I have been an REI member since forever. I love dividend day, ya’ll. I have literally taken an out of town guest to the Downtown store as, like, a touristy thing. I say that as prolegomena to the fact that I support the REI workers. They deserve secure scheduling and the right to join a union. It’s not too much to ask.
And do they also deserve a right to full-time hours? ’cause they’re calling for that as well – it’s on the flyer linked in a Goldy sidebar re-tweet.
Crooked Hillary Clinton behind in IA – Monmouth yesterday.
Crooked Hillary Clinton behind in FL, PA, and tied in OH – Q poll today.
Looks like she’ll fare even more poorly in a four-candidate scenario.
Hey BernieBros, both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson would love to have you. Hillary’s secretly backing TPP.
And Goldman Sachs is up more than $10/share in just the last week.
Feel the burn.
As a co-op, more than 72 percent of REI’s profits from 2015 will go back to members, employees and nonprofit partners. A record $185.3 million will be shared with more than 6 million REI members through annual dividends and credit card rebates. Members have the option of donating their dividend to The REI Foundation, if they choose.
How about an option for members to donate their dividend to the employees? It’s a co-op. Let the members, individually, act on the merits of the employees’ arguments.
If you want to know why many retail workers have very poor working conditions look in the mirror.
Do you shop after 8pm?
Do you shop early mornings on weekends?
Do you get upset if you have more than two people ahead of you in a checkout line?
The list goes on.
The reason retailers like REI try to keep lots of hourly employees in part time limbo is for scheduling flexibility. Modern retailers use real time data and analytic software to monitor and predict shopping traffic. Schedules are highly variable because so are retail shoppers. We want to shop where we feel like it when we feel like it. And we won’t tolerate lines or any kind of inconvenience (except Costco – nobody can explain Costco). When I was a boy grocery stores closed at night, usually by 9pm. Most were closed on Sundays, or had very limited hours. But then it was discovered that convenience drives sales volumes. Today most retailers are open all but two or three days a year. And most grocers are open 24-7. Many retailers are moving to open Thanksgiving day. New Years and Christmas will follow. But only because when they are open those days we shop those stores. We just need to stop it. We all need quit acting like frustrated babies. Whatever the fuck you need at 5am on Sunday can wait until 8am Monday. Nobody needs a new Weber grill at 10pm on a Saturday. Just fucking quit that bullshit and millions of lives will improve. We ought to know better. We shouldn’t have to be told.
So I’ll assume that your opposition to Trumpism is a principled stand, and one for which you ought to be commended. Kudos for that. I hope you are doing so because you recognize what an extravagant embarrassment he is to “conservatism” and to the Republican Party. But perhaps you are also doing so because, like so many other Republicans, you don’t want to go down with the sinking ship.
But is there really much redemption in going down with a different sinking ship?
@ 5
But is there really much redemption in going down with a different sinking ship?
Hey, in a Crooked Hillary Clinton administration, I’m still gonna be fine. She’s promised most of the lifeboats to Goldman Sachs and I’ve got a seat.
It’s the rest of y’all that need to work on your dog paddlin’ skills.
7 1/2 years of Obama haven’t hurt me. With the people pulling Crooked Hillary Clinton’s strings, I see no reason why 4-8 years with her in office will turn out any differently.
In another year I’ll no longer be a worker bee and I’ll be a capitalist, just like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. I can sit here all day and tell you how useless it is to work when you just fall further and further behind while the government takes more and more of your income.
You like it when he does it. You’ll love it when there are two of us.
Go redeem yourself, DR.
Oh. I should have put this in @ 2.
The close results in those battleground states are despite Crooked Hillary Clinton outspending Trump 15-to-1.
Real strong candidate you’ve picked there, libbies.
I’m not a Republican.
I don’t need redemption.
@ 9
Ah, but you’re a liberal. You need salvation from yourself, and you expect the unredeemed to pick up the tab for it.
@ 5,6,8,9
First one to use exorcism as a metaphor loses.
Evan Bayh’s back.
Memory check from Ezra Klein:
The sad, hypocritical retirement of Evan Bayh
For a United States senator to explain his retirement by saying, “I want to be engaged in an honorable line of work,” was the single most persuasive and devastating critique I’d ever seen of the Senate as an institution.
There’s no greater dishonor than intentionally aligning oneself with Crooked Hillary Clinton, should he succeed.
She’s fucking awful. That’s how, dumbass.
Robert Reich @RBReich
How is this possible? New polls in key battleground states show the race tightening between Donald Trump and… http://fb.me/5NpFVV0x9
Sorry. It’s the Republican Party that has adopted the bronze age superstitions of Xtian fundamentalism as it’s credo.
Well, that and NO RAGRETS.
What is it about Democrat dynasties and sexual predation?
Xeni Jardin @xeni 1h1 hour ago
Bayh’s dad sexually assaulted me in the back of a taxpayer-paid town car. With 2 of my male startup co-workers present. True story.
“She’s fucking awful.”
Really? Because to me she looks an awful lot like Mittens with a foreign policy portfolio.
And a vagina. That too, of course.
@ 13
When I think of Scotty P, I envision someone like the Fucking Moron, only smarter and more likely to reproduce.
There’s what Republicans think. And there’s what Republicans do.
@1 “Deserve” has nothing to do with it. The right question to ask is whether our economy is providing the jobs workers need to satisfy their economic needs.
Generally speaking, a job with variable, unpredictable, and less than full time hours that pays low wages is a terrible deal for a worker. He literally doesn’t know if he’ll be able to pay next month’s rent. The unpredictability of his work schedule makes it difficult or impossible to hold a second job to make ends meet. The best thing a worker with such a job can do for himself is to use his spare time to look for a different job.
In his comments, Boob has consistently and continuously exhibited a callous indifference to, and a complete lack of empathy for, workers struggling on the margins of the economy. I could have a lot of fun speculating why he does this: Rejects Christian principles, personal insecurity (“I can be successful only if other people fail”), or maybe just has a mean streak, etc.
One thing Boob doesn’t do as much as other cheap labor conservatives is belittle these workers. He doesn’t call them lazy, stupid, uneducated, deadenders, losers, etc., as many wingnuts do. Instead he obsesses on threatening them with robots if they complain too much. But like other conservatives, the idea of solving the basic problem of satisfying their subsistence needs never enters his mind, much less his heart. Boob, like all other cheap labor conservatives, along with history’s other exploiters and slave drivers, is a heartless son of a bitch.
In a competitive capitalist economic system like ours, the relationship between employer and employees is adversarial, no matter how warm and fuzzy the employer pretends to be on the surface. If REI employees want a better deal they have to band together and demand it. Historically, this has been done through unions, which are designed for this purpose.
Alternatively, the workforce can simply see REI as a place to get a few part-time hours to earn a few bucks in between school terms and/or backpacking trips. In other words, if REI management won’t take their employees’ needs seriously, then the workforce shouldn’t take REI’s labor needs seriously, either. REI can exist as a sort of hobby for both sides, like it did in its early days.
But that’s a strange way to run a multi-billion-dollar company with dozens of retail stores all over the country isn’t it?
Great twitter thread following @ 14 ongoing:
Christopher Hayes @chrislhayes 1h1 hour ago
@xeni !!!! Birch Bayh? Have you ever written about this before?
Xeni Jardin @xeni 1h1 hour ago
@chrislhayes no. Maybe I will. We were pitching our startup to the DNC and RNC. Nobody at the RNC has ever sexually assaulted me FWIW.
Xeni Jardin @xeni 1h1 hour ago
Lots of tales like that to share. Being a woman in technology has been tough for decades y’all. But yeah. Birch Bayh groped me.
JoEllen Zacks
@chrislhayes @xeni former co-worker was a Birch staffer. His idea of fun was to pitch quarters on floor & watch girls in mini skirts pick up
That’s odd. I had to go somewhere other than Goldy’s sidebar feed to pick these up.
@ 4, 18
I’ll try to address points made by each of you.
REI’s digital (online) business grew 23% in 2015, while the same-store sales growth was only 7%.
Retailers like Wal-Mart, Apple, and Target also are really pushing their online marketplaces.
The long-term effects of this will address @ 4’s point about shopping during more “normal” hours. One can still order a BBQ grill at 2 in the morning on a Sunday although the order will be filled the next day, at 9 a.m.
However, there is a need for fewer employees, and fewer total hours worked, to generate the same revenue in a digital marketplace, compared with a brick-and-mortar location. There’s a reason Amazon is using robots to fill orders in some of its warehouses. They’re less expensive and more efficient than an employee or three.
The reason I frequently point out automation and replacement of workers is because it is happening, and because it will happen more quickly as workers become more expensive. Roger Rabbit is right – I mention it a lot. Although if HA libbies would pay more attention to the downsides, or unlike the Fucking Moron even merely understand that downsides exist, I wouldn’t need to.
Best comment of the day so far is DR’s “credo”. Gotta run.
@2 The polls all over the map. You can find a poll that says anything you want it to say.
(Nate Silver rates them here: http://projects.fivethirtyeigh.....r-ratings/)
There are several things wrong with relying too much on polls. For one, it’s still too early for polling data to mean much; many voters don’t become engaged or pay much attention until after the conventions. For another, the accuracy of polling is suffering from the fact most surveys are conducted by phone (i.e., calling people with land lines), which overlooks the huge (generally younger) demographic that relies exclusively on cellphones. This is a big reason why Republicans were blindsided by Obama’s 2012 victory; their polls showing Romney ahead were way off. The quality of polling data is suffering from degradation for several other reasons, too: Because there’s so much fake polling (“push polls,” sales pitches disguised as surveys, and outright scams) many people now refuse to talk to pollsters; and there’s also a significant number of voters lying about their intentions (how many people are willing to openly admit they support Trump? this is why some pundits think he may do several points better than polls indicate). What it boils down to is the electorate is more opaque now than we’ve grown accustomed to in past elections.
So, Boob, flaunt your meaningless polls. Who knows, Adolf Drumpf might even win. I think Democrats would be reckless to take a Hillary victory for granted or assume it’s in the bag. It’s not. You humans are stupid and crazy enough that anything can happen. After all, German voters gave Hitler’s party a Reichstag plurality of their own free will, and they knew more or less what they were getting. It’s naive to think the same thing couldn’t happen here. You humans are basically the same everywhere.
Just be careful of what you wish for, that’s all I’m sayin’.
Anonymous GOP donor pledges $5 million if Trump releases tax returns
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4EJFQC543
Anonymous donor pledges $10 million if Crooked Hillary Clinton releases her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts in 3…2…1…
@3 “How about an option for members to donate their dividend to the employees? It’s a co-op. Let the members, individually, act on the merits of the employees’ arguments.”
The problem with this suggestion is REI’s members have no say in the co-op’s governance. That vanished when the right to nominate board candidates was taken away from them. Now, members can only vote for board-nominated candidates. The end result is that REI is governed by a self-selecting board. It’s equivalent to the Supreme Court justices choosing their replacements and nobody else has a say about it. REI’s board is answerable to no one except themselves. This ensures that member or employee initiatives will go nowhere. For the employees, the answer is a union to bargain on their behalf, and threatening to walk out to get leverage on the issues important to them. I believe many REI members would sympathize with the employees and support concerted labor actions to improve conditions for REI’s employees.
“We all need quit acting like frustrated babies.”
Yeah. The crybabies on college and university campuses need to stop acting like little crybaby bitches, too.
Wow, another one in Illinois.
These Obamacare co-ops are dropping faster than women at a Bill
ClintonCosby cocktail party.@6 “She’s promised most of the lifeboats to Goldman Sachs and I’ve got a seat.”
I see you’re a pragmatist like me. Of course, we capitalists get to board the lifeboats first, just like at airline gates, and to hell with the women and children. I just hope I don’t get stuck in the same fucking lifeboat as you. I would feel like Rose floating on an empty sea in a lifeboat with her fiance after the Titanic went deep-six.
July 15, this coming Friday, is a very good day to stay home and avoid crowds.
@ 21
So, Boob, flaunt your meaningless polls.
Er, when he updates, those will be Darryl’s meaningless polls. Take it up with him, as he’ll use each of them.
If you want a truly meaningless poll to flaunt, start here:
@6 “7 1/2 years of Obama haven’t hurt me.”
That’s the understatement of the year. Obama inherited an economy in shambles. The stock market bottomed in March 2009, just two months after he assumed office. Anyone who bought stocks then has seen their money double or triple over that 7 1/2 years. I paid 6 bucks for GE in March 2009 and it’s now worth, as of this morning, 32 dollars.
Boob likely is one of those better-educated, higher-income Republicans who is venal, but not completely stupid. He may know enough history to realize who really butters his bread, to wit:
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs, Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during the period of whom 6 presided over a depression or a recession.
–The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
Comparing Clinton to Reagan:
–Jobs grew 43% more under Clinton.
–GDP grew 57% more under Clinton.
–The Dow Average went up 700% more under Clinton..
–The NASDAQ Composite Index grew 18 times more under Clinton.
–Federal spending grew 28% under Clinton, but 80% under Reagan.
–Federal debt grew by 43% under Clinton but 187% under Reagan.
–Deficits grew by 112% under Reagan; Clinton produced a large surplus.
–National income grew 100% more under Clinton.
–Personal income grew 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES-Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.BLS.gov)
Economic Policy Institute (EPI.org) – Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
(These figures are a bit dated now, and would skew toward Democrats even more if you updated them with 2004-2015 data.)
Yes, I think Boob understands he would get by quite comfortably under a Hillary Clinton administration.
@ 29
Now do income inequality.
@9 “Ah, but you’re a liberal. You need salvation from yourself,”
Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you honestly believe a dyed-in-wool capitalist greedhead like me wants to trade Democratic stock market performance for Republican stock market performance? Are you crazy? Do you hate your money?
@23 That’s pretty much what happened with Group Health a decade or so ago. It’s been downhill ever since, all the way to the suits selling the whole thing to Kaiser and bailing out on their golden parachutes.
@11 “There’s no greater dishonor than intentionally aligning oneself with Crooked Hillary Clinton, should he succeed.”
Except for aligning yourself with Republicans, voting for Republicans, and/or being a Republican. That’s way more dishonorable.
I think it’s a huge mistake to lump retailers like REI or Fred Meyer in with a retail logistics company like Amazon. The two categories are growing closer together with time, but there are still huge differences. Amazon provides online retail e-commerce logistics. Trad retailers have caught on and most are doing the same on their own, while many are simply using Amazon services and cutting them in for a piece. But trad retailers hope to leverage their physical retail presence to drive e-commerce sales. They hope to do this in lots of ways, but certainly one of them is through in store customer assistance and relationship building. There may be lots of ways to pick out a tent. But going to a store, looking at them, and talking to in store “experts” is probably still very popular and likely to remain so. I don’t mean to comment on how well REI does this. I’m only pointing out that critical to this strategy is in store retail employees to build customer relationships. And as I’ve said, it is our behaviors as shoppers that drive the scheduling practices of these retailers. If we change they will change. If we stop behaving like cranky babies demanding to buy colorful fleece pullovers at odd hours, retailers like REI will quit treating their employees like shit.
We can set some reasonable limits on our own behavior. We can encourage friends and family to do the same. Stop piling up big ticket purchases for the Friday after Thanksgiving. Pick out one day a week to stop shopping altogether. Quit trying to squeeze in weekday shopping after work, gym, soccer, kids, dry cleaning, tapas, karaoke, book club, etc. If we all make a few small sacrifices it will make a huge difference in the lives of millions.
The other elephant in the room (and I’m not sure it’s the main issue in particular at REI) is that it costs less to employ two or three part-timers with no benefits than one full-timer with…and you can still brag to the world about how great your benefits are.
Wow. So you admit that traditional Republican rhetoric about “a rising tide” is flat out bullshit.
Have you just now figured it out? Or did you just finally come around to admitting it out loud?
@12 “She’s fucking awful.”
Drumpf is far worse. Oh, I realize you’ll try to beat that rap by voting for Gary Johnson. That dog won’t hunt. It’s too much like the Pope staying neutral while Hitler rounds up Jews. Elections ask voters to take sides. Sitting out an election, which is what voting for a third-party candidate with no chance to win is, is at best lazy and at worst cowardly. Unlike you, I’m going to take sides. I will set aside everything wrong with Hillary in order to vote against the worst major-party nominee since Richard Nixon. You can plausibly argue that Drumpf is even worst than Nixon, possibly much worse. It wasn’t my party who nominated him. Your party did. You should be ashamed of your party.
@ 34
I think it’s a huge mistake to lump retailers like REI or Fred Meyer in with a retail logistics company like Amazon.
I don’t think I did.
I made brief mention of Amazon’s automation, as an example of achieving cost savings and/or efficiency vs. that with human labor. That’s as far as I went with Amazon.
My point is that brick-and-mortar growth isn’t what digital growth is and will be, and that while there may be more satisfied and 9-to-5 employees in retail jobs in the future, there will be fewer of them.
Off-topic, but when I think of Amazon, I think of them hosting servers in Iceland. I use Amazon every day. They keep my data cool and secure. I hear they also have a retail business.
@14 If it’s true, what’s your source, and where’s your verification?
that’s true somewhat. But having contracted with a few large retail corps, my experience was that scheduling flexibility was the really big driver. The largest maker of hourly time keeping software also provides a host of other software services built around maximizing retail profitability. The key to this is minimizing direct and indirect labor costs. And while limiting overall benefit costs helps, the biggest factor is idle labor. A big box opening with 15 hourly employees and only twenty customers in the first few hours is losing money hour after hour. Multiply it by a few thousand stores, and by 362 days, and you get tens of millions of dollars a year. Maintaining as close to minimum staffing hour after hour is the single biggest driver of profit. So retailers staff according to hourly traffic, day in and day out. Which means that no day’s schedule is like any other. And no week’s schedule is like any other. And almost no employee’s schedule is the same from one day to the next, or one week to the next. But in order to make that work, and not incur overtime most employee’s schedules must be held below full time so that they can be variable from week to week. This is particularly true of highly seasonal retail like outdoor recreation.
@20 ” … a need for fewer employees … using robots …”
Classic Boob.
“The reason I frequently point out automation and replacement of workers is because it is happening, and because it will happen more quickly as workers become more expensive. Roger Rabbit is right – I mention it a lot. Although if HA libbies would pay more attention to the downsides, or unlike the Fucking Moron even merely understand that downsides exist, I wouldn’t need to.”
Where are you going with this? You point out that workers are being replaced by automation, but that’s an observation, not a solution. Your solution, if you’ve ever had one, appears to be that workers should try to compete with robots by accepting ever lower wages right down to zero.
I’ve been offering a solution for years. It’s this: People should be owners instead of workers. Since we’re all going to be replaced by robots and automation, we all need to become capitalists. In an age when no one can count on employers or labor for a living, everyone needs to own stock. If automation is carried to its logical conclusion, work will become obsolete, so if we don’t all have capitalist incomes, how will we live? The answer is socialism, i.e., government will have to tax those who do to support those who don’t. The only other alternative is to euthanize those who can’t support themselves.
@ 39
@14 If it’s true, what’s your source, and where’s your verification?
Well, look who has suddenly developed a sense of standards, all evidence to the contrary.
@ 40
I fucking hate it when people come off like they know exactly what they are talking about.
Seriously, very nice spew.
@30 not sure about this….but for anyone to think income inequality popped up overnight, with Obama becoming President, then they aren’t the brightest bulb in the world.
Income inequality has been increasing long before Obama and will only accelerate in the future, nothing to do with Obama….and maybe a lot to do with Conservatives wanting small government (not investing in highways, infrastructure, renewable energy). No manufacturing, low wages, etc….
Boob if you are suggesting that Obama is responsible for income inequality….I’d hate for you to be reading my fucking x-rays.
call for Robots only increase income inequality….Boob is a dumb mother fucker…..many years of his life and he’s probably never been satisfied in life. Fucking biggest fucking moron there is…..
at least Puffy may have an excuse for being brain dead…but Boob…..what the fuck is his excuse?
Read a story that Castile had been pulled over 52 times for minor traffic violations
Face book comments are fascinating
Some see this as racial profiling and harassment
Others, all white by their fb icons, see this as proof he was a criminal and the cops just had not caught him doing something criminal yet. That many stops, had to to be guilty of something.
@22 “Anonymous donor pledges $10 million if Crooked Hillary Clinton releases her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts in 3…2…1…”
I’d insist the money be put in escrow first.
@27 Every Friday is a good day to sit on my fat rabbit ass and do nothing, along with every Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sure beats going to a job.
I never thought I would live to see a billionaire presidential candidate complain “the system is rigged” as if he is not the beneficiary of said rigging. It blows my mind people are stupid enough to listen to him and not laugh in his face.
Drumpf ever becoming President would be the start of many days, or eternity, in hell.
@28 Darryl hasn’t done much with polls yet. Neither has Nate Silver. That’s why. At this point, I have no idea who’s going to win in November. Neither do they or you.
Arguably somewhat more meaningful are demographic analyses showing there aren’t enough angry white men to get Drumpf to 270 even if all of them vote. And the growing proportion of the Hispanic population in places like Florida may be problematical for him.
@46 completely pathetic America.
I think Boob’s strategy is to convince everyone how awful Clinton is that way, when Drumpf is elected in November and the earth ceases to rotate correctly on its axis he will blame it on Clinton not being strong enough to be the Nazi.
@30 Looks like it began turning a little lower right after Obama replaced our last Republican president.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s still work to be done, though, in raising wages and redistributing taxes.
@34 Well yeah, for example, I recently bought my first digital camera, and not knowing much about them I went to Best Buy and asked a sales person to assist me with getting what I needed, instead of ordering one from Amazon.
@35 Workers aren’t ignorant of the fact a job with no benefits pays much less than a job with benefits, even if the hourly pay rates are the same (which they often aren’t).
So, while staffing with part-timers may be better for your business, it’s not better for your employees and they’ll be looking for opportunities to leave. The resulting employee turnover may cost you more than you saved by shortchanging your employees, not to mention the cost of low morale among those still working for you.
@40 Now can these geniuses also come up with an algo that adjusts workers’ rent and food bills to the hours they’re allowed to work? If not, their clients may end up with worker revolts on their hands, some of which may take the form of calls for more legislative regulation of businesses.
You may see, for example, laws that require employers to pay workers for a set minimum number of hours, whether they work or not, when they’re required to be available on less than 72 hours (or 7 days’) notice. And laws requiring employers to pay workers for a minimum number of hours of work if they’re required to show up. And premium pay for variable or rotating shifts. Etc. etc.
There are limits to how far businesses can go in extracting more profit from the backs of workers before they run into pushback. We’re probably already there.
Boob’s “final solution” is to replace workers with robots, and let the workers starve.
@42 There now, that wasn’t hard, was it? Why didn’t you do that in the first place?
As for your posturing about “standards,” we both know I’m one of HA’s most fastidious posters when it comes to providing links to sources and using reputable sources, so I think we can write off that remark as arm-flailing due to a bad underarm itch.
@43 sez mr. know-it-all
@44 “Boob if you are suggesting that Obama is responsible for income inequality….I’d hate for you to be reading my fucking x-rays.”
Especially given that income equality started improving, even if only slightly, after Obama took office. See @53.
A major contributor to income inequality in recent years is the huge rise in the stock market from its 2009 bottom, which mostly benefited the already-wealthy, and was further exaggerated by the much lower tax rates on capital gains and dividends than on wages.
Both of these inequality-enhancing factors resulted from intentional government policy decisions. On the one hand, Reagan and his GOP successors drastically lowered taxes for the wealthy. Then, when their policies crashed the economy, the Federal Reserve staved off another Great Depression by resorting to monetary policies that inflated financial assets like stocks and bonds, which further enriched the already-wealthy, while Republicans in Congress blocked fiscal stimulus measures like infrastructure spending that would have created jobs for workers.
You can, of course, get rid of the inequality-creating effects of these policy decisions by changing the policies. But to do that you have to get rid of the Republicans in policy-making positions. For example, if you wanted the fiscal stimulus most economists called for, you needed a Democratic-controlled Congress in addition to a Democratic president. Unfortunately, Congress was controlled by obstructionist Republicans thanks to abusive gerrymandering, even though a majority of Americans had voted for a Democratic Congress.
Republican policies are always a giveaway for the rich and a bad deal for the working class. Add the fact Republicans don’t have a shred of compassion or humanity towards the poor, afflicted, elderly, or workers, and there’s no reason to vote for them. Non-rich people who do are shooting their own balls off.
As a middle-class millionaire stock flipper of relatively modest means (just ask Boob), I’m much better off under Democratic policies than under Republican policies. Even if there weren’t a massive disparity in honesty, ethics, competence, compassion, and humanity (not to mention racism, bigotry, and sexism), simply in terms of my own selfish interests I would vote for Democrats 100% of the time.
@6 “In another year I’ll no longer be a worker bee and I’ll be a capitalist, just like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Gee, you still have another year of being a Medicare slave down in the radiology dungeon ahead of you? I retired 14 years ago this month. I’ve been a lazy, unproductive, good-for-nothing capitalist ever since.
I was just looking at the fact I paid $85 for Lockheed 6 years ago, and it’s now worth $255, plus the dividend income is 7.75% of my original cost, and what’s more it’s all tax-free because greedy Medicare-sucking MDs like Boob jack up my medical deductions enough to keep me in the 15% tax bracket.*
(* Taxes on capital gains and dividends don’t kick in until the 25% bracket, and even then they’re taxed at a greatly reduced rate. But for middle-class millionaires like me, capitalist income is tax-free. Thank you, Republicans! Seems a little unfair to wage earners, though.)
Hmmm, looks like one of Boob’s robot workers has gone rogue.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Automation has downsides, as this employer will learn when it’s sued by the child’s parents.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
Picking on Travis again R senile? Everyone knows you are out of yours for the last three years!
2013 was a very bad year for R senile!
I still don’t believe it – but Boob a Nazi?! I’m not sure where they keep coming up with it but I continue to read stuff that say Boob is a Nazi…..yeah, a fucking Nazi…..can you believe that? Now, there are a couple of new organizations reporting it, it’s now more than just one, the National Enquirer, so sounds like there might be some evidence that Boob is a Nazi….I’m just still a little baffled, he loves the gays and the blacks and the jews, so I just not sure if he can really be a Nazi. But they say he’s a Nazi. Can you imagine that, a Nazi. Wow, I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you know it is more than just one news outlet now saying, so you would think they would know if Boob is a Nazi or not. I wonder what make Boob a Nazi?
Can you guys believe that Boob is a Nazi?! A fucking Nazi!
I think there might be some truth to the argument that Obamacare takes away your doctor and leaves you stuck with a shitty doctor like Boob…..no wonder so many people are pissed off. It’s because there are tons of shitty doctors or medical professional people like Boob that don’t know their ass from their elbow.
@62 Whoever designed those things had to have been a Dr. Who fan.
@64 So…..Boob is the new Klake????
It would now appear that Cheeto Jesus is experiencing florid auditory and visual hallucinations.
Of course most Republicans, being idiots, will take these ravings of an obvious psychotic as party orthodoxy coming as they do from their party’s nominee. And they will dutifully proceed to go on racist rampages against all the “uppity” blacks. For “the moment of silence”. The one that never happened.
That Fuckwad better watch his back.
@67 If there’s a moment of silence, Cheeto Jesus can be relied upon to fill it with something unpleasant.
Mother Jones delves into Drumpf’s strange attraction to brutal dictators.
GWB moment of silence. Great dance moves – like he was at a wedding. His wife is livid, thinking how did I get stuck with this monkey….Michelle is like, I have to help this guy, maybe I should sway a little too so he doesn’t look like a complete fool, because that’s would good liberals do…..And Barack is like, yeah maybe I shouldn’t let Michelle do all the dirty work herself, but part of him is also saying, woman we going to hit the sack a little later.
@63 “Picking on Travis again R senile?”
Yeah. I do it because it’s easy and fun.
Hey, wanna hear a lawyer-doctor joke? A lawyer and a doctor ended up seated next to each other in first-class on a coast-to-coast flight. They didn’t engage in much conversation, but when they spoke, both were fastidiously polite. After a while, the doctor kicked off his shoes, settled back, and dozed off while the lawyer read a legal brief he’d taken from his briefcase. About an hour later, the doctor — who had the window seat — needed to use the rest room. The lawyer politely set his papers aside, got up to let the doctor out of his seat, and said, “Say, doctor, as long as you’re getting up anyway, could you bring back a Coke for me?” The doctor replied, “Certainly.”
While the doctor was gone, the lawyer leaned over and picked up one of the doctor’s shoes, spat in it, put it back in its place, then leaned back in his seat smirking. The doctor soon returned, handed the lawyer his Coke, and settled back in his seat. The lawyer chugged the Coke and went back to reading his brief. After a few minutes had passed, the doctor said, “You know, this hostility between lawyers and doctors everyone talks about is silly.” The lawyer looked up, and putting on his best poker face, replied, “I agree.”
“Yep,” the doctor answered, “I think it’s high time we stopped spitting in shoes and pissing in Cokes.” The lawyer began gagging.
I’m just paying Bickle back for what his buddy did to my buddy.
Kinda looks like either Pence or Christie will be Drumpf’s #2. “The Atlantic” thinks it looks like Pence.
But that could be problematical, because Pence sharply disagrees with Drumpf on free trade.
Meanwhile, the GOP circus organizers have chosen a ringmaster worthy of their chief clown.
“Utahns will always remember Mickelson as [the woman] responsible for the state’s biggest and perhaps most embarrassing political scandal of the last 30 years.”
Yep, that’s right, the chairwoman of the GOP rules committee is a reality soap opera star. Read the lurid details here:
This article explains why it’s crucial to prosecute and convict rogue cops. http://www.theatlantic.com/pol.....ce/490541/
Nate Silver explains the polls. Yes, Trump is doing better; no, it doesn’t mean the race has fundamentally changed.
@46 “Others, all white by their fb icons, see this as proof he was a criminal and the cops just had not caught him doing something criminal yet.”
The cops will eventually catch Senator Scott doing something.
“Black GOP Senator Talks About Being Pulled Over By Police 7 Times In One Year”
“This is a situation that happens all across the country,” Sen. Tim Scott said, “whether we want to recognize it or not.”
I doubt that I’ve been pulled over seven times in my life. And when I do get pulled over, I don’t get tickets, just a warning.
@75 So The Donald might get 200 EVs?!? Oh noes!!!!
@76 The police long ago lost their legitimacy in black communities. There, as Ta-Nehisi Coates explains, the men in blue are often seen as just another violent street gang.
Oh, and white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement is a thing.
Just sayin’.
Puddy laughs at all you HA DUMMOCRETINS whom call conservatives Nazis and Fascists. The actions of Purdue and Black Lies Don’t Matter to the Media demonstrate how DUMMOCRETINS are the real Nazis and Fascists… http://heatst.com/culture-wars.....es-matter/
Free Speech… Face Expulsion and Death Threats!
The white elephant in the HA DUMMOCRETIN room… http://collegeinsurrection.com.....orthiness/
The white elephant in the HA DUMMOCRETIN room… http://collegeinsurrection.com.....orthiness/
When you are a libtard university full of libtards, it’s sooooooooooooooo hard to be gender neutral! http://collegeinsurrection.com.....ale-clubs/
Meanwhile hopefully, these DUMMOCRETINS will get their just desserts! http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/28092/
FACTS always destroy HA DUMMOCRETIN rants… http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016.....tings.html
Interesting from the NY Slimes … http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016.....sburg.html
This is why she is called The Notorious RBG!
This is how DUMMOCRETINS roll… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2708916
All is good with the world Larry the #10 Downing Street Cat is still on the job. All of you should sleep more soundly.
You go Larry!!! Ignor RR he’s a bit biased when it comes to humans, cats and dogs.
@87 Looks like a case the defense can win on appeal and she will get a third trial.
@86 The New York Times has it wrong. Not so much the stories as their analysis.
Hey Puffy – here is a good Nazi friend of yours.
Michele Bachmann: Religious Liberty Is When Jews Say Merry Christmas http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....f?section=
Maybe this is Boob’s wife. Maybe Boob is really Marcus.
Well you are a Senator. Then fix it, you dumb fuck.
Black GOP Senator: I Was Pulled Over By Police 7 Times In One Year http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....0?section=
The NY Times is wrong Mark Adams? When are they ever right?
So you think The Notorious RBG is correct to prove to the world she’s a deep down whack job libtard from the SCOTUS bench? When Clinton nominated her, being somewhat notorious was well known! That’s why Clinton nominated her. She would fully cover the donkoinfanticide wing of the DUMMOCRETIN party!
The NY Times is wrong Mark Adams? When are they ever right?
So you think The Notorious RBG is correct to prove to the world she’s a deep down whack job libtard from the SCOTUS bench? When Clinton nominated her, being somewhat notorious was well known! That’s why Clinton nominated her. She would fully cover the donkoinfanticide wing of the DUMMOCRETIN party!
Meanwhile more DUMMOCRETINS going wild in NYC! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2688649
So sas about the dude trying to protect his wife from another whack DUMMOCRETIN!
Looks like the start of yet another hate-filled, double-posting day for the loon. How tiresome.
DUMMOCRETIN Chicago this week so far…
Week in Progress (7/10 – 7/16)
Shot & Killed: 6
Shot & Wounded: 36
Total Shot: 42
Total Homicides: 7
July so far…
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 21
Shot & Wounded: 156
Total Shot: 177
Total Homicides: 24
Next update this weekend!
Isn’t it “wonderful” to view how DUMMOCRETIN cities, ruled by DUMMOCRETINS all these years have the worse violence problems?
The loon doesn’t care about the blacks in Chicago. Rather, he uses them, reducing them to a cut & paste statistical expression of his hatred of America.
See how Puddy PWNS QPPS @96?
The sad thing is it doesn’t even know when it is PWND anymore! The chain is jerked and the jerk is chained.
Its DUMMOCRETINS who don’t care about MINORITIES in Chicago QPPS. When did Operation Push hit the streets to stop the neighborhood violence?
Watch the deflection happen! Train wreck soon!
The Dow is plunging UPWARD another 140 points today! It has gained almost 1,400 points since the Brexit rally began. Man, this has gotta be rough on market timers! Sure glad I know better than to try timing to market, and even gladder I’m not one of those cowards who stuffs cash in mattresses or bank accounts! Anybody interested in how much money I’m making this morning? Poodles? Well, sorry, but modesty prevents me from telling you. Hey Boob, have you shot any fleeing felons with your AR-15 this morning? With a good telescopic sight and a laser rangefinder, you should be able to pick them off in the next ZIP code from the window of your radiology lab!
Double posts and now another cut & paste head explosion. What a loon!
The self-loathing black loon, the KKK and Trump. How pathetic.
“Virginia KKK Leader Endorses Trump: ‘What He Believes In, We Believe In’”
@101 Yawn. Stretch. I see the loon is on his perch up in his tree early this morning. He must’ve had another sleepless night in the salt mine.
We’ve come far.
Of our two remaining trolls, one has quit the Republican party, plans to cast his Presidential vote for a marijuana entrepreneur, has repudiated the Republican lie of supply side, and admits that Democrats are better for the economy.
The other is standing on a mailbox in downtown Kirkland with shit stains running down his pants legs, screaming at the top of his lungs about emails and fossil hammers while the Caucasian gentry avert their eyes and cross the street to avoid him.
This is progress. But there is more to be made. The utter embarrassment and systemic failure of Republican leadership exemplified by the nomination of Cheeto Jesus represent not just a moment of historical decline, but also a moment of opportunity. The sad reality is that, unlike advanced degree holders like Boob, most Republican voters will vote for Trump. He will lose. Probably quite badly. And his political fortunes will crash. That failure must be seized and the downward momentum it creates must be leveraged to discourage and disenchant more voters like Sloppy. This imminent failure must be seen for what it is: a Republican failure. This makes the Republican record of failure complete. Failing militarily, failing economically, failing fiscally, failing domestically, and now failing politically. The shame and regret Bob feels about his former party’s nominee must be made the shame and regret all “conservative” voters feel about the failed Republican party.
@93 Looks like the schizo troll has a new obsession. Whatever happened to Benghazi and the emails?
Did hell freeze over? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07......html?_r=0
“Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect.”
The Notorious RBG apologized? She actually went contrite? Yeah right? The Notorious RBG caved due to Congressional and Senatorial DUMMOCRETIN pressure. She took the veil off of her DUMMOCRETIN leanings and made them front and center for everyone to view how notorious The Notorious RBG really is!
DAYUM Special!
@107 There are exceptions to everything. For example, infanticide is a no-no (unless you’re a cop with legal immunity), but many of us agree we’d kill Baby Hitler if we could go back in time.
Normally, judges shouldn’t comment on candidates for public office. But, like I said, there are exceptions. Ginsburg is merely exercising her moral responsibility as one of the highest judges in the land to warn us about the next Hitler. Predictably, HA’s schizo troll who hates everything and everyone, not least his own country, his own race, and himself, finds something wrong with that.
Which kinda makes me think the loon was born a couple generations too late, because attitudinally he would’ve fit right in with the Third Reich until he flunked the Aryan physical inspection and they led him off to the gas chambers.
Remember, loon, what Adolf Drumpf does to Hispanics and Muslims, he could do to you too. If enough idiots like you vote for him, you may find yourself a stateless and homeless person sitting on a rock off the coast of Africa.
I grew up in an affluent town in CT that is Democrat controlled currently and for most of the past…….and close to a major city…..none of the statistics of what Puffballs speaks about…in fact it was very rich and crime free. Except for that one murder by the doctor when he killed his wife….Boob? And also, Urban sprawl or desertion of the cities by white people, dems and repukes help make inner cities poor, even if only certain areas of those cities.
Puffyballs your statistics may be 100% correct but they have nothing to do with Democrat…if anything it is the Republican policies that keep the inner cities poor, but I like to think that low income people, where predominantly the statistics are coming from, have some accountability for their own being as well as this country fix or righting what was wronged of slavery and non educating people.
Did the Oregon moron write something worth reading?
No your honor!
They’re all DUMMOCRETIN SCUM, no doubt.
“We stand against Donald Trump’s divisive candidacy and want a candidate who embraces the ideals that built America’s technology industry: freedom of expression, openness to newcomers, equality of opportunity, public investments in research and infrastructure, and respect for the rule of law.”
You’re known by the company you keep. In addition to Trump’s current rotating wife and his kids, the GOP convention speaker list includes:
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Ted Crud
Crispy Creme Christie
Newt Gingrich
Rick Scott
Rudy Giuliani
Tom Cotton
Mike Fuckabee
Scott Walker
Gifted Hands
Mary Fallin
Jerry Falwell
Tim Tebow
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people will do anything for attention. Why don’t they just rent a billboard instead?
@110 Sez the babbling schizo loon.
The veep mystery will soon be solved. (Remember the old “Clue” game?) Drumpf says he’ll announce his choice at 11 am tomorrow; Clinton will reveal her pick next week. Predictions:
On the GOP side, it looks like Pence, although Christie and Gingrich are in the running. Pence is the safer choice here.
Meanwhile, Hillary seems most likely to pick Tim Kaine, although Tom Vilsack and Corey Booker are possibilities. Kaine has been talked up so much, and brings so many assets to the ticket, that he appears to be slam-dunk.
I’m inclined to give odds of 50-50 between Pence and Christie, and bet on Kaine.
Just leaked: It’s Pence.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While Pence is a less radical selection than Gingrich or Christie, he’s not someone thoughtful people can vote for. He’s a creationist, a hardcore opponent of abortion and LGBT rights, a spending hawk, immigration hawk, and was an Iraq War hawk. And he’s governor of a deep-red state. His function on the ticket is to get wingnuts to vote for Drumpf. The best thing you can say about him is that the vice presidency is the most useless and powerless office in DC, and parking him there will limit the harm he can do should Drumpf somehow win the White House. He’d be more dangerous in a cabinet job.
@115 In addition, Pence is sufficiently “vanilla” that there’s little chance of him stealing the spotlight from The Donald. There’s no way that would have been the case with either Gingrich or Christie.
Kind of looks like Pence will be Drumpf’s VP pick. But as a side note to the story they were reporting that Boob could be a Nazi. So I’m not sure Pence is the guy. You know because Boob really can’t be a Nazi. Come on! Boob a Nazi? Now way. But that’s what they are reporting. I don’t get it – Boob loved gay people and the blacks and the Jews, and immigrants especially the ones with hot daughter in laws. So I’m not sure I believe that Noob is a Nazi. Can he be? Why would they report that he is a Nazi. That god damned liberal media! Bob loves all races and kinds. A Nazi!??! I’m not sure but that’s what they say, they say Boob is a Nazi!
@117 Reincarnation has never been disproved, so you can’t rule out Boob being Klake in another body, and Klake was a nazi so it’s possible Boob is a nazi.
Karl Marx redub as R senile?
John Wilkes Booth redub as R senile?
So the GOP is writing off college educated women under 40 in a grab for the thumper vote. might help them in a select few down ballot races and poorer battleground states. But the long term trend is disastrous. Women under 30 attend college more, earn more, and vote more than their male counterparts. Another stupid trade. Figures.
Thanks to the GOP, these guys can still acquire an arsenal of military weapons and ammo through secret unregulated trades on Facebook. FREEDUMB!
“There’s no way that would have been the case with either Gingrich or Christie.”
While Christie has proven himself capable of being Trump’s faithful manservant, he has to testify in court about Bridgegate in September.
When forced to pick from a bad lot, there’s no good choice.
I say that wingnuts should be free to display their ammosexuality while exercising their 2nd Amendment rights inside the convention hall.
I’ve signed the petition!
But dirty, filthy, hippie traitors like our sad, weak, hypocritical trolls refuse to stand up for the Constitution. How many times have they insisted that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun? But they turn their back on the convention like cowards. Disgraceful!
Where does the bozo @121 get its information from? The gutter of left wrong web sites?
Where does the bozo @121 get its information from? The gutter of left wrong web sites?
@119 @120 You were a mosquito in your previous life. Until you got slapped. Now you’re back as another insect in a slightly different physical form. And you’re still getting slapped. Every. Fucking. Day.
Hmm, looks like DR @121 caused the loon @126 and 127 to pound on his keyboard a little too hard. Well done!
Wait for it… “Chrome!” Yeah, right. What a loon!
Hahahahaha!!! Look who got sacked!!! The Seattle police union loudmouth!!! http://www.seattletimes.com/se.....-121785541
It’s Obama’s fault! That’s right, everything shown in the charts below, happened on his watch. Therefore, you can hold him responsible.
Funny how a loud mouth like that has to show his hypocrite colors. I’m sure he was quick to talk about the hatred that was spewed about gay people deserving what they got in Orlando just as quick as his emotions got him to say that about the cop killings.
Go duck yourself you fucking cock sucking asshole fuckface. You reap what you sow, now drink the piss down with a smile and then right after go to hell. Fight fire with fire – burn the place down!
What kind of fucking tool hires a publicist, and goes to a portrait studio to have a head-shot image made and wears a fucking polo shirt? What “image” does that convey?
“Hi. My name’s Ron Smith. Welcome to TGI Fridays! Can I start you with one of our signature cocktail creations?”
Mark my words. In about a year you’ll see him on the ballot in some lesser ‘burb like Kent or Maple Valley.
Watch this.
D. L. Hughley tries valiantly to break through the skein of racial denial that is Megyn Kelly. It shouldn’t be so hard. He has her on the road. She acknowledges that these police departments are infiltrated with some active white supremacists. She acknowledges that these police departments are infected with systemic racial bias. And she acknowledges that police officers involved in the notorious killing of black folks are granted an extraordinary presumption of innocence. But she simply will not draw any linkage between these stipulated facts. She just won’t. She’d rather talk about something else. And complain about her feels getting hurted. Fuck her.
“What “image” does that convey?”
Terror attack in Nice France. Some more friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS in action! http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s.....UCK_ATTACK
Hands Up Don’t Shoot was BULLSHIT Oregon moron. Hughley loses credibility when he attacks Obummer’s own House nigga Eric Holder using that tired mantra! Holder wanted to convict Darren Wilson butt the evidence showed the gentle giant did not comply with lawful police commands. His accomplice, that lying moron Damian Johnson was repudiated by multiple witnesses. Hughley looked foolish when he went into that tirade. Puddy was going to let it slide butt you chose to look as stooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Misplaced love Oregon moron! Remember your senile bud R senile wanted to convict Darren Wilson before a trial. That’s the way R senile thinks. Cops are guilty because R senile says so!
Can’t wait for Clarence Thomas to attack Careless Crooked Heilary! HA DUMMOCRETINS will have NOTHING TO SAY because they had NOTHING TO SAY with The Notorious RBG!
Remember the rush from QPPS and R senile to throw up certain left wrong loaded polls showing Careless Crooked Heilary leading by 11-13% points. Apparently those polls were loaded with many DUMMOCRETINS and biased! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hi.....snyt-poll/
@139. Puffy why are you so enraged about it. I’m not even sure or have read what she said about Drumpf nor do I care what she said.
For you assholes to get all hot and bothered after the birther movement and everything else thrown at the President, you have such thin skin.
And Benghazi and email bullshit. You think anyone would care what the pubic hair guy says.
Where is Nazi Boob?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Paul Constant @paulconstant
Diversity makes America great. Donald Trump wants to put an end to that. http://civicskunkworks.com/inn.....nnovation/ …
Say, both France and Germany were at 26% in this poll.
Do you think Germany would still be at 26% after the news of 2000 sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve, largely by immigrants?
How do you think France would poll, Paul and Goldy, after an attack of this vulgarity on Bastille Day? 26% again?
Great timing, guys. Anyone seen my We Are All France Now beret?
At least you’re spot-on in one respect. Trump very much wants
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Another horrific attack, this time in Nice, France. Many dead and injured. When will we learn? It is only getting worse.
3:40 PM – 14 Jul 2016
to put an end to it.
Remember the fool who brought up Carolina Senator Tim Scott? Yes, Puddy remember the fool very well. Now we know the rest of the story because Puddy brings it all to you… https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/2016/07/13/tim-scott-shares-personal-stories-as-a-black-man-of-frustration-with-cops/?singlepage=true
Where did almost all these moronic acts happen? In DUMMOCRETIN town WA DC! Racism is big time in DUMMOCRETIN towns!
Puddy remembers the Boston Celtic guard Dee Brown. Most HA DUMMOCRETINS are wondering who is he and what did he do? Well Puddy remembers… http://articles.latimes.com/19....._dee-brown
PuddyCommentariat: You see HA DUMMOCRETIN fools… When you are black in the the DUMMOCRETIN cities you are always GUILTY!
Suck on that suckas! When you are black in a DUMMOCRETIN controled city you are ALWAYS GUILTY of having dark skin!
That’s the FACTS jack!
@139 Does anyone care what Long Dong Silver says about Hillary Clinton? Besides you, I mean.
Every time some tragedy happens, our Most Reviled Troll says something horrible. This is part of the reason why I block him. At least Trump has the decency to postpone by a few days the awful things he will almost certainly say.
Oh Dr Obnoxious… You poor poor fool. Another hideous attack and Careless Crooked Heilary is SILENT!
If you blocked Puddy then how would you know Puddy speaks the truth about radical islamic terrorists and how HA DUMMOCRETINS think like radical islamic terrorists?
BTW Trump made a statement Dr Obnoxious. You are an odious libtard! Misguided HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Remember Europe is a gun free zone. All those dead people!
@ 147
And yet the unending horrible things spewed by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit are unblocked. Built up a tolerance, have you? Or do you not read what he typically writes after a gun violence story, because other than the tonedeafness and hate, there’s no substance to any of it?
So if 17 dead in Paris warrants a James Taylor, who should Kerry send for 73 (and counting) dead in Nice?
Maybe he can get Elton to play Funeral for a Friend.
Drumpf wanting (as much as everyone else) to do something about it and being able to do something about it are two entirely different things.
You reap what you sow Booby boy!
Does Most Reviled Troll come with a sash and tiara?
@149 sometimes hate is more deadly when it is silenced and people remain silent like you , you fuckwad.
Long Dong Silver
jealous with that short rabbit weenie?
@ 153
I can understand you’re upset. Nice just paid 3 to 2 on your Orlando.
BTW Dr Obnoxious,
Donald Trump dropped everything and within EIGHT minutes went on Bill O’Reilly to discuss the Nice attack! Bill said he called Careless Crooked Heilary and she’s a no show.
This is very apparent to Real Americans! Even Geraldo Rivera claimed that Obummer created ISIS a few minutes ago!
@ 156
Bill said he called Careless Crooked Heilary and she’s a no show.
Happy Hour in two different time zones today. She’s not showing anywhere.
Well she just called into Bill O’Reilly!
@ 158
Watching Bill O’Reilly is performance art?
Factoring in Drumpf’s current bounce in polls, Nate Silver calculates Drumpf is now up to 226 electoral votes and his chances have improved from 1-in-4 to 1-in-3.
@ 160
Wait ’til he factors in Nice.
I don’t know about Trump ‘bouncing’. In the NYT/CBS poll he was at 40% in April and he’s at 40% now.
Crooked Hillary Clinton, OTOH:
April 50%
May 47%
June 43%
Now 40%
Chart’s at the top, Dumbfuck:
I just checked and there is no Planned Parenthood center anywhere near Nice.
Oh, and stuff like this is beginning to circulate:
Mohanad Hage Ali @MohanadHageAli
An #ISIS Twitter account is linking #NIce’s Truck attack to the death of Omar Shishani
2:29 PM – 14 Jul 2016
Another crazy. So sad for those people in France.
@ 163
“Another crazy.”?
What, is that like “I has a sad.”?
The investigation has already been turned over to a terrorism investigation team. Were you thinking it was going to be another Dylan Roof?
@161 “Wait ’til he factors in Nice.”
This from a guy whose party hated France so much they refused to call french fries by their proper name! Not so long ago 99% of Republicans thought of the French as traitors and cowards. Now you’re telling us Republican voters will watch this on their flat-screens and weep for the Frogs? No, I think they’ll say, “Better them than us,” and flip the channel changer back to ESPN.
@163 No, I agree with what Boob says,* it smells like ISIS.
* Boob isn’t exactly experiencing an intellectual renaissance. “We” (meaning Westerners) just whacked one of ISIS’ top guys. It’s not that hard to figure out who might be lusting for payback.
@164 Of course it’s ISIS. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out. That’s why you thought of it.
The whole Nation will want to commit suicide after Two years of Drumpf as President…. Now that’s something to laugh about….Hahahahaha!
“Now you’re telling us Republican voters will watch this on their flat-screens and weep for the Frogs? No, I think they’ll say, “Better them than us,” and flip the channel changer back to ESPN.”
I’m sure the hate-filled loon weeps tonight for all those “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” who died in Nice.
“Do you think Germany would still be at 26% after the news of 2000 sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve, largely by immigrants?”
People on the right do strange shit, such as our own Republicans who are about to nominate for the presidency a guy who sexually assaults 13 year-old girls, so who knows?
I hear the lovely Ivanka is going to be a no-show as well.
“The Trump dumpster fire rages on: Tim Tebow says he’s not speaking at RNC after all”
Puddy weeps for the loss of life from radical islamic terrorists while QPPS cheers for idiots who hate Israel as much as QPPS does.
You QPPS love Obummer’s culture of appeasement! Careless Crooked Heilary wants to increase the number of middle east refugees by 550%! Trump is against that. Why? They have no papers!
Sux to be you!
Charles Barkley: Black People Have To Do Better
QPPS disagrees!
Geraldo Rivera asks why has Obummer allowed these savages to have these safe havens for so long. Very implausible per Rivera, a DUMMOCRETIN!
Geraldo Rivera asks why has Obummer allowed these savages to have these safe havens for so long. Very implausible per Rivera, a DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS are rewriting history again… AP European History removes historical truths! http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/27997/
“In DUMMOCRETIN town WA DC! Racism is big time in DUMMOCRETIN towns!”
The loon’s head will explode again.
“Tim Scott says he was targeted by Capitol Police”
Capital Police. As in, controlled by the legislative branch. As in, controlled by Republicans who are nominating for the presidency a white supremacist who rapes 13 year-old girls for kicks.
What a depraved, hate-filled loon! Heh. Really stooooooopid, too. In fact, dumber than a stump!
Uh, oh! The double-posting loon is sexually abusing his keyboard again.
What a loon!
Sure is amazing what Obummer’s FBI is not telling certain people… https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/06/29/fbi-fails-to-inform-americans-on-isis-kill-list/
The loon weeps over “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” dying. Yeah, right.
What does the loon call it when “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” and “sand niggers” both die? “Win-win”.
What a loon!
Well QPPS, it seems to really bother you. Since you CAN’T post twice by clicking, how else does it happen boi?
Sux to be you!
The loon swallows…the lie that Trump weeps tonight for “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”.
“Los Angeles Daily News reports that while the rest of the world is mourning the horrific mass murder in Nice, France, Donald Trump is holding a massive fundraiser in Bel Air.”
What a loon!
@181 “Chrome!”
The double-posting, depraved, hate-filled loon probably fucks his keyboard in anger. After all, his hero, Republican Neal Horsley, fucks washing machines. Oh, and farm animals, of course.
“The mule consented – Neal Horsley update”
What a loon!
@172 Don’t drown in your crocodile tears.
@174 Are you referring to the Obama who’s been bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, and Phillippines, or some other Obama?
To quote* the troll @145, “That’s the FACTS jack!”
(*Also known as “shoving his bullshit back up his ass.”)
R senile.
Where has Puddy ever thought that? Why do you excrete your bloody messes onto others?
@177 “Racism is big time in DUMMOCRETIN towns!”
That must explain all the black people fleeing to red states to escape from racism.
@186 When have I ever claimed you think?
If the cop who killed Philando Castile thought Castile was a robbery suspect why didn’t the cop perform a “felony stop” as he was trained?
Meanwhile, Drumpf has postponed his veep announcement because he doesn’t want the terrorist attack in France taking away all the media attention that he feels rightfully belongs to him.
Terrorism never stopped Obummer QPPS!
Sux to be you QPPS!
Not only is R senile @188 senile butt it has 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
Don’t remember writing this ya moron?
Senility is strong in this idiot!
#189, Maybe in DUMMOCRETIN cities training reviews are skipped!
Bernie the Faker Sells Out to Goldman Sachs
PuddyCommentary: Bernie being the other DUMMOCRETIN candidate was a real joke. Now we know it was a REALLY CRUEL JOKE to millions of his followers!
@192 “Puddy thinks like Bull Connor …. He thinks what happens in Ferguson is no business of people in Syracuse, St. Croix, or Seattle.”
You’re right, I once accused you of thinking. In fact, I did it TWICE in the same comment! You’ve got me dead to rights. I can’t explain it. I must’ve been drunk.
“Way back in the early Paleolithic Days…”
PJ Media, a website for the batshit insane. Get a load of the comments. Yeah, right, Bernie, the anti-Semite Jew.
What a batshit crazy fucking loon!
The loon cares for the dead “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” in France like he cares about the dead in Chicago – not at all. They’re all just fodder for the hate-filled loon’s batshit insane comments.
“Newt Gingrich: US should run ‘Sharia’ test on ‘every person here of Muslim background’”
It’d be far better to run a ‘Mosaic Law’ test on the batshit crazy loon and every other right-wing freak, then kick their lying, treasonous asses out of the country.
@107 Could be she got there herself. Maybe a little bird came by from the Chief Justice and left a note or a boo boo. Perhaps the conservative justices were going to get rowdy as well, and the Chief Justice wanted to step the scrum before things got out of hand, and we might end up needing another couple of justices.
So how about the Senate do it’s job and vote on the nominee for the Supreme Court. Since things aren’t supposed to be all political and all that when it comes to the Supreme Court. When will the Republican Senators apologize for that, and allow a vote. They are allowed to vote no for a guy they really like just to make a political point as they aren’t Supreme Court Justices and part of an institution that takes pride in deliberated actions.
@93 So how many interviews have you gotten? Might you misspeak and prove you are really a very liberal fellow. And when it comes to having babies maybe the folks with the plumbing ought to have the trump votes on the subject.
Also what is wrong with a little infanticide? First we have to get our terminology right as abortion under the common law is not infanticide. Not even possible until the baby takes a true first breath, Now if your a good Viking if that little bugger don’t cry right or is a bastard you give the sword. If your a Pacific Islander and there is not enough fish and mango the village expects a mouth to be fed will be eliminated.
If your a Roman family and the new born can’t be supported, isn’t wanted, or is damaged good put it out on the trash heap. It’s also how Rome sustained its slave population.
First get your terminology right. 2nd Libertarians should argue in favor of infanticide and those folks are under your tent. I’ll happily stand in for the argument your team mates should be making. Go a little Ayn Rand on you all as she supported abortion so one didn’t have to drown bastards.
@102 Yeah the market is so rational. Sure trade with the UK is only 1% of GDP, but Brexit can’t be good unless it dies a political death. So what happens if the EU acts in its best interest and plays hardball. Tells GB they get 5 million or more during the beak up period as our people don’t want them, so your leaving and they need a home. Well we were thinking 500% tariffs. All Brits out for the next 10 years. Scotland and Northern Ireland can stay in.
Is the Dow just sitting there fingers in ears totally denying uncertainty. Isn’t the kind of thing that leads to bubbles? Quick you little investors time the bubble we still make money in the orange market no matter how all these little guys bet, Right Mortimer? Dollar bet?
Then again maybe it’s Pokémon Go trainers keeping the market excitement going like tulip traders of another time.
@105 Ordinarily you would be right, but your missing one important element this election. It’s very much about folks wanting to tell the establishment where to stick it.
A lot of independents will read what your saying and your being pretty damn smug. Whether you like Trump or not he is reading the voters pretty well, and he’s learning, and he can act pretty sharply as a politician. He adroitly put off his VP announcement after the events in Nice.
@115 That was the theory that the boys who put a very popular McKinley into office. That sidetracking if TR worked out so well.
VP picks do matter. If Trump goes with Pence it’s a good pick, and he passes the first test of any candidate, as will Clinton. The VP is a subtle element. I the pick does no harm or very little it’s a good pick. Voters really have no choice but to concentrate on the Presidential candidate. We haven’t had a president die in office for decades so maybe the VP pick really is important and neither candidate are spring chickens, and I’ll take the health analyst from both candidates doctors with a large grain of salt.
Still who is going to base their entire vote on the VP candidate…oh some market guy in Omaha….ok if the wizard of Omaha is making a prediction I gotta listen.
So as normal we will fly blind we Americans have been fortunate that most VP who end up as President have actually done well.
PS Since Johnson was the last VP to take over on the death of a President. He is tough to judge, but he did succeed in being elected to office himself, though he didn’t run for another term as things had gone sour. This did lead to all the fun of 1968..can we top it this year? Can we? Do want too?
@121 The tactics and strategy of both parties tends to be short term rather than long term. A candidate with a long term vision like Bernie Sanders is frankly unusual. Often they are the quiet leaders in Congress who often will never run for the Oval office and generally don’t want that office.
@122 Or they can get a big truck. ISIS has a brand of Toyota they favor. It’s available here. You can pick up a deuce and a half cheap at Government auctions and the five ton works pretty well.
Just what young men who want to do violence needed a how too lesson on a cheap readily available weapon. Don’t even have to have a drivers license to own one.
@128 Although he could be a flea or tick on a particular rabbits hide. I guess they got flea powder for rabbits that would be more effective than slaps if he’s a flea or tick.
@139 After they get over their disbelief the man said something. After they make sure no ventriloquist was in the room and not moving his lips?
@150 Per protocol he can’t call on Elton. Maybe Joan Baez would be a good pick.
@194 Anyone listening to Bernie would pick up he understands politics is a team sport, and he’s got the Progressives in the game. We even get to have a few starters. Not bad Berie; not bad,
@195 You got Bull Conner rolling over in his grave disturbing all the other folk buried there. A black man thinking like me; Bull Conner can’t be, must some Yankee thing. Keep them damn Yankees and radicals out of Birmingham.
O senile one. You don’t even remember when you say something in the same thread. That’s senility for you!
@ 210
…The more he saw, the more he spoke.
The more he spoke, the less he heard.
Oh, how I’d hate to be that senile old turd.
MA @209,
R senile has some strange heroes.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Himmler, Bull Conner. Do you see where Puddy is going here? One really wonders about the state of R senile’s mind! What happened in early 2013? The scum of the earth are those cherished by R senile. Pretty soon we’ll read about Saddam being a retro hero.
Do you remember when R senile claimed Saddam DID NOT pay for Baghdad Jim McDimmWitt trip Iraq to to badmouth President Bush? Remember when R senile claimed it was a church group. Puddy kids you not. R senile has been so wrong for so long that early onset senility was apparent back in 2006.
Go back to the Will Kelley-Kamp thread. Or better yet ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch AKA the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay!
R senile has been demonstrating intermittent senility all the way back from 2006. The more you inspect the stoooooooooooooooopidity from its fingers the more you see its Alzheimer diseased mind in action!
Sux to be R senile!
Seems all those HA DUMMOCRETIN polls posted by you morons are not the internals Senate DUMMOCRETINS are reading and cross-tabbing. http://thehill.com/homenews/ho.....th-clinton
PuddyCommentariat: You see HA DUMMOCRETIN idiots, the senate takes apart those polls and knows when they have over sampled DUMMOCRETINS. Clinton is way outspending Trump and Trump is STILL right there!
Have you HA DUMMOCRETINS noticed Dr Obnoxious has not yet condemned the ISIS moron who has now killed 84 men women and children in Nice, France? Could it be that Dr Obnoxious thinks similarly and can’t find it in one Dr Obnoxious cell to condemn the truck driving killer? Did you also notice how quick Dr Obnoxious removed its Puddy hiding thread to condemn Puddy FOR condemning the attack? Now why is that?
More HA DUMMOCRETIN misplaced priorities! The stoooooooooooooooooopid is strong in Dr Obnoxious!
“Have you HA DUMMOCRETINS noticed Dr Obnoxious has not yet condemned the ISIS moron who has now killed 84 men women and children in Nice, France?”
The power of projection is strong in the hate-filled loon. It’s a Psych 101 thing. The loon hasn’t condemned the terrorist attack. If you’re a detestable, America-hating, hate-filled loon, a terrorist attack in France is just another excuse to spew yet more hatred at Americans.
@137 “Terror attack in Nice France. Some more friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS in action!”
No prob. Cheeto Jesus can simply replace her with Josh Duggar.
The Duggar Boy is back from his most recent bout of Jesus Penis Rehab and thanks to the tireless work of his media and promotions team is available for any and all appearance fees (court mandated supervision provided by host). Republican icon and serial molester Duggar can extol the crowd of hooting racists about how Islamic liberals took control of his wee wee and forced him to fuck his baby sisters and beat up porn stars. Expert political analysts expect a two point “bounce”. Weeeee!
Maybe so. Just as likely that Charleston was Aryan Nations.
So… I guess we’ll have to ban entry to all the white people “until we can get a handle on the threat”. Probably also have to do some kind of registration and check into them and find out if they have “those sympathies”. You know what I mean.