Y’all, I think that Donald Trump, the President, of America, is racist. From his racist tweets to his racist words, to his racist policy, to his racist history, there are some clues. I guess what I’m saying is that President Trump is a monster.
by Carl Ballard — ,
WTOP-FM, Alexandria (DC)
Via Twitter
“Apollo 11 got off the ground, in no small part, thanks to Wernher von Braun, a brilliant German-American rocket engineer who was laid to rest in Alexandria, Virginia.”
After a brief bit of online mockery…
“CORRECTION: We have updated this story to explicitly state that Wernher von Braun was a Nazi.”
Von Braun was whatever he needed to be to get by in Germany. Don’t forget the US intelligence folks actively went after those German scientists so that they would not be captured by the Soviets.
The US government actually smuggled those scientists into the US via the Mexican border. You see, even the government was not in support of securing the border when it was to its advantage to not do so.
Trump is a monster. Like Hillary Clinton is a monster, Carl?
Power called Hillary Clinton ‘a monster’
Power’s 2008 comments were reported in The Scotsman after Clinton defeated Obama in Ohio’s primary.
“We F***** up in Ohio,” she said. “In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio’s the only place they can win.
“She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything,” Power said.
Power also said the amount of “deceit” Clinton was putting forward “is really unattractive.”
How far Hillary has fallen. By 2016 she couldn’t even win Ohio.
Carl — ya think?
Trump doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. His administration is blatantly nativist and white supremacist.
Now, some people may have other reasons for supporting Trump. They may even feel slightly uncomfortable with his racist policies — although, clearly, not uncomfortable enough. They may be in it for tax cuts, less regulation of their predatory businesses, getting anti-abortion judges on the Supreme Court, or just because they don’t like Democrats.
Or horse sex. Or just out of ignorance and stupidity.
In other words, I’m not calling Boob a racist. I tend to think of him as more of a dumbfuck than anything else.
@1 No biographer of Werner von Braun would be complete without mentioning that he also was a shamless opportunist willing to sell his talents wherever the grass was greenest.
@2 ” … smuggled … into the US via the Mexican border …”
If Trump had gotten his way in 1945, von Braun would have learned Spanish, built V-2s in Central America, and Guatemala would be lobbing them at Trump’s golf course in Florida.
@3 You should write a book about your weird obsession with Hillary, which everyone else here thinks is sexual. Throw in something about your affairs with horses, too. It’s easier money than “investing” in Varian Medical Systems, which pays no dividend and is slipping earthward again today, like a balloon slowly leaking out all its helium.
OTOH, if you’re secretly shorting the stock you’ve been bragging up here on HA, you may do okay.
@2 & 5
Yes but it’s not exactly telling the story to refer to him as a ‘brilliant German-American…”
John Wilkes booth, an American Stage Actor is buried here in Maryland.
In other market news …
“If the Federal Reserve follows through on strong hints that it will be cutting interest rates in late July, it will do so in the face of a powerful consumer, a record-breaking stock market and an increasingly difficult case to make for easier monetary policy.
“Justifying a policy easing against that kind of a backdrop might be tricky for the Fed, even though markets fully expect a cut this month plus perhaps two more before the end of the year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, it’s not tricky at all. Trump lackeys don’t need any justification. What Trump wants, Trump gets, or they’re out of a job. And Trump wants lower interest rates, because he doesn’t know any better, and doesn’t care anyway. He sees that as his path to re-election, and doesn’t care about anything (or anyone) else.
@ 7
There goes Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit again, dismissing a stock because it pays no dividend.
It was not long ago that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit defended GE because it paid a dividend. GE is now at less than half of its share price when he did. Oh, and the GE dividend was cut by 96%.
That stock Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit dismissed? VAR was at about $106 in October 2017, and it’s now at $134 and change. Not the best performance by a company’s shares but certainly no cause for shame.
Meanwhile, one can make good money on a stock by trading its options. Selling VAR’s naked puts during brief downturns pads the total return quite nicely, and options trading is very likely why PI’s numbers are so good.
Meanwhile, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still trudges to the library to read day-old news in Barron’s on Saturday. Saturday is when Mrs. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit welcomes in her BBC, and she needs Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit elsewhere while she does her reverse cowgirl.
The racist is supported by the racists. And the cowards that let him be a racist.
@2 so you’ll be a racist too if that’s what you need to be to “get by”? Nice! That’s why I eat watermelon, bananas and fried chicken too!
These Republican women are so bad I couldn’t stand listening to them and turned it off.
@4 “hide it”? The plan to be a racist nation is not to hide it. You just need to slowly evolve there. That’s his plan and it’s right on schedule. Resist!
@10 “It was not long ago that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit defended GE because it paid a dividend. GE is now at less than half of its share price when he did. Oh, and the GE dividend was cut by 96%.”
And guess what? I fired GE from my portfolio, just like any boss would fire a nonperforming employee.
“That stock Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit dismissed? VAR was at about $106 in October 2017, and it’s now at $134 and change..”
Wow! That’s really something! I bought Hershey in May 2015 for $97 and it’s now $144 and change, and has raised its dividend four times since then, currently yielding 2.06%.
And then there’s Starbucks, worth about 80 times what I paid for it …
“Meanwhile, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still trudges to the library to read day-old news in Barron’s on Saturday.”
Which saves me $260 a year, which is like getting $10,000 of Hershey stock for free, and is $260 a year more than your Varian dividends. Laugh at me all you want, then tell me you’d turn down the free income from $10,000 worth of stock.
What a dumbfuck.
I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck buys all the books he reads, because he’s too lazy to check them out of the public library and read them for free. But he probably doesn’t read very many books. He has other priorities, all of which either neigh or baaa.
Trump is not a monster. He is a high functioning psychopath who is lapsing int dementia.
But what that surprises me is that no one has remarked on how profoundly misogynist Trump’s “Go back where you came from: tweet was. If he just thought immigrants should go back to their countries of origin, he might start by suggesting that to his wife. Sure, she is “white”, but there is another difference between Melania and the Squad. Melania hasn’t been told to go back to Slovenia because she Is a “good” wife. As the Baptists say, she submits to her husband. She doesn’t speak out or criticize anything. She tolerates his boorish, and criminal, behavior. If those pesky congresswomen could just be like Melania, Trump wouldn’t have any problem with them staying in America.
@ 17
But what that surprises me is that no one has remarked on how profoundly misogynist Trump’s “Go back where you came from: tweet was.
Misogynist, sure. Because no man would ever say something like that to an immigrant who was not female.
Trump’s approval rating increases with Republicans after racist tweets
This sucks that so many republicans still think those who are not exactly like them are not real American, that those people are inferior to them.
No wonder they are always projecting that liberals think conservatives are inferior.
Trump’s China tariffs won’t even pay for the bailout to farmers hurt by his trade war |
Tariffs are not being paid by China but by American consumers — U.S. manufacturing tumbles as deficit grows
I assume the conservative racist incel types next will be demanding that America companies stop paying it’s workers so they can compete with China or something. Nothing else the republicans have tried has worked.
@17 ” If those pesky congresswomen could just be like Melania, Trump wouldn’t have any problem with them staying in America.”
They’re the wrong color, so wrong religion, so he’d kick them out anyway, if he could get away with it.
As someone brought up yesterday, it’s just a matter of time before he starts resettling U.S. citizens he doesn’t like.
@18 “Misogynist, sure. Because no man would ever say something like that to an immigrant who was not female.”
You might also have mentioned that civilized people wouldn’t say that to immigrants who are female.
Btw, only 1 of those 4 Democratic congresswomen are immigrants. Although Trump apparently thinks being born in the Bronx makes AOC an immigrant too. And who knows, based on your track record here, maybe you’re stupid enough to think they’re all immigrants.
What a dumbfuck.
@19 That simply confirms what we already knew, i.e. it isn’t just Trump who’s morally deficient; the Republican voter base is, too.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
Felt it was a good idea to remind everyone
People Are Sharing Heartbreaking Stories Of Being Told To ‘Go Back’ To Their Countries
“There are many members of Congress and state legislatures and Donald Trump’s own family who are immigrants, who are new citizens, who were not born in the U.S. But as long as they’re white, he’s not telling them to go back to anywhere. He reserves that particular criticism for black and brown women, exclusively..”
Anyone who does not condemn trump is just as racist as he is.
You see, this perfectly illustrates the point.
Clearly the overwhelming majority of Republicans are energized and comforted by the peepee president’s global expressions of race hatred and his and his staff’s demands for expulsions based on race and ethnicity. This is why they voted for him. This is not a new thing. This is truly who they are.
And this is yet another reason, and certainly the most important reason, why the Democratic Party must not build campaign bridges to any of those people. Either America lives up to its creed and its promise, or it does not. For those of us who believe in America and what it stands for there can be no other way forward but to reject the small minded bigotry and misogyny embodied by president peepee and all his followers, defenders, and enablers.
This isn’t a question of pacing, or increment. What stands before us is a political party of 63 million Republican voters who have stood up and raised their hands to reject equal protection, reject rule of law, and reject one-person, one-vote.
That. Is. Not. America.
Fuck. All. Those. People.
@26 I think “fuck you” is the best policy toward Republicans. After all, they’ve been doing it to us for decades. Why should we negotiate or compromise when they don’t? Fuck ’em is right.
What’s more, they deserve it.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Pussywhipped Punks News– Trump Thanks Pussywhipped Punks For Making Screeching Bitch Squad Face Of Demorat Party.
President Donald Trump thanked several “progressive” Democratic congresswomen who he called out in a series of Twitter posts after a latest Rasmussen poll showed a four-point jump in his approval ratings.
“New Poll: The Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in predicting the 2016 Election, has just announced that ‘Trump’ numbers have recently gone up by four points, to 50%,” Trump wrote in a Twitter post on July 17. “Thank you to the vicious young Socialist Congresswomen. America will never buy your act!”
Fwiw, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has raised twice as much money as its Republican counterpart, and Democrats also are out-fundraising Republicans in contested Senate races.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like the GOP’s big donors know a bad investment when they see one. They may be Republicans, but they didn’t get rich by being stupid.
William Barr and Wilbur Ross are now officially criminals.
It may be okay to be a racist at the White House, but it can still get you canned if you’re a shmuck working at a gas station.
See Bob, you are too fixated with homosexuality. Your horse is feeling a bit left out.
Dear @28,
Can you answer a couple of questions for me:
Are the “progressive” Democratic congresswomen Hutus or Tutsis?
And when will I be receiving my government issued machete?
Thanks sincerely, and as always,
I hate making Nazi comparisons but we’re really at that point.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.“
Bard Parscale, tonight
The arena has a max capacity of 8,000.
Images taken outside the arena show a few people ‘showing up’ without a ticket.
“Biggest crowd to attend an inaugural PERIOD!”
Saw this comment on reddit. Thought it worth repeating
“As an outsider (non-American) what I see is that the whole system hinges on fear. An overwhelming, stultifying, stupifying, horrendous fear.
Fear that someone is getting something you’re not, fear that you’re paying for someone else to get something that you should get, fear that people are trying to take what little you have away from you, fear that you’re missing out, fear of people who have a different approach to life, fear of people who don’t look like you, fear of anything different, fear of….pretty much everything.”
This applies to every trumper i have talked to. The fear is packaged and pushed 24/7 by the alt right propaganda media
Trump 2020 Campaign To Simply Air Unedited Footage Of Democrats Talking
Imagine YLB as president. Just another woman of color saying stupid shit.
Teh Dumbfuck actually does not realize that Babylon Bee is Xtian joke site like The Onion (minus the humor and the $200 million valuation).
Trump effect.
Everything president peepee touches he makes stupid.
@36 “Just another woman of color saying stupid shit.”
Imagine Doctor Dumbfuck not posting stupid shit for one whole day. No, I can’t; it’s unimaginable
Weeding the garden.
Gonna defend this cop, doc? He seems right up your alley, minus the horse.
GOP Sen. Rand Paul voted for Trump’s deficit-busting billionaire tax cut. Now he says we can’t afford to help 9/11 responders with their ongoing medical bills.
What’s next? Well, just vote Republican then see what happens to your Social Security and Medicare.
@36 “Just another woman of color saying stupid shit.”
The conservative racist incel isn’t bothering to disguise his racism any more, his contempt for women and people of color, that they are inferior to him.
@40 if his voters don’t vote him out, then that is what they wanted. Probably they will say “they don’t want their tax dollars going to support some New York liberals. “
@41 One well-placed horseshoe would show who’s inferior to who.
@35 that’s been part of the Repuke message for the past decades. Be afraid! People are easily scared when it comes to finances. So like everything else, Repukes exploit it. Like the do horses and goats and underage, saved from the womb vacuum, little kiddies.
@41 true colors are showing now.
Maybe that’s why Puffy really disappeared – he knew this day would come and could stand to be here to witness it. Puffy’s anger was just misdirected.
Well now we know why Donald has been all in on spreading the notion that the FBI was just a nest of America hating commie Kenyan born non citizen loving vipers.
@52 and hopefully (or probably) some of those, or the majority of them, are suffering Repukes. That would be icing on the cake, and it might cause a little problem for the Repukilan Party. And if them dumb NY fuckers still want to support Repukes then they can bring their little flag pins with them in their caskets.
How’s that Bob – you want some competition?
Which is a “high crime and misdemeanor”.
But once again, this is entirely the point.
The RapeCage Party is perfectly comfortable with a peepee president who they know is a criminal, a finger rapist, and a failure, so long as he fights for white supremacy.
Which is a “high crime and misdemeanor”.
But once again, this is entirely the point.
The RapeCage Party is perfectly comfortable with a peepee president who they know is a criminal, a finger rapist, and a failure, so long as he fights for white supremacy.
It’s a lot of newly released material. 900 pages.
But it’s going to make a few more people sweat the 2020 election.
For one thing, my reading is that the only thing keeping Hope Hicks out of jail is a Republican AG. The statute of limitations for bringing charges under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 is set by 18 U.S.C. Section 3263 at five years. Her false statements to the FBI took place Dec. 8th 2017. She’s not out of the woods until Dec. 8th 2022.
And she’s not the only one. Not by a long shot.
Republican Party base responds to their president:
Of course he’s lying. But that’s not the point here.
This hangar rally filled with Republican PCOs, county and state officers, donors, GOP activists and reliable supporters are spontaneously chanting “Send her back” to Africa.
About an American citizen.
About a member of Congress.
About one of us.
She is one of us.
Not one of them. Oh no. Not by a long shot.
None of us are. And they would have all of us kicked out of our own country if they could. That’s them saying so right there on camera. No dog whistle. No nuance. They are saying it straight out. They are coming after everyone now. That’s the campaign.
@51 And he’s already disavowing them.
They should know by now what happens to people who go out on a limb for him. He’s back at the trunk sawing it off.
I guess some people are just too stupid to see what’s plain as daylight to the rest of us.
Some disavowal:
His own campaign operatives started the chant and he smiled throughout. These are national and local Republican Party leaders seeking the approval of their peepee president.
And he gave it to them.
Every one of those disgusting pig-people in the background behind him are identifiable hand selected VIPs chosen for their looks, their loyalty to the campaign, and their enthusiasm for the message. About half of them are prepped. They are among the first to begin chanting. And he pauses long, and lovingly to wait for it to all get going good and loud.
There’s no way to pretend that this viciously un-American racism is not the theme of the Republican 2020 campaign.
The Republican Party is a national disgrace. Every single one of them. From the top all the way down. Monsters.
Another brilliantly conceived Republican campaign event!
Poll numbers soaring!
I just had a trumper tell me “If you don’t like america get the hell out” when I didn’t agree with him on Flag Pins, of all things.
First they came from the immigrants,
Then the people of color who were born here,
Then the progressives…..
It’s our fault. We never should have let the right know that destroying American democracy while surrendering to Russia would “trigger the libs”.
That’s how we get more Trump.
I left the garage light on last night.
That’s how we get more Trump.
Good gravy, you fuckers are such whiney-assed little drama queen bitches!
Amy Wax speaking in development of the platform for 2020 at the National Conservatism conference, the “main stream” Republican answer to the alt-right:
“The position is that our country will be better off with more whites and fewer nonwhites.”
She follows up that this is “okay” and “not racist” because her “reasons” for favoring whiteness over non-whiteness have to do with “culture and behavior” and not “biology”.
Let’s just never mind the fact that there really is no valid biological basis for the concept of race. So the only “reasons” that have ever been for racism have always been rooted in “culture and behavior” – the culture and behavior of white people.
This shit is the heart and soul of the GOP. And it’s right out in the open for anyone to see. As it was in 2016. And the media pretended not to notice then either. Because mustn’t offend racist assholes.
Fuck. All. Those. People.
Funny then, that it’s Republicans doing all the whining.
Haven’t stopped yet.
You had full unlimited control of everything for two fucking years and all you did was whine. No wall. No big tax reform. No immigration reform. No flag burning amendments or mandatory school prayer statutes. No economic miracle. No coal jerbs. No Lock Her Up. No smaller government. No “great deals”. Not a fucking thing to show for it except the racism and a bunch of Baby Rape Cages.
Instead, you imbeciles recused yourselves and appointed a Special Prosecutor to spend the entire duration of the last Congress you will ever control diving under your desks and taking the Fifth to avoid going to jail. That, two wishy-washy judges, and three trillion dollars of new debt are your legacy.
And you’ll never take responsibility for even that.
You’ll just whine.
@54 This particular militia had quite an arsenal — a dozen handguns, two dozen long arms, including what appear to be several sawed-off shotguns.
It’d be interesting to know more about his background. Sovereign citizen? Rightwing militia? Neo-Nazi?
Definitely not your average citizen.
like boob is a racist dumbshit horse bugger?
Not a soul in these threads save for boob and an extra troll or two that doesn’t agree with that.
Sigh.. .That’s how we get more drumpf…
Wherein a CNBC article correctly labels the GOP as a party of cowards.
You think nitprez drumpf is bad..
Look at the orange freak’s supporters:
rapey boob and Zer0 feral hog slop…
@64 exactly. Fuck The Hump. He’ll probably get re-elected. The real problem is that there are 61 million other Nazis. Bunch bastards that don’t like the real America.
@58 Nazi!
I see in this morning’s news that Trump freighted his debt ceiling offer with $150 billion of spending cuts and Pelosi told him to shove it.
Btw, that piddling tax cut Trump gave you? He took it back by imposing a new tax on you. It’s called “tariffs.” He claims China is paying this tax; but it’s not, you are.
Of course, I did better tax-wise, because capitalists like me directly benefited from the tax cuts the GOP showered on corporations, which they passed through to shareholders rather than use it to create jobs, just as economists predicted they would.
So, heads I win, tails I win; and if you’re a wage earner, you got screwed in this deal. I’m sorry and feel bad for you, but it’s not my fault, because I didn’t vote for this two-faced liar or his crooked party.
Nope, I’m a communist.
Not a Republican either.
Welp, whatever this douche nozzle is, he don’t know how to refresh his browser cache.