Another round of the travel ban, another round of Bob Ferguson being like nope. If you have an injunction against your executive order, you can’t just take out some of it and say it’s a compromise. Jebus.
1) Clinton’s unexpected losses came in states in which she failed to air ads until the last week.
Now, we knew about this, but I figured she had put a little effort into MI and WI, but not much. Apparently I gave the unlikeable and ethically challenged shrew too much credit. Ya gotta see the chart at the link. Team Clinton put nothing into those states until the very end. NOTHING.
2) Clinton’s message was devoid of policy discussions in a way not seen in the previous four presidential contests.
I guess kowtowing to #BLM types, while ignoring the law enforcement cohort, wasn’t a winning set of decisions for #CrookedHillary. Way too much time on Trump’s taxes and genitalia-grabbing, far too little on why people should overlook her own personal shortcomings. Maybe she forgot how awful she is at being a human being when she tried to draw distinctions between Trump and herself. Such a nasty woman.
Who woulda thunk that Trump would spend three times as much effort on policy as #CrookedHillary?
Hey, enjoy your Friday, everybody. Trump mightn’t be president if y’all hadn’t backed such a horror of a Democrat. Think on your sins while you’ve got the chance, ’cause she’s gonna run again.
Tweet du jour:
ChuckGrassley ✔ @ChuckGrassley
The ABA just gave BIG BIG boost to SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch w HIGHEST rating-unanimous well qualified He’s well on his way to Supreme Court
3:26 PM – 9 Mar 2017
That can’t be right. I keep reading that Obama’s still running nearly all of the government. Elijah? tensor?
Someone should tell the Fucking Moron that there’s a new news site, created especially for him.
The sooner we get out of the Middle East and end the de facto empire we’ve created, the better. Islamic terrorism is a result of Western meddling in Islamic countries’ affairs.
Only Muslims can change Islam, and they can’t do that until the Western Christian invaders get out of the way.
Tom Vuspews:
Sooooo……just curious:
The supposed “its only $2 a meal” increase in costs to support the hike in min wage “isnt that much” say the seattle lefties.
And….seattle lefties say tough shit to increased property taxes and car tab fees for ST costs…sometimes hitting families for over a g-note a year….
Yet…..whenver someone talks about raising the fee for riding the bus or choo choo, even by as little as a quarter or 50 cents, seattle lefties heads explode and the end of the world is near.
So…..what gives??? Because people like tensor and carl want everyone else to pay for the service they use…
Why the double standard……
Ya….we know why……
When you realize you contracted to do a concert in a brothel:
Al Di Meola
44 mins ·
To my fans in Cologne, Germany: We are not playing the Pascha Nightclub due to the nature of the venue. We were wrongfully advised under false pretence and now it is my responsibility to protect my reputation by not playing in a venue of this kind! My sincere apologies! Al Di Meola (FB)
Damn. I was looking forward to that Al-Di Meola-meets-Bill-Clinton-backstage photo.
No lack of “faith” in fossil fuels from fake insane klown preznit drumpf, vlad putin, secstate rex and the ha trolls.
Did the babbling jackass say dakota access, keystone xl, drilling in anwar, and the mexican provided border wall would solve the u-6 employment dilemma?
Just throw in some toll roads and bridges and have “faith”!
“Clinton’s message was devoid of policy discussions in a way not seen in the previous four presidential contests.”
In the final weeks, which is what a front runner (like two term President Obama in 2008) is supposed to do.
Every hear of James Comey’s SURPRISE! letter to Congress?
You’re a fucking klown boob.
You might want to learn the difference between the Executive and Judicial branches, constitutional genius.
We understand the sight of local AG Ferguson’s easy — and now perhaps serial — defeat of the administration may have blurred that distinction for you. Please fight through your tears on this one. (It’s a valuable skill for you to learn, since this is how life will probably be for years to come.)
I was looking forward to that Al-Di Meola-meets-Bill-Clinton-backstage photo.
Bill had a younger, prettier, and more willing girlfriend than you ever did, and Bill’s wife forgave him, too. By contrast, your stuff got thrown out onto the front lawn, then she took you to the cleaners in the divorce.
Suck down your bitter tears of jealous rage, loser.
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
In the final weeks of the election, all I recall was the absolute iron clad promises that irrefutable criminal evidence was amassed but being nefariously withheld by Comey and Loretta Lynch. We were continuously and repeatedly promised that Clinton faced certain indictment on felony criminal charges. That not only had she exposed our most sensitive secrets to our most dangerous enemies, but she had ordered the execution of Marines in Benghazi and that she had personally put a gun to Vince Foster’s head and pulled the trigger. She was a lesbian who had been engaged in a long term affair with Huma Abedin, known to be an operative of Hezbollah. Clinton personally ordered the execution of dozens of White House travel office staff and then burned the evidence in a trash can in the middle of the ellipse while dancing around the fire naked smeared in goat’s blood while consuming the raw liver from a new born baby.
And look. It turns out it was all true.
The supposed “its only $2 a meal”
Wrong. Tom Douglas attempted to put a 2 per cent surcharge on the bill at one of his restaurants — which he quickly rescinded. Too late! He had admitted Seattle’s new, higher minimum wage would raise his costs no more than two percent. Horrors!
(Since a meal for two at a Tom Douglas restaurant can easily run to $100 or more, I used the $2 figure for your ease of understanding context. Of course, you failed.)
And….seattle lefties say tough shit to increased property taxes and car tab fees for ST costs…
The best way to convince your audience that you do not pay a certain tax is to spend a lot of time repeatedly complaining about it. Trust me on this one.
I would have preferred more progressive taxes for funding ST3, but the Republicans in the legislature didn’t write the ST3 bill that way. You play the hand you’re dealt.
You lost. Grow up.
Tom Vuspews:
Lolz….i guess that means you must be a Sudanese Muslim getting the shaft on Trumps travel ban, with all the complaining going on….
See how that works…
…or maybe you really a transvestite living in North Carolina?? Or why else would you care about that issue?
Or maybe you an indian living in the dakotas?
Ya….shut the fuck you pasty white urban pussy.
Still dont wanna pay a little more for your chio choo and bus do you?
@ 12
And look. It turns out it was all true.
Aw, it didn’t have to be true. It just had to be something that wouldn’t go away.
Like Mitt picking on a kid in high school and putting a dog carrier on a roof. Or Mitt worth $300m+ four years before #CrookedHillary and her $200m+ marital net worth made wealth a non-issue. Or McCain born outside the US and not keeping all secrets for the full 7 years he was captive and tortured.
It just had to be something not easily dismissed.
And this time it was a Democrat’s turn to be damaged by it.
What can I say? She should’ve used the State Department server and electronics.
Oh, and she should have found time for WI and MI, instead of spending it in AZ and GA.
Aw, it didn’t have to be true. It just had to be something that wouldn’t go away.
That would certainly explain your many, many “crooked” hashtags directed at someone who has been investigated many times, but never convicted or even indicted. You’re trying to ensure the fabrication never goes away.
But all you’re actually doing is displaying your painful gullibility for obviously-manufactured propaganda.
Live on your knees.
Lolz….i guess that means you must be a Sudanese Muslim getting the shaft on Trumps travel ban, with all the complaining going on….
Since I do travel internationally, and want a consistent, lawful, and constitutional set of limits enforced, Washington State’s Attorney General took the Trump Administration to court over the latter’s mess of a travel ban. AG Ferguson won so convincingly, the Administration must pay Washington state’s legal bills. As a citizen of the great state of Washington, I am proud of this victory. Are you?
Fellow HA heroes. The sun sets today at 6:08 pm. You know what Friday sunset time means..
from that babbling jackass ZERO of a troll. Last night I saw it had a major keyboard diarrhea episode. The fiend is silent today..
It might make an appearance before sunset, it might not. Time is running out.
If it shows, there will be a countdown. Damn! It’s so sweeeet to be free of that idiot troll. If only for a spell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 And here’s Boob celebrating once again the harassment and even murder of black people by rogue cops. What is wrong with you, Boob? Are you a racist like Trump?
Welcome back Roger @ 19.. I hope you’re feeling well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 I’m unfamiliar with restaurants where a meal for two can run $100 or more. Because I was a public servant working for the people, I had neither an expense account nor a salary to support that lifestyle. Boob thinks that makes me a failure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Roger Rabbit, who is recovering from surgery, is doing about as well as can be expected for a critter with a tube stuck up his pee-pee. At least I can piss again. Can’t sit very long at the computer yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Going around cross-eyed, if you know what I mean. Supposed to get rid of the tube on Monday.
Not watch it whine about “Seattle lefties” and millenials… Enjoy
@ 23
@21 Roger Rabbit, who is recovering from surgery, is doing about as well as can be expected for a critter with a tube stuck up his pee-pee. At least I can piss again.
Wait until the tube is pulled and you find you continue to urinate whether you want to or not.
Look at the bright side. You can always invest in the maker of Depends, RDR. Hell, maybe you already do.
You’d be feeling so less safe right now if the major-party candidate who would never, ever have nominated Michael Flynn to be National Security Advisor had become President.
Because that’s how fecklessly incompetent you are to make useful decisions on such matters.
Anyone that seeks to rob nonviolent people of their freedoms is a goddamned monster.
But we’re America. We are ignorant, fat lazy cowards that will whine on the internet and let this openly evil cocksucker diminish each and every one of us as he sells nonviolent offenderd into corporate slavery and sells the rest of us out to our greatest enemies.
Don’t worry about it though, because the Great Orange Puker has vomited another stupid, inflammatory, outright lie that is probably worthy of impeachment on goddamned twitter. So let’s all be distracted by the rest of his crazy behavior as the republicans dismantle every governmental institution and program that benefits poor and the middle class Americans, not to mention literally tearing down the entire State Department and the diplomatic core that it relies on to maintain basic relationships with our goddamned allies for chrissake. All so they can take that fucking money and give it to healthcare and weapons manufacturers CEOs and prison companies.
But hey, emails, amirite? Birth certificates?
This entire administration is overrun with fucking vermin. Every single officeholder in it exemplifies the absolute worst possible form of authoritarian corruption. Every mother fucker that continues to support these goddamned malicious affronts to basic human decency is a fucking cockroach.
“In 2015, Bach’s firm published a report on the state of office parks around the US. It concluded that between 14% and 22% of the “suburban inventory” in the country faced a degree of risk in becoming obsolete. Some parks needed only a cosmetic changes, while those beyond help were suited for rebuilds.
The report found that two main factors could predict that level of obsolescence: proximity to mass transit and access to amenities like lunch and shopping. Bach says it’s no coincidence that fitness-focused and food-savvy millennials share those preferences.”
A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.
I hate snowflakesspews:
Hey goat fucker. California,Massachusetts, and Vermont have the same bill, all demo scum states. What a dumb motherfucker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 They showed me the wrong jar full of extracted tissue in the recovery room. The label on it said “Doctor Dumbfuck’s Lobotomy.” Apparently you were in that operating room ahead of me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Just another reason why needing a job sucks. Everyone should become a capitalist. No one should work. Our culture despises and mistreats workers while showering tax-free money on fat, lazy, capitalist leeches like me and Doctor Dumbfuck. If you’re wondering why companies can’t afford a higher minimum wage, it’s because it costs a lot of money to keep raising dividends to make the shareholders rich.
Karl Marxspews:
Capitalism and free markets have done more to bring people out of poverty than anything else in the past 10,000 years.
@31. Under republicans, a person cannot afford an individual health insurance policy due to pre existing conditions and that same person cannot get hired to get on a group plan because the company demands genetic testing and won’t hire them. It’s like like republicans WANT to kill off a segment of population. Republican death panels.
# 36
They figure that they can let “mother nature” take care of the surplus population.
The Nazis did it, when the people they were locking up wouldn’t starve to death fast enough they started using bullets, and then later various types of poison gas. When the British did it during the Boer wars, it was almost a year before they discovered that just eliminating water was the easiest way to make people die fast enough.
I’ve had a couple of encounters with people lately that apparently believe that the Jews caused WW1, and it was their own fault that the Germans got fed up with their greed and selfishness and that’s why we had WW2.
We have Nazis in this country. Real ones. And the Trumppp administration is hand feeding them. They’re pretty damn proud of themselves and are utterly convinced that he’s going to send all the Jews back to Israel, all the blacks back to Africa, all the Communists to Russia and all the First Nations people back to Mexico.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 That’s what I’ve said all along. There are two kinds of people, rich capitalists and poor workers. Obviously there’s some taking going on.
Mark Adamsspews:
And now Bob is getting schooled by the Federal Judge who can tell the new order was written to comply with the Appellate courts concerns, and instructions to the administration of if you want to do this: this is how you write the order, this is how you roll out the order, ect. Bob may even get reminded that the judge has not ruled on the original order, and ultimately his ruling could be Washington state has no standing. Which could ultimately be the final ruling from the Supremes on the matter. This is a new order, written more or less on the advice of the appeals court.
This also reveals that this is not about real concern over whether or not the ban is constitutional or not (and it’s temporary), but it’s about politics, and is an end run by the Democrats. The place they have to fight the ban is in Congress and the courts will get around to telling them this simple truth after a considerable amount of time. It could be refreshing if AG Sessions just cuts through the BS and tells his attorneys to tell the courts that yes the President has the power given to him by congress to not admit any Muslim into the United States, but that is not what this ban is.
So when King Fernando and Queen Isabelle kicked all the Moors out of Spain were they NAZIs?
Mark Adamsspews:
@39 PS I as a Washington state voter don’t like the funds being squandered by the AG and Governor on this boondoggle. I also suspect their resist on the sanctuary issues to be rather shallow, and well frankly thing they will throw marijuana legalization under the bus. That happens and there could be a Republican elected to US Senate and the Governorship. Yet the Governor and AG want to make this Muslim band issue of great importance so they shine in national Democratic circles. I’d rather they tarnish as it’s a waste of taxpayer money here in Washington.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 But you like cheap gas? Cheap energy? If so you are part of the problem. Hmm wonder why the Christian middle east isn’t Christian. Also as long as we are in NATO we really can’t escape the whole Middle East issue. Besides it’s always been great to have a coaling station in Qatar. So geography also makes your wishes and desires not particularly realistic.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Nothing stopping a great Capitalist as yourself from using the same great service they are. So why aren’t you saving your dimes and using the services you are paying for? You too proud? Too rich? Too noble to mingle with the masses?
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 It’s a legal establishment in Germany. Yes prostitution is legal there. If anything you have managed to confuse your fans, and prove you are a bunch of stupid Americans.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Of course it was the individual member or members of Congress that went public with the letter from the FBI head. They did not have to, and while you may feel it was a weak reason, the law said the man should inform Congress. Bet there are many many letters Comey has written Congress we have heard nothing about. Took a member or members of Congress to make it a national issue.
Rather like a Ambassador from Russia doing his job and was also speaking to advisors and folks in the Clinton camp, probably to Clinton herself.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 The Muslim ban has little to do with Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. It is for the most part a separate issue. Sure the legislative branch may or may not process the nomination in time for the man to be sitting on the court should Washington states AG proceed through the courts when the state looses on the new travel ban. Nor is AG Sessions going to allow the amateur hour that took place when the Executive branch defended the first ban.
So AF Ferguson better have a really good amended complaint for the court on Monday. Even so the judge is likely to find the administration has complied with the Appeals court opinion under the first ban, and therefore the new ban should be allowed to proceed. Or just rule the state has no standing which should have been the ruling with the first ban.
Mark Adamsspews:
@14 That would have meant she was able to acknowledge that she could well loose the race. It was in the bag as it had been since that day way back in 2008 when she would be the next President of the United States only after Obama. The man who was VP had no chance of getting the nomination from the party who had chosen her as next President back in 2008 as long as she played patti cake with President Obama. It would be glorious the first black President and then the first woman President. Biden could never be in that first category. So the party could have all those firsts and stay in power for decades. Only if your a Jewish socialist don’t count on being the first Jewish socialist President for at least another thirty years, that would be a first whose time has not come, nor will it come anytime soon in American politics. The leadership knows these things. Nope can’t finger that guy, but we can give him the finger and now one will ever know. Ooops they know, damn. She will still win! Cannot loose.
Mark Adamsspews:
@15 Rather like Playboy and yes Hugh Hefner is someone who influenced Trump. And now there will once again be a naked centerfold in Playboy. Which explains why what your pointing out here is of much smaller importance to most voters than whatever you and others are thinking.
Comeon who doesn’t think Bill Clinton grabbed pussy. Or hell even Harry Truman. Maybe only his wife’s pussy, but he sure as hell grabbed it. In fact type A men are rather expected to grab pussy. It’s a cultural thing. Rightly or wrongly it’s there and Democrats could not get this to play the way they wanted with voters. Might have helped if their candidate was thought to be a bit of an ice maiden married to a guy who definitely is believed to have grabbed pussy. A kind of guy Americans love to put in tot he office of President or into Congress. It makes the scandals even better since we have a double standard, and will be very upset if it turns out the President has a paid woman or better yet man on the side. While the French expect just that. So who does Le Pen have? Who is her paid for lover who is not her husband? Of course if only a certain former President had told the investigator well she gave me a great blow job, and she is fantastic in bed well he would only have confirmed he is a great pussy grabber, and he would not have been impeached, but we would be just all aghast. An American President having an affair!!! How unpresidential!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@16 You know what is true is that a woman got on her knees and smoked Bill’s penis like a cigar, and she stayed married to Bill. Her choice. and nothing illegal or anything like that, but it’s all true. She could have divorced the man and that would have played well with the American voter.
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 If you are an American citizen then you travel with an American passport. You also know then exactly what rights you have at another countries borders, and that is exactly none. The only thing you got is that passport and the knowledge the US government not old Bob Ferguson will back you up. Unless you like going to countries like North Korea, if so the government has given you ample you are stupid to go there, and if you do you got not rights once you go in, and you are on your own.
So tell me exactly how old Bob is going to help you out when you are in another nation? Because he cannot and the state of Washington has no authority there only the US government ours being a federal system and these are powers the state gave over to the US Government. So who you going to talk to if you need help in another nation as there is no embassy of the State of Washington there to help you out, just the US Embassy and in many nations you are going to have to insist on speaking to someone from the embassy if you are in a bad place. Even then it may well take the effort of someone at the Embassy to help you. If you prefer I’ll be more glad that AG Ferguson is who you expect to help you out. Just let me know your travel and I will let the embassy know. They will get a good laugh out of it, and will probably still come and help your sorry ass as they are professionals, and you being an American citizen are their responsibility. They will also be the folks responsible for keeping any assassins out of the US should you manage to really piss someone off in that foreign land. Or you think AG Freguson will help you out? Does Washington AG come with a costum with a cool cape?
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 Welcome to America.
And well not like Congress in at least the first two Obama years could have made changes in the drug laws reflecting a hands off approach putting the power back to the states on all drug matters. Too bad that had too high of a political cost than what the Obama administration was willing to pay. So we got what we got. Leading to today. So write your congresspersons. Good luck on that.
And with good old Bob Ferguson other actions you think there is a big target on Washington. Yes payback is a bitch. It’s though the nature of politics. Can I offer you some ky and knee pads? As the evil AG is going to fuck you legally under Federal law.
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 You mean sine the rise of agriculture? Of course the social and other sciences have continued since you died Karl, and there are definite cracks in your theory of the progression of history.
Mark Adamsspews:
@37 Would that be first nations people to Canada? I don’t think they use that phrase in Mexico, not even in the Mayan more native area of Mexico. Very different culture based on conquistadors raping the natives creating a mixed culture that is only recovering from the hegemony of Spain.
Y’all might have heard somewheres that #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Here’s some objective insight into why:
2016 Election Study Published
Here are the highlights:
1) Clinton’s unexpected losses came in states in which she failed to air ads until the last week.
Now, we knew about this, but I figured she had put a little effort into MI and WI, but not much. Apparently I gave the unlikeable and ethically challenged shrew too much credit. Ya gotta see the chart at the link. Team Clinton put nothing into those states until the very end. NOTHING.
2) Clinton’s message was devoid of policy discussions in a way not seen in the previous four presidential contests.
I guess kowtowing to #BLM types, while ignoring the law enforcement cohort, wasn’t a winning set of decisions for #CrookedHillary. Way too much time on Trump’s taxes and genitalia-grabbing, far too little on why people should overlook her own personal shortcomings. Maybe she forgot how awful she is at being a human being when she tried to draw distinctions between Trump and herself. Such a nasty woman.
Who woulda thunk that Trump would spend three times as much effort on policy as #CrookedHillary?
Hey, enjoy your Friday, everybody. Trump mightn’t be president if y’all hadn’t backed such a horror of a Democrat. Think on your sins while you’ve got the chance, ’cause she’s gonna run again.
Tweet du jour:
ChuckGrassley ✔ @ChuckGrassley
The ABA just gave BIG BIG boost to SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch w HIGHEST rating-unanimous well qualified He’s well on his way to Supreme Court
3:26 PM – 9 Mar 2017
That can’t be right. I keep reading that Obama’s still running nearly all of the government. Elijah? tensor?
Someone should tell the Fucking Moron that there’s a new news site, created especially for him.
No corporate lie.
The sooner we get out of the Middle East and end the de facto empire we’ve created, the better. Islamic terrorism is a result of Western meddling in Islamic countries’ affairs.
Only Muslims can change Islam, and they can’t do that until the Western Christian invaders get out of the way.
Sooooo……just curious:
The supposed “its only $2 a meal” increase in costs to support the hike in min wage “isnt that much” say the seattle lefties.
And….seattle lefties say tough shit to increased property taxes and car tab fees for ST costs…sometimes hitting families for over a g-note a year….
Yet…..whenver someone talks about raising the fee for riding the bus or choo choo, even by as little as a quarter or 50 cents, seattle lefties heads explode and the end of the world is near.
So…..what gives??? Because people like tensor and carl want everyone else to pay for the service they use…
Why the double standard……
Ya….we know why……
When you realize you contracted to do a concert in a brothel:
Al Di Meola
44 mins ·
To my fans in Cologne, Germany: We are not playing the Pascha Nightclub due to the nature of the venue. We were wrongfully advised under false pretence and now it is my responsibility to protect my reputation by not playing in a venue of this kind! My sincere apologies! Al Di Meola (FB)
Damn. I was looking forward to that Al-Di Meola-meets-Bill-Clinton-backstage photo.
Oil giant Shell warns public faith in fossil fuel industry is ‘disappearing’ and calls for carbon taxes
No lack of “faith” in fossil fuels from fake insane klown preznit drumpf, vlad putin, secstate rex and the ha trolls.
Did the babbling jackass say dakota access, keystone xl, drilling in anwar, and the mexican provided border wall would solve the u-6 employment dilemma?
Just throw in some toll roads and bridges and have “faith”!
in always wrong wing bullshit.
“Clinton’s message was devoid of policy discussions in a way not seen in the previous four presidential contests.”
In the final weeks, which is what a front runner (like two term President Obama in 2008) is supposed to do.
Every hear of James Comey’s SURPRISE! letter to Congress?
You’re a fucking klown boob.
You might want to learn the difference between the Executive and Judicial branches, constitutional genius.
We understand the sight of local AG Ferguson’s easy — and now perhaps serial — defeat of the administration may have blurred that distinction for you. Please fight through your tears on this one. (It’s a valuable skill for you to learn, since this is how life will probably be for years to come.)
I was looking forward to that Al-Di Meola-meets-Bill-Clinton-backstage photo.
Bill had a younger, prettier, and more willing girlfriend than you ever did, and Bill’s wife forgave him, too. By contrast, your stuff got thrown out onto the front lawn, then she took you to the cleaners in the divorce.
Suck down your bitter tears of jealous rage, loser.
In the final weeks of the election, all I recall was the absolute iron clad promises that irrefutable criminal evidence was amassed but being nefariously withheld by Comey and Loretta Lynch. We were continuously and repeatedly promised that Clinton faced certain indictment on felony criminal charges. That not only had she exposed our most sensitive secrets to our most dangerous enemies, but she had ordered the execution of Marines in Benghazi and that she had personally put a gun to Vince Foster’s head and pulled the trigger. She was a lesbian who had been engaged in a long term affair with Huma Abedin, known to be an operative of Hezbollah. Clinton personally ordered the execution of dozens of White House travel office staff and then burned the evidence in a trash can in the middle of the ellipse while dancing around the fire naked smeared in goat’s blood while consuming the raw liver from a new born baby.
And look. It turns out it was all true.
The supposed “its only $2 a meal”
Wrong. Tom Douglas attempted to put a 2 per cent surcharge on the bill at one of his restaurants — which he quickly rescinded. Too late! He had admitted Seattle’s new, higher minimum wage would raise his costs no more than two percent. Horrors!
(Since a meal for two at a Tom Douglas restaurant can easily run to $100 or more, I used the $2 figure for your ease of understanding context. Of course, you failed.)
And….seattle lefties say tough shit to increased property taxes and car tab fees for ST costs…
The best way to convince your audience that you do not pay a certain tax is to spend a lot of time repeatedly complaining about it. Trust me on this one.
I would have preferred more progressive taxes for funding ST3, but the Republicans in the legislature didn’t write the ST3 bill that way. You play the hand you’re dealt.
You lost. Grow up.
Lolz….i guess that means you must be a Sudanese Muslim getting the shaft on Trumps travel ban, with all the complaining going on….
See how that works…
…or maybe you really a transvestite living in North Carolina?? Or why else would you care about that issue?
Or maybe you an indian living in the dakotas?
Ya….shut the fuck you pasty white urban pussy.
Still dont wanna pay a little more for your chio choo and bus do you?
@ 12
And look. It turns out it was all true.
Aw, it didn’t have to be true. It just had to be something that wouldn’t go away.
Like Mitt picking on a kid in high school and putting a dog carrier on a roof. Or Mitt worth $300m+ four years before #CrookedHillary and her $200m+ marital net worth made wealth a non-issue. Or McCain born outside the US and not keeping all secrets for the full 7 years he was captive and tortured.
It just had to be something not easily dismissed.
And this time it was a Democrat’s turn to be damaged by it.
What can I say? She should’ve used the State Department server and electronics.
Oh, and she should have found time for WI and MI, instead of spending it in AZ and GA.
…something that wouldn’t go away
because it’s true.
Aw, it didn’t have to be true. It just had to be something that wouldn’t go away.
That would certainly explain your many, many “crooked” hashtags directed at someone who has been investigated many times, but never convicted or even indicted. You’re trying to ensure the fabrication never goes away.
But all you’re actually doing is displaying your painful gullibility for obviously-manufactured propaganda.
Live on your knees.
Lolz….i guess that means you must be a Sudanese Muslim getting the shaft on Trumps travel ban, with all the complaining going on….
Since I do travel internationally, and want a consistent, lawful, and constitutional set of limits enforced, Washington State’s Attorney General took the Trump Administration to court over the latter’s mess of a travel ban. AG Ferguson won so convincingly, the Administration must pay Washington state’s legal bills. As a citizen of the great state of Washington, I am proud of this victory. Are you?
Fellow HA heroes. The sun sets today at 6:08 pm. You know what Friday sunset time means..
from that babbling jackass ZERO of a troll. Last night I saw it had a major keyboard diarrhea episode. The fiend is silent today..
It might make an appearance before sunset, it might not. Time is running out.
If it shows, there will be a countdown. Damn! It’s so sweeeet to be free of that idiot troll. If only for a spell.
@1 And here’s Boob celebrating once again the harassment and even murder of black people by rogue cops. What is wrong with you, Boob? Are you a racist like Trump?
“It just had to be something that wouldn’t go away.
Like Mitt picking on a kid in high school”
Which was was true… I recall him apologizing for it even.
“and putting a dog carrier on a roof.”
Which was true
“Or Mitt worth $300m+”
At least.. Did we ever see its tax return?
“her $200m+ marital net worth”
We sure saw her tax return.. Why not that of her opponent? What did he have to hide?
” made wealth a non-issue.”
Conflicts of interest are never a “non-issue”…
“Or McCain born outside the US”
which was true.. as it was of Ted Khruzzz. Was it true of two term President Barack Obama, per the current birther-in-chief?
” and not keeping all secrets for the full 7 years he was captive and tortured.”
which was true..
“It just had to be something not easily dismissed.”
i.e. lies that make their way around the world while truth is still lacing up – something like that.
The babbling jackass once upon a time bleated something about the ends justifying the means. Was that whining or hypocrisy?
Welcome back Roger @ 19.. I hope you’re feeling well.
@12 I’m unfamiliar with restaurants where a meal for two can run $100 or more. Because I was a public servant working for the people, I had neither an expense account nor a salary to support that lifestyle. Boob thinks that makes me a failure.
@21 Roger Rabbit, who is recovering from surgery, is doing about as well as can be expected for a critter with a tube stuck up his pee-pee. At least I can piss again. Can’t sit very long at the computer yet.
Going around cross-eyed, if you know what I mean. Supposed to get rid of the tube on Monday.
Well hot damn!
A series tailor made for little maxwipe:
Not watch it whine about “Seattle lefties” and millenials… Enjoy
@ 23
@21 Roger Rabbit, who is recovering from surgery, is doing about as well as can be expected for a critter with a tube stuck up his pee-pee. At least I can piss again.
Wait until the tube is pulled and you find you continue to urinate whether you want to or not.
Look at the bright side. You can always invest in the maker of Depends, RDR. Hell, maybe you already do.
You’d be feeling so less safe right now if the major-party candidate who would never, ever have nominated Michael Flynn to be National Security Advisor had become President.
Because that’s how fecklessly incompetent you are to make useful decisions on such matters.
Live on your knees.
Jeff Beauregard Sessions is a seriously evil mother fucker.
Anyone that seeks to rob nonviolent people of their freedoms is a goddamned monster.
But we’re America. We are ignorant, fat lazy cowards that will whine on the internet and let this openly evil cocksucker diminish each and every one of us as he sells nonviolent offenderd into corporate slavery and sells the rest of us out to our greatest enemies.
Don’t worry about it though, because the Great Orange Puker has vomited another stupid, inflammatory, outright lie that is probably worthy of impeachment on goddamned twitter. So let’s all be distracted by the rest of his crazy behavior as the republicans dismantle every governmental institution and program that benefits poor and the middle class Americans, not to mention literally tearing down the entire State Department and the diplomatic core that it relies on to maintain basic relationships with our goddamned allies for chrissake. All so they can take that fucking money and give it to healthcare and weapons manufacturers CEOs and prison companies.
But hey, emails, amirite? Birth certificates?
This entire administration is overrun with fucking vermin. Every single officeholder in it exemplifies the absolute worst possible form of authoritarian corruption. Every mother fucker that continues to support these goddamned malicious affronts to basic human decency is a fucking cockroach.
Too damn funny!!!
“In 2015, Bach’s firm published a report on the state of office parks around the US. It concluded that between 14% and 22% of the “suburban inventory” in the country faced a degree of risk in becoming obsolete. Some parks needed only a cosmetic changes, while those beyond help were suited for rebuilds.
The report found that two main factors could predict that level of obsolescence: proximity to mass transit and access to amenities like lunch and shopping. Bach says it’s no coincidence that fitness-focused and food-savvy millennials share those preferences.”
Go millenials! All 75 million of you!
While the little maxwipes of the world scream on-line and break wind..
Wow.. Now for a bit of nostalgia trip. Check out these 2005 McMansions..
The bad old days of G. Dumbya, the schmuck the trolls voted for twice. Hilarious!
Just when you thought the REPUGNANTS couldn’t get any more REPUGNANT… They get even more REPUGNANT.
House Republicans Would Let Employers Demand Workers’ Genetic Test Results
A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.
Hey goat fucker. California,Massachusetts, and Vermont have the same bill, all demo scum states. What a dumb motherfucker.
@26 They showed me the wrong jar full of extracted tissue in the recovery room. The label on it said “Doctor Dumbfuck’s Lobotomy.” Apparently you were in that operating room ahead of me.
@31 Just another reason why needing a job sucks. Everyone should become a capitalist. No one should work. Our culture despises and mistreats workers while showering tax-free money on fat, lazy, capitalist leeches like me and Doctor Dumbfuck. If you’re wondering why companies can’t afford a higher minimum wage, it’s because it costs a lot of money to keep raising dividends to make the shareholders rich.
Capitalism and free markets have done more to bring people out of poverty than anything else in the past 10,000 years.
@31. Under republicans, a person cannot afford an individual health insurance policy due to pre existing conditions and that same person cannot get hired to get on a group plan because the company demands genetic testing and won’t hire them. It’s like like republicans WANT to kill off a segment of population. Republican death panels.
# 36
They figure that they can let “mother nature” take care of the surplus population.
The Nazis did it, when the people they were locking up wouldn’t starve to death fast enough they started using bullets, and then later various types of poison gas. When the British did it during the Boer wars, it was almost a year before they discovered that just eliminating water was the easiest way to make people die fast enough.
I’ve had a couple of encounters with people lately that apparently believe that the Jews caused WW1, and it was their own fault that the Germans got fed up with their greed and selfishness and that’s why we had WW2.
We have Nazis in this country. Real ones. And the Trumppp administration is hand feeding them. They’re pretty damn proud of themselves and are utterly convinced that he’s going to send all the Jews back to Israel, all the blacks back to Africa, all the Communists to Russia and all the First Nations people back to Mexico.
@35 That’s what I’ve said all along. There are two kinds of people, rich capitalists and poor workers. Obviously there’s some taking going on.
And now Bob is getting schooled by the Federal Judge who can tell the new order was written to comply with the Appellate courts concerns, and instructions to the administration of if you want to do this: this is how you write the order, this is how you roll out the order, ect. Bob may even get reminded that the judge has not ruled on the original order, and ultimately his ruling could be Washington state has no standing. Which could ultimately be the final ruling from the Supremes on the matter. This is a new order, written more or less on the advice of the appeals court.
This also reveals that this is not about real concern over whether or not the ban is constitutional or not (and it’s temporary), but it’s about politics, and is an end run by the Democrats. The place they have to fight the ban is in Congress and the courts will get around to telling them this simple truth after a considerable amount of time. It could be refreshing if AG Sessions just cuts through the BS and tells his attorneys to tell the courts that yes the President has the power given to him by congress to not admit any Muslim into the United States, but that is not what this ban is.
So when King Fernando and Queen Isabelle kicked all the Moors out of Spain were they NAZIs?
@39 PS I as a Washington state voter don’t like the funds being squandered by the AG and Governor on this boondoggle. I also suspect their resist on the sanctuary issues to be rather shallow, and well frankly thing they will throw marijuana legalization under the bus. That happens and there could be a Republican elected to US Senate and the Governorship. Yet the Governor and AG want to make this Muslim band issue of great importance so they shine in national Democratic circles. I’d rather they tarnish as it’s a waste of taxpayer money here in Washington.
@4 But you like cheap gas? Cheap energy? If so you are part of the problem. Hmm wonder why the Christian middle east isn’t Christian. Also as long as we are in NATO we really can’t escape the whole Middle East issue. Besides it’s always been great to have a coaling station in Qatar. So geography also makes your wishes and desires not particularly realistic.
@5 Nothing stopping a great Capitalist as yourself from using the same great service they are. So why aren’t you saving your dimes and using the services you are paying for? You too proud? Too rich? Too noble to mingle with the masses?
@6 It’s a legal establishment in Germany. Yes prostitution is legal there. If anything you have managed to confuse your fans, and prove you are a bunch of stupid Americans.
@8 Of course it was the individual member or members of Congress that went public with the letter from the FBI head. They did not have to, and while you may feel it was a weak reason, the law said the man should inform Congress. Bet there are many many letters Comey has written Congress we have heard nothing about. Took a member or members of Congress to make it a national issue.
Rather like a Ambassador from Russia doing his job and was also speaking to advisors and folks in the Clinton camp, probably to Clinton herself.
@9 The Muslim ban has little to do with Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. It is for the most part a separate issue. Sure the legislative branch may or may not process the nomination in time for the man to be sitting on the court should Washington states AG proceed through the courts when the state looses on the new travel ban. Nor is AG Sessions going to allow the amateur hour that took place when the Executive branch defended the first ban.
So AF Ferguson better have a really good amended complaint for the court on Monday. Even so the judge is likely to find the administration has complied with the Appeals court opinion under the first ban, and therefore the new ban should be allowed to proceed. Or just rule the state has no standing which should have been the ruling with the first ban.
@14 That would have meant she was able to acknowledge that she could well loose the race. It was in the bag as it had been since that day way back in 2008 when she would be the next President of the United States only after Obama. The man who was VP had no chance of getting the nomination from the party who had chosen her as next President back in 2008 as long as she played patti cake with President Obama. It would be glorious the first black President and then the first woman President. Biden could never be in that first category. So the party could have all those firsts and stay in power for decades. Only if your a Jewish socialist don’t count on being the first Jewish socialist President for at least another thirty years, that would be a first whose time has not come, nor will it come anytime soon in American politics. The leadership knows these things. Nope can’t finger that guy, but we can give him the finger and now one will ever know. Ooops they know, damn. She will still win! Cannot loose.
@15 Rather like Playboy and yes Hugh Hefner is someone who influenced Trump. And now there will once again be a naked centerfold in Playboy. Which explains why what your pointing out here is of much smaller importance to most voters than whatever you and others are thinking.
Comeon who doesn’t think Bill Clinton grabbed pussy. Or hell even Harry Truman. Maybe only his wife’s pussy, but he sure as hell grabbed it. In fact type A men are rather expected to grab pussy. It’s a cultural thing. Rightly or wrongly it’s there and Democrats could not get this to play the way they wanted with voters. Might have helped if their candidate was thought to be a bit of an ice maiden married to a guy who definitely is believed to have grabbed pussy. A kind of guy Americans love to put in tot he office of President or into Congress. It makes the scandals even better since we have a double standard, and will be very upset if it turns out the President has a paid woman or better yet man on the side. While the French expect just that. So who does Le Pen have? Who is her paid for lover who is not her husband? Of course if only a certain former President had told the investigator well she gave me a great blow job, and she is fantastic in bed well he would only have confirmed he is a great pussy grabber, and he would not have been impeached, but we would be just all aghast. An American President having an affair!!! How unpresidential!!!
@16 You know what is true is that a woman got on her knees and smoked Bill’s penis like a cigar, and she stayed married to Bill. Her choice. and nothing illegal or anything like that, but it’s all true. She could have divorced the man and that would have played well with the American voter.
@17 If you are an American citizen then you travel with an American passport. You also know then exactly what rights you have at another countries borders, and that is exactly none. The only thing you got is that passport and the knowledge the US government not old Bob Ferguson will back you up. Unless you like going to countries like North Korea, if so the government has given you ample you are stupid to go there, and if you do you got not rights once you go in, and you are on your own.
So tell me exactly how old Bob is going to help you out when you are in another nation? Because he cannot and the state of Washington has no authority there only the US government ours being a federal system and these are powers the state gave over to the US Government. So who you going to talk to if you need help in another nation as there is no embassy of the State of Washington there to help you out, just the US Embassy and in many nations you are going to have to insist on speaking to someone from the embassy if you are in a bad place. Even then it may well take the effort of someone at the Embassy to help you. If you prefer I’ll be more glad that AG Ferguson is who you expect to help you out. Just let me know your travel and I will let the embassy know. They will get a good laugh out of it, and will probably still come and help your sorry ass as they are professionals, and you being an American citizen are their responsibility. They will also be the folks responsible for keeping any assassins out of the US should you manage to really piss someone off in that foreign land. Or you think AG Freguson will help you out? Does Washington AG come with a costum with a cool cape?
@28 Welcome to America.
And well not like Congress in at least the first two Obama years could have made changes in the drug laws reflecting a hands off approach putting the power back to the states on all drug matters. Too bad that had too high of a political cost than what the Obama administration was willing to pay. So we got what we got. Leading to today. So write your congresspersons. Good luck on that.
And with good old Bob Ferguson other actions you think there is a big target on Washington. Yes payback is a bitch. It’s though the nature of politics. Can I offer you some ky and knee pads? As the evil AG is going to fuck you legally under Federal law.
@35 You mean sine the rise of agriculture? Of course the social and other sciences have continued since you died Karl, and there are definite cracks in your theory of the progression of history.
@37 Would that be first nations people to Canada? I don’t think they use that phrase in Mexico, not even in the Mayan more native area of Mexico. Very different culture based on conquistadors raping the natives creating a mixed culture that is only recovering from the hegemony of Spain.