So, it’s probably too early, but 2020 primary elections for President and possibly governor are sooner than we might want. I am going to try to stay neutral. There are people I like more than others, but there’s no need to pick at this point. Hopefully we can get to issues at some point.
One of the nice things about an oversold stock market is the fun ride back up to a more reasonable valuation.
For those with time, it’s one of the joys of investing.
Too bad your time’s almost up, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your family counted on you to protect them. You let them down.
Before you invest, know this:
The new Post Orange Event Horizon half-life for Teh Dumbfuck’s “confidence” is now five days.
Five days ago Teh Dumbfuck was “confident” that any reports of TSA security delays because of the Trumpublucan Shitdown were mere partisan internet rumors.
Today he is “confident” that these thousands of news reports are FAKE NEWS!!!! created by ENEMIES OF THE STATE!!! and that all those exhausted, frustrated travelers are CRISIS ACTORS!!!
This really is “the status quo” of Trumpublicans now.
Hey Steve, you wanted to know why I was still optimistic despite a bad 2018 Q4.
This is why:
$119.8 billion is how much S&P 500 companies paid out in dividends
—in the last three months of 2018. That’s setting a quarterly record.
Healthy payouts, helped by a lower corporate tax rate, have been one of the few silver linings in a turbulent stock market.
For all of 2018, S&P 500 dividends increased by nearly 9% over the previous year. That also set a record.
Look at the bright side, Steve:
That’s a lot of tax income to the federal government.
I’m “confident” that market timers with home baked algorithms running on the Wintel box in the spare bedroom can find a way to work with five days.
Less “confident” they can make a profit doing so.
@ 2,4
If you think five days was fast, you should have seen how quickly I got Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to withdraw his support for GE in October, 2017.
Hey, whatever happened to that nice GE dividend, anyway? Oh, yeah. I forgot. In a year during which everyone else was boosting dividends, GE sliced its payout by more than 95%.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investing.
Never more important.
None of the libbies are available to read.
They are all out at the airports pretending to be stuck in line for their Soros Jew Money!
I just looked and Varian (VAR) is up above $121 per share today. That’s 15% or so higher than when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit disparaged the stock because, unlike GE, it doesn’t pay a dividend.
GE didn’t fare so well since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit went to the lengths he did in defending it, and announcing to the HA world that GE was one of his largest holdings at the time.
One really feels sad for the future of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family, as one reads the bloviations from him on one failed trade after another in his portfolio.
Although one good thing that has come from that is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit no longer announces on a near-daily basis how he’s doing in the market.
And for that, HA libbies, you thank me.
We thank you for the spectacle.
The spectacle of your fabricated triumphs in investment.
The greatest of these being your triumphant investment in your PeePee President.
He now makes up 100% of your net worth. Thank you.
@ 7
In terms of @ 3 dividends:
1. Gorsuch
2. Kavanaugh
3. Greater Senate majority for when RBG, whom I understand is now missing oral arguments for the first time in a quarter-century, leaves the Court.
4. All of those lower federal court judicial appointments and confirmations that Trump and McConnell have orchestrated
5. Tax cut
6. #MeToo own goals
Hell, the dossier could allege scat play for all I care.
I exist not to fabricate personal triumphs, QoS McHillbilly. I exist to demonstrate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit fabricates his.
godwin seems to be driven only by revenge, greed and fragile masculinity.
Godwin not available to read.
He’s down in the basement with a raging erection spilling goat’s blood over an inverted pentegram on the sudden news that RBG is missing oral this morning.
It will be hypocrisy if republicans who screamed bloody murder every time President Obama used an executive order, are silent and submissive if trump declares a national emergency.
Not that expect them to stand up for their so called values, but just another example of how terrified they are of the base.
In other words… a garden variety Republican.
Except you left ou the Bigfoot porn.
If factual error translates into moral correctness then Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s the Dalai Lama.
60 Minutes ✔
“There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” @AOC says in response to criticism that she’s made factual errors.
4:16 PM – Jan 6, 2019
You gotta admit, she is fuckable!
All Republicans agree.
And you will have twisted your panties needlessly when he doesn’t.
It will be hypocrisy if republicans who screamed bloody murder every time President Obama used an executive order, are silent and submissive if trump declares a national emergency.
Don’t tell me you’re afraid of her too now?
Fuck me. You people are pathetic.
He’s going to a border station on Thursday to make an announcement. That’s in fewer than five days. If your “confidence” interval loses a day every week, what happens in March when it reaches zero?
@ 17
I think she’s cute as a button. Wish she wouldn’t smile as broadly because it shows too much gingiva, but…
The clip of outtakes from that dance video was great – she’s amazing. Will be a lot of fun watching the tug-of-war between her and Nancy in the coming two years.
I’m also looking forward to the contrast between her and Biden, Sanders, and Warren in the coming months.
Hey, QoS McHillbilly, remember when none of you feared Trump?
Best of the clip is the Obama mic drop.
It’s spelled v-a-g-i-n-a.
Or so I’m told.
And don’t beat yourself up. I’m scared of them too.
One thing I’m not the least bit afraid of, and never will be:
That is just not a thing to be worried about. But it may be an excellent opportunity to bait Trumpublicans into a field of rakes and then sit back and laugh at the carnage.
Like right now.
“A right-wing deputy mayor in Italy’s northeastern city of Trieste has sparked an angry backlash after boasting online that he threw a homeless man’s clothes and blankets into the trash.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For some strange reason, rightwingers everywhere take joy in cruelty and boasting about it. Must be a mutant gene, because not all humans are like that.
@1 I asked my wife if she wants to swap places with your wife, and she said hell no, as bad as things are here, at least I’m not going out on her with a horse.
“I think she’s cute as a button.”
I hadn’t thought of her that way until I saw the old video. In that, she was nothing short of fucking amazing,…and cute as a button. Her recent video set to “War” in response to criticism captured some of that spirit.
As I counselled a young friend a year or so ago, the Democratic party was his generation’s for the taking. “We had our shot. Take the party over and let’s see what the next generation can do with it.” I see AOC and the incoming Democrat house freshmen as being emblematic of that actually happening.
Why is the GOP so scared of AOC.
Simple, she represents the safest of D districts and she’s extremely popular with her direct constituents. She’s going to be in Washington for a very very long time rubbing GOP launched shit in their faces until they know to stop crapping in the House.
Gardner, Collins, Tillis all on record telling Mitch and Donald to knock it off with the #trumpshutdown. What do they have in common?
GOP Senate seats up in 2020 in states that have swung Democratic. Gardner is likely toast in a state with no statewide elected Rs (CO) Collins has a new set of luggage (Oh hi sexual assault victims) and NC.
The. New line of attack on AOC ain’t gonna work. GOP and their mouthpieces are going with, “If you work hard and ‘earn’ $10million a year she wants to take 70% of that.”
The people saying that know full well they’re lying about tax rates but even still, you’re a steel worker, or middle manager or independent tradesman making $50-200k a year and you realize, “So for my family to have bridges that don’t fall down, doctors we can see, safe food, forests and clean water ‘they’ have to learn to live on $3million a year? Sign me up!”
That’s why they’re scared. A working persons budget championed by a funny likeable attractive millennial is the end game.
@3 In other words, you’re bragging that the economists who said the corporate tax cuts would go to shareholders instead of job creation were right.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll gladly take the fatter dividends. Too bad about the workers, though. Always is when Republicans run things.
@ 25
Simple, she represents the safest of D districts and she’s extremely popular with her direct constituents.
Same thing was said of Cynthia McKinney.
And at one time was likely said of the incumbent in AOC just unseated.
@5 Sez the dumbfuck who didn’t short GE at 23 because his mouth is bigger than his convictions.
@ 27
A working persons budget championed by a funny likeable [sic] attractive millennial is the end game.
An end to spending limits is her end game.
@7 My dividend income increased by 39.8% last year. What were your capital gains today? Fifty cents?
@9 “I exist not to fabricate personal triumphs, QoS McHillbilly. I exist to demonstrate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit fabricates his.”
Given that your idea of a “personal triumph” is Justice Ginsburg dropping dead, I don’t need any personal triumphs to compete with you. I can do that just by breathing.
@10 Don’t forget equine lust; that drives him, too.
@14 What we have here is a Trump sycophant preaching to us about “moral correctness.”
$5b for Wall. Unbudgeted.
“How’s that GOP tax cuts will pay for themselves working?” He says knowing the deficit for Donald’s budget is the highest in six years and national debt accumulation always accelerates under GOP administrations.
Which gets to the next problem Dumbfuck has with AOC. She knows the GOP economic theory peddled her entire conscious life is bullshit and calls you out. The nerve of “that little girl!”
Too damn funny.
@25 “Why is the GOP so scared of AOC.”
Basically for the same reasons Boob is scared of me.
@31 Exactly what I was thinking. You beat me to it. When Republicans flap their jaws, hypocrisy has no limits.
Republicans have no plan to pay for the tax giveaway or SPACE FORCE but healthcare or green jobs have to be paid for. Hypocrites.
@ 36
“How’s that GOP tax cuts will pay for themselves working?”
Just fine, until one looks at spending increases during the same period. See @ 31.
“Why is the GOP so scared of AOC.”
For the last time, it’s spelled v-a-g-i-n-a.
But at least she’s fuckable.
“One of the nice things about an oversold stock market is the fun ride back up to a more reasonable valuation.”
Keep dreaming. And don’t forget – in about 2 years some Democrat will become President and it will all fall to shit again. Amirite?
Fuck you!
SPAAACE FOOOORCE!!!! will TOTALLY pay for itself!
The Martians have already agreed.
You can tax the upper echelon at 100% and you still won’t get what you want out of it.
Ocasio-Cortez wants higher taxes on very rich Americans. Here’s how much money that could raise.
This $720 billion in a decade is not nearly enough to fund Medicare for all, which has been estimated to increase government outlays by about $30 trillion over a decade (while also zeroing out premiums and deductibles paid by Americans).
The Congressional Budget Office also recently estimated that raising taxes on the two highest income brackets by 1 percentage point would net $123 billion over 10 years. That would be for everybody who earns more than $200,000 annually.
Doesn’t get you nearly what she claims to want to buy.
See @ 31.
If you want all the things you claim to want, there must be substantial buy-in from the middle class in the form of significantly higher taxation.
Cough it up, YLB.
That’s why AOC wins. You GOPers rely on trying to spread bullshit and home no one will notice.
The actual U.S. Debt AND the total yearly deficit is rising while the expenditure from FY 2017 to 2018 fell slightly.
But good to know you’ve acknowledged that GOP economics has always been, “put it on the credit cards.”
Well played.
OfDumbfuck says the exact same thing about Dumbfuck’s penile implant at least once a quarter.
Is AOC still triggering trolls?
Heh. Good. It’s fun to watch.
The prospect of the entire GOP led by Hannity and Carlson spending the next twenty months going full Max Cady on all the Dirty Sluts really ought to turn around their slide with the lady voters.
If you don’t follow @jayrosen_nyu you should.
Do it now. I’ll wait.
Okay. So having spent years criticizing typical media “horse race” election coverage he posted a thread on election day describing a method for developing alternative models for coverage. That method he then summarized and expanded on in PressThink journal you can read here:
Make no mistake about it kids: the completely fake, carefully manufactured MESKIN BORDER CRISIS WALL shitdown is the official launch of the re-election campaign. And as things stand the media are faithfully complying by covering this as a horse race partisan battle.
If this continues Trump will win in 2020. If Democrats continue to mindlessly accept the frames issued by the White House and repeated by the media he will end up winning. There is no border crisis. They are lying about all of it. They have spent less than 10% of the previously appropriated funds for border security. They just left the money laying around. Ask yourself why.
They shut down most of the immigration courts and blocked up the remaining with tons of new rules and extra requirements. Ask yourself why.
They pulled DEA and State support to fight Narco-terrorism out of the border regions more than a year ago. Ask yourself why.
Trumpublicans need to create images of crowded camps and refugees along the border any way they can. They need to bring cameras to the border, even if they have to torture toddlers to do it. They need little kids dying of thirst. They are manufacturing all this. For the media. For the crisis. For the fight.
Every time they ask for more money ask them why they aren’t spending 90% of the money they already have. Every time Trumpublicans yell FIRE! ask them why they used only ten percent of the money we gave them for fire extinguishers. And ask them why they used that to buy gasoline and matches.
Trump said said Mexico would pay for his vanity WALL
and he’d be ‘proud’ to shut down the government.
And the republicans don’t even know what kind of WALL it’s going to be. Concrete, steel, metaphoric? Nobody knows. Nothing is written down. Nothing. They want $5+ billion blank check apparently. What could go wrong?
I liked the idea of a yellow police Do Not Cross tape tied to fence posts with Trumps name on them in flaking gold paint.
@20 Gingiva = gums
WTF, you can think with either of your heads.
@51 should have been “can’t think with either of your heads.”
@ 49
If Democrats continue to mindlessly accept the frames issued by the White House and repeated by the media he will end up winning.
You mean if Democrats behave the way YLB behaved for the eight years spanning 2009-2016. Minus her kneepads, of course.
Shorter 53,
“FIRE!!!… because black dude.”
Like a metronome.
Remember that time President Obama faked a border security crisis while underspending his border security budget by 90 percent, beating up Guatemalan toddlers, gassing pregnant ladies, and locking kids in rape cells?
Teh Dumbfuck does.
In honor of the deceased Puffy.
Hey – at least it didn’t involve farm animals! Amirite Bob.
The TEXRail service in Fort Worth that was delayed by a signal glitch and possibly government shutdown, is on again. Starts Thursday. The Vehicle they are using is very adaptable, could have worked on the East side Line.
When the Dumbfuck gives stock advice remember…
He was sure Electric cars would fail
He KNEW Tesla was doomed.
He scoffed when I was investing in Tesla.
He cheered the short sellers with every slight dip of TSLA.
BMW hopes to have an all electric with a shorter range and a much higher price than Tesla’s model 3 by 2022 and Tesla is building a factory in China to capitalize on demand for zero emission cars there.
And, like I mentioned, there won’t be a real competitor in their market space for at least another three years.
On another note, NFLX is up almost $200/share since the Dumbfuck was assuring me that cord cutters were nothing and the Great Recession would kill their streaming/subscription model.
What a Dumbfuck. I bet He bet big on Alabama yesterday.