Glad that Seattle is providing for more transitional encampments (first point). I can’t imagine that it’s enough, but it’s a step in the right direction. Maybe the rest of us could remember that they’re, like, actual humans living in tents and tiny houses.
This is a couple of days old. Now that I think of it, publication date is the same as the NV debate date, and posting time was a couple of hours before the debate. Explains why that final question was asked of the candidates. From Nate Silver’s team:
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him
Something to keep in mind whilst perusing Goldy’s Twitter feed:
Goldy Retweeted
Steven Beschloss
Listen to Mr. Brennan: We are now in a full-blown national security crisis.
Goldy will write whatever a liberal billionaire tells Goldy to write.
Let’s just leave it at I’m not exactly watching with disappointment. Or without popcorn.
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam
gman, you should put off retirement and make a massive donation to some LGBTQQ entity to prop up #WallStreetPete.
Warren, Biden and Buttigieg dangerously close to going broke
You’re not just gonna let you Great Gay Hope sink like a stone, are you, gman?
#WallStreetPete needs you, gman. Help him stay competitive so he doesn’t end up in sixth place on Super Tuesday.
Maybe it’s worth it right now to point out that the fact that it is late February and the Democratic primary “shockingly” still has a half dozen candidates polling in contention is something the Democratic Party and especially Democratic Party voters have been clamoring for close to three decades.
It may frustrate the media for all kinds of deeply stupid reasons that none of us should give one tiny shit about. But it’s also a pretty clear signal of a healthy and activated party base, invested in large numbers in the coming election. And it also tends to indicate that this activism and engagement sustains campaigns beyond the relatively meaningless early primaries. People have been arguing for a long time that this is how you produce a lively, competitive primary best suited to sorting through factionalism and policy disagreements to arrive at a consensus nominee.
Following on @ 4, someone should relay to the politically inexperienced and unprepared to lead #WallStreetPete that in this day and age, “throwing colossal sums of money on television” IS “the work of campaigning”.
Quotes McSally.
Given that Mark Kelley leads in the last five polls taken and she’s an incumbent in the low to mid 40s…
I’ll take grasping at straws for 1000
@ 5
The party and its voters, maybe.
But not the DNC.
@ 7
Maybe. Not a typical incumbent. Most US senators up for election served six years. She will have served fewer than two.
@1 Oh lookee, dumbfuck is playing the odds again.
@2 “Goldy will write whatever a liberal billionaire tells Goldy to write.”
And you will never, ever write anything criticizing Trump or Trumpers, even though you claim not to be one.
Former Goldman Sachs CEO and billionaire Lloyd Blankfein suggested he might vote for President Donald Trump over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) if the latter became the Democratic presidential nominee. ‘I think I might find it harder to vote for Bernie than for Trump,’ he told the Financial Times in an interview published Friday.”
Of course he will; he cares more about his money than Trump’s racism, misogyny, lying, beating up on poors, attacks on judges, canoodling with Russia, etc.
The German bankers and industrialists did, too. In fact, they welcomed the arms and insecticide orders.
@3 Of course you are. You’re one of them, too.*
* Trumper, not plutocrat. If dumbfuck is a millionaire, then he’s a one-horse millionaire.
@6 “inexperienced and unprepared to lead #WallStreetPete”
Record TV Audience For a Dem Primary the other night.
Who are these party insiders who want the nomination settled before Super Tuesday?
@9 “Not a typical incumbent.”
That’s for sure. Most senators are elected, not appointed after losing decisively at the ballot box. Think of her as a temp. Everyone else does.
Let’s do this one the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit way, shall we?
American Federation of Teachers Passes Resolution to Encourage Support for 3 of the 2020 Democratic Primary Candidates
This endorsement was limited to the above three candidates because teachers don’t want gays to be educating our students. In this respect teachers are no different than Rick Santorum.
That’s what liberal breeders think of you, gman.
@ 16
Most senators are elected, not appointed after losing decisively at the ballot box.
I’ll keep that comment in mind when former US senator and twice-losing Hillary Clinton is appointed to be the Democrat nominee later this year.
The party and its voters, maybe.
But not the DNC.
National party committees, aside from being pale echos of their once historic role in guiding national campaigns and assisting in key statewide campaigns, are often somewhat dominated by political professionals who have traditionally enjoyed lucrative incomes derived from big media buys for those campaigns.
The RNC traditionally relied on industry donors, forced by campaign finance laws into consolidating influence within the org, to amplify its reach and influence. While the DNC, for similar reasons, relied upon organized worker groups. Laws change. And society changes with them. No longer limited by the same strict campaign finance laws, independent donor PACs (and individuals) are now players in their own right on the same scale. And the national parties are relegated to coordination.
At the same time media has changed completely. Giant broadcast and print media buys, brokered through agencies, are being pushed aside by nimble, efficient, data driven, highly micro targeted and inexpensive 21st century media messaging. The individuals and firms who came to rely upon the old models despise and resist this change every bit as much as 20th century print media empires (and the agencies that fed them) despised and resisted it before.
The Democratic Party appears so far to be managing this transition in a way that has increased party affiliation, increased turnout, increased candidate recruitment, and rebuilt languishing state and local orgs. While the Republican Party is managing this transition by tearing it’s shirt off, getting a misspelled neck tattoo, cranking the Molly Hatchet to 11, and pouring a gallon of strychnine laced Four Loko down its collective pie hole.
I’m very cool with that.
“Why in my day, Best Pictures were made the decade before I was born and featured compliant negroes happy with slavery or centers the plot on narcissistic aging celebrities begging for one last ovation’l Donald.
@17 “teachers don’t want gays to be educating our students”
That’s strange; the Christian Taliban assert the opposite. Obviously, you didn’t clear your remarks with them.
You may be on their shit list now.
The brilliant plan to carve off Lloyd Blankfein and WTF in exchange for 1.7 million union members.
Makes about as much sense as trading away the two best decades of a young person’s life in exchange for working 80 hour weeks for less than min wage smelling the rancid taint of homeless Medicaid patients.
Collectively, they have never stopped mourning for The Lost Cause.
And that’s why bot-farm pussy neeeeeds Tamir Rice dead.
@18 How to be a dumbfuck in one easy lesson … first, the facts:
2018 Arizona Senate Election
Sinema (D) – 50.0%
McSally (R) – 47.6%
2000 New York Senate Election
Clinton (D) – 55.3%
Lazio (R) – 43.0%
2008 New York Senate Election
Clinton (D) – 67.0%
Spencer (R) – 31.0%
2016 Presidential Election
Clinton (D) – 48.2%
Trump (R) – 46.1%
Now the dumbfuckery: “I’ll keep that comment in mind when former US senator and twice-losing Hillary Clinton is appointed to be the Democrat nominee later this year.”
Well, at least you can say you excel at something — nobody does dumbfuckery quite like you.
Hey, Goldy, this is what it’s like to be on the receiving end of unfounded accusations.
Aaron Blake
Bloomberg camp says its office in Knoxville was vandalized and “it echoes language from the Sanders campaign and its supporters.”
10:20 AM · Feb 21, 2020·TweetDeck
Applying your treatment of Trump to Sanders, Sanders must be required to immediately repudiate the behavior of everything that happens to an opposing candidate, regardless of the facts in evidence. This shall continue until Sanders is the Democrat nominee, at which time Sanders is free to deny any connection whatsoever to the behavior of his supporters, because Trump.
@20 Can’t really blame Trump for feeling down in the dumps. After all, what racist actually enjoys being publicly bitch-slapped by the Oscars?
Your turn.
#WallStreetPete for VP?
While billionaire Michael Bloomberg is already spending about $156 million on TV and radio ads across the 14 states that weigh in on March 3, neither former Vice President Joe Biden nor former Mayor Pete Buttigieg had invested in a single Super Tuesday commercial as of Thursday night, according to ad tracker Kantar/CMAG.
No financial outlay for ads beyond South Carolina. You’ve got more than $6 million, #WallStreetPete, what’s the issue?
Nice Deep Fake by Carl.
People posting on the other Open Thread and not this one.
@28 Now you’re a Democratic campaign strategist? Okey-dokey …
@14 he’s just trolling me.
c’est la vie.
My job is to forecast time – sometimes I ask people if they think I have a crystal ball, essentially telling them to go fuck themselves.
It is what it is. I take it with a grain of salt. The true results will be the day after or in the case of Iowa a couple of days after.
Bob (and others running for Office) wouldn’t put much energy into working against Mayor Pete if he wasn’t a great threat. It is a compliment that he is talking about Mayor Pete and not Clubfoot or Tulisi.
I got Bob’s number and he knows it.
@31 He’s trolling all of us.
We’ve all got his number, and he knows it.
@18 I didn’t hear you take my bet yet. You won’t even take that bet when you have nothing at stake…..except losing face.
30 year bond yield: 1.91%.
Never, ever lower.
I guess she wasn’t thinking I would read the link of @17
She makes things up. Almost as if he works right under the wing of the bare chested one.
@28 it would be smart of him to have a back-up plan. But at this point I don’t think he needs a back-up.
I know, “back-up”…..your probably have his ass on your mind now.
@31 continued
Not that this is the exception, but one time I developed a schedule for a $150 million new high school, a year in advance of starting work. The steel structure started and finished on the two dates that I forecast out. Sure the Project team had a role, but essentially they were able to follow exactly what I laid out for them a year in advance. And, being a new high school, it wasn’t as easy as going from point A to B, it entailed going from A to G, with B, C, D, E, F in between the A and G – to the exact date.
Now I come to NYC and I haven’t been on a Project that has finished on time, of about 25 Projects. One is even only completed half way (Structure 100% and exterior enclosure only 50%) due to the Owner running out of money to build it. When work was stopped it was already over 1 1/2 years behind schedule.
Early casualty of Eyman’s car-tab initiative: An Anacortes ferry route.
Over half of WSF’s boats are over 35 years old, and a third date back to the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.
New ferries aren’t free. Keeping old ones running isn’t free, either. With public services, as with everything else, you get what you pay for and don’t get what you don’t pay for.
@37 I remember when you could buy 3 MLB stadiums for $150 million. A million bucks is nothing anymore. Pretty soon everyone will be a millionaire, fwiw.
@33 Horseface has a lot of face to lose.
@34 If this is good, tell us why it’s good. If it’s not, stop bragging about how “good” the Trump economy is.
Dow minus 255 points. Not time to buy yet. Coronavirus not fully priced in. And a spring correction was expected by Wall Street even before this black swan came along. Still just hobby horsing, with the real action still to come.
Correction – $83 million, but still a lot.
The $150 million was the price tag of another Project that I mistook it for; a non educational facility.
I think when Mayor Pete speaks that he is even more believable than Obama. I see less of a politician and more of a leader in Mayor Pete. I think I’ll still call him Mayor Pete, even after being President.
Eat your heart out Bob!
And I think he responded rather swimmingly with the 2nd (or 3rd) question on the minority support, and genuine.
Still, doesn’t it rankle a bit to see a fee structure applied to tax payers state wide to pay for infrastructure to support some of the wealthiest residential property owners in your state?
Speaking of which, is there still a King County funded ferry to serve Vashon Island commuters?
on the economy – I would add to the answer that short term success with the stock market doesn’t make up for not investing in this Country for the American people. Just point out that their short term benefit doesn’t match a huge deficit, no investment in Infrastructure, no medical….great, my 401K is looking good, as it was before (if you have a 401K), but I got rising oceans to think about.
@ 38
Worst-case scenario is that one ferry serves the route instead of two.
What’s to prevent Canada from stepping up with a ferry? It isn’t just Anacortes that benefits, after all. Vancouver Island benefits.
There are other ferries – Nanaimo from BC, and the privately owned passenger (not vehicle) ferries from Seattle, like the Victoria Clipper.
Finally, other ferries could be certified to cross internationally.
The Anacortes/Sidney ferry carries 116,000 passengers each year. By way of comparison, the Mukilteo/Clinton ferry route carries 4 million+ passengers annually.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You can’t even afford to take a ferry – you sit in your shithole and spew inane bullshit, and you have no other outlet, as your family has shunned you.
You have no experience to discuss ferry routes or alternatives.
Stick to shitholes.
I’d rather see each candidate have the kind of interview as the one linked above – I think you know more about the candidate better than you would watching a debate between candidates fighting out the minor differences an making promises that can’t or won’t be kept. Really the debates are a waste of time. Whether the Republican or Democrat debates
could you imaging Clubfoot up there. She’d be propping up her tits and cracking her smart ass jokes.
Here we have Democrats hacking Democrats to alter a Congressional election race.
FEDERAL AGENTS HAVE arrested Arthur Dam in connection with a hacking spree that disrupted the 2018 Democratic California primary that ultimately nominated Katie Hill, according to a new criminal complaint.
Dam, in the criminal complaint, is linked directly to the Hill campaign. Hill won the general election in California’s 25th District and then later resigned from Congress amid controversy.
“Dam was found to be connected to the cyber attacks through subscriber information, IP addresses, geolocation history, and open sources, including through his employer and his wife, K.O., who worked for one of the Victim’s opponents,” the complaint reads.
Who needs Russians to hack our elections, when we can just enlist a few Democrats to do it?
This might derail the bitch’s comeback tour.
I’m sure Mayor Pete makes Bob feel like less of a man.
@ 52
Naw. #WallStreetPete makes me feel like the Democrats might have a decent candidate for president in 8-12 years, after he gets some experience doing something other than being a small-city Hoosier mayor.
Ask me what I think of him in 2028 or 2032, when he’s ready.
listen to his response on automation Bob, you might learn something.
@53 it will be too late then. If you are waiting for 2028 and/or 2032 you don’t deserve anything better.
Sure the not all the Worlds problems will be solved or not get worse, but shit needs to be dealt with today, and that happening with old farts or The Hump and Repukes.
Wasn’t bot-farm pussy bleating the other day about Ilhan Omar’s seekrit plot to smuggle teerist armies into Minneapolis by marrying them?
Her Republican challenger, Shoplifty McCatLady is now running from the law!
Candidate recruitment going nicely I see.
@ 54
I heard his response when he was asked about his black support problems during the NH debate. Heard enough.
gman, #WallStreetPete has two more weeks, maybe. After Super Tuesday – if not before – he’s out of money. You’re going to have to go cold turkey on that hero worship thing you’ve got goin’ on. Go read Richie Jackson’s new book.
@ 56
“Her Republican challenger”?
Do you not know that there are four others?
Gray Davis could have had a field day with a lot of the challengers to his CA governorship. Would not have been useful time spent, as things turned out for him.
Perhaps I could do the John Edwards thing again, as long as we are going to focus on one challenger when there are really several.
Keep rockin’,
Heck – Cronovirus not fully finished killing everyone. That’s probably why you say it isn’t fully priced in.
But it might be, if you are like Bob the believer in Santa Claus.
I don’t necessarily disagree, but you seem to be so sure of yourself, so I’ll take it that you are wrong.
I guess I might have to read the book to figure out what you are inferring.
And I haven’t read the whole article yet of the attached link, but I did post a video of “Gays against Mayor Pete” and when I posted I said the same thing as J. Capehart and Richie Jackson says here….that these “Gays against Mayor Pete” are idiots and just think “He isn’t gay enough”. They are no better than those that wouldn’t vote for Mayor Pete just for being gay.
And to my point made the other day, of having openly gay men (or woman) in pro sports.
So Bob, I don’t get your point. Spell it out for me what your point is to me by telling me to read this book?
@ 61
His most recent book title is “Gay Like Me”.
It’s why you support #WallStreetPete.
@62. Assuming you are serious and not just fucking with me.
Ok, Partly, yes. Not the only reason though, in this case. Hypothetically, there could be another gay person up there running that maybe I wouldn’t support or believe in just because they were gay and therefore not elect to support just because they were gay. In this particular case I support Mayor Pete for more than just being gay.
Say for instance, Lindsey Graham. Or some Democrat.
Any other point?
Sanders campaign reporting that they are being briefed by US officials that Russia is trying to help their campaign…..ohhhhhh, I wonder why?
But she’s clearly the most “on-brand” Trumpiest.
And she’s out-and-proud WWGOWGA just like you!
Congratulations, pussy. #youbuiltthat too.
There’s a two-word reason that gman is so concerned about the coronavirus outbreak.
Fecal transmission.
Fecal transmission may be responsible for coronavirus’s rapid spread
Explains why gman asked me if the anti-viral drugs he takes to reduce his chances of contracting HIV might be a twofer.
gman: If you are facing away from him, then the respiratory route of transmission might be decreased. Hell, it might even be safer if you wear a ball gag while… you know.
@ 64
Remember in 2004, Kerry’s campaign claimed that a long list of foreign leaders had told him they wanted him to beat GWB43?
Now why in fuck is that a good thing for America, for our adversaries and our “allies” that spy on us despite claiming to be allies want the incumbent to lose such that they try to help an opposition candidate?
Now that this news
Sanders was told Russia is trying to help his campaign
has dropped, anybody feeling safer about Russia?
I can’t but help but wonder what Steve must be feeling right now. For three years he’s pounded me, claiming that Trump is a Putin stooge, only to learn today that if Sanders beats Trump in the Fall he’ll have to eat his own shit until Sanders is impeached and removed in 2023.
Hey, Steve. Say it with me: Bernie Sanders is a Putin stooge.
In Sanders we’ve got our own Manchurian candidate, leading the race for the Democrat presidential nomination.
Well done, libbies. Well done. You especially, Steve.
I’d like to thank former President Obama for the effectiveness of the stern warning delivered by his administration to Putin about the election interference in 2016.
I’m sure that Steve feels the same way.
Wrong again, I didn’t ask anything., especially specifically “if the anti-viral drugs reduce my chances…” I mentioned it to point out your stupidity of knocking its use as preventative beyond other safe sex measures and potential benefits of stopping to spread Coronavirus
Any doubt that Shoplifty McCatLady is solidly on-brand as one of bot-farm pussy’s fellow Trumpublicans can be quickly dispelled by noticing, just over there, how the California State GOP just endorsed a Sov Cit House candidate who had just filed documents in his effort to terminate a child support order certifying that he had only $22 to his name, but that he would gladly sell his bodily fluids for $15 million along with a $100 million “extraction” fee*.
*Making it the world’s most expensive hand job, and therefore very, very Trumpy!
“President Donald Trump’s new personnel chief told agency … made it clear his office will be on the lookout for staffers across the bureaucracy who are seen as disloyal to Trump.”
This is totally inappropriate and sooo 19th century.
So what are they going to do, try to fire civil servants who refuse to take a personal loyalty oath to King Trump? That’s against the law and will get the taxpayers sued.
Bob says it’s all hype.
@ 70
Daily Caller was started by Tucker Carlson.
You posted a piece from this site which was critical of a Republican candidate for Waters’ seat.
Was it a head injury that led you to do it?
@ 72
They will eliminate Obama-era holdovers with known biases who cause national upheaval by sharing second-hand distortions with Trump’s opponents.
Eric Ciaramella may have done more to ensure Trump’s re-election than any other person, with the possible exception of Adam Schiff.
@45 This ferry run is between Anacortes and Sidney B.C., so it probably has more to do with tourism.
This is an old debate. The ferry system is part of the state highway system and is run by the state transportation department. The history behind this is that all private attempts failed — because this service just isn’t profitable — so the state took it over in the early 1950s and has been subsidizing it with gas tax revenues ever since.
There are residents across the Sound who use the ferries to commute to jobs in Seattle, and some of them are affluent. But the ferries also carry a good deal of commercial traffic. They are the highway link between the mainland, the Olympic peninsula, and San Juan islands. They carry not only all the car traffic, but also all the goods to these places. And there’s a lot more to these places than bedroom commuters. There are many communities there, with the same access needs every other community has.
Qualitatively, the ferry system isn’t different from the toll bridges across Tacoma Narrows, Lake Washington, and the Columbia River, or the state snowplows that keep traffic flowing in the mountain passes. They’re necessitated by our geography.
Where’s Elizabeth Warren when you really need her, anyway?
Nevada Democratic Party asks caucus volunteers to sign confidentiality agreements
Y’all libbies are one slimy buncha maggots.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 76
You got your ass handed to you @ 48 for writing something @ 38 incredibly stupid.
Now you try to deflect by writing something that might show up in a trifold tourism brochure. Once in awhile just STFU when you get your ass handed to you.
The “debate” had nothing to do with whether the traffic was tourists, residential commuters, or commercial. It had to do with you trying to make something out of nothing because you thought you could score a cheap point. You’re an asshole and cheap is what you are.
Ride a ferry once this millenium, if you can afford it. Spare us the written diarrhea.
“Was it a head injury that led you to do it?”
The word you are searching for is schadenfreude.
I especially delight in examples of you people recognizing your own utter debasement. My kink, I guess.
The history behind this is that all private attempts failed — because this service just isn’t profitable
Propping up affluent lifestyle choices seldom is, I should think.
I’m trying to imagine the state of California operating a automobile fuel tax subsidized ferry service to Catalina. I can’t. We don’t even allow people to bring their cars to the island.
What’s not well done is you, Dumbfuck, a fucking traitor, trying to taunt someone like me, an American patriot.
Keep it up. dumbfuck. When your treasonous bullshit comes home to roost on your sorry ass, I’ll be there to remind you that you were forewarned of the consequences.
@78 Tell you what, let’s save money and shitcan all the ferries, and you can get your groceries in a rowboat from now on. I’m okay with that.
NBC/WSJ poll asks black voters if they’re enthusiastic or comfortable with …
Biden – 69%
Sanders – 65%
Warren – 46%
Bloomberg – 43%
Buttigieg – 25%
Trump – 7%
@81 I’ll say it: Doctor Dumbfuck is a Putin stooge. And a Trump stooge. And Mr. Ed’s bitch. Isn’t it obvious?
Bot-farm pussy fantasy would be some kind of multi-fuel modified jet-ski out of Waterworld.
Sad Trumpy CatLady reality would be chaining himself to the old ferry dock wearing Lipton tea bags and shitting his pants.
@ 81
Don’t forget hero, Steve. YLB sez you’re an HA hero.
’cause you don’t have a girlfriend and choose to hang out here, I guess.
How many words now have no meaning because they are so badly misused? There’s traitor, Nazi, patriot, hero…
Oh, and another term that has no current meaning because of the way you behaved in 2016: Madame President.
Ba dup bup.
Once in awhile just STFU
Orders from rape fantasy, pathologically authoritarian, always wrong wing shithead ignored…
Always… To the end of days.
YLB sez you’re an HA hero.
Damn straight… HA ZERO…
Thanks for making us look good… Bust a rape fantasy while you’re at it.
@83 “Thanks for making us look good”
He sure does, and I appreciate it.
Not enough to like him, though.
How many words now have no meaning
Yabbut whadabout all the cool new words like Trumpy CatLady, The Storm, WWGOWGA, Exotic, PizzaCannibals, Birfer, and bot-farm pussy?
Words are fun!
Well, well, well, what do you know.
Not to worry Bob says it will be sunny!
Don’t forget your Umbrellas!
But the cases are slowing in China! Bob, amirite?
Yes, Brennan (and Clapper) should be in prison.
Just imagine, some adult wearing diapers.
How’bout that stock market.
The only good thing is that if China can somewhat contain it then you would think the rest of the Countries can contain it.
But maybe not.
10 seconds of video of AOC on the street.
I can’t stand the woman. But you can’t buy publicity like this. All spontaneous. This shit is what gets people elected.
Don’t forget hero, Steve. YLB sez you’re an HA hero.
’cause you don’t have a girlfriend and choose to hang out here, I guess.
You hang out here more than I do. The difference must be the horse. I have a girlfriend, you have a horse.
“How many words now have no meaning because they are so badly misused? There’s traitor, Nazi, patriot, hero…”
Meaningless? Misused? Hardly Consider this. You’re the womanless traitor Nazi with a horse and I’m the horseless patriot hero with a woman.
@98 Well done! Walt Whitman would be proud of you.
@97 Interesting how the tweeter substituted “attacked” for “cuddled.” He must be a Republican — they don’t know what being cuddled is, and maybe that’s why they turned out the way they did. As for me, you stupid humans, especially the female versions, are continually picking me up and petting me …