Man, Mark Miloscia’s worstness was really in evidence yesterday. Shit person with shit bill hating homeless people.
Also, he wants his homeless people map updated daily? That seems like a lot of resources. I assume the state will pick up the tab for this. Along with solving homelessness. No. OK.
Also, also, homelessness is not just a problem in “the ten largest cities in the state” and “the state’s two most populous counties.” I mean the guy works in Olympia. Is he unaware of homeless people there? I think that might be the case. I mean, it’s a terrible plan so don’t implement it anywhere, but if you think it will solve homelessness, why stop at Spokane Valley?
What part of “illegal” don’t they get?
It would be amusing if we had 50 commentators on fox talking about the apologizer-in-chief
It would actually be awesome if all the 10 largest cities in the state built enough housing or at the very least camps for all the homeless.
And of course Miloscia has found the funding for that. (This sentence has the acrid scent of sarcasm. Get a little closer to your monitor if you can’t detect it.)
@ 3
I can see an absolute lock on 252 EVs quite clearly from 30″, Cz-252. No need to get closer.
Ah, March.
The one time each year when a group of otherwise anti-religious HA zealots gather together to cheer the prospects of a Catholic university.
Last night the Gonzaga Bulldogs crucified the South Dakota State Jackrabbits, 66-46.
See what I did there?
Typical Republican, thinks he can legislate homeless people out of existence. Hey, they’re going to sleep somewhere! If they’re chased off public property they could end up in his backyard.
Ah, the Stick-It-To-Seattle bill. It lets you know Republicans have (seized) control of the legislative house in question.
As always, the Stick-It-To-Seattle bill will have an intrusive, authoritarian, expensive, and pre-failed solution to a problem, real or imagined, over which the author obsesses.
Someone in the Senate Majority Coalition needs to show leadership (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!) and tell Mr. Miloscia to just get over the fact that no one outside of Federal Way cares what he thinks about anything.
And Vanderbilt, my dark horse in a bracket, picked a bad day to shoot under 30% well off their average. I was partially watching and I think they missed their first eight and two Sinaloa in the first 15.
Can’t lay an egg in March. But the smart kids from Morthwestern get a crack at Gonzaga. I’m rooting for the smart kids. (Princeton. It was there for you…)
Globull warming? What globull warming? The globe ain’t warming! That’s a Chinese hoax! Trump said so himself!
“See what I did there?”
Yes, I did. Another lame comment posted by a fascist troll on a non-stop, downhill slide to irrelevancy. Way to go, Doctor Dumbfuck.
And this is why I don’t think we need to bend over backward to not call them stupid. There is not a single Trump tax cut or health care bill in place. Thank you President Obama.
@ 7
It lets you know Republicans have (seized) control of the legislative house in question.
That’s for those of you who couldn’t tell that was the case from Inslee’s first term.
@ 10
Guess who bet the wrong side of the Gonzaga spread.
We’re all glad that Seattle is having to pay all that money for the homeless and not us. If you fed stray cats and dogs, they’ll hang around. These homeless people are no different. Well, at least it’s not our problem. You Seattle elites enjoy your homeless population.
Zags gonna kill Northwestern….although I was happy to see NW win their first game.
Watching Merkel trying so hard to keep the poker face while the idiot said they’ve both been wiretapped and blaming Fox News for needing to apologize to Great Britain.
“Hey, I saw it on the TeeVee so of course I assumed it was true.”
Seattle elites enjoy your homeless population.
You need to get out more. Read the previous comment thread; it has statistics for homelessness statewide, and Seattle has no more or less of a problem than the rest of the state.
The difference is, here in Seattle, we don’t compare our fellow human beings to stray animals.
Dawg @14,
You do realize that 3/4 of the state’s homeless live outside of King County, don’t you?
Dawg @14,
So where do you live? The county, at least, if not city or slum, so we can look up how well your area of the state treats the homeless.
@16 Germany has had to deal with delusional leaders before, including their own. They’re used to it.
@ 17
Read the previous comment thread; it has statistics for homelessness statewide, and Seattle has no more or less of a problem than the rest of the state.
That’s if you include both homeless with shelters and those who are forced to camp out, anyway, which you’ll learn if you read enough of the previous comment thread.
Have I mentioned lately that #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president?
Kellyanne Conway reveals the behind-the-scenes story of Hillary Clinton’s concession call
Read more:
Oh. Send photo down, on the left. Of Conway. You cannot unsee that photo. Yeesh. She comes off every bit as male as YLB does female.
In which Brazile admits the primary debates were rigged.
For months, Brazile has avoided confirming that hacked emails from the campaign showed her forwarding the questions, which were asked at separate debates. But in a new essay for Time magazine looking back on the hackings, she said it was true.
“[I]n October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and [Democratic National Committee] Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign,” she said.
I don’t doubt she regrets her actions. After all, envision a race between an honest guy liked by his party, and Trump.
You just envisioned a different outcome, didn’t you?
Think on your sins.
Thank you for reinforcing my point. There are homeless persons all across our state.
Have I mentioned lately that [Madame Secretary of State Emeritus Hillary Clinton] will never, ever be The president?
Of course not. Michael Flynn will see to that — right after his confirmation as our new National Security Advisor.
It’s not like he and they could all have been dead, flat wrong about her, now could they?
Live on your knees.
Radiolab Podcast — Shots Fired: Part 1
A couple years ago, Ben Montgomery, reporter at the Tampa Bay Times, started emailing every police station in Florida.
He was asking for any documents created – from 2009 to 2014 – when an officer discharged his weapon in the line of duty. He ended up with a six foot tall stack of reports, pictures, and press clippings cataloging the death or injury of 828 people by Florida police.
@22 LOL Found NEMO yet boob? Maybe Ellen D can help you get a clue. Or better yet, Dorki Monson – little maxwipe’s thought leader.
Damn! The babbling butthead is MIA on Fridays.. ‘spose it doesn’t appreciate being cheered into its cage at sunset.
Sunset is at 7:18 pm today.. A longer and longer wait to be free of that eye-straining noise.. Absences on Friday help much. Thank you troll.
Item: The guy with the nuclear codes doubles down on his every delusion, such as Obama wire-tapping him.
As Trump has proven himself to be such an inept fucktard, at this point I’d probably support a military coup, provided two things happened. One, Trump, Bannon and Miller leave the White House either feet first or in shackles, preferably feet first. Two, an election is held in the fall to elect a new president.
Heh. Just kidding. Maybe.
“Think on your sins.”
Um, yeah, right, because we’re always so fucking eager to receive advice from a fascist traitor.
@ 28
…we’re always so fucking eager to receive advice from a fascist traitor.
I see your point. You’ll be much happier when in receipt of Associate Justice Gorsuch.
Nah, no need to clean house at your end. Just as Harry Reid did when he was around, Pelosi et al. will keep you ship-shape and well-positioned for the future, Steve.
On that happy note, good sir, enjoy your weekend!
Did you say something, YLShx?
How them student loans doing?
@26 Where was the hand after you typed that little maxwipe?
LOL! little maxwipe the marxist using a gubment program to send its kids to college..
Little maxwipe the marxist confessing to a taste for Raul Castro’s cigars.
On suicide watch yet? Too sad.
Dawning, the light is.
They are all racist dumbfuck hillbilly idiots. They’ve had 50 years of coaching and encouragement to coax them into the 21st century. Past time to cut ’em loose.
And calling Trumpublicans racist isnt “insulting”.
It’s descriptive.
Re: govt program…..ya, cool isnt it. How come you didnt?
Oh…you gambled on Feel the Bern giving your kids free college didnt you….
@14 “We’re all glad that Seattle is having to pay all that money for the homeless and not us”
Wow, just wow.
Sure, it is time that Seattle/KC clean up the homeless population. We can start by reallocating the money that we pay into the state treasury and stop giving money to those red-county welfare queens such as Pend Oreille county (or any county outside east of the Cascade divide). If we did that, we would really see where the homeless population centers would be because if it wasn’t for the money that King County provides, there would be many more destitute and homeless people east of the mountains.
The light continues to dawn!
We must end hillbilly welfare once and for all. Local taxes for local use. The beauty is that once we put it that way, they’ll have to agree, having become captive to their own bullshit.
Trump will not make America stronger by alienating our traditionally strongest allies- Great Britain, Germany and Australia.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
“Re: govt program…..ya, cool isnt it.”
HAHAHAHA! The newly minted marxist brags about using other people’s money.. Guess we won’t hear about “execution” any more.. Have one of Raul’s cigars, ya commie!
“How come you didnt?”
Got two kids in college right now.. No worries… See ya little Karl Maxie!
“Nah, no need to clean house at your end.”
Democrats getting rid of Reid (gone) and Pelosi (102 years old) is a little bit easier task than you pulling your new buttplug, Vladimir Putin, from your ass, don’t you think? You do still think, don’t you, Doctor? We haven’t seem much of that lately. I’m beginning to think it must be part of the “Putin’s troll-bot” job description.
And speaking of jobs, you know what’s really funny, Doctor? It’s how you taunt low wage workers with the robots replacing them even as you try so hard with your thousands of hashtags to become Putin’s hardest working troll-bot and you’re doing it for free while he pays the rest of his trolls 40,000 rubles a year.
Way to go, Doctor Dumbfuck. If it wasn’t for the treason, you’d be the biggest fucking joke in the history of trolling. Instead, you’re just a fucking traitor.
Nice to have a break from the loon. And Lord knows the loon needs time to heal from the tremendous ass-kicking Chrome gave him this last week. Damn. Chrome really mopped the floor with the loon this time. That was something else.
@22 “Have I mentioned lately that #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president?”
Yes, you did, but you’ve apparently forgotten, which is a sign of onset of dementia. Or perhaps you don’t remember because you were drunk or high on whatever pills radiologists prescribe for themselves to cope with the stock market’s ups and downs.
Or to cope with a future prominantly featuring hillbillies like this guy.
Zags doing it….