Y’all, housing is getting pretty expensive in Seattle. I don’t know what, short of another crash, lowers prices, but Goldy’s plan will help, rent control will help, the Housing Levy will help. None of them are enough. Maybe all told, combined they aren’t enough. But we really need to do a lot to deal with a large problem.
Wow, all those leftist pinheads at Politifact had to come to the right conclusion and even publish it… Wow the Klingon cloaking device must have broke down today! http://www.politifact.com/trut.....email-pra/
PuddyCommentariat: Puddy has over the last few years here on HA DUMMOCRETINS spent many pixels explaining how PolitiFact are leftist BULLSHITTIUM artists not the “arbiter of REAL TRUTH” Pilitifact claims to be. In fact, Puddy has reminded the libtards here of all the Klingon cloaking device of lies Politifact has told especially on ObummerCare and how they had to eat their smelly shit later. Like the vomit producer does all the time. All Politifact does is protect insipid and worthless libtard DUMMOCRETIN politicians and their putrid lying agendas by attacking all conservative points of view under the Klingon cloaking device of “fact checking” the opposition. They use Klingon many times over the years. When busted do they correct the record? HELL NO! They just issue new Klingon “facts” and don’t revisit the BULLSHITTIUM previously published. Politifact seldom uses Pants on Fire for DUMMOCRETINS!
Soooooooooooo, for them to have to issue the above edict is very telling. Will QPPS find this on “raw story” today? Will dunceman find this on Daily Kooks today? Will Stenk Yogurt mention this on the Dung Turks today? Will R senile have a lucid moment today? Prolly not!
Butt they could not pull out the Pants on Fire rating on Heilary! Why? Well because, we all know that they finally admit their candidate of choice, Heilary Clinton and the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) , has been lying to everyone’s face about her private unauthorized by the State Department, non-secure Blackberry, email scam. Heilary could not use the Blackberry on the 7th floor of Foggy Bottom. We learned Heilary either went to the sixth floor or had State Department memorandum put on paper and read to her.
Don’t you libtards remember this BULLSHITTIUM from last year at the UN press conference? https://youtu.be/NV3BwT3Od2o Soooooooooooooooo, what do the Oregon moron and worser and their side kick dunceman do? Cover for Heilary! They project her foibles on Trump. Except Trump didn’t run the State Department! Trump didn’t tell that ambassador he’s fired for using private email during Heilary’s tenure. Do as I say not as I do.
The ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@1 “wasted many pixels”
The bloviating dumbass @1 reminds us that, “Except Trump didn’t run the State Department!” Of course he didn’t. The presumptive leader of the white clan couldn’t even run Trump University. Or his Atlantic City casinos. Or several other Trump businesses that went bankrupt.
Hillary may be imperfect, she probably is, but her imperfections are zits compared to Trump’s flaws. And since that’s the choice we have — Trump or Hillary — you can vote for the ignorant and incompetent race-baiting white supremacist or for someone who has actual experience at running a government. Or you can sit it out, or throw your vote away on a third-party candidate, which is the same thing.
Guess what the toad @1 is going to do? You can bet this Uncle Tom won’t vote for the one candidate with a chance of winning who isn’t a racist pig. What can I say about morons who shoot off their own balls? Better to say nothing. It speaks for itself.
One of Puddy’s new favorite sites is Buzzfeed since they found the truth pill lately… https://www.buzzfeed.com/rubycramer/campaign-chair-clinton-knows-email-setup-was-a-mistake
PuddyCommentariat: MISTAKE? This DUMMOCRETIN failed to abide to the rules she signed for!
– She lied how she and her cronies were forthcoming to State Department IG investigators.
– She lied about when she turned over the emails to the State Department
– She lied about how she “willingly” turned over the over 55,000 pages emails to the State Department!
– She lied when telling the media her email had been automatically captured in March 2015 at the above YouTube (see entry #1 above) United Nations press conference. John Podesta just proved that lie because Podesta claimed they knew July 2014.
An economist analyzes eight conservative arguments in favor of tax cuts for the rich and finds every single one of them is bogus.
Ohhhh R senile,
Notice R senile can’t attack the FACTS; so perform a train wreck and change the topic. Those poor jedi mind tricks don;t work on Puddy R senile. Deflecting to Trump has no affect here! The only effect is you prove your senility more each day!
Also, you forget who trained Bill Clinton and all those visits to whites only country clubs Heilary loved to visit. J William Fulbright. So don’t tell Puddy who the racists are when you have no effin idea what you are farting about. Remember who won the southern state DUMMOCRETIN primaries. Remember who uses dog whistling in their campaign.
Clueless and senile as Evah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@6 What we have here is a factless moron whining about other posters not using facts. You don’t need any facts to call him a factless moron. All you have to do is skim one of his moronic factless comments. Takes about 3 seconds to conclude he knows nothing about anything.
Meanwhile the guvmint is in cahoots and Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) CYA mode… http://www.politico.com/story/.....ion-223753
Read Mill’s deposition and how 27 objections were raised by the CYA team! http://www.politico.com/f/?id=.....fb94fa0001 You can read how Wilkinson specifically forbade Mills to answer those questions everyone knows will ferret out the truth. Can’t have the truth because to DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means!
EPIC and DAYUM sad!
Puddy is glad to see R senile calling Buzzfeed and Polifact factless. Hence R senile can’t ever use them in future arguments. R senile is upset he has no FACTS to change the Heilary email narrative. Even long time DUMMOCRETIN sites have changed their tune. Of course “raw story” editors have their heads so far up Heilary’s ASS they see the pyloric valve!
Se how that works R senile? NO? Well you are senile!
I recently read somewhere, I forget now where, that Americans are moving to cheap housing, which means they’re moving away from the areas with job growth, because they can’t afford to live in those places. This means millions of Americans no longer have access to good-paying jobs and cities with good schools. So, yes, there’s a housing affordability crisis in America which is becoming a societal problem. The high cost of housing isn’t just a personal problem anymore. It’s holding back our economy.
@9 No, I’m calling you factless, which implies nothing about any sources or other third parties you may glance at without comprehension.
Blah blah blah @11.
Talk to the hand senile fool! Your implications are feckless as you are senile.
See ya. Work calls!
@11 Speaking of factless responses.
Yeah Rog – talk to Puffy’s small woman hands.
“bloviating dumbass @1”
“a factless moron”
From Roger’s comments I take it the batshit crazy loon’s hate-spewing exploding head is back.
Granted, most people are unhappy with the candidate choices this year, but the hard truth is either Hillary or Trump is going to be our next president, there is nobody else, and if we don’t elect Hillary then we’ll get this guy:
“In court filings, former employees of Trump University allege that it preyed on the insecurities of its students, selling them courses they did not need or could not afford.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If that’s his business model, what kind of government will you get by voting for him?
@10 Roger – not sure if the article can be searched for, but I wonder if you remember if all those people moving to cheaper “land” are a bunch of retires – like our present Boob will be doing in the near future and the rest of the teabagging fools.
“Work Calls”……hopefully to tell you that you are fired or being laid off. But I’m sure you got one of them comfortable cushy public jobs and have your hand out.
@17 As I recall, the article cited a Brookings study, and it’s not about retirees moving to the Sunbelt. It said working-age Americans are moving away from job centers because they can’t afford to live in those places due to high housing costs.
hmmmm…..I wonder if Drumpf will get Mexico to pay for the wall like he did with the city of New York.
“Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony”
I’m sure there’s only one explanation for this. Those former Trump University employees must be COMMIE-FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN SCUM!
Trump University preyed on its students, “according to its former employees in legal documents unsealed Tuesday. ‘Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money,’ said Ronald Schnackenberg, a sales manager at Trump University in 2006 and 2007. Those declarations and other internal Trump University documents depict an aggressive, ethically dubious business model that targeted potential customers’ financial fears and socioeconomic anxieties and offered Trump’s personal brand as the solution—a strategy later echoed in his presidential campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This election year, you have a choice between Hillary or a grifter who preys on the vulnerable. Now watch 98% of Republicans line up behind the grifter. It’s hard to find a single honorable person in that bunch. But then, we already knew that about the GOP Party and the kind of people it attracts.
@12 “Work calls”
I’m so sorry. I’m a capitalist. I don’t have to work.
It’s not going to go away.
Actually yes. You were under an obligation to do. If you solicit donations for charity, which he did, and fail to deliver aka embezzle the money, that is a crime. $4.5 million of embezzlement would be a felony. Twumpy pouts about nasty pwess asking questions.
Just ask Mark Driscoll or Kermit Washington if you were under no obligation to donate other peoples’ money you solicited for charity.
Now about only giving your pledged personal money months after the fact and only after those meanie buttheads in the pwess stawted axing…
Republicans. They love America so much that they threaten to kill American citizens if they can’t win at the ballot box.
“Top gun lobbyist warns right wingers will use ‘bullet box’ if they can’t win at ballot box”
The loon is thrilled at the thought of killing Americans but his head explodes because he learned about it from Raw Story.
@1 Liar, tldr
Figure out a way to make people forget you’re a confirmed liar?
Ohhhhh my / I wonder if his daddy is proud? Or would his daddy prefer he’d be a straight man who raped some woman.
Christian Rock Star Comes Out, Opens Up About Lifelong Struggle To Be Straight http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....37476.html
@25 They see it as killing foreigners. They define “American” as a white male between the ages of 18 and 54 with no more than a high school education whio customarily worked with his hands in an occupation which no longer exists. If you don’t fit this definition, you’re not an “American,” which makes killing you as easy and painless as killing Iraqis, Afghans, or Vietnamese.
Of course, Pratt’s rant merely reaffirms the Trumped crowd is afflicted with a real sense of grievance, which isn’t surprising, because they’ve been losers their entire lives. His talk of replacing the ballot box with “the bullet box” is just one more reason for keeping guns away from people who are obviously mentally unbalanced.
A new Quinnipiac University poll released today shows Clinton leading Trump 54%-30% among women, 65%-18% among Hispanics, and 93%-4% among blacks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that virtually all blacks support Clinton, you gotta wonder if Puddy is a real black, or just some guy who dyed himself black.
So now I read that Trumpty Dumbty is in hock to foreign banks for a real boatload of money. Every day seems to bring more truly horrible news about this horrible person. I feel like I live in upside down world.
@30. But will it make a difference at the ballot box? Or has the right demonized Hillary and any and all democrats sufficiently that it doesn’t matter what the presumptive leader of the white clan says or does, they will vote for him?
And how is that attitude any different that people who hold their nose and vote for Hillary, even with her flaws. ( Her flaws seem tiny compared to trump and the republicans. )
@29, Puddy is like that woman in Spokane?
@30 He’s merely repatriating dollars taken out of our country by job outsourcing and unfair trade, given that these foreign banks will never see their money again.
@32 That’s my suspicion. A Republican plant in the black community to keep an eye on those pesky BLMers. It’s dangerous duty because he could get shot by the cops if they mistake him for a real black person.
@31 Of course they’ll vote for him. The right rejects reason. We now live in the era of clan politics, and clan warfare may not be far away; see #25 above.
Roger – the other day you posted that in essence you can’t keep up with posting all the shootings that are occurring (or gun deaths). Well we have so many shootings now (today at UCLA) that it really doesn’t phase me anymore. Anyone else feel this way?
You know that the GOP nut jobs only care about one thing. Band that is “was it terrorism?”, for the sole purpose of saying “see Onama sucks”. But even now that doesn’t even apply because we got Drimpf and Hillary to talk about.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that virtually all blacks support Clinton, you gotta wonder if Puddy is a real black, or just some guy who dyed himself black.”
I think it has more to do with a missing chromosome.
just about the time the drive-thru starts getting busy.
@31 The right hasn’t ever demonized anybody as much as Obama and he’s polling pretty damn well. There are still a lot of people with functioning brains in this country.
Not only is it not going away, if anything it’ll be crowded out by other worse scandals. Trump’s dirty as hell financially. It’s in his business. It’s in his character. In late January going into the first two contests, despite good polling, he was way behind the pack on money. Deploying staff and resources into Iowa and N.H. left the campaign bled dry. Suddenly a great big new pile of money arrives! We’ll just borrow if for a few months. Nobody will mind. Now that blood is in the water every investigative team is diving into Trump’s pool of shit history. They’ll be pulling up one reeking turd after another until election day. Every partner he’s swindled. Every contractor he’s cheated. Every creditor he’s burned. Every dirt poor dreamer he’s scammed. Every domestic servant he’s fondled. He was a fool to open himself up to this. He won’t be President and his businesses will be ruined. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
@30, 31,
Trump’s finances are a big dirty ice berg filled with defective siding, rotting carcasses, and used condoms and were just now seeing the very tip. Lunatic tribalists will still voter for him. But he needs way more than that to win Florida. Republicans have fucked themselves good this time.
Rachel from Spokane is a DUMMOCRETIN. Puddy realizes that thick neanderthal skull needs diamond tip bit drilling for FACTS to enter!
Rachel from Spokane is a DUMMOCRETIN. Puddy realizes that thick neanderthal skull needs diamond tip bit drilling for FACTS to enter!
@36 It continues to faze me. Every gun tragedy is heart-rending. But this mayhem is so common in America that I just don’t have the energy to post them all. Today’s UCLA incident was another murder-suicide. You stupid humans have a real problem with emotional self-control. You don’t see rabbits doing this shit. The most we ever do to each other is chew off ears, gouge out eyes, and rip off cottontails.
checkmate @26,
Calling Puddy names isn’t going to get you the link. Puddy has given you all the hints needed. You are Puddy’s BITCH!
@40 He had nothing to lose, because when you get right down to it, he probably doesn’t have a dime he can honestly call his own. It’s all other people’s money. No real billionaire has to take a TV job hosting a smarmy reality show. You don’t see Warren Buffett or Bill Gates doing that. Or, for that matter, Goldy’s boss.
@42 @43 He must’ve hit the “Post Comment” button twice while reaching for the TP.
@45 Eats his own shit, too.
The irony is thoroughly lost on a liar like you. It’s not name calling it is, how do you like to say? Facts.
You lied. Everyone saw it. Then you did it again. How’s political insurrection doing for ya?
Slow day on Wall Street today. The market was flat and I made only $462. But that’s enough to pay Puddy $7.25 an hour to kiss my furry ass for the rest of this week.
@41 Given the tribal nature of our politics, he’ll lose by the usual margin.
You’d think Pakistan will eventually run out of women.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These fanatics have nuclear weapons, too. At least, their military does.
FACTS and checkmate don’t mix. Don’t like the Wiki FACTS checkmate? You got BLOWN out of the water.
Here checkmate, suck on this… http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....n-problem/
You see checkmate Puddy has real Native American blood in the family. My great niece is a Canadian First Peoples. She and her sons are full tribe members of the Five Nations. Ancestry fully verified.
Fauxcohantas cashed in on claiming to be a Native American. Yet there is NO PROOF! She checked the Native American box on the forms, like so many DUMMOCRETIN pretend Indians do.
Did Fauxcohantas live the Native American struggle? Hell NO!
Did Fauxcohantas acknowledge the Native American struggle? Hell NO!
Did Fauxcohantas connect with her Native American people? Hell NO!
Fauxcohantas is a white woman, whose parents told her that she was Native. Butt where’s the beef? All Fauxcohantas has to do is take the blood test! If she passes she can neener neener neener all she wants. Butt she must really know something and that’s why no PUBLIC blood test checkmate!
That’s why Trump called her out! So scream all you want about the Fauxcohantas wiki! TRUTH and FACTS always win out!
BTW checkmate your search skillz really suck. Puddy gave you the date and where to look!
Still can’t find it. So bend over so the vomit producer can drive you to Wenatchee!
And no one can dispute Politifact@1 going DUMMOCRETIN on Heilary!
in terms of popular vote, that may be.
But consider that as of this past week, Trump was indicating to RNC leadership that his campaign would rely on them for big donor bundling, and for data analytics and micro targeting for GOTV. That means in states like Florida, and Wisconsin he’s pretty well fucked. Teams like Bush, Rubio and Walker won’t be sharing access to their data or their donor lists with Trump. And while they’ll all sing Kumbayah in Cleveland, these folks still hate trump, and they’ll shift their focus to holding the Senate against Clinton. And Trump insists he’s going to run a 50 state strategy. He’s going to run ads and do events in California and New York fer chrissakes. He’s done some heavy lifting with earned media up to this point. But that’s against a relatively open field with pretty much zero direct electoral opposition (face it, establishment Rs focused on discrediting him with the donor base – not the voter base). And I suspect the earned media tank is running out of gas.
He won’t raise enough to face what’s coming. And he won’t spend it in the way he must to earn slim majorities in purple states – the way every Republican national campaign has for the last 20 years. Yes, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Wyoming, Mississippi, Texas, etc. will vote Trump. But he stands to lose states like Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Florida, N.C., Virginia and Ohio and possibly even Arizona. That could leave him well below 200 electoral college votes, perhaps even below 150. Unlikely to be a landslide. And that’s good. We don’t want Republicans to learn any lessons here. And we should shift resources to Senate contests before that happens.
Must be great. Is Legalinsurrection.com “liberal Wikipedia?” Nope. You lied and said it was. Everything else is a dodge and a weave or as Twumpy might say shuck and jive.
Notice how checkmate can’t ever discuss the FACTS?
Has Fauxcohantas submitted to a blood test?
Has Fauxcohantas champeened Native American causes?
Has Fauxcohantas provided PROOF of her “heritage”?
checkmate… its just another plethora display of worthless DUMMOCRETIN pixels!
Gorilla meets 4 year old boy.
69 peeps killed in Chicago.
Dead gorilla gets 54X more coverage!
PGA could not entice one single corporation to agree to sponsor a tourney at a Trump affiliated golf course.
Not a single one.
So to please corporate sponsors and repair their image they are moving the tourney to Mexico.
Fuck you, racists. Turns out being fucked in the head is hella expensive. Maybe that’s why they’re “aggreived”.
None of those accusations changes your lying about where you got them. Obviously you knew the source was biased that’s why you said it was that which it was not.
To sum up. You lied. Lying is a sin Piddles. Pretending you didn’t lie is continuing to lie. Do you really go to a Christian church? What does your holy book say about false witness? Do liars get to sit in Gods kingdom?
You’re still a liar.
Wont work.
It lies about its religion too.
looks like the states can’t handle their problems and need to turn to the Feds.
this is great.
Keep screaming checkmate. Falling on deaf ears! Glad you are so aggrieved over Fauxcohantas!
So? When the FACTS can’t be attacked, attack Puddy instead. Saul Alinsky 101 lives in checkmate!
Severe denial of Fauxcohantas! That’s the original argument from checkmate. Upset over Trump calling her Pocahontas. Can’t find any FACTS to back up the putrid argument so attack Puddy!
Continued EPIC FAYLE attacks.
Talk to the hand checkmate.
So checkmate… did you find the audio yet? Still looking?
Sucky skillz!
Meanwhile in DUMMOCRETIN Chicago – over 400 shootings. http://heyjackass.com/
Meanwhile federal civil rights lawyers are investigating cops not the criminals!
What a deranged mother fucker.
Trump derangement syndrome.
“Do you really go to a Christian church?”
In as much as the loon belongs to a doomsday cult that gets together every Saturday night to fuck goats in the name of Baby Jesus.
gets together every Saturday night to fuck goats in the name of Baby Jesus.
And QPPS knows this how being a Mormon???
Now that El Douche has been given the nom, they can’t get any prominent Republicans to attend the con.
He’ll just hire an audience from central casting.
Mirror watching again eh HHTL @68?
Prominent bigot declares Christians “will stand in line” to be crucified.
Promises, promises.
The facts determined by science conclude that the neanderthals died out 40 THOUSAND years ago..
Does the babbling jackass troll accept this fact?
No of course not. It’s a babbling, blithering jackass.
@75 “the neanderthals died out 40 THOUSAND years ago..”
There appears to be one left.
Liar. As previously mentioned the question of heritage has been answered. It’s oral tradition family history. It didn’t cost her an election or anything politically.
Only assholes keep bringing up a line of attack that no one cares about except their fellow assholes. And gong to ‘Pocahontas’ is about as clever as saying “more chins than a Chinese phone book”. Casual racism, it’s as
AmericanRepublican as apple pie.No matter how many times you try to change the subject you lied about your source. You could have just admitted a mistake but no. You doubled down and kept lying and lying and lying.
Shame your sect doesn’t have blanket confessionals because by the preceps of your declared faith you are damned, liar.
Facts are Facts. You are a proven liar.
Spouse and I have been looking for a house fairly actively lately. It’s brutal – lots of buyers, cash buyers one can’t beat, few houses, houses are mostly serious and expensive fixers or flipped faux carp.
So I have seriously wondered just how the election could impact the housing market here, how bad could it get with Trump POTUS, what would happen to the economy if Rs lose the senate, etc… It could be insane, what drugs are they putting into the water?
It’s settled with me – the Neanderthal Ape is a liar.
So how about this new Presidential candidate Cthulhu?
Puddy he problem loves spending and receiving pixels. So how much is a pixel worth?
On progressive radio yesterday they were talking about trump university scamming the gullible out of their life saving , but on conservative radio, they were talking about the horrors of PETA and how that family at the Cincinnati were bad parents because they were black.
@3 The problem is that what Clinton did shows either she is incompetent and while she is not ignorant of how the government operates she clearly believes she is above the rules. This to one decree or another is an issue with all political appointees at all levels. They frankly believe the rules for the bureaucrats and government workers don’t apply to them, but they do.
I’m supposed to believe that Hillary is going to be ready to run the government from day one. Well I guess she will finally get a fancy blackberry like Obama’s if she’s elected. Yet she hasn’t announced any specific cabinet picks. Is she going to just go with the existing Cabinet members? She could and that would really annoy some Republican’s. The claim of I’ll be ready to run everything from day one is an overstatement and she knows it. She may even have to measure the drapes in the living quarters unless she is so super geeky that she kept the measurements. Might not be politically astute to admit she has the measurements.
There is a young woman now serving 35 years in Leavenworth and a gentleman sitting in Moscow who basically did what Clinton did. Motive does not matter under the espionage act and with the handling of classified material. I think Secretary Clinton called for both of their heads. She might well have no problem with them being shot at dawn. Yet her own e-mail activities clearly show a lack of credibility, She is just as guilty as Mr, Snowden and motive does not matter. Now one thing the IG doesn’t come out and say is that you know it’s hard to tell the boss they are in the wrong and violating the rules. Worse ignoring those rules for personal convenience. Of course none of the State Department stuff wasn’t classified because ultimately she’s the classification authority for the State Department while she was in office. It does appear that there was information from other departments that was classified, and she was required to respect those offices classification, or go through the proper channels and challenge the classification. She is actually obligated to do so if she believed the information was over classified. Someone who served in Vietnam in the army might be a bit familiar with the Army penchant for over classification. Or classifying information that is in the public domain like CNN broadcasts. (I’m sure somewhere there is a Fox broadcast or two the Army or Marines have classified probably by Bill O’Rielly.) Of course one thing left out ot the whole e-mail is that if a hacker successfully hacked the server and it was an agent of a foreign nation they like a set up where they haven’t been discovered and hope they are not discovered.
As an attorney you have to agree that at least all the Trump U stuff at the court was not in the public domain. That apparently Trump as a business man has enough common sense to try to keep that stuff under wraps. The public would not know any of it except the man is running for President and the judge determined the public right to know what is there outweighed Trump U’s right to privacy. To keep busniness secrets. Trump U and Trump had attorneys who asked for the records to be sealed.
From personal knowledge I must say I’m deeply disturbed by the e-mail fiasco. I’m upset by it. Politcally she should have said it’s all unclassified and she was the classification authority at the time and made the entire mess of e-mails available to the American people immediately so we could judge what the heck is going on here. At least Snowden has guts. By her conduct Clinton doesn’t seem to believe any of this material should have been classified there fore you and me should be able to peruse it. And yes that includes wedding plans ect. If the wedding planner could have seen something by accident because someone fat fingered something like everyone who has used e-mail knows can happen, then it was not treated as very secret information by Secretary Clinton, and we should know just like we get to know all the stuff released by the judge abut Trump U. Isn’t that fair and reasonable counsel?
@81 Gee bias is alive and well and both seem to know their audience and their audiences get to hear what they want. In days gone by when radio and tv stations had certain rules to follow and the 4 tv channels and Walter Clonkite brought the evening news to all the average Joe’s and Jane’s across America. That was then this is now. I don’t think Progressive Radio or Conservative Radio are serving the public very well, but they are preaching to the choir for the most part, and their advertisers are selling things like cloud surveillance or keeping your identiy safe, Cars for Kids, Roses for mom, ect.
There was a piece on the concrete housing apartment complexes in Paris, France. It houses a lot of people and it’s not the cookie cutter soviet crap of East Berlin and though it’s public housing any citizen can live there. With some political will Seattle could do something similar though it would mean replacing a lot of Seattle’s single house on a lot or lots. Seattle could be predominately public housing and that is ultimately what a lot of American cities are going to have to do in order to have housing for all.
@22 PT Barnum said a suckers born every minute. America loved Mr. Barnum and we still do.
@23 Well “Forbes” swears you capitalists are the hardest working Americans. You are in great company there. Played golf yet with Mr. Trump? He’s one of them Capitalists.
@50 Will you make him work on Saturday?
@79 Neanderthals were not apes. Not any more than homo sapiens are apes.
Liar. As previously mentioned the question of heritage has been answered. It’s oral tradition family history. It didn’t cost her an election or anything politically.
Yes, because Massachusetts DUMMOCRETIN love their lying DUMMOCRETIN candidates too. Oral tradition family history? All she needed to do is get the marker on a certain chromosome identified you moron!
Only assholes keep bringing up a line of attack that no one cares about except their fellow assholes. And gong to ‘Pocahontas’ is about as clever as saying “more chins than a Chinese phone book”. Casual racism, it’s as AmericanRepublican as apple pie.
Oh the Cherokee nation is really upset. Puddy gave you multiple links of their concerns around Warren and how she used her fake “Native American” status to get national coverage. You chose not to read any of them ya smegma covered schmuck.
No matter how many times you try to change the subject you lied about your source. You could have just admitted a mistake but no. You doubled down and kept lying and lying and lying.
Apparently you didn’t read the response Puddy gave you. Why not ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay? Oh wait… that would mean you admit to the crazed databaze and that’s way beneath your “class”. No Puddy didn’t keep lying and lying and lying. You just missed it; maybe just another reading mix-up like in Congressman Mike Rogers names eh checkmate?
FACTS are FACTS and you can’t prove any of PuddyFACTS wrong on Fauxcohantas!
Sux to be chackmate. Those train wrecks are way more common these days. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@79 Homo neanderthalensis. A species or subspecies of human in genus homo. Not an ape.
Some Geico spokes people want to speak with you.
Wow who would have thunk that? Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the judge for United States District Court for the Southern District of California, the man chosen presiding over the Trump University class-action lawsuit, is a big time member of the La Raza!
This should make the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS happy.
So let’s review some salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS La Raza facts…
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
Seems now you have a judge who thinks like you!
Mark Adams @90,
The HHTL moron doesn’t understand that subtle difference! His tongue is his “brain”. If he can’t lick it he can’t figger it out.
Here you go!
The liar is amazing.
“Yep, as a little girl momma told me I was part Cherokee. Grandma too. She told those stories even now that I’m an adult. But you know what? I don’t believe them. I think I’ll get a DNA test make sure.”
Exodus 20:12…Honor what?
Oh dear God, someone born in Oklahoma was told by her family that she is part Cherokee. THIS ™
The rest, TLDR.
Elizabeth Warren is a sitting senator while you are simply a liar behind a keyboard who apparently believes a line items in her bio that is probably not true but was oral family tradition is the sole reason Elizabeth Warren got elected.
Poor checkmate. Using the Biblical refererences when it doesn’t believe what the Book quotes. This is why Puddy ignores your pleas!
Belief comes with action checkmate. That is also in the Book you choose to ignore 167.75 hours each week. Your 15 minutes of Biblical fame.
Massachusetts is big time DUMMOCRETIN. They too love their liars. You seem to forget Puddy reads every one of your “entries”. You still have not read the Cherokee Nation response where there is no entry of her heritage or the people she claims to have in her family tree. Also they are curious why she has not taken up the Cherokee causes as senator or even as a professor.
So keep screaming checkmate. This all came about because you got upset Trump called her Pocahontas. Notice Warren has shut up. If she was really a Cherokee, she would prove it to shut up Trump. Where’s da beef checkmate? Warren has no beef. It’s all pork! And you continue to cause train wrecks changing the track when your facts meet PuddyFACTS!
Another of your Mike Rogers moments gone extremely wrong! Fauxcohantas is your hero. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Myself. You know what I bet never ever happens.
Grade school kid in East Enid Central Elementary school.
“I’m part Cherokee.”
School nurse.
“I’m going to need to scrape some cells from the inside of your cheek.”
I imagine on St. Patrick’s Day when
PiddlesThe Liar sees someone with a t-shirt that says 100% Irish he seethes with rage and demands they take a DNA test. I saw a white kid a Folk Life with a shirt on that said Rastafarian. Should I just challenge him to a duel if he can’t tell me much about Haile Selassie?Too Damn Funny.
Look everybody, I have a fan. I have a guy who just can’t wait for my latest publication!
I’m truly honored.
Uh, no. I already know Trump is a racist and an asshole who isn’t going to be president. All this came up because you lied, pretty convincingly intentionally now about how you found something on a “libtard” site when you knew damn well you found it on a right wing knuckle dragging site.
Trumpty Dumbty wants a big wall
Trumpty Dumbty will have a catastrophic fall
All the Klan’s horses and all the Klan’s men
Couldn’t put Trumpty Dumbty together again.
Notice everyone the change in tactics from checkmate above. Three train wrecks.
The Cherokee Nation thinks Elizabeth Fauxcohantas Warren is also a Native American racist. If you READ the Cherokee links Puddy gave you you’d learn this FACT! Butt you like being a LIV in everything for so many years.
Sux to be checkmate… Oh yeah don’t get a swelled head. Puddy even reads the vomit producer and the Oregon moron! R senile is for comedy only!
Drumpf flip-flops again and — who would’ve guessed? — lies about doing so.
Very well put.
Clearly part of that lying Fuckwad’s performance art shtick is the insistence that objective truth does not exist independent of source bias. Tell it the sky is blue, it shrieks with pain demanding a source (as if the rest of us live to take orders from superstitious liars). Give it a source, and you merely unleash yet another comment thread hijacking devoted to attacking your sources.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Fuckwad Groundhog Day.
I wish you good luck. But you’re wasting your time. You’ve pinned it. You’ve got the three count. The ref is raising your hand aloft. But look yonder and there’s the idiot Fuckwad sprinting around the gym, knocking over chairs, pointing skyward to his invisible sky-buddy, and demanding another round.
Caught posting a racist joke about Obama on Facebook, these Colorado Republicans claim a hacker did it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republican personal responsibility in action. Meanwhile Puddy, a traitor to his race, continues to support this party with every twisted fiber of his being.
@102 I wonder if Fuckwad is a committee or collective of some sort.
yeah, except not so much. The actual owner of the account, the Chairwoman of the Colorado county Republicans, acknowledged posting it to her timeline, said it was a joke, and said she really didn’t care if anyone was offended by it.
Rule of barn doors and horses.
Since the story went national, she’s been in hiding. And someone needs to explain to the rest of her colleagues that Trump’s trusted “technical glitch” excuse doesn’t work when you’ve already confessed.
Well, okay. But after all she is a Mexican.
Plus, also, probably belongs to la Raza, and stuff.
It’s only June 2nd and the press is starting to do their job. There is no prevarication even though CNN doesn’t use the word lie.
That fire is going to get really hot come September. Having a press conference and berating the reporters covering your campaign and calling them childish names for actually fact checking and reporting isn’t going to cut it.
“I never said women who have an abortion should be punished.”
Yeah, you did.
“I never cheated on my taxes. I never said a 50 million dollar golf course was worth less than 50 million.”
Yeah, you did.
“I never took a tax credit that I can’t get if I make what the millions I say I make.”
Yeah you did.
“O.K. Then, I never said I make more than $500k/yr.”
Yeah, you did.
“I never said I was a multi-muliti-billionaire.”
Yeah you did.
“I never said I would would bomb the shit out of anybody.”
Yeah, you did.
“I never said I don’t want black people handling my money.”
Yeah you did.
“I never said guys with Yarmulkes make great accountants.”
Yeah you did.
“I never imagined aloud on TV that it would be nice if a contestant dropped to her knees.”
Yeah you did.
“I never said breast feeding women are disgusting.”
Yeah you did.
“I never said Mexicans immigrants are rapists.”
Yeah, you did.
“I never said I’d be president.”
@105 “Trump’s trusted ‘technical glitch’ excuse doesn’t work when you’ve already confessed.”
If they were smart they wouldn’t be Republicans in the first place.
Dumb enough to not only deny something they’ve already confessed to, but to make false claims of federal crimes in the process and to commit libel against a prominent national not-for-profit in doing so.
Now some of that money that might have gone toward Republican GOTV will have to be spent on lawyers instead. They just can’t help fucking themselves.
@107 Amazingly, well over 40% of the country — perhaps nearly 50% — will vote for him anyway. They’re so hungry for a Great Leader, Fuhrer, or Baghwan to follow, none of these people give a hoot about his dishonesty, racism, lies, frauds, bankruptcies, womanizing, flip-flops, inexperience, or ignorance of public policy. All Drumpf needs to do to win them over is paint himself as a messiah.
This is pretty pathetic, if true. It would be like asking how many woman a white college preppy frat boys can rape with only 3″ of a stiff dick, an given that each woman’s vagina was 18″ deep.
But I do like challenges even if I am bad at that them. What is the answer to guestion #1? Is it 2 and some fraction or 13/30? I hate trick question – it’s not that I can’t do 2ng grade math, just have a 1st grade level of comprehension when trying to be tricked or if given a tongue twister. Died the fact that he only shoots at 40% hit ratio have anything to do with the answer.
This is pathetic at all levels. No wonder people don’t know what state neighbors theirs.
@82 What politician or business person or any individual thinks that they aren’t above the rules except for the hypocracy of yourself?
Reiteration of a previous story
Foxconn replaces ‘60,000 factory workers with robots’
“Former McDonald’s chief executive Ed Rensi recently told the US’s Fox Business programme a minimum-wage increase to $15 an hour would make companies consider robot workers.
“It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who is inefficient, making $15 an hour bagging French fries,” he said.”
I did not know the foxcon workers made $15 an hour.
Or $7.50, or $2.00 or any price once the tech is matured.
By the way, the overpaid FoxxConn employees?
“Now, let’s go to Foxconn. A typical Foxconn employee on the assembly line makes anywhere from 1,500 renminbi to 2,200 renminbi a month, based on 160 hours of work. At that salary, the wage ranges between $1.50 and $2.20 an hour, based on the exchange rate of 6.3 renminbi to the dollar.”
And the hits just keep on coming. The Trump University Fraud suit now has the stink of bribery to it.
Trump has a real problem I’ve described before. Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate but she’s been in the public eye for decades. There is not much new earth to turn so to speak.
Trump on the other hand is just a guy who turned daddy’s fortune to nearly broke to bailed out by bankruptcy to a large sum of cash and a reality TV show. But now the bright lights are on. Things that have been reported by small NYC and Business trade press previously are just now getting wider play. It will continue to happen.
The negatives for Clinton are pretty solid but the negatives on Trump have plenty of room for growth.
and grow they will, since it is in the basic nature of the candidate as well as his campaign staff to lash out, deny, and cover up – the precise opposite of damage control 101.
Clinton certainly engaged in a bit of this early in her national career. But she’s grown with practice and now practices control of timing, setting, and measured response to curate the effect of media scandals. And as you rightly point out, those scandals have grown very stale and boring with the passage of years (and right wing lunacy). But Trump is bleeding fresh meat. And that’s what media careers are built on.
Do Tough On Crime Republicans ever tire of being wrong all the time?
California has greatly reduced the prison population in the state since 2011 by releasing some on parole early, reducing sentencing guidelines and reclassifying certain non-violent offenses as misdemeanors.
California’s Republican caucus of course wrung their hands and assured that “Your all going to die, die, die!” if we let people out and crime is going to Skyrocket, “Mark My Words!”
Along the way the state saved almost half a billion dollars but what’s a little government spending reduction and efficiency to a Republican.
Take it away Glendale Police Chief Ronald De Pompa
well then, if it’s not the dirty hippie liberals giving Willie Horton the keys to the Sorority house, then it must be
This popped up in my Facebook feed, shared by a friend today and while I take the source website with several grains of Kosher salt, you know the course type, it’s too fun not to share.
Top Ten Reasons to Doubt Trump is Even a Billionaire”
simpler than all that.
We are just that racist. That’s who America is.
Now would be a really great opportunity to look at that more closely than we have in about fifty years.
But I’m thinking we’ll just say “fuck it” and watch the Roots remake instead. Yay us!
I have policy issues with the President but I seriously don’t think there will be another President in my lifetime I find more interesting as a person in the world. He can throw shade like a pro, He homebrews beer in the White House, he catches flies with his bare hands and says “Daniel-san?”, He likes hip-hop, He reads Jhumpa Lahiri, sings Al Green, loves a $5 plate lunch and is probably the only president who would eat Spam Musubi and he could totally rock your party if he wanted to.
I don’t know a lot about Elon Musk, such as his political leanings and perspectives, but this guy should be running for President.
He’s like the only one looking to the future, while everyone bickers about everything else in life.
Not sure I even care about going to Mars, but fuck this guy has aspirations and dreams and progressive ideas. Beats any fucking stupid fucking asshole Republican or politician (mostly Republican and Libertarian and Noah Ark Builders that do nothing but wait for Zika and Ebola and the end of the world).
Et tu, Pablo?
House Speaker Paul Ryan says he’s voting for Donald Trump
Your move, Mitt.
el Douche now promises he’s going to strike back at the President for daring to challenge his empty promises. But as of yet, Donald Duck a l’Orange hasn’t found his footing with President Obama.
If nothing else, Trump knows himself, even if he chooses to lie about himself pretty much constantly. I think Trump realizes that his extemporaneous volubility can be dangerous at times. I think he also realizes that there still remain a few trip wires where race, power, and high elected office are concerned. So it may take him some time to find an angle of attack that he’s comfortable with. Then again, maybe he’ll just go off on twitter late at night and then blame it all on “hackers”. Yep. Probably that last one.
That ought to be fun. Of course, the President will never engage in any kind of direct back and forth with a self-promoting ass-clown like el Douche. Just an artfully precise off hand poke from time to time.
“Trump Delegate Says Current US Leaders May Need to Be “Killed””
“The Constitution should remain, but the people that are abusing it should be, the polite word is, eliminated. The harsh word is killed. And they’re killed by American citizens with weapons.”
That’s the same murderous shit our batshit crazy loon believes. That’s why fancies himself as the disinfectant which kills DUMMOCRETIN SCUM.
@ 124
Hey, Steve, I really enjoyed your dissent the last time Roger Rabbit spewed some version of “Liberals must arm.”.
Just in time for the California Democrat presidential primary:
Clinton tech aide plans to take the Fifth at deposition
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4ASENvQTn
Imagine where Bernie would be if not for the damn emails line he painted himself into a corner with last Fall.
They’ll probably blame this on Obama, too.
who the fuck wouldn’t cite their civil rights?
Jesus h fucking spaghetti monster riding a bike. I sure hope for your sake when they finally catch up to you for all your decades of Medicare fraud, you don’t go pro se.
A private Republican front group founded during the Clinton admin to promote Vince Foster media and legal scandals targeting the Clinton White House files a FOIA suit and wants to depose a private citizen. They’ve been granted standing. They have an active suit. They can name witnesses and depose them. That’s our system. Fuck it. But nobody has to answer their stupid made-up lunatic conspiracy questions. That’s a basic Constitutionally guaranteed right. And since this is a private civil law suit, the plaintiff has no means or authority to compel or negotiate testimony based on a grant of immunity. These is theater for idiots. And Boob is in line for popcorn.
Meanwhile, America’s Worst Sheriff (TM; pat. pend.) takes a step closer to a pink jumpsuit and concrete living quarters.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope they put him in an integrated cell as a race relations learning opportunity.
Not surprising because Pagliano is where the buck is going to stop. Even
PiddlesPartisan Liars know that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin don’t have the IT skills to set up a server, secure or not secure. The person who should have known all the security requirements, all the State Department records keeping requirements and and actually did set up the server is Pagliano.I know y’all have a hard-on for frog marching Hillary and Huma but it ain’t gonna happen. You may get a fairly high-level IT person at the State Department many more years down the road.
You can call Hillary Clinton a lot of things, hell I’ve called her a few of them. But she’s not an IT professional with an understanding of how secure and encrypted networking works.
I’m just trying to prepare you for your inevitable disappointment.
Seems only hours ago I was saying these previously reported but largely overlooked stories are going to start taking a toll. CNN has picked this one up.
“Bitch! Go make me a sammich!” Donald Trump, or words to that effect.
Bitches! All of them bitches.
@ 130
But she’s not an IT professional with an understanding of how secure and encrypted networking works.
So the Rose Mary Woods defense is your plan, CZ?
Ted Kennedy wasn’t a professional race car driver, either. Kept him outta jail.
Also kept him out of the Oval Office.
sorry. Boob already issued a ruling on this.
You’re not allowed to play the lady card anymore.
So sayeth the guy who won’t vote but retains his privilege to bitch about the dirty hippies on his lawn.
I suppose if Pagliano fell on his sword and showed how it is possible to push one button with your index finger while stepping on a Cat-5 that is 8-9 feet away on the floor and thus create a server then your comparison would have merit.
The Pagliano Stretch
@ 134
I won’t vote? That’s what you think I said?
I’m sure I’ll vote and I’m sure it won’t be for Clinton or Trump. Or Sanders, to be complete.
@ 135
Or if Pagliano was told by the State Department in no uncertain terms what was permitted and what was not, and he reported such to Crooked Hillary who demanded that he do what she wanted regardless of State Department policy and existing law, and he shared this information with the FBI under grant of immunity and under oath…
here’s the best part –
Arguing to the media why the judge should continue to allow JW to video tape the deps:
“This video, we believe will be helpful to Judge Sullivan in assessing the witness’ demeanor when asserting the Fifth Amendment and in response to other questions.”
No trial judge has any legal interest in “assessing the witness’ demeanor” when they assert a Constitutionally protected right. That isn’t a question of fact, calling for such an assessment. It’s a question of law. To assert the right, a claimant must be confronted by real and not imaginary or trivial legal hazard of self incrimination. There is an active, ongoing criminal investigation in this very case. Nothing could be more determinative of a claimants right to assert. Claimants “demeanor” has got absolutely nothing to do with it. This is the kind of bullshit they trot out to the legions of propeller head J-school grads that write the news nowadays. Sounds “reasonable”. And who has time to do research or work a beat? These shit-for-brains reporters will just dutifully pass the bullshit along like a press release. Pathetic.
JW want to preserve a video record of these deps because there is literally no other purpose to this lawsuit. They filed so they could take deps. They take deps so they can make video. They make video so they can release them publicly, either intentionally or accidentally (oopsie, so sorry) in order to make them into television ads. The judge has the highest duty to prevent JW from using the federal courts in this way, while still preserving their right to file stupid, theatrical, political slap suits. Which after all, is the business that JW is in and has been for twenty years.
I wonder if I have the discipline to type “Crooked Hillary” each and every time between now and November.
Editorial: Emailing it in: Team Clinton struggles to recover as the FBI primary looms
It certainly seems as if it might be worth the effort.
@ 138
JW want to preserve a video record of these deps because there is literally no other purpose to this lawsuit. They filed so they could take deps. They take deps so they can make video. They make video so they can release them publicly, either intentionally or accidentally (oopsie, so sorry) in order to make them into television ads.
I’m pretty sure Judicial Watch would trade the deps and video for, um………..
… the records they are seeking, DR. Remember those?
You really should look into the proper use of the term “literally”.
anti-hippie, tribalist that you are, undoubtedly you believe she is that criminally inclined. But do you honestly think she is also that stupid? Bear in mind, she graduated from a pretty good law school.
What you describe is a precisely linked criminal conspiracy in which it would be quite easy to obtain a conviction. She orders a staffer to do her bidding. Staffer, uncertain about the legality, obtains clear legal guidance contradicting her orders. Staffer passes along the legal guidance. She gives staffer a direct order to violate the law. If these things had happened you’d have already had your beloved frog march and you’d be busy rebuilding your PC after having all the jism cleansed from the keyboard and cooling fans. Try again. That one belongs on the pages of Vanguard News Network or maybe the Fuckwad’s beloved Newsmax.
Hey, maybe in return Bernie can shout-out to his socialist amigo in Venezuela when he gives his DNC keynote.
Bernie Sanders could become the 45th president of the United States if American elections were “free” and “fair,” Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said in a televised appearance on Tuesday.
During the TV show that aired Tuesday, Maduro called the Vermont senator “our revolutionary friend” and slammed the “archaic” U.S. electoral system that makes it possible for someone like real estate mogul Donald Trump to become president.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4ASc48e71
Timing should be about right.
Really? More documents for the Benghaaaaziiiiiiii!!!!!!
Documents whose discovery by JW will serve absolutely no purpose other than to be made into still more political advertisements?
You make me laugh. It all runs in circles with you guys. Chemtrails, Vince Foster, Benghazi, Huma Abedin, mailbox stickers, gun seizures, Jade Helm, email servers and…
yep right straight back to Benghazi again. I get why the nihilistic tin siding salesmen who run your party traffic in this silly assed shit. But I’ll never understand why credulous fools like you lap it up.
and lap it up you most certainly do.
Nothing like a little banana-commie taint to stir you rubes up, eh?
Liddy and Ollie would be proud.
CNN is now fact checking el Douch in real time on their chyron.
It’s only going to get worse for him.
And following up on el Douche’s flip flop.
Aside from the astonishing promotion of nuclear proliferation, exactly what is el Douche (and all his apologists) arguing here?
If I read him (and his surrogates and staffers), he’s arguing that the U.S. can’t afford to spend as much on defense, and needs to force allies to spend more.
Is that for real (as much as anything else he says)?
Trump is arguing to cut the defense budget “until we can get the economy back on track”?
I’m not gonna waste my time. Without bothering to even look, I know he’s elsewhere promising to increase defense spending. Are Republicans really this dumb?
Where can they go?
Maybe they can find their way to a major state campaign or work their way into a Congressional staff position. But it’s not as if those teams aren’t all being good little Republicans and putting on the sheet and hood “for unity”.
@ 146
Are Republicans really this dumb?
The wisdom of GOP voters isn’t really relevant if Dems hold firm. Shrinking, obsolete party, I keep hearing. Dying party, your ilk is wont to claim. GOP alone doesn’t elect Trump.
You should be directing your question to the true independents, and to Democrats who might cross over.
Wasn’t puddy bleating about proof that trump was just sitting on the charity money?
We await his statement of contrition.
I love The Blue Angels and jet planes in general the power and awe of watching military jets perform pokes at a pleasure center deep in my wiring.
But every five to ten years they crash. They are now at nearly 10% fatality during their time with the program among all pilots ever to fly.
So given how dangerous it is, military jets also being incredibly fuel consumptive and that it’s really just a recruitment tool I would be okay with ending it.
It’s really a matter of time until one of them crashes killing far more people than the pilot.
Show me where I said that. Ask the Arschlock to check the database. You don’t have links fool.
Maniacal Moonbat knows that Puddy is infallible. Show me where I’ve ever been wrong on anything anywhere.
Gotta go pick up my fancy renal car and do my fancy job. Puddy don’t have the time.
Why would I apologize? Puddy don’t need forgiveness for nothin
Sux to be you.
Nuff said.
“…and to Democrats who might cross over.”
What? Has Dr. Krieger finally decanted his Ronald Reagan clones?
Gosh! I’m just scared to death! Were in for it now!
Sort of a canary in a coal mine for Democrats.
Coal miners union backs Republican Portman in Ohio Senate race
The Wednesday announcement through the UMWA’s PAC is a rare endorsement of a Republican for a Senate race from the union.
Democrats’ support for organized labor has historically ensured that the party’s candidates would get the UMWA’s backing, but issues like President Obama’s environmental agenda and its impact on the coal industry have frayed relations with the party.
Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D) is running to replace Portman. The UMWA endorsed Strickland in his 2006 and 2010 gubernatorial runs and has only endorsed Democrats in Ohio races since 2010.
Coal isn’t just WVa and Kentucky. Meanwhile, oil prices are climbing. 70% of Ohio’s electricity needs are met by coal.
Meanwhile libtard professors in action… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7643
Worser gets is wrong again… Such a worse libtard mind
It was checkmate you fool. Start from the beginning. Contrition not coming!
Sux to be worser… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
“Shrinking, obsolete party, I keep hearing. Dying party, your ilk is wont to claim.”
Um, actually, literally, it’s your “ilk” claiming it.
More excuses from Obummer for his economy… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7645
seriously, pay no attention to @156.
Not a thing. Ignore that. I was just kidding. Move along. Nothing to see there. You just keep right on doing exactly what you’ve been doing.
One down and many more university libtards to go… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7635
Seems those pesky union rank and file members like Trump. The union head thugs are upset… http://dailycaller.com/2016/06.....snt-happy/
@ 160
See @ 153
Giving you backup with more FACTS!
DUMMOCRETINS hate FACTS! Just look at checkmate crybaby actions above!
It only took two simple sentences for Edward Snowden to completely eviscerate Heilary Clinton over her private email server use yesterday morning.
Edward Snowden @Snowden Jun 1
Break classification rules for the public’s benefit, and you could be exiled.
Do it for personal benefit, and you could be President.
@ 150
You’re less likely to get a hard-on over transport vehicles than you do with the Blue Angels, CZ, but they are probably every bit as dangerous because they don’t get to train in the friendly skies.
3 Fort Hood, Texas, Soldiers Found Dead After Tactical Vehicle Overturns In Swift Water; 6 Still Missing
Goose didn’t drown in Top Gun, but these three guys probably did today.
This reeeeally isn’t a thing either.
Nor is this.
Growth and opportunity!
A USA Today analysis of federal and state court filings revealed that Trump is involved in so many lawsuits he needs his own court system. Over 3,500 lawsuits in 30 years.
How the NSA punishes whistleblowers! http://www.theguardian.com/us-.....tleblowers
Seems the villians are more “visionary” under Obummer sadministration!
Of course checkmate and others will not read the full article.
Here’s a pretty illuminating timeline revealing the facts about the Trump injured veteran charity scam.
“Trump didn’t hand out the money, lied about handing out the money, got caught not handing out the money, coughed up the money.”
And now he’s running the GOP.
To most decent, honorable, patriotic Americans, some guy who puts his life on the line in order totake down evil narco-terrorists, despite being paid about as much as a high school principal, would be a national hero.
But to fake billionaire wife beater and head of the Republican party, el Douche, he’s merely a “hater” and another rapey “Mexican”.
Well done, GOP. Well done, indeed.
@151. That is spot on. It reads just like puddy except better written.
I found the post where puddy demanded links
that’s the standard piece of shit Fuckwad SOP.
It’s pretty fucking manifest at this point that Trump lied and diverted the money for three months before finally getting called out and scrambling to clean it up. But look, these people put him in charge of their little whites only club. They’ll never acknowledge it was a mistake. They’ll never admit he’s a greedy, lying, corrupt scum. And they’ll certainly never apologize.
It’s all about “unity” now. And every last damn one of them is donning the sheet and hood.
Fascinating. Redstate does NOT like Hillary, but they also don’t like trump.
“I am betting Trump wishes he had run for President years ago. It’s allowed him to identify and target a whole vast, untapped, national market of suckers. And now he has contact information and email addresses for an absolutely enormous number of them.
After this campaign is over, win or lose, Trump’s donor list is going to be the most valuable property on the face of the earth. I bet it sells for tens of millions of dollars. Every two-bit scam artist selling an obvious sham product is going to salivate at the prospect of having at their fingertips the contact information for people who have actually forked over money to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign..”
Or this article.
BREAKING: Paul Ryan To Vote For Donald Trump
Enjoyed this comment
“True conservatives won’t be helping to elect Hillary. Chump’s supporters did that when they latched onto him in their zeal to burn the system to the ground. They chose an uncouth, lying, fraud as their object of adoration, when we told them repeatedly that we will not vote for a Democrat masquerading as a Republican – especially one so uniquely unfit for the highest office in the land.
There is nothing pragmatic about choosing a known liar with a cult following as your candidate, not even when his opponent is equally as vile. The creature has no traits worthy of commendation, and has given zero indication that he would be anything better than Hillary.
If you folks want us to vote for the lying orange clown, you’ll have to do better than the standard “Hillary is worse” line – because that is just not the case. They are both evil.”
Some conservatives still have principles. I doubt they would approve of puddy. Wished he would wake up.
Saw this comment go by
“Trump, pay me or I’ll vote for Hillary!”
Wow worser you can’t even get it right. worser asked –
What the oregon moron farted
The two are not even close…
Try again worser. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
if you’re reading RedState, here’s something to amuse yourself.
Click on Washington State on their “go local” map located on the right side of the home page.
Heh, heh. Washington figures so lowly in their estimation that they don’t even bother to distinguish between the state and the district. Classic. Stories about the Redskins and the Metro. ‘Cause what’s the fuckin’ diff and who cares anyways, right? Just shows you what rubes our trolls are.
@172 It used to be known as the Sucker List, but from now on it’ll be called the Trump List.
@136 “I’m sure I’ll vote and I’m sure it won’t be for Clinton or Trump.”
Okay, he stands technically corrected, but because you’ll be voting for a third-party candidate who has no chance of winning, he’s correct in substance, because that has the same effect as not voting.
@140 Depositions are for the purpose of preserving testimony, not creating baseball trading cards for partisan witch-hunt organizations run by nutjobs.
I got it!
Trump was merely “holding” the money for three months.
He was holding it between his knees!
@153 Herein, Bickle announces that Republicans have captured the pro-coal, anti-planet vote.
Where did worser go?
Coal produced 33% of US electricity as of April 1, 2016
Nate Silver rates the pollsters by their accuracy.
Best: Monmouth, ABC News/Washington Post, Field, Elway
Very Good: SurveyUSA, Marist, Quinnipiac
Good: Ipsos, Fox News, Marquette
Not So Good: Gallup, CNN, SurveyMonkey, Neilson
Crappy: Rasmussen, Zogby
Banned For Faking Results Or Unethical Conduct: Research 2000, TCJ Research, Strategic Vision, Pharos Research Group, Overtime Politics
182 I was working out. It’s a glorious evening to be alive.
The heavy bag gives a great workout!
Translation of @164: Texas is experiencing deadly flooding. Some soldiers in an Army truck were among those swept away by the floods. Meanwhile, a pilot was killed during a Blue Angels practice. It follows that riding in Army trucks is as dangerous as flying for the Blue Angels.
Two of these scumbags are still loose. Betcha they would vote DUMMOCRETIN… http://www.kiro7.com/news/sout...../317937615
Puddy noticed this was missing on HA DUMMOCRETINS… Just blacks killing blacks eh suckas? No compassion from Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats.
And you wonder why I deliver the vitriol about you ASSes every day? This is why! I have friends who knew Lorenzo! That’s right I used I here!
Wait for something stupid… Missed by Dr Obnoxious and the Oregon moron. Cheered by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS because it hates blacks!
I’m told that one of our Trump supporters, Grace Tilly the lovely young lady from North Carolina featured on PBS, adorned herself with multiple white supremacist tattoos because she also lost someone dear to her at the hands of those animal thug super predators.
Here at the Trump organization, we feel your pain.
The Mariners won their game against the Padres tonight with a 14-run rally in the 6th and 7th innings after being down 12-2 after the 5th inning. The final score was 16-13.
I’m sure that the Republican’s intention in going after judge Curiel is to intimidate him, But I’m guessing that wont do very much at all.
This is, after all, a guy who faced down the Arellano-Felix narco terrorist cartel and crushed them. I doubt he’s going to give serious consideration to the sort of whinging paper tiger troll-bots and pearl clutching “aggrieved” cry babies the GOP have become these days. Trump and his minions can threaten till they’re blue in the face.
@191 It’s awfully tough to bully a federal judge. They’re appointed for life, so the only practical way a President Trump could get him off that bench is by appointing him to a higher court.
Drumpf bribes judges, when he isn’t offering them blowjobs.
There is no better way to motivate, inspire, educate, and lift-up Someone, than to tell them they suck, rape, and worthless. Welcome to the GOP
Is is being hypocritical to be outraged that liberals are not more upset about black on black crime, when conservatives are the ones who block efforts like, but not limited to, jobs programs, food stamps, family support, family planning, sex education, reasonable gun regulations, drug and alcohol treatment programs, drug reform, and funding to schools?
So if you are outraged by black on black crime, rage to your community first that won’t lift a finger, or more importantly, tax themselves another dime, to change the conditions that cause it.
Moronic twit @189.
Grace Tilly said :”are not representative of neo-Nazi positions but are connected to her family’s Celtic religious beliefs.”
Good try imposter. Another “raw story”? Keep reading DUMMOCRETIN generated swill.
I have some Celtic beliefs too.
Well what do you expect in Bexar County… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....horts.html
State Representatives
3 Republican
County Commissioners
2 Republican
County Judges
12 Republican
I truly think people are stupid.
Read an article on the Tilley family. It was short story but the son said that he supports Drumpf because he use to have a job that paid much better untill the immigrants took all the job and wants the wall.
I don’t understand how these idiots blame the immigrants and not the employers for demanding the cheaper labor.
I mean it would be like me taking my left hand and banging my right hand with a hammer and then blaming my left hand and not my brain.
Shorter: they support El Douche because they are racists and white supremacists.
Dont be trolled. The tats on that Republican campaign worker in the PBS doc are white supremacist iconography straight off of Stormfront. The Odin cross is the logo for Stormfront, first popularized among northern States branches of the KKK nearly a century ago. The stylized rendering of the number 88 is the most popular of many numerical symbols important to the white supremacist movement. It is intended to honor Adolph Hitler. Republicans love them some race hatred.
At the time he was prosecuting the Arellano-Felix cases, Curiel would have been very familiar with the history of attacks and murders of US Attorneys and judges. Tom Wales certainly comes to mind.
The point is compared to a heroic American like Gonzalo Curiel, Donald Trump is Smeagol. This is how donning the sheet and hood destroys the Republican party. When they attack really honorable, heroic public servants for their race and ethnicity they demonstrate that they hate Americans for our values.
@201 – good advice, but I don’t want you to think I am naïve…I was being sarcastic, and I really wanted to add to what I said, but I felt it was inappropriate (politically Incorrect) so held back. Was hoping it would be clear enough that I was being sarcastic as clearly as Puffy was being a fucking moron.
@92 This coming from someone for whom Evolution doesn’t exist. Or will argue Neanderthals and Unicorns didn’t make it to the arc. Sorry you have no authority on this subject. You cannot speak on what you don’t and cannot believe in. You cannot believe in them as they are not in the Bible. Not mentioned, ect. Of course this is why you all just love home schooling as it prevents exposing your children to the real world.
You don’t have Geico insurance and if you do obviously you need to go change insurance companies.
@95 Ummm so assuming what you are saying is remotely true what difference does it make as there are few if any members of the Cherokee Nation who vote in Massachusetts.
I’m sure some members of the Nation are still upset over this video:
Perhaps they are thin skinned, or they justifiable should have been upset. Didn’t seem to hurt Cher’s career at all. As they say in Hollywood the worst thing is no buzz.
@104 I’m leaning toward collective. He mentioned Star Trek recently but the original series. This is problematic as the Borg Collective is in the New Generation. The New Generation did crossover and there is one where the Borg do try to go back in time. My whole proof is based totally on fiction (much of the Bible is as well) and it’s flimsy, but the characterization does seem to fit.
@113 It does appear they have thought about replacing workers with robots. Of course he can’t show you the robot that can bag fries, let along make the fries and clean the cooker not at $35,000 or even at $3,500,000 so burger flippers and fries maker jobs maybe safe.
Seems some chefs could be replaced with robots. Gives Iron Chef a totally different meaning.
@129 There is a slim chance the Feds could prosecute, but it’s pretty slim.
Hmmm wonder if he’s on Trump’s list of VP or Supreme Court candidates.
Of course this guy is one reason why a guy like Donald Trump could be our next President.
And that other guy Ronald Reagan. Hilliary brought out the Carter playbook and you all know how well that went.
@130 Problem is ultimately it’s not a pure IT or secure IT issue or encrypted or unencrypted issue. All of these individuals had to read and sign the same documents to have a security clearance, and the it’s the signals portion that they all agreed to abide by and for the post part those rules apply to IT experts and non experts. It’s all about how classified material is supposed to be handled. Looks like one person knows he’s about to be royally screwed and is doing the smart thing and taking the fifth.
Of course folks who think they can say hey we got Secret Service protection and that covers all this might not recognize they have a problem. Of course the Clintons were light weights in the security stuff during both administrations and it’s not likely Bill or Hilliary would ever have gotten a security clearance if Bill had not been elected and the same goes for a large number of their appointees and others. While they pushed against the security apparatus which was a good thing I do remember the Clinton years being a security nightmare.
@111 It’s not a math problem, but a legal question. It all depends on how a states law on rape is written. If a man can’t get it up and is unable to penetrate a prosecutor in some states may have a problem with a charge of 1st degree rape. He maybe able to go for 2nd or 3rd degree or a misdemeanor charge of some type. Or an assault charge as that can include just touching.
Of course tracking how long an offender should be in prison involves some math. When the system fails (and this also means failing the felon) and lets felons out way early there will be political math, and most likely financial math during civil cases when the state is sued. So keep practicing those math skills.
@135 Government workers would never take two 6 foot patch cords and make a 12 foot patch cord. Nope never would happen. Of course Mr. Pagliano might just be a software guy and have no clue how to do that. Some folks in the Secret Service do though and some are pretty good at evesdropping into telecommunication systems. None of those folks would ever be on a Presidential or former President squad.
@138 This is the FOIA case and this judge knows FOIA. FOIA is about transparency in government and many politicians don’t like that, and have been tripped up by FOIA and folks who think politicians must actually follow the law. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the judge having the depositions video tapped as that is pretty regular for such proceedings to be recorded in some manner even if the Deposition is going to just be one long I’m taking the fifth. Not following the law and keeping the required records is of course a violation of the law. It can lead to such judges telling some folks I don’t care how classified you say it’s produce it, and I will make a decision, and don’t be surprised the information becomes part of the public record because you choose not to follow the legal requirements.
FOIA judges are feared and hated as some of them do the right things and it doesn’t matter the party affiliation of the officials in front of them. So they may never make it onto a higher court, and they probably should as then we would have more justice.
For Drumpf babbling jackass. Your beloved Drumpf appeals to the uneducated. It’s a FACT.
Like they would vote for Hillary or Bernie. Moron.
Two 16 year olds. That’s freaking sad. They won’t get far and their life is almost over before it began. They can make it out but the odds are highly stacked. This is a tragedy all around.
Typical of you to fantasize about the politics of 16 year olds who’ve fallen into violent crime. Typical of you to blame it on the politics of your political adversaries.
Typical of a shithead like you.