If you work in Washington State, you have sick leave protection. And if you work in Seattle, the laws are stronger. With the new coronavirus going around, it’s pretty important to take sick leave if you need it, but even with the regular getting sick, it’s a good idea to take your sick leave.
Well, if you ask me the AP’s just a buncha homophobic fags.
AP decides not to declare Iowa caucus winner after recount
Agreed with the latter point. But there have been previous global health threats that didn’t result in this level of market upheaval. I’d attribute the difference in no small part to panic.
Just look at what’s happened to the price of oil. That’s not based on economics.
Bernie goes for the kill shot.
Warren at risk of losing her home state
Sanders senses opportunity to deal a serious blow to his progressive rival.
While not a Bernie fan, I do hope that delivering the final blow to a serial liar’s campaign proves mightily satisfying to him.
She became a Harvard professor because she lied. She achieved national stature because she lied. That is how history should remember her. A liar, acting like she didn’t lie, on national TV. And then calling Bernie out for not caving to another of her lies.
Of course y’all will give her a DNC keynote. After all, y’all gave one to Al Sharpton, too.
Now imagine you share needles, too. More reality.
Nithya Raman
Worried about coronavirus in LA? Me too.
Now imagine you live on the street with 5,000 other people in 50 square blocks, and you all share about ten bathrooms.
Or in a park where bathrooms are locked for twelve hours a day.
That’s the reality we’ve created for so many here.
Needle exchanges. Which party opposes them, or, wants more people dead?
Right now it would be an argument without evidence. I know you’re praying for disaster because what’s a hundred thousand dead Americans if we can bounce Trump as a result, but perhaps consider the possibility that you are very premature with this.
Meanwhile, it’s best to wash your hands three times before returning home after Drinking Liberally.
Impeccable timing.
Which vacation company delivered a direct mailer to me and presumably hundreds of thousands of others around the country this week?
Princess Cruises.
@ 5
Same party that isn’t just fine with people shitting in your commercial doorway, Cz-252.
We can do this all day, dude.
Lemme get this straight. If only the CDC had an extra $8.5 billion to fritter away, it would have created a test for coronavirus that works?
New York making its own coronavirus test after botched CDC testing kits
If air travel or other commerce is disrupted because of a public health emergency, and you are furloughed from your job, and you lose your health insurance, and you can’t get into see a doctor when you begin to feel ill, and so your highly infectious disease goes undetected, and in the mean time you take a part time job delivering take out meals, and you infect a bot-farm pussy…
…it is your own fault for not having exercised greater personal responsibility and planned better!
And the bot-farm pussy would tell you so if he were not currently intubated.
Coronavirus doesn’t exist in the dont-tread-on-us dojo.
It seems the 1Ls at the University of Washington School of Law held a protest.
Check out the third protester from the left in the photo. Her sign reads, in part:
I suppose she might feel dehumanized by having it pointed out that she misspelled a word that most fourth-graders would have spelled correctly, too.
Clearly we need more diversity at UW Law. I suggest enrollment be opened up to fourth-graders.
@3 Powerful women make the racist incel rage. They seem to hold a special place of fury in his little heart.
You’re a leader of Hamas. Coronavirus has infiltrated your members and they are dropping like
your own misfired missiles on your own peopleflies.There’s a vaccine, created and manufactured in Israel.
What do you do?
@ 13
@3 Powerful women make the racist incel rage. They seem to hold a special place of fury in his little heart.
Powerful women, with increasing frequency, are really men.
This week’s karma:
As they watch with increasing concern, nee panic @ 6, the advance of coronavirus into their lives, liberals begin to realize the risk of such free association with people who possess the personal hygiene habits of Amy Goodman.
@ 10
Eventbrite is down.
Zoom is up.
Dumbfuck’s raging orange man-baby will have a sad.
@12. Instead of arguing the merits of the protest, the racist incel rages on a women’s spelling error.
@16. Out of the blue, the racist incel attacks a liberal woman’s hygiene. Shocking.
@ 20
I’ve mentioned Amy Goodman’s personal hygiene several times on this blog, Third Tier Red.
What’s shocking is the odor within 10 feet of her.
A man who chose poorly in 2016 has learned nothing from his experience.
While they’re looking up at Creepy Joe, he’ll be fondling them.
Guess who’s back in the news?
‘Unless his hair is on fire, he needs to be in Arkansas.’ Hunter Biden’s bid to delay his deposition in child support case is rejected by judge as ‘unemployed’ VP’s son reveals his new painting hobby
The wrong son got brain cancer.
I wonder how many of you are praying for the rapid spread of coronavirus among the attendees?
The enduring weakness of Rasmussen aside, it should be pointed out that at this point any decline in polling approval for the GOP RapeHero is a decline among Republican voters.
Turns out the only thing Republican voters fear more than a Democrat in the White House is drowning in their own fluids.
Hey, gman, there’s a #WallSteetPete rally in Seattle on March 6th.
Unfortunately, this rally is two days after #WallStreetPete drops out of the race.
Huh. Would you look at that.
The guy who “voted for Evan McMullin” follows @realRapeHero on FB.
Makes sense.
@ 25
Well, surely. Just as when The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 lost bigly in 2016, it was due to the loss of previously Obama-supporting Democrat voters.
’cause the woman was truly awful. Horridly, crookedly awful.
only another 7 days of 1,000 point losses and it will erase all the gains in the last 5 Years!
Now don’t get your panties in a bunch, Bob….I’m just saying.
Hunter Biden will take down Creepy Joe.
The DNC will take down Bernie.
@26 I’ll vote for Clubfoot….her tits should still be perky. If she isn’t dead of Coronavirus by then.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be late joining us today. He’s stuck in a line at the pawn shop.
Out of the blue, the racist incel attacks a liberal woman’s hygiene. Shocking.
The nazis made similar propaganda about the hygiene of jews..
Another day, another frightened male white supremacist moron..
It’ll die one day. Thank the stars for biology.
Yeah, Dumbfuck goes to the smelly hippie about a woman he’s never met all the time. It’s lazy. It’s a lack of wit.
Millennials – avocado Toast
Muslims – suicide bomber
Marijuana users – Doritos
Asians – math and or bad driving
Mexican – lazy and contradictingly… job stealing.
Native American female – Pocahontas
It’s all he’s got, various prejudices
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s in for a surprise. Because his wife didn’t know it wasn’t a real diamond, he expects the pawn shop guy won’t know.
Under 25,000 now.
What’s going to replace the soaring stock market for an applause line at the South Carolina rally?
“We’d be at 35,000 if it weren’t for nasty Nancy and her team of bio engineers.”
@ 33
Thank heavens for your weekly Amazon auto-deliveries of Massengill, YLB. Around here the only one you can smell before the room is entered is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Depends were not meant to be wash ‘n wear.
@2 There’s a rational basis for falling oil prices: Reduced demand stemming from greatly reduced travel. Suddenly, the market is oversupplied again. Now in the high $40s, crude prices are still well above their low point in the depths of the post-2014 oversupply situation.
There may be panic in the land, but I don’t view what’s happening in the financial markets as panic. Due to technology, trading just happens so much faster now. Market reactions that used to unfold over days or hours now happen in milliseconds. That’s all.
Dumbfuck’s zero-dividend stock is back to where it was on Feb. 28, 2018. He hasn’t made a penny in the last two years. No oats for his fuck buddy, just grass from now on.
@37 LOL! A douche babbles about douches.
It gets so angry and hallucinates odors when it loses money..
Too funny.
@3 Gotta love how Dumbfuck expends all his energy on also-rans.
@4 Social Darwinism at its finest. Let ’em die. Just like HIV and gays.
@6 ” I know you’re praying for disaster because what’s a hundred thousand dead Americans if we can bounce Trump as a result”
And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck channeling Donnie Dumbass.
The two of them do complement each other. Dumbfuck handles the intellectual circuit while Dumbass pitches to lynch mobs. Their message is the same, and both are playing with matches.
It always gets bitter, salty, and extra vulgar whenever it is losing money.
Consistent tell. Happening a lot lately.
It’s only natural that haters whose every word is hate speech imagine themselves victims of hate and targets of hate speech.
To them, disagreement is hate, and criticism is hate speech. And if we say we don’t want anyone to die, they’ll call us “pussies.”
@35 That’s her problem, not mine. I won’t be the one taking it to a pawn shop.
@30 I thought that was your shtick yesterday. Do you find yourself repeating yourself a lot more these days? From my perch, I see other symptoms of your mental degeneration, too.
@12 This from a shill whose party’s members can’t spell “to” correctly. Hell, they can’t even get phonetic spelling right (are they all deaf?).
Yesterday it was Greeezy Pork Sause-age who was “warning” everyone about how 84 super-Ds would swamp over 4700 elected delegates.
When next you hear from them it will be about another “caravan” or a county commissioner in New Mexico who dared to wear white shoes before Memorial Day.
One thing they won’t be warning anyone about: A Republican Primary.
They don’t do them anymore.
For the last time, the correct spelling is Cival.
@50 No, the ump misspelled it in two places, not one. It’s “sival.”
The banner headline on Fox News dot com right now is CNN Sucks.
Yep things are going great for team Orange.
Only 25,000 to go and the DJIA’s performance under Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron will finally match that of the black Muslim usurper from Kenya.
Straights – a bunch of Neanderthals. Reality of life babe.
A real woman leader….not like Clubfoot, whom is all tits and no substance.
“In poll after poll, young people are politically much further to the left of older Americans. According to Gallup, 52% of 18- to 34-year-olds have a positive view of socialism, while fewer, 47%, have a positive view of capitalism.”
Maybe because the Old Farts Party’s policies have failed them miserably?
Young adults support Bernie Sanders because they want to benefit from ‘boomer socialism’ that older Americans already enjoy
“The rising price tags of healthcare, education, and homeownership have left many young people feeling marginalized from the economy, leading to calls for drastic reform that levels the playing field for them and curbs widening inequality. ”
Honestly, can you blame them? I’m barely a boomer and I feel lucky to have entered the job market when I did. My kid doesn’t have the same economic advantages. They have been erased by the Boomer generation who didn’t need them any more, so they got rid of them and pocketed the money. For example: Pensions and 401K for the Boomers, only 401Ks for the next generations.
Social Security is in trouble? Raise the age to get SS on the young.
When the levers of power are finally pulled from the boomer’s bony fingers, it’s going to be ugly. Payback will be a bitch.
How Capitalism Broke Young Adulthood
Interesting article about the younger generation wanting Boomer socialism.
“Whatever you make of their argument, it’s rich hypocrisy for beneficiaries of Social Security, Medicare, and housing subsidies to argue that a little socialism cannot help the U.S., when it has so obviously helped Boomers become the most financially secure generation in history.”
Millennial MBA working as a weekend barista to pay down her loans darkly regards Boomer Karen’s Caramel Macchiato as she finishes preparing it.
Third case in Santa Clara. Not tested for coronavirus initially by CDC because…who knows but three years of defunding and brain drain couldn’t have helped.
Dumbfuck is right that throwing $8B at it now probably can’t stop this but leaving the CDC intact and independent of politics might have.
You built that. AKA, incompetence built that.
“It’s really not important what she thinks. She’s blond, she’s conventionally pretty. She’s a teenager. She is the anti-Greta. Give her a speaking slot.“
Naomi Seibt, a 19-year-old from Münster, Germany, who styles herself as a “climate realist” spoke a CPAC today. Then she took some questions.
Asked about previous interviews describing Stefan Molyneux as an inspiration she said,
“I am still a fan, absolutely,”
Molyneaux is a Canadian White Supremacist who argues for maintaining the purity of the white race to avoid “white genocide’ through racial dilution.
It’s good when CPAC drops the mask and just promotes racism. It’s easier that way Don’t hide it GOP, your base is very very racist.
2 new corona virus cases now in Washington. Both King county. That makes 6 New that I can find so far just in the time since Donald took his mission accomplished tour because he closed the border early. You know…yesterday.
Pence is on it though so thoughts and prayers.
Can’t imagine that might show up in a debate or campaign ad.
@54 Scientist can’t confirm whether Neanderthals have survived to the present time, because Moscow Mitch won’t allow testing of his caucus members. However, some of them have been seen dragging their knuckles on the marble floors of the Capitol corridors.
@63 I read 1 King County and 1 Snohomish County, based on preliminary testing, sent to CDC to confirm results. One of these (King) is a Korean woman who had traveled to Asia, but the other (Snohomish) is a high school student with no discernible contact, which makes me wonder what the incidence of false positives is, and whether are getting excited about reported cases before they’re truly confirmed. Or maybe this damn bug is self-generating? And can pop up anywhere? Doesn’t have to be transmitted? A sort of quantum virus? In which case, you stupid humans are doomed, and might as well hand over the reins to rabbits right now. I’ll be the rabbit king when you’re all dead.
Could be nothing or false positive but the thing that’s been bugging me over several weeks is the Eastside’s noticeably changed demographics. There’s a whole lot of Chinese Nationals living there now. And if this is as easily transmittable as some models suggest it’s definitely here.
ANA, JAL, Air Canada are all still flying from China to SeaTac. One person on one plane transmitting it to a few others on the plane who then shop at SMart Asian grocery and have a few meals in restaurants and go to the office before they even think they have a cold. A bad cold. Maybe just a sniffle. Sleep a couple days and think nothing of it.
Now do flights from Italy. Then the Microsoft teams that regularly go to Seoul when it was still thought to be confined to China.
Now that our brilliant leaders are saying for some it might just feel like a cold and how many people may have already been walking around and recovered before anyone was testing for it. When the only test available was show up at the doctor and they ask, “Have you been to China?” “Well no. (Never thinking that Korea might be a problem)”
The above is a worst case scenario. Hundreds of people could have passed through SeaTac in the last months and then been out in the general public carrying. They just weren’t sick when they talked to Customs.
@66 First U.S. death reported. Right here in King County. Press conference this afternoon (Saturday).
Just tuned in to Trump speaking live about coronavirus and the first words from his mouth that I heard were, “We’re just asking the media and anybody to not do anything to incite …”
Turned it off right there.