Good morning.
Has your commute been thrown a monkey wrench with this traffic? Have you been forced to bike through somewhat chilly conditions? Have you had to sit in a somewhat more cramped bus? Have you experienced the horror of telecommuting? Are you in Southern or Eastern Washington and not seeing the fuss?
Personally, my commute is fine, but it’s a bit weird anyway.
Anyone else notice how well the market has done since the shutdown began?
It’s like it works to apply John Bolton’s comments about the UN building to the US government.
Hey, Goldy, how would you feel about LEOs wearing bulletproof vests over their badges and bodycams?
It is crazy that state House rules allow concealed weapons in the gallery, yet the House dress code would bar @waltgov from the floor for wearing a bulletproof vest over his jacket and tie.
@1 I notice the Dow is up 130 points this morning, but only because Goldman Sachs jumped $15 while over half the Dow stocks are down, and my own portfolio is flat. So, what exactly are you selling today? Used timeshares? Venezuelan treehouses? Government shutdowns?
Change we can believe in.
IRS says it will issue tax refunds, but not audit, during shutdown
In a reversal of past practice, the agency will issue tax refunds even if the partial government shutdown continues.
Obama could have done stuff like this, too. But it wouldn’t have gotten him what he wanted.
Godwin’s comment is like one of those junk mail postcards inviting you to a free dinner at Anthony’s. All you have to do is listen to a sales pitch from a financial predator.
@1 with that said, predicting 27,000 by the end of the year should be an easy statement on your part.
Ohhh, don’t forget the name of this blog that you so actively participate in as one its members.
“So, what exactly are you selling today?”
He’s selling bullshit – like he naturally always does.
I suppose before the “Correction” everything was real too… short people forget. Bunch of trapped hot air, until it bursts.
@ 3
I notice the Dow is up 130 points this morning, but only because Goldman Sachs jumped $15 while over half the Dow stocks are down, and my own portfolio is flat.
Really, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there are times you should just keep your fucking mouth shut.
If your portfolio is flat on a day when the market looks like this:
Dow 24,221.38 155.79 0.65%
S&P 500 2,619.99 9.69 0.37%
Nasdaq 7,045.28 21.44 0.31%
GlobalDow 2,861.25 7.61 0.27%
it says far, far more about the sad state of your stock-picking than it does about the markets.
You stupid, stupid fuck.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investing.
Proven valid by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, nearly every day.
ohhh, and by the way my 1500 shares of CEGTX is doing so great today…..maybe I’ll go out and purchase a new car (eyes rolling).
@2 I haven’t talked to Goldy about this, but I’ll venture a wild guess that he thinks militia lunatics, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Bible-thumpers who want to throw gays off buildings, and other socially maladjusted psychopaths shouldn’t be allowed to bring concealed handguns into the House gallery. His friend wouldn’t need the bulletproof vest if Republicans would agree to keep the guns out.
@4 Yep, I just saw in today’s Seattle Times that the Orange Buffoon who’s never had to subsist on a paycheck is calling back IRS workers and making them work without pay while he holds out for his vanity wall.
Exactly what you expect from a crook who brags about his bankruptcies, not paying vendors, and forcing his creditors to settle for cents on the dollar.
I wouldn’t work for him or do business with him either.
@4 “Obama could have done stuff like this, too. But it wouldn’t have gotten him what he wanted.”
Obama didn’t do stuff like this to get what he wanted. Neither did anyone else on our side. That’s the difference between our side and your side.
Government shutdowns, making people work without pay, hostage taking and extortion — these are all Republican phenomena.
Nope, Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. Not even close.
@12 you can sum it all up as TERRORISTS. Not much of a phenomena.
The Party of Free Terrorists.
@8 ” … it says far, far more about the sad state of your stock-picking than it does about the markets. You stupid, stupid fuck.”
Since my portfolio is filled with the stocks of America’s leading blue-chip companies run by its best CEOs, i.e., capitalism’s finest, it says way more about the current state of capitalism than it does about my intelligence, although it’s worth noting I’ve never claimed stockpicking requires any brains or knowledge, even kids can do it. Which means you’re bragging about being good at a sixth-grade skill.
So go ahead, insult AT&T, Verizon, Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble, Exxon, Johnson and Johnson, 3M, and Boeing, among others. It’s really their performance you’re criticizing. I’m only along for the ride.
@9 He probably shorts his own stocks.
In which a free pass for tax fraud is “a good thing”.
Make America Greece Again.
You forgot to mention the $1.5 trillion deficit too.
Did you forget the 10 trillion your 1/2 porch monkey added?
Oh that’s right shovel ready jobs. rodent The Trump Corp. after reading you resume wouldn’t even waste the time to send you a rejection letter.
“Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of the U.S. Homeland Security Department, on Wednesday … said her department and the U.S. Secret Service ‘are fully prepared to support and secure the State of the Union.'”
No, just go screw yourself. I think what Pelosi is saying is screw you.
@18 “rodent The Trump Corp. after reading you resume wouldn’t even waste the time to send you a rejection letter.”
Hitler, if he were alive, wouldn’t hire either me either and for the same reasons, i.e. I lack the temperament required for the work. In any case, I don’t need or want a job. But if you’re looking for work, that may not be a problem for you, as I’m sure you fit the bill way better than I do in that respect, although I’m not sure you can pass even Trump’s spelling and grammar standards.
@18 misleading and not factual….but Repukes know all about Fake News.
That 10 Trillion you speak of was the result of a lot more than just of Stimulus as you imply… was also caused by continuation and extending the GWB (the true monkey) tax cuts.
Not sure if you see a pattern here – but something tells me that without any intelligence you will fail to do so…..Tax Cuts…….You are the cause of the deficit by asking and wanting more tax cuts.
Bottom line the deficit was continuously being diminished after the Stimulus years or the last 4 years of the best President ever term. Eat your heart out you dip shit.
You stand corrected
Wherein 42 of 53 Treason Party senators refused to impose sanctions on Trump’s Russian business partner.
@21 Bottom line, the GWB party is responsible for all of the 10 trillion, because the post-GWB deficits were necessary to save the economy GWB wrecked.
Another clueless and tone-deaf Republican falls on his ass.
21, 23,
Eh, meybee.
But still, Porch Monkey!
John Bogle’s dead.
Although if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had followed Bogle’s advice, the Dumbfuck Rabbit clan wouldn’t be nonparticipants @ 3 in a market rally like the one we saw today.
So to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, no great loss that the biggest proponent of dollar-cost averaging is no more.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit didn’t listen to Bogle when he was alive.
No mention of a China trade war anymore – are they all staring at each other with each other’s cock in their hands and jerking each other off? What’s changed? Or was it just because today was Wednesday?
@26 Gee, some people reading this might think you retired years before me, instead of the other way around.
Most people don’t know who John Bogle was. After all, it’s not easy to dollar cost average when living on your idea of an adequate minimum wage. As Ray Dalio said yesterday, capitalism doesn’t trickle down very far.
But the Democrats are ready to help.
White House Economist admitted on TV today that the estimated cost of the shutdown, it really didn’t matter because Donald was going to throw his tantrum no matter what, did not include work stoppages by Contractors of shut down government departments. They only included the actual federal employees. The actual cost to the economy is quite a bit higher than he’s been saying for weeks. (Who drafted the talking points and sent him out there to lie to the American people?)
Yes, they are that incompetent in this administration.
Of course Donald is so used to never paying contractors that they didn’t include it.
8 Years ago.
What was that.
8 years ago
Kaboom. ISIS defeated!
Still triggering the racists.
Former first lady Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” has had the longest run at No. 1 on Amazon’s list of best-selling books since “Fifty Shades of Grey” came out in 2012
Here’s a pro-tip for life in general.
When someone starts talking to you about how ‘Eugenics research finds….’ end the conversation and walk away. You’re talking to a racist.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Dingbats News- Nancy “Steel Jugs” Pelosi threatens to cancel Trump speech, nitwit Demorats absurdly proclaim that Trump has finally met his match!
‘She’s satin and steel’: Pelosi wages war on Trump
Her move to derail Trump’s State of the Union address underscores her aggressive challenge to the president.
Donald Trump may have finally met his match in Nancy Pelosi.
Once again, thank you Demorats for being arrogant and stupid, you deserve a bonus pic;
Classic Demorat Beauty:
Cool story bro.
Donald isn’t giving an SOTU before a Congressional audience while #trumpshutdown continues and he can’t do Jack shit about it.
Three balrsnches etc etc etc.
Why do you hate the Constitution?
@ 36
Trump can give it at the White House in front of a slew of MAGA types instead, and send Congress the DVD afterward. He can give it pretty much whenever he wants.
“From time to time…”.
This is a nothingburger but if you’re going to run with it, play it out fully, ya pussy.
Take it away Rudi…
“No one on the campaign had contact with Russians. Ok ok ok ok Well we had contact during the transition Ok ok ok ok before the election we talked to some Russians but it was just minor staff Ok ok ok ok by minor staff I meant the Campaign manager and Don Jr. Ok ok ok ok I’ve got it now Collusion is not a crime Ok ok ok ok It’s a crime if it happened but it didn’t. Except for the minor staff that We’ve never heard of and haven’t met Donald Ok ok ok ok LITERALLY the only crime is the hacking and you can’t prove Donald was directly involved. Ok ok ok ok So he said on National TeeVee he’d like the crime to happen. So what?
*Not legally binding or a propose. Some staff will probably go to prison but they’ll be fine people.
Having it at the Oval in front of the gang of shutdown is GREAT optics.
Federal courts shut down in about ten days.
Will he give it before the Law and Order party shits down the law?
Maybe the Coast Guard can come?
McNuggets for everyone after!
Will Mitch be there? No one can find him these days. Maybe Ted Nugent can open?
Too damn funny.
@35 This country didn’t kick 40 Republicans out of the House and replace them with Democrats with an expectation that the new House leadership would cave in to extortion by the out-of-control occupant of the White House.
You might want to look at Trump’s approval rating. And polls on his white elephant wall. And above all the 2018 election returns:
House: Democrats received 9.75 million more votes than Republicans
Senate: Democrats received 18.1 million more votes than Republicans
It’s pretty clear the voters fired the GOP in November. It is Trump who must give in. Anything else would be surrendering to tyrannical rule by a voter-rejected minority faction.
@37 “Trump can give it at the White House in front of a slew of MAGA types instead, and send Congress the DVD afterward.”
And Pelosi is perfectly okay with that. To wit:
“Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29.”
Note that the president doesn’t have a right to address Congress in person; it requires an invitation. There’s no reason why Trump can’t deliver his STOU in writing like a sixth-grade book report. He needs the practice anyway. Given his reading level, it shouldn’t require more than two typewritten pages. But above all, he needs to realize there are three branches of government, not one, and he’s not in charge of the one that spends the taxpayers’ money.
Trump also needs to learn that running a government isn’t the same as running a business. When you run a business, you’re the boss. When you run the government, you’re an employee of the voters. And a little over two months ago, the voters decided he needs more supervision.
Well we found the Ohio Union Voters for Donald!
A workplace where people declared bathrooms were for “whites only,” where black supervisors were denounced as “boy” and ignored by their subordinates, where black employees were called “monkey,” or told to “go back to Africa.”
A workplace where black employees were warned a white colleague’s “daddy” was in the Ku Klux Klan. Where white workers wore shirts with Nazi symbols underneath their coveralls.
In Ohio.
In 2018.
There’s no reason why Trump can’t deliver his STOU in writing like a sixth-grade book report.
LOL. Donald doesn’t read. I see what you did there.
It’s only a string of farts anyway. Don’t need a teleprompter for that.
“Senate GOP Blocks Bid To Enforce Sanctions On Putin Ally”
“Gingrich says Trump should not negotiate on shutdown”
“Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia”
These are just one day’s headlines. One day. How do you negotiate with people who say they don’t want to negotiate? with people who are hellbent on selling out to our adversaries? They need to be voted out of office, period. And the people who voted them in do not deserve sympathy, understanding, or bailouts. They deserve what they voted for. It’s our job to make sure they never forget that.
@37 Bob takes part of the time of his day to address a nothingburger.
Sad horns…
Last time they had a ‘negotiating session’ Donald thew a fit that Speaker Pelosi and Minority leader Schumer wouldn’t roll over for a belly rub, pounded the table and stormed off in minutes. Then he tweeted about Chuck and Nancy.
So uh, fuck you and your lunch. Put some Big Macs on the table and we still aren’t coming. Release your ‘compromise’ in writing and maybe we’ll have you come to the Hill but yeah…Fuck you. Surrender or die motherfucker.
Micheal Steel has finally come to the right conclusion- about time you dumb motherfucker.
Ex-RNC Chair Puts Trump-Supporting Senators On Notice: ‘It’s All Collusion’
Bob, you are a collusionst – you to A1 jerkoff sauce.
That’s the spirit! Fuck them motherfuckers! Resist! Fight back!
Fuck you too Bob!
Bob, if you don’t like it here, where it’s 20-1, then you could alway join the cunty mrs. pence and teach art, where it’s 100 to none. I feel for you, you Dumbfuck
“Fucking a goat in memory of mr. cynical spews:”
You’re welcome.
It’s a Mitch Hunt!!
“He’s not in the cloak room
He’s not in the Capitol
He’s not in the Russel building
He’s not on the floor of the Senate
And 800,000 people still don’t have their paychecks – so #WheresMitch?”
Limp, balding, impotent, beer drunk, and now increasingly lonely:
Facebook just removed another several hundred IRA bot farm accounts targeting Republican voters. At the rate things are going they may eventually be forced to actually leave the trailer park for human contact. Better charge up the mobility chair.
At least they’ll always have Cracker Barrel.
Well that will turn the polling around and swing voters back to Donald.
An example of burying the lead.
After butting heads with Trump administration, top HUD official departs agency
“President Trump in late September grew incensed after hearing, erroneously, that Puerto Rico was using the emergency money to pay off its debt,[…].
Trump told John F. Kelly and Mick Mulvaney that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico, because he thought the island was misusing the money and taking advantage of the government, […] Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida.”
@53. Only the Democrats who are not voting for republicans anyway will care.
“Well that will turn the polling around and swing voters back to Donald.”
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron have a problem. Only 69% of Republicans plan to vote for Trump.
“57 percent of voters say they won’t support Trump in 2020”
@42 Would you want to drive a car made by those bozos?
@49 If he doesn’t like it here (he apparently does), Free Republic beckons. A nice Freep perk is I’m not allowed to post there. It took them less than a minute to ban me. They don’t share Goldy’s tolerance for ideological diversity.
According to the voter file data, Guatemalan Toddler Torture was the leading issue that cost the GOP votes among college educated suburban women in 2018.
The trick has been getting the media to give a shit. Best strategy has been to go around the corp media and leverage social media to tell the story of Republican sadism and child abuse.
Last night on CNN Rudes marble-mouthed his way through yet another inept attempt at defending Treason. But this time with a twist:
He admits that there was “collusion” with Russian espionage agents trying to hack the election in 2016. But that it only involved “people in the campaign” and absolutely not the candidate. Pushed he admitted that “people in the campaign” could include the campaign manager.
You know that guy. He’s one of the guys at the heart of the candidate’s criminal joint defense agreement.
The President of the United States shares a common criminal defense interest with a guy his own lawyer says conspired with Russian espionage agents to defraud the United States.
Let that sink in.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans from now on.
@55 & 59
Yup. I have a nearly weekly gathering of friends who were my conservative Christian Brother in law’s friends when we moved and didn’t know anyone. Me, the lone liberal Athiest and 4-7 ex Antioch (go protest Tolerance day at the high school) then Mars Hill members are still a bar trivia team.
All these people really do take the Bible seriously unlike our dear departed Piddles and try to live by WWJD. They got over the infidelity. They got over the foul language. The one thing that really upsets them is child separation. It’s kind of like Jesus wouldn’t approve of taking toddlers to jail no matter what ‘law’ their parents may have broken. Jailing toddlers is definitely not keeping with the teachings.
One of them confided in me that she voted for Kim Schrier, first D vote of her life because she doesn’t recognize the GOP anymore and Dino wouldn’t come out and condemn child separation.
This isn’t an “I’m in this hipster coffee shop and the libs are talking to each other about how they secretly love Trump.” This is actually happening.
The not insane and actual practicing Christians get it. This is not forgivable.
So story of the Day is Cohen paid an IT firm to rig online polls to make Donald look like he was far more popular than he was to get through the primaries.
John Gauger, the man Cohen hired for the job is also the Chief Information Officer at Liberty University.
I’m reasonably sure that the largest Christian University in the U.S. has a code of conduct that would cover cheating and lying.
@60 “He admits that there was ‘collusion’ with Russian espionage agents trying to hack the election in 2016. But that it only involved ‘people in the campaign’ and absolutely not the candidate. Pushed he admitted that ‘people in the campaign’ could include the campaign manager.”
I don’t think I’d go out on that limb with him. The odds that the candidate didn’t know all these “people in the campaign” were up to something seem pretty low to me.
Maybe Rudes doesn’t care about his professional reputation anymore. He’s old and tired. He’s never going to be elected to anything again. He knows he’ll never be president. Maybe he’s resigned himself to death. In any case, he apparently has reached that stage in life where he doesn’t care if the limb breaks off. We all gotta go sometime.
I think the trick is to keep the focus of commentary and discussion on the odious policies rather than the odious human beings who support those policies.
You know right away when you are dealing with a Trumpublican, because the tribalism (which is all they have left now) drives them straight into irrational hysteria defending these sick policies. And with few exceptions they’ll dive directly into DERP STATE! conspiracy nonsense as part of that defense. There’s no saving them.
But obviously millions of more reasonable people whose personal identity is not welded to the (R) cast votes for President PeePee and other Republicans in 2016. And for the most part we know who they are. They need to be reminded constantly what kinds of sick, sadistic policies they will be forced to own forever if they vote to keep these criminals in power.
“The odds that the candidate didn’t know all these “people in the campaign” were up to something seem pretty low to me.”
The fact that the candidate officially shares a common criminal defense interest with these “people in the campaign” who conspired with Russian spies, and then sends his lawyer on television to brag about it all the time tells me those odds are precisely zero.
It worked for St. Ron.
>>I’m reasonably sure that the largest Christian University in the U.S. has a code of conduct that would cover cheating and lying.
By now, it’s obvious those christians have adopted the principle that it’s perfectly acceptable in Gods eyes to lie to and cheat an infidel. So lying to anyone outside of their tribe is just fine.
Another domino bites the dust.
Those purchases I made on the day of that 660-point plunge in the Dow have done very nicely. Diversification, dilligence and delayed gratification.
@69 maybe you should cash out while the gettin’ is good.
I’m ahead of the times – got #2 and it’s only 2019.
Use your hand Bob, not the horse.
His forex binary options he bought from a “broker” on Facebook named Dov.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Dingbats News Update-Nancy “Steel Jugs” Pelosi’s brilliant plan to cancel Trump speech backfires-Trump grounds Demorats at airport
On Thursday afternoon, President Trump informed Speaker Pelosi her “public relations” trip to Afghanistan, Egypt, and Brussels has been postponed so that she can stay in DC and negotiate with him.
The President canceled Pelosi’s flight just one hour before she was scheduled to depart — Pelosi and other lawmakers were on the bus en route to the airport.
Trump told her to fly commercial on her own dime.
Democrat lawmakers suffered a meltdown following the grounding of Air Pelosi. (See video linked at article)
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Wherein Yertle tries out for standup comedian.
Play laugh track.
@75 Now wait for Trump to accuse Pelosi of not visiting the troops.
And hours later Melania boarded an air force plane for Mar A Lago.
So that ‘win’ didn’t even last a news cycle because…..
The big baby exposed himself.
We now have SDNY sources confirming wittness tampering, suborning perjury, obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct regarding Mr. Safety School’s testimony about the Moscow tower payoff, including emails, tapes, and notes detailing the conspiracy.
Nice political party you have there. It sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.
And now it’s in flames.
Burn that mother down.
“President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter.
“Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations. ‘Make it happen,’ the sources said Trump told Cohen.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for perjury, so they should have no objection to Democrats impeaching Trump for suborning perjury.
Top Stories Banner Website Headlines!
WSJ: Report: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen to Lie
USA Today: Report: President Ordered Arroeney to Commit Purjury
CNN: Trump Directed Michael Cohen to Loe to Congress According to Buzzfeed
NBC: Impeachment talk grows louder after report Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress
BBC: Buzzfeed report that Trump ‘instructed Cohen to lie’ sparks outcry
Fox News:
Women’s March losing steam, supporters amid anti-Semitism concerns
Big ‘if’.
Joaquin Castro
Verified account
If the @BuzzFeed story is true, President Trump must resign or be impeached.
8:23 PM – 17 Jan 2019
79, 80, 81,
The emails are faked. The notes are forged. The tapes have been doctored. The whole thing was about Russian orphan adoptions.
It’s a Deep State conspiracy.
79, 80, 81,
MuellerPartisanWitchHunt closing up shop in the next few weeks.
No collusion! No obstruction! Two years and nothing to show!
Cohen guilty of lying! Lying media conjecture! DOJ is Democrats all the way down! It isn’t a crime if the President does it! No REAL evidence! There’s nothing wrong with trying to get deals done with Russians! What about the emails! Obama ordered the IRS to go after Republicans! Clinton got a blowjob!
“If” the Buzzfeed story is supported with internal company emails, texts, other documents, and other contemporaneous eye witnesses, President PeePee
canwill be subpoenaed to testify about it.Jones v.