Congrats are in order for Boeing. A few more months of no sales, and the union will really take a hit. Just think about how much they can do to break the union if they never sell another plane again.
The Zogby Poll®: Trump’s job approval tops 50%; A majority of Millennials approve of Trump; Nearly half of Generation Z voters approve of Trump; Trump is winning back Hispanic, Independent, college educated and urban voters
At the moment President Trump’s approval rating is higher than Obama’s at the same point in his presidency-Zogby Analytics had President Obama at 48% approve/52% disapprove on 05/09/2011.
Hey Carl, if it’s all the same to you, can Boeing work through a 1,000+ plane order backlog before it breaks the union?
It’s also true that new aircraft orders have been fairly slow this year for both Boeing and Airbus, a result of massive orders in recent years that left each aircraft makers with a backlog of thousands of jets.
Look on the bright side.spews:
@1 – If the Dems run Joe Biden, Trump will not get re-elected. But even if that happens, look on the bright side: Hillary Clinton will never be president!
Balloon popperspews:
Popping *wina ballon: Rasmussen polls shows 50% strongly disapprove of the job tRump is doing.
@1. Discussion of the source
Looks like they we can just re-use this article from 2009:
“Zogby is generally considered the worst poll out there, and going directly to their website I can’t find any reference at all to the methodology used. My money’s on online only.”
“”Millennials” don’t have land lines, poll is fundamentally flawed. They don’t even list their methodology. So total junk.”
This reads like something that conservatives would enjoy. they only value Greed and Grievance anymore. Anything to hurt a liberal. Hurting the right people.
Pense must be stroking his albino eyebrows and looking adoringly at trump for this.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Behold Industrial engineer Teh Dumbfuck who thinks crashing planes, production delays, and years of uncertainty are an asset!
Knowing Boeing, they probably do too. In fact, knowing Boeing they’ve probably already issued huge sales commissions and bonus checks for the booked orders on aircraft they may never actually build.
Not really surprising, but worth noting anyway, the poll at 1 is one of Zogby’s fake internet polls.
The way these work, Zogby has no way of even verifying that these are actual human beings, much less “likely voters”, much less actual, for-realsies voters who, you know, have actually even registered to vote. Script Kiddies have written bots to hack his internet polls in the past. So it’s worth being a bit, shall we say, wary of his results. Zogby Interactive’s error rate runs twice the average of all other polls. In June 2008, Zogby had Obama beating John McCain… in Arizona.
As the orange moron’s approval rating has dropped with each of the last two Rasmussen polls, I can understand Doctor Dumbfuck turning to Zogby for some solace.
Roger Rabbit’s computer is in the computer hospital, so I may not be posting for a few days. (I’m using a borrowed computer right now.)
I have absolutely nothing against Doctor Dumbfuck deluding himself @1 with a fake poll. If it makes him feel better, more power to him. Trumpworld will come crashing down anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
John Bolton is the evil, bloodthirsty, warmonger we thought he was.
Being the son of an attorney who wouldn’t attend the yearly neighborhood Christmas party if it was at the home of the Sup. Court Judge 20 houses away (and Vice versa) and ALWAYS sent a disclosure notice to opposing council if they drew that particular judge…
That Chief Justice, VP, AND Senate majority leader were all on Air Force 2 together today brings up an amazing level of ethical issues.
Almost like going hunting with your personal buddy who is about to rule on your case.
Imagine a Democrat meeting with a law enforcement official in a manner that seems conflict of interest-y. Wait. We don’t have to imagine. See Clinton, Bill and Lynch, Loretta. Throw in Kagan, Elena and we’d have a wall to wall news scandal.
“Republicans want to, through government law, force your daughter to carry her rapist’s baby to term”.
@19. As always, It’s only wrong if Democrats do it. This is who they are.
Warren 2020
Who is your current favorite for the primary?
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@21 – IMHO, Warren won’t beat Trump in 2020.
@ 19
Imagine a Democrat meeting with a law enforcement official in a manner that seems conflict of interest-y.
Can’t I imagine instead Kamala Harris on her knees in front of Mayor Willie Brown?
Or perhaps on her back?
Cowgirl, maybe.
I wonder if she swallowed. Nope, I’m sure she did. Climbing that ladder has some pretty strict rules.
S&P 500 index up smartly today.
This is how you get more Trump.
Running the idiots you’re running works, too.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@24 – Isn’t it better to buy on down days rather than on days when the market is up substantially? Today sounds like a day to sell rather than buy.
Huh. Not surprising that Dumbfuck sees a successful woman and assumes she slept her way there.
Horses don’t tweet #metoo
@ 13
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you must have missed the part (same link) where the Richmond Fed prez said this:
In a speech Wednesday, Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said, “It makes sense to remain patient” when it comes to policy moves.
“There’s not a strong case to push rates higher when inflation is under control; there’s not a strong case to move lower when growth remains healthy,” he said.
@ 25
Today is a good day to realize that doing the opposite of whatever Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is talking about is always your best move.
There’s nothing to be particularly worried about. China reduces its US bond holdings but other central banks are picking them up. We’re fine. Ups and downs, sure, but the general market trend is healthy because the general economy is healthy unless your name is Deathfrogg, in which case you at least realize that there are fewer people standing in line for their monthly unemployment checks and your wait is shorter than usual.
Today is a day, as well, to recognize that this is how you get more Trump.
Steve, if you’re out there, have yourself a nice day, amigo.
An advisor for Never Trump HA Hero John Kasich had a lucrative contract
to lobby the administration to back off on Russia sanctions.
Not every enemy of your enemy is your friend, YLB. You might need to get off of your knees once in awhile to be able to see that.
Men in Alabama legislature: Why is that property speaking?
“It’s always conservatives.”
I mean yeah, that’s the point of conservatism. They are the opposite of progressive. They want the good old days when a man owned his wife as a literal piece of property and did with her as he pleased, and he also owned black people because obviously they were meant to be subservient, and he was free to abuse anyone weaker than himself because why wouldn’t he be.
“I want to be in it. Man, I’m just married to be in it.”
– Hillary Clinton, undoubtedly.
Vanity Fair editor hits back at Beto’s regret over born-to-run quote: ‘He did say it’
You know, Cz-252 @ 19, had you chosen a better presidential candidate than “absolute lock” Hillary Clinton, you wouldn’t really care that the SCOTUS CJ and the Senate Majority Leader shared a flight with the VEEP.
You could have chosen less poorly. You did not.
Marc Rich.
@23 & @28 Again with the incel and gay sex slurs, Dude. Get some professional help. Soon. Before you hurt someone.
The markets haven’t done shit a year and a half. So Dumbfuck sez,
“This is how you get more Trump.”
No, it’s not, but it’s certainly a way to get America’s dumbfucks to post dumbfuckery on the internet.
After America’s women hand dumbfucks their ass in 2018, what would a dumbfuck do? A dumbfuck would pass draconian state abortion laws in hopes of overturning Roe v Wade.
“Steve, if you’re out there, have yourself a nice day, amigo.”
Laughing at your dumbfuckery is always a great way to start the day.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
@22 is right!
The way to win is with a very mediocre white dude groveling for approval.
Like my boss!
“I wonder if she swallowed.”
When it comes to swallowing, some here wonder about you and your horse. But not me. I assume you swallow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You didn’t think Trump would let you keep that token tax cut, did you?
“Kent Smetters of the Penn-Wharton Budget Model and a former Treasury official during the Bush administration, estimates that the tariff increase will cost the median U.S. household with earnings of $61,000 about $500 to $550 a year.”
Huh. Almost exactly what that family got from Trump’s “tax cut.”
Oh, and don’t think the tariff revenue will reduce the deficit, either. Trump and Bolton are about to start a war with Iran that will eat that up times ten. Plus shed your children’s blood (not theirs).
Yesterday there was an unsourced Administration Official report that Donald takes it as an article of faith that China is paying tariffs because he truly doesn’t get economics.
I didn’t pass it along because poorly sourced. But it’s worth thinking about here…
New York (CNN Business)Walmart, America’s largest retailer, said Thursday it will raise prices on some products as a result of the Trump administration’s tariffs on Chinese goods.
“We’re going to continue to do everything we can to keep prices low. That’s who we are. However, increased tariffs will lead to increased prices, we believe, for our customers.” Walmart chief financial officer Brett Biggs told reporters on a call after the retailer reported earnings for the first quarter
The nation’s largest retailer by far is jacking up prices and publicly dropping the blame on Donald and policies he has unilaterally enacted. Low info types who think Donald is just sticking it to China will probably think Pelosi is the reason their grocery bill went up. But that’s a bad headline if you’re a WallMart shopping Donald voter.
I bring it up now because Dumbfuck doesn’t think beyond the next couple days. How might rising retail prices as a result of Tariffs influence a single Fed Board Member’s thinking on interest rates as the campaign heats up?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, there’s at least one sector of the economy that’s not doing well: A certain Florida club resort owned by a certain genius businessman where revenue dropped 12% last year.
Sell some calls at the peaks and sell some puts at the valleys and you’ll tell a different story, Steve.
February 2018 and especially December 2018 were tremendous profit opportunities.
That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it? It wasn’t by sitting on the market while it moved sideways, Steve.
It also wasn’t because he followed Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment advice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Please be advised that nobody here gives a hoot about your humble opinion.
@ 36
Nice to see you finally admit that there was a substantial tax cut for the average American family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Nice, also, for you to mention that the tariffs are like tax increases – money goes to the government, where it can happily be spent by liberals and conservatives alike.
@23 What political discourse is today when a rightwing dumbfuck participates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Horses don’t tweet #metoo”
But they would if they could.
@ 42
Your side had absolutely no trouble with comments like @23 when they were directed at someone by the name of Palin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “In a speech Wednesday, Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said, … ‘there’s not a strong case to move lower when growth remains healthy,’ he said.”
You do realize he just contradicted Trump, who’s demanding a rate cut, don’t you? Probably just blew his reappointment, too. Probably doesn’t care.
Trump = all rate cuts, all the time
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “Today is a good day to realize that doing the opposite of whatever Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is talking about is always your best move.”
Economically speaking, history will show that doing what Trump wants is never a good move, and since there’s no daylight between you and Trump, that you’re the dumbfuck around here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The rest of us know what a rate cut will lead to: Corporations borrowing more money to buy back shares and raise dividends; people buying houses and cars they can’t afford; and, down the road, another crash for Democrats to clean up in the wake of another reckless Republican administration.
You stupid humans never learn anything, least of all that you’re not a superior species. Just about everybody else in the animal kingdom is smarter than you. Some plants, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “If … [then] you wouldn’t really care that the SCOTUS CJ and the Senate Majority Leader shared a flight with the VEEP.”
People without a functioning ethical compass — you, for example — don’t care from the get-go. No “if” about it. It’s simply a missing component of the character you don’t have.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Doesn’t justify the daily ethical lapses of this administration. But apparently you think it does, because you’re a dumbfuck with no critical thinking skills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Yeah, I doubt that threatening women with the death penalty or life in prison for exercising their Roe v. Wade constitutional rights will go very far toward getting them the female vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “Nice to see you finally admit that there was a substantial tax cut for the average American family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
According to my calculations, a $600 annual tax cut for a household earning $61,000 a year is less than 1%. And that’s before offsetting it with the various hidden clawbacks I’ve mentioned.
Funny how the average American doesn’t think he got a tax cut at all. Now he’s learning Trump doesn’t pay taxes 8 years of 10. Anybody’s guess how this will play out at the ballot box in 2020. All I can tell you is that current polls show that taxing the rich to pay for things like free college is wildly popular.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Sources, please, with links. You won’t get away with that here without evidence.
While you’re at it, you might want to pick a better example than Palin and her dysfunctional family, because anything anybody says about them is likely to turn out to be true.
“Sell some calls at the peaks and sell some puts at the valleys and you’ll tell a different story, Steve.”
And just WTF does that have to do with you talking about the S&P being up today? I’ll help you out with that. Absolutely fucking nothing.
“That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it?”
My understanding is that the idiot steals it from mother’s purse.
“It wasn’t by sitting on the market while it moved sideways”
One can short a stock or even a market? Who knew? Thanks so much for the heads up! Seeing as how I only day-traded for a few decades, I really needed your useless fucking advice on trading, Doctor.
In what world is $42 a month a substantial amount for a middle class family?÷
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He conflates mocking a woman’s manifest ignorance, lack of education, and lack of experience with mocking a completely different woman’s appearance and sexuality.
Because of course he does.
This is how they lose PA and OH.
@44 who here said that kind of crude sex act comment about palin? Got proof?
@57, 58 Given all the foul things he’s written about women, it strikes me that he hates them. If so, I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
I recall lots of things being said about Palin, but I don’t recall anybody sending the message that they have underlying issues with women like our doctor does.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+29.55% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 16, 2019.
““That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it?”
My understanding is that the idiot steals it from mother’s purse.”
My mom died almost 30 years ago, dude. I haven’t raided her purse since I was about 7 years old, and that was over 60 years ago. As a matter of fact, I used to send her money, from time to time, because she really enjoyed having a little extra spending money in her old age. I got these returns by remembering to diversify, have diligence and have delayed gratification.
And it’s very gratifying now!
I take it this is the kind of judge for which dumbfuck sold his soul to Putin.
Not just cancer, “women who take oral contraceptives prefer men with similar DNA, and that women in these partnerships have fewer sexual relations, leading to more adultery, and ‘understandably . . . violence.”
“The New York Police Department abused its facial recognition system by editing suspects’ photos ─ and by uploading celebrity lookalikes ─ in an effort to identify people wanted for crimes, researchers charged this week in a blistering report on law enforcement’s use of surveillance technology.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If cops can’t do any better than this, they shouldn’t be cops. There should be no place for dishonest cops in our police departments. Unfortunately, there is. American policing is in crisis. Hiring mistakes have been made, and the ranks need a housecleaning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 What’s gratifying about being down 3%?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57, 58, 59 Don’t expect a reply to your comments or @52. Every time you ask the dumbfuck to back up his accusations against other posters with proof, you get either squid ink or nothing. He learned this from Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Attorney General William Barr kidded Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday about an impending vote to find him in contempt of Congress. Barr approached Pelosi, D-Calif., at a National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day event outside the Capitol, shook her hand and said loudly, ‘Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?’ a bystander told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s classy, there’s not classy, low class, no class, people who were raised by wolves in caves, and Republicans. In that order.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not just that Teh Dumbfuck harbors some serious hatred/resentment toward women, but that it is sexualized.
When he want to say something critical of a woman it is usually something sexually demeaning. And when he wants to mock a man, he makes a sexually demeaning comparison to a woman. It’s how his mind works. No doubt this is all built up rage from the many humiliating hours he’s been forced to spend in the bedroom closet furiously choke-fapping while watching OfDumbfuck enjoy herself with that evening’s bull.
Remember dumbfuck posting a bullshit poll a few days ago that purportedly showed Trump’s approval rating at 50%. Hmm. A new poll — a real one — shows Biden beating Trump 53% to 42% in Pennsylvania.
It seems PA voters want a “normal” president. That’s not Trump.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & China Sellout News– Thank You China Joe Bidet (D-China$) For Being A Demorat, (i.e., Arrogant & Stupid) & Bragging About Getting Your Kid’s Prosecutor Fired.
After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.
Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.
In April John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Poroshenko fired because he was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter.
Poroshenko was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time. So Joe Biden had him fired.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
69 Link –
Rudy Giuliani as quoted by Jim Hoft.
I’m just going to leave that there.
Except to say, we really shouldn’t feel insulted that Pork Sauce thinks we are that dumb.
He is that dumb.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
How dumb is Pork Sauce?
Here is just a very brief sampling of Jim Hoft’s groundbreaking investigative journalism:
-President Obama is trying to outlaw sport fishing.
-Obama USDA has program to starve “whitey”.
-Obama is giving Texas back to Mexico.
-Chelsea Clinton ordered Reno to bomb Waco.
-Michelle Obama ordered the burning of all the bibles in the WH library.
-Obama flipped off Speaker during State of the Union.
-Stoneman Douglas survivors are “crisis actors” paid by George Soros.
-President Obama is a Sunni Muslim and a member of The Muslim Brotherhood.
-The Deep State liberals hired a prostitute to blackmail Robert Mueller.
Etc. Etc. I leave it to someone else to catalog Giuliani’s stellar record of dumbfuckery.
@71 Those read like rejected Onion headlines
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump made no effort to negotiate his immigration plan with Democrats, and attacked them in his speech introducing it. Guess where his bill is going in Congress? Nowhere.
Yep, member way back when every rational person knew pulling out of the Iran agreement was folly and Europe would not play along?
Pompey briefed NATO on increased Iranian negotiation.
A NATO military intelligence official who was briefed on Pompeo’s claims about increased Iranian aggression in the Middle East said the substance of the intelligence that the Americans briefed was utterly unconvincing — even insulting.
“Do they think that we are stupid?” asked the NATO official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now we have a number to put on Trump’s so-called “middle class tax cut”:
“Add up what Uncle Sam did not pay out in tax refunds and how much more households paid up in income taxes vis-à-vis 2018 and you arrive at $29 billion.”
That’s minus twenty-nine billion dollars, i.e. money households can’t spend. And yes, all the data show the economy is slowing, not growing as Trump claims. And yes, this info comes from a reliable source, i.e. a former Dallas Fed staffer who has way better information than Doctor Dumbfuck does.
One mistake they made after passage in 2008, was rely on outside consultants. The excuse, not enough internal staff. Also, the privately financed operations proposed for Texas and Florida are facing opposition. The Texas Central Railway has had eminent domain issues, and to avoid needing too much property, tried to stay close to highways and railway, but there are attempts to block TxDot from accommodating TCR, but since it uses Shinkansen technology, would not have grade crossings anyway. They also avoid going too deep into Downtown, almost like how the Tokaido Shinkansen avoided existing stations if the engineering was too big, like the station at Shin-Osaka.
What more than to bring all the educated one in to take your job, or is this evidence that the hillbillies aspire to pick fruit?
What about the fetuses? Shouldn’t you get three points for being a fetus or six points for carrying a fetus to term? Or should it be the other way around, 6 for being a fetus and 3 for carrying the fetus to a post vaginal state. Unfortunately, once born there a deduction of 2 points.
I wonder f the dip in revenue a Mar-a-Puko is a better poll on The Humps popularity. If his popularity was on the rise you would think that so would revenue at Mar-a-Fuck. I mean the economy is so fucking hot too
I have to agree with Bob on Palin. What a cunt she is!
Let’s all admit it. Not to mention that she must die her blonde hair.
Page A11 of today’s Hartford Courant newspaper has a funny cartoon editorial. They must have been channeling Bob. Wish there was a way to link to it.
The Caption is “Bob’s takes a quick break from work to check his retirement account”. There is a picture of an empty desk with a computer and coffee cup on top of a piece of a news flyer that states “Trade War Market Chaos”. The funny part is the chair at the desk is empty (no Bob) – let’s just hope that there was no bridge close by, unfortunately for the horse the barn was too close for the horses comfort.
It’s unfortunate that Puffy was white and a friend of Bob’s. If her were he would have realized that white people are bigots. Maybe Puffy would be a Live today instead of black ass being lynched.
He didn’t have the luxury of being a concealed informant like Sen. Graham., that pig slut.
Congrats are in order for President Trump.
The Zogby Poll®: Trump’s job approval tops 50%; A majority of Millennials approve of Trump; Nearly half of Generation Z voters approve of Trump; Trump is winning back Hispanic, Independent, college educated and urban voters
At the moment President Trump’s approval rating is higher than Obama’s at the same point in his presidency-Zogby Analytics had President Obama at 48% approve/52% disapprove on 05/09/2011.
May 5th? Today’s May 15th, Carl!
Hey Carl, if it’s all the same to you, can Boeing work through a 1,000+ plane order backlog before it breaks the union?
It’s also true that new aircraft orders have been fairly slow this year for both Boeing and Airbus, a result of massive orders in recent years that left each aircraft makers with a backlog of thousands of jets.
@1 – If the Dems run Joe Biden, Trump will not get re-elected. But even if that happens, look on the bright side: Hillary Clinton will never be president!
Popping *wina ballon: Rasmussen polls shows 50% strongly disapprove of the job tRump is doing.
Zogby? Desperate much?
@1. Discussion of the source
Looks like they we can just re-use this article from 2009:
“Zogby is generally considered the worst poll out there, and going directly to their website I can’t find any reference at all to the methodology used. My money’s on online only.”
“”Millennials” don’t have land lines, poll is fundamentally flawed. They don’t even list their methodology. So total junk.”
This reads like something that conservatives would enjoy. they only value Greed and Grievance anymore. Anything to hurt a liberal. Hurting the right people.
Trump Administration to LGBT Couples: Your ‘Out of Wedlock’ Kids Aren’t Citizens
Pense must be stroking his albino eyebrows and looking adoringly at trump for this.
Behold Industrial engineer Teh Dumbfuck who thinks crashing planes, production delays, and years of uncertainty are an asset!
Knowing Boeing, they probably do too. In fact, knowing Boeing they’ve probably already issued huge sales commissions and bonus checks for the booked orders on aircraft they may never actually build.
Is this working yet?
Not really surprising, but worth noting anyway, the poll at 1 is one of Zogby’s fake internet polls.
The way these work, Zogby has no way of even verifying that these are actual human beings, much less “likely voters”, much less actual, for-realsies voters who, you know, have actually even registered to vote. Script Kiddies have written bots to hack his internet polls in the past. So it’s worth being a bit, shall we say, wary of his results. Zogby Interactive’s error rate runs twice the average of all other polls. In June 2008, Zogby had Obama beating John McCain… in Arizona.
As the orange moron’s approval rating has dropped with each of the last two Rasmussen polls, I can understand Doctor Dumbfuck turning to Zogby for some solace.
Remember when I said a few days ago that most of the first quarter growth was inventory-building, not real growth? Well, guess what …
… I was right.
Roger Rabbit’s computer is in the computer hospital, so I may not be posting for a few days. (I’m using a borrowed computer right now.)
I have absolutely nothing against Doctor Dumbfuck deluding himself @1 with a fake poll. If it makes him feel better, more power to him. Trumpworld will come crashing down anyway.
John Bolton is the evil, bloodthirsty, warmonger we thought he was.
Oh and one more thing: John Bolton cut and ran when it was his turn to fight. He joined a National Guard unit to avoid the Vietnam draft.
I expect we will wake up tomorrow at war.
Another pile of limbs donated by the America’s Great Trailer Parks to the cause of PussyGrabbing and Russian Hooker Pee.
No disagreement from Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Negroes aren’t American. They aren’t really fully human. It’s time to send them all to Africa”
Not all slave owners are bad.
It’s really just a few “bad apples”.
Being the son of an attorney who wouldn’t attend the yearly neighborhood Christmas party if it was at the home of the Sup. Court Judge 20 houses away (and Vice versa) and ALWAYS sent a disclosure notice to opposing council if they drew that particular judge…
That Chief Justice, VP, AND Senate majority leader were all on Air Force 2 together today brings up an amazing level of ethical issues.
Almost like going hunting with your personal buddy who is about to rule on your case.
Imagine a Democrat meeting with a law enforcement official in a manner that seems conflict of interest-y. Wait. We don’t have to imagine. See Clinton, Bill and Lynch, Loretta. Throw in Kagan, Elena and we’d have a wall to wall news scandal.
“Republicans want to, through government law, force your daughter to carry her rapist’s baby to term”.
@19. As always, It’s only wrong if Democrats do it. This is who they are.
Warren 2020
Who is your current favorite for the primary?
@21 – IMHO, Warren won’t beat Trump in 2020.
@ 19
Imagine a Democrat meeting with a law enforcement official in a manner that seems conflict of interest-y.
Can’t I imagine instead Kamala Harris on her knees in front of Mayor Willie Brown?
Or perhaps on her back?
Cowgirl, maybe.
I wonder if she swallowed. Nope, I’m sure she did. Climbing that ladder has some pretty strict rules.
S&P 500 index up smartly today.
This is how you get more Trump.
Running the idiots you’re running works, too.
@24 – Isn’t it better to buy on down days rather than on days when the market is up substantially? Today sounds like a day to sell rather than buy.
Huh. Not surprising that Dumbfuck sees a successful woman and assumes she slept her way there.
Horses don’t tweet #metoo
@ 13
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you must have missed the part (same link) where the Richmond Fed prez said this:
In a speech Wednesday, Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said, “It makes sense to remain patient” when it comes to policy moves.
“There’s not a strong case to push rates higher when inflation is under control; there’s not a strong case to move lower when growth remains healthy,” he said.
@ 25
Today is a good day to realize that doing the opposite of whatever Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is talking about is always your best move.
There’s nothing to be particularly worried about. China reduces its US bond holdings but other central banks are picking them up. We’re fine. Ups and downs, sure, but the general market trend is healthy because the general economy is healthy unless your name is Deathfrogg, in which case you at least realize that there are fewer people standing in line for their monthly unemployment checks and your wait is shorter than usual.
Today is a day, as well, to recognize that this is how you get more Trump.
Steve, if you’re out there, have yourself a nice day, amigo.
An advisor for Never Trump HA Hero John Kasich had a lucrative contract
to lobby the administration to back off on Russia sanctions.
Not every enemy of your enemy is your friend, YLB. You might need to get off of your knees once in awhile to be able to see that.
Men in Alabama legislature: Why is that property speaking?
“It’s always conservatives.”
I mean yeah, that’s the point of conservatism. They are the opposite of progressive. They want the good old days when a man owned his wife as a literal piece of property and did with her as he pleased, and he also owned black people because obviously they were meant to be subservient, and he was free to abuse anyone weaker than himself because why wouldn’t he be.
“I want to be in it. Man, I’m just married to be in it.”
– Hillary Clinton, undoubtedly.
Vanity Fair editor hits back at Beto’s regret over born-to-run quote: ‘He did say it’
You know, Cz-252 @ 19, had you chosen a better presidential candidate than “absolute lock” Hillary Clinton, you wouldn’t really care that the SCOTUS CJ and the Senate Majority Leader shared a flight with the VEEP.
You could have chosen less poorly. You did not.
Marc Rich.
@23 & @28 Again with the incel and gay sex slurs, Dude. Get some professional help. Soon. Before you hurt someone.
Warren 2020
The markets haven’t done shit a year and a half. So Dumbfuck sez,
“This is how you get more Trump.”
No, it’s not, but it’s certainly a way to get America’s dumbfucks to post dumbfuckery on the internet.
After America’s women hand dumbfucks their ass in 2018, what would a dumbfuck do? A dumbfuck would pass draconian state abortion laws in hopes of overturning Roe v Wade.
“Steve, if you’re out there, have yourself a nice day, amigo.”
Laughing at your dumbfuckery is always a great way to start the day.
@22 is right!
The way to win is with a very mediocre white dude groveling for approval.
Like my boss!
“I wonder if she swallowed.”
When it comes to swallowing, some here wonder about you and your horse. But not me. I assume you swallow.
You didn’t think Trump would let you keep that token tax cut, did you?
“Kent Smetters of the Penn-Wharton Budget Model and a former Treasury official during the Bush administration, estimates that the tariff increase will cost the median U.S. household with earnings of $61,000 about $500 to $550 a year.”
Huh. Almost exactly what that family got from Trump’s “tax cut.”
Oh, and don’t think the tariff revenue will reduce the deficit, either. Trump and Bolton are about to start a war with Iran that will eat that up times ten. Plus shed your children’s blood (not theirs).
Yesterday there was an unsourced Administration Official report that Donald takes it as an article of faith that China is paying tariffs because he truly doesn’t get economics.
I didn’t pass it along because poorly sourced. But it’s worth thinking about here…
The nation’s largest retailer by far is jacking up prices and publicly dropping the blame on Donald and policies he has unilaterally enacted. Low info types who think Donald is just sticking it to China will probably think Pelosi is the reason their grocery bill went up. But that’s a bad headline if you’re a WallMart shopping Donald voter.
I bring it up now because Dumbfuck doesn’t think beyond the next couple days. How might rising retail prices as a result of Tariffs influence a single Fed Board Member’s thinking on interest rates as the campaign heats up?
Meanwhile, there’s at least one sector of the economy that’s not doing well: A certain Florida club resort owned by a certain genius businessman where revenue dropped 12% last year.
@ 33
The markets haven’t done shit a year and a half.
Sell some calls at the peaks and sell some puts at the valleys and you’ll tell a different story, Steve.
February 2018 and especially December 2018 were tremendous profit opportunities.
That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it? It wasn’t by sitting on the market while it moved sideways, Steve.
It also wasn’t because he followed Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment advice.
@22 Please be advised that nobody here gives a hoot about your humble opinion.
@ 36
Nice to see you finally admit that there was a substantial tax cut for the average American family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Nice, also, for you to mention that the tariffs are like tax increases – money goes to the government, where it can happily be spent by liberals and conservatives alike.
More everything!
@23 What political discourse is today when a rightwing dumbfuck participates.
@26 “Horses don’t tweet #metoo”
But they would if they could.
@ 42
Your side had absolutely no trouble with comments like @23 when they were directed at someone by the name of Palin.
@27 “In a speech Wednesday, Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said, … ‘there’s not a strong case to move lower when growth remains healthy,’ he said.”
You do realize he just contradicted Trump, who’s demanding a rate cut, don’t you? Probably just blew his reappointment, too. Probably doesn’t care.
Trump = all rate cuts, all the time
@27 “Today is a good day to realize that doing the opposite of whatever Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is talking about is always your best move.”
Economically speaking, history will show that doing what Trump wants is never a good move, and since there’s no daylight between you and Trump, that you’re the dumbfuck around here.
The rest of us know what a rate cut will lead to: Corporations borrowing more money to buy back shares and raise dividends; people buying houses and cars they can’t afford; and, down the road, another crash for Democrats to clean up in the wake of another reckless Republican administration.
You stupid humans never learn anything, least of all that you’re not a superior species. Just about everybody else in the animal kingdom is smarter than you. Some plants, too.
@30 “If … [then] you wouldn’t really care that the SCOTUS CJ and the Senate Majority Leader shared a flight with the VEEP.”
People without a functioning ethical compass — you, for example — don’t care from the get-go. No “if” about it. It’s simply a missing component of the character you don’t have.
@31 Doesn’t justify the daily ethical lapses of this administration. But apparently you think it does, because you’re a dumbfuck with no critical thinking skills.
@33 Yeah, I doubt that threatening women with the death penalty or life in prison for exercising their Roe v. Wade constitutional rights will go very far toward getting them the female vote.
@41 “Nice to see you finally admit that there was a substantial tax cut for the average American family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
According to my calculations, a $600 annual tax cut for a household earning $61,000 a year is less than 1%. And that’s before offsetting it with the various hidden clawbacks I’ve mentioned.
Funny how the average American doesn’t think he got a tax cut at all. Now he’s learning Trump doesn’t pay taxes 8 years of 10. Anybody’s guess how this will play out at the ballot box in 2020. All I can tell you is that current polls show that taxing the rich to pay for things like free college is wildly popular.
@42 Sources, please, with links. You won’t get away with that here without evidence.
While you’re at it, you might want to pick a better example than Palin and her dysfunctional family, because anything anybody says about them is likely to turn out to be true.
People I Have No Sympathy For Dep’t
What the Republican alternative for health coverage looks like.
“Sell some calls at the peaks and sell some puts at the valleys and you’ll tell a different story, Steve.”
And just WTF does that have to do with you talking about the S&P being up today? I’ll help you out with that. Absolutely fucking nothing.
“That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it?”
My understanding is that the idiot steals it from mother’s purse.
“It wasn’t by sitting on the market while it moved sideways”
One can short a stock or even a market? Who knew? Thanks so much for the heads up! Seeing as how I only day-traded for a few decades, I really needed your useless fucking advice on trading, Doctor.
In what world is $42 a month a substantial amount for a middle class family?÷
He conflates mocking a woman’s manifest ignorance, lack of education, and lack of experience with mocking a completely different woman’s appearance and sexuality.
Because of course he does.
This is how they lose PA and OH.
@44 who here said that kind of crude sex act comment about palin? Got proof?
@57, 58 Given all the foul things he’s written about women, it strikes me that he hates them. If so, I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
I recall lots of things being said about Palin, but I don’t recall anybody sending the message that they have underlying issues with women like our doctor does.
+29.55% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 16, 2019.
““That dude who posts his returns since January 2018 – How do you think it did it?”
My understanding is that the idiot steals it from mother’s purse.”
My mom died almost 30 years ago, dude. I haven’t raided her purse since I was about 7 years old, and that was over 60 years ago. As a matter of fact, I used to send her money, from time to time, because she really enjoyed having a little extra spending money in her old age. I got these returns by remembering to diversify, have diligence and have delayed gratification.
And it’s very gratifying now!
I take it this is the kind of judge for which dumbfuck sold his soul to Putin.
Not just cancer, “women who take oral contraceptives prefer men with similar DNA, and that women in these partnerships have fewer sexual relations, leading to more adultery, and ‘understandably . . . violence.”
“The New York Police Department abused its facial recognition system by editing suspects’ photos ─ and by uploading celebrity lookalikes ─ in an effort to identify people wanted for crimes, researchers charged this week in a blistering report on law enforcement’s use of surveillance technology.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If cops can’t do any better than this, they shouldn’t be cops. There should be no place for dishonest cops in our police departments. Unfortunately, there is. American policing is in crisis. Hiring mistakes have been made, and the ranks need a housecleaning.
@60 What’s gratifying about being down 3%?
@57, 58, 59 Don’t expect a reply to your comments or @52. Every time you ask the dumbfuck to back up his accusations against other posters with proof, you get either squid ink or nothing. He learned this from Puddy.
“Attorney General William Barr kidded Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday about an impending vote to find him in contempt of Congress. Barr approached Pelosi, D-Calif., at a National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day event outside the Capitol, shook her hand and said loudly, ‘Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?’ a bystander told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s classy, there’s not classy, low class, no class, people who were raised by wolves in caves, and Republicans. In that order.
Not just that Teh Dumbfuck harbors some serious hatred/resentment toward women, but that it is sexualized.
When he want to say something critical of a woman it is usually something sexually demeaning. And when he wants to mock a man, he makes a sexually demeaning comparison to a woman. It’s how his mind works. No doubt this is all built up rage from the many humiliating hours he’s been forced to spend in the bedroom closet furiously choke-fapping while watching OfDumbfuck enjoy herself with that evening’s bull.
It was only a matter of time:
Infighting on the NRA board is really starting to heat up!
Remember dumbfuck posting a bullshit poll a few days ago that purportedly showed Trump’s approval rating at 50%. Hmm. A new poll — a real one — shows Biden beating Trump 53% to 42% in Pennsylvania.
It seems PA voters want a “normal” president. That’s not Trump.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & China Sellout News– Thank You China Joe Bidet (D-China$) For Being A Demorat, (i.e., Arrogant & Stupid) & Bragging About Getting Your Kid’s Prosecutor Fired.
After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.
Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.
In April John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Poroshenko fired because he was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter.
Poroshenko was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time. So Joe Biden had him fired.
69 Link –
Rudy Giuliani as quoted by Jim Hoft.
I’m just going to leave that there.
Except to say, we really shouldn’t feel insulted that Pork Sauce thinks we are that dumb.
He is that dumb.
How dumb is Pork Sauce?
Here is just a very brief sampling of Jim Hoft’s groundbreaking investigative journalism:
-President Obama is trying to outlaw sport fishing.
-Obama USDA has program to starve “whitey”.
-Obama is giving Texas back to Mexico.
-Chelsea Clinton ordered Reno to bomb Waco.
-Michelle Obama ordered the burning of all the bibles in the WH library.
-Obama flipped off Speaker during State of the Union.
-Stoneman Douglas survivors are “crisis actors” paid by George Soros.
-President Obama is a Sunni Muslim and a member of The Muslim Brotherhood.
-The Deep State liberals hired a prostitute to blackmail Robert Mueller.
Etc. Etc. I leave it to someone else to catalog Giuliani’s stellar record of dumbfuckery.
@71 Those read like rejected Onion headlines
Trump made no effort to negotiate his immigration plan with Democrats, and attacked them in his speech introducing it. Guess where his bill is going in Congress? Nowhere.
Yep, member way back when every rational person knew pulling out of the Iran agreement was folly and Europe would not play along?
Pompey briefed NATO on increased Iranian negotiation.
Now we have a number to put on Trump’s so-called “middle class tax cut”:
“Add up what Uncle Sam did not pay out in tax refunds and how much more households paid up in income taxes vis-à-vis 2018 and you arrive at $29 billion.”
That’s minus twenty-nine billion dollars, i.e. money households can’t spend. And yes, all the data show the economy is slowing, not growing as Trump claims. And yes, this info comes from a reliable source, i.e. a former Dallas Fed staffer who has way better information than Doctor Dumbfuck does.
Yes, I did hear about this.
One mistake they made after passage in 2008, was rely on outside consultants. The excuse, not enough internal staff. Also, the privately financed operations proposed for Texas and Florida are facing opposition. The Texas Central Railway has had eminent domain issues, and to avoid needing too much property, tried to stay close to highways and railway, but there are attempts to block TxDot from accommodating TCR, but since it uses Shinkansen technology, would not have grade crossings anyway. They also avoid going too deep into Downtown, almost like how the Tokaido Shinkansen avoided existing stations if the engineering was too big, like the station at Shin-Osaka.
Interesting cheat sheet on parties in Australia’s election tomorrow. The wildcards, One Nation and the United Australia Party, could hold the balance of power in the Senate, which seems to be the fallback for the Coalition.
I think The Hump underestimates his hillbillies.
Trump changes immigration plan focus to ‘merit’ over family (from @AP)
What more than to bring all the educated one in to take your job, or is this evidence that the hillbillies aspire to pick fruit?
What about the fetuses? Shouldn’t you get three points for being a fetus or six points for carrying a fetus to term? Or should it be the other way around, 6 for being a fetus and 3 for carrying the fetus to a post vaginal state. Unfortunately, once born there a deduction of 2 points.
I wonder f the dip in revenue a Mar-a-Puko is a better poll on The Humps popularity. If his popularity was on the rise you would think that so would revenue at Mar-a-Fuck. I mean the economy is so fucking hot too
I have to agree with Bob on Palin. What a cunt she is!
Let’s all admit it. Not to mention that she must die her blonde hair.
Page A11 of today’s Hartford Courant newspaper has a funny cartoon editorial. They must have been channeling Bob. Wish there was a way to link to it.
The Caption is “Bob’s takes a quick break from work to check his retirement account”. There is a picture of an empty desk with a computer and coffee cup on top of a piece of a news flyer that states “Trade War Market Chaos”. The funny part is the chair at the desk is empty (no Bob) – let’s just hope that there was no bridge close by, unfortunately for the horse the barn was too close for the horses comfort.
It’s unfortunate that Puffy was white and a friend of Bob’s. If her were he would have realized that white people are bigots. Maybe Puffy would be a Live today instead of black ass being lynched.
He didn’t have the luxury of being a concealed informant like Sen. Graham., that pig slut.