– How and when can we enjoy great art made by people who did, or are alleged to have done, terrible things? For me it’s mostly aliveness, but it feels unsatisfactory.
– Glad to see the $15 minimum wage activists going to Bellevue.
– Ride The Ducks needs to provide better answers.
– Tim Russert was overrated at the time and is overrated now.
– The P-I globe needs to go somewhere.
A little morning smh.
Two interesting opinion pieces.
When Star Talent Grew More Powerful Than Capital
“Drucker was right on two fronts: talent-laden knowledge workers would become a dominant force and they would have to be treated with kid gloves as if they were volunteers. But it is unclear whether Drucker realized that they would need to be treated as ultra-highly paid volunteers and become in the 21st Century capitalists’ principal economic adversary.”
In America, Labor Is Friendless
“Real wages for production and non-supervisory workers have declined since the mid-1970s. High unemployment has persisted in the jobless recovery. For those fortunate enough to have full time employment, job security is down, and pension and health benefits are shrinking. No trend for labor is positive.”
@2 “In America, Labor Is Friendless …”
The steep drop in workforce participation shows workers aren’t taking this lying down; they’re walking away from the job market in droves.
Belligerent conservatives badger us with snarky remarks about “millions of unfilled jobs.” Liberals should get belligerent right back and badger them with, “No shit, Sherlock! If you treat workers badly enough, people won’t work. Who wudda thought?!”
See, e.g., falling wages, disappearing benefits, lousy shifts, abusive bosses, etc. etc. Let’s start with their lame excuses for not paying a living wage. How about: Low pay = no work? If you want people to work, make it worth their while; how hard is that to figure out?
Ted Cruz Won’t Talk To You Unless You Agree With Him
“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, walked offstage at an event Wednesday evening after his remarks in support of Israel drew boos from some members of the audience. … As Cruz doubled down on his point – ‘those who hate Israel hate America,’ he said – the interruptions grew. ‘If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews,’ Cruz said. ‘Then I will not stand with you. Good night, and God bless.’ He left the stage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not much of a listener, is he? I can’t figure out why Texas voters want to be represented in the U.S. Senate by someone who only listens to his own point of view and shuts out everyone else.
@4 the biggest scumbag going, with bigggest ego. He is head of the American Taliban. If he grows in popularity America will not be the same. It will be freedomless and more like Nazi Germany. Biggest fake – he and his father.
You know you are a Reiblican If you hold everyone but yourself and your compadres accountable. Only the others have to be accountable.
That actually sounds like some of the regulars here.
Spot on #7!
– May 2013 Barack Obummer!
Now the 2001 AUMF is the reason and belief Obummer will use airstrikes against ISIS! Well that’s what Obummer’s mouth pieces claim. Butt wait… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....legal.html
So Bush wasn’t so bad after all.
Yet, Obummer isn’t looking at the southern border based on how many illegal aliens came in http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/isi.....-s-border/
I don’t understand why Schizo links to the World Nut Daily. The credibility of that particular website is absolute zero and nobody with a functioning cerebral cortex even looks at it.
I’d take The Onion more seriously than that piece of crap.
Careful: you’re a regular here yourself!
@ 11 Jack
He’s the sort of regular one gets from a case of dysentery.
Maybe The Doobie Brothers were prescient back in 1978 regarding Obummer… What a Fool Believes… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTF_tTKRdb0
Ali Muhammad Brown… http://www.advocate.com/crime/.....iraq-syria
Strangely worser and the puffy butt with an empty tea bag have been very silent on this dude!
Puddy delivers FACTS as always!
racist deadtoad@9,
Did the Obummer official say that about the Southern Border or not? FACTS are delivered from the sites Puddy decides not you racist one!
Sux to be you!
Anything you throw at Puddy is welcome after the libtards who reject FACT after FACT!
Another song about Obummer sung by Obummer! http://youtu.be/rbQgaHZOFZ0 Obummer looks in the mirror and claims “he’s alight”.
Looking more and more like the NFL commish lied about what he knew and when he knew it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Everyone knows what’s going on: The NFL is a money machine, and Goodell is paid to protect the teams’ profits, which meant protecting Rice as long as he could, until he and Rice were absolutely caught. That also explains why Goodell is waffling about whether Rice might play again. The guiding principle here is, “how soon will the public forget?” Mark my words, the league will do everything possible to “rehabilitate” this guy and bring him back.
@16 How is that possible? You’ve never offered us any facts to reject. Nothing from you but schizoid ravings.
Donate To GOP Or Get Fired!
“A mine worker says she was fired because she did not donate to Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray’s favored GOP candidates, according to a lawsuit filed last week in a West Virginia court. …
“CEO Robert Murray has been a voracious defender of the coal industry, and his Murray Energy Corporation Political Action Committee has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars every year exclusively to Republican candidates. …
“Murray Energy workers have previously claimed that their boss forced them to attend partisan political events without pay, including for a high-profile Romney campaign event in 2012.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the same swine who was hit with the biggest fine in U.S. coal mining history for a fatal mine collapse he tried to blame on an “earthquake.” He makes his money by mining and selling America’s dirtiest high-sulfur coal to utilities, and his rap sheet of safety violations looks like a telephone book. We can hope the coal industry goes bankrupt and takes this scumbag down with it.
Wow Obummer voters are speaking out… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....-ferguson/
This is the way ruPRICK thinks. Puddy doesn’t think like that!
Richard Kiel died. Was Jaws in James Bond film!
Not this one..
@21 “Puddy doesn’t think like that!”
I’d say you think like an amoeba, except that’s insulting to amoebae.
Much like your Cuyahoga County facts NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Wow, the Hannity show is a big favorite of our local village idiot troll.. Klownservatives really get uptight about battering men being “battered” in turn by the big bad emessemm..
Must be some kind of conspiracy or something.. Yeah that’s the ticket..
Puddy don’t think…
…at all.
All Aboard Florida, the Florida East Coast Railway’s subsidiary set up to get the railroad back into the passenger business, May be serious after all. They have just announced a supplier of rolling stock. They have selected the German company Siemens to build the coaches and locomotives, and construction will take place at the Siemens plant in Sacramento.
Don’t libtards remember this? http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09.....1&
PuddyCommentary: The ONLY reason Obummer is engaging ISIS is the public polling by this whitey house. Obummer’s sadministration has realized the public is reacting to Obummer’s lack of respect for his military generals and the beheadings of the two American journalists.
The facts are finally hitting the low information voters (LIV) between the eyes and they don’t like it. Amazing how low information voting DUMMOCRETINS react when the libtard msm delivers real news for a change. Even the LIV DUMMOCRETINS are upset with Obummer and so Obummer reacts.
Butt, is Obummer’s heart in the action? Will Obummer follow through? Marie Harf and John Effin Kerry at the State Department made conflicting statements yesterday about the mission. “Just words” Marie Harf claimed. How do the troops feel about just words?
FP says it best… http://thecable.foreignpolicy......was_for_it
PuddyCommentaryII: Now the 2001 AUMF is the reason and belief Obummer will use airstrikes against ISIS! Well that’s what Obummer’s mouth pieces claim. Butt wait… It seems Bush wasn’t so bad after all. It seems Bush was right in July 2007. It seems Obummer’s world view really sux! So the AUMF isn’t so bad 14 months later? Oopsie… flip-flop!
Golly libtards… The Chicago community organizer can’t organize the world community too well. Now Obummer has to backtrack because Obummer has no vision. Obummer thought Obummer could talk Obummer’s way out of any situation. Except groups like ISIS don’t take anything off the table. Everything is on the table.
Now it seems some libtards are upset Obummer is telling everyone what Islam is. They are upset that Obummer, who claims to be a Christian, told the world Wednesday what ISIS is and is not.
And now when you read these libtards… http://theweek.com/article/ind.....i-tourists just because the number is 0.00003 percent, don’t worry libtards be happy! Except when one tries to take out part of a mall or an aircraft flying overhead. Puddy loves a great chuckle reading the left wrong whack job sites. That’s how Puddy knows what almost all HA DUMMOCRETINS think every day! It’s their mission to read left wrong sites to get their marching orders each day!
Why are “conservatives” so utterly terrified of the world?
Fuck, they jump at shadows, or shoot wildly into them without being sure they’re of what shooting at, then they trample around on other people’s property, steal their shit and burn their houses down. Then they vociferously wonder why their neighbors hate them.
The most basic ideas of Conservatism can best be illustrated by that guy over in Kansas or Iowa about 30 years ago. He would steal farm equipment, vandalize people property and then strut around on the main street of his little farming town with a shotgun and sneer and menace anyone who approached him. At one point he “married” a 14 year old girl and kept her out on his farm where nobody could see what was going on.
Finally, after years of putting up with that crap, the neighbors all ganged up on him and shot him dead, right in broad daylight in the town square, and nobody cared.
Lots of brain research indicates that self-identified conservatives see the world as full of threats, and, conversely, those people whose fear-centers light up with certain stimuli, turn out to be much more likely to be conservative politically.
May have been useful or adaptive a few thousand years ago, but now seems pretty detrimental to the rest of us.
Sort of like how our organizational systems are still pretty feudal, and the way we go about choosing leaders keeps promoting narcissists and sociopaths – from left and right
…and isn’t is just adorable that the puddibigot has incorporated “squid ink” into his sig?
He did this once before…I forget…incorporated an insult he clearly misunderstood into his signature….thinking he was being clever…until his stupidity was pointed out to him…I think it was about the same time he called me the most vile leftist on this blog – a badge of honor for me.
Anybody remember that?
It’s sort of like the way he picks up others’ turn-of-phrase and starts using it relentlessly – like ‘optics’ recently. Very child-like, or bot-like, really.
11 “black squid ink” feces droppings out of 32 comments.
(only) 34%
The personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud” needs to step it up a little.
@30 “Why are ‘conservatives’ so utterly terrified of the world?”
To this rabbit, who voluntarily served in Vietnam while the crew making up today’s GOP leadership were hiding behind various draft deferments and dodges, the word “cowards” comes to mind.
Such a douche… Puddy doesn’t use squid ink as an escape mechanism you moron. Well… maybe Puddy does… to escape the libtard lies proffered by your IDIOTS tout le temps on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
It’s your kind who can’t deal with daily facts, even from libtard sites.
Sux to be a schmuckosmegma!
@32 You can train bugs to do that, too. It doesn’t work on rabbits. You need a lower-intelligence lifeform.
@30 Yeah, I remember that case. Someone made a TV movie about it.
What’s funny is Obummer didn’t turn against ISIS until the LIV DUMMOCRETINS turned. So scream all you want about conservatives being fearful. Obummer didn’t listen to them. So who are fearful of ISIS you moronic low lifes? It’s your kind the low information voter – DUMMOCRETINS!
Your silly ANALyses are feckless and stooooooooopid!
Every time ruPRICK posts ad hominem against Puddy Puddy wins again!
Be stooooooooopid again is ruPRICK’s daily motto!
14 “black squid ink” feces droppings out of 40 comments.
(up to) 35%
The personality disordered individual who plays “Puddybud” needs to step it up a little. We KNOW he can do it!
@29 Thanks for the lesson on nation building and military strategy, squid. Don’t know what we’d do without your insights. Btw, how did your rightwing military adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan turn out? Oh, I remember now, your organ grinder monkey couldn’t win and President Obama had to extricate us from those GOP quagmires.
Let’s see how Washington is doing on the job and poverty fronts with it’s job-killing highest-in-nation minimum wage laws:
“For 16 years now, the state of Washington has boasted the highest minimum wage in the U.S. …. When west coast voters passed the initiative in back in 1998, opponents claimed that a higher wage would kill jobs.
“Coincidentally, this is the same argument that is being used by politicians, business groups and lobbyists who are fighting against President Barack Obama’s push for a $10.10 minimum wage. As the debate continues, Bloomberg analyzed the numbers in Washington state, and the results are surprising. …
“For four of the past five years, Washington’s unemployment rate has been below the national average — as well as below the averages for the Western and Southern regions. … Washington’s job growth has continued at an average of 0.8 percent annually, outpacing the national growth rate of 0.3 percent. … Poverty in the state trailed the U.S. average for at least seven years as well. And payrolls at Washington’s restaurants and bars — employees of which are particularly vulnerable to minimum wage laws — have expanded by a whopping 21 percent.
“In other words, after 15 years of implementation, Washington’s minimum wage increase is successful. ‘It’s hard to see that the state of Washington has paid a heavy penalty for having a higher minimum wage than the rest of the country,’ Gary Burtless, an economist at Brookings Institution and former U.S. Labor Department worker, told Bloomberg.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure looks like the “job-killing” argument doesn’t hold water, at least, not around here.
Now let’s check on how Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s policies are doing:
“If there’s a budget mess this time, it belongs to Gov. Scott Walker
“Wisconsin’s state budget may be out of balance by nearly $1.8 billion when the new two-year cycle begins next July, and for that you can thank Gov. Scott Walker’s fiscal policies.
“While the expected shortfall may end up being smaller — or larger — than it appears to be now, it’s clear that a combination of Walker policies and lagging growth in tax revenue blew a hole in the state’s finances. …
“Walker plugged the last big budget gap … by reducing shared revenue to schools and local governments and … cutting benefits and take-home pay for teachers, state workers and other public employees. …
“The governor and [his] Republican allies reduced income taxes and property taxes … as well as taxes on businesses. As a matter of politics, that might have been smart; as a matter of the budget, maybe not so much. …
“Walker’s tax breaks went too far. No one likes taxes, but government services cost money. And there is little evidence that tax cuts at the state level help juice a state’s economy. A study in 2013 by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found deep cuts in income taxes to be ‘an approach that has not worked … and is not supported by the preponderance of the relevant academic literature.’
“In 2011, Walker could blame former Gov. Jim Doyle for his troubles. Not now. He has to own this.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oops! Another GOP argument is shredded. This is an editorial from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, hardly a liberal mouthpiece, more a waterboy for Walker and the Wisconsin GOP, like the Seattle Times is for every bit of GOP flotsam in our own state. When your own version of Frank Blethen turns on you, well, you’ve fucked up.
Wisconsin holds gubernatorial elections in midterm years. So Walker is on the ballot in November. Maybe Wisconsin voters will finally see through this fraud and bounce him. I sure hope so, but it’s likely to be close.
Back in 2011, Walker claimed he had to break the public unions, cut public workers’ pay and benefits, and cut state school funding because the budget was out of balance. After extracting roughly $130 million of givebacks from teachers and public employees, he turned right around and gave $130 million of tax breaks to business owners.
Now, he’s got another big budget deficit, this one of his own making because of more reckless tax-cutting. Who’s he gonna screw this time? I don’t think he can sell another round of givebacks to teachers and public employees by pleading deficits. They’re onto that lie.
It’ll be interesting to see how Walker gets out of this. Maybe defund the University of Wisconsin and all of the state’s other public colleges, or something like that. Hopefully he won’t get the chance. For their own sake, Wisconsin voters should replace him seven weeks from now, while they have the chance.
Last I checked he’s trying to furiously “disown” his promise of 250k jobs in his first term..
He’s not going to come anywhere close. He’s an always wrong wing liar, a con-man, nothing more.
That state would be insane to keep him another 4 years.
“He’s not going to come anywhere close.”
Well, but then you have people like my sister, who votes for
Walker because she resents public workers’ pensions, because she doesn’t have a pension in her private sector job. GOP pols like Walker are adept at playing on working-class resentments they create themselves with policies that flush the working-class down the toilet.
Came across this quote. It seemed appropriate.
“”In the last twenty years, we have lost the thirst for knowledge and enlightenment, while venerating swamp rats, duck killers, pawn shop hacks and Larry the Cable Guy, while at the same time whining about China, Korea and Japan eclipsing us in technology, research and finance, yet anyone who seeks knowledge and understanding is denigrated, their knowledge and research discounted, ignored or defiled.”
Scott Walker still hasn’t been charged with any crime yet. A libtard DA who’s wife has a hard-on for Scott Walker is driving the attacks! http://legalnewsline.com/news/.....sider-says
PuddyCommentary: If this Appeals Court goes against the DUMMOCRETINS, all hell will break loose in the mid-west! These attacks will backfire and Scott Walker will come out stronger!
House Republicans Torpedo Spousal Benefits for Gay Vets
So much for support the troops. Bunch of corrupt hypocrites.
Yawwwwwn… Our village idiot troll vents his ODS for the billionth time.
Yeah Obama is a disappointment – a HUGE disappointment in countless ways in retrospect.
What was the alternative?
A pathologically lying degenerate greedhead like R-Money??
A “boots on the ground” warmonger like McSame? (the first choice of the neo-crazies back in 2000 btw).
F you ODS-addled idiots!
Yeah, isn’t that the saddest? That type of mentality is really depressing and so self-defeating. People refuse to think out of the box.
People refuse to think out of the box. – 99% of the DUMMOCRETINS who visit HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“Scott Walker still hasn’t been charged with any crime yet.”
Well, there’s a ringing endorsement.
the puddibigot cracks me up!
@49 “Scott Walker still hasn’t been charged with any crime yet.”
Just because venality isn’t a crime doesn’t mean we should vote for it.
@54. You can play that stupid game all day, but we often follow your links and then often explain why they are wrong or incomplete or misguided. Usually it is dismissed but infrequently it has changed an opinion if what a conservative provided made real sense.
I cannot think of a time when Latex Puddy ever, ever did that, he just keep squirting the same lies over and over, more shrilly and with worse spelling. We can back up our opinions with science and logic, Latex Puddy resorts to more bigotry and screaming loud. It’s sad.
Latex Puddy, take your Meds.
George Zimmerman: Road Rager, Stalker
Well lookee here, the NRA poster boy is in trouble again:
“Police say a driver reported Tuesday that George Zimmerman threatened to kill him after a confrontation on the road. The man called police after a truck pulled up next to him and the driver, allegedly Zimmerman, yelled, ‘Why are you pointing a finger at me? Do you know who I am?’ Two days later, the man says he saw Zimmerman in his truck outside the man’s workplace. He called police but declined to press charges. Two days later, the man says he saw Zimmerman in his truck outside the man’s workplace. He called police but declined to press charges.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here, folks, is the Justin Bieber of the armed vigilante crowd.
I don’t think George Zimmerman is gonna die of old age. I suspect he’ll eventually pick a fight with someone just like himself and come out on the losing end of a fast-draw contest.
Can someone explain what Puffy is trying to say in post #14. ????
Is he trying to say that I as a liberal like Muslims and therefor I am quite (to something I didn’t know – maybe because it never made national news and I’m on the East coast) when I should be screaming about it but don’t because I as a liberal am suppose to be pro Muslim.
Does he have some type of brain deficiency?
Apparently love didn’t last for mr. Sanford and the Appalachian trail lover. Who says heterosexuals don’t take love and marriage seriously?
@60 You can’t have a brain deficiency if you don’t have a brain.
@60 with the empty tea bag… Try again ya moron! What did this religion of peace lover do puffy butt? And to whom did he do it to?
Thinking is definitely not your strong suit!
It’s your kind who brings up Scott Walker on this blog at least once a week. There are even Friday Night Comix entries about Scott Walker from Da Perfessa. Since there are no indictments and Scott was not the focus of the investigation where is the fire schmuckosmegma? The libtard Milwaukee DA’s wife made her husband investigate Republicans doing basically the same thing DUMMOCRETIN unions do all the time. She has a hard-on for Scott because Walker is making people in Wisconsin stand up and realize how they were being sucked dry by DUMMOCRETINS!
Now NoBalls the IDIOT Wabbit is throwing up speculation on the next budget. Whooop de do. It’s more smoke screen horse manure from DUMMOCRETINS!
This is so sad… http://www.thewire.com/nationa.....om/380125/
PuddyCommentary: Michael Foley was threatened by State Department for trying to raise money to save his brother… The arrogance of John Effin Kerry’s department screaming about not negotiating with terrorists… butt Obummer negotiated with terrorists for Bergdahl… That’s A-OK because it was Obummer and this sadministration loves Army Deserters.
So what’s the difference here? His brother was trying to save James Foley’s life you heartless DUMMOCRETINS? Y’all goose step frog march to everything Obummer does! And we are noticing it’s getting worse and worse and the news percolates through the smokescreens!
Meanwhile more news on our Cherokee senator Liz Warren… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....n-richwine
PuddyCommentary: Meanwhile in Puddy’s home town… it seems a DUMMOCRETIN congressman was dimed out by a bud… Butt don’t worry… AG Eric Holder will ensure these charges never meet the light of day!
Oh my look another Hamas admission that makes schmuckosmegma@55 more of a buffoon! Wait a minute… can one become more of a buffoon? Maybe a moronic buffoon! http://bigstory.ap.org/article.....tial-areas
PuddyCommentary: Nice admission from Hamas; proving schmuckosmegma and other HA DUMMOCRETINS wrong again!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS forgot all about this in HuffPo because it didn’t fit their stoooooooooooooopid argument. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....51799.html
BTW, are DUMMOCRETINS running on Obummercare this erection season? Well Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie said last year claimed they should. http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....ntage.html What a difference a year makes!
A braindead moneygrubbing teabot has a “conversation” with Lenny:
So what is Obummer doing with his supposed bombing of ISIS? http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....d_use.html
Meanwhile, knowing the type of leader Obummer is… his coalition isn’t shaping up so fast… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....nt_do.html
PuddyCommentary: When you lead from behind other countries notice.
Yes, as we all knew, the puddibigot has a hard-on for murdering MOOSLUUUM children.
Bloodthirsty, savage, hateful Christianist. And sooopid, too.
Lenny knows how to deal with Canadian political telemarketers as well:
Wildrose is klownservative if you didn’t know.
@64 “Wabbit is throwing up speculation on the next budget. Whooop de do.”
Actually, it was a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial (that’s why I put quote {” “} marks around it), but, whatever …
@65 “PuddyCommentary: Michael Foley was threatened by State Department for trying to raise money to save his brother… The arrogance of John Effin Kerry’s department screaming about not negotiating with terrorists… butt Obummer negotiated with terrorists for Bergdahl… That’s A-OK because it was Obummer and this sadministration loves Army Deserters.”
Look up the Logan Act sometime. It’s not exactly new; it’s been on the books since 1799. Then read this in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304 (1936): “[T]he President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation.”
Here’s the problem, dumbass. If our government has a policy of not paying ransom to terrorists (do I need to explain why?), what happens to our security interests if private citizens do it?
Also, are you aware our government sent U.S. commandos on a mission to rescue Mr. Foley and other ISIS hostages, and have you given any thought to whether the Foley family’s desire to conduct private negotiations with ISIS might have imperiled the mission and our personnel?
And then there’s this problem: If the Foley family had paid money to ISIS to secure the release of their son, what would that money have been used for?
You are Fucking Idiot in capital letters.
@66 “Cherokee senator”
Ah, yes, puddy is a typical conservative — he plays the race card when he doesn’t have an argument. But now, let’s look at the National Review he linked to:
“The legislation would drop the interest rate students are paying on older loans from around 7 percent to about 4 percent ….”
True, that’s what Warren’s bill does.
“That’s a transfer payment from taxpayers to people who have attended college.”
Really? Lowering the interest you charge someone on a loan is a transfer payment? That would be news to every banker and economist on the planet.
“The Warren bill would allow students to refinance with the federal government, but why should taxpayers agree to accept lower interest payments?”
Because nobody else pays 7% in this economy.
“In the private sector, lenders will allow refinancing only if they fear losing loans to their competitors offering lower rates. But the federal government, which charges below-market interest rates, has no serious competition for student loans.”
7% is below-market? Really? No, I’ll tell you what market interest rates are: U.S. 5-year, 1.82%; U.S. 10-year, 2.61%; U.S. 30-year, 3.34%. And before some moron goes off about student loans being “high risk,” let me explain that these federal student loans can’t be discharged in bankruptcy, have no statute of limitations, and the government has extraordinary collection powers that any private lender would envy.
“When Senator Warren says her bill merely puts students on a refinancing par with homeowners and businesses, it does the whole student-loan debate a disservice.”
Homeowners, consumers, and businesses can refinance; so why shouldn’t students be allowed to refinance? Warren’s bill would lower the interest rate on federal student loans from 7% to 4%. By comparison, 15-year mortgages are 3.625% and 30-year mortgages are 4.25%; if a student loan is repaid over 20 years, then 4% is dead-on what the private market is charging for mortgages. So, yes, Warren’s bill does put students on a par with homeowners and businesses.
@67 Looks like Scott Walker has a clone in Philly. In any case, I like our crooks better than your crooks.
So, RepubliCONs want to keep charging students 7% on their education loans because it’s a good deal for millionaire taxpayers. Way to go, CONS, that sounds like a great way to build a base of support among young voters — for Democrats!
The problem NoBalls IDIOT is Obummer already set precedent with Bergdahl. Five generals for one low life deserter.
So NoBalls, Obummer already paid a ransom! Thick-skulled moron NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial – leans way libtard NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Republicans suggest students can refinance their loans to lower rates. That’s the article’s suggestion NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Once again schmuckosmegma@73 misses the point of the AP story with the Hamas admission. Well maybe the Israelis were right! Then again when does schmuckosmegma understand the simple things of life?
Of course schmuckosmegma hates Israel. It’s very apparent! He’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
Just like the over 1500 “hard-core terrorists” for 1 buck private who couldn’t cover his own ass in the field? That right village idiot troll?
But of course that don’t matter because the country that can do no wrong did that deal.
Heh. Let’s review one more time..
5 to 1 – OOOH NOES.. That’s aid and comfort to jihadist terror!
Over 1500 to 1 – Nope. nothing wrong. Everything’s ok.. Nothing to see there folks!
LOL! Damn does it SUCK to be a jerk-off klownservative troll!
@63 idiot I clearly understood what the guy did and who he did it to. Still don’t understand your point. You seem to jump to all conclusions of how I should feel, like you jump to conclusion that I was quite about it when I didn’t know of anything until you actually posting the article. Who are you to pretend to know what I think? And maybe if you had a brain you would be able to convey the point you are trying to make. You big Ape, evolve and develop some kind of brain even if you have to start with a peanut size one at first. Nobody here knows what the fuck you are trying to say.
What were you “quite” about again? The religion of peace attacked two of your kind in Seattle… Yet you knew nothing? It’s in your erag dude! You post from that erag when you are attacking Puddy with your useless swill! Puddy was checking the nets and ran across this. So apparently you don’t check the “news” much!
Sux to be you!
When did America trade 1500 enemy prisoners for one American prisoner, monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin?
Name of American Prisoner:
Date of Transfer:
Name of President:
Party of President:
This will be really good to see the monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin put up or shut up! Well the monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin never shuts up. It’s useless, feckless, insipid blather and vapid blog entries every day! The monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin loves to deflect by throwing other countries into the conversation. It’s the only way the monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin can see the monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin blog entries on the subject!
So when American trades 5 to 1 it’s wrong.. Because DAAAAMN that’s gonna lead to the next 911.
And when the country that can do no wrong trades over 1500 to 1 it’s AAAAA OOOOOKKKKKK!!! Cuz that country can do no wrong!
Gotcha village idiot troll..
@8& erag? Are you referring to the advocate? Wrong again I don’t read the advocate, and I never linked to the advocate. So you are wrong two times. And you still have no point to whatever you are trying to say. Do you think every gay person reads the advocate ? You are pathetic . And you must watch soul train.
@80 The difference between a president and a private citizen is that one of them speaks for the nation and makes policy decisions and the other doesn’t. If you can’t figure out which is which, I can’t help you, because you’re stupid beyond any help.
@81 “Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel … leans way libtard” Yeah, just like the Seattle Times.
@82 “Republicans suggest students can refinance their loans to lower rates.” Then why is it so hard for them to vote for a bill that allows students to refinance their loans to lower rates?
But actually, that’s not what the National Review article says. What it actually says is, “The Warren bill would allow students to refinance with the federal government, but why should taxpayers agree to accept lower interest payments?”
But I’m willing to forgive puddyidiot for not actually reading my comment @77; after all, I don’t read his comments, either. Anything he posts in this blog is a waste of everyone’s time.
Hey village idiot troll..
The 5 “generals” and the over 1500 “hard core terrorists” – they’re all the SAME to YOU right?
“religion of peace” as your miserable ass speaks.
Of course when the country that can do no wrong releases OVER 1500 of those of “the religion of peace” for 1 IDF capture it’s OK WITH YOU because your miserable ass occupied air and space within that country’s borders, you took a dump there and maybe you even salt-mined there.
LMAO AT YOU village idiot troll!
Having a conversation with puffy is like slamming your dick in a door. Useless Ape.
Sorry it’s like slamming a door on your dick.
Ok puffy here’s your chance to talk about what else a gay guy does with a dick. Careful your wife might like the same thing.
Ok puffy here’s your chance to talk about what else a gay guy does with a dick. Careful your wife might like the same thing.
Don’t get the fiend started..
One time he couldn’t stop farting about “the hershey highway”..
My favorite was “the hershey highway is the only way”.. We’ll never know what idiot was going on about. Shit nobody cared back then!
Such a miserable freak..
Huskies are beating Illinois pretty bad.
Oops better link for above:
Oh so all can see the monomaniacal crazed cretin could not tell us which American was traded for 1500 prisoners.
Mugged on HA DUMMOCRETIN again!
Sux to be you!
Empty tea bag with the puffed butt,
Soul Train? What’s wrong with Don Cornelius’ original Soul Train? It was a great show. Great artists.
Sux to be you!
Don’t read the advocate? Puddy glances at all erags, especially leftist pinhead erags! Teaches Puddy how leftist pinheads react to facts!