Jeez, just let the CHOP Art people have their event. Honestly, whatever you think of CHOP, or how it ended, celebrate the art. Or just let other people celebrate it. You actually have the ability to ignore it if you don’t like it.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
This would be the Feds working for the Obama administration, back when everyone assumed #CrookedHillary would win.
Feds subpoenaed Hunter Biden during 2016 election, raising worry over unpaid taxes on Ukraine work
Biden didn’t choose not to run in 2016 because the good son died. Biden chose not to run in 2016 because it’s very likely that Hillary had the dirt on POS Hunter Biden.
FDA approval was a precondition before it could be prescribed for the president.
Three F.D.A. Advisers Resign Over Agency’s Approval of Alzheimer’s Drug
Media Matters is forced to retract a story. In less than 8 1/2 hours.
Story retracted
PUBLISHED 06/08/21 11:10 AM EDT
UPDATED 06/08/21 7:30 PM EDT
Editor’s note (6/8/21): Earlier today, Media Matters published a story stating that Texas state Sen. Bob Hall had “appeared on the program of a white nationalist, pro-Hitler outlet that denies the Holocaust.” After publication, we were made aware that the program in question — The Barnes Review History Hour (TBR History Hour) — had faked the interview, falsely claiming they had interviewed Hall by splicing in previous interviews Hall had given to other outlets and making it seem like he was responding to questions from TBR. We have pulled the story and apologize for the error.
The dumbfuck traitor’s pro-Putin hashtag # 7,009 and still no crime.
Oh, well. As we all know, dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck, and the dumbfuck traitor never disappoints.
Kamala Harris makes Hillary Clinton seem likable by comparison.
Now do OAN, Newsmax and Fox News.
Oh, wait, they lie their asses off all day, every day, and never retract a damned thing. That’s how they and dumbfucks like the traitor roll.
Steve Bannon, closet progressive.
Steve Bannon Demands Higher Taxes on the Rich: ‘You’re Being Scammed’ (Newsweek)
Hey, it would explain all the spending during the Trump years. Plus, Trump himself used to be a Dem.
@1 the greedy racist incel, like all Republicans these days, is projecting his sins onto others, since his parents had their life ruined when their good son died.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck makes Look on the Bright Side seem intelligent by comparison.
I’m now believing the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck grows more stupid and treasonous with each pro-Putin hashtag.
Pussy grabbing!
As Kamala Harris flounders, keep in mind that Jill Biden fucking hates Kamala Harris.
Jill Biden said Kamala Harris could ‘go f*** herself’ after 2019 debate attack on Joe, new book claims
Voter fraud alert! We have voter fraud!
Former GOP lawmaker hit with new voter fraud charges after FBI investigation: report
God bless America, our beloved president, Raw Story and, of course, Gman!
@5. Translation of the greedy racist incel’s fears. Kamala Harris is even more powerful and she’s black
Perhaps the racist dumbfuck traitor would like to share with us how much this sucks for him.
Darnella Frazier, the teen who filmed George Floyd’s murder, wins honorary Pulitzer
Raw Story again. How cool is that?
I agree. Traitors should be executed. Let’s start with the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck. I’ve got the rope!
‘Traitors Need To Be Executed’: ‘Stop The Steal’ Organizer Indicted In Jan. 6 Conspiracy Case
“Some people, at the highest levels, need to be made an example of: an execution or two or three,” Hostetter told his audience. “Tyrants and traitors need to be executed as an example so nobody pulls this shit again.”
But rather than a scaffold, I think we should use the horse, wild west style. After all that it’s been through, I’m pretty sure the poor thing would get a kick out of it. Such sweet revenge!
The video is only seven seconds, but it’s funny as hell in the context of her incompetence as VEEP. Not to mention her cowardly withdrawal from the primary contest.
Imagine Steve’s response if I had been the one to bring up a triggering item @ 15 such as noose.
Death ships, full of Republicans.
2 Passengers Test Positive For COVID-19 On First North American Cruise In 15 Months
Lots of dead Republicans. I can’t say that I have a problem with that.
I’d have just called him a stupid dumbfuck. Why? Because he’s the traitor, not us.
Doubling the Civil Rights Division head count at the same time you announce a nationwide investigation into discriminatory voting practices by the states.
Consider how much majorities matter at a time like this.
Without a Senate majority Biden would not have an AG.
And without a House majority they’d be on round two of some kind of “Laptopgate” impeachment hearings.
The solution to Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema is to add two more Democrats to the Senate. It’s not easy. But given the stance and behavior of Republicans in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin it ought to be achievable given all Democrats learned in Georgia.
The greedy racist incel cites a tweet from Abigail Marone, press secretary for Josh Hawley
File where appropriate.
@11. Fiction is not true but it tells truths.
What I learned from Chicago, is that people can hate each other’s guts but work with each other for successful outcomes.
How to win friends and influence people, unhinged progressive-style.
Implying that a senator of your own party hates America is not going to persuade anyone to believe anything other than that you are weak and you are flailing. Especially if you are the DNC chairman.
What an idiot.
@ 20
Without a Senate majority Biden would not have an AG.
FDA approval was a precondition before it could be prescribed for the president.
Bonzo’s been dead a long time dimfuk. I guess that drug woulda been a slightly better therapeutic than Nancy’s astrologer.
Implying that a senator of your own party hates America is not going to persuade anyone
Heh. Mitt Romney(!), Ben Sasse, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney know the feeling well.
Funny that 74 million Americans confuse a twice impeached failed preznit, pathological liar, serial sex assaulter and con-man with America.
This country is in a bad place.
…”Trump as Commander-in-Chief failed entirely to take any steps to protect the U.S. from an attack by a Chinese lab-made bio-weapon”?
Way to take one for the team. Now all Republicans have to do is run on it.
@27 Tom Cotton stands ready.. Iron Fist Hawley is surely mulling it over..
Plays well with their voters.
You only get the scenario you think you can get if the Senate Majority Leader takes meaningful steps against Manchin. Like stripping him of his committees. That’s the only way Moscow Mitch gains bargaining leverage. Manchin can’t change parties unless doing so gains him something.
Meanwhile Joe can continue to “identify” as “bipartisan”. But if doing so results in him demonstrating the total failure of “bipartisanship” then he has no more room to move in that direction. So the criticism has purpose. You’re just too dumb to get it.
The Venn diagram of likely Republican primary voters who hate communism and feel betrayed by Trump…
…and who are not yet under indictment in the Jan 6 terror attack.
Even bigger tent.
Somewhere over the Atlantic in an Embraer Praetor Eric Cantor smiles.
This. is. CNN.
Embarrassed is a more accurate description. She was ol’ Joe’s choice. After Jill said @ 11 that Kamala could go fuck herself.
She’s incompetent. Willie Brown gave her one too many jobs she didn’t deserve, and here we are.
First! Woman! President! Jill Biden is attempting to ensure that the best shot the Democrats have to elect the first woman president is…
Jill Biden.
No one treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
@ 29
You only get the scenario you think you can get if the Senate Majority Leader takes meaningful steps against Manchin.
Er, I’m getting the scenario I prefer now. Prior to the 2022 midterms I don’t need anything else.
The resistance that Manchin and Sinema show enables other Democrat senators to remain silent and avoid being targeted by their own party. If the former two go wobbly others will have to step up.
Like, say, Feinstein. Say, didn’t Schumer strip her of a committee chairmanship for being too collegial with a gay dude? I believe he did.
Willie Brown gave her one too many jobs she didn’t deserve, and here we are.
Ooooh.. Straight outa teh widbee safe space…
Scary black man fantasy alert..
What’s next? Oh yeah! The sex acts..
I wonder what bare pussies Repukes will be grabbing tonight! And I don’t mean bare as in shaved!
What can of Russian beer do you think Palin is guzzling tonight!?
Happy Pride everyone!
Don’t forget to celebrate like the FuckHump!
I’ve got tickets to the Mariners vs Yankees game on Thursday, August 4th! One of my games in my 20 game season package of the Yankees.
Don’t forget to watch for me!
This is the view from my seat
Loss of WH, Senate and House. Three SCOTUS picks that keep betraying the dumbfuck traitor and his raging orange man-baby. Tax returns. Ouch!
That’s one hell of a scenario.
Great seats, Blessed by God, you are.
The traitor Doctor Dunbfuck went to the beach.
Racist goes berserk on the beach after Asian kids pet his dogs
God bless Raw Story.
Nevada – first presidential primary state….before Iowa and New Hampshire.
Thanks Steve….I’ll root for the Mariners, just for you, quitely. Actually a freind and a neighbor is from Seattle….so I’m bringing him along, I’ll let him root for the Mariners….so that I don’t get shit thrown at me.
Republicans. Always trying to fuck a child. Or a farm animal.
Former Virginia congressional candidate arrested for ‘extremely disturbing’ plan to kidnap 12-year-old girl, police say
@43 that’s the basis of Repukes saying that there’s a pizza joint in a dungeon. They invented it and tried to cover it under the guise of Democrats. Slippery slimy mother fuckers.
@1 Weren’t you the troll who claimed the 2016 Democratic nom was rigged in Hillary’s favor? Has that story changed?
I guess if something doesn’t stick you keep pitching spaghetti at the wall until something does.
@2 Which president?
@3 Barnes Review. Huh. Rightwing rag that draws its inspiration from a Holocaust denier and discredited “historian.” What do you expect …
@12 Republicans have known all along there’s voter fraud. After all, they commit it.
I wonder what happened to that Florida attorney who told the attendees at a GOP meeting to register to vote in the Georgia Senate elections at his brother’s place in Georgia?
@15 A Chicago cop was arrested today for treason and sedition, although he’s only formally charged with unlawful entry and trespassing.
@40 The racist, it appears, is lucky to be alive.
“The husband said he pulled a handgun to protect himself as Anton approached, and a bystander separated the two men.”
Asians are arming! Maybe shooting a few racists would give the rest pause about thumping on them.
It seems a common thread among Capitol insurrectionists — who would’ve guessed this? — is a history of domestic violence.
Just in: Sen. Ron Johnson suspended by YouTube for “touting unproven treatments for COVID-19.” The “treatment” in question was hydroxychloroquine, not bleach up the ass. Even so, maybe he should be criminally charged for practicing medicine without a license?
Are asians Considered white enough to shoot white texan men in self defense and not go to jail?
@53 Texas can spare a few white men. Plenty more where they came from.