I love reading about the progress of the Angel Lake Station. It’s both that light rail is inching further along, and that I’m excited to go wander around Angel Lake. When I have a free weekend day, I love just hopping on the rail, getting to a station, and wandering around, aimlessly. I can, and do, do that with buses, but it’s not the same.
Repukes are convening yet another hearing on Hillary’s emails. Milk that cow for all she’s got, baby!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Aren’t these the same people who claimed Petraeus was persecuted?
White cops, black guy, deep south, same old.
DUMMOCRETINS are chameleons
DUMMOCRETINS are wife cheaters
DUMMOCRETINS are whores for big money
DUMMOCRETINS are only into religion as needed
DUMMOCRETINS are whores to the highest bidder
DUMMOCRETINS are haters of people whom own guns
DUMMOCRETINS are reckless with top super secret documents
DUMMOCRETINS are against rules that stop them from being naturally slimy
We need those immigrants because Americans can’t afford to have kids anymore. Without immigrants, America will depopulate in one generation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s okay with my species if there’s nothing left on this continent except rabbits and deer.
Congressional DUMMOCRETINS ignore Chicago…
Week in Progress (7/3 – 7/9)
Shot & Killed: 6
Shot & Wounded: 56
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 6
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 9
Shot & Wounded: 73
Total Shot: 82
Total Homicides: 10
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 307
Shot & Wounded: 1746
Total Shot: 2053
Total Homicides: 341
This seems like a reasonable question:
If you belong to a minority group and you openly support a candidate for President who directly and routinely mocks or denigrates that group, do you lose your right to complain about it when others do it?
What happens to the causes of fighting anti-Semitism, misogyny, racism, etc, when some important leaders in those causes get behind
SatanCheeto Jesus? Are the effects individualized? Or do we as a society generally become less qualified to fight for those causes?@3 It’s about time. I’ve argued for years that Democrats need to behave more like Republicans. It’s a competitive world!
@6 I refuse to accept any responsibility for Trump or his followers. I did my best to keep these critters in their cages, but someone let them out over my objections. My hands are clean.
It’s Angle Lake, not Angel Lake. I only found this out myself a week or so ago and I real the Seattle Transit Blog daily.
All those email lies identified. checkmate head explodes.
You know the drill and the sound!
@10 Milk that cow! No charges! No criminal wrongdoing!
Yeah, we know the drill. Whitewater! Vince Foster! Mena Airport! Paul Jones and Monica Lewinsky! Benghazi! Emails! Clinton Foundation! Net result: America’s first husband-and-wife POTUSes. Only real question is how many House and Senate seats the GOP will lose in November.
Oh the commercials R senile @11. Careless Crooked Heilary will have NO comeback! All those lies will be exposed!
DAYUM U R a senile wabbit!
Highest Bidder
That’s why Puddy posted #3 R senile. And you are a senile as ever!
Ohhh my – Liberal man Bill Clinton is not the only one that likes to get frisky with the Womenz……seems like Republicans do too, but that they just like to lie, cheat and steal about it….
Ohhhhh My!
I hate to even post something like I did at @15, on a day when there is much more important news like the black kid/guy getting killed by cop in Louisiana.
Puffy is a liar
Puffy is a chameleon
Puffy is a sitting a tree with Milos and not his ho
Puffy is a whores for big money
Puffy pretends to be religious
Puffy is a whore to the Goats
Puffy hates all people
Puffy supports war by Republicans that are reckless and kill American Servicemen and Women
Puffy is against using any intelligent life to make any decisions in the world
Puffy is a Moron
Puffy is brain dead
@7 Fight Fire with Fire.
It’s not pretty or what your normal instinct would be for anyone but a Neanderthal, but think of it as Chemotherapy to Cancer. Chemo isn’t what you want to go thru but its the only way to battle the cancer that Right Wing Conservative and the fake Evangelicals are.
@5. Congressional DUMMOCRETINS ignore Chicago
Here’s a thought experiment for you puddy.
You get to be both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Nothing else is different, just you swapped with the republicans running congress.
Now, What would YOU do, to stop black on black violence in Chicago?
Be specific.
We will provide feedback how effective or successful we think those laws would be or if they could be enacted. It will be especially interesting to explore how the NRA would respond to your ideas.
Or do you just want to attempt to cast blame the Democratic Party for the failures of the republicans in charge?
Sorry Puffy, aside from the equal value loss of a life, there is a difference between two individuals killing each other and a cop killing a black man when not in self defense.
One is a reflection of society and the individual and the later is corruption and abuse of power and down right genocidal.
Not sure how many are being killed in Africa or Asia, but you don’t seem to ever talk about that – all you want to talk about is Chicago. And you are trying to infer that Democrats really don’t care about a cop killing over what is happening in Chicago.
False equivalence to say that both should get the same reaction.
You see, your hypocrisy bites you in the ass again.
Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson sues Roger Ailes for sexual harassment
“The lawsuit alleges that Ailes repeatedly “injected sexual and/or sexist comments” into conversations; made “sexual advances by various means;” and said to her last September, “I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.” ”
I’m sure fox will be fair and balanced in it’s coverage of this.
Still, when I went to their site, they had nothing on it. Not even in breaking news. Weird.
Just to put an exclamation point on how stupid RepubliKKKlans are, they always double and triple down on their stupidity. How many votes against the ACA have they wasted their time on? How many useless hearings have they conducted against both Clintons? Planned Parenthood? Trickle down wreconomics? Ad nauseam. All they ever prove is how ignorant they are.
Yep, the appropriate level of yawn. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/
Clinton Email
Phoenix’s largest paper, below the fold
Denver Post, “FBI: No Charges for Clinton”
Colorado Springs Gazette (deep red country) below the fold, “Analysis: FBI Rebuke leaves Heavy Cloud Over Clinton”
Ft. Collin Coloradan, not on the front page
WaPo, “FBI, Clinton Careless not Criminal”
Sarasota Herald, (frothing red part of the state) “No Charges for Clinton”
Pensacola News Journal (frothing red part of the state) not even on the front page
Orlando Sentinal – “Clinton not charged but called Careless”
De Moines Register – “No Charges but email use ‘Careless”
Kalamzoo/Grand Rapids Gazette – Not on the front page
Fayetteville Observer (NC) Careless not Criminal, FBI recommends against charges in Clinton E-mail
Winston-Salem Journal, “Trump says system rigged for Clinton” (nothing like a tin foil hat headline) BTW, Saddam made the trains run on time or something
Las VEgas Sun – Not on the front page’
Pittsburgh Post Gazette – “FBI: NO Charges Against Clinton”
Philadelphia Inquirer – “FBI find Carelessness not Crime”
USA today, Above the fold headline is Trump, “Casinos had Multiple Run Ins with Rules” Smaller headline to the left, “Clinton Not Quite in the Clear”
Yep, after a year of “Hillary for Prison” “Treason” “Above the Law” people waiting for the bus or standing in line for coffee in these swing-y states learned today that the “BIGGEST SCANDAL YET OF HILLARY CLINTON’S LIFE” is not criminal at all.
Sorry Liar. how do you say, “sux to be you?”
This from a church that for decades turned a blind eye to its own pedophile priests:
“The leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia says divorced and remarried parishioners should abstain from sex and live ‘like brother and sister’ if they want to receive Holy Communion and haven’t had their previous marriage annulled.”
Good luck with that. No wonder nobody attends mass anymore.
Meanwhile, Faux Noise boss Roger Ailes got hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit yesterday.
So while the mouth breathing contingent who never were going to vote for Clinton try to spin “No Charges” into, “She’s a Criminal” rational people who know the big outline say, “Wait, the FBI says she isn’t. Are you a conspiracy nutjob?”
@13 What commercials? You guys have no commercials, nor any money to pay for them. Your candidate was last sighted selling pencils on a street corner in Bronx.
@14 All of which is rendered irrelevant by your party’s choice of a nominee. Real smart, guys. Have you figured out yet that it didn’t matter whether Hillary was indicted? She’s the only alternative to Adolf Drumpf.
@16 The FBI is now in the case.
@19 In fact, efforts are being made to reduce Chicago’s violence. Police say, “what our research shows is that it’s only about half a percent to two percent of the population that’s responsible for about 70 to 80 percent of our serious violence.” That helps make the problem more manageable, because if the city can get these youths out of the gang cycle through outreach efforts, that likely would have a substantial impact on the homicide rate.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, while Piddles makes useless noise, intelligent people are doing something constructive about it.
And with the chance, the one chance to maybe do some real damage, The “Winner” Republican nominee first went with, “The System is rigged” then went full Birther with “She bribed The Attorney General (who I guess in turn bribed the Republican head of the FBI)” and then went fully off the rails (trains on time, see what I did there) with “Saddam was good at killing Terrorists.”
Follow up on that thought, flashback to about a decade ago. Was it better to have the no-fly zones in place and a really bad guy as essentially the Mayor of Baghdad and a stable secular country and thousands of U.S. soldiers alive and trillions of dollars still in the treasury rather than a middle eastern country in full-blown civil war with the various Islamic sects fighting each other for control leaving an group like ISIS plenty of territory and recruitment?
@20 Meanwhile, the city government is undertaking meaningful police reforms, starting with a new police chief and a laundry list of reform measures. If Piddles every picked up a newspaper, he’d be aware of these efforts. When he posts about this topic in HA comment threads, all you get is the bleating sound of ignorance.
Yet another Republican decides he doesn’t want to be on the same ticket with Adolf.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe Drumpf can still get Ted Nugent?
@ 16, 29
Anyone else hear, “He’s going in his pocket! He’s got a gun!” before the shots were fired?
A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Clinton 13 points ahead of Drumpf BEFORE the FBI announced to the world it won’t recommend criminal charges against Clinton.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What this suggest to me is that voters would have chosen an indicted Hillary over a racist, sexist, lying deadbeat blowhard who might morph into a Hitler. Now that Clinton is in the clear, it’ll be interesting (to say the least) what the next poll shows.
@34 I see a black guy laying on his back with two white cops sitting on top of him. I don’t see is a gun pointed at a cop. In fact, I don’t see a gun at all. Maybe he had one. Maybe he reached for it. I don’t know. I saw a cop sitting on a prone man shoot the man in the chest at point-blank range. The point is, Boob, white suspects don’t get shot like this. It only seems to happen to black guys, with dismaying regularity, especially in southern third-world shitholes like Louisiana.
@31 I think we can safely conclude the chimpanzee in charge of our foreign policy at the time didn’t think that all the way through.
And now Joni Ernst is out too. Hey anybody got Alan West’s number? Won’t take my call. Sarah Palin sounds good. David Duke tanned, rested, ready to serve. Dan Quayle? Experience you can count on.
Crazy Drunken Republican Uncle™:
“This is the biggest criminal conspiracy in the history of the world. She sold our national security to terrorists! She’s a traitor!”
Maybe they were just careless.
Crazy Drunken Republican Uncle™:
Fool! Apologist! She’s corrupt through and through! She’s in league with the forces of evil! She committed high crimes against our national security!
How can you be so sure? Is there any evidence of such claims?
Crazy Drunken Republican Uncle™:
Evidence? Proof! PROOOOOF! She evades! She’s not cooperative! GUUUIIIILTY!!!!
I think she’s just doing what all lawyers do.
Crazy Drunken Republican Uncle™:
People with nothing to hide, HIDE NOTHING! She’ll be indicted before the year is out!
I think you’re overreacting. I think she was probably just technologically clueless, and careless. Asking prosecutors to prove their case without your help is not unreasonable.
Crazy Drunken Republican Uncle™:
She’ll be in prison by the end of next year! BENGHAAAAZIIIII!!!
James Comey:
“She was careless.”
DAYUM that R senile is really senile. Another deflection and train wreck!
Where is the hue and cry from Congressional DUMMOCRETINS R senile over Chicago? That’s what Puddy asked. You never answer the direct question. Instead you deliver BULLSHITTIUM responses changing the subject. Ineffective senile answers!
Again R senile… Congressional DUMMOCRETINS! Wait for it… BULLSHITTIUM will flow from R senile fingers.
aside from the equal value loss of a life, there is a difference between two individuals killing each other and a cop killing a black man when not in self defense.
Another deflection by HHTL. Where did Puddy discuss the killing in Louisiana? Did a hanging human tea bag get caught in your throat HHTL? The Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are screaming about Orlando. They are not screaming about Chicago.
DAYUM, you HA DUMMOCRETIN fools can’t even stay on topic. Gotta jump all over to deflect from Congressional DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooooooopifity!
Wait for it…
Once again Scumwad Harry Reid and Senate DUMMOCRETINS hate Real Americans, Once again blocked a vote on Kate’s Law!
DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! DUMMOCRETINS love to not enforce US laws!
@19 and 40.
Again puddy, how would you have congress stop ignoring Chicago black on black murders?
You rail that they are not doing anything, what would you have them do? Be specific unless you are just here to shoot squid ink.
If @40 is your final answer, you would be fine if the republicans in congress did nothing but wail and moan over the deaths. I single out the republicans since they control congress, not the democrats. You don’t need the republicans actually try to pass any laws, just give lip service that it’s happen and some one else should do something about it? That reminds me of you.
I had to throw up after reading Roger Ailes and sex in the same sentence.
Hey anybody got Alan West’s number? Won’t take my call.
Maybe because Lt Colonel Allen West, military hero, knows checkmate is a northwest ASShole!
Hey Boob – how about you help out Drumpf and get on the ticket with him!?
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS in action… https://twitter.com/hashtag/snowplowinJuly?src=hash
@34 I don’t feel like watching someone getting shot. Call me squeamish…..so next time Boob (if you know that you are being recorded and video taped) scream out hey look it’s raining out, right before you pick pocket someone., even if it is sunny out.
Now – I’m not suggesting that something didn’t happen, especially when I don’t want to watch the video, but arent’ the cops a little too happy to pull the trigger today on any black individual, when a white individual gets a little less than a bullet?
Shouldn’t you actually have to see a gun first before thinking that he might have one? And one pointed at you?
Look he’s going for a gun in his pocket…….oh it was only skittles.
I see that the psycho loon is back, barking orders at everyone, demanding that everybody obey him. LMFAO! What a loon!
@36 thanks Roger for having a brain….we kind of think alike….not sure you want to be compared to me, but….we kind of replied to the moron the same way.
Can you say DUMMOCRETINS are desperate? http://thesmokinggun.com/docum.....lan-645391
@40 I answered you, you dumbfuck.
I know you are addressing Roger but I answered you.
Orlando and Chicago is false equivalency. Loss of life the same, like no difference whether you or I die or Ronald Reagan dies. No life more valuable than another…but circumstance of the death may be different that have a different outcome in how the death is taken (for lack of better word…and not taken as in taken from this earth).
Seems checkmate and R senile sweep aside The Bern supporters… http://finance.yahoo.com/news/.....25895.html
Wow that was original HHTL!
“He’s going in his pocket! He’s got a gun!”
SOP right along with “Stop resisting” shouted at the suspect who has already suffered a C-4 fracture.
@45 the head exploded there – you could actually see it this time.
@56 another head explosion, masked by a moronic behavior.
HHTL @58,
Yes checkmate’s head exploded! Good call fool!
Orlando and Chicago is false equivalency.
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 9
Shot & Wounded: 73
Total Shot: 82
Total Homicides: 10
2015 July 4th weekend tally: 11 killed, 55 wounded
2014 July 4th weekend tally: 16 killed, 66 wounded
2013 July 4th weekend tally: 15 killed, 63 wounded
Year to date in Chicago
Shot & Killed: 307
Shot & Wounded: 1746
Total Shot: 2053
Total shot and killed: 49
Shot & wounded: 53
Total shot: 102 – Does not include the DUMMOCRETIN fool Omar Mateen!
Seems R senile’s other girlfriend Chelsea Manning tried to commit suicide. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/06/.....index.html
After criticizing Republicans for politicizing the issue, Sanders conceded that the FBI was very tough on Clinton, and it’s the FBI’s job to be “objective” and “fair.” And that the FBI did “what appears to me to be a serious investigation.”
Hmmm… So The Bern has changed his tune about those DAMNED EMAILS!
Again puddy, how would you have congress stop ignoring Chicago black on black murders?
By publicly acknowledging them for a change. Here is the last entry on PMSNBC – 2013 worser http://www.msnbc.com/politicsn.....ck-leaders
And here is the real BULLSHIT not BULLSHITTIUM about how black DUMMOCRETINS react to getting BITCHslapped on national TV! http://mediamatters.org/video/.....ety/211069
Being from the Philadelphia inner city and seeing my first murder at 3 looking out our fourth floor window in a tenement when I was a young un in Philadelphia’s south side, this is sad to Puddy!
So worser your move!
While not getting the joke resigned rather than face court martial Alab West. Tell me your thought on still active duty and willing to stand charges Sgt. Bergdahl.
Alan West cut and run. A coward is The Liars military hero.
“What I’ve also said is that and she has acknowledged that there’s a carelessness, in terms of managing emails, that she recognizes,” – Obummer April 10, 2016
Amazingly James Comey used similar phraseology yesterday!
Assuming all Arabs are terrorists could get you fired and might even land you in jail.
@60 I answere your question and told you why. You obviously don’t understand. Band I’m not going to play your little game. If you have a question with what I wrote then you can ask me and maybe I will help explain it bette, but otherwise keep stating an opinion of your own, you are free to do so.
Alan West cut and run Really checkmate? Puddy uses left wrong sources. Where is the cut and run again checkmate? http://www.politifact.com/flor.....y-investi/
Got proof checkmate? Cut and run eh? Still reading left wrong puke sites? Drinking the warm man juice? Everyone will wait moron!
Allen West… protecting the soldiers in his command.
checkmate… armchair non-military joining judge!
Sux to be checkmate!
Why does checkmate hate the military?
Why does checkmate hate black military officers in high ranking positions?
Why does checkmate hate black officers protecting their soldiers?
Why does checkmate gleefully want American soldiers to be ambushed by the enemy?
HTL Head explosion @67
@40 “Where is the hue and cry from Congressional DUMMOCRETINS R senile over Chicago? That’s what Puddy asked.”
I guess the Democratic sit-in for gun control doesn’t count, huh. Because they’re only asking for gun control in Orlando, not in Chicago or Baton Rouge. Or something like that.
@45 Clearly, LTC West should be in the military, where our nation can utilize his particular talents to their utmost.
@60 I answere your question and told you why.
No you didn’t HHTL?
People dying are people dying.
A crazed DUMMOCRETIN killing 49 at once is different from 49 crazed individuals DUMMOCRETINS killing 49 individuals? They are still dead by guns. Unfortunately those 49 individuals killed 49 others butt to Congressional DUMMOCRETINS that don’t count!
@60 I answere your question and told you why.
No you didn’t HHTL?
People dying are people dying.
A crazed DUMMOCRETIN killing 49 at once is different from 49 crazed individuals DUMMOCRETINS killing 49 individuals? They are still dead by guns. Unfortunately those 49 individuals killed 49 others butt to Congressional DUMMOCRETINS that don’t count!
@55 What do you expect me to do? When America’s top law enforcement agency wraps up a months-long investigation by announcing the suspect didn’t commit a crime it’s hard to argue otherwise.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Will Bunch ✔ @Will_Bunch
In an amazing coincidence, the body cameras fell off BOTH cops before they killed #AltonSterling in Louisiana http://www.wbrz.com/news/one-d.....ter-drive/ …
“Despite what Marcelle was saying, Police Chief D…….. did tell her, according to a PIO, that the body cameras were dangling and that footage is still useful.”
@61 The loon is really desperate for topic material now.
@63 How exactly have you helped to make the situation better?
@65 That’s like two people looking up at the sky and describing its color as blue. The fact they both said “blue” doesn’t mean there’s plagiarism going on.
Tell me again your thoughts on Sgt. Bergdahl…
Well played
@72, 73 Funny, how when the hate-filled loon gets angry, Chrome always causes him to double and triple post.
Benghazi! Chrome! Emails!
Maybe because Lt Colonel Allen West,
military heroconvicted war criminal, knows checkmate is a northwest ASShole!ftfy.
@68 I would argue that accepting an Article 15, $5,000 fine, and involuntary retirement in lieu of a general court martial qualifies as “cut and run.” You don’t defend whatever principle you’re sticking up for by accepting a plea bargain.
@80 As I explained the other day, he eats the chrome, which causes tremors.
Stocks resumed their upward march today, after yesterday’s one-day dip, with the Dow average gaining 78 points. So much for using Brexit to time the market.
On June 24, the day after Brexit, I paid $81.20 for Gilead, a drugmaker; today it’s worth $85.73. Man, I sure love FREE MONEY.
Now, Puddles might argue I was market timing. But he’d be wrong. All I did was buy Gilead when it was cheap. “Cheap” usually (not always) coincides with market declines. When the Dow drops 660 points in one day, and a stock you’re watching hits a 52-week low, chances are you’re buying a cheap stock.
On paper, I’ve made 5.6% in 12 days, which works out to 169.7% a year, or 1,697 times the return Puddles is making on his bank savings. Maybe this helps explain why he still works and I don’t.
“Anyone else hear, “He’s going in his pocket! He’s got a gun!” before the shots were fired?”
“New Video Shows Alton Sterling Wasn’t Holding A Gun When He Was Killed By Police”
Hah! What principle?
West admitted to wrongdoing and agreed to the conditions set forth in his Article 15 including permanently leaving the military. He could no longer be trusted to command. So he was asked to leave quietly. And he agreed to do so.
I guess the Democratic sit-in for gun control doesn’t count, huh
NOPE because their screaming was for Orlando and assault weaponry!
Wow Oregon moron back to reading Puddy Missives again. Couldn’t stay away from FACTS.
Oh Oregon moron, checkmate claimed Real American hero Allen West didn’t cut and ran. That was a total LIE. checkmate loves to LIE when it’s convenient for its silly arguments!
Once again R senile has a warped sense of cut and run @82, while thinking Chelsea Manning is a wonderful hero along with Bowe Bergdahl! It doesn’t matter what R senile thinks. That’s not what the Army thought! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
HA DUMMOCRETINS are real morons!
Doesn’t she realize, she’s going to ruin things for the rest of the FoxBots?
Bowe Bergdahl checkmate?
Bergdhal was charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy by the US Army.
Sux to be checkmate. checkmated again by its own stoooooooooooopidity!
Well played checkmate. What is your next insipid comment?
Meanwhile lets get nostalgic… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....hurch.html
Black Chicago Pastor: Dems ‘Failing’ Us
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 9
Shot & Wounded: 73
Total Shot: 82
Total Homicides: 10
Three more shot, another shot and killed today in Chicago. Nuthin from congressional DUMMOCRETINS
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 75
Total Shot: 85
Total Homicides: 12
I guess Cheeto Jesus just lost Bob Corker too.
Republicans. Bunch of fuckups.
vomit producer @81
Thanks for agreeing checkmate is an ASShole. AMAZING candidness!
Lookin’ more and more like it’s gonna be Newt Gingrich to back up Cheeto Jesus. Wow! That’s inspiring!
Got it. Puddy doesn’t want action on gun violence, he wants the republicans who control congress to talk about it. Maybe a daily minute of silence? That will change behaviours!
Puddy reminds me of republicans who demanded everyone wore flag pins to support the troops, but wouldn’t raise taxes to buy body armor.
Got it. Puddy doesn’t want action on gun violence
Once again worser gets it wrong. Now why does worser get it wrong for so long?
Lack of intestinal fortitude. Puddy been discussing inner city violence since 2005. When has worser done this?
Hey worser… get introspective for once!
Sux to be worser.
@87 I predicted this @70. The loon is, if nothing else, predictable.
The loon’s idea of a “hero” is someone who got drummed out of the Army for behaving like the villain in a bad Vietnam war movie.
@88 Where did I say anything about Manning? The only person posting in this thread about Manning is you.
“Puddy been discussing inner city violence since 2005. When has worser done this?”
Well, maybe your problem is that you never talk to your Repukes about it, because if you did they would have obviously listened to you….but they haven’t.
@90 Still can’t wait for him to be convicted before you declare him guilty, can you?
@98 “discussing”
Sorry, Spud, that won’t work on this blog. Talk is cheap, and we know cheap talk when we see it.
I guess guess there is one or maybe two good Republicans…but the two or three trolls here are definitely don’t fit that bill. You know the two here would either hide under the table or avoid discussing any of the shittyness of their own party.
@95 Newt is very use to losing, it doesn’t phase him. He knows the drill, free lunches and dinners along with a little embarrassment due to losing is ok…..freeeeeee riddddeeeeee…ride it like a donkey!
Trumpublicans break every record for fundraising ever!
Campaign simultaneously announces Cheeto Jesus has the biggest penis ever!
Plus, also, they never, ever, never, ever, lie.
Look at who’s munching on pork:
The guy the babbling jackass troll is voting for in November.
Oink, oink.
R senile is predictably senile. What did Barbara Lee claim the sit-in was about?
First of all, these measures are very modest gun safety measures: background checks, “no fly, no buy.” …
But we have to also look at the assault weapons.
Nuff said suckas!
Talk is cheap, and we know cheap talk when we see it.
Yes, R senile. You are the biggest cheap talk poster here!
It’s probably impossible for us to imagine how humiliating this all must be for it.
But still, it’s fun to try.
someone who got drummed out of the Army for behaving like the villain in a bad Vietnam war movie.
Once again senility rears its very ugly head. checkmate claimed Real american hero Allen West cut and run. Allen West wanted to know who was trying to kill him and his troops. This is very lost on R senile because the mind is the second thing to go when you have white privilege as R senile has. Puddy posted the Politifact web site info above. Apparently R senile didn’t read it. R senile has reading and comprehension issues due to early onset senility we’ve experienced in the multitudinous posts of vacuousness. Blacks don’t experience the first thing to go!
Oh no… headless lucy’s zero sum game…http://finance.yahoo.com/news/.....00980.html
It sure is nice to know that since this problem has come to the attention of white people, crazy-scared cops shooting black people for no reason is all fixed and stuff. What a relief. Right?
Mom in Ballard Fred Meyer calls police as man was trying to lure 9 year old girl. 911 call to Seattle police. There was “no clear threat” Seattle police claimed.
Hmmm…? Isn’t this the police force R senile was bragging about in the Friday Comix thread being claimed as being improved? Isn’t R senile just a libtard jackASS with useless information?
Sure is!
Ironic that our local Liar would be so quick to elevate to hero status a soldier who actually got drummed out and given a slap on the wrist due to “the stress of combat.”
You don’t know much about Bergdahl except what your Fox news or right wing sites tell you, eh?
A kid who had paranoid fantasies all his life, washed out of the Coast Guard due to mental distress, the Army took him anyway and sent to Iraq……nope no stress there.
Between Bergdahl and West, one took a plea bargain and one is still active duty and willing to stand trial for what he thinks was right and accept the punishment if he is judged guilty.
Which one does Piddles, the ROTC washout, worship?
Too damn funny.
BTW, I think Bergdahl should be dishonorably discharged and maybe serve some time but he has a case. But he isn’t running from his crimes.
Too Damn Funny.
Wow… DUMMOCRETIN ethics in action! http://mynorthwest.com/335815/.....violation/
PuddyCommentariat: The ends always justifies the means.
Do you DUMMOCRETINS remember this? http://www.geekwire.com/2016/s.....g-program/
Of course not… 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! Puddy posted this months ago and that’s why Puddy remembered it.
How does one know checkmate is lying… First the train wreck. Next its claims Puddy ran to Fox News. Well, It runs to Fox News first to “check”. Apparently checkmate knows even less because Puddy used the NY Times FIRST!
Puddy was the first to post this link from NY Times below checkmate…
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. Will checkmate ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? Hell no. checkmate has NO BALLS!
From the archives you can find through the
Now are those links from Fox News? Puddy even posted the court martial article. You can check with the cretin again checkmate. Butt everyone knows you sit behind your keyboard, playing with yourself knowing you have NO BALLS. Otherwise, we see that plea to the crazed databaze cretin asking for a PuddyLink replay! Go ahead checkmate. Grow some BALLS. You’ll be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of R senile, well known for not having a pair!
Will the crazed cretin show the link if checkmate checks out?
Sux to be checkmate. Wait for it…
Bergdahl isn’t running from his crimes?
Well Obummer made a big deal about Bergdahl! did you forget how Obummer traded 5 Taliban generals for one lowly deserter?
DAYUM U B stooooooooooooooooooooopid checkmate.
Good night!
American cops are just too violent. This needs to change.
@119 When was Bergdahl convicted of desertion? By what court? The Puddy Lynch Mob doesn’t count.
Best i can tell, because puddy cannot answer a question directly, he blames democrats for the murders in Chicago, because they don’t talk about it, and their gun regulations are too limited and only deal with assault weapons. But he has no venom for the republicans who control congress who block gun regulations. Fascinating how his mind works.
“In the video, in the car, she says as Castile was reaching for his wallet, he told officers he had a firearm in his possession, and a conceal-and-carry permit.
Reynolds says an officer then shot her boyfriend four times.”
He was black. He did what he was told to do. He’s dead.
Where is the NRA?
@119 When was Bergdahl convicted of desertion?
Where did Puddy claim that R senile? Your train wrecks come faster and faster. You call it squid ink. Puddy calls them train wrecks!
Sux to be a senile wabbit!
Best you can tell worser? You have a preconceived notion which is a total lack of understanding of many subjects you try to pontificate from. Puddy lived it in Philadelphia. Puddy’s cousins were not that far from Move. They saw the fire and felt the heat. Puddy knows about inner city gun violence. Puddy brings it up here all the time. Where’s worser is like where’s Waldo? You have to look real hard to find worser because worser is just another DUMMOCRETIN in the mix. Not caring or speaking up. Then you post that above? EPIC FAYLE!
What have DUMMOCRETINS done for the inner city? You completely missed #91. It was a big PuddyHint worser. Seems FACTS just pass you by! The black pastor made it plain. You and your party SUCK. You and your party’s policies SUCK. They talk a big game butt nothing happens. Gang bangers killing each other. Nothing ever happens in the big cities. Schools suck. Minority girls getting pregnant out of wedlock. Drugs killing those who aren’t dying from gun shots.
Now onto your rant. Assault weapons are the only thing important to congressional DUMMOCRETINS. Seems nothing else matters. Those no fly lists were already attacked by the DUMMOCRETINS in the ACLU. Seems you HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t fathom that. Puddy already supplied that link. Apparently you could not process it!
Do you read anything from Jesse Jackson Sr? He’s from Chicago. Does he make calming statements or meet with the gang bangers? What does Operation Push do butt shake down companies with threatened boycotts? Where is Al NotSoSharpton on this? Can you think at all worser? Or, does someone need to show you the way because you can’t seem to ever find it!
It must really suck to be you worser. There is no compassion in any cell of your body worser.
Sux to be you worser!
Puddy, start with assault weapons, work down.
Doesn’t matter, your party, the party of trump, won’t even let that pass.
Let’s be clear: Trumpublicans won’t even allow background checks to keep guns away from criminals, lunatics, and terrorists.
Why do all these cop shooting blacks happen in big cities? Where is the training HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Remember that stooooooooooooooooopid female Seattle police officer attacking the black man with the golf club? Those actions have to be taught at the highest levels of DUMMOCRETIN led departments! And all HA DUMMOCRETINS do is blame the little people for the actions of the big people. And when Puddy brings it up you ridicule Puddy. Well what’s your ASTUTE observation ya idiots? This is a DUMMOCRETIN led city problem.
Remember the altercation the first year of Obummer’s presidency with Henry Louis Gates? No? Of course not. You all possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! You all forget or have very selective memories!
Remember when Eric Garner was choked to death? The attending field sergeant was a black woman. Their captain was a black man. Yet what did HA DUMMOCRETINS scream, “White cops kill black man.” She was right there and allowed them to react as they did. She was the commanding officer at the time.
Remember Freddy Gray? What did R senile claim about the cop who was the van driver? Caesar Goodman was a white cop and DESERVED to be punished. R senile convicted Caesar before a trial. Yet when Puddy brings up Bowe Bergdahl who THE US ARMY has brought up charges on, his platoon mates claim deserted their post; and there were guys who died looking for the fool, R senile attacks Puddy!
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HA DUMMOCRETINS? It’s all about race to you fools. R senile is white Puddy is black! Puddy sees it differently. Puddy sees it as a cop problem. Puddy brought up the Utah shooting where a black cop killed a white guy. Go and ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for a crazed databaze replay! No hue and cry over that killing. It was just a black on white crime. That don’t count!
That’s why Puddy scoffs at you fools. This is a DUMMOCRETIN inner city cop problem. Doesn’t matter their color. The reason most are white cops shooting on black people is that there are more white cops and unfortunately too many black gang bangers. Other innocent black people are caught up in the hysteria. The Ferguson gentle giant previously attacks a store owner on videotape and morons like R senile discount that because a white cop answers the call to investigate and the gentle giant does not comply with police commands.
That’s the difference. Puddy been there and seen it. You just watch from afar!
But according to puddy, if congressional democrats would wail and nash their teeth, that would cause the republican party of trump to pass gun reform.
Puddy, start with assault weapons, work down.
Doesn’t matter, your party, the party of trump, won’t even let that pass.
NOPE you start with hand guns and work up. The 99.999 % who own assault weapons as you call them don’t shot up people worser! The inner city folks who own hand guns shoot up people worser.
You have misplaced priorities just like you jock strap careless crooked candidates for president!
Are train wrecks normal for HA DUMMOCRETINS? Do you all make silly comments when your arguments flail on their own?
Squid ink @129.
Let’s be clear Oregon moron,
The ACLU already said what Congressional DUMMOCRETINS want to do was DEAD ON ARRIVAL to them. That post from the Oregon moron is way worse than squid ink!
Sux to be that dense Oregon moron!
Finally puddy give a solution to gun violence. “Puddy: NOPE you start with hand guns and work up. The inner city folks who own hand guns shoot up people.”
Puddy, the problem is your republican party of trump blocks handgun regulation. Why don’t you rail against the party of trump, the ones who current control congress? Where is your outrage against your party?
Ahhh yes HA DUMMOCRETINS, now the floodgates open up… http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new.....42162.html
PuddyCommentariat: The law of intended consequences! DUMMOCRETINS really want Careless Crooked Heilary to be president and who cares what the other outcomes are!
“It’s a clear double standard,” Drake said. “If you’re high enough up, you’re the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, then you get a huge pass. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. My life was shattered. She gets a pass to compete to be president of the United States.”
Of course, DUMMOCRETINS thrive on double standards. The ends always justifies the means!
Hey checkmate… was this Fox News too?
Hey worser, another Chicago hand gun death… NINE more shot! 10 bullets found their mark!
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 75
Total Shot: 85
Total Homicides: 12
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 11
Shot & Wounded: 84
Total Shot: 95
Total Homicides: 13
Noooooooooooo Puddy they were shot by “assault weapons”. Yeah they were assaulted by a weapon alright!
Gun safety? Please?
No Votes – No Debates – No Hearings
That’s just all there is to it.
Lying doesn’t change it. Everybody knows it. Clock is ticking.
What if you threw a party and nobody came?
@ 136. Again I ask. puddy, what is your party, the republican party of trump, the party in power, doing to change gun regulations to reduced the murders in Chicago?
Oh, Please! Pretty Please!
This just might be what it takes to get Boob off the sidelines and back in the game!
Keep asking worser @139! Congressional Republicans don’t control Chicago. And DUMMOCRETINS won’t take a shine to anything offered by them. Do you know who Bobby Rush is worser? Look him up! There is part of your answer worser!
Chicago has DUMMOCRETINS at the helm. They had tough gun laws butt you DUMMOCRETINS tried to make them draconian and the courts slapped those DUMMOCRETINS back!
Explosion in Taiwan. Things go Boom!
Some republicans do not want really want trump to be the head of the republican party
Trump Attempts to Convince House Republicans that he Isn’t Insane
“The Trump they have now is the Trump they are going to get. Each man for himself in dealing with the fallout.”
“Why do all these cop shooting blacks happen in big cities? Where is the training HA DUMMOCRETINS?”
Without even doing any research….something tells me that most black people live in the Inner Cities…..so, Puffballs, maybe if they all lived in farms then it would be happening there.
Your ability to draw a conclusion based on stupidity is amazing.
Why does most Mexican food come from Mexico? WTF you moron.
Oh stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid moroni HHTL@144,
Many blacks live in rural areas in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. Seems you don’t know this FACT!
Seems you are the idiot here HHTL!
@145 yeah, and like there hasn’t been any killings in those area.
Czechsaaz must have pushed the right combination of buttons because the loon took it to a whole new level – two head explosions in a single comment!
Honestly. Don’t bother. It will simply respond with a “non-fact”, also known as a lie. It’s specialty.
Of course the reason these incidents happen where they happen has to do with demographics of poverty, affordable housing stock, crime rates, and jobs. Blacks are killed by whites at 2.5 times the rate of whites, even though more whites are killed by cops. Plenty of people are killed or abused by cops in rural and suburban areas (Falcon Heights, Fergusson, McKinney, Prarie View, North Charleston). But of course more people are killed by cops in urban areas. More people. More cops. More crime. More concentrated poverty. More killings by cops. So obvious only a Republican could miss it.
House Oversight Committee
“How dare your investigation NOT come to the conclusion we jumped to and assured
The American Peopleour donors would be the conclusion that Hillary was a felon a conclusion we were assured was correct without seeing any evidence because Hillary is evil so her very existence is a crime, harrumph!”Oh Oregon moron @148 Puddy did come to answer that question. And Puddy has provided FBI crime statistics three or four times in previous PuddyMissives moronic twit when the crazed databaze deala brought it up before. Go ahead Oregon moron and ask for a crazed databaze replay!
Oh HHTL@146, No not really dude. Visit FBI.gov and look it up yourself!
Sux to be the two shriveled up peas in that pod; the Oregon moron and HHTL!
@122 “Fascinating how his mind works.”
What mind? Nothing there but a bot. That’s why you see all these double and triple posts. Whoever programmed this thing hasn’t debugged its twitches and knee jerks yet.
Next up: a recently retired FBI janitor will receive a huge advance for his/her tell-all book revealing how the investigation was intentionally “derailed” by the powerful cabals of pot smoking naked hippie flower children who run the Justice Department and secretly control everything.
Every Cheeto Jesus voter will pre-order in time for Christmas.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Jade Helm. Chem-Trails. Ruby Ridge.
@124 “Where did Puddy claim that R senile?”
In #119 where you called Bergdahl, who has yet to be convicted of anything and is entitled to a presumption of innocence, a “deserter” and referred to “his crimes.”
Republican caught lying. Dog bites man.
@125 “Assault weapons are the only thing important to congressional DUMMOCRETINS. Seems nothing else matters.”
You’ve got a point. If you want Democrats to solve the gun violence problem, they need to do what Republicans have falsely accused them of planning to do: Confiscate everybody’s guns.
But if we can’t do that, then at least we should confiscate cops’ guns, which would solve part of the problem. Cop violence against civilians is 10 times more than civilian violence against cops. We could save over 1,000 lives a year just by disarming the police.
@128 “Why do all these cop shooting blacks happen in big cities?”
They don’t. Small-town cops shoot blacks, too. There’s just more black people getting murdered by cops in cities because more people live in cities.
“Where is the training HA DUMMOCRETINS?”
That’s what I’ve been saying all along: Police departments are hiring the wrong people, and aren’t adequately training or supervising them. The whole police personnel system needs to be reformed from top to bottom.
@130 “The 99.999 % who own assault weapons as you call them don’t shot up people worser!”
Let’s at least keep them away from the 0.001% who do shoot up people. But Republicans refuse to do even that much. In fact, Republicans want to legalize open carry of assault weapons into churches, shopping centers, daycares, and everywhere else. Republicans want to have untrained vigilantes armed with assault weapons patrolling the corridors of our grade schools. How stupid is that? Clearly, voting for Republicans doesn’t bring us closer to a solution.
Well we now know Careless Crooked Heilary gave access to classified materials to people (her lawyers) she under the law should not have!
Oh boy!
Careless Crooked Heilary didn’t have the technical sophistication to comprehend sensitive information was at risk! And you DUMMOCRETINS want to make her president?
Texas Congressman Will Hurd smacked some DUMMOCRETIN ASS on the committee!
FBI Director Comey surmises gmail is more secure that clintonemail.com!
@135 I’m not a Clinton fan — I never voted for Bill and don’t like Hillary — but YOUR party leaves me no alternative but to vote for her. Same for millions of other Americans. That’s YOUR party’s damn fault. Blame YOUR party for that.
They don’t. Small-town cops shoot blacks, too.
Not at the same rate per capital R senile. FBI.gov proves that! Keep trying R senile. What drug did you take today for a lucid moment!
@140 I’m still holding out for Ted Nugent in the VP slot.
I already know what will happen if Republicans hang onto the House. They’ll spend the next four years trying to impeach Hillary, and no honest work will get done.
@141 Bwaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! A massive squirt of squid ink!!! The Exxon Valdez spill looks puny by comparison!!!
@145 In those places, they get to enjoy the privilege of being shot by whites instead of blacks.
@158 The next Hillary scandal! Why don’t you peddle this idea to the RNC? You’re more imaginative than they are.
@159 “And you DUMMOCRETINS want to make her president?”
Yeah, because the alternative you’re offering us is an unqualified racist sexist deadbeat liar and grifter who will get us into World War 3 and cause another Great Depression, so what else can we do?
@160 Really? You don’t say!
@163 “Not at the same rate per capital R senile.”
True enough. With most blacks living in big cities, a small-town white cop has to do a lot of hunting to find a black man to shoot.
But, but, but….
It is being reported that Congressional Republicans meeting with Trump today asked him specifically about Latino outreach knowing that if The GOP keeps losing as badly to that growing demographic they can’t possibly win the White House ever again.
Trump’s response clearly unaware that polls show him getting 18-23% of Latino votes? “Latinos love me!
Piddles might be interested in this. Somebody’s trying to do something to reduce crime and violence in black communities. Specifically, there’s a group of black activists in Baton Rouge who listen to police scanners and send people to make videos of police responding to crime scenes. One of their videographers captured the police shooting of Alton Sterling. http://tinyurl.com/hcmlq2f
Yeah, because the alternative you’re offering us is an unqualified racist
Really R senile. You already forgot this? Puddy posted it three days ago! http://spectator.org/64643_whe.....t-racists/
Missouri political ads have a fascinating spin.
The democrats run as democrats.
The arch conservative republicans attack the less conservative republicans for being, wait for it… “moderates!”
The republicans show imagery of themselves shooting assault weapons, and profess their undying love for the constitution, traditional conservative values, and religion. However nowhere in their ads do they commit to being republicans. They don’t seem to want to admit to being part of the republican party, the party of trump voters.
“…few minutes ago, you also stated that you now believe that Hillary Clinton is not nearly as sophisticated as people thought. Is that correct?”
Yeah, I think that’s fair — actually, no, not as people thought, but as people would assume about somebody with that background. I’m sorry, I should be clear about this, technically sophisticated. I’m not opining on other kinds of sophistication.”
Hey Boob – what do you say? Should every black man arm himself for self protection like you encouraged every gay person to do?
The Colin Powell/Condi Rice email defense went…
Everything people dislike about Careless Crooked Heilary was confirmed by FBI Director James Comey!
Sucks to be the idiotic, self-loathing black loon.
“Donald Trump’s Love Affair With White Supremacists”
“…Fortune also used Little Bird software to analyze the top 50 influencers of the Trump campaign slogan #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, and found that 43 of them each follow at least 100 members of the #WhiteGenocide network.”
“Since the start of his campaign, Donald Trump has retweeted at least 75 users who follow at least three of the top 50 #WhiteGenocide influencers. Moreover, a majority of these retweeted accounts are themselves followed by more than 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers.”
“This could be just a coincidence. White supremacists love Trump, and Trump just accidentally happens to retweet a lot of their stuff. Unfortunately for Trump, you’d have to be an idiot to believe that, and he’s running out of idiots.”
There will always be at least one idiot left. The self-loathing black loon, an idiot to the end, is now a full-fledged white supremacist.
Emails! Chrome! Benghazi!
Of course the white supremacist black loon supports Trump.
Trump is “giving us the old wink-wink,” wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of a white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer, after Trump retweeted two other “white genocide” theorists within a single minute. “Whereas the odd White genocide tweet could be a random occurrence, it isn’t statistically possible that two of them back to back could be a random occurrence. It could only be deliberate…Today in America the air is cold and it tastes like victory.”
It’s all coincidence. Heh.
“More Than Half of Trump’s Retweets Are White Supremacists Praising Him”
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Just once I’d like to lift the lid on my computer and not learn about another fatal shooting, police or otherwise.
Maybe your browser’s start page shouldn’t be http://www.chicago.suntimes.com, then.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Jesse Jones ✔ @JesseKIRO7
Not a suspect. Told the truth. Expressed his 2nd Amendment rights. Shot dead in front of his kid. Silence from the right. #PhilandoCastile
Depends on where you choose to look, I suppose.
How Many More Have To Die Before We Raise The Level Of Law Enforcement Training?
@180, 181, 182,
that kind of back and forth with the bot is useless.
Consider: it lives each and every day in a world immersed in manifest scientific truth that makes adherence to bronze age superstitions like “young earth” and “creationism” laughable. But it struggles onward equipped with a cat-like reflex to reject non-conforming information due to “source bias”. Just wait. It will reject your sources. Only that allows it to survive in a world that literally refutes it at every turn. It simply rejects all non-conforming data. It justifies this with baseless claims of source bias.
So you’ll get nowhere. Non-conforming data (aka truth) cannot penetrate. It’s a perfect mirror-like sphere of impenetrable stupid.
Ah yes. The world renowned, universally recognized and widely retweeted “conservative” stalwart Bob Owens of “Bearing Arms”.
Shame on Jesse. Shame on him for not looking there!
What are the insightful and valuable observations of Bob Owens in 140 characters or less that Jesse Jones might have found if only he’d looked?
On Trayvon Martin:
“a violent, drug-abusing thug who appeared to get off on hurting people”
“good people will arm themselves against violent young predators like Trayvon Martin”
About Tamir Rice, 12 year old executed in front of his neighbors by untrained rookie cop:
“Tamir Rice died because he made poor choices.”
About the mother of Jordan Davis who was executed at a gas station in Florida for playing his music too loudly:
“McBath has become a serial liar, and sadly seems to be more comfortable with her lies as time goes on,”
More recently about police shootings and calls for improved firearms training for police:
“I need more snot-nosed academics who have never set foot on a firing line telling me how cops should train.”
“We’re without rule of law. Prepare for ANYTHING.”
“When corruption reigns, revolution follows.”
Pearls before swine.
@179 “Everything people dislike about Careless Crooked Heilary was confirmed by FBI Director James Comey!”
She’s going to win anyway, and probably by a landslide, that’s how unpopular YOUR party and nominee are!
43 DUMMOCRETIN senators are for killer illegal aliens and like dead Americans. Kate’s Law didn’t get a vote!
Interesting video on the border… https://youtu.be/ipxN_KYT7lM
Facebook, in the tank for Careless Crooked Heilary…http://www.infowars.com/facebo.....n-twitter/
Harry Reid is SCUM!
Two Dallas police officers just shot in protest downtown Dallas!
Florida congresswoman about to be indicted.
Now it seems 5 officers may have been downed by a pair of gunmen in Dallas. Bad guys were dressed in camouflage shooting those protecting the #blacklivesmatter gang.
So which Careless Crooked Heilary surrogate takes the fall? https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/07/surprise-state-dept-to-reopen-clinton-email-probe/ – SURPRISE! State Dept. to Reopen Clinton Email Probe
Puddy thinks it will be the guy Jake Sullivan.
Cheryl Mills is black
Huma Abedin is Arab
Jake Sullivan is the expendable guy!
@195 “#blacklivesmatter gang”
Yeah, according to HA’s deranged Uncle Tom, strangers gathering together to peacefully protest police killings of blacks are a “gang.”
Say what? Raising the wage cuts # jobs?https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/06/30/fund-summer-jobs-for-low-income-teens/j7dNbEzIJTsvIPdnHvAwYL/story.html
PuddyCommentariat: Soooooooooooooo in this case at Massachusetts, a government-funded program in a DUMMOCRETIN state with the same funding levels as the year before will be unable to hire nearly as many workers as it could before a state minimum wage increase kicked in. AMAZING!
This is also what happens in private business. Butt butt butt HA DUMMOCRETINS will claim otherwise! A store can attempt to increase their prices on some or all of its selling products to cover that new state or city mandated increase to payroll! Butt, if the store has been charging too little to begin with, increasing prices will most definitely translate to decreased revenue as customers seek some lower-cost alternatives. That’s the dreaded capitalism.
Oh wait… HA DUMMOCRETINS love socialism and communism!
What a jackASS R senile is. Three police officers dead and R senile makes fun of it, two in surgery and R senile cheers!
Way to go R senile! You truly are disgusting R senile!
“Yeah, according to HA’s deranged Uncle Tom, strangers gathering together to peacefully protest police killings of blacks are a “gang.””
The hate-filled loon gets off on Americans being killed.
Wrong again QPPS @200. This is what HA DUMMOCRETIN do. You all hate the police. Well three are dead and possibly more!
HA DUMMOCRETINS hate police. Puddy has always said #alllivesmatter. Y’all went apoplectic! You see you fooling twit QPPS, Spike Lee gets it… http://www.breitbart.com/big-h.....e-killing/
QPPS, another cheerleader for killing policemen/policewomen!
@195 Make it 11 cops shot. Three cops dead, 3 cops critical, 4 more cops wounded. Let’s wait and see if this is a terrorist attack or just someone who doesn’t like cops.
Wow R senile a change in tune @202. Puddy’s tune has not changed! #alllivesmatter.
Not to HA DUMMOCRETINS though!
Dante Atkins @DanteAtkins
Beyond being outright heinous murderers, the Dallas snipers have done indelible damage to the movement for police reform and social justice.
Well, yeah, but at least Goldy didn’t feel so badly when he lifted the lid on his computer @ 183 this time around.
@ 202
@195 Make it 11 cops shot. Three cops dead, 3 cops critical, 4 more cops wounded. Let’s wait and see if this is a terrorist attack or just someone who doesn’t like cops.
In which we learn what it takes to get a liberal to wonder whether an attack might be due to terrorism.
“Let’s wait and see if this is a terrorist attack or just someone who doesn’t like cops.”
Too late. The loon has already determined that DUMMOCRETIN SCUM are guilty.
What’s Orlando?
You really are SCUM too! QPPS gleefully cheers cop killers.
Why does QPPS hate anyone not like itself?
Authorities on Thursday said that Officer Jeronimo Yanez shot Castile multiple times during a traffic stop a day earlier. The state agency investigating the shooting said that Yanez and Officer Joseph Kauser, another officer who was at the scene, have both been placed on administrative leave.
Dallas Police Depart ✔ @DallasPD
With heavy hearts, we are devastated to report a fourth officer has been killed.
9:13 PM – 7 Jul 2016
On the bright side, Bernie Sanders is set to endorse Crooked Hillary Clinton tomorrow.
So hispanic cop kills black man. Butt this is a white looking hispanic so QPPS and R senile can keep the hate alive!
Probably a scheduled tweet.
Occupy Wall Street @OccupyWallStNYC 1m1 minute ago
Videos of police brutality now resemble modern-day lynchings http://qz.com/725940 via @qz #Dallas
@204 Wtf are you saying?
@212 Let me see if I can figure out where you’re going with this. Some cops were murdered tonight, so that makes it okay for cops to murder civilians? Is that what you’re insinuating, Boob?
@206 If the loon knows who did it, when nobody else does, then he must be one of ’em. Or at least a bff.
R senile @215,
Reaching again eh?
NOPE , you can’t figger anything out any more. So why didn’t R senile not discuss the stock market dropping today?
That’s exactly what Puddy means!
James Comey was involved with Sandy Stuffed Pants Berger… http://www.foxnews.com/printer.....49,00.html
PuddyCommentariat: Remember, those documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack. They had to hide their negligence!
BTW did you know Sandy Berger, Loretta Lynch and Cheryl Mills worked Hogan & Hartson during the Bush years? Did you know that was the law firm that worked with the software firm that helped set up the Careless Crooked Heilary private email server?
BTW did you know Stuffed Pants worked clandestine for Careless Crooked Heilary while she was SoS?
Only release your links when you need to!
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
#BlackLivesMatter @PhattieBey
One was arrested for killing 9 ppl and the other was killed for selling cds. Can you tell them apart? #AltonSterling
Well, that didn’t last long.
Both sniper suspects in police custody
Thanks, media.
Emily Black PIOVerified account
Media please refrain from live broadcasting officer positions. #dallasshooting
Didn’t someone just get done saying “We’re better than this.”?
Police arrest man for pulling out gun at Black Lives Matter protest in Portland
@74 Since when is it the FBI’s job to determine whether or not someone should be charged. Seems the folks who determine if someone is to be charged is a Prosecutor. And courts determine guilt or innocence. If it were purely up to the FBI our prisons would be populated, by the folks they know are know are guilty like their counterparts in the Gestapo. And how many folks did the Gestapo go after that were in the Fuhrers good graces?
Perhaps Nixon got it wrong with his if the President does it it’s not illegal. If he’s only known if the Secretary of State does it it’s not illegal, perhaps that is why Kissinger did so well.
@79 The Army should have quietly medically retired Berghdahl. They frankly can no longer do an Article 15, so the best outcome would be quietly pay him back pay, and show the man the door. Only now they can’t do it quietly, so they may actually have to do a court martial that the Prosecutor may actually loose. How Army Prosecutors hate to loose especially when it’s become so political as that tends to end careers. Bet a Army Prosecutor is thinking I should have pushed for a quiet medical discharge. As he’s told in the O club you should have gone for the easy discharge, and not sweated the back pay. But nope we got a button counter or two in charge of this one, and costing the American tax payer a chunk of change. Obama had the right idea throw a parade, welcome his home, throw him on the circuit, give em some medals, and quietly do the right thing and retire the man. Someone in the chain of command got the memo, but didn’t like the memo and is a button counter..can’t let this guy get that back pay. He’s gotta pay!
@81 Article 15 is not a criminal conviction. It’s part of the UCMJ which is a unique animal. The military is also political, forget to salute the wrong officer at the wrong moment, and that asshole doesn’t like you it can mean a long prison sentence, unless your commander covers your ass with an Article 15. Which tends to piss off those kind of jerk wad officers.
You don’t show up to work or are really late you might get fired. anyone in the military you can go to the brig. Doesn’t matter the reason why you were late it can be a Criminal offense and the guy you work for will determine that. Your boss at work able to have you thrown in jail or prison for two or three years because you didn’t show up for work?
@82 And if Mr West or any other military member is you client and a Article 15 is offered what is your advice then Counsel? My bet if I was a fly in the room is you would advise the man to take Article 15. Or seriously consider taking it before declining and taking the chance the Prosecutor will proceed with Article 15 where you don’t know if you can get the man off with a Jury of his peers who will be Ltcs, Cols and Generals. Though if you win you will be an up and coming military defense attorney. Probably get yourself an assignment to Gitmo to handle some of them prisoners being held. What a prize.
@84 Could be your right. Could be your going to get a lot more chances to buy low, The British Pound is way down. The British political scene is in tatters, and the British are in a political crises with no leadership in either major party and no near political solution. So they muddle on and the EU muddles on, and the muddle will continue, and the economy just doesn’t like this kind of muddle. The pound has not found the bottom, stocks in Europe haven’t found the bottom. Has wall street found the bottom probably not.
@84 PS What I’m hearing is investors are flocking to the safety of government bonds. Particularly US bonds and the dollar is so so so strong. America is great again.
@85 I do believe we should insist most police doing their usual job do not need to be armed. Doubt we will implement this sensible solution. Nope we will remain in the same circular pattern. With cops becoming ever more armed, and scared.
Cops our good guys with guns. Of course Dallas messes with all our myths. And the whole city is shut down. Could be bombs, but you citizens just stay at home we are not curtailing any rights, please rat out your neighbors.
@112 Now if you will acknowledge to some Chelsea is a war hero. The disparate treatment of Manning to Clinton should concern you. Whistleblow on this transparent administration and you get 35 years. Have your own server as Secretary of State hey sweetheart come be my replacement. You go girl and not directly to Leavenworth. Chicago politics at its finest!
@119 And as Commander in Chief at the whiff of scuttlebutt that the Army wasn’t going to accept him as a hero and put him on the dog and pony show as a hero, one or more Generals should have been quietly asked to retire. That is politics the Harry Truman way.
@144 Like stating Mexican food is from Mexico you are a bit off on the cultural part of the issues. Most of what we call Mexican food is a actually Tex Mex. Our version of Mexican food is too dependent on meat. Particularly beef when the most likely meat a Mexican family is going to eat is poultry, and probably only a few meals a week.
There are parts of the country where the majority population is black and they live on farms. Like the Missippi Delta, Parts of Georgia. There are some shootings, but as in most rural areas they are relatively rare events. And Police shootings are rarer. Still in these areas and you are dealing with the local Sheriff or Deputies one is careful whether one is black or could be categorized as white trash. As you could be dealt with harshly.
The violence does seem to be much more an urban event.
Not all American cities have Democrats in charge, and even then their policies can’t be defined as purely Democratic or Republican. Politicians of both parties tend to operate the same way in local politics. Each party political machines operate in similar manners, though much weaker than in the past.
@148 there is a major disconnect here. The Missippi Delta has been and continues to be one of the poorest parts of the United States it’s predominately rural. There is some crime, and that is caused in part by the poverty. Yet it is not a particularly violent area. There aren’t a whole lot of cops. Yet using your theory of poverty and crime there should be lots of cops, and lots of violence and more and more cops and more violence yet that is not the reality of the Delta. Must be the Mississippi mud.
@155 Won’t stop all of them. It will definitely stop some as it’s a lot more work and ones arms get tired when having to use a billy club, and not looking at a case where an officer kills a suspect as the failure it is.
@163 Not so Small town cops, are lousy shots. Or worse shots than city. Ahhh Mayberry, USA.
@207 Orlando Bloom? Orlando Rabbit?
More violence is not the answer.
President Barack Obama addressed the shootings from Warsaw, Poland, where he’d been attending a meeting with NATO officials.
“There has been a vicious, despicable, and calculated attack on law enforcement,” he said. “I think I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified.”
The comments on Dallas are all over the spectrum, but these resonated with me.
I question the judgement of a cop who kills an unarmed man. I question the thought process of those who think killing cops is the right response. Both need to be held accountable.
The people who shot and killed the police officers today need to be brought to justice. The police officers who have recently shot and killed people in different situations need to be arrested and brought to justice. The standard needs to be that no one is allowed to indescriminantly kill another person, period.
Who in their right mind could argue with that?
Well better,
There are two who are never in their right mind. R senile is senile so sometimes one wants to give it a pass, butt then the vitriolic vehemence causes sane people to pause.
QPPS is another story. The amount of shit in the pressure packed granite encased neanderthal shaped cranial orifice from drinking its stupid solution causes incessant spam and hatred of men in uniform. Military as well as police are hated by QPPS. The shit pressure is so extreme that it also spews racial venom just about every month!
Both are sad excuses for HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards!
The death toll is now five Dallas police officers dead! R senile and QPPS cheered their deaths above.
How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here? Come on, cheering the deaths of innocent police officers protecting the #blacklivesmatter gang so they could be walking down the Dallas streets? Some twits below are siminlar to how QPPS and R senile think here:”
Remember the Minnesota state fair chant August last year… “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” R senile and QPPS thought that statement was funny!
So Puddy asks again… How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
Here are pictures of one of the cop killers cheered by QPPS and R senile in action. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....range.html
So Puddy asks again… How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
Last night Puddy and Mrs Puddy watched Don Lemon on CNN. We have to agree with this twitter assessment https://twitter.com/CNN/status/751397808343842816
Seems some of these morons could be HA DUMMOCRETIN posters like R senile and QPPS. https://twitter.com/blvcksk/status/751376866695647232?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
The twitter link for one of the twits in #239 https://twitter.com/PeterRo42387421/status/751317984627404800?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Puddy don’t be a partisan hack. 239 was not posted by anyone here and you know it. You have no room to speak, you indulge in hate speech constantly.
Now this is wrong too… http://www.independent.co.uk/n.....26416.html
@242 As people were dying, the loon did what he always does here, spew hate and lies, hoping to incite yet more senseless violence.
Meanwhile friends of salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS are indicted! https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-gang-members-charged-attacks-targeting-blacks-203722952.html?ref=gs
You see his panics like muslimsare the latest great tasting DUMMOCRETIN jelly spread on libtard toast! It used to be blacks and gays, butt DUMMOCRETINS know they can do and say anything about blacks and gays and these two LIV groups will still gladly show up every November and vote DUMMOCRETIN!
This doesn’t matter to R senile or QPPS. Their own words condemn themselves above… http://www.today.com/news/hear.....ed-t100636
PuddyCommentariat: Well QPPS @206, seems your wish came true. It was a cop hating DUMMOCRETIN after all!
How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
This doesn’t matter to R senile or QPPS. Their own words condemn themselves above… http://www.today.com/news/hear.....ed-t100636
PuddyCommentariat: Well QPPS @206, seems your wish came true. It was a cop hating DUMMOCRETIN after all!
How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
“The suspect said that he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone. The suspect said other things that are part of this investigation,” Brown said.
@244. yup, puddy could be trying to find common ground and stop senseless killing, but instead he’s projecting his own hate speech on others.
On this page alone, he spews casual insults:
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS.
hanging human tea bag.
And I cannot catalog all the innuendo and twisted logic he uses.
But in his mind, it’s the liberals who are indulging in hate speech. God, he’s a sad broken little child.
Where did Puddy say these were POSTED by HA DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy wrote these peeps think like QPPS and R senile. All you need to do is read from 190 onward!
When QPPS has been spotted for what it does here every day @244, the SPAM returns.
Yep, QPPS dream at @206 came true!
“but instead he’s projecting his own hate speech on others.”
The projection is a Psych 101 thing, but the unbridled hatred the loon spews is the stuff of a doctoral thesis.
Common ground? How worser? You have QPPS and R senile posted BULLSHIT every day and you stay mute. No one has ever seen a worser condemnation of R senile and QPPS BULLSHIT here!
Sad little man? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Look in the mirror moron! You can’t even process what comes from the fingers of R senile and QPPS each day. You worser, give them a pass!
Talk to the hand and cry Puddy a river!
You and worser can scream all you want. Yours and R senile’s comments above prove whom you really are. worser is just another libtard fool who doesn’t comprehend libtard hate. worser always gives it a passing grade. Seems the worser passing grade today is 85!
Puddy been a #alllivesmatter person since the handle first appeared.
I wonder if the republicans in congress will have a moment of silence over this before they go back to desperately trying to find something they can hang on Hillary and ignoring Obama’s supreme court nomination.
Paul Ryan’s Moment Of Silence For Orlando Shooting
After the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a single gunman in U.S. history, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called for a moment of silence at 4 p.m. on Monday to “honor the victims.”
“The suspect said that he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone
Hmmm… Sounds like Omar Mateen in Orlando when they first reported at the beginning of that ordeal.
Butt the link with the Facebook post in #250 dispels that sentiment!
Times like these are when it doubles down on partisanship.
– blaming all the shootings on “libbies” and Democrats
– falsely accusing others of “laughing” at murders
– singling out Democrats for inadequate response
And the Oregon moron steps into its own pile
– blaming all the shootings on “libbies” and Democrats
Puddy provided the links as proof Oregon moron. Sux to be you!
– falsely accusing others of “laughing” at murders
There is no FALSENESS above. Their own words condemn themselves. Did you actually read any shooter condemnation above? Did you see how QPPS ran from its commentary to try and pin the blame on Puddy, the #alllivesmatter person here? Apparently reading is not fundamental to you!
– singling out Democrats for inadequate response
Where did Puddy mention Democrats? Puddy said HA DUMMOCRETINS never condemn their own for the natural nasty commentary that flows from the fingers of other HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Sux to be the moron from Oregon!
The loon writes incessantly about how the words Roger and I wrote condemn us.
@202, Roger wrote, “Let’s wait and see if this is a terrorist attack or just someone who doesn’t like cops”
@206, I responded, “Too late. The loon has already determined that DUMMOCRETIN SCUM are guilty.”
Since Roger’s comment, and in relation to Dallas, the loon has invoked the words “DUMMOCRETIN” and ” SCUM” this many times.
@ 244, I wrote, “As people were dying, the loon did what he always does here, spew hate and lies, hoping to incite yet more senseless violence.”
links as proof
What an imbecile.
Wow look at the QPPS head explosion @258. Puddy PWNS this moron!
Wow the Oregon moron discarded the Dr Obnoxious script and is reading Puddy again. Must be that LIV moniker struck a vein! Did you see how fast #BLM came out to dispel the Black Power Political Organisation on Facebook? NO,? well you choose to ignore FACTS!
“#BlackPower! #BlackKnights! Sniper Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper Rifle And Join Our Thousands Of Sniper Assassins Worldwide In The Fight Against Oppression!”
Could be the Oregon moron loves living in the cocoon man cave in the basement of mommy’s home staying DUMB as evah?
Or as people are beginning to realize about the Oregon moron; its “intelligence” is just a crumbling facade for real political stoooooooooooooooooopidity?
they wrote: “Don’t worry my people! Justice will be served for Alton Sterling!”
Five policemen are dead and not one HA DUMMOCRETIN has condemned their killings. 5 families in turmoil in a city not involved in Alton Sterling’s death! 5 families in turmoil in a city not involved in Philando Catile’s death!
Another poster: “We contacted the police chief Carl Dabadie Jr. He already know what will happen to him, his wide Carla Settoon Dabadie, and his two sons, if he don’t do what we want.
“So continue to support us, and (Black Knights) sniper assassin group.”
You HA DUMMOCRETINS have so much hatred you can’t even come out and condemn their killings! worser’s senseless killings gloss over what worser is really saying about #blacklivesmatter.
All Lives Matter HA DUMMOCRETIN morons!
BTW here is the main killer Oregon moron… Micah Xavier Johnson! An upstanding citizen like you!
“He wanted to kill officers, and he expressed killing white people, he expressed killing white officers,” Brown said. “He expressed anger for Black Lives Matter. None of that makes sense, none of that is a legitimate reason to do harm to anyone, so the rest of it would just be speculating on what his motivations were. We just know what he said to our negotiators.”
There you go Oregon moron. QPPS called it correctly @206!
Open season on Fuckwad’s Mommy!
Let’s Roll!
Wow… When the Oregon moron’s arguments fail, bring up Puddy’s dead mother after 15 years! Typical DUMMOCRETIN style! Just another disgusting HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Sorry, counselor. You initiated that line of questioning. Unless you wish to retract? Apologize?