I am glad to see Jay Inslee’s fossil fuel plan. It is ambitious. It is necessary to be bold on this existential problem. I hope all of the candidates will follow suit.
She married her brother to enable him to enter the country without having to wait along with everyone who plays by the rules. She filed false tax returns and lied in her divorce filing to cover up her crime.
She’s today’s Democrat.
And her story is going mainstream.
New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws, says a Star Tribune report.
The questions surfaced again this month in a state probe of campaign finance violations, according to the Minnesota newspaper, which added that its extensive search of records in the wake of the campaign finance board’s finding could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that the man is Omar’s sibling. The freshman congresswoman has denied the allegations in the past, and her spokesman said in a statement that such questions about her personal life are illegitimate.
Bernie’s offering forgiveness of all student loan debt and free college. Not to be outdone, Cory Booker’s now promising a free unicorn to YLB and every liberal like her.
@1. Yeah, one in a million? How many woman were raped today or grabbed by the pussy today? Did you grab any pussy today? Did you grab any horse pussy today?
Never exploit a great story. True success in life,
Painting a mural for the city while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Sheefy McFly arrested while working on City of Detroit project”
@1 That’s a tangled mess of weirdness. No proof yet of the conservative racist incel’s accusations but when as that stopped him before? Every black person is a lying cheat to him, guilty of something.
“The search of records could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that he is Omar’s sibling.”
“Omar expressed frustration over the controversy again last October, telling the Star Tribune in an interview that like many refugees without birth certificates, “anybody can accuse me of whatever they want and I don’t have a way to defend myself.”
Even when black people have birth certificates saying they are American, republicans say they are from Kenya.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Haven’t we seen this movie before?
Yes. We have.
The only comprehensive search of public records yielded this: “The search of records could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that he is Omar’s sibling.”
Which statement, if I’m not mistaken, may also be made about Teh Dumbfuck with respect to OfDumbfuck’s horse. Good thing for him the other horses haven’t spent the last four years feverishly digging into OfDumbfuck’s horse’s background, eh? Half the fun here for the VDARE/PIZZAGATE crowd lies in randomly interchanging their reporting on her marital status in state civil law, and her marital status within the church, which are entirely separate things in the US. IRC one of your state’s Supreme Court Justices made a nearly identical fuckup regarding the status of his legal and common law marriages. But he’s white dude. And not a MOOSLIM. So…
Maybe someday the intrepid explorers of the PizzaCannibal Fever Swamps will find the “Long Form Birf Sertfikit” locked in Al Capone’s safe along side the proof that Ilhan Omar married A SPACE ALIEN. But for now at least, it remains but a rumor started by the same people who gave you CHEMTRAILS, FEMA CAMPS, SETH RICH and MAILBOX STICKERS.
I think the part about this stuff that’s the most fun is how consistently weak it is. BIRFER says she married her brother to get around immigration law. But the only thing anywhere anyone has ever found was an anonymous post on a Sommali American affairs blog with no attribution. Meanwhile there are multiple actual living people who say they were raped by Donald J. Trump, and multiple actual people who say they were present and witnessed Donald J. Trump raping children. And even worse, the contemporaneous records concerning these people, and their whereabouts at the time back up the claims. That certainly isn’t enough to conclude someone’s guilt. But given the consistency of the Trump/Violent/Pig drumbeat, it is at least cause for concern. But all it takes to set Teh Dumbfuck off is an anonymous blog post from four years ago that he and Lara Logan are still trying to nail down all these years later.
Fuck me. Talk about being “bemused”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s the Detroit Free Press, and still even they fall for the bullshit:
“Detroit Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Nicole Kirkwood said the officers found him to be uncooperative with their investigation.”
In any kind of legit police beat reporting that kind of statement should not be considered worthy of quote, nor appropriate for inclusion in the report. If you think about it, it’s like reporting that according to the suspect in a rape case, the victim was dressed “like a slut”.
Citizens of the United States are not legally obligated to be cooperative with a police investigation. Whether, or to what extent a citizen cooperates with a police investigation is not relevant to the facts of the investigation itself. Nor is it relevant to any legal suspicions investigators may articulate with respect to their investigation. A statement like that by a police agency spokes-model is intended for one purpose only: to direct public suspicion on that citizen. It is not informative with respect to the crime(s) being investigated. It sheds no light on the status of the investigation. It can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal proceeding.
“She was dressed kinda slutty”. No responsible reporter would ever pass that statement along in their reporting. It’s irrelevant to the investigation. It does not inform the reader. It prejudices the public against the victim for no legitimate purpose. Reporters covering instances of alleged police misconduct must be trained to recognize when police spokes-models use their access to discredit their accusers and must refuse to play along and be used in this way.
There was a time when the Detroit Free Press was much better than this. But of course, that was all before they become debased by USA Today. Sadly, these days, almost all journalism is shit.
Captain Obviousspews:
“Sadly, these days, almost all journalism is shit.”
No shit, Sherlock!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Explains how 63 million liver-spotted rubes were duped into electing a Russian controlled kleptocracy.
Some people cannot be bothered to sort these things out for themselves. So much arm-fishing and so little time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hear no evil, see no evil, publish no evil. Not about Trump anyway.
But you’re not a real newspaper if that’s your editorial philosophy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “the campaign finance board’s finding could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that the man is Omar’s sibling”
In other words, you don’t have shit.
For the record, Omar has characterized these rumors circulating on rightwing websites as “baseless conspiracy theories.”
For the record, I wouldn’t believe anything posted on a rightwing website.
But dumbfucks traffic in that stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Some people cannot be bothered to sort these things out for themselves.”
Assuming they have the ability to do so, which is highly debatable, given the nearly complete absence of critical thinking skills among the Republican cohort.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyway, if Melania can be First Lady, I don’t see why Omar can’t be a congresswoman.
“I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?”
He literally went with a variation of “She’s not pretty enough to rape.”
“See when I rush right in like a dog on her they can’t do anything. When you’re famous you just grab em by the pussy. Of course they have to be at least a seven. No fat chicks no uggos. I only rape prime grade a she meat.”
Someone wants to make a big deal of a woman having a relationship with a man while she is still married to someone else. Someone she legally divorced before getting married to the man she was, maybe, having an affair with while, maybe not, separated from her husband.
Newt Ginrich on Line one.
Donald on Line two
Clinton on three
Murdoch on Line four.
These are really flying in
Don Jr is on five.
Newt hung up but now Some guy named Arnold with an accent is there for you.
Hush, only MEN are allowed to have a side piece.
Headline: ” The Insanity in Oregon Is a Glimpse of Our Very Dark Future: People with guns have involved themselves in a legislative dispute while the officials of the Republican party cheer them on.
Once again, republicans follow the rule of law when it suits them, and ignore it when it doesn’t help them. Don’t like the rule of law, kill the agents of the law.
Yes, democrats did something like this a couple of years back who have fled the state in protest of bills requiring concession from union workers., but they didn’t get the Revolutionary Communard Party armed to the teeth to slaughter the state police who tracked them down.
“Send bachelors and come heavily armed.”
Talking about State Troopers trying to serve arrest warrants.
These “people” will never stop fighting The Battle of Ruby Ridge.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
CBP has removed all the toddlers from the border rape camp where lawyers caught them last week torturing two and three-year-olds. CBP has so far refused to say where the infants and children were moved to.
Never seen a unicorn or had any need for such.. I know of no one who believes in unicorns… Trolls apparently do believe in mythical creatures.
Yeah just another day in the reality based community laughing at klownservatics..
Btw, have no need of help on the education front. The youngest’s last year of college is paid for.. Our parental obligation is met.
Woo hoo! Life is good.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 The thought never occurred to me, but I see it did to you. Got an inferiority complex? Looks like it.
Look, it’s not my fault you rightwads are STUPID. I’m not God. I didn’t make you. Complain to Her about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For all the bleating about “murdering babies,” now that real-life babies are literally being murdered in Trump’s death camps, I don’t hear one word of protest or objection — NOT ONE WORD — from the “pro-lifers” (their description, not mine).
At this point, those folks have zero credibility. They’re all about politics, nothing more. Morality has nothing to do with it.
Of course, they proved that long ago, when they began bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion doctors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet Paul Hill was surprised as hell to end up where all murderers go.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump is throwing away the moral high ground the U.S. once had in the world.
I think I put this one up back then…
A South Carolina militia brings a weapon to a family gathering but leaves it unattended. A six year old relative finds it and being a six year old with no concept of what they’re doing shoots his one year old brother.
That child celebrated his second birthday on life support. He has now died four months after the shooting.
Imagine being a parent and spending four months wondering if you’re infant will survive the second amendment only to learn….no.
Guns make us safer. Good guys with guns. Polite society.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Yawn, motherfucker.
Once and for all you need to rid yourself of this crippling faith that the larger universe gives one tiny shit about the sensitive “feels” and precious dignity of all you old white guys.
You aren’t special anymore. Nobody gives a fuck what insults you. You neither need nor deserve protecting. You took centuries of privilege, and advantage and wasted it on red trucker hats and RapeCages filled with Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers.
She married her brother to enable him to enter the country without having to wait along with everyone who plays by the rules. She filed false tax returns and lied in her divorce filing to cover up her crime.
She’s today’s Democrat.
And her story is going mainstream.
New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws, says a Star Tribune report.
The questions surfaced again this month in a state probe of campaign finance violations, according to the Minnesota newspaper, which added that its extensive search of records in the wake of the campaign finance board’s finding could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that the man is Omar’s sibling. The freshman congresswoman has denied the allegations in the past, and her spokesman said in a statement that such questions about her personal life are illegitimate.
Bernie’s offering forgiveness of all student loan debt and free college. Not to be outdone, Cory Booker’s now promising a free unicorn to YLB and every liberal like her.
@1. Yeah, one in a million? How many woman were raped today or grabbed by the pussy today? Did you grab any pussy today? Did you grab any horse pussy today?
Never exploit a great story. True success in life,
Painting a mural for the city while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Sheefy McFly arrested while working on City of Detroit project”
Free Unicorns? Sign me up!
@1 That’s a tangled mess of weirdness. No proof yet of the conservative racist incel’s accusations but when as that stopped him before? Every black person is a lying cheat to him, guilty of something.
“The search of records could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that he is Omar’s sibling.”
“Omar expressed frustration over the controversy again last October, telling the Star Tribune in an interview that like many refugees without birth certificates, “anybody can accuse me of whatever they want and I don’t have a way to defend myself.”
Even when black people have birth certificates saying they are American, republicans say they are from Kenya.
Haven’t we seen this movie before?
Yes. We have.
The only comprehensive search of public records yielded this:
“The search of records could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that he is Omar’s sibling.”
Which statement, if I’m not mistaken, may also be made about Teh Dumbfuck with respect to OfDumbfuck’s horse. Good thing for him the other horses haven’t spent the last four years feverishly digging into OfDumbfuck’s horse’s background, eh? Half the fun here for the VDARE/PIZZAGATE crowd lies in randomly interchanging their reporting on her marital status in state civil law, and her marital status within the church, which are entirely separate things in the US. IRC one of your state’s Supreme Court Justices made a nearly identical fuckup regarding the status of his legal and common law marriages. But he’s white dude. And not a MOOSLIM. So…
Maybe someday the intrepid explorers of the PizzaCannibal Fever Swamps will find the “Long Form Birf Sertfikit” locked in Al Capone’s safe along side the proof that Ilhan Omar married A SPACE ALIEN. But for now at least, it remains but a rumor started by the same people who gave you CHEMTRAILS, FEMA CAMPS, SETH RICH and MAILBOX STICKERS.
I think the part about this stuff that’s the most fun is how consistently weak it is. BIRFER says she married her brother to get around immigration law. But the only thing anywhere anyone has ever found was an anonymous post on a Sommali American affairs blog with no attribution. Meanwhile there are multiple actual living people who say they were raped by Donald J. Trump, and multiple actual people who say they were present and witnessed Donald J. Trump raping children. And even worse, the contemporaneous records concerning these people, and their whereabouts at the time back up the claims. That certainly isn’t enough to conclude someone’s guilt. But given the consistency of the Trump/Violent/Pig drumbeat, it is at least cause for concern. But all it takes to set Teh Dumbfuck off is an anonymous blog post from four years ago that he and Lara Logan are still trying to nail down all these years later.
Fuck me. Talk about being “bemused”.
It’s the Detroit Free Press, and still even they fall for the bullshit:
“Detroit Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Nicole Kirkwood said the officers found him to be uncooperative with their investigation.”
In any kind of legit police beat reporting that kind of statement should not be considered worthy of quote, nor appropriate for inclusion in the report. If you think about it, it’s like reporting that according to the suspect in a rape case, the victim was dressed “like a slut”.
Citizens of the United States are not legally obligated to be cooperative with a police investigation. Whether, or to what extent a citizen cooperates with a police investigation is not relevant to the facts of the investigation itself. Nor is it relevant to any legal suspicions investigators may articulate with respect to their investigation. A statement like that by a police agency spokes-model is intended for one purpose only: to direct public suspicion on that citizen. It is not informative with respect to the crime(s) being investigated. It sheds no light on the status of the investigation. It can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal proceeding.
“She was dressed kinda slutty”. No responsible reporter would ever pass that statement along in their reporting. It’s irrelevant to the investigation. It does not inform the reader. It prejudices the public against the victim for no legitimate purpose. Reporters covering instances of alleged police misconduct must be trained to recognize when police spokes-models use their access to discredit their accusers and must refuse to play along and be used in this way.
There was a time when the Detroit Free Press was much better than this. But of course, that was all before they become debased by USA Today. Sadly, these days, almost all journalism is shit.
“Sadly, these days, almost all journalism is shit.”
No shit, Sherlock!
Explains how 63 million liver-spotted rubes were duped into electing a Russian controlled kleptocracy.
Some people cannot be bothered to sort these things out for themselves. So much arm-fishing and so little time.
Hear no evil, see no evil, publish no evil. Not about Trump anyway.
But you’re not a real newspaper if that’s your editorial philosophy.
@1 “the campaign finance board’s finding could neither conclusively confirm nor rebut the allegation that the man is Omar’s sibling”
In other words, you don’t have shit.
For the record, Omar has characterized these rumors circulating on rightwing websites as “baseless conspiracy theories.”
For the record, I wouldn’t believe anything posted on a rightwing website.
But dumbfucks traffic in that stuff.
@10 “Some people cannot be bothered to sort these things out for themselves.”
Assuming they have the ability to do so, which is highly debatable, given the nearly complete absence of critical thinking skills among the Republican cohort.
Anyway, if Melania can be First Lady, I don’t see why Omar can’t be a congresswoman.
He literally went with a variation of “She’s not pretty enough to rape.”
“See when I rush right in like a dog on her they can’t do anything. When you’re famous you just grab em by the pussy. Of course they have to be at least a seven. No fat chicks no uggos. I only rape prime grade a she meat.”
Someone wants to make a big deal of a woman having a relationship with a man while she is still married to someone else. Someone she legally divorced before getting married to the man she was, maybe, having an affair with while, maybe not, separated from her husband.
Newt Ginrich on Line one.
Donald on Line two
Clinton on three
Murdoch on Line four.
These are really flying in
Don Jr is on five.
Newt hung up but now Some guy named Arnold with an accent is there for you.
Hush, only MEN are allowed to have a side piece.
Headline: ” The Insanity in Oregon Is a Glimpse of Our Very Dark Future: People with guns have involved themselves in a legislative dispute while the officials of the Republican party cheer them on.
Once again, republicans follow the rule of law when it suits them, and ignore it when it doesn’t help them. Don’t like the rule of law, kill the agents of the law.
Yes, democrats did something like this a couple of years back who have fled the state in protest of bills requiring concession from union workers., but they didn’t get the Revolutionary Communard Party armed to the teeth to slaughter the state police who tracked them down.
Revolutionary Communard Party?
Try Republican members of the state Senate –
“Send bachelors and come heavily armed.”
Talking about State Troopers trying to serve arrest warrants.
These “people” will never stop fighting The Battle of Ruby Ridge.
CBP has removed all the toddlers from the border rape camp where lawyers caught them last week torturing two and three-year-olds. CBP has so far refused to say where the infants and children were moved to.
Anyone care to guess?
10 & 13:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
It must be tough for you two elitists to not pass a mirror without blowing your image a little kiss.
Never seen a unicorn or had any need for such.. I know of no one who believes in unicorns… Trolls apparently do believe in mythical creatures.
Yeah just another day in the reality based community laughing at klownservatics..
Btw, have no need of help on the education front. The youngest’s last year of college is paid for.. Our parental obligation is met.
Woo hoo! Life is good.
@20 The thought never occurred to me, but I see it did to you. Got an inferiority complex? Looks like it.
Look, it’s not my fault you rightwads are STUPID. I’m not God. I didn’t make you. Complain to Her about it.
For all the bleating about “murdering babies,” now that real-life babies are literally being murdered in Trump’s death camps, I don’t hear one word of protest or objection — NOT ONE WORD — from the “pro-lifers” (their description, not mine).
At this point, those folks have zero credibility. They’re all about politics, nothing more. Morality has nothing to do with it.
Of course, they proved that long ago, when they began bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion doctors.
I’ll bet Paul Hill was surprised as hell to end up where all murderers go.
Trump is throwing away the moral high ground the U.S. once had in the world.
I think I put this one up back then…
A South Carolina militia brings a weapon to a family gathering but leaves it unattended. A six year old relative finds it and being a six year old with no concept of what they’re doing shoots his one year old brother.
That child celebrated his second birthday on life support. He has now died four months after the shooting.
Imagine being a parent and spending four months wondering if you’re infant will survive the second amendment only to learn….no.
Guns make us safer. Good guys with guns. Polite society.
Yawn, motherfucker.
Once and for all you need to rid yourself of this crippling faith that the larger universe gives one tiny shit about the sensitive “feels” and precious dignity of all you old white guys.
You aren’t special anymore. Nobody gives a fuck what insults you. You neither need nor deserve protecting. You took centuries of privilege, and advantage and wasted it on red trucker hats and RapeCages filled with Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers.
You did this to yourselves.