There was a store on one of my walks that I have no idea what it does. I have never been inside it, but it looks like it sold a random selection of dream catchers and potted plants. It’s not in the most expensive neighborhood, but it’s still urban Seattle. My best guess is that it’s either some sort of front operation, or a bored trust fund kid needed something to do.
Anyway, I walked past it the other day and it was gone. I think I’m sad about that. I’m sure the space will be put to better use, but I will miss walking by it and wondering what the hell was going on in there.
Hillary loves the courage of women who have spoken out about Harvey Weinstein being a sexual predator. I wonder if she thinks Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick are also courageous?
Carl don’t worry about it – it’s probably good they left town before the bombs drop.
Here in NYC stores close overnight too. Just like the sidewalk bridge protection that gets put up because of Local Law 11.
If you can figure what is going on there for me it would be greatly appreciated.
@1 I wonder how they feel about the pussy grabbing President that currently is in the Adult Day Care Center.
It’s the nature of business and commerce for businesses to fail. There is no,guarantee of success. Milton Friedman once lectured that business people do not really want a free market because they want special protection for themselves and a free market for their competitors.
I’m sure the building will be eventually be taken for use by another risk-taker. That’s where good products and services begin their existence, and, unfortunately for some, failure is a part of the process of succeeding.
Capitalism is the best thing that ever evolved. It has done more to lift the world out of poverty than any other economic system. It has been more successful than any government program in improving our lives.
@1 I would think anyone with an IQ above 9* differentiates between victims and liars.
* This evidently doesn’t include you.
@4 “It has been more successful than any government program in improving our lives.”
Except when it doesn’t work and you need government intervention to lift us out of the wreckage of economic excesses.
I don’t expect you to remember the frequent panics and depressions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, or even necessarily the excesses of the 1920s and the depression of the 1930s, or even necessarily the S&L scandals of the 1980s, but what’s your excuse for forgetting the 2007-2008 financial crisis and Great Recession so quickly?
Social Security is much more than one of the greatest antipoverty programs in human history that virtually ended elderly poverty in the United States. It is depression insurance. It maintains the incomes and purchasing power of tens of millions of consumers no matter how badly the private (read: capitalist) economy collapses, putting a floor under how far consumer spending can contract. The Republican answer to this? Invest our Social Security savings in the stock market.
Of course, what else can you expect from a party of dumbfucks who enthusiastically embrace nazism, racism, and Confederate secessionism; who embrace birtherism and reject science; who believe climate change is a Chinese hoax; who want to sacrifice the Bristol Bay salmon fishery to mining interests; who want to sacrifice their own health insurance to tax cuts for the rich; who are afraid they might have to pay “death taxes” on their trailer homes; and who voted for Donald Trump?
You can’t cure stupid.
You tell me. You’re the one always crowing about your capitalist successes.
It was a headquarters for a union.
They’re generally fronts for something other than what they purport to be.
Those pink pussy hats? Liberals couldn’t come right out and tell women to knit targets to wear, could they?
jodikantor ✔@jodikantor
Harvey Weinstein at the January 2017 Women’s March in Park City, Utah.
5:50 PM – Oct 5, 2017
@ 1
I wonder if she thinks Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick are also courageous?
She very likely thought they were useful. Every time Bill coerced or forced a woman to open her legs for him was one time that #CrookedHillary wouldn’t have to. Even when he was unsuccessful, to #CrookedHillary at least he was someplace else.
I believe Weinstein’s accusers.
And I believe Ms. Broderick.
In her only publicly sworn testimony, given with benefit of counsel in the presence of sworn court officers she denies that she was ever assaulted or harassed by anyone.
Meanwhile treasonous hillbillies who slavishly obey Russian plutocrats refuse to believe their raging Orange Shit-Gibbon when he repeatedly brags to them that he sexually assaults women and gets away with it because he’s “a star”.
Loyal American citizens believe in due process and the rule of law. While the GOP’s extra-territorial Russian subjects believe in whatever their Russian masters order them to believe.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the children of YLB for the many, many thousands of dollars to be removed from their paychecks over the course of their careers, so that my wife and I may have a comfortable retirement.
Social Security benefits to rise by 2 percent in 2018
Meanwhile, Harvey Weinstein reaches out to Anthony Weiner for a BJ, telling him he’s soon gonna have to learn to give them, anyway.
Harvey Weinstein’s wife reaches out to Huma Abedin for support
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@8 I made gobs of money buying cheap stocks after the last capitalist collapse.
@9 And every restaurant in New York City houses a Mafia family, at least in the movies.
@11 I suspect your horses say the same thing about you.
I made gobs of money buying cheap stocks after the last predictably GOP/Hillbilly-led capitalist collapse.
@13 I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but …
Poor man’s millionaire @ 15
In your case “gobs” is defined as
a lump or clot of a slimy or viscous substance.
“a gob of phlegm”
You’ve told us all what you’re worth. We’re not going to let you forget it.
You can barely afford to leave the house, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@18 Yep, now it’s a matter of waiting for the next one. Probably won’t be long given Republican control of the House, Senate, and White House.
@ 19
We’re not like most retirees. We’re certainly not like you and your unfortunate wife, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hey, HA libbies, guess what looks like it’s still gonna be front-and-center during the 2018 election season?
Harvey Weinstein Will Challenge Firing at Next Board Meeting
Harvey Weinstein will challenge his firing by The Weinstein Company at this month’s Board of Directors meeting … TMZ has learned.
Hopefully Goldy
Goldy ✔ @GoldyHA
Weird how Republicans—who put a serial rapist in the White House—think they score political pts for ousting a sex-harassing Hollywood mogul.
Oct 9, 2017
now has a better understanding of the political significance of this.
You are all a bunch of fags. Just come out of the closet already.
Men Are More Satisfied By ‘Bromances’ Than Their Romantic Relationships, Study Says – TIME
Hillbilly/Treason/Pussy-Grabber geniuses should make that, Russia, Tiki Torches, bathroom privileges, and Obamacare their political centerpieces going into the mids.
If you could please arrange that America would very much appreciate it. And after all, it’s not like you’ll have any legislation to run on*.
*Things have gotten so bad Врач немой ебать is reduced to running mad victory laps over automatic COLA bumps. I’ll bet he shits his adult diaper when the mail comes.
Meanwhile, in a serious blow to Steve, Donald Trump is still president.
The USC School of Cinematic Arts is rejecting a $5 million pledge from Harvey Weinstein in the wake of published reports alleging decades of sexual harassment, abuse, and rape. The funding would have been used for an endowment for female filmmakers.
The type of endowment – double Ds – Weinstein was hoping to see on these women in exchange for his funds wasn’t the same definition as the one understood by the film school.
@ 25
And after all, it’s not like you’ll have any legislation to run on.
See, here’s the thing: Since Obama relied so extensively on regulations, EOs, and other items subject to reversal by his successor, the GOP doesn’t need a whole lot of legislation, either. It simply needs to reverse enough of what Obama just assumed that #CrookedHillary would keep in place.
Now, I could link to today’s items concerning Iran and the insurance subsidies helping to keep ACA afloat, but you knew where I was going before I finished the first line of the paragraph above.
Yield curve might be in the early flattening stages.
Dear idiot Hillbillies,
please, please whatever else you do as you stumble about in your trailers searching for the last can of Keystone Light, continue to highlight the admirable response of enlightened and loyal Real Americans in response to learning about a monster in our midst.
It contrasts very nicely with your response when you made even worse discoveries.
@ 29
You realize Trump clinched the GOP nomination a few months prior to the release of the tape, don’t you?
That analysis would very much depend on whether the GOP was experiencing a political ascendancy or not. As idiot Hillbillies are so eager to point out, angry Teapublicans and Russian Puppets have gained control of nearly everything that isn’t affluent, coastal, healthy, and economically booming. And that includes all three branches of the federal government.
If the best you Hillbilly/Teabumpkins can hope to achieve with that plebiscite-of-morons is regulatory roll back benefiting mining companies and hedge fund managers, while simultaneously tossing hillbilly voters off their dialysis machines, I’d respectfully advise a short position on “ascendancy”.
One year later and you still haven’t discovered it.
Explains a lot.
@ 31
I’d respectfully advise a short position on “ascendancy”.
Lessee, there’s the presidency, the Senate, and the House. There’s control of the SCOTUS.
Yes, good advice, yours. 60 Senate seats is unlikely, I will admit.
Once again, thank you, Senator Reid.
Bill is an admitted – and convicted – sexual predator. Yet HilLIARy stuck right by him and verbally assaulted those who proved their case against him.
She’s a lying sack o’ feces and fits in nicely with the Left in general. It’s not what you do, but what you say that matters. Thus the most hateful, intolerant are on the Left – the same people who will beat you and shout you down all in the name of acceptance and free speech!
Words matter, not actions – that’s the Left for you!
Should I start thanking Boob’s kid when my time comes? Hmmm. Maybe not if AI technology flushes boob’s and the missus’ college tuition investment in their child down the toilet.
It’s a ways off. No our household receives no SS benefits at this time. Never has.
Damn. A liberal arts education has never looked so good.
BillFuckface is an admitted – and convicted – sexual predator. YetHilLIARythe entire Republican/Hillbilly/Treason monolith of hate stuck right by him, raised him up to lead them, elected him Traitor-in-Chief, and verbally assaulted those who proved their case against him.ftfy
@34 Ever hear of Roger Ailes, BillO the klown?
That’s the always wrong wing for you.
@ 37
Ailes harassed a handful. Weinstein harassed half of Hollywood.
Sooooo… not about consent. It’s about numbers?
There it is ladies and gentlemen. A particularly trenchant exposition of Hillbilly/Teabumpkin regard for women’s roles in their society.
@ 39
It’s about numbers?
Pretty much.
LOL!!!! Yep – the freak had its “hands full”…. That’s for damn sure.
And damn did it cost money! How klownservatic! Oh well, it was only the sheep advertiser’s cash, was it not?
Weinstein? What does that sleaze have to do with how holier than thou klownservatics crow about being? Oh he was a donor!
Like that’s never been an issue for klownservatics…
What’s amazing here are the growing number of sexual harassment and assault allegations against big time DUMMOCRETIN money donor and self-described male pussy hat wearing feminist Harvey Weinstein. The silence of certain DUMMOCRETIN politicians was speshul!
This raises the question of why the same national DUMMOCRETIN politicians, freak show Hollyweird jackASSes, and libtard activists consistently throw out similar allegations against President Trump and other prominent national conservatives while tolerating a culture of silence and denial regarding the endemic continual multi-year epidemic of workplace harassment of rape and photographic pedophilia sexual misconduct being committed by many of their friends and associates.
Then Jimmy Kimmel claims it’s not his place to crack Harvey Weinstein jokes. Why not Jimmy? Hits too close to home being a DUMMOCRETIN too? You crack Donald Trump sexual innuendo jokes!
Puddy does not deny that perversion and depravity exist across the entire political spectrum. Heck the freakazoids here at HA DUMMOCRETINS express it all the time. Butt, the BIG difference on the sexual harrassment issue between conservatives and libtards in Real America is that based on the libtard response to Weinstein’s downfall. How many wimens did it take to bring this moron off his pedestal? Huh? Why was it covered up if everyone knew about it since the early 1990s?
DUMMOCRETINS appear to have a standard libtard sexual harassment playbook for bending over backwards and kissing their own arschloch to defend against even the most shocking allegations when made against nearly anyone that calls themselves “progressive”.
First they will deny.
Then they downplay the significance of the accusations — no big deal people, move along!
Then they make moral equivalences — We see that right here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Doesn’t matter how serious the allegations or words from the mouth of the perp — DUMMOCRETINS circle da wagons and show no compunctions about making light of any allegations against one of their own libtard progressives until the moral outcry becomes too much to cover up. Then, when there’s simply too much evidence to deny that one of their own libtard DUMMOCRETINS appear to have spent decades as a sexual predator, libtards go radio silent with white noise static or offer empty platitudes about “due process” as Roger senile idiot wabbit screamed about Bowe Bergdahl!
Then we have checkmate-252 screaming it’s all a lie!
Then we have flat beer froth screaming moral equivalence.
Then we have Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom going back to hate Trump mantras!
Then we have the vomit producing dead toad farting nothing significant!
Then we have the crazed clueless databaze cretin going back to yesteryear.
How long did it take for Obummer and #CrookedHillary to respond?
Then they black list you.
Then they fire you.
Then they will remove you from Twitter, Facebook, and Google. You are only reinstated when the audience heat pressure becomes too great for those silicon valley libtards to keep the “offending” person off their sites!
Butt, if you support bomb throwing against conservatives; well we’ll give you a pass! Nooooooooooooo problemo!
Of course none of this will be covered tonight in the Friday Night Comix.
George Clooney, big time DUMMOCRETIN jock strapper sexual harassment too?
Oooooooooh Boy! Law suit?
Ted Kennedy
Bill Clinton
Anthony Weiner
Eliot Spitzer
Ben Affleck AKA BUTTman
Harvey Weinstein
George Clooney?
Jeffrey Epstein
Roy Price
They are dropping like flies around RAID bug spray! http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....or-1048569
Till Next Time!
@13 Doctor Dumbfuck bragging about his Social Security check.
@22 Doctor Dumbfuck bragging he doesn’t need his Social Security check.
How quickly things change.
@23 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck argues a Hollywood mogul’s fall from grace is the only issue that will matter to voters in 2018.
It illustrates why we call him a dumbfuck.
@25 “And after all, it’s not like you’ll have any legislation to run on.”
He doesn’t have anything else to talk about, either.
I’m inclined to believe that to every single Apprentice contestant, Production Assistant, and 13-year-old Slovenian model ever pinned in a corner and finger fucked by Your Beloved Orange-Russian-Puppet and party leader, their lack of consent mattered a whole lot more in that moment and for the rest of their lives than how many rape victims he had finger fucked previously.
Now you just have to ask yourself (since you obviously never actually talk to women) how that resonates with 73 million woman voters. What do you think matters more to them? How many co-workers and associates President Tic-Tac has “grabbed by the pussy”? Or whether any of them ever consented?
TLDR We Don’t Read Ravings of Traitors who Abandon their U.S. Citizenship
@27 “the GOP … simply needs to reverse enough of what Obama just assumed that #CrookedHillary would keep in place”
to unfix all the GOP clusterfucks Obama fixed. Which is the GOP’s platform for 2018. Early indications are this is working very well for the Democrats, because the House is now in play, which once was thought to be unthinkable.
Ailes harassed a handful. Weinstein harassed half of Hollywood.
Notice how the crazed clueless databaze cretin reacted?
P R I C E L E S S!
Till Next Time!
TLDR We Don’t Read Ravings of Traitors who Abandon their U.S. Citizenship
TRUTH and FACTS mess with the libtard mind!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s the best you can do?
Till Next Time!
@28 I would merely observe that I’ll be the last rabbit to discourage those eager to lock in a 2.87% yield for 10 years.
Hey, I’m not knocking bond investors, either. They did pretty well for 30 years, aside from some recent glitches in housing and energy bonds. I’m just not a real big fan of current yields, that’s all. I’d rather make 17% in the stock market.
Did the lunatic Traitor-Who-Renounces-US-Citizenship ever denounce Herman Cain? He must have been taken in by that con. Did he ever own up to the sleaze?
It lies. YES IT DOES. It’s never FIRST to condemn a klownservatic perv. It only faintly condemns when CORNERED!
NEVER WATCH what the freak “puddy” says. Only watch what it DOES.
“She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants! Well in my case I told both sons, no premarital sex is off limits.”
“no premarital sex is off limits” – the freak wrote back then that its spawn could get “fucking intimate”.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
I remember we once had a troll who laughed at me for arguing it’s easy to make 8% in stocks. All I can say is, it’s hard not to. Monkeys can do it. Heck, even Doctor Daytrader Dumbfuck manages to do it.
More than sufficient.
Reasonable, healthy, prosperous, well educated, verbally coherent voters are just not inclined to take a keen interest in the political and social ravings of people, wherever they might live, who are more interested in advancing the interests of our nation’s adversaries.
You people made a very wrong choice. You backed Putin – an adversary. He took you. You lapped it all up like dogs. The fact that your backing helped him to win the electoral college doesn’t change that.
Keep going freak @ 50 until 6:23 pm and
@31 You gotta hand it to Trump, it took him only 9 months in office to figure out that what Obama did with penstrokes, he can undo with penstrokes. I guess this is what they call “growing into the job.”
“Meanwhile, in a serious blow to Steve, Donald Trump is still president.”
Another swing and a miss. Strike out much?
“We’re not like most retirees.”
Evidently not. Or perhaps you should demand that Whidbey Health get with the program and remove you from their web site. You know, seeing as how you’re retired and all that.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes.
Pavlov strikes again! The ring in its nose still works!
Till Next Time!
Damn. It looks like a countdown is in cards..
We backed Putin?
Dianne Feinstein doesn’t agree with Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
@33 “Lessee, there’s the presidency, the Senate, and the House. There’s control of the SCOTUS.”
The sum of which amounts to crickets chirping.
“Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck argues a Hollywood mogul’s fall from grace is the only issue that will matter to voters in 2018.”
Only if Weinstein runs for president. In that case, it’d be two rapists running for president. But of the two, so far it appears only one of them raped his 13 year-old daughter as well as another 13 year-old little girl.
You are so lead clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Its hatred allows Puddy to make it jump.
Jump FOOL jump and 53 happens!
Here’s the “Weinstein” of the HA comment threads, the babbling holier than thou butthole:
BTW KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Yours truly remembers it even donated to Goldy to keep HA going. It so “needed” this website.
But of the two, so far it appears only one of them raped his 13 year-old daughter as well as another 13 year-old little girl.
Still waiting for the court proof shitstain steve!
Meanwhile, in a serious blow to Врач немой ебать, Donald Trump is still President, and will be his party’s nominee in less than three years.
Also meanwhile, in a serious blow to Врач немой ебать, the appointees and hires of Two Term Popularly Elected African American President Barack Hussein Obama still run most of his government, and dirty, filthy, stinking naked hippie communists run his city, his county, and his state.
@35 “Should I start thanking Boob’s kid when my time comes?”
I’m not convinced he’s smart enough to make kids, even given that beetles and earthworms can do it. I’d want to see the birth certificates.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes. Karma is a bitch!
IT WORKED AGAIN @53 and @65
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Helping out a fellow Philadelphian was the right thing to do crazed clueless databaze cretin!
Pavlov strikes again! The ring in its nose still works!
Till Next Time!
“We backed Putin?”
Yes. Hell, Doctor Dumbfuck backed Putin to the tune of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
@40 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck bragging about what he and his fellow Republicans are going to do to us in 2018 and 2020 riding on the coattails of their 34% popularity rating.
@66 When did you ever need court evidence to make up your mind about an accused person?
@69 Here’s a fantasy the fiend had about Goldy:
“Righton, are you inferring that the Great David Goldstein wears a butt plug? Perish the thought!!! Naaaahhh, I came even imagine that one.”
The freak “came” even imagine… What a “Weinstein” this freak!
Strikes me that the loon is more batshit insane than ever. Treason fueled by mindless hate for all things good and decent must have fried his few remaining brain cells.
@60 Yep. This is Friday afternoon. Won’t be long now.
Two more hours till the countdown!
@73 So the goatfucking loon came while imagining Goldy with a buttplug?? How strange is that?
DAYUM, this gets better and better!
@42 “This raises the question of why the same national DUMMOCRETIN politicians, freak show Hollyweird jackASSes, and libtard activists consistently throw out similar allegations against President Trump and other prominent national conservatives while tolerating a culture of silence and denial regarding the endemic continual multi-year epidemic of workplace harassment of rape and photographic pedophilia sexual misconduct being committed by many of their friends and associates.”
Well, there seems to be much more of this behavior on your side, so that does make it hard to keep up.
This Harvey Weinstein scandal keeps growing by the minute. This will take up a lot of air time over the next week or so, then it’ll die of old age.
@73 He should know all about weirdness. He seems to. He talks about it a lot.
Yes, dear. I’m afraid so. And everybody knows it now.
Look, it’s perfectly understandable for all you people to pretend you didn’t know, or that none of it is true. I get that. And so long as your self-identity depends on a rigid sort of internal self-consistency, the kind often associated with a lifelong devotion to mythological orthodoxies, you’ll have to stick to that no matter what. But what you may not realize is that many of the “conservative” voters who joined you in being suckered by Vladdy are not so devoted to internal self-consistency. They loved parachute pants until they hated them. They proudly wore mullets until they didn’t. And caught up in the frenzy they went with Putin. But that was then. They’ve already buried the MAGA hats in the bottom of the recycling and deleted the Facebook posts and Tweets. They are newly minted EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE all over again. Just like they were after W conned you suckers and fucked you people over.
And though the red hats may fade, and the Tiki Torches may flicker and die, one thing that won’t go away is that the rest of Real America now recognizes that Hillbillies are just very, very, very, very stupid. We’ve all seen the shitty Russian ads, videos, and postings. A child shouldn’t have been taken in. A Labrador puppy shouldn’t have been taken in. But 63 million of you were. Badly. Ouch. Sorry (not sorry).
Sorry folks. Gotta cut it short. Woulda been nice to keep the freak going till sunset and BEYOND….
Stuff came up.. Maybe another Friday.. Have fun!
Well, there seems to be much more of this behavior on your side, so that does make it hard to keep up.
Well that’s your perception Roger senile idiot wabbit! Your side covers it up so well! 30 years and no one came forth on Harvey Weinstain!
Reminds Puddy with the circle the wagon on Wee Willie Cigar Clinton!
Till Next Time!
Stuff came up.. Maybe another Friday.. Have fun!
Going to the bank to cash the guvmint check?
and while using the family computer?
That is just so unsanitary and wrong.
Wow three crazed databaze sightings.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes. Karma is a bitch!
IT WORKED AGAIN @53 and @65and @73
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Leading the crazed clueless databaze cretin each and every day! Still FAYLING at the crazed databaze!
Pavlov strikes again! The ring in its nose still works!
Till Next Time!
Not a single person. Nope. Not George Dukmejian, not Pete Wilson, not Gray Davis, not Arnold, not Fuckface Von Clownstick, not Врач немой ебать, and not Lunatic P. RussianSlave.
Where were they! Why their silence!
Not George Dukmejian, not Pete Wilson, not Gray Davis
They were in Hollyweird libtard land?
Till Next Time!
Dianne Feinstein doesn’t agree with Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Notice how the babbling butthole troll flaunts its misogyny like its HEROES, Ailes and BillO the klown..
It’s a freak. It can’t help itself.
Lets call it WHIIIIINE-STEEN….
@38 and a handful of the harassed loved it, but no longer.
@84 Yes, no telling what else has been covered up on our side. But it’s all out in the open on your side. Republicans have no shame. At least Weinstein, scumbag that he is, didn’t brag about it like you-know-who.
@85 “Going to the bank to cash the guvmint check?”
I have automatic deposit.
Hillbilly/Traitor ignorance does not excuse their silence!
Yes, dear. They were…
Trump apparently isn’t willing to take time off from golfing to honor a dead American soldier.
“On Saturday October 7, the day the body of 25-year-old Army Sgt. La David Johnson was returned to Dover Air Force Base after he was killed in an ISIS ambush in Niger, President Donald Trump was golfing … since the ambush on October 4 in Niger, he has not commented publicly on the deadliest combat incident involving US troops since he took office.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s see, how many times did he criticize Obama for playing golf? I guess no hypocrisy is too low for a Republican.
Not from The Onion:
Lena Dunham ‘in talks to take over as editor in chief of Glamour’ just a month after Cindi Leive stepped down
Read more:
Lena Dunham is to glamor as #CrookedHillary is to success.
Hmm, let’s see, HRC was elected to be a United States Senator and was a member of a Presidential Cabinet as the Secretary of State, that seems pretty successful in some circles. More than you have ever done….
It so awesome that HA HEROES get the last word on Friday!
The freak has to mumble for pie in the sky when it dies and hand envelopes of cash to its pastor or its H E double hockey sticks.
No, boob doesn’t count.
Fuckface needs to put down his “power” pen and pick up his pardon pen.
The Putin Puppets that trolls backed with wild enthusiasm have now been caught red-handed with over $60 million in illegal Russian money conveyed through Cypriot banks.
Carl is it possible it was never there. Just Deja Vu. A hallucination of Phillip K Dirk? Or it’s like the tower in Ghostbusters. not really there, waiting for the photo plasm to escape tonight.
@100 Would that be President Putin exercising his pardon pen? Or the President of ?Cypress should Cypress actually enforce their laws. There are reasons money is laundered through Cypress.
@6 The CDC and other public health works have improved citizens lives greatly. Or waterworks and sewage treatment have vastly improved lives more than capitalism. In fact these keep workers able to show up for work, and buyers for the products produced.
@12 Seems to be a big hole in your theory. If Trump is just a Russian stooge or mole why is he decertifying Iran, something that is upsetting Putin. The Russian government states the Iranians are meeting their obligations, and do not want the American President to decertify or abrogate the agreement. Please explain this behavior in light of your rants?
@15 You have made money only if you have sold the cheap stocks you bought. Sure there are dividends, but if all the money you have made has been put back into the market, you have not made any money, nor have you paid some level of tax on the earnings to Uncle Sam. Now if you have sold stocks and taken that vacation to Paris and drunk wine by the Seine you have made a gob or two of money.
It’s drug money.
That’s what bought your citizenship.
Hope you traitors think it was worth it.
Na Zdorovie.
@23 Capitalism cat fight. Lets watch. The question is whether the company survives. Lawsuits will not help. Not sure if the company is publicly traded, but under the RR theory of buy cheap, now or very soon is the time to buy, of course there is risk here. And in Capitalism it does not matter if Harvey is a cad if he can make the company millions, and without him it goes down the drain.
Nobody with a scrap of sense would argue that your beloved Orange Shit-Gibbon is a competent or reliable Russian Puppet. But it’s long past denying that he is bought and paid for. $60 million in direct traceable transfers don’t lie. And odds are pretty good that’s just for starters. I for one never expected Mueller to make this much progress this quickly. I knew he’d go after the money once I saw his team roster. But I was foolish enough to expect Team Fuckface to have covered their own asses. Instead it would appear they relied on Deripaska to do that for them. And now that Fuckface has shit the Russian money bed and started pissing on Tillerson… oops! Surprise Cypriot bank records!
They fucked themselves good. You traitors too Shortbus, just in case you didn’t know.
@108 He isn’t my guy. Your whole calling a third of Americans clueless hillbillies is counter productive. Just like there are folks who will vote for whoever the Democrats put on the tickets, same is true for Republicans, and there are a group of folks who are true believers in Trump, but I’m not one.
I’m taking this Russian money stuff with a grain of salt. The Russians are notoriously cheap in their operations so $60 million sounds way high. Mueller may do something with it or not. H is going to have to produce something soon. Otherwise he should say: Nothing to see here, and close up shop.
If the Russians spent $60 million they did not get much for their investment, and you acknowledged Trump is not their man in your response.
Either Trump is their man or he’s not, and what he’s doing on the Iranian deal says he ain’t. Time for you to find to fid a different shtick.
And the Cypriots have been marvelous smugglers since ancient Greece.
@33 Still the Republicans will pick up Senate seats, while loosing house seats, and maybe the House. This should mean they maybe in a better position after the midterms. Their hold of the Senate is narrow enough that they can’t govern without the Democrats. No shift to the middle, though the Dude in the White House would go with that flow. Fortunately for Republicans in Congress the President is giving them a lot of cover. If there was a rise of bipartisanship to get things done some of you would be royally pissed off, and confused that the guy in the White House looks almost like a Democrat or more of one than the past occupant of the White House.
@43 Does not matter either way. If he paid into Social Security he’s entitled to a check as are you or anyone on the list that meats the criteria. Tell your Republican friends, especially the ones who receive a check If they don’t want it, I’ll gladly take money from them and put it to good use.
@45 Trump is doing pretty well with nominating judges, and getting them on the bench. He will get to crow about that. The day he beats Obama total I bet there will be a treat. Trump is not a humble guy, most New Yorkers are anything but humble.
@80 Depends on just ho much mud gets thrown. This is very much a story about power. The casting couch. Who gets what , when, and how. Eventually the actresses who said yes will be outed, and that cat fight will be amusing. Then it will come out that Female producers and directors use the power of the casting couch, and objectify males. Heavens to think even people who are good could misuse their power, and no one did squat. That even today studios have a stable of actors and actresses. Gotta keep the talent happy. It’s good to be the talent, though morals may interfere.
Of course Harvey does not have mch on the Church of Scientology and aspiring actors and actresses, and keeping the famous few happy. No skeletons there, just move along.
They call it tinsel town for a reason, and it’s about money, and some skeletons have come out, some more unhappy skeletons will come out. Maybe even some actual skeletons before the Harvey Weinstein wave ends.
@82 Too bad the Democrats did not run a better candidate. Biden would have won. Senator Sanders would have beat Trump. Some of the Democrats best sat on the bench because it was Hilliay’s fucking turn or fucking crowning? They sat on the bench because after 8 years they knew the country was leaning Republican. Fucking Republicans were tripping over each on the stage in the early primaries, and there was still a kids table for the also running late in the primaries. Yet for all intents and purposes it was the all Hilliary show. The Democratic party gave us Trump by not allowing there to be a real primary season with some choices. Bernie was more exciting than Hilliary but heaven for bid He is Jewish! He is a socialist! Yet he is exactly who should been on the parties ticket as President or VP, and the party should have told Hilliary he’s your running mate rather the loser she picked.
Thank you Democratic party for Donald Trump it’s party fucking fault. Isn’t it time for soul searching and improvement?
@96 We are doing operations in Niger? Did this start under President Obama. Maybe there should be a congressional investigation as to why the hell the Central Command is doing operations in Niger, Could be oil. Maybe Congress and the President hope we don’t notice or forget.
No sale, hillbilly. Absolutely nobody believes you here when you sad idiots claim that. Not even your fellow trolls.
I don’t know if it makes you traitors feel better to pretend that you didn’t sell your patriotism cheap to Russian con artists. But I can tell you it won’t make a scrap of difference to any of us who did not. We were bored with this shitty home movie the last time you made us sit through it with the Texas Village Idiot.
Perhaps if you people hadn’t knowingly committed treason you wouldn’t feel quite so compelled to make these ridiculous claims that Democrats are responsible for the Republican nominee.
You beer-drunk, racist traitors had dozens of better alternatives to choose from. And you went well out of your way to carefully select the only one that was controlled by Russian adversaries. That’s pretty fucking obviously on you. Your spin is pathetic.
HA Heroes… what a joke that klown is!