It’s interesting to see what the tribes are looking for in the next President. And at other levels of government. Tribal Sovereignty seems so obvious, but damn has it been tough to get in practice.
“Nobody in government can tell me how I feel, what I should feel about it. She has no right — nor does anyone in government have the right — to tell me it’s time to move on. They’re not in my shoes.” [Dorothy Woods, the widow of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods]
At a campaign stop in Denver this week, Clinton said, “I’ll leave it to others to characterize the report, but I think it’s pretty clear it’s time to move on.”
PuddyCommentariat: Crooked Heilary lied to the families about a video. They haven’t forgotten! Butt, checkmate wants you to forget and move on.
The Slimes wants Crooked Heilary to be exonerated. Trump is right. The process is rigged and DUMMOCRETINS always uses rigged systems. Lynch was forced to acknowledge the meeting between Cigar Man and herself. She wasn’t going to tell anyone until a reporter, Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, spilled the beans on the meeting.
The ends always justifies the means. Saul Alinsky 101, Rules for Radicals. Cigar Man Clinton himself is under investigation, for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role Crooked Heilary played in it as Senator and head of the State Department. So for the FBI to tell everyone ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones’, while Cigar Man met the AG this is the Soviet Union now?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
First day of a higher, regressive gas tax signed into law by Gov. Inslee.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Here is the big question… If the FBI determines Crooked Heilary as Secretary of State acted illegally (remember the signed agreement) by granting special favors to Clinton Foundation donors, isn’t the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, and Cigar Man Clinton equally guilty of wrongdoing? Does Chelsea get included in that guilt? Hmmm…?
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS her own emails
demonstrated her commingling her state department staff (Huma Abedin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Fuchs, Ambassador-At-Large Melanne Verveer, and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile)) with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!
State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months – 34,116 potentially responsive documents averaging approximately 700 emails a month! WOW!
Without great news services like the Daily Caller, would anyone know about these State Department activities? The raw story leftist libtard e-rag doesn’t cover this and QPPS runs to that puke site every day.
No wonder QPPS is trotting out that Trump sex allegation thrown out in CA courts in May!
Ima Duncespews:
Stephen Hawking is a very “smart” guy. But he says things that make me wonder. He recently said stupidity and greed were killing the planet. But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid? They lived difficult, short lives but in harmony with the planet. In fact, it wasn’t until “smart” people started exploiting everyone and everything that the problems started. As for greed, I would argue it’s a survival adaptation that has been equally exploited. I think the problem is unbridled exploitation of the planet encouraged by government.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Yep a regressive gas tax went up 5 cents. How do the leeches salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and vomit producer survive living on other peoples’s dimes? DUMMOCRETINS keep raising the prices of needed commodities.
Gas tax goes up. So does the price of:
Red Meat
White Meat
Organic Foods
Soooooooooooooooooooooo, maybe Cigar Man Clinton was visiting AG Lynch for a plea bargain? More lenient sentence? Time served as law license suspended? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I’m so in The Liar’s head. Too Damn Funny. Gets up in the morning thinking of me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 BENNNN-GAHHHH-ZIIIII!!!!!! A winning campaign strategy if there ever was one!!! Keep milking that cow, Spud, until she’s completely out of milk. Then grind her up into Big Macs and dog food.
“But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid?”
It’s not about education. Just look at Bob and the loon. They’re both college educated and they post some of the most stupid shit imaginable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Puddy’s take on due process: It’s only rigged when innocent Democrats get off, never when guilty cops get off.
“higher, regressive…tax”
Isn’t regressive taxation why you live here?
So Trump’s charity may have bought him some things for personal use. That’s kind of amusing. (Hey maybe you shouldn’t have banned the Post, they seem to be digging pretty deep since they aren’t on a press bus.)
What I find most amusing is he paid $1200 for a Tebow Helmet Jersey. He has the eye for investing and memorabilia as one of our trolls.
@8 Yeah, absolutely, and if your cousin kicks a dog you’re just as guilty of animal cruelty as he is. It’s called “affinity guilt.” They practice it in North Korea and similar pockets of enlightened civilization. It’s also popular in the US with wingnut morons like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Please explain how your gas tax dimes end up in YLB’s pocket. Failure to produce a plausible answer will be interpreted as a loon head explosion.
“never when guilty cops get off”
A loon who supports a presidential candidate accused of multiple rapes, including a 13 year-old girl, even as he hates on a wife because her husband got a blow job is going to be capable of coming up with some very strange legal shit.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Wrong again checkmate @13. Puddy remembers your worthless Benghazi commentary along with the Oregon Moron’s. Yours was way funnier. Puddy doesn’t possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Sounds like a typical Arizona Republican couple. Probably one-man + one-woman bible thumpers, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Puddy posted it multiple times.”
Yesterday you argued Chrome is responsible for your multiple posts.
Distant Replayspews:
It lies. You can’t just now be figuring that out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 What, Drumpf got the short end of a deal? That NEVER happens. It’s more likely his check bounced and he paid nothing for the jersey.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 13
I’m so in The Liar’s head. Too Damn Funny. Gets up in the morning thinking of me.
I suppose that’s possible. You’ve been out of your fucking mind for years, CZ.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
R senile making dumb comments @16 and @26.
Sheeeeesh. Doesn’t comprehend due process as a para-legal and what multiple posts in the crazed databaze is.
Purposeful defections character assassinations and train wrecks are all that’s left now!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
R senile making dumb comments @16 and @26.
Sheeeeesh. Of course when checkmate made a double comment in Wednesday’s thread R senile skipped right over that!
Senile as evah!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 No, I’m rubbing its face in its own lies.
Distant Replayspews:
@18, “Hey maybe you shouldn’t have banned the Post, they seem to be digging pretty deep since they aren’t on a press bus.”
Maybe the dumbest thing the Republicans have done this year. First they call a presser, stand behind a podium in front of live television cameras and while simultaneously admitting to scamming charities for disabled veterans, they start pointing out reporters and calling them names. To their faces.
Then they proceed to produce a press enemies list of journalists banned from events, venues, planes, and the convention.
It’s amazing really. You want your candidates to be the only story. But then you prevent lazy journalists from doing the easiest thing by kicking them out of your staged events where you control the story. So what are they supposed to do? Now that you’ve insulted them, called them names, and taken away the only easy ways to get a headline. They still have air time and column inches to fill. Only now they’re going to fill it with something else.
This year more than ever, Republicans are fucking idiots.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
R senile @22
When you explain how you got that from Puddy’s comment!
Senile as ever! Another train wreck!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 He’s considerably better anchored than you, so what does that make you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Oh, so now calling out your dumbassery is “character assassination”? Where that logically falls apart is you have no character to assassinate. Fortunately for you society doesn’t hold the incurably insane responsible for their mental dysfunctions.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
R senile @32,
EPIC FAYLE again. What is entered on different days in the crazed databaze proves to all you really are a senile old fart. Not only are you slipping down the last mountainside, butt you are accelerating to the bottom at a very amazing speed!
R senile you character assassinate every day here. Your commentary demonstrates a real senile mind!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “What is entered on different days”
Yes, we understand how the calendar works in the minds of defectives, to wit, what you proclaimed yesterday is no longer operative today. I believe Tricky Dick originated this technique, or if not, certainly was one of its foremost practitioners. You haven’t invented anything new.
The loon’s head is exploding again. It looks like peak hate might last all week.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 Don’t worry about it. You have no character to assassinate, so you’re immune.
Distant Replayspews:
@9, “They lived difficult, short lives but in harmony with the planet.”
I’m not sure I can accept that premise. Even pre-technological humans caused mass extinctions and routinely destroyed vast areas of habitat in order to survive. “Harmony” can be defined many ways. The planet will live on and support life long after we are gone, one way or another.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stocks are up again today. Wall Street is paying me $100/hr. to sit here insulting Piddles and Boob. That’s doing God’s work, and it sure beats plucking chicken carcasses for Republican wages.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 The planet has no problems that can’t be solved by the extinction of one species.
Distant Replayspews:
tough Independence Day for the poor goats.
Teabagged Againspews:
Puffy is so outraged about the death of Ambassador Stevens, you would think he would take some light to what his family says….no, the Puff Balls has no respect for the dead, just likes to politicize it.
“She has taken full responsibility, being head of the State Department, for what occurred. She took measures to respond to the review board’s recommendations. She established programs for a better security system. But it is never going to be perfect. Part of being a diplomat is being out in the community. We all recognize that there’s a risk in serving in a dangerous environment. Chris thought that was very important, and he probably would have done it again. I don’t see any usefulness in continuing to criticize her. It is very unjust.”
Will the real Chetoh Jesus (I mean Puffy) stand up.
Distant Replayspews:
You can’t refute Republican lies among Republicans. Since they discovered the value of zombie lies at the inception of the Birfer-Islamofacist-Kenyan-Teahdism era, it’s practically all they do. So much so that, big surprise, the most consistent and outrageous zombie liar among a field of zombi liars has become the nominee. Part of the success of a zombie lie depends on sticking to it, one way or another.
Benghazi was an unsecure diplomatic outpost by design. Despite massive security shortcomings and widely discussed concerns, Stevens went there anyway. He should not have been allowed to go. But he was a career diplomat and an expert on Libya. It’s bound to be difficult for any senior political appointee to overrule a vastly more experienced subordinate when it comes to granular details. Policy was flexible when it should not have been. All that’s in the report. What’s left for Republicans but to lie about it?
Very similar statements were issued by Trey Gowdy at one time. $7 million later none of it proved to be true. We should carefully note these kinds of pronouncements from Blackburn. She’ll be walking them all back before the new year.
No, I’m rubbing its face in its own lies.
You have to catch him peeing on the rug rubbing his nose in it after a couple minutes he doesn’t know why he’s in trouble.
Because this is what Jesus would do.
“Church tries to punish girls who sued over sex abuse by outing them: ’They should not be able to hide’”
“The church filed a petition June 15 asking the court to require the two teenage sisters and their parents to identify themselves publicly before their lawsuit may proceed.”
But as we all know by now, according to all Republicans everywhere, if any of them had asserted their Constitutional right to remain silent they must be guilty of something. And Cheeto Jesus would pronounce summary judgment and have them executed immediately.
@47 and the smoke screen that it was an act because of a video and not terrorism.
two day after the act, watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, the act wasn’t blamed because of a video.
@9 ” But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid?”
They weren’t stupid, they were uninformed. To be informed, but to continue to act against one’s own or one’s neighbors’ best interests…now that’s stupid. Taken to the extreme, it’s insanity.
Teabagged Againspews:
Another spaz attack @52/53
@13 Are you comfy? There’s got to be lots of empty space in there.
That and Cairo on the same day so “No one cold have imagined…”
Distant Replayspews:
Yes. Intelligence is relative. Even information is relative.
Our early human ancestors as individuals probably each possessed a comparable or perhaps even greater store of knowledge and skills compared to modern humans, even without complex language. (Never underestimate the power of hunger to concentrate the mind.) Of course, the collective knowledge of modern humans recorded and conveyed with symbols is much greater.
Maybe it’s our “collective” intelligence that’s getting us into trouble.
RepubliKKKlans never mention HRC was SoS when we killed Osama Bin Laden. Why? Let’s bring it up a few million times to remind them.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Because Obummer took full credit for it you DUNCE.
And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of Bin Laden the top priority of our war against Al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle and defeat his network.
Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to Bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located Bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.
Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.
Where does Obummer give Crooked Heilary any credit you DUNCE?
4 babies fatally stabbed by.Momma. We are all family, you got all your brother and sisters in you.
Distant Replayspews:
probably because at the precise moment that OBL was being killed, the Republican nominee was buying worthless pro sports swag with money he stole from charities while a pre-teen sex slave gave him a hand job.
Distant Replayspews:
GOP’s latest campaign slogan:
Nobody saw nuthin’. You can’t prove any of it!
Yet more rats leaving a sinking, stinking ship. Trump probably stiffed them too.
Trump needs the loon to send him some more money. The loon, being a loon, will gladly oblige.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 It’s also required that the guy steering the ship trusts GPS more than tarot cards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 So you’re finally giving Obama credit for killing Osama bin Laden? About time.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Senility Alert @78.
Te DUNCEman was asking about Crooked Heilary senile moron.
Senility is exceptionally strong in this one.
Distant Replayspews:
could be regarded as Manafort consolidating his authority. But since most of these recent departures arrived after Manafort’s ascendancy to the throne, it’s more likely that they are just following Lewandowski, but being careful about the timing.
Probably the best career move these people ever made.
Politely declining the Cheeto Jesus “NO RAGRETS” chest tattoo.
No such luck for our little lying racist troll buddy.
Permanently dipped in that orange shit.
Boob’s obviously a lot smarter. But that ain’t sayin’ much.
Teabaggers Againspews:
You have to give Boob some credit for hanging in there. Some days he comes out fighting like a champ then, like today, there are days he can barely muster a few cheap shots. What stamina – even if he’s crawling to th finish line.
Maybe he just needs to go all nutzo and loonie like the Puffball. It’s tempting – what discipline though!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
HHTL @81
Travis’ worst day is 1000% better than your best day!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Yes ISIS is on the run. Attack in Bangladesh restaurant!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Here is real joy… UC Berkeley ‘income inequality’ experts earn more than $300,000 a year
REPORT: ‘If UC Berkeley economists are really opposed to income inequality and are concerned about low-paid workers, they might consider sharing some of their compensation with the teaching assistants, graders, readers and administrative staff at the bottom of Cal’s income distribution’
Naaaaaah, they will keep their “salaries”. They are libtard DUMMOCRETINS. Berkeley is one of the most left wrong whack job university locations out there!
Wait for something really stooooooooooooooooooopid from R senile!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Maybe Dr Steve Schwartz and Dr Darryl Holman need to ask for a raise? Scream income inequality!
CB Berkeley economics Professor Emmanuel Saez, Cal’s equitable growth center’s director, has an annual salary of just under $350,000.
The center’s three advisory board members – all economics professors –
Professor David Card earned $336,367 in 2014;
Professor Gerard Roland earned $304,608;
Professor Alan Auerbach earned $291,782.
That doesn’t even include their pensions, which is equal to 2.5% times their final average salary times the number of years employed.
Sooooooooooooo .025*200,000*40 years= $200,000 yearly retirement… What a bargain! Imagine that!
If you are a woman and upset that a male is prom queen look out! You could be called a terrorist by other DUMMOCRETINS
High school girls miffed at male prom queen may be terrorists, parent says.
At least we got a new anti-male neologism out of this: “manproming.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 “Te DUNCEman was asking about Crooked Heilary senile moron.”
He sure did, and your answer was, Obama took all the credit. Are you disputing that? Are you saying Obama should share the credit with Hillary? Which is it? Of course, I know what your answer will be: A cloud of squid ink.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Nice puff piece, Puffball.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 @85 300k bfd. Hell, Drumpf steals that much every weekend.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This could get interesting. My guess is they’ll shoot each other.
R senile has asked some questions. The senility must be on low ebb right now. So here is your “squid ink” idiot!
Obama took all the credit. Are you disputing that?
NOPE you DOPE! Puddy placed all Obummer’s words from whitey! Every time someone does something Obummer takes credit.
Are you saying Obama should share the credit with Hillary?
Since Puddy wasn’t there in the sit room or what was not said to the Pakistanis since they would have alerted Bin Laden who did what R senile? What does Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) say about that incident? Did Crooked Heilary do anything? Do you know R senile? You are trolling as usual R senile. More EPIC FAYLE!
Which is it?
Which is what R senile? Obummer claimed Obummer took credit. Obummer’s own words. Bin Laden is dead. Seal Team Six member Robert O’Neill killed Bin Laden. Obummer took credit for O’Neill’s actions. So for DUNCEman’s question, Crooked Ehilary can’t claim Bin Laden’s death because Obummer claimed it was himself alone.
No squid ink left R senile. Just answers to senile questions!
Election Day in Australia, turnout should be high, since voting is compulsory. On the important Two Party Preferred metric, exit polls show that both the Liberal/National Coalition, and the Labor Party are 50/50 , it could come down to the preference votes, and then there is the Senate. One state to watch is South Australia, where an independent Senator is runninga slate of candidates in both houses, and both parties are trying to use the nature of the Australian preferential voting system to block it.
You need to set some of that off in quotes or block script.
Otherwise we might think you were a plagiarizing troll, in addition to be a liar and a racist.
Mark Adamsspews:
While tribes maybe greatly interested in the Chair of the Interior Department it’s Congress that is the Captain at the Wheelhouse when it comes to politics.
American Tribal Sovereignty maybe helped or hurt by recent bills passed by Congress. If there were a new Constitutional Congress would Tribal Sovereignty survive? After all Native Hawaiians don’t have this same degree of Sovereignty.
If the tribes had true Sovereignty would they not enjoy status on the same level as states, but they do not, Is this political sleight of hand? And the variety of treaties and historical norms for different tribes makes this fungible.
What is the status of federal lands? Is the District of Columbia unique or the model for tribes? National Parks? Military Bases? Ect.
Should the treaties be shredded as Congress made all Indians citizens in 1924 nullifying the tribes sovereignty?
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 You benefit from the State Highway System so you are welcome,
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 I take issue with the first part about short and difficult. On the short part if one made it to 5 then having a potential for a long life started looking up. If one made it to 30 then one most likely would make it past 50. Make it to 50 then making it to 70 was not a major feat of survival. Difficult well that again depends on the cuture one was born in, and ones status in that culture.
The Harmony part is not terrible defensiable. There are plenty of lead tracings in glaciers from the Roman’s mining lead. Lot of mercury as well. There are plenty of traces of Chinese mining activities for coal, iron, and copper. Plus these activities occurred over 10s and then 100s and later 1000’s of acres including leading lots of pollutants behing, and plenty of trees were chopped down and burned as well.
The beginning of the industrial age is caused in part by the deforestation of the British Islands. It was difficult to get enough wood to make a ton of steel, so there was a necessity and invention came along. England got to have trees again, and the poor animals who spent their entire lives in the coal mines got a reprieve.
Mark Adamsspews:
@44 Or all, some or none. That was the revolutionary idea of evolution, and the later concept that man was included in evolution.
Mark Adamsspews:
@46 For some Secretary’s of State taking full responsibility would include the fact their public political career is over. She didn’t fully fall on her sword, but I’m not sure she even would understand the concept. If she was responsible she should not be running for President and some in the party should have said so and refused their support.
Now if she gets elected and the Republican’s retain a majority then they will have a President Clinton they can impeach and make stick in the Senate. Remember Bill’s impeachment was over a blow job, and his lying over it, and it was a close vote. This mess is more substantial.
Maybe the Republicans just want control on Congress.
How many wives dumped would that be between them? A dozen?
“Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is the leading candidate”
And did Newt rape an adolescent girl too, or was that just Donald?
PuddyCommentariat: Crooked Heilary lied to the families about a video. They haven’t forgotten! Butt, checkmate wants you to forget and move on.
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, senate DUMMOCRETINS will say anything to cover Crooked Heilary’s ASS…
The ends always justifies the means!
BTW did Bill Clinton have sex with underaged wimens hanging with convicted DUMMOCRETIN pedophile Jeff Epstein?
Bush lied, 4,000 died
Bush reads My Pet Goat, 3,000 die
Trump rapes adolescent girls.
And this must have been tough for the NY Slimes to print…
The Slimes wants Crooked Heilary to be exonerated. Trump is right. The process is rigged and DUMMOCRETINS always uses rigged systems. Lynch was forced to acknowledge the meeting between Cigar Man and herself. She wasn’t going to tell anyone until a reporter, Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, spilled the beans on the meeting.
The ends always justifies the means. Saul Alinsky 101, Rules for Radicals. Cigar Man Clinton himself is under investigation, for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role Crooked Heilary played in it as Senator and head of the State Department. So for the FBI to tell everyone ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones’, while Cigar Man met the AG this is the Soviet Union now?
First day of a higher, regressive gas tax signed into law by Gov. Inslee.
Here is the big question… If the FBI determines Crooked Heilary as Secretary of State acted illegally (remember the signed agreement) by granting special favors to Clinton Foundation donors, isn’t the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, and Cigar Man Clinton equally guilty of wrongdoing? Does Chelsea get included in that guilt? Hmmm…?
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS her own emails
demonstrated her commingling her state department staff (Huma Abedin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Fuchs, Ambassador-At-Large Melanne Verveer, and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile)) with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!
State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months – 34,116 potentially responsive documents averaging approximately 700 emails a month! WOW!
Without great news services like the Daily Caller, would anyone know about these State Department activities? The raw story leftist libtard e-rag doesn’t cover this and QPPS runs to that puke site every day.
No wonder QPPS is trotting out that Trump sex allegation thrown out in CA courts in May!
Stephen Hawking is a very “smart” guy. But he says things that make me wonder. He recently said stupidity and greed were killing the planet. But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid? They lived difficult, short lives but in harmony with the planet. In fact, it wasn’t until “smart” people started exploiting everyone and everything that the problems started. As for greed, I would argue it’s a survival adaptation that has been equally exploited. I think the problem is unbridled exploitation of the planet encouraged by government.
Yep a regressive gas tax went up 5 cents. How do the leeches salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and vomit producer survive living on other peoples’s dimes? DUMMOCRETINS keep raising the prices of needed commodities.
Gas tax goes up. So does the price of:
Red Meat
White Meat
Organic Foods
Thanks again DUMMOCRETINS!
Of course this drug use is cheered by HA DUMMOCRETINS. No drug is to be banned by these leftists here…
No crime committed so look somewhere else.
Remember this HA DUMMOCRETINS? No? Puddy posted it multiple times. Just ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a replay. Uranium deposits controlled by Russia. That 2008 ethics agreement it struck with the Obummer sadministration keeps coming back to bite Crooked Heilary especially when we all found out Crooked Heilary used Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) while at State!
Soooooooooooooooooooooo, maybe Cigar Man Clinton was visiting AG Lynch for a plea bargain? More lenient sentence? Time served as law license suspended? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I’m so in The Liar’s head. Too Damn Funny. Gets up in the morning thinking of me.
@2 BENNNN-GAHHHH-ZIIIII!!!!!! A winning campaign strategy if there ever was one!!! Keep milking that cow, Spud, until she’s completely out of milk. Then grind her up into Big Macs and dog food.
“But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid?”
It’s not about education. Just look at Bob and the loon. They’re both college educated and they post some of the most stupid shit imaginable.
@6 Puddy’s take on due process: It’s only rigged when innocent Democrats get off, never when guilty cops get off.
“higher, regressive…tax”
Isn’t regressive taxation why you live here?
So Trump’s charity may have bought him some things for personal use. That’s kind of amusing. (Hey maybe you shouldn’t have banned the Post, they seem to be digging pretty deep since they aren’t on a press bus.)
What I find most amusing is he paid $1200 for a Tebow Helmet Jersey. He has the eye for investing and memorabilia as one of our trolls.
Here’s a Jersey on Ebay, current price $1, no bids
@7 You didn’t expect all those hyper-expensive transportation projects to be free, did you? You did? Welcome to reality.
All these FACTS and the LIVs are still LIVs.
Thanks Dr Obnoxious!
@8 Yeah, absolutely, and if your cousin kicks a dog you’re just as guilty of animal cruelty as he is. It’s called “affinity guilt.” They practice it in North Korea and similar pockets of enlightened civilization. It’s also popular in the US with wingnut morons like you.
@10 Please explain how your gas tax dimes end up in YLB’s pocket. Failure to produce a plausible answer will be interpreted as a loon head explosion.
“never when guilty cops get off”
A loon who supports a presidential candidate accused of multiple rapes, including a 13 year-old girl, even as he hates on a wife because her husband got a blow job is going to be capable of coming up with some very strange legal shit.
Wrong again checkmate @13. Puddy remembers your worthless Benghazi commentary along with the Oregon Moron’s. Yours was way funnier. Puddy doesn’t possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady
@11 Sounds like a typical Arizona Republican couple. Probably one-man + one-woman bible thumpers, too.
@12 “Puddy posted it multiple times.”
Yesterday you argued Chrome is responsible for your multiple posts.
It lies. You can’t just now be figuring that out.
@18 What, Drumpf got the short end of a deal? That NEVER happens. It’s more likely his check bounced and he paid nothing for the jersey.
@ 13
I’m so in The Liar’s head. Too Damn Funny. Gets up in the morning thinking of me.
I suppose that’s possible. You’ve been out of your fucking mind for years, CZ.
R senile making dumb comments @16 and @26.
Sheeeeesh. Doesn’t comprehend due process as a para-legal and what multiple posts in the crazed databaze is.
Purposeful defections character assassinations and train wrecks are all that’s left now!
R senile making dumb comments @16 and @26.
Sheeeeesh. Of course when checkmate made a double comment in Wednesday’s thread R senile skipped right over that!
Senile as evah!
@27 No, I’m rubbing its face in its own lies.
“Hey maybe you shouldn’t have banned the Post, they seem to be digging pretty deep since they aren’t on a press bus.”
Maybe the dumbest thing the Republicans have done this year. First they call a presser, stand behind a podium in front of live television cameras and while simultaneously admitting to scamming charities for disabled veterans, they start pointing out reporters and calling them names. To their faces.
Then they proceed to produce a press enemies list of journalists banned from events, venues, planes, and the convention.
It’s amazing really. You want your candidates to be the only story. But then you prevent lazy journalists from doing the easiest thing by kicking them out of your staged events where you control the story. So what are they supposed to do? Now that you’ve insulted them, called them names, and taken away the only easy ways to get a headline. They still have air time and column inches to fill. Only now they’re going to fill it with something else.
This year more than ever, Republicans are fucking idiots.
R senile @22
When you explain how you got that from Puddy’s comment!
Senile as ever! Another train wreck!
@29 He’s considerably better anchored than you, so what does that make you?
@30 Oh, so now calling out your dumbassery is “character assassination”? Where that logically falls apart is you have no character to assassinate. Fortunately for you society doesn’t hold the incurably insane responsible for their mental dysfunctions.
R senile @32,
EPIC FAYLE again. What is entered on different days in the crazed databaze proves to all you really are a senile old fart. Not only are you slipping down the last mountainside, butt you are accelerating to the bottom at a very amazing speed!
R senile you character assassinate every day here. Your commentary demonstrates a real senile mind!
@37 “What is entered on different days”
Yes, we understand how the calendar works in the minds of defectives, to wit, what you proclaimed yesterday is no longer operative today. I believe Tricky Dick originated this technique, or if not, certainly was one of its foremost practitioners. You haven’t invented anything new.
The loon’s head is exploding again. It looks like peak hate might last all week.
@38 Don’t worry about it. You have no character to assassinate, so you’re immune.
“They lived difficult, short lives but in harmony with the planet.”
I’m not sure I can accept that premise. Even pre-technological humans caused mass extinctions and routinely destroyed vast areas of habitat in order to survive. “Harmony” can be defined many ways. The planet will live on and support life long after we are gone, one way or another.
Stocks are up again today. Wall Street is paying me $100/hr. to sit here insulting Piddles and Boob. That’s doing God’s work, and it sure beats plucking chicken carcasses for Republican wages.
@42 The planet has no problems that can’t be solved by the extinction of one species.
tough Independence Day for the poor goats.
Puffy is so outraged about the death of Ambassador Stevens, you would think he would take some light to what his family says….no, the Puff Balls has no respect for the dead, just likes to politicize it.
“She has taken full responsibility, being head of the State Department, for what occurred. She took measures to respond to the review board’s recommendations. She established programs for a better security system. But it is never going to be perfect. Part of being a diplomat is being out in the community. We all recognize that there’s a risk in serving in a dangerous environment. Chris thought that was very important, and he probably would have done it again. I don’t see any usefulness in continuing to criticize her. It is very unjust.”
Will the real Chetoh Jesus (I mean Puffy) stand up.
You can’t refute Republican lies among Republicans. Since they discovered the value of zombie lies at the inception of the Birfer-Islamofacist-Kenyan-Teahdism era, it’s practically all they do. So much so that, big surprise, the most consistent and outrageous zombie liar among a field of zombi liars has become the nominee. Part of the success of a zombie lie depends on sticking to it, one way or another.
Benghazi was an unsecure diplomatic outpost by design. Despite massive security shortcomings and widely discussed concerns, Stevens went there anyway. He should not have been allowed to go. But he was a career diplomat and an expert on Libya. It’s bound to be difficult for any senior political appointee to overrule a vastly more experienced subordinate when it comes to granular details. Policy was flexible when it should not have been. All that’s in the report. What’s left for Republicans but to lie about it?
What would you pay for your taxpayer funded political oppo reasearch? $6 million? $7million?
Wait! There’s more!
“Evidence uncovered through our investigation provides a view of abortion clinics willing to sell baby body parts to make more money,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), the panel’s chairwoman, said in a statement. “It shows clinics and middlemen willing to exploit young women because they now see their babies as a profit center. We’ve even learned of a public university embarking on an aggressive campaign to expand abortions by receiving fetal tissue from and sharing staff with a for-profit late term abortion clinic in New Mexico.”
Very similar statements were issued by Trey Gowdy at one time. $7 million later none of it proved to be true. We should carefully note these kinds of pronouncements from Blackburn. She’ll be walking them all back before the new year.
You have to catch him peeing on the rug rubbing his nose in it after a couple minutes he doesn’t know why he’s in trouble.
Because this is what Jesus would do.
“Church tries to punish girls who sued over sex abuse by outing them: ’They should not be able to hide’”
“The church filed a petition June 15 asking the court to require the two teenage sisters and their parents to identify themselves publicly before their lawsuit may proceed.”
Anchored in DIPSHITTIUM R senile!
And HHTL @46 cheers the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens while mourns the death of Ambassador Stevens! Crooked Heilary took responsibility HHTL?
Why do you hate so much HHTL?
Why are you a moron HHTL?
Sux to be HHTL!
And HHTL @46 cheers the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens while mourns the death of Ambassador Stevens! Crooked Heilary took responsibility HHTL?
Why do you hate so much HHTL?
Why are you a moron HHTL?
Sux to be HHTL!
Stock market update:
Now, the question is, who was right? The senile rabbit, or the squawking loon? Let’s take a vote.
[ ] Rabbit
[ ] Loon
Looks like the loon is pounding too hard on his keyboard again.
Benghazi! Chrome!
@51 One of the typical characteristics of a total dipshit is he doesn’t realize he’s a total dipshit.
To get a promotion in Obummer’s navy one needs to kiss the ring of climate change…
Stealing Puddy’s lines againg eh senile @56?
Your shade has holes in it!
Even police know you should never talk to the police.
But as we all know by now, according to all Republicans everywhere, if any of them had asserted their Constitutional right to remain silent they must be guilty of something. And Cheeto Jesus would pronounce summary judgment and have them executed immediately.
BTW and just for context, here’s that “lie” the Orange Mob is so worked up about:
“There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
@47 and the smoke screen that it was an act because of a video and not terrorism.
two day after the act, watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, the act wasn’t blamed because of a video.
@9 ” But would he argue that humans that lived for almost three million years without “education” in the formal sense, were stupid?”
They weren’t stupid, they were uninformed. To be informed, but to continue to act against one’s own or one’s neighbors’ best interests…now that’s stupid. Taken to the extreme, it’s insanity.
Another spaz attack @52/53
@13 Are you comfy? There’s got to be lots of empty space in there.
That and Cairo on the same day so “No one cold have imagined…”
Yes. Intelligence is relative. Even information is relative.
Our early human ancestors as individuals probably each possessed a comparable or perhaps even greater store of knowledge and skills compared to modern humans, even without complex language. (Never underestimate the power of hunger to concentrate the mind.) Of course, the collective knowledge of modern humans recorded and conveyed with symbols is much greater.
Maybe it’s our “collective” intelligence that’s getting us into trouble.
That’s quite the criminal defense fund.
Hillary Clinton raised nearly $70 million in June
Wish into one hand and shit into the other.
See which one fills up first.
@66 We also have “collective” knowledge of our errors but little really changes.
And I saw this and LOL!!!
RepubliKKKlans never mention HRC was SoS when we killed Osama Bin Laden. Why? Let’s bring it up a few million times to remind them.
Because Obummer took full credit for it you DUNCE.
And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of Bin Laden the top priority of our war against Al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle and defeat his network.
Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to Bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located Bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.
Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.
Where does Obummer give Crooked Heilary any credit you DUNCE?
Nuff said sucka!
Happy Family Day Boob!
4 babies fatally stabbed by.Momma. We are all family, you got all your brother and sisters in you.
probably because at the precise moment that OBL was being killed, the Republican nominee was buying worthless pro sports swag with money he stole from charities while a pre-teen sex slave gave him a hand job.
GOP’s latest campaign slogan:
Nobody saw nuthin’. You can’t prove any of it!
Yet more rats leaving a sinking, stinking ship. Trump probably stiffed them too.
“More staffers leave Donald Trump’s campaign”;ocid=iehp
Trump needs the loon to send him some more money. The loon, being a loon, will gladly oblige.
@57 It’s also required that the guy steering the ship trusts GPS more than tarot cards.
@72 So you’re finally giving Obama credit for killing Osama bin Laden? About time.
Senility Alert @78.
Te DUNCEman was asking about Crooked Heilary senile moron.
Senility is exceptionally strong in this one.
could be regarded as Manafort consolidating his authority. But since most of these recent departures arrived after Manafort’s ascendancy to the throne, it’s more likely that they are just following Lewandowski, but being careful about the timing.
Probably the best career move these people ever made.
Politely declining the Cheeto Jesus “NO RAGRETS” chest tattoo.
No such luck for our little lying racist troll buddy.
Permanently dipped in that orange shit.
Boob’s obviously a lot smarter. But that ain’t sayin’ much.
You have to give Boob some credit for hanging in there. Some days he comes out fighting like a champ then, like today, there are days he can barely muster a few cheap shots. What stamina – even if he’s crawling to th finish line.
Maybe he just needs to go all nutzo and loonie like the Puffball. It’s tempting – what discipline though!
HHTL @81
Travis’ worst day is 1000% better than your best day!
Yes ISIS is on the run. Attack in Bangladesh restaurant!
Here is real joy… UC Berkeley ‘income inequality’ experts earn more than $300,000 a year
REPORT: ‘If UC Berkeley economists are really opposed to income inequality and are concerned about low-paid workers, they might consider sharing some of their compensation with the teaching assistants, graders, readers and administrative staff at the bottom of Cal’s income distribution’
Naaaaaah, they will keep their “salaries”. They are libtard DUMMOCRETINS. Berkeley is one of the most left wrong whack job university locations out there!
Wait for something really stooooooooooooooooooopid from R senile!
Maybe Dr Steve Schwartz and Dr Darryl Holman need to ask for a raise? Scream income inequality!
CB Berkeley economics Professor Emmanuel Saez, Cal’s equitable growth center’s director, has an annual salary of just under $350,000.
The center’s three advisory board members – all economics professors –
Professor David Card earned $336,367 in 2014;
Professor Gerard Roland earned $304,608;
Professor Alan Auerbach earned $291,782.
That doesn’t even include their pensions, which is equal to 2.5% times their final average salary times the number of years employed.
Sooooooooooooo .025*200,000*40 years= $200,000 yearly retirement… What a bargain! Imagine that!
If you are a woman and upset that a male is prom queen look out! You could be called a terrorist by other DUMMOCRETINS
High school girls miffed at male prom queen may be terrorists, parent says.
At least we got a new anti-male neologism out of this: “manproming.”
@79 “Te DUNCEman was asking about Crooked Heilary senile moron.”
He sure did, and your answer was, Obama took all the credit. Are you disputing that? Are you saying Obama should share the credit with Hillary? Which is it? Of course, I know what your answer will be: A cloud of squid ink.
@82 Nice puff piece, Puffball.
@84 @85 300k bfd. Hell, Drumpf steals that much every weekend.
This could get interesting. My guess is they’ll shoot each other.
R senile has asked some questions. The senility must be on low ebb right now. So here is your “squid ink” idiot!
Obama took all the credit. Are you disputing that?
NOPE you DOPE! Puddy placed all Obummer’s words from whitey! Every time someone does something Obummer takes credit.
Are you saying Obama should share the credit with Hillary?
Since Puddy wasn’t there in the sit room or what was not said to the Pakistanis since they would have alerted Bin Laden who did what R senile? What does Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) say about that incident? Did Crooked Heilary do anything? Do you know R senile? You are trolling as usual R senile. More EPIC FAYLE!
Which is it?
Which is what R senile? Obummer claimed Obummer took credit. Obummer’s own words. Bin Laden is dead. Seal Team Six member Robert O’Neill killed Bin Laden. Obummer took credit for O’Neill’s actions. So for DUNCEman’s question, Crooked Ehilary can’t claim Bin Laden’s death because Obummer claimed it was himself alone.
No squid ink left R senile. Just answers to senile questions!
Maybe the Crooked Heilary picture is reversed?
Election Day in Australia, turnout should be high, since voting is compulsory. On the important Two Party Preferred metric, exit polls show that both the Liberal/National Coalition, and the Labor Party are 50/50 , it could come down to the preference votes, and then there is the Senate. One state to watch is South Australia, where an independent Senator is runninga slate of candidates in both houses, and both parties are trying to use the nature of the Australian preferential voting system to block it.
You need to set some of that off in quotes or block script.
Otherwise we might think you were a plagiarizing troll, in addition to be a liar and a racist.
While tribes maybe greatly interested in the Chair of the Interior Department it’s Congress that is the Captain at the Wheelhouse when it comes to politics.
American Tribal Sovereignty maybe helped or hurt by recent bills passed by Congress. If there were a new Constitutional Congress would Tribal Sovereignty survive? After all Native Hawaiians don’t have this same degree of Sovereignty.
If the tribes had true Sovereignty would they not enjoy status on the same level as states, but they do not, Is this political sleight of hand? And the variety of treaties and historical norms for different tribes makes this fungible.
What is the status of federal lands? Is the District of Columbia unique or the model for tribes? National Parks? Military Bases? Ect.
Should the treaties be shredded as Congress made all Indians citizens in 1924 nullifying the tribes sovereignty?
@10 You benefit from the State Highway System so you are welcome,
@42 I take issue with the first part about short and difficult. On the short part if one made it to 5 then having a potential for a long life started looking up. If one made it to 30 then one most likely would make it past 50. Make it to 50 then making it to 70 was not a major feat of survival. Difficult well that again depends on the cuture one was born in, and ones status in that culture.
The Harmony part is not terrible defensiable. There are plenty of lead tracings in glaciers from the Roman’s mining lead. Lot of mercury as well. There are plenty of traces of Chinese mining activities for coal, iron, and copper. Plus these activities occurred over 10s and then 100s and later 1000’s of acres including leading lots of pollutants behing, and plenty of trees were chopped down and burned as well.
The beginning of the industrial age is caused in part by the deforestation of the British Islands. It was difficult to get enough wood to make a ton of steel, so there was a necessity and invention came along. England got to have trees again, and the poor animals who spent their entire lives in the coal mines got a reprieve.
@44 Or all, some or none. That was the revolutionary idea of evolution, and the later concept that man was included in evolution.
@46 For some Secretary’s of State taking full responsibility would include the fact their public political career is over. She didn’t fully fall on her sword, but I’m not sure she even would understand the concept. If she was responsible she should not be running for President and some in the party should have said so and refused their support.
Now if she gets elected and the Republican’s retain a majority then they will have a President Clinton they can impeach and make stick in the Senate. Remember Bill’s impeachment was over a blow job, and his lying over it, and it was a close vote. This mess is more substantial.
Maybe the Republicans just want control on Congress.
TeaBaggist Ted: “I don’t hate black people. At all. They are people too, just like us. And I recognize that. They just have this weird, permanent skin disease which somehow affects their behavior. “