Hey, Seattle and anywhere that has levies on the ballot, vote for your damb levies. The way we fund education in Washington is better than a lot of states, but it still relies too heavily on local funding. Still, it is how we fund education. So if you want structural change statewide, call your legislators. But fund education in the mean time.
Republicans: I don’t my taxes to go to help someone else’s children. Heck I don’t anyone’s taxes to go to help any one but me.
Our Dumbfuck was all over it. Pick you Dumbfuck. POTUS or local
It’s all coming out. What was important for TX Gov & SOS was getting the eye popping number in a press release. Taking the ‘loose match’ list and actually doing your job of running it through the most basic verification would have dramatically cut the number.
That can’t happen. We need you to continue worrying about brown people.
The word here is fraud.
Here’s a little sample of the grift that fills the mailboxes of your Crazy Uncle Liburtee and our idiot trolls.
Daily marination in this kind of halucinatory sewage is simply guaranteed to bave a long term effect. And this has been going on since Richard Viguerie was pimping for Goldwater. I know, I know. Day to day these people seem “nice enough”. Guess what? So did Jerry Sandusky.
I’m sorry but the public desperately needs this guy off the streets. He belongs in a locked ward of Western State. Permanently.
@1 “Republicans: I don’t my taxes to go to help someone else’s children.”
Does this mean I won’t have to pay an extra $600 a year of property taxes to pay for Eastern Washington schools and give the good Republican folks over there their property tax cuts after all?
@3 Wasn’t Steak Sauce babbling something about “statistics” just yesterday?
@4 There goes their beer and cigarette money. Gota save the Constitooshun from them dam libruls!
So now that Texas has sent counties a much smaller ‘revised list’ of possible non-citizens and under press questions the SOS office admits that as many as 20K on the revised list are likely citizens.
The news is buzzing about the largest single seizure of fentanyl ever at the U.S./Mexico border.
Kind of amazing that migrant strapped 254 pounds of drugs to his back and trudged through the desert to get to Nogales.
Wait, that didn’t happen? Didn’t cross where ‘The Wall’ is missing? In a vehicle at a border checkpoint? Build That Wall!
I took a look at the numbers today, and I’m up 8.18% annualized return in my personal portfolio*. Hopefully good things will continue for the investment community. I’ll look to buy things sale when I can find them.
(*I don’t check my longer term portfolios that much, but they’re doing similarly. I have a long time before those funds will be needed,)
Wow! Amazeballs! Goddamn!!! Such incredible investment performance! Such genius! Such discipline! Surch foresight!
Sounds to me like @11 needs a tax increase immediately.
After all, somebody must pay for the GOPEEPEE Tax Cut for Billionaires and pay down a little of that 1.5 trillion dollars in new debt. Might as well be the guy mindlessly and incessantly bragging about all his free money.
@12 What America needs is a tax on dumbfuckery.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results- Undocumented executioner Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman sweeps to victory with killing spree, graciously thanks Demorats for win, “It was so easy, I just walked in, no wall or nothing, thank you Demorats.”
As previously reported;
Second Place, Tie – Undocumented gynecologists Javier Nava Hernandez & Jose Luis Rubio-Servin
Illegal alien Javier Nava Hernandez, 20-years-old, and 26-year-old illegal alien Jose Luis Rubio-Servin were arrested by Lake County Sheriff’s Department officials after a woman accused the two of raping her in a Dyersburg apartment.
After taking the two illegal aliens into custody, the suspects admitted to police that they were living in the U.S. illegally. Subsequently, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency was notified.
People making a big deal about the Virginia Governor whose yearbook picture includes a Blackface and KKK thingy majiggy.
The guy was just a kid….that’s the kind of things kids do…Conservative stand up to this PC bullshit. When you are young like that you do stupid things, and things that you shouldn’t to apologize for just because there is pressure from all these PC people (wink wink).
@14 Dude, two patriotic American Nazi’s beat up a black gay guy….bet you and Bredicks missed that one.
“I have a long time before those funds will be needed.”
Good, because in the short term you’ll probably lose quite a bit of it. Good thing for you that Powell has coward to The Hump; oh what a great economy this is…..just like Foxconn Con Job.
Bob is older than this guy…..right?
I was wondering, with any experiences, whether Bob can explain to me how do you mount a horse?
@18 nice catch.. part of boob’s circle jerk of freaks for sure.
too sick for words.
@14 “It was so easy, I just walked in, no wall or nothing, thank you Demorats.”
Source for that quote, please. “I made it up” is an acceptable answer.
When you reveal your source for;
“You should read up on white male citizens-vs.-illegals crime rates sometime. You might be surprised to learn who the real crime problem in our country is.”
I’ll reveal mine.
Heh. The VA GOP is calling for Ralph Northam to resign immediately over his racist medical school yearbook page..
Well shit, did the VA GOP do that for George “macaca” Allen?
Northam must resign. The Lt Gov, Justin Fairfax, is a son of slaves.. Where the Dems couldn’t prevail in GA they’ll gain in VA.
F the white supremacists. Progress..
@21 How’s the FBI UCR pork sauce? Or is that too derp state for you?
Most violent crimes are committed by whites 5.858 million out of 8.421 million total in 2016 and hispanics are only responsible for 1.221 million.
Undocumented hispanics are less than that. Probably a lot less.
Sux to be you pork sauce
So that puts that yearbook photo in the 1980s?
What? The? Fuck?
Who are these people and what is wrong with them?
Fuck ’em. Fuck every goddamn one of them.
They are eminently replaceable.
No. That’s not right. They are beneath us. The least among us is better and more preferable. These are deeply flawed people who should never have had the opportunities they’ve been given. They just need to go the fuck away quietly and never return.
Shit there’s like what 11 million undocumented in this country doing the dirtiest jobs like dairy, meat-packing, agriculture, etc..
Why are they here? Easy.. Republican greedheads want them here. They want them for their cheap labor!
And we have a racist, putin pool-boy troll who thinks they’re all gonna rape its daughter. Never the white uncle next door..
@22 Only Democrats aren’t allowed to do that. It’s OK when they do it.
@21 Since you asked …
and …
and …
Your turn.
If you read a real newspaper once in a while, you might know what’s actually going on in the world. Breitbart … not so much.
@26 it’s a freak.
Hah.. Flatulate is more like it.
As if the Trump administration wasn’t already cruel to immigrants, it’s now issuing fake deportation hearing dates to hundreds (thousands?) of immigrants and their lawyers.
Don’t worry about casualties; there’s another one born every minute.
These people probably don’t believe global warming, either.
It’s not just Republicans:
“Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is facing calls for his resignation from fellow Democrats after his 1984 medical school yearbook page surfaced bearing a photo of a man wearing blackface standing next to another person wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit.”
Democrats are demanding he resign, too. Something you’d never see any Republican do if he was a Republican.
Nope, sorry, the two parties aren’t the same. One is clearly more likely to demand responsibility and accountability than the other.
For clarification’s sake, @32 quotes from a comment that I removed in entirety during the 10-minute editing window, but there’s nothing wrong with the quote. I did say that, it accurately reflects what I think, and it hasn’t been (and won’t be) retracted.
Rather, I replaced the entire comment #26 with an unrelated comment because the string of links I posted in reply to @21 (which now appear at #27-#31) failed to post on the first attempt. After they posted, I then decided to go with what I said @31, as a matter of commenter’s prerogative.
Shitcan the document dump, point to the specific evidence you contend supports your claim;
“You should read up on white male citizens-vs.-illegals crime rates sometime. You might be surprised to learn who the real crime problem in our country is.”
As your fog of irrelevant sources suggests, there are no legitimate statistics on “white male citizens-vs.-illegals crime rates,” don’t waste much more time on that snipe hunt. However you show excellent search skills for an old fart, well done.