The anti-LGBT terrorism cataloged here is a pretty tough read. The whole piece, in fact, is pretty tough. I don’t know what we mean exactly when we talk about radical Islam, but the overlap between that and the far right in this country needs to be addressed.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, is one of the few organizations, along with Amnesty International, and the ACLU that I give the small amounts I can to. They do a great job of keeping track of and fighting hate groups. And they keep me reminded how many hate groups there are and where they are:
‘Make America White Again’: Tennessee candidate faces boycott over Trump-inspired racist billboard
“The Make America White Again billboard advertisement will cut to the very core and marrow of what plagues us as a nation.”
“The candidate told WRCB-TV that he did not hate people of color, but wanted to return to a “1960s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration.””
Our batshit insane black loon supports making America white again because he misses the imaginary world of Leave it to Beaver where he and other people of color do not exist.
Corporate religion is even more pernicious than corporate capitalism since people are totally brainwashed to expect it to have their best interests at heart. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all have share origin myths and dogma, and are often characterized as the Abrahamic religions. It is perfectly understandable that they share similar dark sides. To keep this in mind, it might be proper to ascribe what happened in Orlando as caused by radical Abrahamism. But perhaps even more, it was motivated by homophobic Abrahamism.
Anyone who doesn’t think the far right of Christianity is somehow more benign than radical Islam should look at how Christian missionaries have pushed African countries to make being gay a crime punishable by death.
@2 Of course, that time never existed, except on TV. But never mind.
Same old, same old.
“House Republicans are unveiling new proposals to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s health care law, as Speaker Paul Ryan seeks to showcase a GOP governing agenda amid the tumult of the presidential campaign.
“The plan, revealed Wednesday, relies on individual tax credits to allow people to buy coverage from private insurers, and includes other largely familiar GOP ideas such as medical liability reform and expanding access to health savings accounts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To Republicans our health is just another way to fill corporate coffers. What they don’t get is Obamacare was enacted because the free market didn’t work.
Islamo-terror is not going to end until the West (that means us) gets the hell out of the Middle Eastern quagmires and stay out.
Once young Muslims in places like Afghanistan and Syria realize what living under Sharia Law is truly like, then Islam will get on its path to its equivalent to the Protestant Reformation. It’s Western interventions that are the root cause of radical Islam and Islamic terrorism.
Republicans will never come to this truth on their own, largely because of the influence on the religious right and the corporate entities that benefit from our involvements in the Middle East.
How is a guy who. Doesn’t even know how to run for PREIDENT going to be President?
Any indication of how he runs his Bisimess then we all would be screwed. Even Bernie Madoff was sucessful for a period of time.
GOP Rattled By Trump’s Anemic Fundraising Figures
This is why Wiretapping for Terrorists doesn’t work well.
That’s ok – thanks to my 2nd amendment rights – I’ll shoot them in the face – mother fuckers!
@1 I’m with you there. I’ve gone as far as telling other charities that I can’t donate to them because I support other causes that have my interests better in hand. I’ve even told Veterans groups, so that they can save overhead money by not sending me any solicitations, free calendars, free address labels, free pens, free calculators….Christ, you think they thought this was a socialistic society giving out all this free shit…I told them to save their money because I’m tired of tossing it into the garbage.
@8 I’m sure they are only interested in knowing what porn you watch….too see if their are any other goat fuckers out there, like them.
I’m not sure I agree with everything position of Mark Cuban’s, but this guy should be the Republican Presidential Candidate. He or Elon Musk.
How the fuck did we end up with Drumpf – a guy who can barely run a family or job. Ohhh, I know, a bunch of Republican/Independent types voted for him over the other evil ones.
Trump dropped bomb after bomb on Corrupt Crooked Heilary Clinton!
$153 Million in speeches?
Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State – plus millions more for her foundation. The Sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment of death by stoning for being gay.
Imagine if worser or HHTL lived in Brunei?
@1 great Map. Being aware and educating oneself helps one make better choices.
Kind of like losing weight – if you are trying to lose weight it is good to know nutritional values and count calories so that you are aware (along with good exercise). Things Republicans hate – people being smart. Like Drumpf – Republicans like the stupid ones.
“took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and LGBT citizens.”
Imagine if worser or HHTL lived in Kuwait, Qatar, Oman or Saudi Arabia?
Yet it’s A-OK to take their money?
@14 I’ll be voting for her on Election Day!
Puffy will be voting or supports KKK members. Hahahahah.
Good Day!
“But perhaps even more, it was motivated by homophobic Abrahamism.”
I think the Orlando shooter was afraid of himself.
Nobody gets it – this guy tried to kill 4-5 birds with one stone.
Puffy – did you read this before making your stupid comments?
I didn’t think so.
“Anyone who doesn’t think the far right of Christianity is somehow more benign than radical Islam should look at how Christian missionaries have pushed African countries to make being gay a crime punishable by death.”
Puffy – while you are at it read @6 you moron. You are your biggest problem and everyone else’s problem.
Did HHTL fart something here?
@14 I’ll be voting for her on Election Day!
We know. It doesn’t matter to you!
Puddy i don’t live in the middle east, or 1950s America, or mars, or Atlantis. You are trying to justify your argument by saying your position is valid, because of some conditions that are worse somewhere else.
I live here, i vote here, i care about politics here. I don’t want republicans in charge here.
Once again worser misses the point. Crooked Heilary claims to be for women and gays butt her allegiance is with those who are against women and gays! That’s A-OK with you both. Really want a regime that blatantly accepts money from those who hate you!
Sux to be you too!
Puddy guesses not all lives matter to libtards…
“I’m so finished with white men’s entitlement lately that I’m really not sad about a 2yo being eaten by a gator bc his daddy ignored signs.”
More amazing libtard commentary on the dead boy!
Even more sad libtard commentary!
Another leftist loser!
Once again, Republicans are saying “no” to our nation’s needs, and Speaker Paul Ryan is displaying a total lack of leadership when confronted with an important issue.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The obvious solution is to evict Republicans from the offices they use for obstruction, and elect Democrats to run the country. If you vote Republican, you’re part of the problem.
A Republican congressman being a racist asshole. What else is new?
“An Iowa congressman has proposed legislation that would block Harriet Tubman from replacing President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Republican Rep. Steve King introduced an amendment to bar the Treasury Department from spending any funds to redesign paper money or coin currency.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Like I said above, the solution is to vote these slimesuckers out of office.
Where’s our “fleeing felon” expert this morning? No use posting what I’m making the stock market today if he’s not here.
It’s breathtaking how stupid you have to be to be a “leader” in the Republican Party these days.
They could stop Cheeto Jesus. They really could. It would come at some cost, no doubt. But it seems pretty clear that the alternative is even more costly. Consider a useless drone like John McCain. He’s bound himself to this train wreck and there is just no upside to it. And he’s certainly not alone. While McCain will have no real trouble raising money (there’s always the wife) many other Republican members of Congress are not so lucky. Not only must they bear the shame, humiliation, and perpetual explanations burdening them by Cheeto Jesus’ lying, scamming, and racist demagoguery. But they now also have to bear the financial burdens as well, as they watch el Douche siphon off resources from the RNC. His own sinking campaign may drown other Republican candidates as the bloated whale of laziness and greed struggles in the shallow end.
But they could dump him. And it really wouldn’t hurt that much. They’d probably have to settle for Cruz. But at least Cruz knows how to be a candidate, how to raise money, and how to expand his appeal. Sure, the leadership hate his guts. But do they really hate him enough to lose the Senate?
I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed in Cheeto Jesus’ speech today. I was really hoping he was going to dive down the lunatic conspiracy theory rat hole. But all we got was the bullshit about jewelry. Which is both a tediously un-sexy, and a rather easily debunked lie.
Where’s the juicy stuff about cock rings and witchcraft? I feel very let down. But it’s still early yet!
Well now we know Trump’s campaign strategy boils down to screeching, “Liar Liar Pants on Fire.”
The fact checkers are already having a field day. No wonder you loved it, Liar.
Say it with me Prsident Hillary Rodham Clinton. Can I get an Amen!?
Amen. And not only that but she’ll be replacing Scalia and probably Kennedy. It’ll be Roberts, Thomas, and Alito in a three vote minority, with Stephen Breyer as their “leaner”. Ha!
I think we also see that he hasn’t really come up with a new strategy. He appears to be hitting hard on immigration and security themes. My sense is that he’s squeezed about all he can out of immigration and to continue to demagogue that issue beyond the convention may hurt him in one or two key states, but also, and perhaps more importantly, hurt the down ballot races. As for security, I feel like its best to just play out the rope and let him hang himself. When he isn’t dead wrong, he’s lying. And in either case, it’ll just make him look less and less prepared. So far, so good.
Personally Puddy would like to see Harriett Tubman on a new $25 bill. She’s worth more than Andrew Jackson R senile!
Apparently the HA DUMMOCRETINS are counting their chicks before the eggs hatch. What happens when President Trump takes the oath of office HA DUMMOCRETINS?
President Donald J. Trump would replace the Notorious RBG, Thomas and Scalia with three more conservatives. Replacing Kennedy would make it four! Then it would be a 6 conservatives to two libtards with Breyer as the swing vote!
New proposed US lead lieutenant general Tom Waldhauser for Africa said Obummer had no strategy to destroy ISIS in Africa! Waldhauser wants the authority to bomb ISIS without having to kiss Ben Rhodes ASS and the whitey house!
If Trump’s speech was so bad why are libtards scrambling to cover Crooked Heilary’s exposed ASS all over the msm ya dummies?
Hot Wife is back!
Rubes has reversed course yet again and is running for re-election to the Senate by… wait for it…
running against Cheeto Jesus! Ha Ha!
Take that, 1 million Florida Republicans who voted for el Douche!
Poor Cheeto Jesus.
After fucking the dog all last week, getting caught bankrupting his own campaign by paying off his children, and dancing on the warm bodies of domestic terror victims, he was really counting on his big attack speech today to at least slow the inevitable elevator plunge that is his campaign.
Too bad Rep. John Lewis made other plans.
Better – not sure what their intentions are but Puffy and Boob seem to be targeting you to join the other side. They need to have their heads examined if they think that would happen.
Puffy trying to tell you that you missed the point of his stupidity. The guy. Is more of a liar and con than Drumpf.
@36 God is pissed about Citizens United and Heller. That’s why He struck Scalia dead. I have a feeling He won’t let Trump appoint justices. More likely He’ll smack down Thomas, too.
@38 I saw your picture on a $3 bill.
@39 Optimistic much?
@40 There are reasons why generals need permission to drop bombs, and he’s one of them.
And I saw it on the Canadian dollar coin.
Meanwhile Bernie Sanders costs us $38,000 a day by not dropping out.
Why haven’t the DUMMOCRETIN Congress leaders eject Chaka Fattah yet?
Soooooooooooooooooooo R senile’s continual BULLSHITTIUM on how DUMMOCRETINS remove their wayward fools immediately has become checkmate DIPSHITTIUM, the more rare earth element!
Fattah is a stooooooooooooooooooopid delegate for Crooked Heilary Clinton! The type of corrosive actions that prove what DUMMOCRETINS are all about.
When you outright lie about others, and everybody knows you are lying, that makes you a very unlikable person and candidate. Untrustworthy, dishonest and uninterested in facts in order to smear the character of others makes you a lousy human being, too. And clearly that is lost on Trumpty Dumbty and his mentally impaired followers.
The Putin has given tactical nuke authority to the theater commanders in the Syrian mess. That is, if the Russian general wants to use a tactical nuke in Syria, he can.
Another good reason to get out of the Middle East.
@40 There are reasons why generals need permission to drop bombs, and he’s one of them.
Not all generals need whitey house permission R senile. Only those dealing with ISIS.
DAYUM you are stoooooooooooooooooopid and senile!
Colin Powell didn’t need permission.
Norman Schwartzkopf didn’t need permission
Ray Ordierno didn’t need permission
Stanley McChrystal didn’t need permission
David Petraeus didn’t need permission
FACTS… making R senile more senile every day!
@46 was he with Milos?
Why hasn’t Obummer’s sadministation brought home Robert Levinson from Iran after the nukular deal?
@4 Well…maybe also in Magnolia.
Hey now! That’s where I lived before I moved out of state.
And it ain’t all Perkins Lane and sweeping views ya know.
But yeah, I gotta admit it was kinda like living in Bellevue sometimes. Very pale. Very nuclear. Lots of strollers that cost more than my car. But 10 minutes to downtown! Good parks, good schools, and easy access to everything except the East side which was fine with me.
And don’t forget the skiing on Dravus!
@ The Schizherroidal Hemorrhage @ 54:
Not all generals need whitey house permission R senile. Only those dealing with ISIS.
You want to know, how I and everyone else in this forum know that you’re a raving, foaming-at-the-mouth liar?
Meanwhile, in Flint
Blame the engineers to protect the politicians.
“LAN, which is based in Texas but has a Flint office, in May claimed authorship of an August 2013 engineering report on how to prepare the Flint Water Treatment Plant for treating Flint River water on an interim basis. The report made no mention of the need for corrosion control chemicals. The lack of those chemicals has been cited as the reason lead was able to leach into drinking water from pipes, joints, and fixtures. But a LAN spokesman has said it was the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, not the company, that said corrosion control chemicals were not needed.
The Free Press reported in January that a March 2015 consultant’s report from Veolia, a multinational environmental consulting firm, recommended spending $50,000 to add corrosion control chemicals to Flint’s drinking water because iron was leaching from the pipes and turning the water brown. But the city didn’t act on the recommendation at the time, which was well after the lead leaching problem began.”
So they’re suing one company for not mentioning corrosion control chemicals, and another company for advising adding them, which the State decided not to do.
They’re suing a consulting company for telling them exactly what the problem was, a fucking year after the problems started.
What the noodley fuck. Weren’t they weren’t emphatic enough or something? maybe someone should have bolded certain paragraphs in the report or something that would have attracted attention to the particular meaning of the words being used. Maybe it was too cerebral for the Governor to understand or take much interest in reading.
Why does anyone need 1,500 guns and 6.5 tons of ammunition?
@50 That’s nothing compared to what Trump would cost us.
@51 “Why haven’t the DUMMOCRETIN Congress leaders eject Chaka Fattah yet?”
Maybe because he was convicted all of 1 day ago? (Not in a hurry much, are you?)
@53 Are you saying Obama should emulate Putin? Who, I’m sure, understands what will happen if his generals use those nukes.
Did you HA DUMMOCRETINS know Omar Mateen is the 103rd ISIS sympathizer we’ve killed or arrested in the last two years?
So much for this great policy!
@54 Sorry, but all of the generals you mention had permission to do what they did, either under a broad delegation of authority, or under specific orders. U.S. generals never act on their own authority.
@65 If Shrub was still running the show, 102 of them would still be at large.
Oh senile wabbit @63… You forgot your own words from a few months ago. Of course you are a senile DUMMOCRETIN!
Better find them before you are embarrASSed AGAIN!
So vomit producer, where is the lie? Huh?
Or did you not listen to the Senate confirmation testimony yesterday? You better look it up before you look like the ASS you are on other days!
The ACLU has said the DUMMOCRETINS are wrong and stooooooooooooooopid!
The terror watch list or the no fly list can not stop someone from the constitutional due process rights per the ACLU!
Where are the mental health components of these bills. The DUMMOCRETINS are against that!
Wait for the stooooooooooooooooooopid commentary about Puddy liking the ACLU, starting with R senile!
Talk about shoving something down ones throat. I wonder if this is how all religious freaks treat their children.
@ the Schizherroidal Hemorrhage @ 69:
So vomit producer, where is the lie? Huh?
No General Officer, or any other officer for that matter, is permitted, under the United States Constitution, to unilaterally make any strategic or tactical decisions without the full authority of the United States Government.
It hasn’t been the Liberals in this country openly demanding that the Federal Government be removed from it’s Constitutionally-mandated civilian authority over the Military.
That’s the “Conservatives”, jackass.
I guess you all heard that some Tennessee hick politician put up a billboard saying “make America white again”. The billboard had 4 large picture of some nice white people, white family people – with mommy and daddy and little Johnny and little Suzzie.
I think they should have added a picture of Denny Hastert being pushed in a wheel chair to serve he time in jail. The Iconic family man of the GOP.
Not sure who the old lady pushing him, but he and her (I think it is a her) look like to Country Hick’s that just fell off of a turnip trunk. White class Donald Drumpf voters – just the way he likes the them – Stupid as Puffyballs.
@70 So now you’re a cheerleader for the ACLU? When did that happen? You weren’t very concerned about “constitutional rights” when our last GOP president kidnapped people and carted them off to foreign countries for outsourced torture.
Once again the vomit producer doesn’t comprehend this issue. The president gives his commanders the war powers to conduct war on the BATTLEFIELD vomit producer. All of those generals Puddy listed above had that approval. Yesterday we learned Obummer will not give high ranking generals that ability in fighting ISIS anywhere in the world.
DAYUM you really are as stoooooooooooooopid as R senile is! And lately due to his senility that’s really stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid!
Anyone here who thinks Putin would give any of his generals the authority to use tactical nukes without his okay please raise your hand.
Thanks, Poodle.
Okay, now all of you who think Putin is way too much of a control freak to give his underlings that kind of freedom of action, please raise your hands.
Thank you, all.
@75 It varies depending on the president. FDR told his generals to win the war. Truman fired MacArthur for wanting to invade China and use nukes without presidential authority. LBJ was criticized for picking bombing targets himself. The Islamabad raid to kill OBL required Obama’s approval, and properly so, because it violated Pakistan’s sovereignty. I don’t know precisely what instructions Obama has given regarding Syria, but I feel pretty sure our military doesn’t need his specific approval for every bomb they drop on ISIS. Oh, and let’s not overlook the fact that many of us would be dead if JFK hadn’t kept the generals on a short leash in October 1962. Especially that jackass LeMay.
Every day young black men are shot in all the big cities and congressional DUMMOCRETINS do nothing to stop the gun violence.
How two faced DUMMOCRETINS are, even the ones here!
Go back and read the senate transcripts from yesterday. Unlike the libtard channels and e-rags you watch and read, Fox News actually played the general’s own comments!
@79 If a general wants to make policy he should run for elective office.
Stoooooooooooooopid answer R senile!
The babbling jackass troll must be totally orgasmic over Republican calls for “moments of silence” in the Randroid Ryan kook-haus of klownservatics for americans killed in mass shootings.
Wow. “Moments of Silence”. What “action” from the Republican klowns in the Randroid Ryan kook-haus. What a “solution”.
If a Republican klownservatic politician from the Randroid Ryan kook-haus has ever called for a moment of silence for any young inner city black man killed by gun violence, yours truly is curious to see the proof.
Anyone here who thinks Putin would give any of his generals the authority to use tactical nukes without his okay please raise your hand.
More stoooooooooooopidity from R senile!
See how train wrecks happen when DUMMOCRETINS can’t argue on merit? BULLSHITTIUM at its best!
What would an imbecile like that Fuckwad know about merit?
According to its political hero Cheeto Jesus, the only success it has is due to its race, not merit.
According it’s culture critic hero Milo Yiannopoulos, it’s only merit is between its legs.
These are it’s heroes, carefully chosen and frequently cited and regaled by it in these comment threads. It’s heroes who would either dismiss it as racially inferior, or objectify it as a meat stick sex puppet. Those are it’s ideas on merit.
Fiscal monkies – just the way Boob likes it.
Kansas economics – the GOP future of American Exceptionalism.
Ahhh Yes, the monkies also like fucking fracking that’s being shoved down People’s throats like a dinasour penis.
Rural Pennsylvanians Say Fracking ‘Just Ruined Everything’
“stoooooooooooopidity” “KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Stoooooooooooooopid” “stoooooooooooopidity” “Stoooooooooooooopid” “KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “stoooooooooooopidity” “KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Stoooooooooooooopid” “stooooooooooooooooooopid”
Turn on the loon’s comments and what does one see littering this thread? The dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
he’s got plenty of competition from just about every other bootlick Republican getting ready to vote for Cheeto Jesus.
Fuckwad is probably running neck and neck with this fabulous human being. I’ll lay odds this idiot isn’t even registered to vote.
Regarding this Cheeto Jesus supporter, and this Cheeto Jesus supporter, and all the rest of the fine examples Republican political tradition who have propelled him to the top of their party:
I think the folks protesting against Trump at his party rallies, white supremacist gatherings, and other Republican party events need to pay close attention to these kinds of images. These folks are perfectly capable and well on their way to destroying themselves politically in America. Progressive citizens of good conscience need only show up and peacefully demonstrate their devotion to our traditions of religious tolerance, racial harmony, and plurality to set them off. Trump’s supporters will take it from there. It is absolutely unnecessary and wrong to engage in any kind of violent or illegal contact with these people or the police assigned to keep them under control. Just show up and peacefully voice progressive values. Then stand back and cheer them on as they shit themselves on camera. If they become the story, Cheeto Jesus will disappear after November and never be heard from again.
QPPS @87,
PWNED by Puddy at 3:51 AM. Wanted everyone to know that Puddy PWNED it early this morning!
So good to see all the HA DUMMOCRETIN hoard jack boot goose stepping in their brown SEIU shirts to the sound of their Pied Piper, Crooked Heilary Clinton!
Keep it up!
Very interesting to see the 4 libtard associate justices don’t care about separation of powers and the constitution voting with Obummer on immigration.
Went down in flames!
Looks like the hate-filled loon woke up spewing the batshit crazy again. That’s now 3,565 days in a row.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! stoooooooooooopidity
Another child has been killed by a gun.
Meanwhile, Republicans resort to lame partisan rhetoric after doing NOTHING about guns following the slaughter of 50 innocents in an Orlando nightclub by a terrorist who was able to legally buy his mass-murder weapons.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This lethal stupidity is brought to you by the political party that believes the solution to madmen and terrorists is arming untrained citizens who will then engage mass shooters in gunfights inside theaters, nightclubs, schools, churches, and other crowded venues. If you vote Republican, you’re the problem, not the solution.
Trump’s jobs program will be to enlist America’s white supremacists as Storm Troopers to be armed invaders of the homes of American citizens to search for Latinos to deport.
@81 I see you’re in favor of rogue generals and military coups. Can’t say I’m surprised.
“GOP Senator Calls Social Security A ‘Legal Ponzi Scheme’”
Republicans want to take away Social Security from the elderly, leaving millions of Americans to starve to death in the streets.
Is Boob here? I want to tell our “fleeing felon” expert how much I’m making in the stock market today. Hint: More than the bank interest Poodle is earning on his life savings. The Dow is up 160 points.
Well, Cheeto Jesus can pretty much kiss Florida goodbye.
@99 Nice job Rog!
Puffy is still waiting for the 6 or 7 indices go to his liking – you know, as soon as Drumpf becomes President (or some other 3rd Party candidate).
Boob is probably looking for Little Suzzie, Puffy might even be with him (and Milos).
Look at the lovely white identity politics of our trolls.
Vote against this shit in November.
It wants to put an R next to its name, babbling jackass.
“Look at the lovely white identity politics of our trolls.”
The unintelligible loon is the only black man in America who is a white supremacist. How batshit insane is that? Little wonder he suffers from chronic head explosions.
“babbling jackass”
So our black loon wants to “Make America White Again”. The loon has become too batshit insane for words.
Yeah R senile @99 the term is
‘buy the rumor, sell the fact’
The Dow is betting England stays in the EU so stocks soared today. If England leaves the EU then what do you think will happen R senile? Wall street made it big today. A real financial killing. Did you see where Goldman Sucks went; Crooked Heilary’s personal speech funding source? Why weren’t HA DUMMOCRETINS upset over that? Huh? Because the ends always justifies the means!
Bunch of morons!
And of course there was HHTL cheerleading onward clueless to what was happening today and why it was happening! Dumb ASS as evah!
Salon has an excellent Constitutional analysis of the Supreme Court’s ruling today in the Abigail Fisher case here:
This passage is very insightful:
“The invocation of “intangible qualities” is especially critical in this case, which addresses a small number of slots the school offered for provisional admission in 2008. These are students that are admitted even though they don’t have the grades or SAT scores that you usually need to get into the school. The school brings these students in anyway because they see potential for them, despite their mediocre scores. Fisher sees herself as one of those people, but the school did not.
In 2008, 47 such students were admitted who had lower grades or test scores than Fisher. Forty-two of them were white. Only five were people of color.
Fisher and her lawyer Blum were not challenging the admission of the 42 white students.”
Let that sink in. Let it sink in really well before you have to listen to racist assholes throw Alito’s dissent at you.
Earlier the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS complained that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan never asked for a moment of silence for any dead black man from Chicago. Notice the train wreck left by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? It had to change the narrative. Are Republicans illegally protesting in the House chamber? NOPE. So Puddy asked where are DUMMOCRETINS displaying Chicago dead black men compassion? Seems guns only count when they kill little children or gay people. Now why would the congressional dark people caucus think that way? Don’t they care for their own Negroes being shot each day?
It, (the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS) knows it has no reBUTTal argument to put forth so gotta train wreck the argument. We all know the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS hates black people. It ascribes to the La Reconquista philosophy; the Aztlan philosophy; and lastly to La Raza. We all witness its puny response to ethnic cleansing by illegal alien gangs in LA and Southern California! Do train wreck from the real cause!
Last Puddy looked Rahmbo Deadfish You never let a serious crisis go to waste Emanuel leads Chicago and the City council is run by libtard DUMMOCRETINS! City Aldermen/wimens are DUMMOCRETIN too!
Seems that’s all that you smelly DUMMOCRETIN turds have left. There is so much BULLSHITTIUM element in the NorthWest now from HA DUMMOCRETINS that it’s time to deliver to everyone the newest rare earth DIPSHITTIUM element.
Ohhh lookie here… Seems Puddy is right again… More people are leaving California, land of high taxes than coming in…
Remember when the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS KLOWNFISH tried to claim otherwise with one anecdotal link. Puddy’s back!
On the same day that the NRA equates Democrats with terrorists
“Bundy-Backing Militia Leader Allegedly Tried To Blow Up BLM Building In Arizona”
“According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Utah, William Keebler, 57, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy property owned by the federal government and managed by the Department of Interior agency.”
The self-loathing batshit insane loon laps it up when these white militant traitors refer to him as a negro who was happier and better off as a slave.
Oops! The loon’s head just blew up again.
Trump to Jones, “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”
If we can have a Trump cabinet which includes Chris Christie and Sarah Palin, why not Alex Jones? He could head up Trump’s new Ministry of Truth.
That’s right. Just give him all the rope he wants. More is better. A longer fall makes for a sharper snap when the noose goes tight.
quoth Cheeto Jesus:
“All I know is what’s on the Internet.”
Reminds me of someone…
Yeah, that fat greaseball Christie has no business being in any government job anywhere in the Universe.
@106 Is that what you said in 2009, too? Back then, was your money safer in the failing banks, or in stocks of companies like Exxon, Johnson & Johnson, and Coca Cola? A dumbass is someone who stashes his money in a bank account paying 1/10th of 1% interest when a rodent down the street is making 140 times as much as you by staying invested in stocks.* A monkey throwing darts at a newspaper stock page is doing better than you. And you call me “dumbass”? You’re too stupid to comprehend how stupid you are. Oh, and when you see the fleeing felon expert, tell him I made $5,346 in the stock market today and I have a $165 dividend payment coming tomorrow.
* Based on Roger Rabbit’s actual results from Jan. 1, 2016 – June 23, 2016 of 14.0% total return (i.e., including dividends), annualized.
@107 It appears what we have here is a person with no unrecognized potential. As noted here,
both of Fisher’s parents are U. of Texas alums, so this probably is all about getting into the right sorority, not getting into the right school. See, e.g.,
“While Fisher was denied admission at UT’s flagship campus, the university did offer her the opportunity to enroll at a satellite campus and later transfer to Austin. But she instead decided to enroll at Louisiana State University, which she graduated from in 2012. Fisher now works as a business analyst in Austin. ‘The only thing I missed out on was my post-graduation years,’ she told The New York Times in 2012. ‘Just being in a network of UT graduates would have been a really nice thing to be in. And I probably would have gotten a better job offer had I gone to UT.'”
So, you see, it’s all about social connections and not the education. Because she was offered the opportunity to perform her way into UT by starting at a satellite campus. (See “Rudy,” as in Rudy Roettiger, and the film of that name.) But you have to attend UT to join a UT sorority; that was the real problem.
@108 “Are Republicans illegally protesting in the House chamber?”
You mean like this?
regardless of how utterly trivial her motivations might have been, its the outstanding fact that her complaint specifically ignores the 42 white students with poorer grades/scores than her that I find notable here.
She specifically ignores those 42 to focus the substance of her complaint against the admission of the 5 lower scoring students of color. She might as well come right out and say it: “I deserve admission ahead of these 5 not because of their color, but because of mine – just like those other 42”. The default, inherent superiority of her “whiteness” is so ingrained in her psyche that she can’t even fathom any other way of seeing how she compares to or fits in with these 47 students. Only the 5 non-whites are important to her grievance. They are her adversaries here. The other 42 lower scoring whites are viewed as either neutral, or allies. Being white, believing in her whiteness she automatically sees herself belonging among them, admitted to the University, even if it means excluding one of the other 5. In her mind, in the minds of her attorneys, and in the mind of Justice Alito that’s only “right”.
“In her mind, in the minds of her attorneys, and in the mind of Justice Alito that’s only “right”.”
As the self-loathing black loon says, “If you ain’t white, you ain’t right!”
A federal judge has ruled that Cleveland’s plan to keep protesters miles away from the Republican convention is unconstitutional.
As the QPPS @120 says, “If you ain’t white, you ain’t right!” That’s because QPPS is white!
Puddy dares QPPS to prove Puddy has ever written something like that! You can even ask the purveyor of the crazed databaze, the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for help!
@87 It’s rather like Vogon poetry except it isn’t lethal. Just makes your ass itch after a while.
Now here’s something that’s catchy…
California has seen negative outward migration to other states for 22 of the last 25 years.
And who was screaming about how great California is to live besides the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Hmmm…? Puddy wonders eh checkmate?
Now here’s something that’s catchy…
California has seen negative outward migration to other states for 22 of the last 25 years.
And who was screaming about how great California is to live besides the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Hmmm…? Puddy wonders eh checkmate?
@58 Do you mean actual people on skis or cars careening down the hill sideways? I remember seeing plenty of both.
More on Bundy’s wannabe terrorist bomber.
“‘Patriot’ Saint Of Malheur Lavoy Finicum Scouted Bomb Attack, Prosecutors Say”
“LaVoy Finicum, the ‘tarp man’ lifted to militia sainthood by his death from police gunfire during an FBI crackdown on the armed takeover of Malheur, accompanied militia leader William Keebler last October while he scouted a Bureau of Land Management building for a bomb attack.”
The self-loathing loon will continue to deny the existence of home-grown right-wing terrorists.
Oh lookie here… The third policeman in the Freddy Gray trial scheme has delivered an EPIC FAYLE to Marilyn Mosby. The black judge smacked back the prosecution!
Deny? Are you kidding?
It celebrates violent treason like that!
It isn’t good news. And it probably isn’t justice.
But there is still some good to come out of this, not just for Baltimore, but for neighborhoods all over. It’s just got to be a whole helluva lot easier to bend to peer pressure, give in to professional cultural decay, and agree to “give the perp a rough ride”, or otherwise egregiously violate a citizen’s rights when you are confident there are no real repercussions.
Now that these prosecutions are under way, even if the evidence is scant and the charges extremely difficult to prove, the message is unmistakable to outlaw cops everywhere: you can no longer count on the civilian authorities to back you up – even when you are wrong. You have to rely on your professionalism, your training, and your attention to your job. The blue wall is being taken down. It’s only a badge – not a shield.
Puffy’s wet dream come true.
“It celebrates violent treason like that!”
Good point!
The other person in the police van had a different story yet the Oregon moron continues to create lie after lie after lie! The judge, a black man, saw through the Mosby BULLSHITTIUM and rebuked the prosecution! Yet, the Oregon moron can’t deal with FACTS or TRUTH!
Sure there are outlaw cops out there, just like there are outlaw DUMMOCRETINS. Yet we see how the Oregon moron thinks about those outlaw DUMMOCRETINS in Chicago. Nary a peep!
Ferguson, Baltimore, Seattle… the screams of the Oregon moron!
Wait a minute… Seattle? Yes a donk city that was under federal investigation for how the donk used the police!
“It celebrates violent treason like that!”
Along with celebrating the violent deaths of blacks and LGBT.
Thanks for bringing up the 2008 Republican action R senile.
Unlike the DUMMOCRETINS who threw a temper tantrum and turned out the lights, Speaker Paul Ryan demonstrated what a statesman does. Nancy Pelosi was a petulant child.
The [something unintelligent] will continue to deny the existence of home-grown right-wing terrorists.
And if Puddy does will QPPS acknowledge there are left wrong DUMMOCRETIN terrorists? Why do crazed DUMMOCRETIN terrorists kill lots of people QPPS?
The so-called right-wing terrorists are upset with the lack of government agencies being constitutional. Left wrong terrorists want to kill anyone who disagrees with them!
The hate-filled loon proves once again why he is the hate-filled loon.
Isn’t it amazing how a group of crybaby DUMMOCRETINS are protesting the right of people to own firearms are doing that in a building guarded by people who protect their right to act like crybabies with firearms!
Seems Bernie Sanders supporters are puzzled by the crying DUMMOCRETINS in the house…
See everyone.
QPPS @137 doesn’t want to debate anything. Puddy PWNS the QPPS moron! It’s hate 24×7 that QPPS loves to project onto Puddy.
Psych 101 Projection!
@124 I doubt they’re going to Kansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, or similar Republican paradise. They’re coming here.
@128 And here’s Poodle celebrating another white cop getting away with the murder of a black man.
@135 And here’s Poodle labeling turning a blind eye to gun slaughter “statesmanship.”
So R senile,
As Puddy said earlier, if Brexit passes your stock braggadocio will be short lived.
So much for mocking Puddy on the markets> Sometimes you have to take a wait and see position and not gamble. If you lose on the profits so be it. Butt, you won’t get smacked on the losses.
@128 And here’s Poodle celebrating another white cop getting away with the murder of a black man.
WHITE COP R senile? Baltimore police officer Caesar Goodson is WHITE?
You really are a stoooooooooooooopid jackASS! A DAYUM moronic fool for a very senile DUMMOCRETIN! Three of the cops are black you jackASS!
And this fool passes as intelligent DUMMOCRETIN blog people! Sheeeeeeeesh!
@135 And here’s Poodle labeling turning a blind eye to gun slaughter “statesmanship.”
Nancy Pelosi was a petulant child.
You really are a stoooooooooooooopid jackASS! A DAYUM moronic fool for a DUMMOCRETIN!
“If a country as strong as your country cannot protect its citizens in Orlando, or in Belgium or in France, how come a small minority like us can protect ourselves while we are in the heart of the land where the radicals are?” Nadia Murads, ex-ISIS slave talking about ISIS in front of Congress.
DUMMOCRETINS probably didn’t attend because they were petulant children in the well of Congress!
@144 Classic! Poodle worries the world might end tomorrow. Spoiler alert: The world doesn’t end all that often. And when it doesn’t, stock market declines are buying opportunities.
@144 “So much for mocking Puddy on the markets”
You make it so easy I can’t resist.
Yep, looks like Brexit won. “Leave” is ahead by a million votes. Dow futures are down -620 points. I’m gonna get great deals on some Chinese guy’s shares tomorrow. Bringing them back to the U.S. is the patriotic thing to do. Meanwhile, here’s what the smart money says:
“‘If there is an exit vote, you know we want our clients in here stepping in to buy U.S. large-cap stocks,’ Scott Wren, Wells Fargo Investment Institute’s senior global equity strategist, said recently on CNBC’s ‘Futures Now.’ ‘After we get finished with the noise and the volatility, after a few weeks of that, you know people will have wished they bought stocks.'”
If you want to know what the stupid money is thinking, just ask Puddy.
Yes R senile, you revel in others misery. There is a massive miscalculation of risk and you cheer it R senile. The poor little guy is getting hurt and R senile says Yahoooooooooo! HHTL will wake up and think R senile is wonderful!
You really are that heartless DUMMOCRETIN Puddy has talked about for years!
Three cheers for the United Kingdom! It’s about time the Brits told the EU to fuck off!
Sweden and Germany are next to leave, most likely.
Tomorrow will be a great day to buy stocks.
BTW R senile, the Bible says they will not cleave to each other! Butt then again you hate the Bible like other HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Sometimes Ben Shapiro is way more than awesome…
Ben Shapiro ✔ @benshapiro
Conservatives believe government action is an obstacle to our freedom. Leftists believe our freedom is an obstacle to government action.
1:46 PM – 23 Jun 2016
Lots of loon head explosions in this thread.
Lots of stoooooooooooopidity from QPPS fingers in every thread.
Ah yes. There it is. The reflection effect in Prospect Theory. What a good little monkey you are.*
Or as my big brother used to say on allowance day when I was four: “I’ll trade you my great big nickles for your teeny tiny dimes.”
* see Venkat R. Lakshminarayanan, M. Keith Chen, Laurie R. Santos (2011)
Also Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979)
Monkey… Ahhh yes the Oregon moron goes racist again. Except there is one little problem with your reflection effect theory.
Puddy was discussing the market drops back last December ya fool! In fact every theory you propose has major flaws in it. Hence you are the moron of Oregon!
So you fell for the money swap at 4 years old. Seems you haven’t learned anything more since then! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sux to be the Oregon moron. 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady infects that idiot all the time!
Email schmemail DUMMOCRETINS won’t get it!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee
@6 As soon as they are out of oil or other resources we want they are on their own baby. Though we may need a refueling station or two. Always nice to have a place you can land a B 52 though. Just in case they can’t keep our good friends the Russians busy enough.
The far right of this country and Islam is nothing more than the enemy of my enemy is…. Islam says more about it than Christianity as most of that stuff is in the old books of the bible.
@7 Well George Washington seemed to have had some flare for the job, and looked good on a white horse.
Do long David Cameron it’s been good to know you…
Cheers Rog! Buy, Buy, Buy. I was waiting for this opportunity. Hopefully Monday it will drop more, and then again on Tuesday.
Drop the Baloons and confetti for cheap stocks!!!!!!
@53 So what the Russians have a naval base there and some of those ships have nukes and generally those commanders have a lot more leeway to launch or use tactical or other nukes. Of course the Israelis may or may not react to such a use.
So some silly accident between Russian and American or Turkish forces could go nuclear. Maybe that is why Obama backed away from his don’t cross this line.
I’m relatively sure Assad is about as important to Putin as Castro was to Kruchev. Time to tell old Putin you like making some glass we do too.
Ohhhh my – Angela wants to ban fracking in Germany. Isn’t she hero to the GOP?
Like Islam is to the Gays for the GOP sur gunner, then maybe America should consider banning fracking too.
@150 Of course if panic ensues because people panic, and the world economy already shaky just follows the market, and the American economy goes into the doldrums. As the saying goes it’s the economy stupid and Donald Trump becomes President.
You were saying something about leaders and events. I think Trump’s star just went up, maybe a little or a lot.
I think this event maybe a non event and might just be temporary indigestion, or if the other members of the EU tell the Brits no or hang tough could lead to the break up of the EU and new European conflict. This could be weird or nasty.
The EU should act in its best interest and tell the UK drop out fuck you.
@152 I don’t think cheers are appropriate. The UK may not survive this as Scotland and Northern Ireland may demand independence. Spain may press its claims on Gibraltar. Cameron has announced his resignation and is on his way to see the Queen to deliver his resignation. The conservatives may avoid a total crises and new election for the moment.
Probably be Greece, Italy, Spain, and perhaps France who will go. And a major bulwark for peace in Europe may topple.
@77 You mean going along with General Lemay and dispersing the bomber fleet throughout the United States is keeping him on a short lease? President Kennedy approved and followed nearly all of General Lemay’s recommendations and plans. The order to disperse the bombers placed Kruschev in a very poor position. Since he thought Kenneday would back down. Only he didn’t.
After the Russians shot down the U-2 over Cuba Lamay did request the go ahead to attack. He was refused and another U-2 was flown over Cuba and Lemay had the orders to proceed with an attack had the Russians attacked that U-2 and Krjuschev ordered his Generals speciafically not to fire on any U-2.
The Russians backed down in large part because of SAC that LaMay created. You may not like him but he was not crazy.
Mark @171,
You need to understand to whom you discuss FACTS with. It’s R senile, possessor of the 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! Without Google this moron would be historically inept. We already know he’s chronologically challenged in the same thread after a few hours!
Merkel is a bud of Obummer!
Hey R senile,
Looks like your hero George Soros went bearish while you were bragging bullish. Seems he knows way more than you do R senile and he’s much older. Must be he’s not senile!
Oh and HHTL, just as predictable as ever!
@170. What do you all see as the drivers that caused a majority of Britons to reject the EU? This didn’t happen in a vacuum. I have heard the talking heads say it was due to everything from anti immigrant fears to the feeling that they didn’t have control of their government, to a backlash from endless Austerity programs being imposed on them. Your thoughts?
Saw this go by on Facebook,
“Apparently, when you treat others the way they treat you, they get offended.”
Seems Obummer and Crooked Heilary were against an independent Britain while Donald Trump was for it.
Hmmm…? Another historical mistake by DUMMOCRETINS!
This is what happens when political slapsuit lawyers ask the same question 125 times in a row.
I guess when there is no story, you make the deposition the story. It’s only taken 25 years, but the Clintons are finally figuring out how to put Judicial Watch out of business. I gotta suspect these results are falling welll short of the financial backers expectations.
Honestly, Pagliano and his attorneys must have been tempted to just walk out. But they also needed to get this bullshit over with. And of course, who the fuck wouldn’t exercise their legal rights? Attention: NEVER answer questions. Never. No matter what. Always have an attorney present. Always. Even in a court of law, you are not legally bound to answer questions if you reasonably believe doing so might incriminate you. So do what the law is TELLING you to do. Remain silent. Just like Mr. Pagliano did.