KIRO is gross. Honestly, a map of homeless people. I can’t even. Where in Seattle (or suburbia, but shhhh) do you have to be to not realize Seattle has a serious homelessness problem? I guess in your car.
So the justifications don’t make sense and it’s just cruel.
There are likely just as many homeless living in the rest of King County. Why the particular focus by KIRO?
Look on the bright side – homelessness is not much of a problem for the rest of Washington outside of King County.
One West Coast county with a homelessness problem is proposing paying to construct approved ADUs on appropriate private residential properties in exchange for 5 years of use housing homeless persons. The units are truly tiny, around 200 sq ft and expected to cost around $75k. Does that per square foot prices sound high to the construction mavens here? Even given the poor scaling?
In a city like King County I bet lots of folks would take that offer. Five years accommodating a homeless person followed by FREE VRBO forever!
I like how Barnett persistently refuses to reach the obvious conclusion: KIRO reported this because people wanted to know it, and people want to know where homeless encampments are so as to avoid them, because homeless encampments are dangerous.
If a news organization is not supposed to provide useful information to consumers who want it, what purpose does it serve?
All aboard!
Good to see Ryan won’t go down without taking a few other hillbillies with him.
The media has more of a political agenda than a consumer agenda these days.
@2 Do you have data, or did you pull that from your ass?
A deeply unpopular president (-16% approval index) is a co-architect and vocal supporter of a deeply unpopular health care bill and GOP Congresscritters are deeply nervous.
24%. You could get 24% to admit they admire the German Train Punctuality of 1941. You could get 24% approval of legalizing heroin. More than 37% of registered Republicans admire Vlad “The Invader” Putin and they don’t like this plan?
The homeless on Whidbey Island are particularly difficult to count. There is so much forested land, and people camp out. Much safer I suppose, but also much harder to provide support to people you can’t see and have difficulty finding.
Last year a more thorough effort was made – census-takers for the aid groups went out into the woods, I read.
Ummm…whats wrong with the map Carl? Its actually useful, its a means to show how extensive the problem is….does information scare you?
You suckers are gonna get raken for another $275 million, you should at least know where(in a manner of speaking) its going.
I agree with #4.
Dim Bulb @2
Look on the bright side – homelessness is not much of a problem for the rest of Washington outside of King County.
Snapshot of Homelessness in Washington State for January 2016
Total for state: 141,464
Total for KC: 33,569
There arent 33000 homeless or king co or 141000 on the state.
Their definition of homeless is quite a bit different than what is being talked about.
Is anybody surprised?
“BUSTED: Trump campaign chair caught in a motel room with an underage boy”
“According to KOCO reporter Bret Buganski, police are recommending the Republican lawmaker be charged with soliciting prostitution of a minor, prostitution within 1,000 feet of church and transporting purpose of prostitution.”
Good Lord…
“Shortey has been in office since 2010 and is most known for a bill he proposed to ban fetuses in food.”
Their definition of homeless is quite a bit different than what is being talked about.
The figures at that link for “Emergency Shelter or Unsheltered,” which is what I mean by “homeless”, are 13,419 persons in King County, and a statewide total of 42,128 persons. King County’s overall population is approximately 1/3 of the state, so the numbers flatly contradict the claim @2.
“John McCain: Rand Paul Is ‘Now Working For Putin'”
It seems more and more that John McCain is one of the few Republicans who isn’t working for Putin these days.
“Monica Crowley Now A Foreign Agent For Pro-Russian Oligarch”
If you were one of the homeless 100,000+ in the rest of the state you really wouldn’t care much about the “definition of homeless.”
But maybe I was not clear enough.
Dim Bulb thinks homelessness is only a problem for KC.
I beg to differ…
Because 24 million Americans losing healthcare isn’t enough.
“House Conservatives Say They’re Close To Winning Concessions On Repeal Bill”
“they expressed confidence that the White House supports the changes they are demanding: freezing the Medicaid expansion in 2018 instead of 2020, and imposing a work requirement on low-income Americans receiving Medicaid”
White House analysis finds Trumpcare is even worse than the CBO estimated
An internal White House analysis concluded that House Republicans’ Obamacare replacement bill, called the American Health Care Act, will cause up to 26 million people to lose their insurance coverage over the next decade, according to a copy of the analysis obtained by Politico.
The White House analysis found that coverage losses would include “17 million for Medicaid, six million in the individual market and three million in employer-based plans,” according to Politico. The analysis also concluded that a total of 54 million people would be uninsured by 2026, roughly twice as many people currently uninsured under the Affordable Care Act.
Next up: Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers will solicit stories from people who benefited from Trumpcare, only to receive a flood of responses about how it’s inferior to Obamacare.
She’ll then ignore the stories, and rise further in the House Republican leadership.
Nobody could have predicted.
Still….not buying the numbers.
There was a similar type report that came out a few years back, that included people living in mobile homes as “homeless”…..that was my point about the criteria possibly being bit suspect.
I think that report was actually from the City of Seattle, but I cant remember for sure.
Still….not buying the numbers.
Then quote numbers you do “buy,” and provide a source citation and link.
Otherwise, expect no one to care what you do and don’t “buy.”
Looks like Rachel MadCow struck out again…
In the wake of last night’s Rachel Maddow/Trump tax fiasco, a number of interesting facts have emerged — including that the President paid a higher tax rate than Obama, Bernie Sanders and MSNBC.
Another FUN FACT…
Meanwhile Sarah Silverman, hero of HA DUMMOCRETINS, makes an ASS of herself like Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics do every day on this blog.
Actress Sarah Silverman has become the recipient of much ridicule, memes and mockery after apparently mistaking utility signs for swastikas.
Libtards are really stooooooooooooooopid!
I really dont give a shit what you think about my opinion, so it doesnt matter.
I really dont give a shit what you think about my opinion, so it doesnt matter.
I’m not buying it.
@ 17
If you were one of the homeless 100,000+ in the rest of the state you really wouldn’t care much about the “definition of homeless.”
I’ll stop caring when they start bulldozing shelters.
My understanding of the map, described in the link as a map identifying the precise location of unsanctioned homeless encampments around the city, is that the current discussion refers to people without a solid roof over their heads at night. That reduces the numbers from what is mentioned @ 15.
Unless the map in question includes substantial numbers of people being sheltered as well as those unsheltered, the arguments should reflect what is contained in the map, nicht war?
Meanwhile this libtard gay woman visited a mosque. The rest is very funny history…
Meanwhile all those libtards screaming about the environment around the Dakota Pipeline, really wasted the environment!
Last week, federal officials had to dispose of more than 800 dumpsters of garbage and human waste from the now-abandoned Dakota Access Pipeline protest sites, reports The Daily Caller.
Libtards are a mental mess!
“nicht war”
Our spell check Nazi blows it.
“nicht wahr”
The fake-news loon still has a crush on Milo.
Wow, I really screwed up last night with Trump’s 2005 tax return. I proved myself a partisan hack and an idiot with just one news story.
WATCH: Betsy DeVos haters support her policies
Fake news shitstain steve? Where’s the fake except from raw story which you love shitstain!
The loon head explosion @33 was YUGE!
Meanwhile President Trump goes after libtard scumbags overseas!
Seems Obummer didn’t care!
More proof libtards are FASCISTS! Now who went to UW-Madison again and what are their politics?
Meanwhile Ohio State snowflakes need their safe spaces…
Student Leaders at Ohio State Want Safe Spaces All Over Campus – They say the safe spaces are needed for people to talk. Why can’t people talk anywhere they want on campus without safe spaces?
These snowflakes are blowing in the wind!
Meanwhile Ohio State snowflakes need their safe spaces…
Student Leaders at Ohio State Want Safe Spaces All Over Campus – They say the safe spaces are needed for people to talk. Why can’t people talk anywhere they want on campus without safe spaces?
These snowflakes are blowing in the wind!
Bad news and a link to Rawstory. The loon’s head explosion will be YUGE! Hell, this one might even give the loon triple-post head explosions!
“A federal judge in Hawaii has blocked a key part of Donald Trump’s revised immigration ban, Politico reports.”
“The judge granted a temporary restraining order against the president’s travel ban, effectively halting the order, which was set to go into effect at midnight tonight.”
@18 “imposing a work requirement on low-income Americans receiving Medicaid”
Never mind that people needing Medicaid might not be able to work, or likely are already working (i.e., the working poor). That sort of detail bores Republicans to tears.
Love the Chrome-challenged loon’s double-post head explosions @38, 39.
@23 Which may lend further weight to suspicions that Trump leaked his tax return himself, in which case you can safely assume he cherry-picked which of his returns to leak.
@25 This being a blog for intellectuals, those who fail to source their data and validate their assertions can deservedly expect to be ignored.
23, 24, 28, 29,
Satan’s little helper!
We see this troll is still baiting traps to assist his favorite child rapist.
Well done.
Pedophilia looks good on hillbillies!
HA Trolls, proudly promoting the Trumpublican Child Rape brand.
@27 “I’ll stop caring when they start bulldozing shelters.”
As this strategy for dealing with homelessness is non-lethal, it will merely displace the inhabitants of the bulldozed shelters, and they’ll just go somewhere else, possibly more in your direction. The person chased out from under a bridge could end up pitching his tarp at the entrance to your driveway.
@30 You can’t expect people who are unable to correctly spell words of their native language like “to” and “too” to get foreign language spellings right.
Tell us, oh proud Trumpublican hillbilly conservatives, if it’s okay for an adult to fuck a thirteen year old, why not a twelve year old?
As a bonus follow up:
Is fourteen “over the hill” for you guys?
When it finally gets down to pig stickin’ time, just three little words: “For the children”!
@45, I suspect the “Trump campaign chair caught in a motel room with an underage boy” story @16 lit the loon’s fuse, causing his head to explode with links to Milo and legal insurrection’s fake news sites.
“YouTube Removes Popular Conservative ‘Legal Insurrection’ Channel”
“Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns From Breitbart News After Pedophilia Comments”
assist his favorite child rapist.
Got proof for this attack Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? Where did Milo rape someone?
Oh he didn’t?
Or is it your usual hillbilly BULLSHITTIUM you throw out every day?
Remember Harry Hay? No? Look up NAMBLA and search the support HA DUMMOCRETINS gave Harry here!
Or George Takei? Seems you condone his comments!
Your usual hillbilly BULLSHITTIUM is very apparent Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
This proof is right before us for all to see.
Satan’s Little Helper constantly shills, promotes, and supports a known child rapist.
This must be very discouraging for all of the Real Christians.
Of course Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom had no issue with Bill Mahar and his pedo comments…
Hey shitstain steve, why didn’t raw story carry Bill Mahar or George Takei pedo comments? Oh yeah they be libtards!
Look up NAMBLA…
I will NOT! Shame on you, you sick pervert.
Somebody please make it stop! It huuuuuuurts!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t want to view the HA DUMMOCRETIN defense of Harry Hay and NAMBLA on this blog!
FACTS Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t want to see!
Distractions wont erase your history of shamefully promoting someone who supports adults fucking children. You’re really gross! Waaaaay grosser than KIRO.
Oh poor Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom… What a sad comeback!
Still waiting for the proof! Of course Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom has no proof!
Meanwhile Tucker Carlson destroys this Planned Parenthood lady…
You, you certainly did. But we already knew that.
Zerohedge who don’t have the balls to sign their name to anything and instead go by a character from film.
Milo – “Hey why did no one come to my last speaking engagement at the Appalachia Central Technical Grange?”
Not going to bother to click through.
PiddlesA confirmed liar is now the HA Zoo Chimp sitting in a cage tired of everyone gawking and laughing so tossing poop and seeing if anyone will engage.@ 30
Shit. Ya got me.
College German was in 1982.
In 2007 we visited the Czech Republic and took a train about 2 hours from Prague to a small town surrounded by a moat. Went into a pub. I spoke no Czech, server spoke no English, but we each spoke enough German for me to order a complete meal for us.
Best part of that trip was the restaurant experience in that little town. And it was 75 degrees in April that year there.
No wonder the sad poorly educated, morbidly obese, opiate addicted hillbillies are in trouble. “Waiting” never got anyone very far in life.
Too bad Milo and this idiot hillbilly can’t be convinced to “wait” until children are over 18 to start fucking them.
George Takei – No problem!
Bill Mahar – No problem!
Thanks for playing Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Where is the proof Milo has pedo’d a child? More BULLSHITTIUM!
FACTS prove you suck!
@ 47
@30 You can’t expect people who are unable to correctly spell words of their native language like “to” and “too” to get foreign language spellings right.
And you can’t expect a dumbfuck attorney to understand that a guy shot five times in the front of his body wasn’t fleeing
at the time.
A dozen or a thousand times, still wont alter his established and very consistent history of promoting links to somebody who supports child rape – which I understand he doesn’t get on account of his being an ignorant hillbilly Trumpublican. But thats why people keep telling him to cut it out and it’s gross and wrong. Fucking children is wrong for everybody, including Trumpublicans.
Kinda too late for him now, though. All the inept evasions and distractions have him stuck.
@ 61
Zerohedge who don’t have the balls to sign their name to anything and instead go by a character from film.
Hey, Cz-252, what do you think of our host Carl’s balls?
Carl Ballard is the pen name for Carl Balard, itself a pen name.
The Infamous Stringdusters concert being streamed live on FB, now. Just started.
Us hillbillies gotta have us a bit of fun. This is how we roll.
David Lee Roth doing “Jump” with his bluegrass band on Leno.
Is Milo a Stringduster too?
They’ll be at Nemo’s next month. Negotiating attendance with my wife.
It’s between a long honey-do list to have her go with me, or going alone.
Maybe I just listen to FB and call it good.
Another Muslim ban from Comrade-Pissident Putin-Puppet has been shut down.
Are you hillbillies sick of all the winning yet?
“Carl Ballard is the pen name for Carl Balard, itself a pen name.”
Sigh! Carl hates me because I drive a pickup. Pisscan hates me because there’s blueprints behind the seat.
Because Putin loves a dumbed-down America.
“Florida GOP bill would let out-of-state creationists challenge schools’ science curriculum”
Oops! Rawstory again. The loon’s head will explode.
A Republican and Democrat both bummed about Trump-Russia briefing. I take it that it was bad news for America.
“Senators Feinstein and Grassley grim and silent after Trump-Russia briefings with Comey”
@52 When nothing else works, deflection is the last resort of unprincipled trolls. Still defending Milo? Rallying to a disgusting creature like him is par for the course for you.
@62 “And it was 75 degrees in April that year there.”
Which is all the evidence a credulous wingnut fool needs to become convinced that global warming is a Chinese hoax.
@ 77
Which is all the evidence a credulous wingnut fool needs to become convinced that global warming is a Chinese hoax.
HA’s own Les Nessman, YLB and gentlemen.
Les Nessman™
#Andy: You have this thing called “Eye Witness Weather.” What is that? #Les: Well, I just look out the window and witness the weather. #WKRP
“It’s our understanding that the judge’s decision in Hawaii shuts down the same provisions we were challenging: the refugee ban and the six nation ban,” Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson said of the Hawaii ruling. “So it’s a complete victory from our side.”
The Score thus far:
Officeholders Elected by Washington State’s Voters: 2
Officeholders Rejected by Washington State’s Voters: 0
Bob Ferguson was born and raised in Seattle. We should paint another rainbow crosswalk for each of his national victories.
Comment du jour, on Althouse;
Grant said…
A 43-page decision released two hours after the hearing. Those are some magically empowered law clerks right there.
3/15/17, 7:36 PM
@65 “And you can’t expect a dumbfuck attorney to understand that a guy shot five times in the front of his body wasn’t fleeing”
Let’s skip the fact Doctor Dumbfuck overlooks that the “fleeing felon rule” survives in Missouri law within the limits imposed by SCOTUS
and focus on his conclusion that Michael Brown “wasn’t fleeing.” This, of course, involves interpreting (charitably) or spinning (more candidly) conflicting eyewitness accounts, conflicting autopsy conclusions, and other evidence by an armchair pontificator who wasn’t there and doesn’t know what happened or what was in the minds of (a) the officer and (b) the decedent any better than the rest of us. Meanwhile, what I actually wrote in the article which Doctor Dumbfuck has graciously and usefully linked to was,
“If the grand jury believes Brown physically attacked Wilson at the patrol car, then tried to flee, the grand jury could readily conclude that Wilson shot a fleeing felon to prevent his escape. If, on the other hand, the grand jury concludes that Brown had stopped running, had turned to face Wilson with his hands up, and was trying to surrender, it would be much more likely to return an indictment. Thus, whether the grand jury indicts, or doesn’t indict, Wilson will tell you a great deal about what the grand jury thinks happened in the final seconds of the encounter.”
Notice I didn’t say what I thought happened, even though Doctor Dumbfuck, for 2 – 1/2 years now, has repeated insisted HE knows what happened; I also wrote,
“if [Wilson] didn’t violate a department [use of force] policy, then DOJ should intervene (as it did in Seattle and several other cities) to compel the Ferguson PD to adopt policies in accord with the federal guidelines,”
which, in fact, is exactly what happened in the aftermath of the Brown shooting. I then wrapped up my article by saying,
“So, regardless of how you piece together the facts of this incident, somebody’s butt should end up in a wringer, because this is not the kind of policing we want in our communities.”
Of course, I did not piece together the facts of this incident; unlike Doctor Dumbfuck, I left that to the grand jury to figure out. It turned out I was right about somebody’s butt ending up in a wringer; after the subsequent investigations shone a spotlight on the machinations of how city leaders used the police department to run a multimillion dollar shakedown racket against the city’s black residents, they all lost their jobs. But Doctor Dumbfuck never mentions this, nor does it concern him, because he doesn’t care a wit about gangsters operating under the rubric of municipal government rob poor black people. After 2.5 years of posting his rants here on HA, the takeaway is he thinks criticism of white cops who shoot unarmed black citizens is the only “problem” worth talking about.
In this, he has much in common with Trump. You know what they say about “birds of a feather” and “peas in a pod” etc.
@74 Yes, let’s teach our kids ignorance, so the Chinese can walk all over us.
@78 How about a little quiz, doc? With your medical training, you should be a whiz at science questions. Ready?
What’s the difference between climate and weather?
About 99% of Republicans either think there isn’t any or don’t know. Let’s see if you’re one of the other 1%.
“They’ll be at Nemo’s next month.”
Sigh.. A long way from Sonora and Airway hmmm?
Heh. Some of us remember when the babbling butthead had NAMBLA on the pea-brain..
Now it relies on Milo for its hate fix.
Who knew?
@80 Trump EOs are highly amenable to boilerplate decisions. Once you have an order template from the first lawsuit, all you have to do is change a few dates and references, have the judge sign it, and it’s ready to go out the door.
Oh silly me! The babbling buttfreak appreciates Milo’s taste in..
Again, WHO KNEW????
I think the courts are wise to be prepared in this way. Since it appears that all Teh Hillbilly Jesus will do is modify the EO slightly then reissue. Cynicism meets pragmatism. And so far pragmatism prevails.
However, the belief of the ha trolls that “greed is good” exceeds a million billion percent…
Something strange there. Grassley dummies up and turns the scrum over to Feinstein? Stands with her while she reluctantly refuses their questions? Considering Grassley’s very pointed criticism of Comey preceeding the briefing, it would seem he heard something he didnt like. And suddenly the Chair is in a bi-partisan mood.
Comey is scheduled to give public testimony next week. They’d better schedule the big hearing room.
Here’s one of Boob’s and Puffy’s Milo admirers:
“Charges could be filed Thursday against an Oklahoma state senator who police say was found with a teenage boy in a motel room in the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore, according to a local prosecutor. Cleveland County District Attorney Greg Mashburn said Wednesday that he could not say what charges might be filed against Republican Sen. Ralph Shortey of Oklahoma City, but told The Associated Press that police have presented a report to his office.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans, drunk with power, plumb the depths of depravity. You wonder if they’re even human. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel the voters who elect these people deserve the representation they get.
Trump’s infrastructure shell game: To pay for his infrastructure program he plans to strip existing infrastructure funding from federal agencies then pretend it’s new money.
Most interesting is where the money comes from and where it goes. To a very significant extent it comes out of rural northern tier states and goes to Southern border and costal states.
So long as its robbing hillbillies to pay hillbillies what the fuck do affluent, prosperous, highly educated, progressive elites care?
Comrade-Pissident Putin-Puppet to House Hillbillies:
“C’mon and vote for “my” bill. Then if I don’t like it, I won’t sign it.”
According to CNBC, Trump’s budget totally eliminates funding for federal wildlife refuges, Legal Services Corporation, the National Endowments for arts and humanities, and the Public Broadcasting Corporation, among others.
Wanna know who else is gross?
This guy is.
HA haz a sad.
Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a dupe of Russia, cast doubt Wednesday night on allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.
His comments were in sharp contrast to those of many Clinton partisans — such as former communications director Jennifer Palmieri — who have stated publicly they believe the Trump campaign cooperated with Russia’s efforts to interfere in the election against Clinton.
Follow the money. Nearly always it tells you what you need to know, even if it’s not what you want to know.
not that Morell is wrong, but how exactly is he authoritative about classified intelligence gathered since 2013? He knows more than you or I about “how things work”. But I don’t believe he knows more than you or I about whether or not Teh Hillbilly Jesus campaign colluded with Russian hackers or sold themselves for Rosneft oil leases.
Since 2013 NBS has paid him to go on TeeVee and say things that sound authoritative about classified matters. But I don’t think he’s had (legal) access to any of it since 2013. And most of the alleged contacts and interactions between the Trump campaign, the Trump Org, and Russia have take place since then.
I’d at least want to wait until Comey gives a public committee brief. But then again, I’m not a fucking traitor.
@ 98
Your suggestion is that the former #2 at the CIA, who was a likely choice for CIA #1 had #CrookedHillary won, somehow cut himself out of the loop in national security matters for four years?
That’s not a credible suggestion. Sorry.
I wouldn’t believe that Petraeus isn’t fully up-to-date on national security matters, either.
Panetta, maybe he’s been out long enough that he’s not fully up to speed.
I’m fully willing to believe that Obama benefitted from back-channel knowledge and insight from people not actually still running the agency at the time the insight was provided. I certainly hope he did.
conflicting eyewitness accounts, conflicting autopsy conclusions,
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit, Eric The Red Holder’s DOJ corroborated the St Louis County findings which pizzed off the hands up don’t shoot fools you so gladly jock strapped here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
FACTS, just not your friend anymore early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
conflicting eyewitness accounts, conflicting autopsy conclusions,
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit, Eric The Red Holder’s DOJ corroborated the St Louis County findings which pizzed off the hands up don’t shoot fools you so gladly jock strapped here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
FACTS, just not your friend anymore early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Ahhh Chrome strikes again hanging human teabag licker. Your turn!
It looks like the double-posting, Chrome-challenged loon is resigned to the fact that Chrome kicks his ass every day.
That’s not a credible suggestion. Sorry.
Just like you.
So while it is certainly “credible” that you still know how to read a scan and prepare a report, if nobody sends them to you that would leave you “out of the loop”. And if there were a law that said anybody who sent you a scan could go to prison for ten years you’d be waaaaay “out of the loop”.
Classified is classified. Clearance is clearance. And retired means no clearance. Anybody who has seen the relevant classified materials should not be discussing the details on television. They could be indicted for that. Like Preznit Bumblefuck for instance. Meanwhile we’ll just have to wait for them to decide how much, if any of it is to be declassified and then we’ll learn what we learn. That’s probably why after his meeting yesterday Comey announced he would need until next week to give a public briefing. The declassification process is quite bureaucratic and time consuming. And any risks have to be considered very carefully.
You know, it’s really kind of remarkable. You people once had the capacity to cope with complex geo-political issues and grapple with policy on a granular level. You still fucked up. But at least you could fake it. Now you’ve all become just as witless, impatient, and television addled as your beloved White Nationalist Hero.
“Yes, let’s teach our kids ignorance, so the Chinese can walk all over us.”
We don’t have to do that, Roger, because our schools are so bad that the kids are ignorant before and after schooling. It has become advanced babysitting instead of education.
BTW, Roger, how many C-130s does it take to airlift 369,000 pounds on 463L pallets from an East Coast base to Iraq?
It’s a trick question everyone, because the USAF would not use a C-130 to do the job. A C-130’s allowable cabin load is only 25,000 pounds, so it would take too many aircraft of that type to do it. No, the Air Force would probably use 2 C-5s or 3 C-17s to do the job, with probably two aerial refueling en route. The AF would simply not use a C-130 for the job, but Roger read is some ridiculous rag somewhere that the Bush administration moved 369,000 pounds of cash from the East Coast to Iraq. It’s an impossibility, but Roger ate it up, hook, line and sinker!
Chrome kicks Puddy’s ASS shitstain steve?
Chrome kicks Puddy’s ASS shitstain steve?
At least when he isnt kicking his own ass.
You see shitstain steve…
being a shitstain comes easy to you!
“Yes, let’s teach our kids ignorance, so the Chinese can walk all over us.”
The libtards have done this very well over the years. The dumbing down of our school systems is what gave us most HA DUMMOCRETINS on this blog!
You see shitstain steve…
being a shitstain comes easy to you!
You see shitstain steve…
being a shitstain comes easy to you!
Yup, looks like Chrome won again. Sucks to be the loon.
“Follow the money. Nearly always it tells you what you need to know, even if it’s not what you want to know.”
“Documents detail Flynn payments from Russian interests”
Follow the money? LMFAO!
This is just too easy.
Oh shitstain steve,
Even the hanging human teabag licker figgered it out. You are too dumb, demonstrated hourly on this blog.
Oh shitstain steve,
Even the hanging human teabag licker figgered it out. You are too dumb, demonstrated hourly on this blog.
Watch… Puddy calls it!
Easily led as always!
This is thread in which the loon surrendered to Chrome.
To hell with that bitch!