The State stay at home order has been extended to May. That is going to be tough for a lot of people. And may well be extended further.
Downtown Seattle sidewalks are still too cramped to do much walking. So I am mostly stuck in a studio apartment. But I still have work, and am doing OK.
Please wash your hands.
Republican stupidity and obstinacy kills:
” … Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp admitted having only recently learned that asymptomatic individuals can spread the coronavirus — despite warnings from health experts as early as January. Kemp, a Republican, said … Wednesday that the information led to his statewide shelter-in-place order in Georgia. ‘This virus is now transmitting before people see signs,’ Kemp said. ‘We didn’t know that until the last 24 hours.’ …
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based in Atlanta, warned as early as Feb. 12 that the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people. In January, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said there was ‘no doubt’ that ‘asymptomatic transmission is occurring.’
“There were 5,444 confirmed cases and 176 deaths related to the coronavirus in the state as of Thursday night, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health.”
Should’ve elected the Democrat:
“Kemp’s admission garnered public outcry on Twitter, with many saying Abrams would have responded in a timely manner to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 if she had been governor.”
But that’s not the voters’ fault:
“Abrams, a Democrat, [who] lost the 2018 election for governor to Kemp, the secretary of state at the time, … accused him of mismanaging the election system through voter suppression.”
But company probably will file bankruptcy after the principles strip out the assets. They always do under the GOP Bankruptcy Law that protects criminals and screws victims. You need a Democratic House and Senate and White House to change it. You won’t get meaningful enforcement of existing consumer protection laws, either, without a Democratic AG and administration.
And if you’re one of parents who voted Republican and got screwed, well, you got what you voted for.
Trump’s cartoon government can’t run the stimulus right, either. Everything is chaotic under him.
I won’t say “you get what you vote for,” because the American people didn’t vote for this. The Slave Friendly Electoral Bullshit System did. Let’s change it. Doesn’t require a constitutional amendment, which we’ll never get. Just Democratic legislatures and governors in enough more states to put the National Popular Vote compact into effect. That’s something voters can change — this fall — so we never have to suffer under an unelected, unpopular, and stunningly incompetent president like Trump ever again despite the fact 40% of our voters have their heads so far up their asses they can’t pull them out.
Rick Scott’s custom designed employment security system in Florida was designed to reduce claims, reduce payments, and save Florida business owners tens of billions in payroll taxes.
With more than half of all newly unemployed applicants unable to access the system and with those who can limited to less than $275 per week, it will now cost the miserable impeached GOP failPresident all of Florida’s EVs.
Archaeologists in 3000 A.D. will have no trouble identifying Trump voters. They’ll be the skeletons with the skulls positioned between the pelvic bones.
Overnight the HHS Website was changed to imply that the Strategic National Stockpile is operated more like Jared thinks it is.
Brazil has its own Trump:
“In an address to the nation on Tuesday night, Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro finally seemed to acknowledge the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, calling it ‘the biggest challenge of our generation.’ For weeks, Bolsonaro has downplayed the crisis, dismissing it as ‘panic’ and ‘hysteria,’ ‘a small cold,’ a media ‘trick,’ and a fake emergency manufactured by his political opponents.”
(Sounds familiar, doesn’t ?)
“On Sunday, he visited bustling shopping centers and said businesses should remain open, contrary to guidance from the Ministry of Health. On Tuesday, however, his tone softened.
” … Bolsonaro’s shift in rhetoric was motivated more by political considerations than by science. Bolsonaro has found himself without support, not only in the political class … but also within his own government. Bolsonaro is ‘feeling fragile’ in his position, a source close to the president said.”
Sound even more familiar? Because …
“For the past two weeks, Brazilians isolating themselves at home have taken to their windows and balconies nightly to bang pots and pans in protest and shout ‘Bolsonaro out!'”
Yep, sounds familiar …
“In the United States, President Donald Trump similarly downplayed the severity of the pandemic for weeks, insisting that the coronavirus would ‘miraculously’ be gone by April and that American businesses would be open again by Easter.”
B-u-u-u-t …
“With White House officials now estimating that as many as 240,000 Americans could die as a result of the coronavirus, however, Trump’s political calculus appears to have changed.
“‘The polling sucked. The campaign panicked about the numbers in red states. They don’t expect to win states that are getting blown to pieces with coronavirus,’ a former West Wing official told Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman.” (Ya thi-i-i-nk???)
” … For the time being, Americans seem to be giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, despite his early missteps and rejection of scientific evidence.” And that’s all he has going for him — that and the incurable stupidity of his base followers.
Wonder if any of these thousands of sailors are registered in swing states?
@6 Must’ve scraped up an 8th grader with programming skills from somewhere.
@8 “Your men love you, and if I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough.”
Some princes are better than others at knowing a true knight when they see one.
Play it out logically. What happens over time when affluent, well educated, healthy, prosperous, and modern progressive states like California or Washington or New York or Massachusetts, or Illinois are repeatedly told by federal officials:
If over time such states learn to rely less on the federal government and more on regional consortia agreements for disaster response, what effect does that have on the political interests of those states in investments in federal disaster response?
Bye, bye FEMA. Bye bye Army Corp. Bye bye USDA. And along with them, bye bye Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Iowa, etc.
Way to go, trailerbillies!
On that aircraft carrier the Wuhan virus threat to the crew is so serious that all of them, um,
violate proper distancing rules to send off the captain when he’s relieved of duty.
Future Roger Dumbfuck Rabbits of the world right there.
“More than 156 million Americans depended on their employers for health insurance before the pandemic. But now, with almost 10 million people filing new unemployment claims over the past two weeks, an estimated 3.5 million workers likely lost their employer-provided health insurance, according to a study from the Economic Policy Institute.
“In response, an overwhelming number of people are expected to sign up for Medicaid, the state and federal program that provides more than 70 million low-income people with health care coverage — pushing it to the breaking point. Washington state has gotten a significant increase of about 35,000 new applications over the past 10 days, the Washington State Health Care Authority told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least our state has a Medicaid program and a competent Democratic administration running it. Show me a red state and I’ll show you chaos. Why would anyone, anywhere, ever vote for Republicans? They’ve gotta be nuts.
One guy who will never buy himself another drink as long as he lives:
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” —Theodore Roosevelt
@12. As usual, the racist incel, find a speck to be outraged about while ignoring the burning town. Pathetic.
Why are the racist incel not volunteering his medical skills since this is a Democratic hoax. The racist incel should have nothing to worry about.
Probably in the same category as paying his bets.
@12 Helping out in your local overwhelmed hospital, I see.
It’s obvious you’ve never been aboard an aircraft carrier, where there’s roughly 10 square feet of deck space (floor space to you civilians) for every crew member. “Packed in like sardines” is what Navy ships are like. They’re not designed for crew comfort or social distancing.
During my Vietnam tour, I had reason to spend some time on a Navy hospital ship as a patient. The ship looked small from the helicopter doorway, even smaller when we landed on its flight deck, and during the 10 days I spent aboard it got smaller by the minute. By the time I was helo’d off to return to my unit, it felt very small indeed. There was very little elbow room anywhere on the ship.
There’s no extra space on a Navy ship of any kind for amenities like “social distancing,” dumbfuck. (With a possible exception: I’ve heard boomer crews can go jogging among the missile tubes.) But I’m sure you wouldn’t know anything about that.
The remarkable thing about that video of the Roosevelt’s crew cheering their hero captain is there are that many survivors to cheer him. It’s not like he got support from the top when the pandemic came to his ship and began spreading through the crew.
Yes, his men love him. Because he stuck up for them. We’ll see how much they love their commander-in-chief come November. I suspect the GOP vote cagers are already working to remove them from their hometown voter rolls.
@15 “not volunteering his medical skills”
Probably because no one wants him would be my guess, especially in the local medical community that knows him well.
Why would anyone, anywhere, ever vote for Republicans?
Judging from facebook, it’s still guns, greed and hurting minorities. That and the blind obsession that the best Democrat is worse than the worst republican.
Wow that’s stupid. One of Captain Brett Crozier‘s main objections is the bunk racks and the literal impossibility of social distancing on the ship.
They should have just hunkered down in their bunks. And the Galley.
Smooth comeback dumbfuck.
@19. I doubt the racist incel cares, he is just citing social distancing this time, because he thinks it will score him points against the libs.
@ 1
And yet, here’s Nancy Pelosi, 12 days later, telling people there’s no coronavirus in SF’s Chinatown. “You should come to Chinatown.
…but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown, and hope that others will come.”
The very next day, SF’s mayor declares a local emergency.
Now there’s some Democrat brilliance.
@ 12, 19, 20
I doubt The Fucking Moron II understands the seriousness of what the sailors did in that video.
Cz-252 gets it. Lotta virions spread by all that close-quartered and full-throated cheering. Not smart.
@20 “score him points against the libs”
You have to ask, “score points with who?” The obvious answer is that he cares more about what pork sauce, puddy (in whatever iteration he currently exists), and Fetid Pars think of him than what he thinks of himself. In other words, needy, and lacking self-esteem. I wouldn’t have any self-esteem, either, if I were him. It sucks to be him.
Paycheck Protection Program starts today. Please spread the word far and wide. This is a key element of the relief package that is not getting any media attention.
Beginning today small business employers can contact SBA lender banks to obtain up to $10 million dollars to cover existing payroll obligations including all benefits and health insurance during the following eight weeks. If employees are retained, or if laid off employees are re-hired, the entire loan is forgiven. Self-employed and independent contractors can begin applying on April 10.
There is of course a deliberate lack of responsiveness on the part of Sec. Mnuchin in ordering his agency to proceed with rule making and communicate to SBA lenders. Lies are being told and will probably continue to be told. But the law remains the law. And subsequent relief legislation may clarify and expand this program. Still I am hearing about, and reading about far too many qualifying employers laying off employees without even bothering to apply for this FREE MONEY.–Fact-Sheet.pdf
So, who is going to be the Democrats’ candidate for the 2020 presidential election in November? Will it be Biden or will a dark horse come out of the woodwork?
@21 Don’t look here, look over there.
Whatever errors Pelosi may have made, they can’t remotely approach the failures of commission and omission by the Orange Moron you so eagerly embrace, shill for, and — despite your implausible denials — undoubtedly voted for and will vote for again.
Like Every Republican You Know it is an imbecile, incapable of reason, resistant to logic, and unwilling to change.
It can’t possibly comprehend that in standard naval berthing of enlisted personnel sailors must take turns entering and exiting their racks because there is not sufficient floor space.
Republicans are stupid, incompetent, and evil.
Republicans are now literally murdering people with their stupidity.
@25 It doesn’t matter. Even a dog will do. Literally anything is better than Trump. If a dog can drive a car down I-5, then a dog can be president, too. Even a DUI dog driver is better than Trump.
Personally, I think Biden is better than a dog, but I’d take a dog, even a drunk dog, before I’d give Trump another term. This term already is too damned long.
@27 You can’t expect a Republican to know anything about the routine realities of military service.
@27 Don’t need berths during operations. Sleep is a peacetime luxury.
Alabama receives 5000 rotted masks from national stockpile
Montgomery County, Alabama is majority black and voted for Obama and Hillary in the last presidential elections. Or republicans are incompetent. You decide.
If your beloved DumpsterFire president continues to lose Florida, as he is doing right now (and that state’s TrumpBodyPile hasn’t even begun to grow yet)…
I’m truly sorry that so many people will have to die needlessly before this horrific GOP Plague and economic collapse have passed. But I’m not at all sorry watching degenerate idiot Republicans publicly soil themselves and eat it, mindlessly unaware of their own utter debasement. It is the ultimate performance art before which all other forms of self-humiliation shall shrink in comparison. This is the Gimp-suit to end all Gimp-suits.
Stocks are slithering lower again today, even though oil continues to rise. I bought more AT&T today. Could go lower, sure, and no dividend is completely safe. Meanwhile, Dumbfuck’s pet stock has moved back into double digits. Because it doesn’t pay a dividend, he’s made nothing since May 25, 2017, when it was the same price it is today. It seems his personal Trump Stock Market hit the wall 4 months and 4 days after Inauguration Day.
You have to believe that this is scratching an itch JarJar has been nursing as far back as early 2016 when rumors began circulating about Ivanka cucking him with black guys.
They all admit that they were shocked and surprised by the campaign’s success. But Kushner has also let on that he became increasingly frustrated over time when the campaign, the family, and ultimately he, were not being taken “seriously” by the media, by other Republicans, and of course by Democrats. I think he grew an oversized chip on his shoulder over the years. This is probably his last best chance for some payback.
And he really doesn’t care if it kills people. Nor does his FIL. Nor does any Republican (except of course for those about to drown in their own fluids).
@31, 32 – Jared knows a dumpster fire when he sees one:
“‘What a lot of the voters are seeing now is that when you elect somebody to be a mayor or governor or president, you’re trying to think about who will be a competent manager during the time of crisis,’ Kushner said during a news briefing on Thursday.”
Probably already thinking about his family’s post-politics life, and how to distance himself from his father-in-law’s legacy of incompetent crisis management and dead bodies.
so try practicing “social distancing” in a gun battery or a damage control locker.
@36 This is why you should sign up for the infantry, where social distancing is SOP on jungle paths, so that incoming mortar and artillery rounds and viruses pick off only one of you at a time.
Oh, and stay off the dikes, which are gonna be booby-trapped and mined. Wade through the leech-infested, buffalo-shit-filled paddies instead, maintaining your social distancing at all times, so the machineguns can get only one of you at a time.
Robert F. Kennedy’s grand-daughter and her son are missing after a boating incident in Maryland’s waters.
Yes, but what’s more important is that
Trump not be re-electedit’s racist to call it the Wuhan virus.Gee. That’s @ 38 too bad. I hope they’re found, and soon.
After all, there’s already a book entitled The Missing Kennedy.
It’s sort of a Kopechne’s revenge if a couple of Kennedys end up drowning.
One year after inheriting the Obama miracle.
Now, less than two years later, under Republican incompetence, greed, and corruption we are a week away from double a digit unemployment rate.
#youbuiltthat #youreallydid
Here’s where you can track the body count, if you’re so inclined. Also has data on tests, test results, and hospitalizations, with breakdowns for individual states.
That “Heckuva Job” polling bump appears done.
Rasmussen Index -12 (was -5 at the start of the week)
two weeks ago approval 49% (ABC)
This week
44% (Rasmussen)
46% (Reuters)
47% (YouGov)
Trump response to virus this week (abc)
Approve (47%) Disapprove (52%)
Tank-Full-O-Gas economy will bury Trump.
Will it bury Moscow Mitch?
That may depend largely on how badly the GOP Plague unfolds in states with vulnerable Trumpublicans. Arizona will be forced to push about 100 patients out into hallways to die suffering because of a shortage of ICU beds. Twice as many in Maine will be gruesomely snuffed out writhing in pain and suffering on the floor because of an overall shortage of beds. And equal number will be sacrificed in North Carolina, along with nearly 1000 family members presumably expected to enter a lottery for the shortage of ventilators. Perhaps the biggest “winner” will be Colorado where owing to steep early peak they are going to be 4000 beds short in total and left begging for more than 1000 ventilators.
Perhaps enough tribal loyalty will still exist when the Trumpublican Party chiefs have finished building thrones from the bones of all the dead. But for these Senators forced to cower in silence while Trump and his son-in-law humiliate them, I suspect that will be a tough sell.
The filling deadline to drop this rock in the ocean is past. GA is a Dem pickup.
Donald, “We won’t suspend domestic travel and passengers are being screened both before boarding and after arrival,”
Narrator: “Not a single screening is taking place.”
And the TrumpBodyPiles are not projected to really begin growing for another week. Both the early bump, and even this steady decline over the last two weeks, is based almost entirely on “feelings” having nothing whatsoever to do with real carnage.
Maybe making “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” the official Trumpublican party slogan wasn’t such a great idea after all.
@39 Place names are less offensive than ethnic names, dummy. In that respect, “Chinese” virus is to Wuhan virus what “n****r” is to African-American. But I’m sure you refer to it as “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (or “SARS-CoV-2” for short) in your professional communications and you’re a racist only when posting on this blog, because you can’t get away with that in a hospital or clinic setting and still keep your job or license.
Oh, sorry, I forgot you’re retired, don’t have a job, and have nothing better to do with your time than spend it here. Which is fine. We don’t want you to get sick and die. Trolls, even crappy ones, are damned hard to replace. Also, we think it’s better if you don’t have patient contact, and they don’t need you anyway, because it doesn’t take a radiologist to figure out someone can’t breathe. The patients need ventilators, not mouth-to-mouth respiration from Doctor Dumbfuck.
@41 This should be self-evident, but that’s in bad taste.
@44 Still you gotta wonder what’s wrong with the 44%. Must not have wi-fi in their caves.
Absolute lock territory.
@ 46 GA is a Dem pickup.
It’s like 2016 never happened for Cz-252. Kinda like that time his mom caught him beating off. Hell, he was caught already, might as well spank that monkey to completion.
Never pass up the opportunity to benefit from a crisis.
@52 She might win. There are lots of Republican voters in her state, and they seem to be as indifferent to her in-your-face insider trading as you are; I guess most of them are too poor to own stock, so they don’t feel ripped off, and many of them probably think it was just a smart business move of the sort their local Republican political and business leaders make all the time.
@53 And if a suitable crisis isn’t at hand, manufacture one. You’ve been reading Hitler’s teachings, I see.
The 2020 Trumpublican Senate map just keeps getting worse and worse. Moscow Mitch has really been whistling through the graveyard ever since he mounted the disastrous 2018 GangRape Show with Bart, Squee, Timmy, PJ, and “Boofing Renate”.
@56 This is really old, old, old news, but even three weeks ago the Senate was looking shaky for the GOPlaguers.
Now, with ICU beds and ventilators in short supply, triage going into effect, and their evangelical supporters scoffing at social distancing, their voter base very likely is shrinking much faster than ours and very likely will continue to do so.
“Everybody fucked her. We all did. Squee even boofed her when she passed out. She could be relied on that way.”
“Well, I dated her a little I guess, as did some of my pals. She was a fun girl who got around some.”
“She merely hung out with a lot of us and went to dances and stuff. There was never anything more than that. Just dancing.”
“Oh no. She is just a great friend who we all respect enormously and hold in the very highest regard as a person. I’m sure we never even kissed.”
“I don’t know that woman. Never met her. What was the name again?”
Violate proper distancing rules to sit in a pew and smell each other’s stench.
Such as a Gulf Oil Spill? Or wearing a Tan Suit? Or resting your feet on the Oval Office desk? Benghazi! Solyndra? Auto Bailout?
Must be referring to those things.
Tell us about your President, Senator?
McSally hasn’t led a Statewide poll in this race since last August. the last five have well liked Astronaut and husband to an NRA victim Mark Kelley with a lead outside the MOE.
McSally trying out for a community theatre production of “Pollock” these days.
@46 I don’t know if this would work for the Rethugs, but could Kemp ask her to resign, so he could appoint a replacement, and that person would then be the special election candidate? Or are the Georgia Rethugs stuck with Loeffler?
And if that’s the case, what if she’s dead from covid-19 by then?* I’m certainly not wishing for that, I absolutely don’t want that to befall her or her family; I’m just thinking out loud, that’s all.
* In which case protocol would require overlooking her insider trading crimes and extolling her public service in glowing eulogies.
@59 That used to be the script for when they got pregnant. Now it’s a form of denial for when everybody in their circle of friends got sick and died and they’re contemplating the likelihood that their number is coming up next.
In response to President Can’t Think Beyond Double King’s Pawn Opening’s ‘order’ to 3M to stop exporting N95 masks to Canada, PM Justin Trudeau has sent a cable that the fibers required to make the masks come from a paper factory in Nanaimo BC so….
@62 She oughta be careful about dragging the guillotine into the public square. These things can get out of control. Ask Robespierre.
@ 46
@46 I don’t know if this would work for the Rethugs, but could Kemp ask her to resign, so he could appoint a replacement, and that person would then be the special election candidate? Or are the Georgia Rethugs stuck with Loeffler?
Jersey Dems weren’t stuck with The Torch and that happened a lot later in the campaign.
But really only if Trudeau does the right thing and forces the impeached, incompetent RapePublican BodyPile president to apologize in order for 3M to continue receiving the fiber.
She can resign, and he can appoint his brother-in-law.
But Loeffler will still be on the ballot. Really, if anything this makes Doug Collins the GOP favorite. He’s been polling better than her since the news of her monstrous insider trading in human death became widely known.
What really may happen is that Moscow Mitch changes horses and throws all his support and spending behind Collins. And that would neither surprise nor shock me. He has no principles whatsoever beyond the gaining and wielding of power in service to wealth and more power.
Collins as the GOP front runner is not a good model for statewide demographics in Georgia. He takes them way down in some key voter groups. And to think this is yet another Trumpublican Own Goal. All they had to do was appoint a telegenic self-funding billionaire. And instead they wound up with Aileen Wuornos with a Centurion card.
Tales from Missouri: I ordered carryout pizza for my ravenous teenager. We get to the store in the strip mall. The front door is locked. She tells me to back way up and she opens the door to yell at me to call a number on the door and then park in front of the store. They will bring it out. No walk ins. They put our food on hood. I had not prepaid so the scared young man snatched the $20 from my son’s outstretched hand. I get out and get the pizza. New normal.
Do you not have smart phones in your state?
Order and pay online. No other options available.
Rcv txt 10 min before order is ready. Drive and park in designated spaces adjacent to table under canopy. Text your arrival. Ten seconds later your order is brought out and placed on table. You remain in your vehicle until the server has returned inside. Then you take your order and you depart.
Been doing it this way since the middle of last month. Most of these folks had this up and running in under 72 hrs. There was a lot of sharing and support among restaurant operators and the larger community to make it happen to keep as many of them operating. Stores that had never done take out before, that had been exclusively white table cloth, had online menus and ordering systems up an operating in a couple of days. Long days, for sure. But surprisingly few hiccups. Within a week it was liquor stores, tasting rooms, and brew pubs. The guy with the distributorship for the can seaming machine ran through his entire inventory in about four days. Sorry, no growlers. Too risky.
I don’t know that Captains political affiliation or his positions on policy issues, but shit nominate him as the Dem Nominee.
Unemployment benefits aren’t much help if you can’t file for them. Overloaded UI systems are crashing everywhere. New York got a 16,000% increase in incoming calls in just 5 days.
@69 They need better background checks. Something that reveals criminal tendencies. Oh wait, that won’t work, because all Republicans have criminal tendencies. It’s what they are. It’s always tough to find an honest mobster when you’re recruiting for a criminal enterprise.
No, but make him SecDef, i.e. the new boss of the shmuck who fired him. And don’t let that guy go; make him work for Captain Courageous for the rest of his miserable career. Let him spend every day of his life saying, “Yes sir!” and “Right away, sir!” and “Anything else, sir?” If he resists, inform him we have open infantry slots in Afghanistan.*
* Yes, I know he’s a civilian; but as a Naval Academy graduate and former Navy officer, he can be reactivated. And yes, I know we don’t have infantry in Afghanistan anymore, but exceptions can be arranged to meet the needs of the service.
@71. Did I mention this is Missouri? We don’t believe in tech here, and the non urban areas are trump country and are still sure the Chinese virus is part of a Democratic plot to make the impeached miserable failure look bad. The Governor has left it up to the counties and cities to set levels.
Oh wait. on MONDAY we have to shelter in place across the state.
@ 73
Unemployment benefits aren’t much help if you can’t file for them.
Do the words “Cover Oregon” mean anything to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Oregon had a lot more time to prepare for Obamacare than New York has had to prepare for this.
@77 Oh how pathetic, the racist incel is impotently trying to change the subject, trying to get us to stop paying attention to republican incompetence.
The racist incel speaking in a high slurred voice, with lots of spit and spittle: “Look look look at me feign outrage that democrats didn’t do something perfectly. Both sides are exactly the same! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!”
I can think of worse Navy billets. I’m sure the Captain can as well.
“They did models. I didn’t have anything to do with the models. Well I’ve been in some models. Heh heh. I guess I did models.“
President Beavis
As the death toll passes 7000. Almost 1400 since yesterday.
Just imagine how many of those 20 million newly unemployed voters would still have a job right now if Moscow Mitch had not kept the Senate on Virus Vacation instead of keeping them in session so they could take up debate and vote on CARES.
All those thousands of employers left with no other choice but to let their workers go because the Paycheck Protection Program was delayed for RapePublican YACHT/COCAINE/HOOKERS.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
77,391Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124godwinha, you ready to apologize for trying to imply that coronavirus deaths were insignificant compared to tornado deaths? Do you feel shame?
Treasury makes coronavirus loan terms less favorable for small businesses
Overwhelmed Hospitals Face a New Crisis: Staffing Firms Are Cutting Their Doctors’ Hours and Pay
Arkansas governor denies need for statewide stay-at-home order, citing CDC
Hobby Lobby FINALLY closes all stores after defying local Stay-At-Home orders
“Heroes of the Pandumbic”
Doctor Dumbfuck owns all of it, the whole fucking shitload.
South Korea only 10,000 cases and only 174 dead.
US and South Korea each recorded their first case on the exact same day.
Since that day South Korean President Moon Jae-in has lapped the miserable impeached Republican failure 42 times.
Moon is a child of asylum seekers who settled in South Korea before he was born. His father sold socks and the family was desperately poor. With a brilliant mind and a humble determination born of poverty, he excelled as a scholarship student and finished law school and passed the bar before entering the South Korean Army Special Forces.
Considering everything, I’d say Moon has lapped Trump about 42 thousand times. And he’s probably just getting started.
Note: as of this writing not a single woman has ever accused President Moon of rape. Nor has President Moon ever confessed to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women.
Which is a nice thing we used to be able to say about the US president. Used to.
Trump is defying the CDC cloth mask guidance. Guess he doesn’t want to look like a bandido, even though everyone knows he is one.
Oh, and everyone knows he fucks the horse he rode in on, too.
A Seattle business casualty: Ride-The-Ducks, of Aurora Bridge accident infamy, has closed for good and filed for bankruptcy.
No need to bail them out; let ’em sink, like the Bismarck.
@77 Frankly, my dear doctor, I don’t give a damn about Cover Oregon right now; and I don’t think anybody else does, either.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – More Proof Demorats Are Colluding With China, Demorats Continue To Push Chicom Propaganda
Chicom Demorat Comrades;
With a campaign mentality, US President Donald Trump might have known the Pentagon is getting itself into trouble. He said he didn’t agree with the decision against Crozier. But can Trump rectify Pentagon’s mistake? Will he punish the military officials who wronged Crozier?
Chicom Stooge Biden;
(Reuters) – Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden said on Thursday that the Trump administration showed “poor judgment” in relieving the commander of an aircraft carrier who sought stronger measures to control a coronavirus outbreak onboard.
Why does Pork Sauce hate commanders of US Navy aircraft carriers who don’t want to see their crew needlessly dying of the Trump virus?
I think our fellow Americans in Oregon do give a shit
A yes or no answer will suffice. Are your Depends made in China?
Stupid motherfucker it’s the China flu.
“Stupid motherfucker”
At least you got it half right. How’d you know I fucked your mother?
“Virus hot spots in South poised for disproportionate suffering”
“With equipment shortages coast to coast, local officials are left begging residents to stay indoors.”
“Hot spots like St. John the Baptist are erupting across the South. The virus is also poised to consume the area around Norfolk, Va., a rural county in Tennessee just north of Nashville and parts of southwest Georgia near Albany, according to models assembled by Columbia University epidemiologists. And without the resources of major cities, these areas are poised to see disproportionate suffering, economic hardship and death when cases peak.”
You dumbfucks really know how to fuck up, don’t you?
@90 You want a yes or no answer? Okay. Pay attention now.
Yes, Steve fucked your mother. I was a witness.
Friday night news drop:
“President Donald Trump on Friday fired Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who had told Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump’s impeachment ….
“The announcement that he’s firing Atkinson late on a Friday night comes as the President is dealing with a worldwide pandemic from the novel coronavirus ….
“Trump has faced widespread criticism for the federal government’s response to the outbreak, and has said the impeachment trial ‘probably did’ distract him from responding to the virus’ outbreak during the trial in January and early February. …
“Atkinson — a career, nonpartisan official — came under fire from the President’s allies last year for alerting lawmakers to the then-unknown whistleblower complaint, which Congress later learned was an allegation that Trump had sought dirt on his political rival former Vice President Joe Biden from Ukraine’s President while withholding US security aid from Kiev.”
@88 You’re probably the only person on the planet who believes Modly acted on his own, without orders or clearance from above, in relieving Captain Crozier.
And there are only two people in the chain of command above Modly: The Secretary of Defense, and the President.
If you can’t figure it out, nobody can help you.
president RapeFinger has announced his intended nominee for the IG to oversee the $2 trillion slush fund.
It’s one of his own lawyers from the White House Counsel’s office.
Of course.
Appears to be far more deadly for the young ones in the south too. Lots of very tragic stories emerging now of very young victims dying seemingly over night.
I’m assuming it’s down to the inhalant culture among young Republicans:
Eight red states, 8 GOP governors, 8 excuses for being stupid by playing games with the lives of their constituents.