I don’t know what to say. Orlando should still be in the news, it shouldn’t fade so quickly to become just another in the litany. There are people who are writing more thoughtful, more interesting stuff. I could talk about the candle light vigil: I went, but I didn’t go as a blogger, so I didn’t take notes. I went because it felt immoral to be anywhere else. The speeches were great, especially Ed Murray and the queer Muslim woman (whose name I didn’t get).
Well, Orlando is still in the news, sorta.
Reuters is reporting that Obama can’t figure out a way to close Gitmo.
It’s almost as if it’s not really about the guns, and terrorism is still with us, or something. Go figure.
What do you mean Orlando should still be in the news? It’s in the news all over the place.
It has to be the fact that Mateen was license to carry with the real permits and that blows apart those gotta control those gun laws.
It has to be the fact that libtard web sites have moved on since the gun control nutjobs have nothing they can wring their hands over.
It has to be the fact that Mateen was let go by the FBI after two interrogations because Obummer sadministration political correctness wouldn’t allow them to place his name on terrorist watch lists without a court of law decision vs. being at war with radical islamist terrorists decision.
Even ESPN morning shows covered the event today. Many conservative sites are discussing this event. Must be the libtard ones aren’t.
Drumpf, predictably, is blaming the slaughter on Two Term President Obama. What’s sad about this is that millions of Americans are so stupid and incapable of critical thinking that they’ll swallow it whole.
You know, the usual gang of alternate-reality people who listen to Rush and read Breitbart and InfoWars and think National Enquirer is a better source of information than New York Times.
In other words, morons like Boob and Poodebutt.
@1 When did they move Gitmo to Orlando?
@2 “It has to be the fact that Mateen was license to carry with the real permits and that blows apart those gotta control those gun laws.”
What does a security guard need an AR-15 with a drum magazine for?
“political correctness wouldn’t allow them to place his name on terrorist watch lists without a court of law decision vs. being at war with radical islamist terrorists decision”
If we go the extrajudicial (i.e., no due process) route, then you should be on the watch list, because you’re as nuts as they come.
Today’s business news is that Microsoft is buying LinkedIn for $26.4 billion. LinkedIn’s stock, which I don’t own, is +47% this morning. (CNBC) For those who do own it, it sure beats working at a $7.25/hr. fast-food job. That’s why I’m a capitalist instead of a worker.
Mateen and the loon – kindred spirits. The loon hated those LGBT killed in the attack. The loon hates the LGBT who survived the attack. This is irrefutable as we’ve all witnessed the loon spew nothing nut hate towards LGBT in these threads for years.
seeing as he already has plans to monitor the LDS cult, wouldn’t el Douche put it on a watch list for being SDA?
Republicans blocked the legislation that could have kept him from getting the guns. They are partially to blame for the murders.
@9 The primary blame, of course, is always with the shooter; but, in this case (and many other cases), Republicans are culpable as accessories before the fact.
By the way, Mateen was born in the U.S., so Drumpf can’t say his scheme to bar entry to Muslims would have prevented this shooting, unless he’s prepared to deport all the Muslims already here, including those who were born here, are citizens, and have never lived anywhere else.
But even that wouldn’t have prevented this shooting, which appears to have been motivated by anti-gay bigotry, not religion, in which case Drumpf would have to deport all the gay-hating bigots — including himself. And, of course, these two also: http://tinyurl.com/janlhoh
@ 9,10
My, the historical revisionism is beginning early today. Carl wonders why Orlando might already be fading. The reason for that is that you asswipes are already trying to make it something it wasn’t. How to turn Orlando into a loser issue? Pervert it into a classic liberal gun violence allegation – misguided young man found himself in possession of a firearm and decided I Don’t Like Mondays.. Instant loser. Other than today the gun manufacturer stocks are higher.
Better, the FBI didn’t investigate the shooter, twice, because of a blocked gun law. The shooter didn’t pledge allegiance to ISIS in the middle of a slaughter because of a blocked gun law.
Next time
5049 people who are like you are mercilessly slaughtered, Better, it won’t be because of blocked gun law. It might make you feel better to have something to blame it on other than islamic terrorism targeting people like you, Better, but the truth of the matter is that people like you were targeted, and if guns weren’t as easy to come by, people like Mateen would merely get better at building bombs instead.And then you won’t have a gun law to blame, dear boy.
Boob is off to a great start this week by taking his idiocy to a new level.
Republicans blocked the legislation that could have kept him from getting the guns.
Got proof worser?
Hint… Mateen was NOT on any watch list. Puddy already supplied multiple leftist pinhead site links.
Read much idiot?
Now we’re getting somewhere with a possible motive: The shooter’s father is a rabid pro-Taliban Pashtun ultra-nationalist and delusional self-styled leader of a revolutionary Afghan government-in-exile who believes Allah punishes gays; and he hosts an Afghan-language TV show whose target audience is the Afghan diaspora in Europe and North America who frequently attended mosque with his (late) son. Yes, the same guy who yesterday shrugged and said he had no idea where his kid got the idea of shooting up a gay club from.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One thing to keep in mind is that elders are a big deal in Afghan culture, and independent thinking isn’t. So there’s a good chance that seeking parental approval was a motivating factor.
By the way, Mateen was born in the U.S., so Drumpf can’t say his scheme to bar entry to Muslims would have prevented this shooting,
Trump didn’t R senile. Trump did say Obummer should resign since radical islamic terrorist can’t fall off of Obummer’s lips. Trump did say Crooked Heilary should quit since radical islamic terrorist can’t fall off of Crooked Heilary’s lips.
Puddy notices the senility off to a great start this week by taking its senility to an impressive, spectacular new level.
@ 13
It’s idiotic to point out that if 20 dead children didn’t stir emotion sufficient to effect change your side desires, 49 dead gays aren’t going to accomplish the task, either?
You want Orlando to stand for something? Try treating it for what it was. Not a domestic gun violence crime, but 49 dead innocent people due to radical Islamic terrorism, carried out with guns as weapons. Problem with that is, our man at the top won’t address it as such, so it’s characterized as something else, and through that mischaracterization it will fade. Quickly. Probably won’t be given a second thought by your ilk, after the first Tuesday in November.
Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit.
They were people like all of us.
@ 18
They were people like all of us.
That must be why I see everyone putting rainbow colors over their FB cover photos.
Oh, wait a minute. No, I don’t.
And when I google “we are all orlandans now” it gets changed to orleans.
@16 Trump says a lot of stupid things, and you should resign from posting on this blog because calling them what they are — stupid — can’t fall off your fingertips.
@17 “49 dead innocent people due to radical Islamic terrorism”
Wrong. Due to the father’s anti-gay religious bigotry imparted to his son, which is not the same thing as Islamic terrorism because it has no political objectives, it’s simple intolerance of the same sort encouraged by the likes of the Mike Fuckabees and Kim Davises of the world, not to mention much of the GOP base. In other words, it’s made possible by idiots like you.
@18 As I said the other day, Boob stoops lower than dirt.
@ 21
You must be right, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. ’cause every time you hear religious bigots talk, they want to marty themselves.
CNBC NowVerified account
FBI’s Comey: First became aware of Orlando shooter in ’13, at one point wanted to ‘martyr himself’
Sure, Goldy will tweet about shootings in Roswell, NM.
((((((Goldy)))))) @GoldyHA
Also, 5 shot dead in NM. But that’s not even double-digits, so hardly worthy of a headline.
http://krqe.com/2016/06/12/ros.....daughters/ …
Maybe he hasn’t heard of Chicago.
After another violent weekend, nearly 100 more homicides so far this year in Chicago
Wrong. Due to the father’s anti-gay religious bigotry imparted to his son,
Ever read the Koran much R senile? Probably not with the vile bile that floats on this blog.
So why were Obummer’s buds, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee so timid in their response?
As Muslims, we believe in religious freedom, civil rights, and human rights. We reject violence, hatred, and discrimination toward anyone on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin. We support civil rights for all people. May God guide us all as we strive in His cause.”
Similarly, did you know if CAIR put out a press release claiming to love gays. Like it doesn’t matter because like the Muslim Public Affairs Committee and CAIR, to a Muslim they are allowed to lie to infidels? Did you know this R senile? Yeah R senile you are an infidel. Well we who think right already knew this. Muslims CAN NOT go against edicts in the Koran!
https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Homosexuality – the Koran declares that Allah “We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!” But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime!” Hadith 7 verse 80.
Don’t you remember that spectacular press event where President Obummer conducted some progressive outreach to Muslims groups in Maryland back in February 2016? Obummer visited an orthodox mosque in Baltimore where he met with a Islamic preacher who claimed giving status to gays is incompatible with Islam. Apparently someone didn’t get the message in Orlando about this outreach!
Look up the Fiqh Council HA DUMMOCRETINS. http://www.fiqhcouncil.org/node/80 They wrote something similar to what CAIR said in their press conference last night… There is no justification whatsoever in the Qur’an for violence against any group regardless of religion, color, creed or sexual orientation…. Yet, the Koran claims otherwise… Book 2: Verse 191, Book 4:verse 89, Book 9:verse 5, Book 9:verse 29, Book 47:verse 4. Yes you can purposefully lie to infidels like R senile and HA DUMMOCRETINS will eat it up!
Sheeeesh you HA DUMMOCRETINS are scary as ever!
FACTS, making HA DUMMOCRETIN heads explode everyday!
in sadly familiar ways, like your partner in bigotry on these comments you just can’t get it.
Whatever else it might have been, when all is said and done those of us paying attention will learn what we always learn about these kinds of horrible pointless tragedies: whether it’s Eric Rudolph, or Terry Nichols, or William H. Dame, or Tamerlan Tsarnaev, they hate us all. Us. All.
Like you they’ve divided the world up into “ingroup” and “outgroup”; “my kind” and “all the others”. But perhaps they differ from you only in their willingness to reduce all the “others” to less than fully human, combined with the nihilistic self destructive urge to take whatever violent action they can. That’s why the rest of us empathize while you scratch around for symbolism written in blood to support your dismal world view.
The Chicago website is http://heyjackass.com/ to honor Rahm Emanuel the real jackass of Chicago!
June to Date
Shot & Killed: 23
Shot & Wounded: 127
Total Shot: 150
Total Homicides: 25
Hey, speaking of symbolism written in blood:
Bernie Sanders Refuses to Concede Nomination to Hillary Clinton
If she weren’t such a weak-ass candidate, Bernie would have gone quietly into the night by now.
Or maybe he’s not buying the email denials anymore, either.
It’s like even Crooked Hillary Clinton knows that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 21 is a moron.
Clinton says ‘radical Islamism’ fueled Orlando massacre
Wow it seems the Oregonian moron had an epiphany. Puddy been saying for years they would slit an American’s throat in a heartbeat. It seems Obummer still doesn’t get it. Interestingly Crooked Heilary uttered the words radical islamism today.
You see Oregonian moron, ISIS hates blacks. Witness the 200 Nigerian girls they took as sex slaves. Or other blacks they willingly took over the last few months south of the Sahara desert. Omar Mateen hated blacks per his coworkers. Omar Mateen was a registered DUMMOCRETIN.
Says much for the “party of inclusion” eh Oregonian moron?
in-artful syllogism.
Not all religious bigots must engage in violent extremism for this to be true.
Taken as a whole, religious bigotry claims a very significant share of the bloodshed and fatality in U.S. domestic terrorism. The embrace and celebration of religious intolerance that has become part of parcel of 21st century Republican politics is indeed implicated. Republican normalization of violent threat and bloodshed as a means to achieve political ends motivated by religious bigotry is implicated.
In this case, we all reap what you sew.
We know from countless comments posted by him that the loon hates Muslims, LGBT and Latinos. Imagine his glee when he learned that a Muslim had murdered 49 LGBT Latinos.
…part and parcel…
“After another violent weekend, nearly 100 more homicides so far this year in Chicago”
Since they were probably black males, shouldn’t you do what you usually do, celebrate their deaths?
Imagine his glee when he learned that a Muslim had murdered 49 LGBT Latinos.
Projecting again QPPS? Thought you learned your lesson years ago. Since Puddy hasn’t read the names yet it must be something in QPPS’ water that causes his mind to explode…
The loon will be ragging on the Koran as religious text which calls for death.
“List of capital crimes in the Torah”
Mosaic Law calls for the deaths of those killed in the Orlando shootings. The loon wanted them to die. The loon’s only problem is that he didn’t get to kill them himself in the manner prescribed by Mosaic Law, stoning them to death at the gates of the city.
QPPS @34,
When have you ever demonstrated compassion for a black man’s death? Muhammad Ali doesn’t count!
Blog entry for date and time!
QPPS @36 is the loon here. Did Christians rush into the gay bar and annihilate 49 people QPPS?
Projection Psych 101 is hard at work here. Seems QPPS is projecting his inner Mormon on Puddy!
So sad when QPPS gets this way!
No different than countless comments made in these threads by the loon.
“Orlando shooter’s father: ‘God will punish those involved in homosexuality’”
So sad when QPPS @39 gets this way!
And no different from countless comments made on Stormfront.
Having a reference book of compiled bronze age mysticism and superstitions is no more support than Mein Kampf.
Funny, how the very Mosaic Laws cherry-picked by the loon to justify the his hatred of, and the murder of LGBT Americans also called for death by stoning of his false prophet, Ellen White.
@25 “Ever read the Koran much R senile?”
This is like blaming Chicago’s violence on the Bible.
@27 How many of them were Quran (Koran) readers?
Here’s what we’ve learned since San Bernardino.
We’ve learned that calling terrorism something else doesn’t fly. At least most of us have. The Carls, Goldys (see Twitter sidebar), and the Betters, not so much.
Remember this gem, from just after the San Bernardino shootings in December?:
Bloomberg Business ✔ @business
San Bernadino shooting happened less than two miles from a Planned Parenthood health clinic http://bloom.bg/1jz6CCT pic.twitter.com/B9vJ5zkhHj
I pointed this tweet out and DR told me to stuff it. Bloomberg wasn’t the only one, BTW:
Sam Stein ✔ @samsteinhp
Planned Parenthood is about 1.3 miles from site of shooting. CNN, however, is reporting that the shooting didn’t take place there
11:42 AM – 2 Dec 2015
Then Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit weighed in with his broken-record accusation against the right wing:
@19 I’ve been watching this on CNN Live, nobody’s saying ISIS yet, but they’re speculating this might be a domestic anti-government militia group, you know, people who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric, similar to the lone-wolf crazies who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric and then shoot up abortion clinics.
DR then posted a link:
You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists
ArtFart then tried to elevate the conversation, although still down the wrong path:
The real issue here is that firearms in general are a shitty way to settle disagreements.
“An armed society is a polite society”? So tell me please, What the fucketty fucking fuck-de-fuck is “polite” about this?
Then Goldy, ever the opportunist, chimed in with this tweet:
Goldy @GoldyHA
My thoughts and prayers are with the @NRA’s social media department during this very difficult time.
Here’s the Open Thread from that date:
I would suggest that people review it, because it goes a long way toward providing the explanation for Carl’s concerns that Orlando seems to be fading already.
Orlando isn’t fading, Carl and other HA libbies. What’s fading is the success your ilk has previously had in controlling the narrative, making news be told the way you want it to be told, rather than the way it really is.
Yesterday is a perfect example. It wasn’t a zealous gun nut. It was a homegrown Islamic extremist.
Crooked Hillary is not stupid. No doubt her team polled it, compared reality to Obama’s version of it, and realized that they had to run well to Obama’s right. Hence her evolution to calling it, just this morning, what it really is.
You want Orlando to remain relevant, Carl? Try doing the same.
@30 “Puddy been saying for years they would slit an American’s throat in a heartbeat.”
Why not? Your tribe bombs them in a heartbeat. What goes around comes around. You can thank Chimp for some of this anti-American violence. (Isn’t he also the moron who tortured Muslims? Payback is a bitch, ain’t it.) See #31 for additional explanation.
@36 Yeah, now that some religion-driven nut has carried out what many “Christian” preachers have advocated for years, Poodebutt is wringing his hands over what a terrible thing religion-driven hate is.
@37 “Muhammad Ali doesn’t count!”
Why doesn’t he count? Did someone paint him white?
@38 “Did Christians rush into the gay bar and annihilate 49 people QPPS?”
Uh, well, now that you mention it, this Christian crept into a village and annihilated 16 Muslims.
And the only reason this Christian Identity dude didn’t rush into a mosque and annihilate 6 Muslims is because he couldn’t tell the difference between a mosque and a temple, or a Muslim and a Sikh.
And there’s this guy
and this guy
and many more.
@45 “Yesterday is a perfect example. It wasn’t a zealous gun nut. It was a homegrown Islamic extremist” who had no problem getting an AR-15 and buckets of ammo for same even though he’d been on government watch lists.
At least they can’t go to their local gun shop and buy “Hitler chainsaws” yet, but Republican lawmakers are working on it.
“We’ve learned that calling terrorism something else doesn’t fly.”
You can take your whine to the mirror as you and every other Republican have proven yourselves utterly incapable of saying the words “right-wing terrorist” and “extremist Christian terrorist”.
Bond yield curve is flattening.
Treasury prices rose for the fifth straight session Monday, pushing yields to their lowest level since December 2012, as investors flocked to government bonds amid a global-stock selloff.
Worries about the impending Brexit vote in the U.K., a drop in oil prices and cautiousness ahead of central-bank meetings in the U.S. and Japan spurred selling of global equities and a flight to the perceived safety of government bonds.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note TMUBMUSD10Y, -1.88% the U.S. benchmark bond, fell 2.2 basis points to 1.616%, its lowest yield since Dec. 6, 2012, according to Dow Jones research.
That’s on top of falling new job creation. Just in time for the Fall general election season, when Crooked Hillary will be running for Obama’s third term.
Oh. Why does a flattening yield curve matter?
The shape of the curve is closely watched as a gauge of expectations about the economy and monetary policy, with a flattening curve usually reflecting worries about a recession.
offering up a falsified narrative doesn’t authorize you to make up the rules.
I mean, fuck it. You can make up whatever rules you like, you complete and utter douche bag.
And we will continue to ignore them.
you are a douche bag.
Just exactly as in the past, you’ve started making up definitions and applying them as you see fit, to support whatever falsified narrative ratifies your bigoted, nihilistic world view. Now, if anyone dares to question this terrorist assailant’s objective connections to domestic terrorist organizations, to international terrorist organizations, to violent extremist organizations, or to jihadist organizations, you’ll just revert to idiotic labels of your own making. Or dig around for some evidence of media bias somewhere. Or both. And demand that everyone everywhere acknowledge your FACTS. Fuck you and your bullshit made up FACTS.
How long ago was the San Bernadino phone hacked? Results?
They were religious fundamentalists. They were angry. They had weapons. They had a will to mass murder.
How’s that make them any different from Terry Nichols?
So long as your default definition of “Islamic terrorism” is terrorism committed under the influence of Islam, then of course it was “Islamic terrorism”. Just as Eric Rudolph was a “Christian terrorist”. But that doesn’t mean that Islam itself is terrorism, any more than Christianity itself is terrorism (personally I tend to agree equally with both sentiments – but my view is most decidedly in the minority in this country).
At least el Douche is consistent enough to allow that he’d take a close look at SDAs, LDS, and a few other Xtian cults. He’s a more equal opportunity bigot than you are.
Just exactly as in the past, you’ve started making up definitions and applying them as you see fit, to support whatever falsified narrative…
Gee Puddy wonders who does that from Oregon again?
The Oregonian moronic pot calling the Travis kettle black!
R senile @43,
So you haven’t read the Koran. A truthful admission. IMPRESSIVE commentary from the senile fool! So have you read the Book of Mormon? Just axing.
Wrong again about the Bible. Try again butt we all know senility will make another feeble attempt at something cogent!
Oh R senile @46,
Visit Israel before you croak. You’ll understand why Israel uses force. They only understand force. Irresistible force! Why do you think Iran wants nuclear weapons? For peaceful purposes.
Isn’t he also the moron who tortured Muslims? NOPE! Some lower level people suggested it to keep America safe.
Even some DUMMOCRETINS suggested Bush could have been right, which got other DUMMOCRETINS pink panties in a wad.
Puddy didn’t see Bush screaming “I directed” like Obummer does when the latest drone strike happens. Left wrong DUMMOCRETINS call that torture too!
Man you really are what Travis claims you to be! A real DF! Really!
R senile DF strikes again @48.
Spectacular train wreck this time.
If the Republican Presidential campaign revokes the press credentials of the WaPo, should the WaPo bother directly covering any other Republicans?
R senile @49
Wow a Google search. Still an EPIC FAYLE. You didn’t answer the question! Nice misdirection train wreck.
Yes the people in the club as well as the club owners had an opportunity to arm themselves butt chose not to!
Omar Mateen was licensed as a DHS approved security officer.
Keep screaming R senile. Another of your rants dead and buried.
Hey R senile,
Why not bring one of your “Hitler chainsaws” to a Tuesday Drunken Libtard meeting soon?
Puddy guesses QPPS @52 can’t find one time on HA DUMMOCRETINS when it ever demonstrated compassion for a black man’s death!
Maybe that’s why R senile delivered that train wreck response @48 because R senile also knew QPPS has never demonstrated compassion for a black man’s death on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Moronic twit @59,
Cover the news in a non-libtard slant and press credentials are yours. Slant the news and create bogus headlines, then one gets rejected!
You can make up whatever rules you like, you complete and utter douche bag.
The Oregonian moron is mirror watching again!
You can make up whatever rules you like, you complete and utter douche bag.
The Oregonian moron is mirror watching again!
“That’s on top of falling new job creation.”
Falling new job creation? That’s a far site better than losing 800,000 jobs per month as the nation did at the end of the last Republican administration. Just one reason why the last Republican president left office with in disgrace with a job approval rating of 28% versus Obama’s at over 50%.
Maybe you should go back to the Republican whine that Obama hasn’t completely healed an economy which the last Republican president left in ruins.
No surprise here that Bob does his happy dance whenever a black man is shot dead and the self-loathing black loon never says a word about it.
@53 Well let’s see, with a Brexit vote looming, the Fed likely to raise interest rates, signs of a U.S. slowdown (which isn’t the same thing as a “recession”), and stocks fully valued, investors are leaving stocks for bonds, which are perceived to be safer. Increased demand for bonds > higher bond prices > lower bond yields > yield curve flattens. It’s not rocket science, doc.
@57 “Isn’t he also the moron who tortured Muslims? NOPE! Some lower level people suggested it to keep America safe.”
Oh, you mean the “lower level” guy who ran the country while Chimp slept off his crack-induced stupors? This guy?
@59 Getting your press credentials revoked by Trump is a loss? Why doesn’t the entire media just quit covering him? If no ones hears about him, no one will vote for him.
@ 69
The specter of rising rates doesn’t entice people to buy bonds, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. They don’t want to hold paper made worth less by higher rates to come.
The move into bonds is in no small part because the Fed is much less likely to raise rates this summer due to a likely coming global slowdown, slowing job growth, increasing oil prices dampening business activity, worries about the additional hit from a Brexit, and other factors.
You’re right, asswipe. It’s not rocket science, but it is common sense, which you clearly lack.
Again, HA libbies, my tried and true investment strategy,
The Notadumbfuck Method. Available for a limited time, because when Roger Rabbit dies, the inane spews that form the basis for the Method die with him.
@61 So we all have to pack heat everywhere we go, and live our entire lives on hair-trigger alert, because Republicans refuse to keep guns away from mass killers? Is that what you believe? And you call ME a “train wreck”???
@62 Because I don’t have one, and what’s more, I shouldn’t be allowed to have one, because I’m not in the Army anymore and have no legitimate use for such a weapon. Also, I don’t want one. However, if we’re gonna allow every Tom, Dick, and Omar to acquire infantry squad machineguns, then I think liberals should get them, too, because I don’t trust the fucking wingnuts who rant about “civil war” and “executing liberals.”
@72 “Again, HA libbies, my tried and true investment strategy,
to wit:
“This is by far the finest, most successful investment strategy I’ve come across:
“I read carefully what Roger Rabbit says he does, or just did. Then I do the opposite.
“I call it The Notadumbfuck Method.”
So how’s that contrarian strategy working for you? I don’t need to guess, because your results are the exact opposite of mine. My total return year to date is 6.3% (non-annualized), so you’ve lost 6.3%.
How do you know Toomey is going to be re-elected?
This is how:
After Orlando, Dem Katie McGinty hammers Pat Toomey over anti-terror gun bill
“Pat Toomey has worked to allow suspected terrorists to buy guns in this country and that is just an outrageous position,” McGinty, challenging Toomey in one of the country’s most critical Senate races, said in a telephone interview. “Of all the kind of tough issues, this one should not be a tough call.”
Toomey co-sponsors a bill to expand background checks, and this is what he gets in return.
I’m sure he’ll be right there working side-by-side with you Dems after his re-election victory this Fall.
The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15.
The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.
Of course, we know this because the gun was still intact because the suicide vest which would have blown the gun, the shooter, and possibly some still-living patrons of the establishment – not to mention police – to bits didn’t detonate.
At least it wasn’t the gun Gabby Giffords used for that photo-op back when she was running for re-election. ’cause that might have been awkward.
“The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. That is a fact and a fact we need to talk about.”
I think it is well worth noting that this is not an extemporaneous utterance from the campaign lectern by el Douche. But rather something he and his staff worked out well in advance, drawing upon their experience and intellect such as they are, and whatever media resources are generally available.
Speaks volumes.
Other people’s families have been allowed to come here. Many other people’s families. We should talk about this.
We let this guy’s family come here.
And this guy.
We let this guy’s parents come here.
We probably didn’t give this woman’s family any choice at all.
Here’s another guy born after we let his parents come here.
This guy’s family never left home.
What were we thinking here?
This guy’s family didn’t need Donald Trump’s permission to be here.
He’s right. We do need to talk about it.
Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to do so, in what he predicts will be “a very big year” for the whistleblowing website.
Speaking via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Assange said that there was enough information in the emails to indict Clinton, but that was unlikely to happen under the current Attorney General, Obama appointee Loretta Lynch.
Assange said the leaked emails revealed that she overrode the Pentagon’s reluctance to overthrow sovereign Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and that “they predicted the post-war outcome would be what it is, which is ISIS taking over the country.”
Russia Today. Hey, isn’t that where that Cenk dude landed?
Tweet du jour:
The Hill @thehill 22m22 minutes ago
Clinton: I’m happy to say “radical Islam” http://hill.cm/prSsJaE
Sooooooooooooooooo some of the Pulse nightclub exits in Orlando were padlocked shut?
@61 So we all have to pack heat everywhere we go, and live our entire lives on hair-trigger alert, because Republicans refuse to keep guns away from mass killers?
R senile is sooooooooooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooopid. So R senile let Puddy explain it in small words
1) This moron was not on a watch list!
2) Roger senile is a moron
3) This moron had US government approved gun licenses
4) This moron worked for US government approved security contractor
5) Roger senile is a moron
6) Mateen, being a US DUMMOCRETINcitizen would gladly call the ACLU for his 2nd amendment rights
7) Roger senile is a moron
There you go R senile!
Wikileaks? http://www.theguardian.com/med.....an-assange
Thus, the Right-WingNuts started dancing on the bodies before their blood was even cold.
The ones in here being no exception.
1) This moron was not on a watch list!
Why not? That is in fact a good question. Certainly his father was a raving right-wing religious homophobic lunatic who preached every aspect of his reasoning at his kid from infancy. The man actually thought he was the rightful President of Afghanistan, and accused Obama of colluding with Karzai to keep him out of the country.
In other words, the guy was seriously unhinged and should have probably been locked up years ago.
3) This moron had
USFlorida State government approved gun licensesftfy
4) This moron worked for US government approved security contractor
In fact, one of the largest in the world. It’s a British company, and has major contracts in Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, U.A.E. etc, and operates in several Federal and State facilities in the United States, as well as contracting with several private prison companies. Their primary focus seems to be on industrial facilities.
But I do fail to understand your point. He was a Cop-Wannabe with a hard-on for killing.
6) Mateen, being a US DUMMOCRETINcitizen would gladly call the ACLU for his 2nd amendment rights
The ACLU doesn’t deal with the Second Amendment. You’re thinking of the NRA. The ACLU deals with the First Amendment almost exclusively.
He was a right-wing Trump supporter, apparently not even religious, and possibly a severely self-repressed homosexual himself. He purchased his weapons just a few days previous to the massacre, from a former NYPD officer who has repeatedly posted some pretty disturbing anti-Obama screeds on his facebook page, including demands that the Army arrest him and summarily execute him.
Sorry Conservatives, he’s one of YOURS.
Puddy calls BULLSHITTIUM on the vomit producer! Once again the vomit producer eats its own vomit… The ACLU doesn’t deal with the Second Amendment. Notice the vomit producer provides no links?
Really? Once again the 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady is strong in this DONK!
He was a right-wing Trump supporter – Really vomit producer?
NOPE.. Mateen was a registered DUMMOCRETIN. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....us-citizen
Sux to eat its own vomit.
@ 84
Apparently not even religious, if you don’t count the two pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia earlier in the decade, the mosque he attended, and those photos with him wearing a prayer cap.
Yeah, typical redneck.
@77 “The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15. [It was] a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system …. ”
I stand corrected. It was an AR-15 on steroids.
@81 “2) Roger senile is a moron” … “5) Roger senile is a moron” … “7) Roger senile is a moron”
That still makes me smarter than you by two digits on the IQ scale.
“3) This moron had US government approved gun licenses”
When did Florida become “US government”?
“4) This moron worked for US government approved security contractor”
Is that like a scam offer delivered in a U.S. Postal Service- approved envelope?
No it’s like the scam you perpetrated on the legal profession R senile!
“a severely self-repressed homosexual”
Huh! Just like the loon. Remember when we almost had him convinced to come out of the closet a couple years ago? The loon’s mind has been deteriorating at near light-speed ever since.
If Bob would come out, he and the loon could hook up, if they haven’t already. But looking at this thread, I’m thinking that might have already happened.
Puddy PWNS QPPS @89. Notice everything it writes is about Puddy!
@83 “The ACLU doesn’t deal with the Second Amendment. You’re thinking of the NRA. The ACLU deals with the First Amendment almost exclusively.”
Maybe Puddy will get it right the next time if he counts the Amendments on his fingers. See @87(2),(5),(7).
R senile @91
See #84. The ACLU does care about the 2nd Amendment.
Sux to be senile!
When did Florida become “US government”?
Apparently R senile isn’t comprehending the facts! Did Puddy claim Florida was the US government? Train wreck #17 just in this thread!
Senility is an insidious disease.
R senile is also an insidious disease.
@92 This is how the ACLU cares about the 2nd Amendment, dummy.
Like I said, a lower IQ than a toothpick.
Heh. These trolls will do anything…
to avoid commenting on the Drumpf ballot disaster for the GOP that’s coming in November..
@ 95
Looking forward to seeing state polling w Johnson/Weld in the mix, YLB.
to STB and PdHD and any others obsessed with the shooters motive (the WHY), his result (the WHAT,) and apparently nothing else i ask what about the how?
this right-wing religious zealot, or mentally ill individual, or closeted enraged homosexual, or your tag here, or all of the above, was able to do this because of the availability of certain kinds of weaponry in the U.S.
so, now that you are done with wanking over the WHO, the WHY and the WHAT – please tell me how WE (the royal we) deal with that HOW.
so, do you (STB and PdHD) have any suggestions? i think we should follow the example of the U.K., Japan, and more recently Australia. do you feel the same way? Yes or No. Why?
let’s forget all the other aspects and focus on the HOW and what we can do to deal with it.
and now we know the shooter was familiar with the club because he had been there before! many times!
the insanity of his father towards gays, his own closeted enraged homosexuality, his ostensible religion and its tenets. it all adds up. plus the HOW – the u.s. hard on for guns.
one phone call claiming you’re an IS fighter “don’t necessarily make it fucking so!”, does it STB and PdHD?
G4S, the company that employed Omar Mateen, has a well-established reputation for hiring sadists and psychopaths into their ranks. They do no psychological screening whatsoever apparently. But they do seem to favor those with combat experience, and any PTSD in a candidate is probably considered a positive trait. In Iraq, they were tasked with guarding oilfields and “economically sensitive” industrial facilities. In the UK, they were contracted to operate juvenile prisons. Right here in the United States, they operate several privately owned prison facilities. Fucking blackshirt mercenaries is what they are.
So much for privatization of our military.
And what does the GOP offer as a candidate? This fucking imbecile.
Every time a massacre like this happens, the firearms manufacturers practically piss themselves with glee. They know that such mass murders are the best product demonstrations that could ever happen and all they need to do is kick back and let the Conservative politicians and pundits do all the selling for them. Their sales go through the roof and they know damn well how the game works. These companies are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars with every new killing.
All it would take to get The Donald elected, is another major terrorist attack on our home soil, no matter what the source. The GOP and the Conservatives in this country know this, and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see them employ the natural tactic. Another Tim McVeigh? Maybe another 9/11?
As the events of 9/11/01 were the best possible thing to happen to the GOP at the time, and they have spent the following years exploiting it for their own political gain (and financial benefit), it is only natural they would find a comparable new event to be most beneficial to their program.
As it stands now, in the absence of such an event, they stand no chance come next November.
@97 &98,
We realize it’s hard for you to accept real FACTS being a left wrong idiot! This moron was a DUMMOCRETIN. Registered as such. Hated black people and women like DUMMOCRETINS! Abused women like DUMMOCRETINS.
It’s fools like yourself who drink the left wrong swill. This guy hated Donald Trump…. PERIOD!
All it would take to get The Donald elected, is another major terrorist attack on our home soil, no matter what the source.
Well vomit producer, when you can’t call them what they are people get frustrated. When you can’t deal with them as they are people get frustrated. Obummer got a free pass with Ft. Hood. Obummer may have gotten a free pass with San Bernadino. People see how feckless fighting terror as a law enforcement action really is. 49 dead and 53 wounded.
Your preznit as your good pal the headless racist lucy sez, can’t say radical islamic terrorist. Crooked Heilary found Wee Willy Cigar Man’s balls and finally said it yesterday. It’s the independents that are watching you DUMMOCRETINS now. The DUMMOCRETIN have their collective heads up Crooked Heilary’s ASS so far nothing will persuade them otherwise.
So by calling this a gun action as Obummer did, Charles Schumer did, and other congressional DUMMOCRETINS did are setting y’all up for the fall, literally. Even Wolf Blitzer is waking up on CNN and we know how far his head is in Crooked Heilary’s rectum…
The Situation Room @CNNSitRoom · 2d2 days ago – Gunman called 911, claimed allegiance to ISIS & mentioned Boston bombers during the call. This is why downlikerain is an abject idiot! The libtard press is realizing they could be next! Normally they would bury this type of news. Now THEY are scared.
@ 99
Perhaps you should apply at G4S, ‘froggy.
If they hire employees with those psychological ills, it might be a job you could manage to keep.
Oh The Bern @102
wow, i caused a PdHd head explosion, i’m so proud.
>>This moron was a DUMMOCRETIN. Registered as such.
– If you mean he was registered to vote as a democrat i would agree with you. (There is no such thing as a dummocretin.)
>>Hated black people and women like [me, PdHd]! Abused women [like me, PdHd]! (fixed typos)
And this is by far the best part needing no alteration –>
“This guy hated Donald Trump…. PERIOD!” (a lie, as no one knows as yet his feeling for Drumpf)
PdHd loves Drumpf and will be voting for Drumpf in the fall, because Drumpf hates blacks, mexicans, the chinese, women, the japanese, PdHd etc., AND so does PdHd.
PdHd, i ask you – are you riding the fence?
“wow, i caused a PdHd head explosion, i’m so proud.”
Well done.
thanks steve.
The loon, with his incessant spew of hatred towards LGBT and Latinos, has the blood of 49 dead on his hands. But so do Goldy, Darryl and Carl for knowingly and willingly giving the SOB a platform to spew an endless stream of eliminationist hate speech.
@100 — also, besides your fervor to vote for Drumpf can you answer the question. . .
what does the u.s. do to answer the HOW of all this? do you think we should follow the example of the U.K., Japan, and more recently Australia. Yes or No. Why?
once again, i ask you PdHd – are you riding the fence?
“Ex-Minuteman Chris Simcox Meets The Rule Of Law: Guilty Of Child Molestation”
Another wingnut pervert going to jail. From the former Speaker of the House on down to this border patrol freak, you’re all nothing but a bunch of child molesting asswipes.
“are you riding the fence”
The only thing that sick SOB rides is a goddamned goat.
Has Johnson made it into any state polls?
“After 49 people were gunned down in an Orlando gay nightclub in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, pastors in California and Arizona praised the gunman for massacring “perverted predators” and “pedophiles.”
“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” Jimenez said in a sermon originally posted on YouTube. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Your presidential candidate preens while prancing on the dead as you sick bastards celebrate the carnage.
“The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit children into their filthy homosexual lifestyle,” he said, adding the attack would be used to attack Christians and push gun control.
“I’m not sad about it, I’m not gonna cry about it because these 50 people in the gay bar that got shot up were going to die of AIDS and syphilis and whatever else,” he continued. “At least these dangerous, filthy predators are off the streets. I’m just trying to look on the bright side.”
Once again Puddy controls the conversation.
PWNED by Puddy!
Notice nothing downlikerain has any FACTUAL merit?
QPPS like they braying pig it is jumps right in and we see the circle jerk between the two!
So precious!
@ 111
Yes, most recently in Utah.
He won’t be on all state ballots. He probably won’t be a Perot.
But without him we’re looking at a months-long race between a pair of Class A assholes.
With Johnson in the race I’ll be able to sleep at night.
even if Johnson is not a “Perot”, don’t you think his presence in the race tends to favor one major party candidate over the other?
(There is no such thing as a dummocretin.)
Like there is no such thing as a Republikkkan?
Never seen you show up to claim that either. And the term is DUMMOCRETIN, not dummocretin. Their every actions scream out at you!
“This guy hated Donald Trump…. PERIOD!” (a lie, as no one knows as yet his feeling for Drumpf)
Where is your voice when HA DUMMOCRETINS lie through their teeth making wild ASS ASSumptions about conservatives?