For the traffic mess some people are going to experience when the Viaduct shuts down, it might be a chance to take public transportation. I recommend it. But! You should probably know what the hell you are doing. So here are some tips to make sure that you don’t mess with other people’s commute.
Load your Orca Card now. Or if you don’t have one, know how much your trip will cost and have it ready before you fumble around at the bus door, or wherever you pay.
Figure out your route ahead of time. The driver (ar least Metro) will help you out, but if it’s super crowded, there might be a lot. They will talk to you at the door, but if you cause them to stay at the stop through a light, everyone on the bus will hate you. One Bus Away is great, and all the transit agency websites have tools to help you out.
Standing in front of open seats doesn’t help anyone. Jesus, man. Just have a seat. Or if you’re worried about getting off soon, move away from it so someone else can sit down.
If it’s crowded, move toward the back, and away from doors. Exit from the rear doors of buses. Don’t crowd the platform on the train.
trump punishing his enemies?
Trump orders FEMA to send ‘no more money’ to California for forest fires in misspelled tweet
The state has roughly 33 million acres of forest, of which federal agencies including the US Forest Service and Interior Department own and manage 57 per cent. Another 40 per cent are owned by families, companies, and Native American tribes. State and local agencies own and manage just 3 per cent of the forest land in the state
Does that mean California doesn’t have to send any more money to the federal government then?
Carl, what do you have against stupid people that just want to be obliviously a problem? It’s there right if they want to stand where ever they wish. People have no common sense – it’s just something that has to be dealt with.
I have a friend (he happens to be Russian from Russia) and he tells me I am too considerate. He asks me, “why are you so considerate?”
My response was that if I wasn’t considerate then why should I expect anyone to be considerate to me…..but he still didn’t get it, and didn’t change his inconsiderate behavior. What can you do? Just the fact that he had to ask me that then you know there is a problem.
I see the Feds confirm with meeting minutes their position of “patience” with the economy and raising interest rates; or in other words Powel is afraid of losing his job.
Whooohoooo – rise baby rise!
“Wall will stop drugs!”
Drugs come by airplane and boat and autos. It’s part of the business model. Send 100 vehicles with drug stashes and if 15-20 get caught it’s like “spoilage”’at the grocery store. The drivers go to prison and you load up another hundred and find 15-20 new poor white folk willing to drive for you for $5000. Or you load a truck with 100 druns of slasa and two of them have something wrapped up and at the bottom of the salsa.
For fucks sake the guy who berated an empty chair at the GOP convention just made a movie bout how the drugs got there.
It ain’t loading up a backpack with 50kilis and hike it across the desert.
Best part is, because of EEEMERJUNCEEE!!! WALLL!!! SHITDOWN!!! CRISISSSS!!!!! hain’t nobody checking those trucks right now.
Probably none of the drug smugglers know that tho.
So not a problem!
Yup. Trumpublicans love Murica.
Even better, CBP agents start at $45k. And now they will be going three weeks with no paycheck. Zero. Nada. And no refund check from last year’s withholding. Bzzzzzzt. Sorry.
Even in the best of times the agency struggles with integrity issues and corruption. Of course who the fuck knows? The agency currently has no IG. He retired. Acting IG is on loan. Who cares, right?
I’ll tell you who doesn’t care. Trumpublicans.
“Carl, what do you have against stupid people that just want to be obliviously a problem?”
A bus ride is time during which everyone should be free to be as stupid as they want, and if it irritates Carl, that’s better yet.
Earlier today Trumpublican President PornSweat angrily stormed out of meeting he demanded at the White House with the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader. According to those present as soon as his guests were seated RageTweet McStinkFinger quickly opened by asking the Speaker if she would immediately agree to his demands for funding a two thousand mile long 35 foot high gigantic wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. When she politely replied no he stood up and yelled at her “You’re wasting my time!” and stomped out of the room to cry into his pillow.
Many of the normal parts of government may be shut down owing to the emotional immaturity of modern Klownsurvaturds and their beloved Russian Puppet President. But the Congress is still at work in session as usual. They have ongoing hearings, meetings, negotiations, votes, and plenty of their normal work to get done, despite President ManBaby’s seasonal affective disorder. A trip to the White House is a complicated interruption that requires setting aside staff time and coordinating schedules. Meetings have been postponed and plenty of people had to miss lunch and work late to make this happen. It can be hard on staff under the best of times.
That’s strike two. This is President ShitStain’s second disgraceful and humiliating debacle performance at the White House involving senior Congressional leadership and their assembled staff, dragging them away from their work to put on a bizarre display of his childish temper. He does not deserve a third swing. From this point going forward the only thing House and Senate Democrats should send to the White House is legislation for that idiot to sign or not. As he sees fit.
Let his own party deal with him. After all, they made him. They created him out of thin air by ginning up a beer drunk mouth breathing voter base of witless aging television addicts. And then turned him loose on their own voters by carefully crafting a party primary system designed to select the Most Likely to Form a Lynch Mob candidate. He’s all theirs.
Instead of putting on Pelosi and Schumer last night, the Democrats should have responded with Rep. Rashida Tlaib telling the nation, “We’re going to impeach the mothefucker!”
@8 People who wanted to elect a businessman to run the government are getting what they wanted. A thin-skinned petulant child with no leadership skills what so ever, none. This is not a reality-tv show. Donny can pout and storm out all he wants, that might work in his real estate business but not in the Federal Government.
Should it work that way? No, because a Government is inherently different that a capitalistic business. Just look at all those furloughed federal workers and the functions they provide. Case and point, you want Boeing inspectors to sign off on they planes they design and build without any outside quality inspections? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Oh shit….
Pelosi has learned a thing or two about soundbite politics. The lead on every show today except The Trump Network.
“He thinks (unpaid federal workers) can just get more money from their father but they can’t.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Open Borders And Pants-Shitters News- Trump speech great, Demorat clown act… priceless.
Pelosi started off the response while Chuck Schumer stood and stared.
Then Chuck took over and Pelosi looked just as creepy.
Crazy eyes.
Bonus Pic, Demorat stooges taking dump while babbling gibberish;
“Trump speech great”
What’s funny about this is that it wasn’t intended to be funny.
Priceless. The Dear Leader syntax and malapropism infects them all. Everything he touches is diminished. But every day is another “win” on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Some day very soon all of Real America will laugh hysterically as the whole beer drunk mob end-zone dances their mobility scooters right off the cliff, fist pumping and hooting all the way down.
And a little Teh Dumbfuck shall lead them.
Steak Sauce prolly isn’t working either.
Gonna call his daddy to beg for more money too.
This really is the “status quo” of Trumpublicans from now on.
@6 “And now they will be going three weeks with no paycheck. Zero.”
That’s nothing. Back in 1981, when we were in the throes of the Reagan Depression, then-Gov. Spellman froze state workers’ paychecks and made them go two months without pay. He was Washington’s last GOP governor. Maybe Trump will find out what Spellman learned: Most folks won’t vote for people who make them work without pay.
@10 “a Government is inherently different that a capitalistic business”
What Trump doesn’t get is that when you run a business, you’re the boss, but when you run the government, you’re an employee.
Trump has never had any practice at being an employee, so it’s not surprising he sucks at it.
“A lie can travel around the world before the truth can put its boots on”
– Benjamin Franklin
Now you know how spittlepuddles, shitty steak sauce and Docktor Dumbfuck get their news. They’ve probably been forwarding those emails since spam was invented.
Wiki on Andy Martin, evidently a psychopathic, pathological liar who has made quite a tidy amount of money smearing bullshit on peoples windows for the right-wingnuts to lick off.
Thinking about the trump shutdown. What’s the word for people being required to work without pay?
Trump says ‘if there’s a concrete wall in front of you, go through it, go under it, go around it’, in rediscovered 2004 video
And tests of steel prototype for border wall showed it could be sawed through with common tools.
And don’t forget. Trump now claims he ‘never meant’ Mexico would directly pay for border wall despite repeatedly saying it
IA. Well done. Yes, he’s a racist.
From eleven congressional districts in 1930 down to only four today. And three of them are represented by Democrats.
Wanted to see what fox was saying about WALL ha! Instead I heard
“liberal taxes are too high, killing small business and destroying your jobs. And liberal areas are cutting funding to police because they say they don’t have money, so you will get mugged and robbed. You aren’t safe in liberal areas. What’s all the tax money going to? People are saying FREE vacations for illegals.
Next, religious liberty ourage. Bakers are still having to make cakes for gays.
(No mention of the shutdown. )
Air traffic controllers got pay stubs today with $0.00 earnings and they’re sharing photos with media.
FAA inspectors are ‘picketing’ airports with signs that the plane passengers are boarding hasn’t had a routine inspection.
Coast Guard families should have garage sales and there’s mortgage money in secret shopping.
USDA inspectors are talking to the media that food safety system is off line.
Donald’s pounding tables.
Smithsonian closed
Wall can be cut with saw. Home Depot MX has 2 locations within 5 miles of border
Dinald’s favorite pollster has him down 2% since speech on crisis.
Only33% of Americans blame shutdown on Democrats
Aaaaaaaaand Donald says he’s going to boarder to announce new American Dictatorship Comrades!
Did I miss anything?
“Did I miss anything?”
Only this:
Regardless of who Democrats nominate next year, the very same “never Trumpers” who are right this minute publicly lamenting the fake EEEMERJUNCEEE!! CRISISS!!! REPUBLICLOWN SHITDOWN will turn like clockwork to the solumn every-four-years duty of manufacturing this cycle’s ButteryMales/Birfer/SwiftBoat “troubling concerns”.
And also just like clockwork, forty million AM HateRadio addicted EEENDEEEPENDUNCE will pause briefly from obsessively day trading in Goldbuggery to “vote their conscience” for President StinkFinger because “they had no other option”.
Elections have consequences. And everything has changed.
Except for those things that never, ever, ever change.
Obvious proof of time travel:
Chris Gregoire said NO to Dino (now 4-times!) Lossi and unhinged misogynists.
She served TWO terms..
Speakah Pelosi said NO to drump’s fucking wall. Says she wants to talk border security based on facts. Facts like oh southern border crossings are lower than they have been in years. Immigrants undocumented or otherwise commit crimes at a lower rate than “the legals”. Border towns? Like McAllen, TexASS – low crime rate! Oh and is that 5 billion you asked for just a blank check?
Oh wow, how radical..
Misogynists heads are exploding. People are suffering but isn’t that the way it always goes? You have to stand hard against the insane haters.
How are we feeling this morning, Madame Justice?
Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible RBG departure
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Hillary Rodham Clinton – the gift that keeps on giving.
@ 27
Leave it to a woman to claim that the border security dispute is misogynist.
And somehow Gregoire’s name comes up as part of it.
YLB, unserious twat since…
Well, probably since the first time she applied Tinkerbell makeup.
godwin, your constant woman hating and insults of YLB is right out the homophobic playbook of the 1950s. What’s next? “Smear the Queer”? It shows everyone you have serious mental issues. Get help. Tell him you have Fragile Masculinity, and may be an Incel. Start from there. Really get help.
Misogynist head explosion @ 29!
misogynist snowflake TRIGGERED! Oh yeah, it’s an incel for sure..
Portrait of the the bald, limp incel as a young freak..
Mission accomplished…
@ 30
Actually, I’m waiting for my hopes to be dashed over Tulsi Gabbard.
It’s gonna happen. I’m sure of it.
Someday. Right?
It has to hit rock bottom.. That’ll only happen when it goes seriously stupid on naked puts or some such and loses everything…
It will first blame it all on “that bitch”, bill clinton and harry reid and then..
Shit, maybe not even then.. They’re always hope I guess..
Who’s the HA fuck with the TV/video background? CZ-252?
Q13 FOX editor fired over doctored Trump address video
That comparison revealed the Q13 video creating a loop of the President licking his lips — making it seem bizarre and unbalanced — it also seems that someone distorted the President’s face and may have added an orange tone to his skin.
Less than a day after placing the editor responsible on leave pending an investigation, Q13 terminated his employment.
“We’ve completed our investigation into this incident and determined that the actions were the result of an individual editor whose employment has been terminated,” said Q13’s news director in a Thursday update.
Another anti-Trump asswipe self-identifies. Hope he thinks it was worth it.
When Mueller proves that trump conspired with the Russians to win the election and he is deemed an illegal president, I hope we will revisit his judicial picks.
Time to stop twisting your panties, Steve. The market remains quite healthy.
Stock market marks 5th straight gain, Dow, S&P 500 exit correction
No doubt this disappoints you.
@ 35
…he is deemed an illegal president, I hope we will revisit his judicial picks.
I see. Will you also hope to revisit the confirmation of them by a completely separate body of government?
Red, what the fuck has happened to you? You’ve devolved into a clown like so many of the others in these parts.
Anyone else surprised that Carl didn’t mention riding your bike to work at the top of this OT?
After all, the City is fucking up life for everyone else in order to create bike lanes that few will use.
Rantz: Seattle to kill 300 parking spots, 2 lanes, for bike lanes and no plan
“The trade-off of removing parking has been a consideration since SDOT and Metro began the project. Removing parking spaces allows us to build a continuous connection for people riding bikes between the University Bridge and downtown along Fairview Avenue North.”
The bike lobby is small in numbers, but loud in voice and Twitter trolling. It has pushed for protected bike lanes at any and all costs. And they share one thing in common with SDOT and Councilmember Johnson: they offer no support, nor consideration, to drivers. Writing in the Seattle Bike Blog, anti-car zealot Tom Fucoloro wrote that cars shouldn’t be prioritized at all, solely “walking, biking and transit.”
To justify support for the project, SDOT and Johnson turn to public comments in favor of the plan, though some support came from folks in the bicycle community that neither live nor work in — or even pass through — Eastlake at all.
There also is mention in the piece of a bottleneck at the bridge north of Eastlake.
I guess this is one way to keep people from realizing how old they are.
Goldy Retweeted
Tom Tomorrow✔
Schumer and Pelosi need to wear body cams when they meet with Trump.
That video rebuttal performance Tuesday night did the geriatric duo absolutely no favors. Best turn the cameras on everyone else next time around, amirite?
#32. She probably doesn’t date trump voters.
@19 “What’s the word for people being required to work without pay?”
Slavery. Republicans like it. Their ideology is all about cheap labor, and there’s no cheaper labor than slave labor. Sometime when you have time read this article:
Life imitates art
@ 19, 41
“What’s the word for people being required to work without pay?”
Restitution. As in:
Weiner regained his composure as he waited for the judge to hand down the sentence, but when she said he would have to serve 21 months, he began crying again.
His head bowed, he held his hands over his face as she spelled out the remaining terms of the sentence, including supervised release for three years, DNA collection and federal and state sex offender registration. Weiner is prohibited from having contact with the victim and must take part in a sex offender treatment program, Cote ruled. He was also ordered to pay a $10,000 fine, but no restitution.
@23 But no tax is too high to pay for Trump’s $5.6 billion White Elephant Wall, amirite? Especially taxes paid by liberals.
I understand Democrats are saying “no wall, period.” But let’s just say, as a thought experiment, that at some point the Democrats decide to compromise and give Trump money for a wall in exchange for certain things they want.
In that case, one of the requested tradeoffs should be that Trump and the GOP agree to taxes to pay for it. I would suggest a tax surcharge or tax recission imposed on the rich people and/or corporations who got huge breaks under their 2017 tax bill.
The quickest way to find out how badly someone wants something is by asking them to pay for it themselves.
@24 “Only 33% of Americans blame shutdown on Democrats”
The same 33% who would support Trump if he started rounding up Jews, Muslims, blacks, and browns, and gassing them, including old people and babies.
Starbucks oozes class. Not unlike the way Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s catheters ooze purulence.
Starbucks to install safe needle disposal boxes after employees sign petition
Several Starbucks locations in the Seattle area will be installing safe needle deposit boxes in store bathrooms after thousands of workers signed a petition calling on the coffee megachain to “protect employees.”
In the petition, workers urged corporate to place needle deposit boxes in Starbucks bathrooms, citing the “heroin” and hepatitis C “crisis” as well as the risks involved with unsafely discarded hypodermic needles.
“Exposure to HIV/AIDS, Hep C, Hep B, etc. is a risk in Seattle where there is a heroin/hep c crisis,” the petition claimed. “Employees risk getting poked, and DO get poked, even when following ‘protocol’ of using gloves and tongs to dispose of used needles left in bathrooms, tampon disposal boxes, and diaper changing stations.”
@27 What Pelosi isn’t saying, but we all know, is what happens when you pay ransom to kidnappers or meet the demands of hostage takers. Sometimes there are casualties when you don’t, but there will be even more if you do, because whatever you pay is only a down payment.
Cheap-labor conservatives hate the progressive income tax like the devil hates holy water.
@30, 31 Just to keep things in perspective, #28 and #29 are nothing more than a troll testing clickbait.
@32 She’ll be dead someday. So will you. Probably you before her.
godwin, I know you can’t resist a wiener, but was from 2017, it’s old and moldy by now.
Also you got it wrong.
res·ti·tu·tion: the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner, recompense for injury or loss.
As in “He was also ordered to pay a $10,000 fine, but no restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner. ”
Once again, you failed. Get mental help.
If you give into a blackmailer, they will just keep coming back for more.
@34 I really like the part where they say, “we regret if it is seen as portraying the President in a negative light,” because it really tells you what Fox is. Meanwhile, the editor could have saved his job simply by realizing there’s no need to make Trump look bad. He does that quite well himself.
@36 “No doubt this disappoints you.”
Why would it? He realizes that when you make money in the stock market, so do George Soros, Tom Steyer, Roger Rabbit, and countless other liberal capitalists. A rising stock market lifts all boats, not just yours.
I forgets now.
Who dat real estate belongs to?
Oh right. Nows I members.
You get to decide exactly how to use your sewage flooded corner of the filthy trailer park outside Burns. Have fun with that.
@37 Red is incorrect. Once the election was certified, Trump legally became the winner, regardless of how he got there. After certification, barring a court challenge, the remedy for election irregularities is impeachment, not nullification, and even if the apparent winner is removed from office, his otherwise valid appointments and executive actions remain valid.
I recognize Trump is a legitimate president, and do not propose removing him extralegally. There are only three legitimate ways to end his presidency: (1) removal or resignation, (2) term expiration, or (3) nature taking its course. Any discussion of ending his presidency outside of these parameters should be out of bounds.
Even if they cost Susan Collins her seat in the Senate.
Womp womp
56. Thanks for the information.
@38 “After all, the City is fucking up life for everyone else in order to create bike lanes that few will use.”
Why do you care? You don’t live in Seattle. You’re squealing about something that doesn’t affect you. It’s reasonable to conclude you’re doing it because you like listening to your own noise.
@39 According to your “logic,” then, cops wear body cams because they’re “old people.” Do I need to explain why everyone here thinks you’re a dumbfuck?
When you call me a “dumbfuck,” nobody believes you, because they know better. When I call you a dumbfuck, they relate to it, because you are one.
Calling me what you are doesn’t make us equally credible.
@40 Does anyone? Nobody I know does.
Trump, defending his wall, says wheels are “medieval,” too. But this …
… clearly is not equivalent to this:
The point is, Trump’s stupid comment assumes that technologies are static, and don’t evolve. Nobody builds medieval walls anymore, because they no longer work. Humans, a clever species, have had thousands of years to figure out how to neutralize physical barriers. Nowadays, a virtual wall consisting of electronic monitoring devices is far more effective than any physical barrier, and when you talk about our southern border, that’s one of the things we should be investing in.
Of course, everyone knows the purpose of Trump’s wall isn’t to keep immigrants out, it’s to keep a campaign promise to his racist fans and look like he can push Democrats around. If there wasn’t a caravan at our border, he’d have to rent one, because without them he has no argument at all. The public isn’t as stupid as he thinks. Most Americans know it’s a phony argument and understand what his real motives are.
So the incel boob is reduced to copying the trash it read from the mynorthwest peanut gallery to ha?
It’s a life if you can call it that. Good luck with it.
@19. What’s the word for people working and not getting paid? It’s cslled Slavery, if not already answered for you.
Isn’t ironic that most of the illegals are getting paid during the shutdown and the American Citizens not. But hey they’re all liberals!
@36 if you think the Stock Market is back on track then you are the biggest dumbfuck going.
When it was close to reaching 27,000 you were celebrating as if it was only the beginning of something great to come. Only for a big correction – and you stayed quite. Now it’s rising again on false hopes and you seem to be celebrating again now. But I bet it won’t be long before you go back in hiding.
@41. Rog – you and I pretty much have the same thoughts. You beat me to it.
@45. Thanks for leaving out the gays… I don’t want to be gassed! By the wY I don’t intend to be gassed, I’ll go down fighting and fight back to my own death if need be. Resist!
Poor Puffy – he didn’t learn.
@ 44
In that case, one of the requested tradeoffs should be that Trump and the GOP agree to taxes to pay for it.
Somehow I don’t think that would be difficult. Lessee, a $5B wall spread over, what, 150 million taxpayers with the payout spread out over, what, a decade?
Three bucks a taxpayer, each year.
Done deal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Trump can sell that to his base, no prob.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Open Borders And Pants-Shitters News Update- Chuck & Nancy show resounding success, Demorats vow to stop border wall at all costs.
Congressional Democrats are ditching House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s ardent opposition to any barrier or wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, as the partial government shutdown continues and President Donald Trump takes his case directly to the border itself.
“If we have a partial wall, if we have fencing, if we have technology used to keep our border safe, all of that is fine,” Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL), the chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), said on CNN.
“Certainly you need barriers and we support barriers,” Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) added.
Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY)–the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee–said they would support fencing and barriers where necessary along the border.
@68 personally I’d rather have healthcare for all if its that easy. Or if not healthcare then a better road.
Since when were Repukes able to grasp the idea of raising taxes to pay for things? News to me.
Besides – I want another tax break! The grandchildren for christ’s sakes!
@69 But I want a Wall the full length – all 2000 to 3000 miles of the border and 80 feet fucking high, god damn it!
One that I can dig under, if I want. Or squeeze between the slats, preferably. Please, please don’t make it concrete, and make me climb over it!
Help me out here. Is the 5.7B this year, or spread out over 10 years like godwin was sayin?
Hey – can I help build the wall?
After working the night shift at my boss’ golf resort I could work the morning shift on the wall.
Wait, seriously?
Teh Dumbfuck believes $5 bil acquires 1200 square miles of ROW (750,000 acres) plus accompanying construction access and service roads, aaand buys you 500 million square feet of steel barrier installed! With zero ongoing cost of ownership. Duhr, yup. Derpy, derpy, derp.
Now that they’ve dropped trou for Cheeto Jeeebus, these people are so fucking stupid there’s no working with them.
Jump ahead to the 4:30 minute mark. That’s going to be one expensive wall.
Don’t let a Repuke read this article….we may have to spend a lot more on building a barrier around earth.
Looks like Trump is fixing to grab the money for his wall from the recovery funds that Congress appropriated for communities ravaged by natural disasters in Puerto Rico, Texas, and California.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Most people call this “stealing.” What kind of weasels are cheerleaders for a worm who would do such a thing? The same kind who take glee in a Supreme Court justice’s health setbacks and dance on her grave even while she’s still alive.
Zarenski calculated how fast the work could go — assuming 10,000 workers spread equally over 50 sites. Then, they could build 37 feet of border wall each workday at each site — about 1,850 feet each workday across all the sites.
Even if these huge crews broke ground today, they would finish just 86 miles of border wall by year’s end. By Election Day 2020, 161 miles of border wall would be done. It would take 11 years to reach 1,000 miles. And that is assuming 10,000 workers going all at once, five days a week.
Cut that to 5,000 workers and a 1,000-mile long wall would take more than 20 years, Zarenski said.
They estimate it will take over ten years for Trump to build the Memorial Wall to himself, therefore, the finished cost could be 10/20 percent higher at a minimum . Most contractors are using many immigrant workers on their construction projects. If Trump say’s no immigrant workers, the cost to the citizens of the United States, to build the TRUMP MEMORIAL, will be even higher.
As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 24% identified as Republican that pencils out to 78,000,000 republicans.
So $5.7B paid by 78,000,000 republicans for 10 years is $7.31
An internal report by the Department of Homeland Security said the wall would cost about $21.6 billion, not including maintenance.
So it will cost every republican voter an extra $28 for the wall for next ten years. and if it’s 20% more by the end the decade about $33 a year
Wonder how many cheap bastards would say they were independent just to avoid paying the trump memorial vanity wall tax?
@77 stealing people’s recovery funds, seems like a great way for republicans to make more democrats.
@68 It’s news to me there are 150 million people who fit this description:
“the rich people and/or corporations who got huge breaks under their 2017 tax bill”
More likely you didn’t read the fine print in my proposal or chose to ignore it. But hey, if you can get the congressional Rethugs to support this, then by all means go for it! For my part, I’ll do everything I can to bring Nancy and Chuck along. I’m certainly not opposed to rich Republicans wasting their own money on a huge make-work project for blue-collar construction workers the like of which no one has seen since the 1930s.
Of course, you don’t really need make-work projects in a full-employment economy where growth is already being stifled by labor shortages, but you could always import the workers from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico.
Sawzall with metal-cutting blade, $200. Generator to provide current, $500. Gas for generator, $2, extra blades, $5.
Time to cut through one 8” steel pipe in two places, to open up one 18” wide access gap, 1/2 hour.
Hey A1 – here’s your fucking wall.
Maybe you and Boob can discuss how much better it would be than some new tunnel in Seattle.
You think overruns of budget only happen in Seattle?
I especially like #4 – just what I was thinking in my earlier post.
I say let him grab all the funds he wants….when there are overruns or it is a complete failure, they’re will only be him to take credit for it.
Without a wall – he can’t take any blame. Let him dig himself a grave and a bigger hole for the GOP. Hopefully it’s one big sinkhole with Bob on the edge of the hole.
@80 I was thinking that, too. They’ve already probably converted a quarter million current and former federal workers and another half million of their family members, too.
You gotta give Trump credit for reversing the traditional concept of buying votes by throwing federal money at congressional districts and actually testing it. Nobody’s tried that before. It seems to be working the way you would expect it to.
@78 Actually, I think Trump intends to still be in office 20 years from now. He clearly doesn’t see any constitutional impediment to that and he probably believes he’s immortal, too. His thinking is based on the notion that the normal rules don’t apply to gods like himself.
@57 Frankly, I think she’s already on her way out, after knifing Maine’s women voters in that Kavanaugh business.
Here’s how she’s doing with the voters back home:
and here’s how the fundraising for her 2020 opponent is coming along:
Never been a problem Derp. In fact we already authorized and appropriated more than $5 bil for “BARRIER!!” And guess what FuckStick? Your beloved Dear Leader StinkFinger has spent less than 10% of it. Womp, womp.
The problem for YOU is that Dems will only give you WALL!!! as part of comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Do YOU remember what happened to YOUR members in Congress the last time they took up immigration reform? Hint: Ask incumbent House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) retired.
It’s all just too complicated for you idiots. You built yourselves your very own backyard nuclear reactor like this guy.
Aaht’s okay. It didn’t really work out for him either.
Somebody remind Trump just how well the Maginot line worked for the French.
“French military experts extolled the Line as a work of genius that would deter German aggression, because it would slow an invasion force long enough for French forces to mobilise and counterattack.”
Trump is just a con man.
He will never get help. It has been pointed out many times before that he needs help. The thing is, he likes being misogynistic homophobe that wishes death upon women, in other words, an angry old white GOP man.
Some furloughed federal workers are being called back to work, to wit:
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has now directed 38 wildlife refuges to order their staffers to return to work to ensure that hunters and others have access to the areas despite the partial government shutdown, according to an email obtained Wednesday by AP.
“Margaret Everson, the principal deputy director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, decried lost ‘opportunities, including hunting’ during the shutdown. ‘For the next 30 days, using previously appropriated funds, we will bring back a limited number of employees to resume work on high priority projects and activities that support the Service’s mission and meet the public’s desire for access to Refuge lands,’ Everson said in an email.
“Barbara Wainman, assistant director for external affairs at FWS, said the paychecks of 244 employees will be funded so they can return to the refuges in order to oversee scheduled hunts, continue backlogged maintenance projects and prepare for the fire season, The Hill reported.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, no money for trash collection, but they found money to enable hunters to shoot my forest friends.
Speaking of hunting, the evangelicals are upset that a federal anti-lynching law approved by the Senate last month would put restrictions on lynch mobs hunting down gay people.
It is just more pandering to his base, you know, the gun nuts. Why pay air traffic controller when there is a hint to be had? For goodness sake, get your priorities straght!
91/93 – Eric The Hump likes shooting things.