The Supreme Court rejected the appeal of the Stormans who wanted to not have to dispense emergency contraception at their pharmacy, because Jesus, and despite Washington’s regulations. Honestly, the state’s regulations were pretty accommodating. But at a certain point, you have to say have someone on hand who can dispense medicine at a pharmacy.
Well, well, lookee here, the Dow is up another 133 points this morning. Looks like I called that one right! The chickens who dumped stocks on Friday and Monday are flocking back into the market. Buy high, sell low, rinse, repeat. Thanks for the cheap stocks, suckers! Making money this way sure beats working in an honest job. Hey, I didn’t create this capitalist system, I just go with the flow.
KPLU won’t be acquired by UW or merged with KUOW. Thanks to supporter donations, it bought itself and will remain independent.
The Seattle Times has a new editor. But why the hell did the old one leave Seattle for a job in Missoula? Fucking Missoula? There’s gotta be more to this story than ST is telling us. Maybe she was spotted in the restroom hugging a union.
@1 The Dow is now up 171 points. Did the loon say something? Oh, that was yesterday, in the old thread.
Reuters BusinessVerified account
BREAKING: Britain’s FTSE 100 index recovers all losses from Brexit
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit took advantage of the downturn to invest another $25 in the market. ’cause dividends.
Where we see a guy admitting to being spectacularly wrong about investing and finance but do it in an asshole-y way.
correctonly way to speak to a liberal.
@ 6
Not sure if you are referring to me. I don’t recall saying anything about what I did on Friday.
I sold a mixture of short-dated and long-dated naked puts. Right now feeling pretty good about it. Plus, I’m supporting my president’s ACA costs, so what’s not to like?
1, 4
Yes, that’s why I said last Thursday afternoon that Friday would be a good day to buy stocks (which I did buy). Monday was a little better day, but you can’t hit a home run every day. Hitting a triple is still better than not playing in the game.
Emergency contraception – good idea. Should be readily available as an over-the-counter remedy that anyone can buy, regardless of age.
Thumbs up to Roger!
@6 spectacularly wrong about everything not just investing and financing.
@10 should be readily available to every GOP hick in the world……they shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
Dow now up 224 points. Looks like CNBC’s talking heads were wrong again. Like I said, those shows are entertainment, not investing advice.
@8 “I’m supporting my president’s ACA costs”
How? By sucking Medicare dry via your annual “doc fixes” from Congress? Half the health care costs in America are paid by government. Lawyers don’t have a setup like that.
@9 Anyone who’s seen “Moneyball” knows the secret is hitting singles. Lots and lots of singles. Swinging for the fences leads to strikeouts, especially if you’re not good at it, which nobody is in the stock game, where home runs are sheer luck. My surefire investing formula is so simple that children can do it. All you have to do is ride out market swings and compound your dividends by reinvesting them in more stock. 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 …
Well these people will be on Fox News, well, never.
Ambassador Stevens’ family didn’t get the memo that the way to get airtime on Fox is to blurt “Clinton MURDER OBAMUNIST!”
@ 14
Like I said, those shows are entertainment, not investing advice.
Spoken by the guy who is HA’s financial Larry, Moe, and Curly all rolled into one.
The Notadumbfuck Method. Tried and True.
Why didn’t Trey Gowdy hold his ‘findings’ until after the convention to do more political damage?
Option A. Shamed by the Democratic report of what everyone knew that he leaked falsely edited testimony (VERITAS), tried to make a show of arresting cooperative witnesses and found nothing the other Bengaaaaaazzzzziiiii investigations didn’t he was forced to respond.
Option B. After trying so very hard even he knew he found nothing new so better to get the waste of millions of dollars for zero new information story get played to death before we get any closer to Election Day.
I go with B. Well played GOP.
Snark…. The A’s haven’t won a Pennant in the ‘Moneyball’ era and their attendance is in the bottom third of MLB. They currently have the 23rd (of 30) worst record.
Not a great analogy. Go Giants!
@2 I don’t know how many of you have HD radios, but KUOW dumped one of HD channels and replaced their BBC channel in favor of jazz. Annoying. Glad KPLU was saved from them.
Man this stuff is fun.
Twitter Trump on George Will: “One of the most overrated pundits out there…Lost his way long ago.”
Twitter George Will on Trump: “Can say everything he knows about any subject in 140 characters.”
Blast from the past
Just before election 2012
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
George Will is a political moron. Last month he said Romney couldn’t win.
Dow now up 292 points. Doesn’t look like the Brexit panic is gonna stick. It didn’t make any sense to me that Brexit, which will take at least 2 years to implement, would trash economies or corporate earnings right now. I figured it was a market knee-jerk for sure. I was right. Sure glad I bought stocks on Friday. My siblings did, too. I hope the masters of the universe shorted the shit out of stocks while I was buying.
Meanwhile, a rabidly conservative billionaire GOP donor says he isn’t giving a red cent to Drumpf and won’t vote for him because he’d cause a global depression.
I’ve never forgotten George Will’s caustic Nixon screed back when he was editor of National Review. It goes roughly like this:
“Hitler told lies so big people believed they had to be true. Nixon tells lies so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
““Can say everything he knows about any subject in 140 characters.””
That’s some funny shit.
Another instance of DUMMOCRETINS wanting to silence their critics or their competition. http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2595240
PuddyCommentary: Because Fox wanted to have all 17 candidates get a voice the FEC DUMMOCRETINS threw a tantrum! They claim the other debate was an illegal corporate contribution by Fox News! What a joke. DUMMOCRETINS, by any means necessary.
The ends always justifies the means!
Another instance of DUMMOCRETINS wanting to silence their critics or their competition. http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2595240
PuddyCommentary: Because Fox wanted to have all 17 candidates get a voice the FEC DUMMOCRETINS threw a tantrum! They claim the other debate was an illegal corporate contribution by Fox News! What a joke. DUMMOCRETINS, by any means necessary.
The ends always justifies the means!
Heilary being the creepo she is…
Great tweet:
Just the one comment about Benghazi from Clinton. We tried to ask more on the rope line and she smiled/ignored
Looks like Huma didn’t take the 5th. http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2595241
Very interesting development…
Watch HA DUMMOCRETIN heads explode…
I see the hate-filled loon is spamming yet another thread. Maybe he’ll do triple posts again, as he did in the last thread.
another triple post from piddles.
another day, another un-moderated thread.
at least i don’t have to look at it. Thanks, Doc!
More hate filled SPAM spotted @34.
Continuous vacuous hate filled SPAM!
Puddy wishes this pressure packed shit for brains would be removed. Butt then again, by having it here for all to see alerts them to the fool it is!
“another day, another un-moderated thread.”
Ain’t that the truth.
Something that Zombie (u)SP and Horsesass have in common. Once Sharkansky took the city for $225K and Goldy found a billionaire’s teat to suck, they each let their blogs go to hell.
Just checking the hometown link and what do we see here? DUMMOCRETINS running amok!
Now Dr Obnoxious will have to re-modify the fix!
Oh no a real poll!
Trump gets 33% of his panics too. Now why is that? Maybe they are worried about their job prospects will all those illegal aliens (bigot) sneaking in with Obummer’s help!
Not to mention that regular readers (and all new visitors to these threads) who are without Dr. O’s blocking script have to scroll past countless cut & paste loon CAPS-locked psycho-laughs and head explosions.
For those who are using Dr. O’s blocking script today, the loon is absolutely ecstatic because he found a poll in which Trump isn’t losing by as much as in other polls released this week. How fucking pathetic is that? I’ll tell ya! It’s really fucking pathetic! But then, he’s the loon.
Come November, Trump might consider guest hosting another reality show – America’s Biggest Loser.
GodDAMN, whats that fucking smell?
Oh, right, its the malodorous rank of another pestilentially regurgative defecation by the local schizophrenically challenged lunatic.
D’ja ever notice? He repeats things back and uses them over and over and over once he’s seen something somebody else has written at him. He’s like a myna bird with brain cancer that’s being treated with LSD and bath salts.
Meanwhile, in Tea Party Paradise.
Thats the Tea Party attitude in a nutshell. It’s like the FratBro Wall Street lawyers throwing Dollar bills and spare change at a 100% disabled combat veteran when he interrupts their little circle-jerk to ask them a rather simple and civil question, at the beginning of the whole Tea Party becoming a thing.
Their entire attitude is “go ahead and just die when you get sick, and if you ain’t White, just die anyway.”
Yep, real right-to-lifers they are.
Last minute edit:
I checked a couple of thesauruses to look at something, and y’know, there’s no synonym for turd.
Texas gun-loving, Bible-thumping Republican woman says,
“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”
Then she murders her two daughters, shooting them to death as they pleaded with her for their lives. She even reloaded in order to keep shooting them when they were down.
I notice from my facebook feed that the nutters are all atwitter, see what I did there, because two people passed each other in an airport and said hello.
It’s not like they went duck hunting together.
@ 45
She used a little .38 5-shot like one can buy at WallyWorld or Fred Meyer for about $150.
Fucking lunatic. She is the absolute primary example of why this Country needs universal background checks, and very tight restrictions on who has permission to own firearms.
She apparently executed her daughters when the older one announced she was getting married on short notice, and The Good Christian Mother called a family meeting about it just to get them all in the same room at once. She preplanned it and was just waiting for an excuse.
Another NRA success story.
England, Iceland, Denmark, Finland Australia all have been solicited for donations to help elect Trump. That’s illegal.
I don’t really care except that it proves that the campaign is utterly incompetent.
Looking forward to that low-budget convention that will be unlike any before. He’s right. No convention before had keynote speakers Morgan Brittany (R-Record for most guest appearances on Love Boat), Stacey Dash (R-Gravytrian her man, was in Clueless 25 years ago) the Hologram of Joan Rivers some White Supremacists and a “Kill the Gays” Pastor invocation.
“The Good Christian Mother”
Apparently the Good Christian Mother allowed her husband to live so he could experience for the rest of his days on earth the agony of losing his two daughters to senseless gun violence.
“it proves that the campaign is utterly incompetent”
As in this week’s Trump speech in front of a pile of garbage. Smooth move. Way to turn things around!
“some White Supremacists and a “Kill the Gays” Pastor invocation”
And maybe a speech by serial wife-abuser and ear chewer, Mike Tyson. Can’t hardly wait! I only hope that when he’s in the Oval Office that he doesn’t get the missile launch code briefcase mixed up with his cell phone when ordering a pizza.
Still not as good as Turkeys being slaughtered over shoulder but they gave it the ole college try…
A 3 year old’s temper tantrum is more respectable than these fucking babies.
Why would anyone with any bit of class or self respect vote for these fuck face? Boob? Who’s your Daddy, Boob?
Another day, some more casual racism
“Me heepum big scalp Pocahontas with a tomahawk.”
And then he threw Naan into the crowd…
Puffy what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have Tourette Syndrome?
I foresee the loon posting yet more cut & paste psycho-laughs and head explosion spam.
“New Poll: Clinton Beats Trump In Seven Battleground States”
Oopsie. Looks like Our Little Buddy, the great namesake of this very prestigious blog, is in a DILLY of a pickle.
Oh dear oh dear, SHIT oh dear. What is a chronic cheesedick election leech supposed to do. Tsk tsk tsk.
I do want to feel sorry for the guy, I really do. My honest Liberal ethos demands that I empathize with the man.
Naw. Fuckim.
And tomorrow’s news cycle will be another brutal on for #gotrump
Nate Silver is out with his first full-blown analysis.
Hillary Clinton has an 80% chance of winning the presidency.
He’s predicting that HRC will perform BETTER than Mitt Romney did against the President. How’s that for a demoralizing ass-kicking. “You did WORSE against Lyin’ Hillary than we did against Barry Hussein Obama?”
He didn’t even get 24 hours to revel in the glory of only being down two points before Fox News of all places threw shade on it and polled him at -6.
Abandoned again!
Too fuckin bad you dickless loser! You put the sock puppet down and I’ma pick it up every damn time.
Don’t like it?
@61 I miss the conversations Puddy used to have with me about his dick.
10 year-old boy’s question to Palin causes her to become even more unhinged than usual.
McConnell: Trump isn’t a “credible candidate”.
I somehow foresee some nasty Trump tweets and a loon head explosion in our future.
@ 58
Only 80%?
“Only 80%?”
Seems reasonable. While the national polling trend isn’t looking good for Trump, a number of swing states are still too close for liberal comfort.
@ 67
I wasn’t commenting seriously.
No idea what will happen in Cleveland but here’s hoping Trump ends up tits up, politically speaking, when it’s over.
I don’t understand. Why not wait for the retrial of Officer Porter?
Complainant John F. Banzhaf III, an attorney and professor of law at the George WashingtonUniversity, complains about and respectfully requests a prompt investigation of the conduct of Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby regarding the investigation and prosecution of six (6)Baltimore police officers for the death of Freddie Gray
Someone filed a formal Bar complaint. Note the comparison to Mike Nifong.
I have to assume that even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks Mosby is a detriment to the legal profession. It takes one to know one, amirite?
@42 Whatever happened to Dr. Carson, the SDA candidate? I expected him to get at least 1 write-in vote.
@51 And music by Ted Nugent.
@57 It’s all about the grift. But we’ve always known that.
@66 Never underestimate the stupidity of Republican voters.
@69 Yes, it would be better if no one ever tried to prosecute killer cops despite the long odds against conviction, it’s much better to send a message that cops can kill blacks with impunity.
Another Drumpf grift exposed:
” … Mr. Trump also lent his name, and his credibility, to a seminar business he did not own, which was branded the Trump Institute. Its operators rented out hotel ballrooms across the country and invited people to pay up to $2,000 to come hear Mr. Trump’s ‘wealth-creating secrets and strategies.’ …
“The institute was another example of the Trump brand’s being accused of luring vulnerable customers with false promises of profit and success. Others … include multilevel marketing ventures that sold vitamins and telecommunications services, and a vanity publisher that faced hundreds of consumer complaints.”
I could never stomach watching long enough to detect any on-air chemistry.
“Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough could soon go public as a couple. Page Six has exclusively learned that Brzezinski and her husband of 23 years have quietly divorced.
Popular MSNBC stars Scarborough and Brzezinski are widely rumored to be romantically involved — and there’s plenty of on-air chemistry for all to see. But while Scarborough is also divorced — since 2013 — the TV duo have never confirmed they’re romantically involved.
@ 74
…it’s much better to send a message that cops can kill blacks with impunity.
See, I was thinking it would be much better to send no message until all of the facts are known.
’cause when you say or write shit that is completely contradicted by the facts
you end up looking like a total dumbfuck.
Now why couldn’t Bernie have come up with this?
Prof. Breff Brarvis @ProfJeffJarviss 10h10 hours ago Manhattan, NY
Prof. Breff Brarvis Retweeted Hillary Clinton
Prediction: this tweet just won Hillary the election.Prof. Breff Brarvis added,
Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
Two words: free WiFi.
In train stations, airports and other public spaces.
Maybe because Bernie had a basic understanding of internet security and global risks, perhaps?
Hey, howz that Seattle PD/FBI investigation into that transgender hate crime last week goin’?
An openly gay YouTube star is claiming that he was brutally assaulted by three men in West Hollywood, but authorities said Tuesday that his claims of assault were unsubstantiated and that he injured himself after being arrested on suspicion of vandalism.
Calum McSwiggan, known by thousands of fans for his active lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender lifestyle channel on YouTube, wrote in an Instagram post that after visiting a gay club, three men attacked him. He said he suffered three broken teeth and required six stitches in his forehead.
“The authorities should have been there to help and protect me, but instead they treated me like a second-class citizen,” McSwiggan wrote in his post, which showed him in a hospital with bandages affixed to his forehead.
And why didn’t any of y’all take me on when I wrote
Was it ’cause y’all were thinking the same thing?
Still not as good as Steak and BJ Day.
It’s #HeterosexualPrideDay. Liberals are losing their minds.
Looking forward to the Bernie Sanders keynote address at the DNC convention.
Venezuelans are storming supermarkets and attacking trucks as food supplies dwindle
Timing should be about right.
I’m told they don’t hold up as well as cucumbers.
What one Seattle activist wants you to know about bananas
Next up: Change at the top in France.
I want to be your PM: ‘Clear favourite’ Boris Johnson set to launch bid for Number 10
By yesterday evening, Mr Johnson had 31 public declarations of support from MPs. Stephen Crabb had 17 and Mrs May was trailing on 10.
Nominations for the contest will close today and candidates will then face a series of ballots among the 330 Tory MPs at Westminster.
The candidate with the fewest votes in each round will be eliminated until only two remain. Tory grassroots members will then pick a winner.
@77 I’m a rabbit. What’s your excuse?
So what to make of this. Gun ownership at 40 year low.
With every mass shooting there is the well documented uptick in gun sales. Conventional wisdom has said people don’t feel safe and turn to guns. But if fewer individuals own guns the increased sales really can’t be new owners.
What we must be seeing is gun fetishists decide by that the gun they own isn’t the right gun so they need to add to the arsenal. Won’t be safe unless I’ve got one for each hand and one that will kill more people quickly if the need arises.
So what to make of this. Gun ownership at 40 year low.
With every mass shooting there is the well documented uptick in gun sales. Conventional wisdom has said people don’t feel safe and turn to guns. But if fewer individuals own guns the increased sales really can’t be new owners.
What we must be seeing is gun fetishists decide by that the gun they own isn’t the right gun so they need to add to the arsenal. Won’t be safe unless I’ve got one for each hand and one that will kill more people quickly if the need arises.
“they need to add to the arsenal.”
One good friend of mine now has over 400 guns and at least a ton of ammo.
@ 86
So what to make of this.
Fewer rural households and more urban. Population becoming younger. False poll responses by people wondering whether they’ll be put on a list. More guns per owning household.
Gary Kleck, a criminologist at Florida State University, points to Gallup surveys that find a much higher rate of ownership than does the GSS, with guns in 43% of American households and owned by 29% of American adults last year. He thinks these figures are more reliable because they are based on phone surveys, while the GSS is fielded in person. “People are more reluctant to admit to gun ownership or anything controversial or legally questionable in non-anonymous surveys,” he said.
I don’t think you can surmise that we “must’ be seeing anything, CZ.
And there’s certainly no reason to surmise it in consecutive @ 85 and identical @ 86 posts.
Guns to some people are like women are to Bill Clinton.
At this point, to comment is to pile on, but I have to say that this is becoming very strange.
“Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said Wednesday he has serious concerns about presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and won’t vote for him without assurances “that he’s not somebody who’s going to abuse” the Constitution.”
@3 Considering the lack of professional sports in Missoula perhaps the old editor likes doing real news. Occassionally news out of Montana is exciting and different. Grizzly’s eating tourists. Why? Not enough rabbits? Probably more to that story, but some Grizzly is likely to be shot.
Didn’t actually read the article did you?
Lots of polls with lots of different data collection methods are showing the same thing. But you have some magic theory of unskewed polls to explain that the obvious isn’t.
Funny, your hand holding (fellating?) bro has been posting double posts a lot lately but hey…nothing to see here.
@23 So how is that British Pound doing? Ohh and just what is the Bank of England doing? As much as it can. The problem is at the moment there is no British Government that can govern. The damage can be reversed with a government in place, and most likely that new government can nix the Brexit. Still the dam is temporary and if the pound tanks more so will stocks. The dam may burst tomorrow, more likely Friday, or by mid week. You don’t see the pound bounce up some might be a good time to sell. Which is what I hope my mutual fund dude will do, if not well ouch…very loud ouch. Good time to just sit back.
So Capitalist rabbit are you and the other Capitalist going to build Puget Sounds premiere transit system?
@27 Astonishingly the three Republican committee members blocked it. Amazing! Even more amazing perhaps they were even right to block it. Even so I’m sure Fox news has attorneys that looked forward to challenging this in the courts. Would have been a fun case. All ending with a Federal District judge shaking a finger at the FEC going bad FEC, bad FEC…
@38 So where are the Democrats running amok? Where are the Republicans running amok? No mention of either party in the whole story. The bureaucrats at a school got the cops involved unnecessarily. A parent or parents might sue the school. And all kinds of zaniness will ensue which a little common sense would have prevented. An apology in this situation could go a long way, and be a lot less expensive. Doubt it will happen so bring on the lawyers. Boring legal stuff will ensue, probably settled out of court, and we can only hope for dancing llamas in pajamas.
@41 It’s my first amendment right to read or not read those posts. Comment or not comment on them. I’m perfectly capable of scrolling past them without Dr. O’s assistance. So I will think for myself thank you very much.
Besides I don’t want to always be in a room where everyone is preaching to the choir. I occassionally like hearing an imperfect note or two from folks in the choir.
As General Patton said if we are all saying the same things then no one is thinking. (Not an exact quote. )
@47 And the good guys with guns wearing badges blew her away. Win for the good guys I suppose.
Shakespeare writes about stuff like this. Or the Greeks. No guns but lots of hubris, and other stuff. How very human of this woman. The whole situation could inspire the bard. So so human. Yet god didn’t step in. The good men with badges and guns did though. Saved tax payers the cost of a trial. Too bad the widower will suffer. Why do bad things happen to good people? Has he stopped crying? Will he read Job?
How can I and others understand his loss and feel so much more than the events earlier today in Istanbul?
@77 You just got lawyered. He gotcha and he didn’t even think it important to answer your question.
Let me translate. The Prosecutor although in another state is also a member of a bar. It would unseemly for me to comment on a complaint filed in another state where I’m not familiar with the rules of attorney conduct, how the courts operate, and the lawyer politics to form an opinion on the veracity of the complaint, assuming that the complainant has standing and isn’t a law professor doing some grandstanding and politics in the state of Maryland. If you wish me to take the time to research, and reach a professional opinion a willingness on your part to write a check would be nice.
Otherwise please let everyone know the outcome of this complaint. (My plug nickel says it dies a quick quiet death.)
Wow, checkmate delivered a double post #85-86 and where are the Oregon moron and QPPS drinking its namesake stupid solution? You can’t click your Post Comment twice you idiots. The browser does it.
Well both are stooooooooooooooooooooopid!
Yes checkmate, Puddy is very sure people are running out to the pollster and saying
You betcha I own a gun. Yessiree!
Sometimes people don’t want you to know so you are surprised. Just like that fake study where states with more gun laws have lower death by gun rates. Yet with all the inner city gun killings each year in Chicago, Illinois ranks a B+ per their rating.
Yeah right Illinois B+… Shot & Killed: 296 Probably higher when you visit!
Ahhh yes the Oregon moron is sock puppeting again. Another idiot PWND by Puddy!
Arguing with the senile one over Freddy Gray is like talking to a senile brick wall. Another person, Donta Allen, was in the van with Freddy Gray was injured like Freddy amirite? Donta Allen NO? 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
So what happened to him? The prosecution tried to rig the Goodson trial by withholding evidence. Donta claimed it was a smooth ride. Then they got to Donta! All charges were dropped. Story changed.
Remember Travis, R senile thought Oscar Goodson was white. Anyone need to see the senile HA DUMMOCRETIN thread again? That was DAYUM funny!
@83 sloppy, the boris you were crowing about, chickened out. no instant runoff voting for him?
“The folks who pushed Brexit are now backpedaling, don’t want to lead Britain, and don’t want to admit that they tricked the people. This is a classic example of “be careful what you wish for….you might get it”.”
“So Boris is bailing rather than go down with the ship he helped steer into the typhoon. How sad for the Leave voters to have to discover the hard way how pyrrhic a victory it’s all been.”
@103 Freddie Gray was murdered, but Piddles is fine with that. Gray was a healthy young black man who was given a “rough ride” that broke his neck and killed him. That’s murder. Was Gray an upstanding citizen? No, he was a known drug dealer with a record. But that’s not a license for police to carry out summary street executions. Even suspected criminals have civil rights, although it’s hard to convince rogue cops of that. These cops deserve to be prosecuted, and if they’re getting off, it’s not because they’re innocent but because our laws are overly protective of killer cops. All of this is okay with Piddles, a traitor to his own race. It’s just as well that Puddy was born in the 20th century and not the 19th, because he’s the kind of black guy who would squeal on runaway slaves. He hates his own race.
Hey Piddles, the stock market is up AGAIN today! Not only that, but Hershey is getting bought out, and is up $20 a share. I own 200 shares of Hershey, so I just made $4,000 in the blink of an eye. Sure beats working at a sweatshop job for $15 an hour.
@87 You have friends like that?
@91 Well, I notice Frank Blethen promoted his sports editor to the editor’s job, so maybe that tells you where the audience is in today’s journalism. Nobody gives a damn if a Hitler takes over our country; they just want to know what the Mariners and Seahawks standings are.
Good Train wreck from R senile above.
@103 Freddie Gray was murdered, but [something stoooooooooooooooooopid] is fine with that. Gray was a healthy young black man who was given a “rough ride” that broke his neck and killed him.
Sez who R senile? You can’t even get the facts correct at the trial. The VIDEO shows the ride was norman Remember Donta Allen? He was in the van too? Did Donta claim it was a rough ride? NOP you senile DOPE!
Remember Oscar Goodman the black policeman who drove Freddy and Donta to the jail? Oh yeah… Oscar is a white policeman. Yeah it was a white policeman that gave Freddy the rough ride because the black policeman was found not guilty!
@93 “So how is that British Pound doing? Ohh and just what is the Bank of England doing?”
Why do I care? That’s their problem, not mine.
“So Capitalist rabbit are you and the other Capitalist going to build Puget Sounds premiere transit system?”
Already am. Been paying ST taxes since they were instituted.
Seems the State Department knows something they are not letting the LIV American public know!
PuddyCommentariat: What will checkmate say if Russia gives some of those “PRIVATE” emails to WikiLeaks? Why is the State Department looking for something Crooked Heilary claims are not there checkmate?
@100 “You betcha I own a gun. Yessiree!”
Shit. Now I’m nervous.
So why did Loretta Lynch meet with Bill Clinton at an airport for 30 minutes? To talk about grandchildren of course!
Or maybe to let Bill know there is some damning evidence that may affect the former president?
Surely not the email probe right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
R senile… senile as ever. Can’t process English either!
@109 Roger Rabbit version: “Freddie Gray was murdered, but Piddles is fine with that.”
Puddy version: “Freddie Gray was murdered, but [something stoooooooooooooooooopid] is fine with that.”
For once, I agree with you. You’re something stoooooooooooooooooopid.
No wonder the house acted against John Koskinen…
The ends always justifies the means!
Meanwhile the libtard Labour Party of GB is the DUMMOCRETINS of America
PuddyCommentariat: Loud applause from fellow libtards.
Once again R senile is reduced to attacking Puddy because the feckless arguments continue to fail!
Smelly senile BULLSHITTIUM batman…
Smelly senile BULLSHITTIUM batman…
No no no… it will be the NRA and Christians per national DUMMOCRETINS!
@118 That one was a “German blimp.”
A “German blimp” is a target so fat and juicy you have to shoot at it as a matter of principle even if it has no military value. In other words, if you hang your ass out like that, you gotta expect a thwack on your buttcheeks.
@119 @120 Judicial Watch! Bwaaaaahaaaaaahaaaahaaaa!!!!
Ya think so?
Ya think so?
Dow’s now up 175 points, and I’m making almost $1,000/hr today sitting on my fat rabbit butt posting on HA. Sure beats working in a chicken processing plant for Republican minimum wage. Everyone should be a capitalist, then we’d all be rich, and nobody would have to work.
The ends always justifies the means..
You don’t say…
You don’t say…
The batshit insane do the craziest things! Now the loon has gone psycho with double postings. His poor keyboard must be taking a real beating.
Benghazi! Chrome!
What a loon!
You don’t say..
@131 We may be witnessing the final breakdown before it’s handed over to Nurse Ratched for terminal care.
I can’t get out of my head Drumpf’s portrayal of the handicap reporter that he made fun of when thinking of Puffy double posting a coment.
looks like blog litter to me.
I wish there was something like Dr. O’s script for litter IRL.
Meanwhile, don’t we need a Constitutional amendment giving us the right to bear laws that protect our homes from invasion by 2nd Amendment Artillery Shells™
@134 You’re going to see a lot more of that in this fall’s TV ads. Then you’ll get to listen to Republicans screech about Democrats taking advantage of Citizens United to fund those ads. CU was only supposed to benefit the GOP.
@135 That’s why untrained civilians shouldn’t have howitzers. What’s next, ICBMs?
I remember reading a news story many years ago about some guy who built an Atlas missile in his backyard from salvaged parts. The Pentagon wasn’t amused.
Smelly BULLSHITTIUM double posts!…
Smelly BULLSHITTIUM double posts!…
And now the unanimity of the SCOTUS decision on McDonnell makes total sense.
Kaine accepted clothes, vacation as gifts
Don’t install Windows 10!!! It fucked up my media player!!!
VP as manservant maybe? Has any politician ever been so humiliatingly castrated into docility as Chris Christie?
“Trump Is Reportedly Vetting Chris Christie As Possible Running Mate”
@140 something more offensive when an individual who claims self-righteousness and purity (name any Republican to fit the bill) does something bad, more so than when it is done by someone that it might be expected from.
Kind of like God committing murder or stealing.
Maybe Republicans should just not pretend they have high standards and then the World will go around much better and we could all get along.
@142 now that’s the Ticket!
I’d have to say it’s probably a toss up whether Republican’s illegal efforts to raise campaign funds from foreign governments is the result of pure stupidity or outright criminality.
Probably both.
Republicans are still hoping to con their donor base into paying for the candidate’s airplanes, facials, hair transplants, and adolescent sex slave parties.
More SPAM @131.
Of course when checkmate double double posted posted @85-86, QPPS was mute!
More SPAM @131
They’re both bullies and blowhards, so they should be compatible, even if not amiable.
@147 Spam is what you put between two slices of bread and eat when you’re doing jail time.
The Dow is up triple digits for a third straight day. However, Puddy’s investing prowess shouldn’t be dismissed lightly. At least he had the wisdom and foresight to move his money from under his mattress to a bank paying 1/10th of 1% annual interest. That’s income of $1,000/yr. for every $1,000,000 invested! That will buy 120 subway sandwiches — one every third day! Btw my stocks are up $9,900 since 6:30 am.
Oh lookie here… Another HA DUMMOCRETIN friend killing someone…
Of course morons like QPPS, Oregon Moron and R senile cheer this. One less Israeli girl to deliver babies in the future!
If you think about it, it probably isn’t fair to expect Republicans to come up with a functional budget when they can’t even perform simple math.
Voices in his head. Hmm, might be the loon.
“Washington man blames ‘voices’ after savagely beating 2-year-old daughter: ‘I had to crush her head’”
We’d better keep them away from the White House Water Fountain:
“Drumpf took exception to the design of the spaces between courts. In particular, he didn’t like a small metal box—a pump and cooler for the water fountain alongside—which he thought looked ugly. He first questioned its placement, then crudely disparaged it, then kicked the box, which didn’t budge, and then stooped—red-faced and fuming—to tear it loose from its moorings, rupturing a water line and sending a geyser to soak the courts. Boulle looked horrified, a weekend of tennis abruptly drowned.”
Then there’s the time Cheeto Jesus tried to move dozens of street drunks into a rent controlled building he owned to drive out the leaseholders.
@150 lmfao
Boob, aka – Puffy’s bff, will help Puffy see the light.
And another story that the business press covered but is now busting out in the mainstream.
Trump backed Baja California condo project never got built after bilking investors out of $32.5M
“Look over there, it’s a plane. A Mexican plane up there, getting ready to attack!”
Yep, the Mexican airforce is in New Hampshire. Call me paranoid but they really are after me. Stay Away!!!!! Stay Away!!!
Even David Axelrod thought Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton was bad. She didn’t even mention the meeting until a reporter found out about it.
The ends always justifies the means!
Olivia deHavilland, who played Melanie Wilkes in “Gone With The Wind,” has a birthday tomorrow. She will be 100 years old. She’s the movie’s last surviving cast member.
Senate DUMMOCRETINS blocked Zika virus funding.
Planned Parenthood wrote all Senate offices opposing the bill, arguing that “a vote against this bill will be seen as a vote for women’s health care.”
“They have to be responsible. It falls on Republicans,” said Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), a Senate leader and former top campaign strategist. “We’re just supposed to say yes? That’s not how we do things responsibly around here.”
@157 I hope, for their sake, all the Donald Trump Show vendors and suppliers are insisting on cash up front because they’ll never get paid if they don’t. Every business in Cleveland should put up a sign reading, “Cash sales only, no credit.”
I forgot to mention how sorry I am about all the lying.
I’m just a huge liar. Mostly I lie about the President. But I also lie quite a lot about the people I imagine are Democrats. I realize they hold the moral high ground. So I just make a bunch of shit up about them and then provide links to something close, but not really true. It’s terrible. I know. I really can’t help it. Lying is what I do.
@161 The GOP would rather let the whole country catch Zika than fund one more Planned Parenthood mammogram. What a bunch of sorry-ass losers!
Istanbul Terrorists From Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
No NRA chapters there. Oh no… who to blame DUMMOCRETINS?
Harvard Study Finds Diversity Trainings are a Sham
Obummer still demands them though!
Obummer military now finding scapegoats because they acted as Obummer wanted them to. Now the blowback is too strong so scapegoats!…
HA DUMMOCRETINS must be pizzed!
Jay Inslee adding 5 cents to gas as tax. Second highest in nation!
Ah yes, the bill that also made it illegal for VA doctors to even discuss certain treatments with their patients. Treatments ordinary civilians can get.
Why do you hate veterans,
PiddlesLiar?The left wrong Mike Rowe Agreshuns at UNC continue…
The ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS! Saul Alinsky 101
Oh look a person who believes like most HA DUMMOCRETINS…
He’s in trouble too!
As with everything Congressional Republicans attempt, the bill that included a ton of pork and some ZIKA funding wasn’t a serious bill.
Zika is a sexually transmitted virus. Take a stab in the dark what organization in the United States treats millions of patients with STDs each year? Take a wild guess at which organization was mentioned (Bill of Attainder, heard of it?) as being ineligible for funding to treat ZIKA.
Even if you’ve never heard the word ZIKA efore today I’ll bet you can guess which organization the GOP wanted to defund today?
The GOP, if you get sick we want you to only see a doctor we approve of because FREEEEEEEDOM!
Hey, anyone here anything new about that transgender activist who claims “they” were attacked on Capitol Hill last week?
Woman who claimed she fought off attempted rapists in East New York after Gay Pride celebrations fabricated Brooklyn attack
I sure hope the Seattle PD and the FBI find out EXACTLY what happened.
Hey, happy pride.
Always follow the money.
Maybe one day you’ll see Boob’s name on the list.
Happy Medicare Fraud everyone!
Man kills Family members.
We are Family. I got all my Brothers and Sisters in me. We are family,
Happy Family Day everyone!
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
This could be Boob’s future retirement plans too.
Well we hope your brothers and sisters are smarter than you HHTL!
Zika is a sexually transmitted virus.
Really checkmate? Really? The virus primarily mosquito-borne! Zika is primarily spread by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito! THAT is from the CDC! Butt don’t let that stop a good DUMMOCRETIN senate argument because everything to DUMMOCRETINS is political!
Sure it can also be sexually transmitted butt those poor ladies bitten by the mosquito giving birth to microcephaly (DUMMOCRETIN sized) brains had sex before being bitten.
There goes that insipid argument. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Regarding that Zika funding DUMMOCRETINS always want to print more money for every crisis instead of looking for ways to use existing funding not spent. This bill would use $750 million from other health programs to help fund Zika efforts of which $543 million in unused Obummercare funds, $107 million unused from the Ebola fight, and $100 million unused Health and Human Services Department administrative funds.
Of course to checkmate and the DUMMOCRETIN senate, that is unacceptable. To DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means.
“I sure hope the Seattle PD and the FBI find out EXACTLY what happened.”
So, for Bob, one trans person in New York doing something wrong sullies trans person in Washington.
“Rochester Radiologist Sentenced For Defrauding Health Insurance Programs”
I see the batshit insane loon is still dumber than a stump and full of hate.