– Are Seattle Restaurants Closing in “Record Numbers”? (Spoiler: No.)
– Continuing on the theme of Carl Ballard loves it when the New York Times realizes that Seattle exists, here’s a nice run-down of the Royal Dutch Shell lease.
– The Washington Alliance For Gun Responsibility wants you to sign a petition asking the gun lobby to knock off their lawsuit.
– Good for SPD for firing a creepy officer, and being open about why. Boo for some of the reaction to it on Facebook.
– The M/V Sally Fox is looking pretty good.
Biggest loser: Paul Krugman.
Oh, and y’all.
But in an article slated for publication in the American Economic Review, Piketty argues that political shocks, institutional changes, and economic development played a major role in inequality in the past and will likely do so in the future.
“I do not view r>g as the only or even the primary tool for considering changes in income and wealth in the 20th century,” he writes, “or for forecasting the path of inequality in the 21st century.”
Piketty also said in the article titled “About Capital in the 21st Century” that he does not “believe that r>g is a useful tool for the discussion of rising inequality of labor income: other mechanisms and policies are much more relevant here, e.g. supply and demand of skills and education.”
Hey, Vanilla Ice was only hot for a year, too.
Paul Robin Krugman (born February 28, 1953) is an American economist, Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, Distinguished Scholar at the Luxembourg Income
This is Paul Krugman:
THIS is ‘Booby’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists:
Add @1…
‘Booby’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists is like the Republican brain surgeon (pun intended) who helpfully reminded the world that the Iranians “…already control Tehran.”
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
The World Is Having a Piketty Moment http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....-resounded … via @business
And now the world is having a Piketty walkback.
What cheap shot writes may have some truth to it, but given cheap shot bob’s track record of cherry picking his data points and distorting the facts to fit his agenga, i will wait to see if there is corroborating evidence.
Note the article link still said ” In his (Piketty) article for the American Economic Review, he repeated his support for a tax on the accumulation of wealth, saying the optimal inheritance tax rate “might be as high as 50 to 60 percent, or even higher for top bequests.”
@ 5
Wise to check. Never know when someone will try to sneak a corporate lie past you, Better.
@1 No. You’re the biggest loser. One of ’em anyway.
We got a preview of the Republican budget this morning. You guessed it, more money for guns, less for the hungry and elderly.
Of course, this silliness is just a rhetorical exercise playing to the rightwing mob, because it’ll never become law, but it gives us a glimpse of what these assholes would do if they could. Eventually Boehner and McConnell will need Democratic votes to pass a budget that Obama will sign, and they both know that.
As a capitalist who does no work, produces nothing, and adds no value to the economy, I’m making about $3,600 in the stock market today, i.e. $450 an hour — 30 times the $15 minimum wage that Republicans claim is outrageously high and will destroy the economy. They also argue that capitalists like me are overtaxed and underpaid. I won’t vote for such nonsense, of course, but I’m happy to take money from them, which sure beats working for them.
$3600/0.0116 (the increase in the Dow right now) = $310,334 portfolio.
Pitiful for a retired attorney. Public or private sector.
“When people use r > g as a total explanation for today’s shameful level of inequality, Piketty says, they are not correctly representing his book’s argument…. As he says in the book, about one-third of current inequality is due to capital income; the rest is due to wage inequality.”
“But it is unquestionably the case that austerity, not education, is behind Europe’s slow growth. If you plot growth rates versus austerity from 2010-2013, as Paul Krugman does here, the relationship is stone obvious. Even the IMF admits it.”
So according to this piece, while Piketty is backing off on r > g formula, it’s not ALL of the problem, it’s only a third, it’s really wage inequality that is problem.
“Piketty said in his new paper that formula shouldn’t be seen as the “primary tool” for explaining changes in income and wealth inequality in the last century nor in forecasting what’s ahead in the current one. Other forces — both political and economic — also will play a major role in determining what occurs, he wrote in the article.
Piketty stressed in his new article that rising inequality in the U.S. in recent decades was not due to capital accumulation by wealthy Americans — a point he said he also made in his book.
Executive Compensation
Rather, it’s been caused by a widening gap between the labor incomes of top-earners and the rest of Americans. That in turn can be explained by “exploding” compensation for top company managers, large cuts in the maximum tax rates and more access to higher education by those better off, he said.”
Interesting, it reads like R>G is only a part of the problem. How would conservatives address the widening gap between the labor incomes of top-earners and the rest of Americans?
“In particular, the rise in income inequality, as opposed to wealth inequality, has “little to do” with “r > g,” he says. Blame education access and CEO compensation instead, stuff better public policy can fix.”
So, was cheap shot bob trying to squirt squid ink and confuse the issue?
@13 “So, was cheap shot bob trying to squirt squid ink and confuse the issue?”
No, he’s gloating over my poverty.
@ 14
You could always stop mentioning your daily haul. There’s a thought.
@ 13
I encourage you to read this link carefully, line by line. After you are sure you understand it, go look up the author. Or the publication. Or both.
@16 I do it because it annoys you.
Nice day in the market today. The S&P 500 finished up 26 points.
Actually, that figure is too low, Bob, which I guess means I’m underperforming the Dow, huh? (The numbers have changed a bit, too. The Dow closed up 228 points, and my take today has jumped to $4,600, but I’m definitely underperforming the market (1.1% vs. 1.29%). Which shows that even a failure like me with a punk next egg of only $423,489 can make $575 an hour by sitting on his fat ass doing nothing.
Which raises a question: Why are successful Republicans like you, who obviously do much better than that with your millions of dollars and market-beating returns (you are, after all, so much smarter than me), whining about paying working people $15 an hour? It sounds to me like you can easily afford that.
Let’s suppose someone has $5 million in stocks, which is a very modest amount, as 1-percenters go. (In fact, I’m not sure it even gets you into the 1%). Let’s also assume it’s all invested in an S&P 500-tracking ETF, which requires absolutely no investment knowledge and any moron can do. On a day like today, when the S&P 500 was up 1.36%, that person made $68,000, and he didn’t have to work for it — he didn’t even have to get out of bed!
Think about it, folks. THOSE PEOPLE are the ones complaining about America’s workers wanting $15 an hour so they can pay rent and buy food! THOSE PEOPLE are calling $15 an hour socialism, even communism, confiscatory, the end of the world, etc. etc. blah blah blah. And they ALL vote Republican, and all of the Republican electeds suck up to them.
Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?
Crazy fucking extremist Christians.
“Hey, government, we can take control. There are only 500 of you. We can get rid of the whole bunch in one smooth swoop and we can really reroute the whole ship! All hell is trembling — the gates of hell tremble! ” he shouted. “The very fact that people who love God and know God and love their neighbor, whatever stand up, speak up, and become a shining city set on a hill, oh, the demons shudder!”
So how much did you make in the stock market today, Bob? And, not putting too fine a point on it, given that you’re so much more successful than me, why are you still working?
@18 Yeah, the dollar loses a few cents against the euro, and look what happens.
“I encourage you to read this link carefully, line by line. After you are sure you understand it, go look up the author. Or the publication. Or both.”
I encourage you to go fuck yourself. Or the dog. Or both.
Bob is absolutely right, I’m a miserable failure; if I were successful like him, I’d be raking in at least $10,000 a day! If that was my income I’d be eating out every day and tipping the waitstaff with $100 bills. I wonder what sort of tipper Bob is? Is he one of those people who leave lifestyle advice instead of tips on their restaurant receipts?
Looks like the union is following Boeing to South Carolina. We’ll see how long those “right-to-work” employees are content to perform skilled aerospace work for $10 an hour. Maybe after Boeing has trained them Airbus will open a plant across the street and offer union wages and they’ll go work for the Frogs instead. ha ha ha
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock and profits from South Carolina’s anti-union labor policies, but that doesn’t mean I’d vote for cheap labor Republicans. I have a conscience, maybe not much of one, but more than any Republican voter does.
I see Bob got his ass kicked today, and he went back to drinking urine specimens. And good to see no turds left by th turdmaster Puffy.
I encourage you to read this link carefully, line by line. After you are sure you understand it, go look up the author. Or the publication. Or both.
Travis, you are asking the impossible.
teabagging buttbusting buttbigot gorilla farted at 3:52 PM…
Some people work for a living!
Still smelling too.
AUSTIN — “I say robot, you say no-bot!”
What the fast-food workers might be chanting once a machine starts asking “Would you like fries with that?”
What the fast-food workers might be chanting once a machine starts asking “Would you like fries with that?”
Both you and I are immune to that, aren’t we, Bob? For now.
The difference between us, Bob, is that you get off on dissing those less fortunate than yourself and I don’t. Well, you’re a fucking racist and I’m not. There’s that. Oh, and I could kick your lame ass from one end of Whidbey to the other and there wouldn’t a goddamned fucking thing you could do about it. So, yeah, there’s that, too. Yeah, we’re quite a bit different, you and I.
“I encourage you to read this link carefully, line by line. After you are sure you understand it, go look up the author. Or the publication. Or both.
Travis, you are asking the impossible.”
Huh! No decoder ring required. What’s up with that? Finally grow a brain?
“teabagging buttbusting buttbigot gorilla farted”
Oops! No brain yet. My bad.
@ 31
It may not be pretty, but it’s coming, Steve.
Several chain restaurants are embracing the use of tablets, which may make jobs in the food service industry as obsolete as blacksmiths and cobblers. This month, Chili’s rolled out tabletop tablets that allow customers to order food and pay their bills without a waiter. The tablets can also be used to play games- for an extra fee- while you wait for your order of fajitas.
Chili’s claims that its tablet rollout makes it the largest in the United States. In a press release, the company announced that it installed 45,000 tablets in 823 of its restaurants.
“This rollout marks the first time a restaurant company has installed communal tablets at this scale, and we were able to complete it two months ahead of schedule, bringing up to 6,600 tablets online per day,” said Austen Mulinder, the CEO of Ziosk, the company that manufactures the tablets.
Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/m.....z3UbFA1iuY
I’m not dissing anyone. Just mentioning the downside. Because there is one.
If Hillary didn’t sign the OF-109 document then Obummer conspired with Hillary to have this separate email account.
If Hillary did sign the OF-109 document then Hillary committed perjury!
Not bad Stupid Solution Steve…
Puddy agrees with you… The teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla has no brain!
James Carville went off script… http://www.politico.com/story/.....16087.html
If Clinton didn’t sign then she pulled an electronic Sandy Berger. Oh my HA DUMMOCRETINS… Clinton is a top official per Jen Psaki – Clinton operates with different rules!
Wow, another article against Hillary in Politico… http://www.politico.com/magazi.....QeAQlV4oTs
Obummer sadministration is acting normal again… http://thehill.com/policy/fina.....e-meetings
Once again libtards try to destroy Ted Cruz… Another EPIC FAYLE covered here… http://onpolitics.usatoday.com.....fire-girl/
Monday PuddyPrediction… Da Perfessa will deliver this Ted Cruz left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM on Friday!
See ya!
Does any one think a lower minimum wage would have kept ordering automaton from happening?
Any amount of wages and benifits for workers is too much in cheap labor conservatives world.
A few here and a few there and eventually there will not be eoungh people that can afford to eat out at chilis and it goes under.
Nevet mind, thst comment was sinking to the level of a conservative.
Oh my, another DUMMOCRETIN spawn demonstrating her superiot DUMMOCRETIN upbringing… http://fox59.com/2015/03/16/gi.....-arrested/
The THUG life, glamorized by DUMMOCRETINS like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears everywhere!
@29 you can’t possible smell me, that funky smell you smell is your wife.
Wow, the teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla is still using Brendan Eich’s invention! Such a hypocrite!
“Not bad Stupid Solution Steve…”
Now and then I can still bring it. So can you.
I was too mean to Bob. That was uncalled for. Grrrr. I should apologize. It’s not his fault that he was born to a life where it is so difficult to perceive the advantages that were his for race alone versus the challenges and obstacles in life that you, my friend, as a black man in America, had to face head on and overcame through determination, hard work, perseverance and your God-given gifts, those talents that are uniquely yours alone. You didn’t just face these challenges one day or another, or even many days on end. For you, whether it was something huge and awful or something too small and perhaps escape notice because it is so common, and so for you it was good day to be black, and all this only because you are black and an American.
It’s not to say that if he had been born black that Bob wouldn’t have made it and achieve the things that he has. He’s a doctor. Of course he has those same qualities of determination, hard work, perseverance and he certainly has God-given gifts and he has definitely not put them to waste. He might have made it, but he’s damned lucky that, by right of birth, for the color of his skin, he didn’t have to face the same challenges in life as you did. Like seed sowed in rock versus the good earth that was Bob’s, he may have had no chance at all, and for no fault of his own.
Bob, I apologize for the nasty post. It was uncalled for.
@46. You are a hypocrite for living in a white man’s world, go back to Africa.
Oh my teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla,
Puddy not from Africa, butthead. Puddy from west side Philly. Ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch to replay the exact Google coordinates where Puddy was from. Why does Puddy know this? Because the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has tried over 240 times to use PreviousPuddyPosts to attack Puddy. Over 240 times the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch produced EPIC FAYLE HA DUMMOCRETIN entries. Puddy PWNS this sucka just like Puddy PWNS you teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla!
So why don’t you return to the sewer you were spawned from teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla? Why are you still using Brendan Eich’s invention every day since you so vehemently despise his anti-gay stance?
Such a hypocrite!
@ 47
This was a joke, right?
“This was a joke, right?”
No, not at all.
@ 51
I had every advantage that a spindly white kid growing up in a one-parent family in the Toonerville area of Glendale, CA would normally have, Steve. Thanks for helping me relive the memory.
And I had every privilege that, quite literally, the poorest kid in Seattle, whose only family was his dying mother might have. To relive a memory of my own, I recall how hurt my mom was when, at the age of about five, I asked her why we didn’t have dinner like other people. Who were those other people? The families of my black childhood friends in the housing project where we lived until she died. After she died, I would soon learn that there are far, far more horrible things that can happen to a kid than being poor and hungry, growing up in the housing projects with a dying mother. I sincerely hope, Bob, that you have no childhood memories such as those.
I believe Puddy understands something. I may agree with YLB and Rujax! on politics, but I relate more to Puddy. We’re as close to being true friends, even as we ruthlessly go after each other, no holds barred, as two people with opposing views can be in these threads. If he needed me, I’d be there for him. I believe the same is true of him.
So, yeah, you grew in Toonerville with a single mother. So fucking what? Do you believe for even one fucking minute that this negates the white privilege that has been yours all your fucking life?
You grew up to be fucking racist. I didn’t. To the people who count to me, and no doubt not to you, that leaves me a far better man you’ll ever fucking be.
Go to fucking hell, you ignorant, white privileged bitch.
@ 55
Enjoy your day, Sybil.
Go fuck yourself, bitch. Just be glad that I’m not the murderous SOB I used to be. After all, your precious fucking life means jack shit to me and, thanks to Lib Sci, I know where you live and work.
White privilege. Left or right, very few get it. Left or right, many are presently trying. Bob, the snide, high-on-himself fucking racist with twisted fantasies of right-wing militias patrolling the streets of major US cities, obviously isn’t one of them.
@54 Steve are you gay? I thought somewhere in the threads I’ve herd you say you are gay, I could be wrong. But if you are puffy is there for you like the RNC is there for the log cabin republicans.
“Steve are you gay?”
No, Teabagger, I’m not.
Good news for humans, bad news for Republicans,