Important update! Last week I asked about where to watch the Women’s World Cup. Thanks to those who had thoughts. Here’s a better place to look. Hopefully this draws a conclusion to me posting about it.
Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has denied having anything to do with an attempted voter purge. Records obtained in litigation show he’s lying. He was deeply involved.
Hey, if they’re finally seeing the light, and realize the GOP primarily exists to fuck over people like them, fine. Let them vote Democratic. But for now, they’ve gotta wallow in what they voted for, and I don’t see why we should feel sorry for them.
I see our dumbfuck is quite giddy today. Understandable.
Yesterday the DJIA went above 25,000. Again. There it is, still no higher than it was 1 1/2 years ago. And it still only has to reach 50,000 to match the performance of the DJIA under a usurping socialist from Kenya. But I really shouldn’t throw cold water on a dumbfuck. No sport in it.
@ 6
Imagine Steve criticizing President Hillary Clinton for achieving “only” a 7,000+ point increase in the DJIA in 2 1/2 years.
That would be misogynist of him, amirite?
Steve doesn’t want to be called a misogynist. He’s much happier criticizing Orange Man Bad, secure in the knowledge that Hillary’s failure protects him from overt misogyny.
So, in this vein Hillary’s failure worked out well for Steve.
Me, too, as it turns out. A sideways move in the stock market can be very profitable. One day Steve might even figure that out.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Imagine Steve criticizing President Hillary Clinton for achieving “only” a 7,000+ point increase in the DJIA in 2 1/2 years.
I can.
If while she was achieving it she was also building RapeCages, cheering on C’Ville DeathCars, promoting White Power rallies, and trying to convert the VA into a cash machine for her wealthy pals.
The GOP promised extraordinary results. The GOP says that in order to achieve extraordinary results, draconian measures are required. Waiting.
@ 9
Bill Clinton didn’t need a cage for his rapes. Just a bag of ice when it was all over.
“Steve doesn’t want to be called a misogynist.”
Seeing as how no one has ever called me that before, I’ve never given it a moment’s thought. But hearing it coming from a dumbfuck misogynist does give me pause, but probably not in the way a dumbfuck misogynist might have hoped.
“Bill Clinton didn’t need a cage for his rapes. Just a bag of ice when it was all over.”
Only Juanita Broaddrick ever made that accusation. But go ahead and make shit up. It’s what dumbfucks do.
I’m only angry at Bill Clinton for causing you and the entire GOP to kiss what little was left of your morals goodbye and embrace fascism. Bill was awful that way.
“The 23 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct”
@11, It’s just projection from the conservative obsessed with fake penises.
Was Bill awful? Of course. Just look at the statistics. Bill got a blowjob and over the next decade Republican goatfucking increased tenfold. And at the time, I called it! If there had been a futures market in 1998 for Republican goatfucking, I would have made a fortune.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “How does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit know the economy is slowing? Simple, really.” By reading real news once in a while, which apparently you never do. Now why don’t you expound on the correlation between economic growth and stock market gyrations, idiot?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 When you can’t defend Trump, criticize a Clinton. Yup, works every time. Squid ink.
@4 what is slowing is your brain.
Tariffs on Mexico expected to cost 400,000 jobs. Something tells me Repuke Senators will stop The Hump, but if not, that should help the economy pick up.
@5 Heil Hitler.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 I’m gonna spend tomorrow celebrating the men who went ashore that day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 (cont.) Of course, Ronna Romney McDaniel got to be RNC chair by working her way up the party ladder. Purely based on merit. She never traded on her famous name, and her family connections had nothing to do with it. It wouldn’t have done her any good if she had, because there’s no nepotism in the GOP.
This current President and his cohorts and the rest of the Repuke party could be gassing Jews and Blacks and Bob would still be talking about the Clintons. One trick pony with a dead brain.
Sad state of affairs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ronna Romney McDaniel comes from a family with a long tradition of not serving in the military. She didn’t; her father didn’t; her uncle Mitt didn’t; and her grandfather didn’t.
So it’s fitting that, coming from a family that has no firsthand knowledge of the sacrifices made by our soldiers, she believes the 75th anniversary of D-Day is a fitting time to pay tribute to our president, who didn’t serve either.
But I did serve, so if she doesn’t mind too much, I’ll use that day to remember those who did serve and sacrifice for the freedoms Trump is trying to take away from us, and for the freedom of our allies he’s turning his back on while cozying up to our enemies.
Don’t you think it’s more than telling that at one time they said just as much if not worse about Obama? Or Mrs. Obama? Or his daughters?
Don’t forget, according to Teh Dumbfuck and the GOP, Barack Obama was sired in rape committed by a violent Marxist revolutionary, born in a terrorist training camp in Indonesia (or perhaps Kenya), and raised in a Muslim Cult. And Mrs Obama is a degenerate, resentment filled sub-human lacking in all feminine grace who plots against white people, and trained her two daughters to be crack whores. If he was still in office, they would still be saying it.
Obama was a far more successful and accomplished politician and President than Bill Clinton. The GOP clings to Clinton because he’s a white dude. Naturally. Same as it ever was.
“And Mrs Obama is a degenerate, resentment filled sub-human lacking in all feminine grace who plots against white people, and trained her two daughters to be crack whores.”
Over on the dont-tread-on-me FB page, they still argue about whether she was once a man named Michael or if she was always a female ape named Michelle. Speaking of the later,
“Woman who called Michelle Obama an ‘ape’ sentenced to jail for defrauding FEMA of $18K”
“The Trump administration has told operators of shelters for immigrant children to cut back on or end education, legal services and recreation, citing funding problems as it has taken more children into custody. …
“The request could violate federal law dictating conditions for holding immigrant children in government custody. A longstanding U.S. Supreme Court ruling dictates that immigrant children in the United States have a right to education.”
Three things I’m thinking when I read this kind of shit (and it’s all the time now): 1) It’s like, you have got to be this stupid to be white. Right? I mean, to be this fucking stupid and still think you’re “superior”? (Yes. I’m talking to you, Laura Loomer/Jacob Wohl/Ben Shapiro.)
2) We really need to stop debating Charles A Murray. 3) For those of the right who haven’t yet engaged in this kind of epic, publicly humiliating self-own, it isn’t because they are not this stupid. It’s just that they are more cautious.
“You’ve got it tucked in your ass.” ( 8:01:14–:16.) Campbell responded, “ain’t nothing in my ass.” ( 8:01:17–:18.) According to Campbell, Mack then inserted his finger into Campbell’s anus. 2 Mack then pulled up Campbell’s pants, slapped Campbell twice on the chest, and told him “you can keep it,” ostensibly referring the drugs that Campbell had purportedly hidden inside his anus. ( 8:01:22–:24.)Mack did not discover any drugs or contraband during the search.
It’s bad enough that $100 billion per year is extracted from US productivity to fund the sexual perversion of authority freaks with status insecurities. But what is more important is that it does not make us any safer. Paying these sick fucks to root around in the anal cavities of innocent citizens for sport does not improve safety in our communities.
this guy looks like the devil. Either that or he just got done fucking a horse or a goat or Oral Roberts’ corpse.
That’s one of the sickest puppies I’ve ever seen in my life. His followers have to be a bunch of saddest kept motherfuckers out there; they’re all waiting around like cattle to be slaughtered.
@ 28
But what is more important is that it does not make us any safer.
So, no police dogs, then. Clyde got it wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Apparently he never read Mathew 19:23-26. He probably doesn’t believe the Bible anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Clyde got it wrong.”
Now isn’t it just like a dumbfuck to blame the poor dog?
20) I liked how the President on the 10th anniversary celebrated it. President Eisenhower was the only President who could make it about himself, but he released a short statement, and went to Camp David.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Are you sure you wanna bring up dogs, badge bunny?
So it looks like this week the GOP Presidential Campaign Manager will be moving to Rikers Is for trial in NY on state criminal charges. Sadly, he’ll be held in total isolation 23 hrs a day in a room the size of a parking space equipped with only a bed, a wall mounted steel sink, and a toilet. He’ll be receiving all of his meals through a slot. He’ll get out once a day for exercise and a shower.
I do not agree with this shit. This trial may drag out for months. The effect of this kind of isolation is well documented and known to be much more severe on older inmates. There’s a very good chance that as his mental and emotional state decline, his physical health will suffer. And both will reduce his ability to assist in his own defense, and thus compromise his right to due process.
NY is a very wealthy and prosperous state. And they could lead the nation in correcting this shit if they wanted to.
I suppose this could have been worse. The university could have told him he was permitted legal representation, but only if it was by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Judge approves lawsuit against university for not telling accused student he could bring a lawyer
The board dropped the forced-fellatio charge outright at a meeting four weeks later, where members reviewed the video of Jane performing oral sex on John.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Got a quick medical question. Hoping Teh Dumbfuck can pitch in here.
Came across this stock White House photo for a Podcast I occasionally listen to where some former USAs were discussing the White House subpoena situation. They chose this photo, I guess because Hicks is also kind of ignoring a lawful subpoena.
Look at Sanders’ left wrist and hand. What the fuck?
Is she dying? Is she ’bout to ‘splode? Could she have a career in the ring? Geezus, I hope for her kids’ sake that isn’t her “slappin’ hand”.
I only ask because Teh Dumbfuck (and really most of the GOP) has offered himself up in the past as an MD who can diagnose life threatening medical conditions based on still photos.
Also, what the fuck is it with these people and their weird hands?
@ 38
I think it’s the camera lens – wide-angle stretches images at the edges. Either that or she’s got tophaceous gout. See Figure 1 in
I’ll avoid the Seinfeld “man-hands” episode reference. I never was a Seinfeld fan.
If Hope Hicks had been closer to the left edge of the photo I suspect she would have been given J-Lo booty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like educated people have fled the GOP, which truly is a party of trailerbillies now. But one thing hasn’t changed: The GOP still coddles the rich, screws workers, and wages class warfare against the poor.
@37 This is what dumbfuck retaliation (see #33) looks like. Yawn. I’m going back to bed. Nothing happening around here.
It was a nothing story when Dumbfuck brought it up. Hee hee her exploited workers harhar.
My campaign has submitted their support to join @IBEW 2320. Every worker who wants to join a union, bargain collectively, & make their voice heard should have a chance to do so. The labor movement has long fought for the dignity of working people, & we’re proud to be part of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So here’s Fox broadcasting from the Normandy cemetery. You’d expect something solemn and respectful, right? Wrong.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Using the Normandy cemetery as a prop for a political talk show. Wow! Accusing Democrats of “demonizing” and “bullying” their opponents. Wow! Some people even call Fox a “news” station, but all I can think of to say is … wow!
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Yabut, your “appropriate tone” is of no use to our advertisers.
“Look at Sanders’ left wrist and hand. What the fuck?”
“Either that or she’s got tophaceous gout.”
Are you guys sure that’s not her left foot?
That hand is a product of a fuckwad of a father who’s a fat fuck himself. What the fuck you guys expect. Have another French fry and s 30 oz coke Sarah, you pig.
That’s all in a dictionary too.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
The word you’re looking for there is “hoof”.
@47 Careful, Words like hoof can get some people excited, around here that is.
@ 48
See what I mean! See @49.
This is interesting.
John James✔
We are heading in the wrong direction as a country and our leaders in Washington are failing to lead us toward a better and brighter future. I believe I can help lead Michigan toward that future we deserve, and that’s why I am running for US Senate: 🇺🇸🚁
4:50 AM – Jun 6, 2019
One of the spins is that Trump may be harmed by this if it brings out more Democrats to try to prevent a James victory. I suppose that may be correct.
Ya think?
Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum
An internal DOJ watchdog report on the origins of the Russia probe is expected to spotlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia probe. The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October, could raise pointed questions about the FBI’s decision-making at the time — handing Trump a bludgeon in his long-running campaign to accuse the bureau of mounting a “coup” against him.
They fear the report, by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is respected by lawmakers from both parties, will diminish any momentum Democrats are seeking in their efforts to convince Americans that Trump obstructed the Russia investigation, later taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller.
At least, that’s what I’m told. By people. People I barely know.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October…”
While I understand why these reporters would put it this way, in the interests of truthful reporting it should be pointed out that a fair representation of that range, given all the available evidence, would be “as soon as last November and as late as never”.
Somehow Teh Dumbfuck has been pimping it since before the election.
But rest assured, that whenever it comes out, this fourth “comprehensive” probe into “the origins of the Russia probe”* is absolutely, positively, 100%, SOLID GOLD LOCK, guaranteed to come to a completely different conclusion from the other three…
…according to Teh Dumbfuck.
*Pappy getting shitty drunk on $700 bottles of Bordeaux and bragging to an Aussie diplomat in London that he was selling the White House to Russia had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Probably has diabetes, too. If she doesn’t, she’s gonna.
(See? If Doctor Dumbfuck can play pretend lawyer, I can play pretend doctor. That works both ways.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 Leading Michigan to a better future than its recent past should be simple as pie, given that the former GOP leaders of that state are being investigated to determine whether they poisoned an entire city intentionally or merely because they’re incredibly stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today is the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Just thought I’d mention that. 4,414 Allied soldiers died on the beaches and in the drop zones. A dozen Medals of Honor and 1 Victoria Cross were awarded to those who fought that day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No Trumps or Romneys were there. Thought I’d mention that, too, for whatever it’s worth.
Sarah Palinspews:
@58 I can’t see Normandy from Alaska. Never could. Let me ask Bristol if she can.
To Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, “change himself” has an entirely different meaning.
Bernie Sanders Wants to Change America. But He May Have to Change Himself First.
(See? If Doctor Dumbfuck can play pretend lawyer, I can play pretend doctor. That works both ways.)
You can’t play pretend continent, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Although I suppose you could pretend to catheterize the right orifice for a change.
I don’t watch any Teevee, ever since just before the election that created The Hump. I’m at my parents house and my father has the news on non stop. He watches CNN and Faux News. Tonight on CNN one of the Repukes was saying that in this Country (Russia, formerly the United States) we are innocent until proven guilty. He was referencing this with respect to The Hump’s Collusion and Obstruction.
The actions and the laws were discriminatory and oppressive,…
but that’s how we like it here in emerika!
@63. Gay rights and it’s progress is amazing, no thanks to conservatives and republicans.
We know that once they are done with forcing women to give birth, our rights are next.
@64 not only vote, but let every family member and friend that tell you that they support you that when that happens they let it happen. Then give them the finger and tell them that you support them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t think anybody should be surprised that the Trump administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that a 2-year-old toddler is a U.S. citizen.
Kinda like the KKK terrorists who lynched freed slaves for the crime of being free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In a case that may test the boundaries of free speech, a Trump supporter who made over 2,000 threatening phone calls to Democratic members of Congress has been arrested and charged with the crime of “interstate transmission of threats to injure.”
Then again, his case may not test the boundaries of free speech.
P.S., It sounds like this guy has too much time on his hands.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The thing about the “2nd Amendment Solutions” folks is they can never seem to do much organizing beyond gathering in plywood barns in Waco or in North Idaho to fuck their own kids.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 And try to buy grenades from undercover FBI agents.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has denied having anything to do with an attempted voter purge. Records obtained in litigation show he’s lying. He was deeply involved.
Roger Rabbit spews:
More Trump voters I have no sympathy for:
Auto Workers:
Hey, if they’re finally seeing the light, and realize the GOP primarily exists to fuck over people like them, fine. Let them vote Democratic. But for now, they’ve gotta wallow in what they voted for, and I don’t see why we should feel sorry for them.
WTF?! spews:
The sanctity of Heterosexual marriage.
She recorded a violent argument with her husband, then fell 7 stories to her death
@godwinha spews:
How does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit know the economy is slowing? Simple, really.
Yesterday the DJIA climbed 500+ points. Today only 200+ points higher.
Slowing, see?
Steve spews:
Didn’t you know? June 6th is no longer a day of remembrance. It’s a day for America’s dumbfucks to celebrate an orange fucking moron.
“GOP chairwoman makes D-Day all about Trump — and scolds Americans who aren’t ‘celebrating’ him”
Steve spews:
I see our dumbfuck is quite giddy today. Understandable.
Yesterday the DJIA went above 25,000. Again. There it is, still no higher than it was 1 1/2 years ago. And it still only has to reach 50,000 to match the performance of the DJIA under a usurping socialist from Kenya. But I really shouldn’t throw cold water on a dumbfuck. No sport in it.
@godwinha spews:
@ 6
Imagine Steve criticizing President Hillary Clinton for achieving “only” a 7,000+ point increase in the DJIA in 2 1/2 years.
That would be misogynist of him, amirite?
@godwinha spews:
Steve doesn’t want to be called a misogynist. He’s much happier criticizing Orange Man Bad, secure in the knowledge that Hillary’s failure protects him from overt misogyny.
So, in this vein Hillary’s failure worked out well for Steve.
Me, too, as it turns out. A sideways move in the stock market can be very profitable. One day Steve might even figure that out.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
I can.
If while she was achieving it she was also building RapeCages, cheering on C’Ville DeathCars, promoting White Power rallies, and trying to convert the VA into a cash machine for her wealthy pals.
The GOP promised extraordinary results. The GOP says that in order to achieve extraordinary results, draconian measures are required. Waiting.
@godwinha spews:
@ 9
Bill Clinton didn’t need a cage for his rapes. Just a bag of ice when it was all over.
Steve spews:
“Steve doesn’t want to be called a misogynist.”
Seeing as how no one has ever called me that before, I’ve never given it a moment’s thought. But hearing it coming from a dumbfuck misogynist does give me pause, but probably not in the way a dumbfuck misogynist might have hoped.
Steve spews:
“Bill Clinton didn’t need a cage for his rapes. Just a bag of ice when it was all over.”
Only Juanita Broaddrick ever made that accusation. But go ahead and make shit up. It’s what dumbfucks do.
I’m only angry at Bill Clinton for causing you and the entire GOP to kiss what little was left of your morals goodbye and embrace fascism. Bill was awful that way.
“The 23 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct”
RedReformed spews:
@11, It’s just projection from the conservative obsessed with fake penises.
Steve spews:
Was Bill awful? Of course. Just look at the statistics. Bill got a blowjob and over the next decade Republican goatfucking increased tenfold. And at the time, I called it! If there had been a futures market in 1998 for Republican goatfucking, I would have made a fortune.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@4 “How does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit know the economy is slowing? Simple, really.” By reading real news once in a while, which apparently you never do. Now why don’t you expound on the correlation between economic growth and stock market gyrations, idiot?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@10 When you can’t defend Trump, criticize a Clinton. Yup, works every time. Squid ink.
WTF!? spews:
@4 what is slowing is your brain.
Tariffs on Mexico expected to cost 400,000 jobs. Something tells me Repuke Senators will stop The Hump, but if not, that should help the economy pick up.
WTF!? spews:
@5 Heil Hitler.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@5 I’m gonna spend tomorrow celebrating the men who went ashore that day.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@5 (cont.) Of course, Ronna Romney McDaniel got to be RNC chair by working her way up the party ladder. Purely based on merit. She never traded on her famous name, and her family connections had nothing to do with it. It wouldn’t have done her any good if she had, because there’s no nepotism in the GOP.
WTF!? spews:
This current President and his cohorts and the rest of the Repuke party could be gassing Jews and Blacks and Bob would still be talking about the Clintons. One trick pony with a dead brain.
Sad state of affairs.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Ronna Romney McDaniel comes from a family with a long tradition of not serving in the military. She didn’t; her father didn’t; her uncle Mitt didn’t; and her grandfather didn’t.
So it’s fitting that, coming from a family that has no firsthand knowledge of the sacrifices made by our soldiers, she believes the 75th anniversary of D-Day is a fitting time to pay tribute to our president, who didn’t serve either.
But I did serve, so if she doesn’t mind too much, I’ll use that day to remember those who did serve and sacrifice for the freedoms Trump is trying to take away from us, and for the freedom of our allies he’s turning his back on while cozying up to our enemies.
You can’t fix her kind of stupid.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
There’s another big difference.
You didn’t stand by watching while involuntarily fist pumping and hip thrusting. I guess this means it’s Bill Clinton’s fault the GOP now routinely dabbles in child sexual assault. #RoyMooreEtc
Like I said, #OwnIt
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Don’t you think it’s more than telling that at one time they said just as much if not worse about Obama? Or Mrs. Obama? Or his daughters?
Don’t forget, according to Teh Dumbfuck and the GOP, Barack Obama was sired in rape committed by a violent Marxist revolutionary, born in a terrorist training camp in Indonesia (or perhaps Kenya), and raised in a Muslim Cult. And Mrs Obama is a degenerate, resentment filled sub-human lacking in all feminine grace who plots against white people, and trained her two daughters to be crack whores. If he was still in office, they would still be saying it.
Obama was a far more successful and accomplished politician and President than Bill Clinton. The GOP clings to Clinton because he’s a white dude. Naturally. Same as it ever was.
Steve spews:
“And Mrs Obama is a degenerate, resentment filled sub-human lacking in all feminine grace who plots against white people, and trained her two daughters to be crack whores.”
Over on the dont-tread-on-me FB page, they still argue about whether she was once a man named Michael or if she was always a female ape named Michelle. Speaking of the later,
“Woman who called Michelle Obama an ‘ape’ sentenced to jail for defrauding FEMA of $18K”
Roger Rabbit spews:
“The Trump administration has told operators of shelters for immigrant children to cut back on or end education, legal services and recreation, citing funding problems as it has taken more children into custody. …
“The request could violate federal law dictating conditions for holding immigrant children in government custody. A longstanding U.S. Supreme Court ruling dictates that immigrant children in the United States have a right to education.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
The Master Race in action.
Three things I’m thinking when I read this kind of shit (and it’s all the time now): 1) It’s like, you have got to be this stupid to be white. Right? I mean, to be this fucking stupid and still think you’re “superior”? (Yes. I’m talking to you, Laura Loomer/Jacob Wohl/Ben Shapiro.)
2) We really need to stop debating Charles A Murray. 3) For those of the right who haven’t yet engaged in this kind of epic, publicly humiliating self-own, it isn’t because they are not this stupid. It’s just that they are more cautious.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
What cops do for sport:
“You’ve got it tucked in your ass.” ( 8:01:14–:16.) Campbell responded, “ain’t nothing in my ass.” ( 8:01:17–:18.) According to Campbell, Mack then inserted his finger into Campbell’s anus. 2 Mack then pulled up Campbell’s pants, slapped Campbell twice on the chest, and told him “you can keep it,” ostensibly referring the drugs that Campbell had purportedly hidden inside his anus. ( 8:01:22–:24.)Mack did not discover any drugs or contraband during the search.
It’s bad enough that $100 billion per year is extracted from US productivity to fund the sexual perversion of authority freaks with status insecurities. But what is more important is that it does not make us any safer. Paying these sick fucks to root around in the anal cavities of innocent citizens for sport does not improve safety in our communities.
WTF?! spews:
this guy looks like the devil. Either that or he just got done fucking a horse or a goat or Oral Roberts’ corpse.
Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Defends His Private Jets: ‘I’m A Very Wealthy Man’
WTF?! spews:
That’s one of the sickest puppies I’ve ever seen in my life. His followers have to be a bunch of saddest kept motherfuckers out there; they’re all waiting around like cattle to be slaughtered.
@godwinha spews:
@ 28
But what is more important is that it does not make us any safer.
So, no police dogs, then. Clyde got it wrong.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@29 Apparently he never read Mathew 19:23-26. He probably doesn’t believe the Bible anyway.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@31 “Clyde got it wrong.”
Now isn’t it just like a dumbfuck to blame the poor dog?
EvergreenRailfan spews:
20) I liked how the President on the 10th anniversary celebrated it. President Eisenhower was the only President who could make it about himself, but he released a short statement, and went to Camp David.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Are you sure you wanna bring up dogs, badge bunny?
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
So it looks like this week the GOP Presidential Campaign Manager will be moving to Rikers Is for trial in NY on state criminal charges. Sadly, he’ll be held in total isolation 23 hrs a day in a room the size of a parking space equipped with only a bed, a wall mounted steel sink, and a toilet. He’ll be receiving all of his meals through a slot. He’ll get out once a day for exercise and a shower.
I do not agree with this shit. This trial may drag out for months. The effect of this kind of isolation is well documented and known to be much more severe on older inmates. There’s a very good chance that as his mental and emotional state decline, his physical health will suffer. And both will reduce his ability to assist in his own defense, and thus compromise his right to due process.
NY is a very wealthy and prosperous state. And they could lead the nation in correcting this shit if they wanted to.
It’s too bad the people of NY don’t see it that way.
@godwinha spews:
I suppose this could have been worse. The university could have told him he was permitted legal representation, but only if it was by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Judge approves lawsuit against university for not telling accused student he could bring a lawyer
There was BJ video.
The board dropped the forced-fellatio charge outright at a meeting four weeks later, where members reviewed the video of Jane performing oral sex on John.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Got a quick medical question. Hoping Teh Dumbfuck can pitch in here.
Came across this stock White House photo for a Podcast I occasionally listen to where some former USAs were discussing the White House subpoena situation. They chose this photo, I guess because Hicks is also kind of ignoring a lawful subpoena.
Look at Sanders’ left wrist and hand. What the fuck?
Is she dying? Is she ’bout to ‘splode? Could she have a career in the ring? Geezus, I hope for her kids’ sake that isn’t her “slappin’ hand”.
I only ask because Teh Dumbfuck (and really most of the GOP) has offered himself up in the past as an MD who can diagnose life threatening medical conditions based on still photos.
Also, what the fuck is it with these people and their weird hands?
@godwinha spews:
@ 38
I think it’s the camera lens – wide-angle stretches images at the edges. Either that or she’s got tophaceous gout. See Figure 1 in
I’ll avoid the Seinfeld “man-hands” episode reference. I never was a Seinfeld fan.
If Hope Hicks had been closer to the left edge of the photo I suspect she would have been given J-Lo booty.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Looks like educated people have fled the GOP, which truly is a party of trailerbillies now. But one thing hasn’t changed: The GOP still coddles the rich, screws workers, and wages class warfare against the poor.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@37 This is what dumbfuck retaliation (see #33) looks like. Yawn. I’m going back to bed. Nothing happening around here.
GOPHatesWorkingFolks spews:
It was a nothing story when Dumbfuck brought it up. Hee hee her exploited workers harhar.
Roger Rabbit spews:
So here’s Fox broadcasting from the Normandy cemetery. You’d expect something solemn and respectful, right? Wrong.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Using the Normandy cemetery as a prop for a political talk show. Wow! Accusing Democrats of “demonizing” and “bullying” their opponents. Wow! Some people even call Fox a “news” station, but all I can think of to say is … wow!
Trump's weird little penis spews:
Yabut, your “appropriate tone” is of no use to our advertisers.
Steve spews:
“Look at Sanders’ left wrist and hand. What the fuck?”
“Either that or she’s got tophaceous gout.”
Are you guys sure that’s not her left foot?
WTF!? spews:
That hand is a product of a fuckwad of a father who’s a fat fuck himself. What the fuck you guys expect. Have another French fry and s 30 oz coke Sarah, you pig.
That’s all in a dictionary too.
Trump's weird little penis spews:
The word you’re looking for there is “hoof”.
WTF!? spews:
@47 Careful, Words like hoof can get some people excited, around here that is.
@godwinha spews:
@ 48
WTF!? spews:
See what I mean! See @49.
@godwinha spews:
This is interesting.
John James✔
We are heading in the wrong direction as a country and our leaders in Washington are failing to lead us toward a better and brighter future. I believe I can help lead Michigan toward that future we deserve, and that’s why I am running for US Senate: 🇺🇸🚁
4:50 AM – Jun 6, 2019
One of the spins is that Trump may be harmed by this if it brings out more Democrats to try to prevent a James victory. I suppose that may be correct.
@godwinha spews:
Ya think?
Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum
An internal DOJ watchdog report on the origins of the Russia probe is expected to spotlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia probe. The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October, could raise pointed questions about the FBI’s decision-making at the time — handing Trump a bludgeon in his long-running campaign to accuse the bureau of mounting a “coup” against him.
They fear the report, by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is respected by lawmakers from both parties, will diminish any momentum Democrats are seeking in their efforts to convince Americans that Trump obstructed the Russia investigation, later taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller.
“Potential” political bias.
Trump's weird little penis spews:
Come on. Everyone knows it’s hamsters.
At least, that’s what I’m told. By people. People I barely know.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
“The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October…”
While I understand why these reporters would put it this way, in the interests of truthful reporting it should be pointed out that a fair representation of that range, given all the available evidence, would be “as soon as last November and as late as never”.
Somehow Teh Dumbfuck has been pimping it since before the election.
But rest assured, that whenever it comes out, this fourth “comprehensive” probe into “the origins of the Russia probe”* is absolutely, positively, 100%, SOLID GOLD LOCK, guaranteed to come to a completely different conclusion from the other three…
…according to Teh Dumbfuck.
*Pappy getting shitty drunk on $700 bottles of Bordeaux and bragging to an Aussie diplomat in London that he was selling the White House to Russia had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@46 Probably has diabetes, too. If she doesn’t, she’s gonna.
(See? If Doctor Dumbfuck can play pretend lawyer, I can play pretend doctor. That works both ways.)
Roger Rabbit spews:
@51 Leading Michigan to a better future than its recent past should be simple as pie, given that the former GOP leaders of that state are being investigated to determine whether they poisoned an entire city intentionally or merely because they’re incredibly stupid.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Today is the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Just thought I’d mention that. 4,414 Allied soldiers died on the beaches and in the drop zones. A dozen Medals of Honor and 1 Victoria Cross were awarded to those who fought that day.
Roger Rabbit spews:
No Trumps or Romneys were there. Thought I’d mention that, too, for whatever it’s worth.
Sarah Palin spews:
@58 I can’t see Normandy from Alaska. Never could. Let me ask Bristol if she can.
@godwinha spews:
To Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, “change himself” has an entirely different meaning.
Bernie Sanders Wants to Change America. But He May Have to Change Himself First.
@godwinha spews:
@ 55
(See? If Doctor Dumbfuck can play pretend lawyer, I can play pretend doctor. That works both ways.)
You can’t play pretend continent, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Although I suppose you could pretend to catheterize the right orifice for a change.
WTF?! spews:
I don’t watch any Teevee, ever since just before the election that created The Hump. I’m at my parents house and my father has the news on non stop. He watches CNN and Faux News. Tonight on CNN one of the Repukes was saying that in this Country (Russia, formerly the United States) we are innocent until proven guilty. He was referencing this with respect to The Hump’s Collusion and Obstruction.
Lock HER Up! Lock HER Up! Lock HER Up! Guilty!
WTF?! spews:
RedReformed spews:
@63. Gay rights and it’s progress is amazing, no thanks to conservatives and republicans.
We know that once they are done with forcing women to give birth, our rights are next.
WTF?! spews:
@64 not only vote, but let every family member and friend that tell you that they support you that when that happens they let it happen. Then give them the finger and tell them that you support them.
Roger Rabbit spews:
I don’t think anybody should be surprised that the Trump administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that a 2-year-old toddler is a U.S. citizen.
After all, according to Elie Wiesel, Hitler’s minions threw Jewish babies into bonfires and this is nowhere near as bad as that.
Roger Rabbit spews:
When you’re guilty as hell, the best thing to do is try to suppress the smoking gun.
Even an armchair legal pundit like Doctor Dumbfuck could figure that out. Heck, even Republican lawyers can figure it out.
Roger Rabbit spews:
It seems McConnell will defend Trump until his own ox is gored, then it becomes a different story.
Roger Rabbit spews:
A Republican is an old white male who wants to punish young women for exercising their constitutional right to have an abortion.
Kinda like the KKK terrorists who lynched freed slaves for the crime of being free.
Roger Rabbit spews:
In a case that may test the boundaries of free speech, a Trump supporter who made over 2,000 threatening phone calls to Democratic members of Congress has been arrested and charged with the crime of “interstate transmission of threats to injure.”
Then again, his case may not test the boundaries of free speech.
P.S., It sounds like this guy has too much time on his hands.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
The thing about the “2nd Amendment Solutions” folks is they can never seem to do much organizing beyond gathering in plywood barns in Waco or in North Idaho to fuck their own kids.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@71 And try to buy grenades from undercover FBI agents.