I want to thank you for your support of impeachment hearings. I hope that it will be as broad as possible. While the obstruction in the Muller Report is important to investigate, he has committed plenty of high crimes and misdemeanors including many in the open. I hope that the House will consider the deaths of children in custody. I hope that you will consider the Lester Holt interview.
Thank you,
Carl Ballard
News Item: “A GOP representative on Friday blocked what would have been a unanimous vote on disaster relief funding legislation because it does not contain funding for border security.”
Sorry, Puerto Rico, no more bottled water or plastic tarps until Trump gets his border wall funding.
Puerto Rico should be returned to Spain.
Wherein Rudy Giuliani bleats about “integrity” while disseminating a doctored video of Pelosi.
I would say this New Yorker magazine’s cover illustration does Graham, Barr, and McConnell justice; what do you think?
Trump’s vandalism continues: This time the victims are the U.S. Forest Service’s Job Corps and the disadvantaged youths it serves.
@2 Not until you free your slaves.
No need to pray for me. Pray for the President, he’s the one that will be sniffing my undies.
Someone came up with a perfect description for Bill Barr: “Trump’s trained seal.” He barks on command and belongs in a circus.
Dear Representative Jayapal;
I agree with Carl. I want to thank you for your support of impeachment hearings and ardently support you doing it often and loudly.
Bring it on
Hi, my name is…
10. Bot, Deal with the enemy in America, trying to negate your marriage, deny your kids have citizenship and criminalizing your very love. Deal with the issues here.
Bot, Why are republicans not speaking out against trump?
the beet-fueled bot who dreamed of becoming a real boy…
… but just could not let go of all the “own the libs” lies.
Oh well. There’s always Pleasure Island. Hee Haw!
@ 11
Why are republicans not speaking out against trump?
For one thing, no Democrat running against him who has a prayer of making things better is polling anywhere close to 5%.
And then there’s a 7,000 point increase in the DJIA since 11/9/16.
And then there’s inflation under control.
And then there’s job creation.
And then there’s tax cuts.
And then there’s Gorsuch. And Kavanaugh. And the prospect of RBG going tits up in the next year or so.
And all of those federal judges confirmed, plus those in the pipeline.
Plus Goldman Sachs’ assessment that Trump is likely to win re-election.
Y’all covered for Dollar Bill. For Hillary’s staff’s pleadings of the Fifth. For Eric Holder’s refusal to comply with the House contempt order.
I’m just getting started, but Red, you asked a fucking moronic question.
Red don’t let him fool you….as you know, they got nothing. They got a fucking baby who cries and wants to be impeached.
days before the election will still be 7000 points from that date, or less – big accomplishment. If it goes up any more than that it will do so like 3 months before the election – the gig is fixed.
@11 & 12: This bot doesn’t realize Mayor Pete is a strong supporter of Israel and no fan of Iran’s treatment of gays.
But we can’t expect a bot to have any brains or to think, can we?
@13 “And then there’s a 7,000 point increase in the DJIA since 11/9/16.”
Yeah that’s really, really, really important to the average Joe who can’t scrape up $400 for a car repair or medical bill. And Trump is gonna run on it. The last poll I saw had the dogcatcher ahead of him, and the dogcatcher isn’t even running.
@11, 12 The bot @9,10, is so fucking dumbfuck stupid it just might be a Doctor Dumbfuck sockpuppet. Refer to @13.
“a 7,000 point increase in the DJIA since 11/9/16”
Good fucking grief! The dumbfuckery never ends.
It’s gone nowhere for the last 1 1/2 years, and it has to go up another 25,000 before Doctor Dumbfuck can make the lame claim that the DJIA has performed as well under Putin’s orange stooge as it did under the usurping Muslim from Kenyan.
Until then, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are nothing but a couple of fucking losers.
Stick a fork in me. I’m done!
Alas, Politically Incorrect has been reduced to posting his losses on dead threads. That is so…SAD!
The only thing that could possibly be sadder might be when day comes that Doctor Dumbfuck is reduced to posting links to altered videos.
@19 Yup, dumbfuck stupid. SAD!
For one thing, no Democrat running against him who has a prayer of making things better is polling anywhere close to 5%.
I think Tulsi is really missing a great opportunity here to sell prority positions to the rapidly aging boomer dude-bros waiting in line to smell her bicycle seat.
Stupid fucking Eastern Washington Nazi traitors. All dumber than a stump.
“Republicans attend rally to carve out new Christian state: ‘It’s either going to be bloodshed or Liberty State’”
You want some bloodshed, you stupid motherfuckers? Allow me to introduce you my little friend, Mr. Detonics .451 magnum.
Bob, do yourself a favor and look at the DJIA chart, if it didn’t go up 7000 since that time then that would have been Sad and it is sad, the trajectory was on the path regardless. Nothing to celebrate about.
@23 I like your taste in sidearms. You must have a Combat Master. Good little piece for watering the Tree of Liberty with if armed traitors won’t listen to reason. Its best feature is they don’t know you have it.
You won’t need it, though. If these dumbfucks transition from selling pies and talking tough to actual insurrection, the National Guard will take care of that in a hurry.
Steve @ 20:
OK, if you want it here, then here it is:
+27.04% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 24, 2019.
@26 Down 5%. My, my, my. Maybe you should try shorting Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite long holding.* It’s been a little, uh, wobbly lately.
* This is not an investment suggestion, only a rhetorical jibe.
@23 Btw, what the hell are police chiefs doing at a meeting of a terrorist group? I hope they were writing down names.
A federal judge has blocked construction of two sections of Trump’s border wall, stating the executive branch exceeded its authority by diverting funds from the Defense Department for that purpose.
Not only did Trump illegally divert funds intended for military family housing, but corruption was involved in awarding the construction contract.
FBI reports detecting a disturbing rise in racially motivated violent crime and extreme white suppremacist criminal activity. The agency has requested authority to investigate.
AG Barr is refusing saying he wont authorize any more spying on the Trump campaign.