Looks like more cost overruns and delays for the downtown tunnel.
We seem to be a lot better at making rail tunnels than car ones. So I say we should just make a commitment now to put rail in there. Then things will start to go swimmingly. It can be like the Gerorge Benson Streetcar, but without the view or most of the stops.
Why didn’t they build a $2 billion viaduct (with great views!) instead of a $4 billion sewer? Someone’s making grift from this.
Of course, this is only the first of many multibillion-dollar tunnels. Eventually, downtown will be laced with a whole network of them. This will keep on until the grifters have extracted every possible penny from us.
Apparently they figure ST3’s $54 billion price tag won’t bankrupt us fast enough. They want to pile tens of billions of white-elephant construction on top of that.
Btw, how come a concrete-pontoon bridge across Lake Washington costs $5 billion when a steel suspension bridge across Tacoma Narrows cost only $800 million?
Who’s getting the grift? The big contractors for sure, but who else is on the take?
As for the GOP nominee who’s going to lead us back to the Promised Land,* I wouldn’t sell that guy a bouquet of flowers unless he paid cash upfront.
* A mythical Garden of Eden in which the rich don’t pay taxes and teachers don’t have unions.
“Patrol car video publicly released Thursday shows a white Austin, Texas, police officer violently throwing a black woman to the ground during a traffic stop, followed by another white officer telling her black people have ‘violent tendencies’ and whites are justifiably afraid.”
I’d like to see how Piddles is going to rationalize this away. Even the cop union isn’t defending it:
“The Austin police union said in a statement that it understands the public’s reaction to Richter’s response and that Spradlin’s comments were ‘wrong and not reflective of the values and beliefs of the men and women who serve this community.'” (Richter and Spradlin are the 2 cops involved in this incident.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, I know how the squid will make its getaway. It’ll hit us with a barrage of Chicago crime statistics.
I wonder if these cops have ever considered that black people are justifiably afraid of white cops with violent tendencies?
There can no longer be any doubt that America has a racist cop problem, and a sweeping effort needs to be made to get racist cops off our police departments, in cities large and small.
Drumpf’s “education plan” is to reprivatize student loans and encourage schools to base their admissions on ability to pay.
And heeeere’s the GOP platform in its entirety.
If black on black violence is a thing, why isn’t white on white?
The simple fact is that whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you live and work, if you are going to be the victim or perpetrator of a violent act, it is most likely to involve another person of the same race as you, statistically most often a member of your own family or a resident of your immediate community. This isn’t to suggest that poor communities with high rates of unemployment and historically low rates of public and private investment don’t have higher rates of crime (although still declining) than other communities. It’s just to point out that violent crime is a community problem. And our communities are still very segregated. So “black on black” crime is only a specific thing to racists who choose to ignore “white on white” crime. And neither of them have anything at all to do with the very very real thing of police violence against poor, mostly minority citizens. This is so obvious it only needs explaining to…
Like that racist imbecile Republican troll.
Seattle Tunnel Partners.
A bunch of WHITE PRIVILEGE screwing over a bunch of WHITE PRIVILEGE! Now they have their hands out again. Very fitting! Puddy remembered the complaints of black contractors squeezed out of the bid process or getting a piece of the action. Where were the HA DUMMOCRETIN libtard sensibilities back then? Deal with those cost overruns morons! Gotta pay all those white people on the job cuz there aren’t many dark faces there!
Poor Oregon moron,
His own heroes disagree with that inane concept stuck in that single cell femtometer mind! Still can’t accept black people not being racist no matter how many DUMMOCRETINS keep saying it.
Doesn’t it suck to be soooooooooooooooo wrong for soooooooooooooooo long Oregon moron? Oh wait… you care less about being wrong. It’s all about pixels! And it keeps reappearing in every thread posting incorrect and very imprecise thoughts here on HA DUMMOCRETINS at all hours. Yet, the shitdownthedrain or whosedickhertz never asks the Oregon moron what job it holds.
Here is something the Oregon moron, R senile, checkmate, HHTL, the vomit producer and their follower the crazed databaze cretin can’t answer truthfully… How many people were shot by open-carriers at the RNC this week? https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/22/how-many-people-were-shot-by-open-carriers-at-the-rnc/
@ 7
So “black on black” crime is only a specific thing to racists who choose to ignore “white on white” crime.
And no Democrats are racist.
Ergo no need for Democrats to address the scary-high incidence of black-on-black violent crime in the stronghold of Chicago.
Ah, to be leftist and self-absolved from everything icky.
@8 Actually, they’re screwing over middle class taxpayers.
@10 People sometimes get lucky buying lottery tickets, too. That doesn’t make gambling a good idea.
So I’ll repeat for the comprehension challenged:
This isn’t to suggest that poor communities with high rates of unemployment and historically low rates of public and private investment don’t have higher rates of crime (although still declining) than other communities.
And yes, there are racist Democrats. There are racist Swedes. There are racist welders. There are racist poets. And there are racist radiologists. And that is not good at all. But it still has very little to do with a police culture that puts too many police officers in mortal fear for their lives whenever they confront African Americans. Police are in the confrontation business. That is their job. They have to learn to be able to do it professionally without shooting at every single black person they confront.
@11 And here’s good old Boob, right on schedule, pretending Democrats are more Republican than Republicans.
Drumpf’s “education plan” is to reprivatize student loans and encourage schools to base their admissions on ability to pay.
Oh my R senile… John F. Wasik… DUMMOCRETIN lover, big time poster on Huff Post is supposed to sway deep thinkers?
Again… R senile sees something anti-trump written by a DUMMOCRETIN and throws it up on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Silly senile wabbit!
R senile would not answer the pertinent question asked…Where were the HA DUMMOCRETIN libtard sensibilities back then in the STP protests?
Just another dumb comment @12.
The reviews of Trump’s Big Speech are beginning to trickle in. Most pundits describe it as “dark and gloomy.” This is the opposite of inspiring and uplifting.
“A shouting, glowering Trump painted a hellish picture of America as a place of economic devastation and mortal fear.”
But the real problem is that …
“There’s little reason to expect his message will attract the sorts of traditionally Republican and independent voters most resistant to him, most particularly college-education white women. There’s little reason to expect it will repair his dismal ratings among the fast-growing Latino constituency, which most Republican strategists consider crucial for assembling a majority.”
In other words, it did nothing to broaden his appeal, and as the underdog candidate that’s what he needs to do the most. He didn’t help himself.
Meanwhile, a prominent neoconservative commentator is calling the speech “anti-American” and “a deeply unpatriotic act.”
But billionaire businessman Mark Cuban is more sanguine; he thinks Trump wants to lose, and is in it for money.
The kleptomania continues unabated.
Once again the Oregon moron steps into the fray about something the Oregon moron only reads about in the libtard msm when they decide to cover it at all – – – black-on-black crime.
What does the Oregon moron know about anything black? So why does it think that its an authority on black-on-black crime?
It thinks blacks are racists even after the evidence from black and white DUMMOCRETINS have told it otherwise. It continues to screech and scream about black racists when it has clearly decided to ignore “intelligent” black and white DUMMOCRETINS whom have much more knowledge on the subject. And QPPS gets upset when Puddy calls DUMMOCRETINS like the Oregon moron SCUM!
Your silly discussions on anything black are useless and worthless Oregon moron. You’ve never walked a mile in any black man’s shoes and you definitely don’t display any compassion on our plight whatsoever!
Talk to the brick wall fool!
It’s great to see how people who kept their inner DUMMOCRETIN hidden to see it shining through dimly!
I think Cuban is right, but with a subtle twist.
This is really about Cheeto Jesus’ brood.
I think the reason we aren’t going to see the taxes is because, as so many people like Cuban have said, he doesn’t have nearly as much money as he claims. And probably not nearly enough money to sustain and advance his substantial collection of offspring. When el Douche talks about his devotion to his children I believe him. I think he really wants to leave them positioned to be even more financially successful than he has been. He may consider it his duty to them. But the problem is that more than anything else what he has is a brand. And the Trump brand thus far has been inexorably tied to the man himself.
I believe this entire campaign has been directed toward building and transferring the name brand to his children to provide for their financial future with other people’s money. Where it’s been required, he’s investing his own money as any good parent would. But the real beauty of the scheme has been not only the piles of checks from credulous rubes like our troll, but also the billions in earned media just shoveled out to him by the major media companies. Expect to see a lot of those kids in the next three months. They will be everywhere. And by the time President Clinton is inaugurated they will be well established as personifying the Trump brand – at the not inconsiderable cost of the Republican party. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Republicans are like little fucking babies……they call themselves grown-up…….maybe, but they all need (wear) depends! Bunch of fucking idiots. The best part is that they are self destructing or already self destructed!
@3 it is scary just to have Piddles here. I keep my eyes wide open here.
@2 after getting the cash, hand him a bunch of dandelions.
R senile @3,
Rationalize away what? The white DUMMOCRETIN Austi police department needs to cull out some bad actors?
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh you really are a moron R senile!
Shots fired at German mall. We’ll see who and what was the cause!
I believe this entire campaign has been directed toward building and transferring the name brand to his children to provide for their financial future with other people’s money.
Who really cares what the Oregon moron believes. Each of the first three Trump children are worth over $100,000,000. What is the Oregon moron doing butt grifting other morons here on HA DUMMOCRETINS with worthless innuendos?
Maybe it’s stoooooooooooooooopidity your honor!
Awww PMSNBC upset… http://www.newsbusters.org/blo.....ry-buttons
Somehow MadCow forgot her co-anchor Martin Bashir in 2013 wished that someone would defecate and urinate in Sarah Palin’s mouth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ_pbzmnxvQ
Well being a DUMMOCRETIN MadCow forgot earlier this year when Chris Well Thrill on Leg Matthews slimed that Ted Cruz “operates below the level of human life.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fG__PuR4nU
Yeah those PMSNBC sensitivities!
And so it begins.
Seems Cornel West is thinking in the box for a change… https://pjmedia.com/election/2016/07/21/cornel-west-hillary-presidency-could-lead-to-world-war-iii/
Very interesting from this black man. Wait for it… The Oregon moron will have something to say about West’s racism!
I saw sloppy popped in to defend cops shooting blacks men.
Anyone seen sloppy’s admission of being wrong about his aspersions that Castile was really a convenience store robber?
Well isn’t that nice. Looks like the nice people from Gov. Pence’s office sent the welcome wagon ’round.
Mighty neighborly.
I didn’t get that at all. Oh no.
Boob just all of a sudden, right after the close of the GOP racist-nuclear-what-the-fuck four day dumpster fire, clean out of the clear blue just decided it was really, really, really, really, super duper, really important to remind everybody that there are racist Democrats too.
Totally random. Just seemed like the time. Whatevs…
Midnight in Republican America.
@26 Oh, so it’s okay to drag a teacher out of her car and slam her to the ground? In a traffic stop? Because she’s black, and the (white) cop thinks all black people are “violent”? (Did he fail to see his own violence?) More irrational troll dumbfuckery. See #24.
@28 “Each of the first three Trump children are worth over $100,000,000.”
Sure beats working for it. Also keeps it away from the deadbeat’s creditors. Drumpf didn’t invent this trick. Lots of people use it. Put everything in the spouse’s and kids’ names. Works fine as long as you’re getting along with them and they don’t plot to screw you.
Drumpf wasn’t self-made and his kids aren’t either, although they appear (at least superficially) to be cut from better cloth than he is. Must come from their mothers.
@29 Hey, if it makes ’em happy and helps ’em blow off steam, I’m okay with it. I just don’t want to be anywhere near these people on Nov. 9.
@33 Whatever that link was, it’s out of service now.
More BULLSHITTIUM from the senile moron @36. Where did Puddy claim any of that #36 BULLSHITTIUM!
Maybe senile idiot wabbits need culling!
Here’s what one pundit wrote about Drumpf’s Big Speech:
“Thursday night’s 76-minute screed promised safer streets, better opportunities for gays and women, a ‘border wall’ crackdown on immigrants, victory in the Middle East, integrity in government, respect for police and veterans, stronger trade policies and lower taxes — a staggering potpourri that was nonetheless devoid of America’s favorite political punching bag: the finance industry.”
This suggests he won’t do anything about the banks, even though they give money to Hillary.
I’m not gay, and don’t speak for gays, but I suspect “better opportunities” is not what they primarily want or need. I’m under the impression lots of gays are already doing very well. For example, San Francisco, a rich town, is full of gays. I think what gays want is equality under the law. Being a well-to-do gay isn’t all that much fun if you’re discriminated against everywhere you go, say, you can’t even buy a loaf of bread in a bakery because the owner is a homophobe who thinks gays should be executed. (I’m not so sure they’d want to eat that bread anyway.) Better opportunities are fine, but if Drumpf wants to help gays, I think he should start a little closer to home and try to get his own party to stop passing laws that discriminate against gays.
As for the other stuff, the Western alliance is making progress toward defeating ISIS, I don’t see how you can contain terrorists or criminals here at home with a freewheeling gun policy, and respect for police will take care of itself if cops stop pulling over people for driving while black and then shooting them because they twitched while being beaten up. Respect is earned, and while the vast majority of cops do a fine professional job and more than earn our respect, the bad apples who bring disrespect upon their profession don’t deserve the support they get from crackers like Boob and Puffy. So to the extent Drumpf was arguing that we should respect killer cops, thug cops, lying cops, bully cops, racist cops, sexist cops, and abusive cops, he’s pissing in the wind. Human nature doesn’t work that way.
@40 Why don’t you try to cull me? My burrow is next to the big tree on the east side of Greenlake Park. I’ll be waiting for you. Bring a gun so I can claim self-defense.
I see that the loon’s head has exploded with hate all over this thread. With that, today marks 21 consecutive days of the loon being in a state of Peak Hate and there’s no end in sight.
Sucks to be the loon.
The Seattle Times print edition says today the downtown tunnel is $338 million over budget and 3 years behind schedule. Remember all the people who opposed the tunnel and argued it would be a white elephant (as in bleeding us white)? Remember who wanted the tunnel (downtown business interests)? Why is it that 1% of the voters count for more than 99% of the voters around here, when it comes to big decisions that involved dipping into the 99%’s pockets for the benefit of the 1%?
Only a complete idiot Latino hating racist troll would ever believe the undocumented claims of the Trump Organization.
I suspect the entire empire is a charade leveraged to the hilt and completely dependent upon debt, corrupt foreign investment, laundering foreign criminal proceeds, delayed payment, bullying creditors, and leveraging access to other people’s money. Trump is undoubtedly using the Republican party to introduce his kids to their future sugar daddies. Echoes of Ross Perot’s “sucking sound”. Only this time it’s an entire generation of Cheeto babies sucking the funding out of the GOP. I couldn’t be more pleased.
@43 It sucks to be a loon, but he doesn’t think so, because it’s all he’s ever known. Kind of like a flea that can’t comprehend there’s a better life in the higher orders of species.
more about it here.
The second suspect in the Arlington murders has been captured by Mexican police and handed over to U.S. authorities.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1
Donald Trump has the lowest-rated final night of a convention since at least ’04. https://twitter.com/DylanByers/status/756549494813102080 …
Well, if you don’t count Hispanics and nerds, I suppose that’s true.
Alex Weprin @alexweprin 1h1 hour ago
@DylanByers Numbers I tweeted don’t include PBS, Univision, which will bring finals up
Didn’t include Youtube, either.
When Trump promised to break all records for convention viewership I believed him.
I wonder what other Trump promises I shouldn’t trust?
@ 50
Ever ask the trust question about our current president?
Or are you too busy bending your cost curve downward?
Ever ask why he’s fighting two wars he supposedly ended?
Ever ask if the planet has begun to heal yet?
You’re right. Trump overselling the size of his audience last night is a far more important issue.
Hey, great news you fucking racist trolls!
The GOP tent just grew a little larger!
You built that! Wooooo!
Reports revealed a gunman opened fire at the Karlsplatz U-bahn metro station in Stachus Square, Munich’s main square just three miles away from the Munich Olympia centre where the first incident happened.
Say, didn’t some dude give a speech that included a dark discussion of terrorism just last night?
Same link as @ 53:
Munich Police are refusing to say whether they believe the multiple incidents are a terrorist attack.
Of course they are. Explosives strapped to a guy’s back could mean anything.
A leading security expert said it was highly likely the attacks were linked to Islamic State (ISIS) as the terror group has been focusing on Germany recently.
An ISIS propaganda channel tweeted: “Munich so far not claimed by Islamic State.
“But everything hurting infidels makes us happy.”
Hey, anybody know if Bob has apologized for accusing Philando Castille of robbing convenience stores yet?
@51 why then are you bringing it up….why now are you asking those questions. How about you trying to analyze some of the answers? I’m sure all your answers are black and white, so why would anyone want to know what your answers are? I’m also sure your answers are that mostly, if not all, more just disparaging remarks intended to demean Obama and fault him….
So, as stupid as talking about ratings of the last night or any night is, especially without any analysis as to why, your questions are just as stupid.
Again, you are a doctor? Or graduated medical diploma>?
Shheeeeesshhhhhh – you are one dumbfuck and the reason of why this Country is the way it is…..take some accountability you dumbfuck.
Since when have you cared about wars, the environment….all you ever have done here is defend cops killing black people, because he looked like he may have had a gun (probably a fabricated excuse that you bought into).
You are the biggest dumbfuck going here….dumber than the loon…..
@ 55
At some point there will be a police statement of what was seen on dash-cam video (apparently there were two cameras) and found in the preliminary investigation.
I haven’t forgotten and if nothing is said to support, I’ll apologize.
That case really fell off the radar in the last week. Almost nothing since the audio leaked.
@53 yeah how intelligent of him to read the tea leaves that terrorism is a problem.
Wow, you and he are so fucking smart! Maybe you should be Vice President.
Boob’s attitude is changing here, I wonder why?
He seems to have dampened his freak-out. Feeling a little guilty that you are on the wrong track?
@54 does it completely matter if it is labeled Terrorism to realize that yes there is a terrorism problem…I thought that that was already established in @53. Try working on a solution, instead of waiting with baited breath to call it terrorism every time an incident like that happens.
I, many moons ago, asked why is ISIS so inspiring (and yet Americans so fucking stupid). Try to figure it out Boob – maybe then you’ll have a solution to the problem.
Here’s a thought Bob:
If it should turn out that Philando Castille was not robbing a convenience store, why don’t you apologize to his grieving girlfriend and all the family, friends, coworkers, and students he left behind? Go onto YouTube and make a video. You don’t have to appear in it. You don’t have to identify yourself. Post it and link to it here.
There really isn’t any point in you apologizing privately in these comments to this group of foul mouthed partisans. We don’t respect you and we know you don’t respect us. But those grieving people aren’t partisans and they never did you any harm at all. If it’s going to mean anything an apology for wrong doing should be directed to the people who were most directly wronged. That sure isn’t any of us here.
When the time comes do the right thing.
@ 62
I respect you plenty, DR.
How come no lawsuit filed as yet? How come the family isn’t agitating for dash-cam video release?
“Donald Trump has the lowest-rated final night of a convention since at least ’04.”
I turned it off. A half hour of Trump yelling through the tube trying to scare the shit out of wingnut rubes was enough.
I, many moons ago, asked why is ISIS so inspiring
And why Obummer no longer is right HHTL?
Almost 14 months of QPPS following Puddy like a lovesick puppy dog is very impressive!
does it completely matter if it is labeled Terrorism to realize that yes there is a terrorism problem
Isn’t acknowledging the problem and its cause the first step HTTL? This is why Obummer is raked over the coals because Obummer can’t say radical islamic terrorism!
“How come no lawsuit filed as yet?”
You really can’t think of any other reason besides this guy was a violent gun toting convenience store robber and his “gun moll” (presumably feeding a drug addiction) tooling around with a toddler in the back? How’s this: eight dead police officers.
There’s no need to rush to file in these cases. And there are a whole series of preceding steps that must be completed before you can file in federal court for a civil rights claim. First the matter has to be adjudicated locally and claims filed with the responsible local authority. Meanwhile eight police officers have been killed in ambushes by crazed lone gunmen. And 102 local protesters jailed and 21 local cops injured. Widespread civil unrest directed against the authorities does not help ongoing investigations or future prospects in civil court. Could hurt. A good lawyer would advise as much.
“How come the family isn’t agitating for dash-cam video release?”
They have. They are. As are a bunch of lawyers groups and civil rights groups. But the dash cam videos are part of an active homicide investigation. So it isn’t unusual for them to be withheld until the investigation has been completed.
Anyway, I’ll be looking forward to that YouTube video, Bob.
Oh my DNC emails on the ether…. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! http://www.theverge.com/2016/7.....nformation
PuddyCommentariat: Yep, DUMMOCRETINS were SCUM against TheBern!
What was the first lie from the DNC when the hack was reported HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Answer because most are as DUMB as the Oregon moron: full names, addresses, and phone numbers, some include passport and social security numbers. credit card payment details, including card numbers
Oopsie! Puddy wonders if certain HA DUMMOCRETINS will be identified?
First the matter has to be adjudicated locally and claims filed with the responsible local authority.
Shorter Oregon moron… Need to make that call the “Rev” Al or Jesse!
Former NFL Coach Dennis Green has died! He was 67!
@65. No, wrong again fuck face. Obama – one of the most inspiring person I know.
You, fuckfsce, the least inspiring.
At 71. Ohhh, boo hoo hoo
A decade of unintelligible loon head explosions of hate doesn’t impress. It’s just tiresome.
@67 wrong again. Dipshit.
The batshit insane loon who couldn’t in a million years utter the words “radical right-wing Christian terrorism” has just had yet another unintelligible hate-fest because the president who has had thousands of Islamic terrorists killed, including Osama Bin Laden, won’t obey his stupid fucking commands.
When President Bush let Bin Laden elude due reckoning and invaded the wrong country, the hate-filled dumbfuck loon and his batshit crazy ilk were cheering Bush on while calling everybody who objected traitors.
This country and the world would be a better place if dumbfuck haters like the loon were all shot dead for treason and then dumped in the trash.
Republicans lose another skirmish in their war against women:
“The Alaska Supreme Court on Friday struck down a state law requiring parental notification for girls under age 18 seeking abortions, agreeing with pro-abortion rights advocates that the mandate approved by voters in 2010 violates the constitutional rights of underage abortion seekers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now, I’m not a fan of abortion. But that’s easy for me to say, because I’m not a woman and will never have to give birth to a child I don’t want or can’t take care of. Where I differ with Republicans’ is I don’t believe it’s my place to tell others what they can or can’t do with their bodies. If someone wants an abortion, it’s none of my business.
Head explosions abound!
@70 Total full-blown idiocy. The GOPers are right about one thing, the public schools are failing, at least at the loon farm.
@57 sloppy, I assume you don’t see yourself as a racist hypocrite, otherwise you would change, but you are acting like one.
For example, You instantly take cheap shots and imply Castile is a convenience store robber
and the cop was correct in shooting him, but you won’t take responsibilities for your slanders, until the governments investigation is complete.
You instantly make cheap shot assumptions that any black man in the media is guilty of something, so what ever was done to them is justified before any of the facts are in, but you will not admit you were wrong, once again, , that the black man was innocent until all the facts are cataloged.
sloppy, if you don’t want keep coming across like a racist hypocrite, you should refrain from making your wrongheaded value judgements until all the facts are in.
Just trying to help you.
IMHO, it’s bullshit like the tunnel that is one aspect of the appeal of trumpence to a lot of voters. The elites pushed through the tunnel, over the vocal objections of the ordinary voters, sticking the voters with the costs. He claims he’s going to be the voice of the ignored. Not that he has any intent to do that, but he will keep saying that till the election.
For a conservative viewpoint:
“I’m an Adult. You Can’t Scare Me with Hillary Clinton.”
“Again, this is not ideological disagreement territory, this is “Trump is mentally unhinged” territory. If Trump is willing to believe and publicly espouse crazy stuff that he reads in the National Enquirer, what might he do as President, with the command of the whole military at his fingertips?
That’s scary. Sorry, it’s way scarier than whatever Hillary Clinton might do – even though what Clinton might do would be bad. However, as P.J. O’Rourke has noted, while Clinton is wrong about almost everything, she’s “wrong within normal parameters.” Trump is not. ”
No disagreement from me. What trumpence and his vocal followers could do scares me. He’s already gone on record saying he would purge everyone associated with Obama from the federal government.
That’s dictator behavior and he’d control the nukes.
This is very strange.
“Everyone Creeped Out By Donald Trump Touching His Daughter”
I always thought that dumbbing down America began with the Republican Party. But I was wrong, I think it began with Boob being born.
@76 second the motion!
Portland. Who knew?
Actually, I kinda did. If you read the Atlantic piece and you’d like to know more about this stuff, including Seattle, you should consider reading Sundown Towns by James W. Loewen. Not so “progressive” after all.
@83 not sure the pat down was that bad….but look where his eyes go at the time he does it…..that poor girl, she must have laid awake many a nights, hoping that that night wouldn’t be that night, again.
You don’t suppose that Boob or Puffy spent some time in Cleveland this past week? I didn’t see them on the TV, but maybe because they were preoccupied in the hotel room with someone special….Did Puffy have Milo with him for a threesome? (is that Libel?)
hmmmmm, I wonder if there is any correlation between cops behavior (aggressive, distrust, etc., etc.) and any increase in resisting arrest……..sounds like a snowball to me.
Donald Trump discussed terrorism last night.
Obummer attacks Trump over his terrorism comments.
German-Iranian teen implements muslim terrorism again!
Obummer fumbles: blah ummm blah ummm
Clinton-Kaine vs DrumpfPence
HA trolls LOSE!
IF Puddy ever swung that way HHTL, it most def would not be with you ANYWHERE at ANYTIME!
The Bernie-Warren wing of the left wrong wingnutz won’t be happy!
The natural reaction to surprising violence is try to protect yourself from bodily harm. I suppose that’s considered resisting arrest to a big tough guy twice her build.
@94 I think they’ll be just fine.
@95 If you go limp, you’re resisting. If you don’t go limp, you’re resisting. Doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re black, bang.
So the cop who shot the black caretaker in Florida was actually trying to shoot the white autistic guy and feels “horrible” because he missed and shot the wrong person. Would he feel better if he had killed the helpless autistic guy?
My only experience with Kaine was watching him on the Richmond city meetings. He took over quite a circus of personalities. He managed the crazy pretty well. He has the patience of Job. My mom is in Virginia, and is a life-long union Democrat. She always thought he did a pretty good job.
Another dedicated and loyal Trump customer.
Virginia is a suburb of D.C.
Here, Schiz.
Some more grist for that weird little mill in your head.
That what you Idiot TeaBaggists want for the whole country? Why not save everyone the trouble and move somewhere where this sort of thing is already set up?
Like Kyrgyzstan for example?
“If you go limp, you’re resisting. If you don’t go limp, you’re resisting. Doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re black, bang.”
Hands up. Hands down. Doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re black, bang.
I had forgotten Kaine was chairman of the DNC. That is how boring I apparently find him.
@101 Fortunately. There is a lot of money flowing into the mountains around Roanoke. DC is only an hour by plane, and those planes are full for the first flights out most weekdays.
The Swiss completed the Gotthard and there were issues.
Seattle can finish this. A tunnel was the preferred solution back when the via duct was built.
@1 Well the great Capitalists could step in and build an efficient transportation system that is effective and serves the public, and make a reasonable profit after selling stock to investors to cover the risks and pay the for the construction. Maybe some help from politicians in getting the deals done and some property seized. True capitalism, care to invest Senor Rabbit? Or is the public way better? Afraid it all could be extensions of Underground Seattle? Think of the tourism.
@1 Because Lake Washington is too wide and deep for a traditional suspension bridge. Each one of those pontoons is a lot of concrete and iron. And they have to float for a long time. The Roman solution could be filling in the lake from both ends.
@8 I hope those black contractors start talking to some attorneys and start looking for all this grift that RR is talking about and also get some justice and maybe some pieces of what should be new action if there is truly gift and mismanagement. If some black contractors can get this project rolling lets get them into the game, and get this gray goose cooking.
@12 RR and Puddy are saying the same things just in different ways. Probably both of you are concerned taxpayers are being taken, which can be hard in a progressive state like Washington. Maybe should start a public organization to look into this mess and get some public going. Before Bellingham decides it has to be like Seattle and have a tunnel I’d like a tunnel built so we can learn and avoid the mistakes, course we might make some of our own. Won’t that be fun.
@42 The are so much like Daffy and Bugs yet they could just do good together getting the public involved in this here tunnel business for grifters and getting people onto the project who will get the thing done at the least cost to the tax payers. Come on boys you can do this.
@44 Tunnels make sense. There are potential fixes to Seattles housing issues that could make Seattle affordable for all, but it would require some social experimenting. Building in the downtown with a public/private money to create a futuristic city today in Seattle. With some of the money coming from tax payers. With public housing options for all. Needs to have some kind of ownership so people get that kind of connection to their home. So it’s not just an apartment. So it’s a home. Or a burrow.
@61 ISIS is inspiring depending on the viewpoint of the viewer. The creators are former Baathist military members of the Iraqi army, Sunni’s, and Al Quada. They exploit certain point of views. True believers are difficult to deal with and most Americans are ignorant to true believers be they Islamic or Communist. There are no easy ways to deal with true believers unless you can motivate them to act in their best interest that happens to dove tail with yours. Machivallian politics may help, but one must be prepared to be bloody minded and remember the British did not build an empire by being nice. Though dealing with ISIS one may do well to agree with Stalin that power comes from the end of a gun, until you can corrupt the pure true believers which will take awhile or may not happen.
If one can contain them then in time the locals will kill the true believers as they usually end up the victims. It will be an ugly process. Want faster results, it will involve killing. Even acting like a Crusader. Act like Charles Martel or Vlad the Impaler. The Crusades were a reaction to Moslem taking Christian lands, enslaving Christians, murdering non Muslims than a unjustified invasion, though it got a few troublesome Knights, Princes, and Kings out of the Popes hair for awhile.
@101 Not at all. The section of Virginia that was part of DC was reclaimed by Virginia in part because of an issue over the slave market and an ordnance stopping the selling of slaves some years before the civil war.
DC is a special place of no representation, in the state of Maryland.
So Virginia is not part of DC.
And remember West Virginia formerly part of Virginia is for lovers.