This poll has a little bit of everything for people looking to defund the police, and for people who want to slow down the movement. People want to defund the police. But they don’t trust the City Council or the Mayor to do it. Carmen Best is still surprisingly popular. Don’t go too fast.
It’s a relatively new issue for most people, so maybe they haven’t had the time to solidify their positions. Still, the top line that people in Seattle want half of the police budget to go to social services instead is encouraging.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
It only took Republicans 3.5 years
They just haven’t been mugged yet.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, are you listening?
Americans Who Mainly Get Their News on Social Media Are Less Engaged, Less Knowledgeable
Not for nuthin’, but Goldy makes his living shilling @ 3 on social media.
Americans Fault China for Its Role in the Spread of COVID-19
This implies that a lot of people don’t agree with rabidly social media-consuming @ 3 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron’s contention @ 3 that it’s the fault of the Republicans.
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is among the 42% of Democrats/Democrat-leaners who think that China has done a good job dealing with the Wuhan virus outbreak.
You have to get an early start on fucking with an election’s outcome. In 2016 the FBI began its investigation of Carter Page in April.
The first web site @ 3 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron visits in the mornings is Perez Hilton’s. Sets the entire tone for the rest of his day.
1. Thank you for your service, Sergeant.
2. Thank you for being my Uber driver. Quick, uneventful trip.
3. Thank you for protecting me during my ride, because you were carrying, even though I didn’t know it.
4. Thank you for giving “protesters” something to think about when they are deciding whether to point a lethal weapon at the next victim.
No, Doctor, if your orange moron drops out, you can’t replace him with Putin.
Our study found that a significant minority of Republicans now agree with Putin on world affairs, and a sizable majority appear to admire him
I was just thinking that soldiers earned more in the service of our country, Garrett Foster @ 9 might still be alive today.
If Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t jacking off to a photo of a bare-chested Putin riding a horse, he’s mourning the death of Nazis.
‘Mourning Nazis’: Trump ambassador blasted for visiting WWII-era cemetery on Jewish day of mourning, lamenting cost of war
Well, obviously if Styupid Hitler is empowered by GOD to declare “Shenanigans!” and indefinitely postpone the election until he feels better about it, then he can certainly appoint a foreign tyrant to serve as his successor.
It’s only logical.
Bob, you could have been this guy but you chose a Horse. I’m sure your ok with that.
Funny! Hahahahaha!
I was just thinking that if traitors like you had not voted for a disgraced bankrupted television reality star in 2016 these three US Marines might still be alive:
Delete your account.
Steve, who is becoming a clown, @ 10:
1. You posted a July 2019 poll. Any chance the results may have been affected by, oh, say, the subsequent impeachment and trial?
2. It’s an internet poll.
3. We don’t know how Democrats answered.
4. I did not find a link to the poll results, crosstabs, etc.
5. Potential bias was introduced by the statement that was made by the pollster to the respondent prior to asking the questions.
Steve, ask Darryl what he thinks about the poll and about the way WaPo reported it.
Oh, and ask The Even Bigger Fucking Moron where Crimea is and maybe a bit about its recent history. ’cause maybe Perez Hilton covered it.
Let them choke on snot.
I have to ask a simple question. Is there really any reason to educate kids, aside from the daycare aspect of it.
Actually, I think Putin would be a better leader and we’d have a better GDP and economy with Putin. We should see if Russia is willing trade leaders
@ 19
If we do not properly educate our children, we will end up with more adults like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@3 says the guy whose posts are 50 percent tweets.
Bob the article you linked, they were speaking of you.
Somebody produces a poll showing large numbers of The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s fellow “diehard Trump supporters” think Jeffry Dahmer should win Top Chef, and all he can say is “check the crosstabs!”
They were warned. Decades ago when they began to bathe themselves in the Lost Cause and the blood of ten generations of slaves, they were warned. Decades ago when they tied themselves to soaring hysterical religious ideation driven by greed they were warned. And four years ago when they permanently transformed their party and their entire movement into a personality cult devoted to a sideshow can artist they were warned.
Finding himself barricaded inside the asylum surrounded by rapidly decompensating lunatics The Q Clearance Cat Lady demands that you recognize how nicely all the beds have been made.
@21 education didn’t seem to make you or this world a better place. It’s failure at its best.
No jobs. No future. Bread lines. Why educate? In other news – more rockets to Mars!!!
I’m not complaining- I just got a raise yesterday. And although construction is sure to slow, it’s one of the only job sectors that can somewhat survive during a pandemic more so. I got only 2 years left for the most part too
Doctor Dumbfuck blames the impeachment of his orange moron for his love of Putin.
If The Hump said Bob sucked Horse Cock, 87% of Americans would probably believe that too.
I see that once-favorite Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit stock GE is down to $6.06/share today. When he recommended it in 2017 it was at $23.81/share.
GE’s dividend, a significant reason for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s recommendation, has been cut 96% since 2017.
@ 24
The preceding sentence was constructed by the same individual who questioned @ 19 the value of education.
Wow. Karen’s pitching a tantrum she wasn’t first to post. Thanks for the laughs.
Reading your dumbfuck comments, Doctor, I can see how someone might question the value of an education.
Thanks for proving me right.
Even before posting today, after waking up this morning, I said to self….self, I make $180,000 base salary. I could teach someone what I do in 1-2 years and they don’t need to go thru 16 years of schooling.
Was I supposed to say “I only have 2”
It’s 10:30 and you’re already only a few posts away from “catheters”.
2020 is really your year!
Delete your account.
@ 30
In a few short years YLB’s kids will certainly be questioning the value of their education.
You see, Steve, the questions
“Would you like fries with that, Sir?”
“Y’all want fries?”
each are compensated at $15/hr. Only one of them comes with a six-figure educational debt load.
Mama and Papa were correct:
Is it more believable that Alan Dershowitz was on Epstein’s Lolita Island?
Or that Bill Clinton was?
Again, education didn’t go far here.
@34. I knowwwww!
And pictures of The Hump with Epstein and that lady…ewwwww.
Just think. America could have had Mayor Pete.
But nooooooo. Stick with the past, present and future Neanderthals going to Lolita Island!!
Give me $20,000 for 2 years, I’ll let you come to work with me each day and teach you how to do what I do and you can earn 180,000k or pay some college 200,000k for 4 years and pay back loans the rest of your life.
It’s like getting married and having a kid. Just because it’s what mainstream tells you you should be doing it.
All I know is I feel bad for Dersh’s lawyer.
Worst client ever.
But I guess the good news is that will all change next year when Cadet BoneSpurs becomes eligible for criminal indictment.
Bet that’ll be a fun client conference.
Fuck – I’ll do it over the internet.
@ 37
And Mayor Pete can have gman, bareback, in any grimy alley of his choice.
@ 38
No need for medical school. Just hang out with a physician for a coupla years, pick up some skillz, then go out and do some brain surgery.
No need for engineering training. Just hang with gman for two years, then go out and assemble your own Tower of Pisa.
I’m sure we could find a nice boutique hotel. You stick with the barn and stable.
Does any famous figure look like Dershowitz? What an odd name to pick out of the blue.
Guy probably was there. I mean, he did his best to prop up Gore after the election, and Bill probably told Epstein to set him up with a threesome with two young girls. That would be my guess.
@42. I’m not a doctor. Nor am I a registered or licensed engineer. Not what I propose to teach.
But I have more knowledge than you about engineering that you could ever teach.
You failed being a doctor and Pro athlete.
Found some “Cancel Culture” in the wild:
A New Jersey prosecutor is charging a felony for retweeting a photo of a police officer. Cop claims it scares him to see pictures of himself when he’s out bustin’ heads for FREEDUMB. Says he feels “bullied”. Prosecutor is charging “cyberbullying” but arbitrarily elevates it to a felony.
And she’s not alone:
ACLU NJ is getting involved and possibly EFF. A group of local attys is getting organized and one of them is looking into involving the state Attorney General.
The real “Cancel Culture” is state criminal legal authority exercised specifically to destroy people for engaging in protected speech and expression. Like blowing a kids eye socket in for holding up a boom box and criticizing the way you do your job.
Just imagine a program where instead of giving all your money to a school, you pay less to a company, a company that gets some productivity out of you, and in exchange you get to learn and be educated, benefiting both parties.
You get the education and knowledge. And the opportunity to earn a good living the rest of your life.
The company receive revenue and productivity from the individual.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting this be a model for all learning,. But essentially the same is done with the NCAA to some degree
Speaking of questioning the value of an education, there’s Louie Gohmert with his B.A. in history at Texas A&M and his Juris Doctor degree at Baylor.
Next to Doctor Dumbfuck, the dumbest MF on the planet, and both Putin-loving traitors.
@48. See!
All education is, is a daycare system for the most part.
We should call this virus what it is: the Wuhan Virus. The Chinese Communist Party allowed it to spread out of Wuhan Province to the rest of the world so the Chinese can continue their program of obliterating and absorbing the Indo-China Peninsula, the Koreas, The Philippines, and Japan.
We’ll just have to let you and The Cat Lady hash that out somewhere else. He’s convinced that nobody could have possibly prevented the spread world wide.
He’s probably right. Even if he isn’t really a doctor. For decades the experts have been saying that preparation and rapid response with PPE, testing, and contract tracing to contain community spread is the only thing that works.
All the things you hate, right Karen?
With that philosophy then locally to North America or the United States we then can call it The Hump virus, because he’s let it get out of control and taking no leadership to try and stop it. Besides how can you label it a virus when
It’s a hoax! The Wuhan Hoax Virus.
When it was in the news and in Gina, I believe I was the first to post something here about it in December/January, yet the turd in the whitehouse did nothing to prepare for it or even spoke about it..he was golfing.
Ted Daily = daily stupid fuck.
Call it the Wuhan virus – does it then mater how it develops and flourished here.
Your an ass.
Obama was responsible for an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
What’s the point of education? It depends on who you talk to. A skilled pool of workers. A pool of people who not only have skills but imagination to create new innovations. People taught critical thinking so they can think for themselves. People taught how to coexist in a complex society. Better voters. I’m sure i missed some.
@47. Sounds like an apprenticeship program. It also sounds like a greed conservatives’ wet dream. “They’re going to pay us to work for us? Heck I was trying to get their wages down to zero but this scheme is even better.”
I’m not saying to completely substitute education for what I’m suggesting but as an alternative and supplement. Education should evolve just like everything else.
And yes, an apprentice program that ultimately leads to 180k salary. If education isn’t failing some to get to the same point, why is it completely wrong.
Why not look at the benefits to the individual too not just the employer.
@3 The really dumb ones get their “news” from Fox, Breitbart, and Daily Caller. The speed of light isn’t fast enough for them to ever connect with any facts, and it’s easier to walk from the earth to the moon than to have intelligent conversation with them.
@4 You do it for free, so who’s smarter?
A federal appeals court has overturned the Boston Marathon bomber’s death sentence after finding juror bias.
Entertainment industry already has that.
They call them production assistants.
“Sen. Mitch McConnell is allowing Republican Senate candidates to do whatever it takes to salvage their campaigns ahead of what Republicans increasingly fear could be a devastating election for their party.”
Too late. They already confirmed a rapist to the Supreme Court and acquitted a rogue president who shreds the Constitution. Sen. Collins can’t save herself by mouthing “I’m so disappointed” after voting for Trump and against PPE. What’s done is done. You can’t unfry an egg.
@47 This overlooks what is supposed to be the basic function of colleges and purpose of a college education.
A company will only train people in specific skills relevant to their business. It won’t teach them the critical thinking skills learned from a college education. It won’t hand out reading assignments or require them to write term papers. It won’t grade their academic performance; it’ll only employ or fire them.
Some people are highly skilled in technical occupations but can’t think worth shit. (A certain radiologist comes to mind, although in his case I’m lacking information from which to rate his technical skills; I only know he’s around 56 years old and isn’t working anymore.) If you want people who know how to think, don’t rely on internships or on-the-job training for that.
What do you think of Val Demings for VP?
@ 62
The Even Bigger Fucking Noron, imagine she is white instead of black. Now what do you think of her?
Plenty of people tried that with Clarence Thomas.
What a bad police department looks like.
Yeah, right. This is how you show your gratitude.
Trump Says He Did Not Ask Putin About Suspected Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops
Fucking traitor.
Whatever her color, she wouldn’t sell out her country to Russia, Russia, Russia like you, Pence, and your stupid fucking orange moron.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Dr. Fauci Testifies That Demorats Were Right To Attack Trump’s China Travel Ban; Importing China Virus Is Excellent Tool To Keep Social Security Costs Down.
[Demorat “Let China Kill More Americans Act”]
While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.
The “No Ban Act,” introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) and co-sponsored by 219 House Democrats, would have prevented Trump from immediately implementing a travel ban on China once the outbreak of the coronavirus spread past its origins of Wuhan.
Instead, the No Ban Act would have allowed travelers from Wuhan to continue to arrive in the U.S. while the president received guidance from Congress.
“This bill imposes limitations on the President’s authority to suspend or restrict aliens from entering the United States and terminates certain presidential actions implementing such restrictions,” a summary of the legislation reads.
[Fauci Testimony Re Trump’s “Don’t Let China Kill More Americans You Stupid Fugging Demorats Act”]
“Dr. Fauci, let me ask you about some of the decisions that you work with President Trump on, and the whole team did. I know when you go back to the beginning of this the China ban was very heavily discussed. Were you involved in working with President Trump on deciding to ban flights from China?” he asked.
Fauci said that he was, and Scalise asked whether he agreed with that decision and whether he believed that decision had saved lives.
“Yes, I do,” Fauci replied.
Speaking of travel I see Canada is warning Americans driving to and from Alaska to stay on the fucking highway, keep moving, and don’t go wandering off to tourist attractions.
If you don’t follow these rules, up to $1 million fine if you give your disease to one of their citizens and they die from it.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Congratulations Loons, Enjoy Being Murdered & Raped, Demorat Shithole Seattle Moves To Abolish Police.
Seattle City Council on Friday moved to abolish the entire police department and replace it with a Marxist “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.”
In the proposed legislation, the city council asserted that the Seattle Police Department perpetuates “racism and violence” and upholds “white supremacy culture.”
“The Council is committed to confronting structural and institutional racism as a fundamental step towards addressing the racist institution of policing.”
The council endorses the “Decriminalize Seattle” agenda that would replace the police force with:
–”Culturally-relevant expertise rooted in community connections”
–”Housing, food security, and other basic needs”
–”Trauma-informed, gender-affirming, anti-racist praxis”
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) July 31, 2020
California’s high court has ruled against pension spiking. It’s a good decision, but I suspect it will be hard to apply.
Depends on how you nurture, mentor, and teach with respect to knowledge. Think of the employer as a professor with the only exception of focus on a less broad and more focused task.
And it depends on the type of job(s) that this is applied to. Such as an electrician or trade, similar to a trade school.
In my particular example, an individual could be thought how to read blueprints and a set of Project Specifications. They could be thought how to work with the software programs that are used. They could be taught on the management process of the construction industry, etc. From there they could make a life’s earning doing that particular job function, or gain additional years of knowledge to do more beyond but within the same field or industry, in this particular case construction, to one day go onto owning their own company.
Sure if they need to take night course, learning other things then tack targeted courses.
Currently, we’ve have a system that really isn’t much different than 50-60 years ago, and not sure that kids aren’t getting dumber. Now you can blame it on other things, but if kids are going through 12 to at years of schooling and it is of no greater benefit, then why not try something different.
Again, I’m not suggesting a drastic change to solely teach in this manner, but as an alternative. It’s really not much different than someone focusing on a career as a professional athlete or someone gaining skill while serving their Country as the military advertises on tv
I wonder what A1 steak sauce’s education was like.
Enough said?
@70 Gonna be a lot of unhappy cops in California.
@72 A better question would be how many transistors it has.
@71…employer…. meaning an individual or self employed individual as a mento, not an employer as in company as a whole, unless there was some specific program set up.
Sorry, even with your Time Musheeen it isn’t gonna work.
Your very own Q Clearance Cat Lady has declared that nothing was going to stop the virus from gaining a foothold in your community, and certainly not an easily avoided travel ban.
You girls go take it outside.
Staying with parents for the night. My father is in the kitchen sleeping with the TV on and tuned to CNN. I’m in a bedroom with the door open to allow the cooler air from the other end of the corridor to reach the bedroom.
Anyways a doctor, or scientist who’s had many years of experience doing research on fighting HIV, spoke about either a vaccine to the virus or finding medicines that fight the virus……or PREVENT THE VIRUS such as is done with HIV. Remember Bob ridiculed me for thinking Truvada (PrEP), could be a twofer. Well not saying that Truvada could be the twofer, but obviously Bob has his head up his ass and he’s a doctor.
Again, shining example of a doctor.
This guy gave a percentage of the likelihood between either scenario, and although I couldn’t hear it clearly, I think he weighed it more towards the medicine than a vaccine as being what happens.
If I ever find a link I’ll post it.
Bob is the Fucking Moron.
For all I know maybe it was Dr. Faucci? But it didn’t sound like him, and his itoduction would have caught my attention differently
In response to the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron saying he’s banning TikTok in America…
Sarah Cooper – How to tik tack
So who’s more stupid? The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck or his orange moron?
I’d bet Putin would call it a tossup.
@78 I wonder when he’ll order her arrested for, uh, pretending to say what he says.
63. I like her because of what she says and does. She is not perfect but many positives. I liked her ideas and attitude from her radio interviews. I judge her on the content of her character. Not the color of her skin.
I dispise Clarence Thomas for his actions. Not his appearance.