Good. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on; Doctor Dumbfuck can service the horse for him, if he’s not up to it himself.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It isn’t the amount.
It’s who will pay it.
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office
They’re the geniuses who, upon receiving a piece of paper signed by some fucking G-10 drone, ordered that one of their citizens be detained without warrant or due process.
Their tax payers will have to make good on it. And that’s why intelligently run local agencies do not respond to ICE administrative detention orders. Because they do not comply with the constitutional requirements to hold someone.
“Sanctuary” has nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mueller’s office is expected to file three sentencing memos this week, and at least one of them almost certainly will say Trump broke the law.
“The trait most important to being a ‘real American’ is to believe in treating people equally, according to a Grinnell College poll released on Monday … 90% of respondents said treating people equally is very important, followed by taking personal responsibility for one’s actions (88% said that was very important), accepting people of different racial backgrounds (81%), and supporting the US Constitution (80%).”
And what’s important to Republicans? Well, “speaking English” is way up there.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This proves Republicans are only geographic Americans, not real Americans. It fact, it disqualifies most of them from being Americans at all, regardless of what language they speak, although according to my observations, a solid majority of Republicans can speak and write only broken (and misspelled) English. Heck, most of them can’t even spell “to” and “too” correctly.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Send him to either Dr. Dumbfuck or Shortbus. After all, a medical degree from a Caribbean island nation is just as good as a law degree from any law school in the US. Using ‘teh Google’ search engine also qualifies as, “just as good” as a law degree.
Trump doesn’t pay (except for hush money for boinking porn stars), so free legal advice from Dr. Dumbfuck/Shortbus will be just fine as he would get what he would pay for.
US Post Office suspends service on Wednesday in honor of former President. I think all Americans (only the citizens) should all have the day off.
McCain – not a war hero. A war hero doesn’t get captured.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 No war is a good thing, but Bush fought the Gulf War in the best way possible: It was for a righteous cause (Kuwaiti freedom), was over quickly, we had few casualties, and we won.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
All the Iranian money laundering and gun running conspirators should take the whole month off and maybe go help id the remains of some Catholic priests buried in a yam field in Nicaragua.
Nyaaaaaah! Just fuckin witcha!
Partay Oown! MAGA Bitches!
Michigan republicans deliver one more “Fuck You!” to voters on the way out of power.
Minimum wage increase qualified for the ballot so to head it off the GOP controlled legislature enacted the increase to take effect in 2019 and had the measure removed from the ballot as redundant. But OF COURSE after getting their asses handed to them on election day they’ve used the lame duck session to repeal the law.
OK. So the signature gathering begins anew and minimum wage will be on the ballot in 2020 with a ton of ads making sure everyone knows that the Michigan republican party fucked workers for the last two years.
Oh wait, maybe that was a last “Fuck You” to 45 from state Republicans. I mean 10,000 vote margin in 2016, new Democratic Governor and SOS, closed GM facotries and minimum wage back on the ballot with tons of ads reminding working class Michigan voters that the GOP voted to keep them struggling.
Rudy doesn’t understand the internet. I miss Piddles. This level of computing would have stumped him.
After the whole bit about Rudester accidentally typing a viable web address (.in = india) in a tweet that got bought and created Rudy is calling the redirect “disgusting.”
“Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message. The same thing-period no space-occurred later and it didn’t happen. Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers. Time Magazine also may fit that description. FAIRNESS PLEASE
What he’s referring to is “Helsinki.either” in the original tweet because Rudy now seems to believe .either is a viable top level domain.
Hey Grandpa, if you stare at the modem long enough the fax will eventually arrive.
Nigger in the wood pilespews:
If the Russians meddled in the 2016 election, what was the effect? Did Hillary Clinton get more votes or less voted than Donald Trump? Was Clinton’s losses in the Midwestern states the result of Russian meddling, or was it the incompetence of Hillary Clinton and the way she ran her campaign?
One good way to discourage lawyers from representing you is by publicly demanding a lengthy prison sentence for your last one.
It also helps if you don’t pay him.
If Trump called me right now seeking representation, I’d tell him I’m too busy, and to try the ambulance chaser down the street.
We all think YOU’RE the ambulance chaser down thand street.
Fuck pro sports.
If you were on the jury, what would you consider reasonable compensation for each day of detention?
[ ] $1,000
[ ] $2,500
[ ] $5,000
[ ] $10,000
[ ] More
@3 In this case, “all” refers to one person who doesn’t think.
Billionaire GOP donor Sheldon Adelson invested $112 million in this year’s midterms. Now he’s disgruntled.
Good. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on; Doctor Dumbfuck can service the horse for him, if he’s not up to it himself.
It isn’t the amount.
It’s who will pay it.
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office
They’re the geniuses who, upon receiving a piece of paper signed by some fucking G-10 drone, ordered that one of their citizens be detained without warrant or due process.
Their tax payers will have to make good on it. And that’s why intelligently run local agencies do not respond to ICE administrative detention orders. Because they do not comply with the constitutional requirements to hold someone.
“Sanctuary” has nothing to do with it.
Mueller’s office is expected to file three sentencing memos this week, and at least one of them almost certainly will say Trump broke the law.
“The trait most important to being a ‘real American’ is to believe in treating people equally, according to a Grinnell College poll released on Monday … 90% of respondents said treating people equally is very important, followed by taking personal responsibility for one’s actions (88% said that was very important), accepting people of different racial backgrounds (81%), and supporting the US Constitution (80%).”
And what’s important to Republicans? Well, “speaking English” is way up there.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This proves Republicans are only geographic Americans, not real Americans. It fact, it disqualifies most of them from being Americans at all, regardless of what language they speak, although according to my observations, a solid majority of Republicans can speak and write only broken (and misspelled) English. Heck, most of them can’t even spell “to” and “too” correctly.
Send him to either Dr. Dumbfuck or Shortbus. After all, a medical degree from a Caribbean island nation is just as good as a law degree from any law school in the US. Using ‘teh Google’ search engine also qualifies as, “just as good” as a law degree.
Trump doesn’t pay (except for hush money for boinking porn stars), so free legal advice from Dr. Dumbfuck/Shortbus will be just fine as he would get what he would pay for.
US Post Office suspends service on Wednesday in honor of former President. I think all Americans (only the citizens) should all have the day off.
McCain – not a war hero. A war hero doesn’t get captured.
@12 No war is a good thing, but Bush fought the Gulf War in the best way possible: It was for a righteous cause (Kuwaiti freedom), was over quickly, we had few casualties, and we won.
All the Iranian money laundering and gun running conspirators should take the whole month off and maybe go help id the remains of some Catholic priests buried in a yam field in Nicaragua.
Nyaaaaaah! Just fuckin witcha!
Partay Oown! MAGA Bitches!
Michigan republicans deliver one more “Fuck You!” to voters on the way out of power.
Minimum wage increase qualified for the ballot so to head it off the GOP controlled legislature enacted the increase to take effect in 2019 and had the measure removed from the ballot as redundant. But OF COURSE after getting their asses handed to them on election day they’ve used the lame duck session to repeal the law.
OK. So the signature gathering begins anew and minimum wage will be on the ballot in 2020 with a ton of ads making sure everyone knows that the Michigan republican party fucked workers for the last two years.
Oh wait, maybe that was a last “Fuck You” to 45 from state Republicans. I mean 10,000 vote margin in 2016, new Democratic Governor and SOS, closed GM facotries and minimum wage back on the ballot with tons of ads reminding working class Michigan voters that the GOP voted to keep them struggling.
Rudy doesn’t understand the internet. I miss Piddles. This level of computing would have stumped him.
After the whole bit about Rudester accidentally typing a viable web address (.in = india) in a tweet that got bought and created Rudy is calling the redirect “disgusting.”
What he’s referring to is “Helsinki.either” in the original tweet because Rudy now seems to believe .either is a viable top level domain.
Hey Grandpa, if you stare at the modem long enough the fax will eventually arrive.
If the Russians meddled in the 2016 election, what was the effect? Did Hillary Clinton get more votes or less voted than Donald Trump? Was Clinton’s losses in the Midwestern states the result of Russian meddling, or was it the incompetence of Hillary Clinton and the way she ran her campaign?
Vlad flexing its pects.. Rohrabachers of the world exalt!