise your taxes. Sanders is better for them in this regard. But that doesn’t change the rules.
Whoever the nominee is, it’s crucial especially for down-ballot races, that they do not repeat the same mistakes that Clinton’s campaign made. This is not a good time to be timid about the policy goals that turnout your side’s swing voters.
Way higher than expected turnout in Maine resulted in delays in ballot processing. In a closed primary Maine voters are allowed to show up at the polling place and enroll in a party by selecting that party’s ballot. Far more voters turned up on Tuesday asking for a Democratic primary ballot than election officials had estimated and past history had indicated, forcing officials to make photo copies of Democratic ballots that have to be counted by hand.
At her campaign event GOP Sen. Susan Collins congratulated and thanked Maine’s voters for their unexpectedly civic pride and sense of duty. And then with quiet dignity she turned and vomited in her Birkin bag.
Speaking of Sen. Susan Collins, the front running Democrat vying in the June 9 primary to challenge her still trails ever so slightly in fund raising. Sarah Gideon has raised $7.6 million which leaves her about $1 million shy of Collins. Whichever Democrat wins the June primary will immediately receive a $4.5 million crowd funded war chest for the general election.
Biden has the black vote, and with Trump’s help, will have no trouble getting the Hispanic vote. Joe Biden won Maine. Susan Collins will get a lobster dinner with wine, if she pays for it herself.
Washington election officials are asking voters not to lick their ballots. Get your dog to lick it for you.
Greetings my most excellent Marxist-Leninist comrades! Sanders would have done a lot better in yesterday’s primaries if Elizabeth Warren would have withdrawn from the campaign a week or two ago. Just like Bloomberg’s withdrawal will help Joe Biden, so, too, would Warren’s exit help Sanders.
To have a more socialist government, your only candidate is Bernie Sanders. I encourage you to all to ask Warren to withdraw and throw her support behind Bernie because that is the most likely candidate to bring socialism to America’s government.
As for me, I won’t be voting for either a Republican or a Democrat in the 2020 presidential election. Good luck to all!
P.S – How many C-130 aircraft does it take to fly 369,000 pounds of cash from our East Coast to Baghdad? It’s a trick question because the Air Force would not use a tactical airlift aircraft like the C-130 to do that task. The Air force would most likely use two C-5s or 3 C-17s to do the job. They’d also most likely use aerial refueling to extend the range of the aircraft involved and to provide for better security from threats on the ground.
“Montana Gov. Steve Bullock … plans to run for the US Senate, … a decision that improves the party’s chances for winning a majority in the Senate.”
But a recent U. of Montana poll gives incumbent Daines (R) a 9-point lead over Bullock, and Cook Political Report rates Montana as “safe R,” so it probably would take a Dem blowout to pry this seat out of Republican hands.
GOP Rep. Mark Meadows dissembles on why Senate Republicans suddenly feel it’s imperative to investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All Sleepy Joe needs to do is keep his cool and shrug it off. The voters won’t be fooled. They’ll see it for what it is.
@22 the goodspaceguy with his running mate mikethemover eagerly awaits your vote in November.
GOP Rep. Mark Meadows dissembles on why Senate Republicans suddenly feel it’s imperative to investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma
The Repukes are haunted by spectre of the black guy guiding sleepy joe from benind the scenes..
Soros was/is “the puppetmaster”. That’s who’s controls the black guy.
Wait a sec.. Is this dated? What’s wafting out of the fever swamps these days?
@22 I have no idea how many C-130s it took, maybe a whole fleet of them, and nobody knows where the money went. For more details, see, e.g. …
“Between April 2003 and June 2004, $12 billion in U.S. currency—much of it belonging to the Iraqi people—was shipped from the Federal Reserve to Baghdad, where it was dispensed by the Coalition Provisional Authority. Some of the cash went to pay for projects and keep ministries afloat, but, incredibly, at least $9 billion has gone missing, unaccounted for, in a frenzy of mismanagement and greed.”
Gone missing in a frenzy of mismanagement and greed while Bush43 was in charge. Maybe better management on our end could have prevented that, hey? Next time, vote for a Democrat.
P.S., if that was intended as a slam on Democrats, you missed, and shot your own balls off. In which case, nice shootin’, Ace! Maybe you’ve got your presidents and countries mixed up. Maybe you thought this related to Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Perhaps you think “Baghdad” is the capital of Iran.
This blog needs better trolls. Unfortunately, it only gets stupid ones.
As dishonest as the Trumpublican Senate play is, it’s fundamentally weak as fuck. Still, it’s about all they’ve got.
When Republicans rank fear of “terrism” and “medical bankruptcy” ahead of “fear of socialsim” and “fear of Pres. Sanders” then it’s hard to imagine that Biden’s 50-year-old adult son is going to produce a huge panic turnout among the arm-fishing electorate.
Biden would undoubtedly be the stronger nominee in terms of not producing GOP swing turnout. But the question remains how well can he produce Democratic swing turnout which will be decisive in terms of down-ballot races. Part of that will depend on how Biden responds to the issue attacks he will now have to face from Sanders going forward.
Schumer was a naughty boy today. Should watch his mouth better.
There, I said it. Now, when will Dimfuck acknowledge that Trump is a naughty boy every day, and needs to watch his mouth better every time he opens it?
Don’t hold your breath.
Somehow escaped this troll’s notice that Biden has already staked out policy positions far to the left of anything the Radical Kenyan Usurper was willing to support at any point.
With a House and Senate in Democratic hands the river of Trump Tears might very well flood the trailer park. But “look on the bright side”. Perhaps you’ll finally put out the fire in the tire dump next door.
All the people who followed the Seattle Times editorial board’s advice to vote for Klobuchar wasted their votes.
Like voting for Libertarian candidates.
Get rid of the Fucking Hump in November! That will be true positive impact to this Country.
And as on DU commentator noted –
There’s you positive impact you rotten fuck!
These mother fuckers should be ashamed….beyond ashamed, they should all be hung by their balls. If there is anything more positive than the comment I posted @33 then it would be for all those mother fuckers to die in a bus crash as a team.
Fuck you, you mother fuckers! This is what fucking mother fucking neanderthals do.
an apology? I want them all to burn in a big bus crash, they don’t deserve to live, this world doesn’t need people like them.
@34 I wouldn’t go that far. Just pull all the glass from the sideboards at the next game and let ’em eat hockey pucks.
14@godwinha http://horsesass.org/drinking-.....nt-1397943
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
911Tennessee deaths from the tornado (so far):
2124coronavirus death rate 3.4%
Hey Seattle – it’s a positive impact! No crying now.
How about that Stock Market Boob!
@36 more people died in a car crash than in Tennessee that day, they have nothing to cry about. They need to suck it up.
In other news – Kobe Bryant (and daughter) died in a helicopter crash….oh, and there were a few others on board the heli.
Poetic justice.
More positive impact shit.
I am far from a Shaun King fan.
But I won’t criticize him for this.
Somehow thinks that the “moderate” Democratic candidate being pushed to the left will somehow workout well for the next Unite the Right Tiki Torch rally.
Moderates can’t set a pick on Bloomberg if he’s in the stands leading cheers against Trump. It’s one on one time.
@41 All is forgiven and forgotten, in light of who he will be running against this fall.
2016. Republicans Sure he’s got flaws like the pussy grabbing and he’s a racist con man, but at least he’s not black or a strong woman.
2020 Democrats sure he’s a nostalgia cantidate making America 1996 again but at least he’s not the impeached miserable failure and billionaires feel safe.
It’s come to this.
Perhaps. Quite a few more delegates to be awarded.
And Biden already starts out very well to the left of where any of his Democratic predecessors ever were. And if he is to open up a delegate gap and go on to become the nominee, in the next three months Biden will face considerable pressure to move further to the left before the convention. For all the excitement among moderate and conservative Democrats about his turn around, it isn’t because he’s suddenly the presumptive nominee. It’s because one week ago he was dead in the water.
Right now he uses that excitement to drive a burst of donor clicks and consolidate endorsements in the moment. The moment always cools. In the aftermath he’ll be faced with swaying huge numbers of primary voters who like what the progressive candidates are saying about access to health care, college affordability, and income inequality. In order to open up the delegate gap he needs he will need to come to them somewhat. If not he risks a second ballot at the convention.
Ding, dong, the witch is dead.
@ 45
He risks a cerebrovascular event before the convention.
Jill Biden is the best thing about Joe Biden. She’s hot. She’s badass.
Somehow this photo should be a campaign ad.
See, YLB, if you’d only get off your knees, one day you might be a strong woman just like Jill Biden.
@46 – The sixty-four dollar question is who Liz will throw her support behind. If she had not been the race on Super Tuesday, Bernie would have won more states, thus showing more support for the far left segment of the Democrat Party. If Liz backs Bernie, then Biden will have quite a struggle to get the nomination. If Bernie prevails, Trump will have a second term.
Disclaimer: I will NOT be voting for Trump or The Democrats’ nominee in November. I will write-in a person who I think will be better than either of them.
(Man, Liz trashes Bloomberg at the debate and STILL loses! What a country!)
Man, Liz trashes Vloomberg at the debate and…
…Billionaire Plutocrat II who spent $500 million promoting Third Way “bi-partisanship” goes down in flames.
No matter how you dude bros slice it, by this time next year you are on the run with fewer places to hide.
@46. We got. Strong women scare you. Get help.
Ha! The racist incel can’t even paste the URL accurately, probably giddy in relief that the scary woman can’t be president.
So far the Great Fears that are poised to prod the Trailerbilly Turnout appear to be (in no particular order):
– The Nominee’s 50-year-old failson is not an ethical business person;
– The Nominee is older than 65;
– The Nominee has a trophy wife.
Mmmkay. Good luck with that.
Now I’m voting for Bernie.
You know, it’s interesting to think that even at this point it’s not too late for the RapeHero to pivot.
He could cease pandering to the Cinder Block Trailer Base, open bi-partisan negotiations with Congress, discontinue the trade and tariff wars, restore support funding for military service members and their families, and open up some kind of dialog about reducing the huge numbers of uninsured Americans staring bleakly into the abyss of medical bankruptcy. He could stop the steady stream of offensive hate-filled rage-tweets. He could talk more about “Making America Great” for all Americans, instead of just the older white ones.
That might just be enough to put the “No Matter Who” resistance to sleep, especially in the few states where he really needs the help. But we all know he can’t do it. As easy as that would be for any normal politician to do, Trump can’t. He can’t do that any more than he can get Mexico to pay for a wall, or bring back manufacturing jobs, or balance the budget, or bring home any troops. He has no capacity in his personal character to do these kinds of things. It is not in his nature to make progress or to empathize. So he can never persuade. All he can do is stoke and reinforce fear and hatred. And in doing so he will continue to drive turnout among lean-D voters.
And none of our trolls can really argue with any of this. They accept the RapeHero as he is and they value him for it over everything else, including their own national loyalty.
PDF @ 49
No word yet on an endorsement, but based on no evidence whatsoever I choose to believe that she’s already pledged her endorsement privately to Sanders and is about to tell him she’s withdrawing it in order to switch to Biden.
Just because that would make her … an Indian giver.
It’s gonna be Biden and Warren knows it. Everything she ever wanted to accomplish at the executive level has just gone out the window. She no longer has a reason to claim to stand for anything.
Plus, she thinks Bernie called her a liar on national TV, so shivving him provides her with a bit of comfort.
From the photo I’m not sure I buy it. Given the mistakes that security people make so frequently I sure wouldn’t dismiss it, either.
Report: Pelosi Security Points Gun at Trump Supporters From New Jersey Rooftop
(Confidential to The Fucking Moron II @ 51: The link is to the whole piece, not just to the photo. Same intent as @ 48 – for context.)
This is what they have to tell themselves if they are going to have any hope of making it through the years following the 2020 census watching Texas, Florida, and Georgia slowly, inexorably slip from their grasp.
At least they’ll always have West Virginia.
Bernie won California. Probably.
The latest tranche of Mueller 302s released under court order show Cuck-Curious JarJar was being widely recruited by Russian as well as numerous other espionage agencies from as far back as early 2016 right up until the closing of the investigation under orders from Barr. It actually appears that he managed to successfully resist most of these efforts.
@46 No, your link is dead. But … you’ve piqued my curiosity … so, I want to ask:
Got a new “witch”? And if so, … what’s wrong with your previous one? Not “witchy” enough?
Stone still a convicted felon, still praying for a new trial while delaying the inevitable, still awaiting a pardon that has now been forgotten. Honestly, he’d be better off in custody where he could be held on suicide watch.
But in the midst of this flaming human failure the GOP has dutifully embraced Stone’s Innocence Project. And it’s a whopper.
The avowed theory of Stone’s innocence as articulated by the GOP is as follows:
– Stone’s jury was packed with DERP STATE conspirators because one of them once served in the Coast Guard and another juror’s father had once worked for the CIA for a few years before she was born (full disclosure I have a parent who worked as a CIA accountant and financial analyst for about a decade – at least that’s what we were told!!!???).
– Some of the jurors watched television news sometimes.
Now it turns out that one of the stolen documents relied upon by the GOP/Qanon defenders of Stone to discredit the jury he selected included some un-redacted hand written notes from whoever assisted in the document stealing. There are apparently a few other tell tales that have been identified by ABJ’s office investigating the document theft. Statue runs for 5 years.
Interesting: If a woman is assertive she’s a “witch,” but a man who’s a liar, cheat, and bully is seen as manly or whatever.
Republican writ large.
@48 In other words, you it comforting that there will be another Edith Wilson and Nancy Reagan in the White House to run things if old Joe has a cerebrovascular event or sleeps through crises.
@49 “I will write-in a person who I think will be better than either of them.”
No mystery about who that is. If ya want something done right, ya gotta do it yourelf, amirite?
You’ll tell your grandchildren you were a presidential candidate. Whereupon they’ll say, “Gee, grandpa, we can’t find any mention of you in our history books.”
@51 Because his hands were shaking. He had a cerebrovascular event some time ago. His wife has to help him up onto the stool behind the horse now.
@52 You’re wasting your time. The irony will be totally lost on him.
@64 – That’s funny, considering how you liberal progressives are inadvertently doing your best to get Trump re-elected.
@55 Michelle Malkin’s blog? You’re that desperate for “sources”? Understandable, I guess. And that level of desperation breeds strange physics. With respect to stretching space and time, you and Malkin make Einstein look like a piker.
@56 From the photo, I’m not sure I buy it, either. And after reading the “whole piece” and checking its source, I’m sure I don’t.
Speaking of the “whole piece,” this time your “source” is: “Black Wire Media is the communications division of The Colition of New Jersey Firearms Owners”
You have godawful sources, doc. As bad as … what the hell was that troll’s handle? I forget. Our trolls are so utterly forgettable I can’t even remember their handles.
@57 “At least they’ll always have West Virginia.”
I wouldn’t be too sure of that. For now, yes, but the people there might want work again someday.
@61 If he’s pardoned, instead of being a convicted criminal, he’ll be a pardoned convicted criminal.
Nice. Gives him something to look forward to.
Presidents can only pardon, and only courts can exonerate. They’re not the same.
What will a pardon from Trump be worth in history books? Trump pardons are to reputation what cheap tricks are to sex.
@67 So what’s your platform? Or should we assume that, since you have only one supporter, you don’t need one?
It’s boring here. Doc’s not on his game today and there’s nothing else going on except fetid whatsizname, who’s never the least bit exciting. So I think I’ll go shopping for stocks to see if anything is on sale today.
@74. Possibly something worth buying, It’s down 900 points when I last checked. The racist incel has not be crowing about the market much the last week or so.
I see Dumbfuck’s pet stock has fallen back to its March 13, 2018 price. He hasn’t collected a penny of dividends since then. Poor horse, it has to eat last summer’s now-brown grass.
She’s not bad, not bad at all. But dude, she’s got wrinkles where you can see and can’t see. Stick with Sarah Palin…..speaking of witches.
His cheerleading skirt might be at the cleaners from all the barn activity.
@75 I’d be looking at banks, airlines, and delivery services, among others. May take a while for these businesses to recover from the virus’ impacts, but that’s okay, in investing patience is a virtue.
Timing stock purchases is difficult in this environment — who knows if this is the ultimate bottom? — but the stock market as a whole appears to have leveled off over the last week, and now is just seesawing up and down a thousand points a day. Despite these huge daily swings, the Dow hasn’t broken under 25,000, and don’t forget the Fed is backstopping it.
Look at P/Es, weigh the virus’ impacts on the business they’re in and how long those business effects will linger after the epidemic is over, assume other investors are stupid, and try to pick off oversold stocks of decent companies that will bounce back from this. A few may suffer permanent damage, but I’m inclined to think most of the impacts will be transitory — a couple quarters of reduced earnings, maybe some delayed or foregone buybacks and/or dividend increases, but not amounting to much after all is said and done.
Doc’s not on his game today
freak had another fantasy.. yawn… Affirm Clinic left it poorer and not any better off. Combine that with stock market? Heh. limp city.
Not voting for the bank, pharma, foot in mouth, endless-war enablling senator in the primary.. No effin’ way.. My vote goes out in the mail today.
I hear cash has covid-19 all over it. What a blow to the pull out the cash wad crowd.. Plastic-only is the millennial lifestyle and that’s not completely safe. Purell is cumbersome and used primarily if the cash wad type is unlucky enough to shake hands with a black guy.
Sux to be them.
The irony will be totally lost on him.
That is what gives irony its power.
Those same things that strike enormous fear and urgency in the hearts of “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE” when it comes to any Democratic elected official, are strangely soothing and comforting when it comes to any Republican.
Trump’s adult failsons (and oldest daughter and son-in-law) are disgracefully unethical and corrupt in ways that defy all norms. Cuck-Curious JarJar recently used Ryan tax credits and access owing to his White House position to increase his stake in a commercial real estate investment from $5 million to $50 million in just three years.
Trump is frequently on the edge of emotional and physical collapse, suffering enormous lapses in cognition and awareness, slurring his speech, losing track of his thoughts, and forgetting crucially important names, dates, events, and locations. And this is a man whose own official schedule shows him working fewer than five hours a day, four or fewer days per week.
Trump’s third living trophy wife, having arrived in the US as an undocumented alien seeking to become a fashion model, and never having advanced beyond catalog undies and partial nudity, these days refuses to live with him.
The less these “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE” see, the dumber they look to everyone else.
And lets be honest, thirty six months ago these lying frauds were anything but “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE”, heartily cheering their recent victory and loudly heralding the impending era of Trumpublican domination. They never stop lying. They all voted for Trump. And they are all going to do it again.
They think that makes them “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE”.
But all it really makes them is hapless victims of a grift.
It’s not hard to spell it, but if you need help it is spelled P-U-T-I-N
I might do the same thing. Just for fun.
@77 “Stick with Sarah Palin”
I heard she’s available, for anyone who wants her. Todd got tired of black eyes. The lady has quite a swing.
@73 – Not socialism.
@80 “I hear cash has covid-19 all over it.”
No problem if cocaine sterilizes it.
In Bob’s case, the Principal wants to see what kind of shoes the horse is wearing.
@84 Got it. Anything but socialism. Fascism okay, sucking up to Putin okay, crony capitalism okay, corruption okay, more pollution and carbon emissions okay, too; but God save us from Social Security, Medicare, or helping our neighbors in need. Don’t see why you need to write in yourself, though, when you’ve already got a party and candidate who stand for all of those things.
Bob could be very busy listing all the positive things that have come from this flu flu flu and all the many positives that are to continue to come from it. Is quite a lengthy list to get preoccupied with.
Alternative Sanitizer
Unable to find hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, or wipes on store shelves, our household is considering using high-proof vodka, which also works as a mouthwash and throat gargle.
The “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE” platform is Republicanism…
…right up until the moment when it inevitably begins to fail.
We all remember those days in early September of 2005 when every single one of them quietly slipped out to the garage and gently scraped the “W” sticker off the truck bumper.
And the failure was only just getting started.
Soon the war in Iraq would explode into an unchecked insurgency that had long been predicted by the regional political experts who had fought the GOP administration’s policies. Soon after that the global economy would collapse under a mountain of speculative debt wiping out over $17 trillion dollars of household wealth in only a few months.
EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE always cheer on and claim credit for Republicans when they are winning. And they always try to slip away among the hostages when the hostage stand-off falls apart. They are the most disgraceful cowards in all of American politics.
Investing note: “It will take considerable time — perhaps several quarters — before we can be confident that the virus has been contained. It will take even longer for the global economy to recover its footing.”
From one of the better-informed sources out there — certainly much, much better than Dimfuck’s “sources”.
@91 “They are the most disgraceful cowards in all of American politics.”
That’s like saying water is wet. Unfortunately many trailerbillies still drown every year due to their ignorance of the wetness of water.
Unfortunately many trailerbillies still drown every year due to their ignorance of the wetness of water.
The heavy day-drinking probably does not help much.
Something weird is going on at CNN’s website. When I open CNN, I get their January 15, 2020 news page.
That timeline would certainly tend to increase the risk of China corp and fin sector being pushed into a debt crisis – one that has been in the making for a long time.
I assume that since most Chinese debt is denominated in RMB, the hope had always been that a slowing Chinese economy could be managed by lenders and the central government financial regulators. It would be entirely reasonable to conclude that a prolonged pandemic contagion directly reducing productivity in China would reduce, if not eliminate, the flexibility available to those Chinese financial regulators in managing that debt.
What a shock.
But I thought he did so earlier?
But I thought he did so earlier?
I suppose the photos and videos of him jerking another dude at Coachella might have been misconstrued.
Good for Aaron. I have no issues with him. Happy for him.
Not sure I could have done what he did as a congressman, and vote against his own interests, but a career is a career and if he felt he had to do what he did to stay employed, then I can’t blame him, I blame society. He’s a perfect example of the result of bigoty and homophobia, and Neanderthals that walk this earth.
I know this is the media and possibly not mainstream point of view, but I really don’t get it.
I mean when was it the year of the woman? Did the media come out in 2016 and call it “the year of the Woman”?
What about “The year of the Gay”? or “The year of the Black”?
I mean – just that fact that three (or more) woman this year even put their hats in the ring – isn’t that something?
I mean are we supposed to elect a woman just because she’s a woman?
You can ask me the same question about Mayor Pete. But I supported Mayor Pete for my own personal reasons including because he was gay. I didn’t come out and say that this had to be the year of the gay.
I see that Clinton had tits (which I voted for those tits), and I can see Kamala has tits, same as Warren and Clubfoot, and the Russian one. But, be a President before you are a woman. Stop making a big deal about there not being a woman or a black person to choose from anymore. Nobody in mainstream is saying, but there’s no gay person to vote for.
How about asking where all the gay professional sports players are? Isn’t that more of a problem then no woman any longer in contention? Where is – When will it be year of the gay professional sports player?
Really – WTF! is wrong with this picture. Suck on it.
“Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Thursday that he opposes censuring Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer … because ‘If we start censuring him, they’re going to want to censure Trump’ ….”
Oh go ahead, everyone knows it’s just partisan grandstanding, anyway.
CNN is back to normal.
Doctor Dumbfuck is not normal, never was, and never will be.
CNN is more resilient than Doctor Dumbfuck, and recovers faster.
You still can’t be gay and Mormon on the same day, or in the same week, month, year, or lifetime.
Instead of begging and pleading with the immovable church elders over this, why don’t they just leave the church, and find a more welcoming religion?
Biden isn’t exciting. He doesn’t offer a bold vision. Here’s why black voters (and others) are choosing him over other, more dynamic, candidates:
“We don’t need anyone going into the White House behind this mess that Trump has created … trying to get it together. It’s like trying to make a cake. … Biden knows the recipe.”
Plus … maximizing the odds of getting rid of Trump.
@103 incest, polygamy, baby brides, and rape are a-ok though.
Makes sense – bunch of Neanderthals.
Repukelican COMES OUT!
Former Republican Representative Aaron Schock, who had voted against LGBT protections while in Congress, came out as gay Thursday in a post on his website. The one-time Illinois congressman said he would be fighting for LGBT rights now if he was still in office.
“I am gay,” Schock, 38, wrote in the lengthy post…
Schock said his family disowned him when he came out and still sends him emails about conversion therapy
Classic story of klownservatic repukelicans.. Oh shoot gman got there before me..
YLB, girfriend, y’all got an unexpected free afternoon for shopping.
This event was cancelled.
Womxn’s March on Seattle 2020: The Next Revolutionaries
Cancellation statement: “With heavy hearts, Seattle Womxn Marching Forward has voted NOT to gather at Beacon Hill Playfield for the 2020 Womxn’s March on Seattle this coming Sunday, March 8th. This decision is due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in King County, and influenced by the most recent recommendations released by public health.”
Take heavy heart, sistah. You’ll have So! much! more! to protest only weeks after after Trump’s inauguration in January.
It all seems like an eternity ago. But one of William Barr’s very first actions upon becoming AG was to have Schock’s felony theft and corruption prosecution reassigned to Joe Fitzpatrick in Chicago where it was made to go away. He was facing years for what he did. He might even have shared a cell with Duncan Hunter.
“…inauguration in January.”
I doubt Trump will attend. He’ll have Marine One fly him straight to Bedford so he won’t have to witness the biggest celebration of Republican humiliation in history. From there I’m guessing it will be a long flight to a country of non-extradition within Putin’s orbit. Let’s hope they can get enough Pringles and Diet Coke.
GOP RapeHero will just have to make do I guess:
Fauxchahontas burned through 90 million liberal dollars.
Bloomberg burned through $500 million conservative anti-GOP dollars in only three months. And says he’s ready to do it again a few more times before November.
Kinda glad I don’t live in a battleground state, don’t listen to AM Hate radio, and don’t watch commercial television. Also kinda glad I still get to watch the Trumpublican Party dumpster fire finally sink below the rising blue wave. Laughing all the way.
No worries. Great compliment to the post
111. Most of that money was spent on people and field offices. All that infrastructure and social capital is going to be repurposed for Bernie and Biden and Democrats.
Money well spent.
Heh. Poor dumfuk musta been inflamed by stories of a young repukelican, working out, getting 6 pack abs, taking repukelican money to decorate its offices “downton abbey”
and turning out gay..
awwwwww…. it had a sad.. and it gets so angry.. Heh. sweet..
The price of unprincipled partisan hypocrisy: When Trump crossed a line, Republicans protected and defended him; then when Schumer crossed a line, they had no right to complain.
What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Garry Kasparov, who not a Trump or Sanders fan, says “Florida is likely long gone for Sanders after his comments about Cuba and Israel.” RealClearPolitics has a poll that puts Biden at 61% and Sanders at 12% in Florida. Looks like Kasparov may be onto something, to wit, a risk of kissing Florida’s electoral votes goodbye if Sanders is the nominee.
@107 “YLB, girfriend …”
It appears the horse had enough, because it seems Doctor Dumbfuck is now trying his hand at online dating. Not only that, he sees an avatar of an obviously male person and thinks that person is his “girlfriend.” Not sure what’s going on there, but yeah, whatever ….
@109 Trump won’t be able to escape from the celebrations. A hundred thousand people will pour into Lafayette Park, a million into Times Square, and big crowds outside Mar-a-Lago and in every major city in America will be whooping it up. Overseas, too. It’ll be like ten thousand Mardi Gras all at once. People will be dancing in the streets and singing …
They say he wasn’t loved much in his childhood. He can look forward to being loved even less in his old age.
A nurse in California who volunteered to be part of the care team treating a patient who tested positive for COVID-19 became ill. She was placed in quarantine and examined by medical experts from her hospital, her county health authority, and her state health authority. Once her symptoms progressed and met the agreed upon criteria her county public health authority ordered the test for COVID-19.
The CDC has refused to initiate testing for her. The stated reason initially was that “if while treating her patient she had followed procedure and worn the recommended protective equipment she could not have come in contact with the COVID-19 virus”.
Sounds like science to me.
After a delay of several days and multiple follow up contacts from the county health authority the CDC modified their response, saying that the severity of the health care provider’s symptoms produced a low priority ranking for testing of her samples regardless of any other circumstances – like the fact that she was trained in the use of and was using the recommended protective equipment when she may have become infected.
Might be the kind of thing health care professionals would want to know about? I guess we should all relax. Latest news is that Pence has brought in the Housing Sec.
A federal judge, who in issuing his order also offered a stinging rebuke to AG Barr, will now be reviewing an unredacted copy of the Special Counsel Investigative Report into the Trump 2016 campaign to determine what additional portions of the report will be released to publication under FOIA.
The judge will have his copy for review by the end of this month. Additional material will be released for publication by summer.
GOP RapeHero
Hey Republican trolls! Maybe if “y’all” vote for him a second time, and it all works out for “y’all”, then some time in 2024 he might get around to showing up at the office long enough to change the name on the stationary.
PS – The rule the Republican’s RapeHero failure is pissing and moaning about was ordered by former Republican Failure George W Bush