This is going to be pretty specific, and even if it’s not, it’s about a comic that ended its run in 2008, so feel free to just ignore me here, and jump right into calling each other names in the comments, or whatever goes on there.
I just finished Y The Last Man. It was so good, although I didn’t love the denouement. It was well plotted, and I kept being like I’ll just read one more chapter. Oh, just one more. Until, I finished all of the books as quickly as being a library user can. I mentioned a while ago that I’m still pretty new to comics, but that was by far the best I’ve read since starting up again.
Watching the Democratic convention is way the heck more uplifting than last week’s GOP horror show.
Not to mention that The First Lady is much hotter than Marco’s little wench.
Suck on that Boob!
Loved Corey Booker!
Tomorrow night’s speaker lineup includes Bill Clinton and the mothers of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Dontré Hamilton, Jordan Davis, Sandra Bland, and Hadiya Pendleton.
Bob and the hate-filled loon somehow got the mistaken idea that this convention was all about DWS and some disgruntled Sanders supporters. Wrong. Of course, being wingnuts, they’re always wrong. That’s just the way of it.
Now that Corey Booker and First Lady Obama have knocked it out of the park, it’s Warren’s turn at the plate.
“I wake up every morning in a house built by slaves.” — Michelle Obama
Now, a black family lives in that house. Not as servants, but as the First Family. And in a couple of days, a major political party will nominate a woman for POTUS. Make America great again? It’s never been greater than it is right now!
There’s a difference between Bernie supporters that are upset, that Bernie didn’t beat Hillary fair or unfair. And that is they cry with emotional love.
A Drumpf supporter would be upset and filled with rage, if he wasn’t the nominee, or if he is elected Nazi commander in chief.
Feel the Berrrnnnn, Boob! Here it comes!! It’s gonna get hotter and hotter and hotter for you rightwing slimesuckers!!!
“Hillary Clinton must become the next president.” — Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren booed. B E T R A Y U S!
“We trusted you! We trusted you!”
Meanwhile in other news…
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 45
Shot & Wounded: 310
Total Shot: 355
Total Homicides: 49
Week in Progress (7/24 – 7/30)
Shot & Killed: 4
Shot & Wounded: 23
Total Shot: 27
Total Homicides: 4
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 343
Shot & Wounded: 1982
Total Shot: 2325
Total Homicides: 381
HHTL is very high maintenance…
“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.
“That is unethical, if not illegal.”
Everything ever done by political DUMMOCRETINS is unethical. The ends always justifies the means!
Julian Assange said it best… So that’s a very interesting signaling by Hillary Clinton that if you act in a corrupt way that benefits Hillary Clinton, you will be taken care of. Why does she need to put that out? Certainly, it’s not a signal that helps with the public at all. It’s not a signal that helps with unity at the DNC, at the convention. It’s a signal to Hillary Clinton partisans to keep on going on, you’ll be taken care of. But it’s a very destructive signal for a future presidency, because it’s—effectively, it’s expanding the Overton window of corruption. It doesn’t really matter what you do, how you behave; as long as that is going to benefit Hillary Clinton, you’ll be protected.
Yep… if you are corrupt and it helps Careless Crooked Heilary, you are helped!
Did you notice Denver Mayor Wellington Webb to a big fat lie?
LeBron James and Steph Curry never shook hands after the finals ended! Well the ends always justifies the lies told!
Meanwhile the brownshirts are coming to a DUMMOCRETIN precinct near you…
This was discussed last fall… Probably missed by most HA DUMMOCRETINS. Certainly missed by the vomit produer, HHTL, checkmate, crazed databaze deala! R senile was to mentally incapacitated to comprehend it. The Oregon moron probably saw it and prolly claimed it was only about Donald Trump!
Overton window of corruption, mastered by Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton
This was discussed last fall… Probably missed by most HA DUMMOCRETINS. Certainly missed by the vomit produer, HHTL, checkmate, crazed databaze deala! R senile was to mentally incapacitated to comprehend it. The Oregon moron probably saw it and prolly claimed it was only about Donald Trump!
Overton window of corruption, mastered by Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton
@11 in a very gay world there could be no better compliment than being high maintenance.
Just ask your boyfriend, Milo.
DEMOCREETINS keeping the Black man down.
The First Night Of The DNC Had Almost As Many People Of Color Speaking As The Entire RNC
It’s interesting to note that the same people who have spent the last eight years crowing to the treetops about how Obama should be impeached because they claim he was some kind of Manchurian candidate from Kenya, have now embraced a candidate who is deeply in debt to Russian banks and openly celebrates governmental cyber attacks from Russia as witting partners.
“The First Night Of The DNC Had Almost As Many People Of Color Speaking As The Entire RNC”
Before it’s over the Democrats will have had more blacks speak at their convention than Republicans had black delegates. The self-loathing, piece of shit loon hates Democrats for that because he hates blacks with a passion. To the loon, dead blacks in Chicago are nothing but statistics. Hell, the self-loathing, Putin-loving loon hates blacks even more than he hates America. And we all know how much the self-loathing, Putin-loving loon hates America.
Way to go, Bob. You finally found a black man you can tolerate, a self-loather who hates blacks even more than you do.
“It’s interesting to note that the same people who have spent the last eight years…”
Since our vile wingnut TeaBirchers couldn’t nominate Putin, nominating Trump was the next best thing. They’re nothing but a bunch of traitors.
I see that the stupid fucking treasonous loon who loves to kiss Putin’s ass is double posting hate speech again.
“Benghazi! Chrome! Emails!”
“Benghazi! Chrome! Emails!”
Add Clinton Crime Family Foundation & Overton window of corruption Zikaman QPPS; the one with the mini microcephaly head
QPPS, the first Zika patient known to man!
The loon is obviously trying to communicate something. Too bad the loon can’t “speak American” as a reader might know WTF he’s talking about. The only thing that comes through is the loon’s unbridled hatred for America.
Notice how Zikaman projects its hate as someone else’s problems
The hate-filled loon is doing the only thing it knows how to do, spew hate. Sucks mightily to be the hate-filled loon.
Hey! Now that the Dirty-Filthy-Long-Haired-Pot-Smoking-Hippies-Who-Mysteriously-Control-Things have expanded the “Overton Window” by nominating a woman for President, maybe the Russian-controlled GOP will bother to run more than one out of twenty in the primaries?