Happy probably the best game of the Women’s World Cup day. USA and France are the 2 best teams. Let’s hope there are some questionable VAR calls. Who doesn’t love waiting 5 minutes only to be disappointed with some ticky tac technicality. Seriously though, super excited.
Putin and Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron at G20 joking about election interference and getting rid of journalists. I’m sure the Kashoggi family got a chuckle out of the latter.
@1 Wait till I meet with Xi on Saturday – it’s going to be beautiful!
@1 Dictators bonding.
Meanwhile, warmongers aren’t happy unless they’re starting wars:
“Senate Republicans tallied enough votes Friday morning to block a largely Democratic-backed amendment that would require President Donald Trump to get congressional approval before striking Iran militarily.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m curious how many of those Republican senators were, like Trump, draft dodgers when it was their turn to serve our country.
Duncan Hunter (R), Bro Caucus, on 26 separate occasions withdrew cash from his Congressional campaign fund to pay for para-mutual betting at Del Mar racetrack totaling over $4,000.
Could happen to anyone. This stuff is so confusing. Everybody makes this mistake.
But the real highlight of the expense disclosures:
30 shots of tequila and one steak at El Tamarindo restaurant: $462.46
They tried to make me go to rehab
I said, “no, no, no”
Well now we know why Donald thinks his polling is great and he’s headed for an easy re-election.
Fundraising on the official Campaign site
@6 Of course, I voted for the MS-13 loving Democrat.
In other news…
“An avowed white supremacist who drove his car into a crowd of anti-racism protesters during a white nationalist rally in Virginia has been sentenced to life in prison on hate crime charges.”
“James Alex Fields Jr. of Maumee, Ohio, was sentenced Friday after pleading guilty in March to federal hate crime charges in an attack that killed one person and injured more than two dozen others.”
For some Friday humor check out Judd Legum’s Twitter timeline where he’s been following the really quite massive social media buy from the campaign featuring attractive, telegenic young Trump supporters who are all actually iStock models:
The real Tracy from Florida: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-GYXPoXkAEisN0.jpg
PS: I just wanna apologize for that. I know it’s going to be difficult to rid your brain of that image.
@8 Thanks for apologizing beforehand but, all the same, I’m still considering filing a lawsuit against you for the severe damage to my retinas.
Rapinoe off the foul in the 5th minute.
Wingers are losing their shit.
France is getting chances but have to play from behind.
(If anyone is on sports media blackout to watch this later I’ll refrain from further updates)
Comparative negligence.
Nobody forced you to click on the link.
You were cautioned. Still you persisted.
And really, how great can you suffering be when compared to Teh Dumbfuck who has to look at that every night.
Trump Supporter MELTDOWN: “It’s Fake News!”
At least now I can see why Doctor Dumbfuck prefers horses.
@11 My retinas won’t like it, but I concede. But that’s only if you watch the video I posted @12. Do so and your eyes may burn for all eternity, but after what you did to my retinas, I believe you have it coming to you.
Let’s not gloss over how one of the first things she says about Biden is “Bringing down his race.”
Trump Supporters, “Socialism is not being sufficiently White Power!”
Somewhere rolling around in her brain is the “Nazi’s were leftists because socialism is in the party name…”
Remind me again why we shouldn’t call them stupid and hurt their feelbads?
“Remind me again why we shouldn’t call them stupid”
I prefer “dumbfuck” as in, it takes a dumbfuck to believe Democrats are both “commies” and “Nazis”.
US leads France 2 – 0.
On this day every Republican is rooting for France (France!) to beat America, er, I meant “to beat those treasonous commie-Nazi lesbians”.
The US beat France, 2 – 1, which means that every Republican in America is having a sad today.
I can stipulate to that.
And now having viewed that eldritch monstrosity @12 you may consider me suitably chastened and remorseful.
Whenever a Republican “overshares” on the topic of race, it reminds me of a friend who, when he was younger, worked for a few years as a corrections therapist for pedophiles. It nearly destroyed him.
@7 “Of course, I voted for the MS-13 loving Democrat.”
What any responsible voter would do, given the alternative.
@10 They’re probably cheering for the Frogs. You know, the country they were condemning in 2003 for objecting to Shrub’s recreational invasion of a country that hadn’t attacked us, which ended up costing 4,424 American lives and adding $2 trillion to the national debt.
“Former President Jimmy Carter suggested Friday that a full investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election would show that Donald Trump didn’t win the presidency.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve been careful not to say it, or even let myself think it, because our elections are so basic to our democratic system, and even flawed elections are so much better than any of the alternatives. And also, we want to be very careful not to let our partisan loyalties turn us into conspiracy nuts (as is so commonplace on the other side).
But now that Jimmy Carter has said it, the rest of us can say it, too: Trump is an illegitimate president, chosen by our enemies to disrupt our position in the world. And he sure acts like a saboteur in the Kremlin’s employ. Or, at least, I’m now free to suspect this is the case.
You know what? You could put rock-solid, irrefutable, DNA-confirmed evidence of this in front of Republican voters, and they would still vote for him anyway, because they’re all dumbfucks.
+28.50% for the period January 1, 2018 through June 28, 2019.
“+28.50% for the period January 1, 2018 through June 28, 2019.”
My worthless son doesn’t even have $28.50.
James Alex Fields Jr., the murderer of Heather Heyer, will never get out of prison.
“Before sentencing Fields addressed the judge and said, ‘I’d like to apologize. I apologize to my mother for putting her through all of this. Every day I think about my actions and how this could have gone differently. I’m sorry.’ Fields … was mostly expressionless during the morning testimony. When he apologized, he did not face victims who were in the courtroom.”
The fucker apologized to his mother, not the victims. Heyer’s mother said afterward he deserves the death penalty. I know some of my liberal friends here oppose capital punishment in all cases and circumstances, but I agree with her. That’s saying nothing more than I think the Nazi and Japanese war criminals, mass murderers, and torturers should have been executed and I’m glad they were.
But this modern-day neo-Nazi scumbag by no means is getting off lightly. He’s 22 and if he lives to be 92, he’ll be staring at concrete walls for the next 70 years. That’s only 2.5 years for each person he injured, if he count nothing for Heyer’s death. And it’ll be a lot shorter than that if he dies in prison from natural causes (cough cough) sooner than age 92. And because he was sentenced by a federal judge for federal crimes, he shouldn’t be surprised if he’s sent to ADX, where he’ll see open sky and the outside world for the last time when he gets out of the prison van inside the sallyport. You can’t see much from the window slots in ADX’s six-by-ten cells, just concrete. Nothing to look forward to but death. They say people go stir-crazy in there, but they were all crazy before they got there, and that’s why they’re there.
He deserves every minute of it.
My mom has been dead for nearly 30 years.
@25 It’s sad enough that you feel you have to lie about your wealth, but you have to lie about me as well?? Shame on you!
Following debates, Harris is up 10%, Biden down 10%
Well, you certainly are consistent in your ignorance.
@25 Obviously her ghost has come back to haunt you for everything you did to her while she was raising you. You must’ve been a shitty kid.
I think the right should instead hold a “Pedophile Pride Parade”. More Republicans might show up. Of course, if they really want to see high Republican turnout they should go with a “Bestiality Pride Parade”. And I’m sure Milo would be happier with either of those.
“Boston is one step closer to welcoming a ‘straight pride’: Milo Yiannopoulos to serve as grand marshal”
@30 If you invite their victims, the parade will be over 50 miles long.
No, we got along very well. In fact, I used to surprise her from time to time with a little money to spend on herself. She really enjoyed getting a bit of extra money, not that she was hurting financially in her old age.
@32 Well, it’s nice that you helped support your mother in her old age. That makes you either a Democrat or a heretic, because normally Republicans lust for their parents’ Social Security and Medicare.
What an amazing councidence!
So did dozens of sailors and I every summer during fleet week!
Dear Kim,
Do you:
( ) Like me?
I’ll be at the DMZ on Sunday night the moon should be pretty. Please come.
I made a lot of money this month, at least on paper.
Investors soaked up U.S. stocks during the month giving the Dow Jones Industrial Average its best June in 81 years while the S&P notched its best in 64 years.
The rally, which continued on the final trading day of the month, gave the Dow Jones Industrial Average a 7.2 percent jump, the best since 1938, the S&P 500 added 6.9 percent, the strongest June since 1955 and the Nasdaq 7.4-percent – its best showing since 2000 as tracked by the Dow Jones Market Data Group.
Hell, June was so good that tomorrow Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit might be able to afford bus fare to the library to read the Barron’s issue that everyone else was able to read this morning.
@36 “I made a lot of money this month, at least on paper.”
Almost as much as you lost last month?