Last night I saw Seattle Shakespeare’s outdoor showing of Twelfth Night. It was pretty fantastic. I had been to one of their performances a few years ago, and my recollection was that it was pretty small. This time around was quite a bit larger. My one complaint is that there was quite a bit of noise: if next time they could change the flight pattern of airplanes, that would be better.
On the bright side, HA libbies, should YLB pull her head out of her ass and realize the meaning of this data, her children might actually have a chance in life.
The findings:
Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view.
Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view.
Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%.
Capitalism was 56% favorable; 32% unfavorable.
“Socialism is toxic to these voters,” said the top Democrat.
It’s similar to the difficulty Obama experienced in calling his pastor a racist. The first time, I mean.
I don’t get what’s so hard about calling the president a “racist.” Historically, the vast majority of American presidents were racists. So in this one regard at least, he’s just like them.
Hard to interpret those tweets any other way.
Of course, the bar to claiming racism is set so low in these parts. Remember, Goldy, when you insinuated racism because Bernie rally attendees wouldn’t stand silently while his Seattle rally was hijacked?
You’re wasting your time.
You forgot to clear your browser cache and load a new Save and Fill… motherfucker.
@1. To paraphrase a conservative racist incel:
“The republican party is so repellent in those districts, to those voters, that these unknown firebrand, possibly socialist, women of color democrats got elected.
Think about your sins and repent”
Did 63 million balding, liver-spotted, peri-diabetic, aggrieved, deeply disappointed Republicans vote for him in a nationwide election too?
Asking for Tim Scott.. hiding under his desk.
Does anyone here really think that any “These are the “white, non-college voters” who embraced Donald Trump in 2016… ” will vote for a local race democrat? Have you talked to a trump voter recently?
Not our job to build you a safe space you pathetic, whiny coward. Instead of investing so much energy in conjuring up butt-hurt feels for The White Man, why not try asking yourself why it was that you and every other Trump voter chose to spend the last sixty years of the civil rights movement digging trenches and bunkers?
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
These are your neighbors and fellow citizens. You’ve allowed this vulgar media troll you reluctantly voted for to transform you into avowed white supremacists calling for the expulsion of your fellow Americans for the crime of being born with browner skin.
We all warned you it would come to this.
@8 Well said.
@1 By the conservative racist incel’s logic, Since in Seattle, Rep. Steve King was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view, should he sit down and shut up, so more liberals will vote for republicans?
@1 “Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view.”
That’s still 22% better than your favorable rating on HA.
One of them just got a promotion at the job, second in less than a year with big bump in pay..
The other about to start last year as an undergrad, ambitions for post grad study, professional track or academic. Got a year or so to think about it and make a decision.
Such concern for others, such compassionate klownservaticism… Thanks but no thanks.. Keep being boob.
It’s more entertaining..
lunatic klown psycho-sicko-phant of the ‘murkan white-privilege white-supremacist white-nationalist GREED KLASS..
@1 and you thought Bernie was a better choice. You are about as schizophrenic as a real mental patient.
@ 8
We all warned you it would come to this.
Steve will tell you that in the Fall of 2016 I was very clear as to the risks of going all-in behind the horribly flawed candidate your ilk chose to run.
Sort of warning you it would come to this, I suppose.
But look at the stock market…
16. Don’t you worry. Republicans will care about the deficit and debt 30 seconds after a Democrat is elected. “Oh no we can’t afford anything. Democrats want to raise your taxes and give your money to freeloading brown people and liberals. ”
Being neither a Guatemalan Toddler, nor a soybean farmer, nor one of the dozens of GOP lawmakers permanently retired in 2018, nor one of the dozens of national “conservative” leaders tossed by the wayside like so many spent condoms, Trump’s sudden rise to dominance of the GOP has levied no cost to me personally.
The elevation and valorization of murderous dictators, pudgy incels, Klan Tiki Torch marchers, lube-smeared porn stars, openly corrupt bagmen, and incompetent sons-in-law, while unfortunate to see, does not diminish me or Democrats in general.
These things diminish you.
And with each and every knee-jerk defense you offer herein, you get just that much smaller and more ridiculous.
In the fall of 2016 there were two, and only two candidates available to any voter aspiring to have their voice heard. You chose the candidate who ran on racism and resentment, and who openly demonstrated a pathological hatred for women. And you continue to make that choice every day. That’s who you are now.
To anyone but a conservative there could be no greater loss.
From reading the last thread and this one it looks like our doctor is finally beginning to unleash his inner-Nazi on us.
Mmm, and I’d say both Ilhan and Alexandria looked quite fuckable today at their press conference. The other two, eh, not so much.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everybody Is Racist But Us News– Trump Scores Bull’s-eye, Triggers Demorats Into Hilarious Name-Calling Frenzy, e.g.;
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist.
Trump is a racist. #RacistInChief
— Morgan J. Freeman (@mjfree) July 14, 2019
@20. Beyond racist, he’s a fucking classless pig. Dog shit smells better than that family.
Send that to Breibart.
@19 “…looks like our doctor is finally beginning to unleash his inner-Nazi on us.”
I think that the knowing of an eventual economic collapse has put Bob on the edge. One minute – skirt on with Pom Poms rattling. The next minute the horse is taking it up the ass. He’s scared….very scared, knowing the big Recession is coming soon.
Hey asshole!
That would be an example of “name calling” in the classic sense – in that I would not expect anyone to conclude from it that you were indeed an actual anus. It is intended and understood to be an epithet, descriptive in terms of quality but not substance.
And while I don’t speak for Mr. Freeman, for myself at least, when this particular Democrat calls you, or Teh Dumbfuck, or your peepee president a racist it is not an epithet. It is very much descriptive in substance. You people are subststantively racists. Moreover, you revel in it. You delight in your fundamental conviction that “whiteness”, all by itself, makes white people at least a little bit better than non-whites. It’s fundamental to your self identity.
So much so, that it naturally leads to this frankly amusing misconception on your part, and really on the part of probably most white bigots. You hear “name-calling”, because ultimately you have no substantive metaphor available to you by which to process a descriptively concrete term like “racist” or “bigot”. From your perspective, we might just as well call you a slithy tove.
It is what it is. You are who you are. We don’t hate you people for it. But it’s important to us to identify you so we can limit as much as possible all the harm you do to others every day.