Congrats to Patti Gosch on becoming the first Washington State Patrol tribal liaison. It seems like a monumental task. I hope that the guidelines for missing indigenous women are thorough enough.
There used to be a Cherokee woman on the presidential campaign trail. They’ll find her, again, in time for the general.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Sorry. I’m afraid Jacob Wohl, Jack Prosobiec, David Daleiden, James O’Keefe, Jim Hoft, Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopolous, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer, Lucian Wintrich, John Solomon, and the rest of the 4chan News Bureau have burned that one to a smoking pile of cinders like all the others.
You and your Canadian Supermodel Girlfriends might sit up late into the wee hours feverishly exchanging Fauxcahontas memes while furiously choke-fapping. But nobody else gives a shit because they don’t believe your bullshit anymore. You sad dudes and your Borscht-fueled pimply Moldovan teen handlers will need to find a different ButteryMales before next summer. You’ll need a lot more Old Milwaukee to reignite the creative spark. But be advised, day-drinking at your age can be risky.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Leave it to Doctor Dumbfuck to mock the deaths and disappearances of Native American women.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And he calls me an “asshole”? But disrespectful behavior toward powerless people is what you expect from Trump lovers. After all, that’s the example he sets for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Lisa Page has had enough of Trump’s verbal abuse and just told him to go fuck himself.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Maybe the good news for her is that these idiots keep resetting the clock on the statute of limitations for filing suit by repeating and republishing the defamatory statements. I guess the bad news is that by the time this is all over with, any judgment against president FingerFuck will have to come out of a bankruptcy trustee.
But that is the future of the GOP now, post Russian SlutPuppet. They all get to sit helplessly aside and watch lawyers slowly take away everything forever. Teh Dumbfuck knows that feeling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Is Bloomberg a Trump-lite who pastes a (D) after his name? He seems to have more in common with Trump than just money.
In Harlem, a private school run by a far-right “pastor” whose church has been designated a hate group by the SPL C and described as a “cult” by former students is under investigation by the state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The good news is this cult may go bankrupt. The even better news is they apparently don’t get public money. But Republicans want to change that: They want taxpayers to fund privately-run K-12 schools with no accountability to elected school boards for how the money is spent, what is taught, or whether children learn. And with that there would nothing standing between the taxpayer’s wallet and religious cults abusing children and teaching them to hate others.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Speaking of seizable assets, Mar-o-Lago used to be a nice property with an appealing ambience before the sandbags and pumps were necessary and the access streets became canals.
@9 What is considered “Native American” depends entirely on the context. For tribal membership purposes, the tribes themselves decide the eligibility criteria and determine who is eligible, as an exercise of their tribal sovereignty. The fact a tribe doesn’t accept someone as a member doesn’t mean they’re not “Native American.” You could be 100% Native American but not be eligible for membership in a particular tribe. The point is claiming Warren is “not Native American” is like trying to grab at leaves blowing in the wind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“YouTube has removed hundreds of ads for President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign for violating its policies, an investigation by CBS News’ “60 Minutes” program has found.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Google, at least, has begun cracking down on political lies and Russian propaganda. Can’t say that for Facebook, and don’t hold your breath there; Zuck is in bed with Trump.
Hunter Biden’s baby mama in court today. Hunter Biden fired his attorney, who filed a motion to withdraw during the hearing.
‘In an effort to demonstrate to this court my good faith, I attest that I am unemployed and have had no monthly income since May 2019,’ Biden’s statement reads.
Joe doesn’t have much of a filter, so I expect that some time just before Xmas, when he’s missing Beau, Joe will tell us that some nights he lays in bed and laments that the wrong son died.
When he does his support will spike 5 points.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Some say Trump’s youngest is developmentally disabled and wears diapers like his pops.
Got any cynical jokes to share about that?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s an effort backed by GRU techs coordinated through Data Propria to reverse-map the Google YouTube and other algorithms ahead of next summer.
Just as when they marched with torches and chanted their racism and antisemitism, they do it all in plain sight. Their supporters are fine with it.
It’s who they are now.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And speaking of “Hunters”…
Duncan, CA-50 pleading “GUILTY, YOUR HONOR” this morning in the District Court for the Southern District of California.
Which means California gets a twofer special election the same year that Trump is on the ballot.
Some hit the silk. Others get pushed out at sea weighed down with leather zipper masks, ball gags, and poppers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“It’s important not to have a public trial for three reasons, and those three reasons are my kids,”
The last thing those kids need is to see surveillance video of their Marine Hero Warfighter dad dressed in leather chaps, wearing nipple clamps, being violated by a remarkably expensive mechanical dildo.
The FBI agents and Assistant US Attys whose job it was to see that will now be retiring on full disability.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Joe doesn’t have much of a filter, so I expect that some time just before Xmas, when he’s missing Beau, Joe will tell us that some nights he lays in bed and laments that the wrong son died.”
You don’t have to keep proving you’re a lowlife. We already know you are.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And speaking of retiring on full disability…
A clairvoyant preview of Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s near future*:
About two weeks after he testifies in Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate he will announce his resignation from the administration.
About three months after that Provenance Hotels President Bashir Wali will announce Sondland’s “retirement” from the company board and all official duties with the company, ending a crippling boycott.
About six months after that a joint press release will be issued announcing the quiet settlement of the divorce between Sondland and his wife, Katherine Durrant, Chair of Provenance Hotels, reverting his minority share of the company to her in a confidential transaction with unspecified terms.
About six months after that Sondland will be found dead by his own hand at a fishing lodge in Columbia surrounded by empty liquor bottles, cocaine residues, and red trucker hats.
Whoever the nominee is they have to have this ability to connect and to keep pushing forward through the smears, while remaining warm and genuine. That is not an easy thing to do. It wouldn’t be easy for anyone. But let’s not forget that these people running for President are often highly accomplished, extraordinarily talented people with decades of achievements constantly surrounded by people trying to boost their self confidence for the good of the campaign. It has an effect on the ego.
The campaigning itself is exhausting, repetitious, and deflating. Clearly Trump is someone who thrives on the attention, the crowds, and even the confrontation, needing probably very little in the way of ego support from his campaign staff. But not everyone is like that. And when the bot farms go into action next year to smear the nominee it’s absolutely crucial that whoever they are, they cut through it, keep going, and keep connecting with voters.
Warren gives a Master Class here. Every single one of the other campaigns need to study it. She refuses to take refuge in the abstract or distance herself from the question. Instead she goes right to her own personal story and uses it to make the connection. That is the heart and soul of good campaigning (and good marketing). Don’t give people reasons. Give them your story in a way that makes them feel. Do that, and they’ll come up with their own reasons.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
From the GOP Trump Defense Operation:
“President Trump has a deep-seated, genuine, and reasonable skepticism of Ukraine due to its history of pervasive corruption.”
So after four years, in total control of all branches of the US government, overseeing and controlling the United States Department of Justice, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, and controlling every major investigative committee of the United States Congress, the GOP wanted Ukraine to do an investigation of Hunter Biden?
These two things cannot both be true. It cannot be true for a US President to shake down a foreign President for a legitimate, honest investigation of a US citizen and simultaneously for that same President to have “deep-seated, genuine, and reasonable skepticism about that foreign President’s potential or actual corruption.
There is a way for those two things to be true, but it requires a small change. If the investigation the US President sought was to be illegitimate and dishonest then it would all make perfect sense to any rational person.
Seven days after the DCDC rejected the White House challenge and ordered private citizen Don McGahn to respond to a House subpoena and testify under oath, the DC Court of Appeals has refused to issue a stay of that order.
The pace of this is not what I think the GOP was hoping for here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Well, you gotta admit Warren is more huggable than her possible November opponent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Anyone with a shred of common sense (not you, Doctor Dumbfuck) can see Trump knew what he was doing was wrong and get him in trouble if he was caught. A president conducting legitimate foreign policy doesn’t do it by using a private citizen to go around the normal diplomatic channels and then hide the records and tell the witnesses to shut up. The majority of Americans know wrongdoing when they see it, even if Republicans don’t because they have no moral compass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some pundits are expressing shock at a new poll showing that a majority of Republicans think Trump is a better president than Lincoln was, but I’m not a bit surprised by that. Lincoln freed the slaves, forcing cheap labor conservatives to pay for labor. Republicans would repeal the 13th Amendment if they could.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
At Parnas and Fuhrman pre-trial hearing this morning:
– AUSA describes discovery in the case as “voluminous”
– Exceeding 9 GB of data
– No wire surveillance involved in the investigation
– AUSA mentions a sealed, redacted application not related to these charges
– AUSA says there may be a superseding indictment
– Judge sets motions date for two months and urges def to take up the government’s offer for guidance on the discovery
– Def indicates they will do so
– Judge indicates intention to release def to respond to House subpoenas
– Pending modification of protective order
– AUSA indicates readiness to work out modified order
So the bagmen are ready to testify and will be cooperating further with federal prosecutors.
Rudy Giuliani, call you lawyer dude.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I give you the eminently quotable Stringer Bell on the 9 GB of prosecution evidence in the Parnas and Fuhrman criminal trial:
Rudy’s answer: “I mean, I guess. Why? Is that a problem? Did I mention that I’m a lawyer?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
And now for the next witness …
“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about his distrust of foreign leaders and criticized U.S. President Donald Trump …. ‘If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us,’ Zelensky said ….”
“The Trump administration has quietly released more than $100 million in military assistance to Lebanon after months of unexplained delay that led some lawmakers to compare it to the aid for Ukraine at the center of the impeachment inquiry.
“The $105 million in Foreign Military Financing funds for the Lebanese Armed Forces was released just before the Thanksgiving holiday and lawmakers were notified of the step on Monday, according to two congressional staffers and an administration official. All three spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly to the matter.
“The money had languished in limbo at the Office of Management and Budget since September although it had already won congressional approval and had overwhelming support from the Pentagon, State Department and National Security Council. The White House has yet to offer any explanation for the delay despite repeated queries from Congress.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, who does Rudy know in Beirut?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 I can’t speak for Teh Dumbfuck, but I sure am. I’ve been arguing on this blog for over 10 years now that Democrats need to behave more like Republicans, and I practice what I preach.
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS News has a story tonight about homelessness that focuses on Seattle’s homeless problem. According to this story about 11,000 people or roughly 1% of King County’s population are living on the streets.
Gee, I wonder if there’s any connection between these two stories?
The party of racist incel is responsible for this Merry Christmas: Trump Announces Tariffs That Will Screw U.S. Companies
“In addition to costing American companies and consumers, the abrupt imposition of the new tariffs may scare other countries worried about dealing with a capricious reality-TV businessman who seemingly makes major policy decisions based on likes. “It ought to make a whole lot of people nervous,”
Roger Rabbitspews:
And contrary to rightwing mythmaking, those aren’t kids flipping burgers to earn prom money:
“Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren’t teenagers or young adults just starting their careers, write Martha Ross and Nicole Bateman of the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, which conducted the analysis.
“Most of the 53 million Americans working in low-wage jobs are adults in their prime working years, or between about 25 to 54, they noted. Their median hourly wage is $10.22 per hour — that’s above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour but well below what’s considered the living wage for many regions. …
“Low-wage jobs represent between one-third to two-thirds of all jobs in the country’s almost 400 metropolitan areas …. Smaller cities in the South and West tend to have the highest share, such as Las Cruces, New Mexico, and Jacksonville, North Carolina, where more than 60% of workers are low-wage.
“But not only small cities in the South and West have a high proportion of low-paid jobs …. ‘Places with some of the highest wages and most productive economies are home to large numbers of low-wage workers: nearly one million in the Washington, D.C., region, 700,000 each in Boston and San Francisco, and 560,000 in Seattle,’ Ross and Bateman wrote.”
(Same link as above)
Note that Doctor Dumbfuck is against a $10/hr. minimum wage. So are most Republicans. They think a wage rate at 70% of that ($7.25 / $10.22) is just fine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To a Republican, someone who works 70 hours at week at 3 jobs for $7.25 and needs food stamps to survive is a “freeloader,” but a billionaire who pays no taxes is a “job creator.”
You don’t have to be a billionaire to create jobs. Anybody can create jobs when workers aren’t paid for their time and labor.
Major stock indexes saw their biggest one-day fall in nearly eight weeks on Monday, after U.S. manufacturing data showed a continued contraction in November and fresh trade jitters put investors on the defensive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Fine with me. I want to buy more stocks, but they’re too expensive. Today’s drop of 268 Dow points is a start, but not nearly enough. Tariffs! We need more tariffs! to make stocks tank, so I can buy cheap stocks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 The mild rally of the last few weeks has reflected unwarranted optimism about the economy and trade. Ray Dalio, who manages the world’s largest hedge fund, is betting big money on a correction within the next three months. He’s not the only big trader who’s skeptical of this market; lots of them are.
“The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee looked into allegations that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election and found no evidence to support the claims, according to sources familiar with the matter.”
There used to be a Cherokee woman on the presidential campaign trail. They’ll find her, again, in time for the general.
Sorry. I’m afraid Jacob Wohl, Jack Prosobiec, David Daleiden, James O’Keefe, Jim Hoft, Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopolous, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer, Lucian Wintrich, John Solomon, and the rest of the 4chan News Bureau have burned that one to a smoking pile of cinders like all the others.
You and your Canadian Supermodel Girlfriends might sit up late into the wee hours feverishly exchanging Fauxcahontas memes while furiously choke-fapping. But nobody else gives a shit because they don’t believe your bullshit anymore. You sad dudes and your Borscht-fueled pimply Moldovan teen handlers will need to find a different ButteryMales before next summer. You’ll need a lot more Old Milwaukee to reignite the creative spark. But be advised, day-drinking at your age can be risky.
@1 Leave it to Doctor Dumbfuck to mock the deaths and disappearances of Native American women.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And he calls me an “asshole”? But disrespectful behavior toward powerless people is what you expect from Trump lovers. After all, that’s the example he sets for them.
Meanwhile, Lisa Page has had enough of Trump’s verbal abuse and just told him to go fuck himself.
Maybe the good news for her is that these idiots keep resetting the clock on the statute of limitations for filing suit by repeating and republishing the defamatory statements. I guess the bad news is that by the time this is all over with, any judgment against president FingerFuck will have to come out of a bankruptcy trustee.
But that is the future of the GOP now, post Russian SlutPuppet. They all get to sit helplessly aside and watch lawyers slowly take away everything forever. Teh Dumbfuck knows that feeling.
Is Bloomberg a Trump-lite who pastes a (D) after his name? He seems to have more in common with Trump than just money.
In Harlem, a private school run by a far-right “pastor” whose church has been designated a hate group by the SPL C and described as a “cult” by former students is under investigation by the state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The good news is this cult may go bankrupt. The even better news is they apparently don’t get public money. But Republicans want to change that: They want taxpayers to fund privately-run K-12 schools with no accountability to elected school boards for how the money is spent, what is taught, or whether children learn. And with that there would nothing standing between the taxpayer’s wallet and religious cults abusing children and teaching them to hate others.
@4 Speaking of seizable assets, Mar-o-Lago used to be a nice property with an appealing ambience before the sandbags and pumps were necessary and the access streets became canals.
Warren has Native American DNA markers but not enough to be considered a Native American
@9 What is considered “Native American” depends entirely on the context. For tribal membership purposes, the tribes themselves decide the eligibility criteria and determine who is eligible, as an exercise of their tribal sovereignty. The fact a tribe doesn’t accept someone as a member doesn’t mean they’re not “Native American.” You could be 100% Native American but not be eligible for membership in a particular tribe. The point is claiming Warren is “not Native American” is like trying to grab at leaves blowing in the wind.
“YouTube has removed hundreds of ads for President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign for violating its policies, an investigation by CBS News’ “60 Minutes” program has found.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Google, at least, has begun cracking down on political lies and Russian propaganda. Can’t say that for Facebook, and don’t hold your breath there; Zuck is in bed with Trump.
Hunter Biden’s baby mama in court today. Hunter Biden fired his attorney, who filed a motion to withdraw during the hearing.
‘In an effort to demonstrate to this court my good faith, I attest that I am unemployed and have had no monthly income since May 2019,’ Biden’s statement reads.
Joe doesn’t have much of a filter, so I expect that some time just before Xmas, when he’s missing Beau, Joe will tell us that some nights he lays in bed and laments that the wrong son died.
When he does his support will spike 5 points.
Some say Trump’s youngest is developmentally disabled and wears diapers like his pops.
Got any cynical jokes to share about that?
It’s an effort backed by GRU techs coordinated through Data Propria to reverse-map the Google YouTube and other algorithms ahead of next summer.
Just as when they marched with torches and chanted their racism and antisemitism, they do it all in plain sight. Their supporters are fine with it.
It’s who they are now.
And speaking of “Hunters”…
Duncan, CA-50 pleading “GUILTY, YOUR HONOR” this morning in the District Court for the Southern District of California.
Which means California gets a twofer special election the same year that Trump is on the ballot.
Some hit the silk. Others get pushed out at sea weighed down with leather zipper masks, ball gags, and poppers.
The last thing those kids need is to see surveillance video of their Marine Hero Warfighter dad dressed in leather chaps, wearing nipple clamps, being violated by a remarkably expensive mechanical dildo.
The FBI agents and Assistant US Attys whose job it was to see that will now be retiring on full disability.
@12 “Joe doesn’t have much of a filter, so I expect that some time just before Xmas, when he’s missing Beau, Joe will tell us that some nights he lays in bed and laments that the wrong son died.”
You don’t have to keep proving you’re a lowlife. We already know you are.
And speaking of retiring on full disability…
A clairvoyant preview of Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s near future*:
About two weeks after he testifies in Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate he will announce his resignation from the administration.
About three months after that Provenance Hotels President Bashir Wali will announce Sondland’s “retirement” from the company board and all official duties with the company, ending a crippling boycott.
About six months after that a joint press release will be issued announcing the quiet settlement of the divorce between Sondland and his wife, Katherine Durrant, Chair of Provenance Hotels, reverting his minority share of the company to her in a confidential transaction with unspecified terms.
About six months after that Sondland will be found dead by his own hand at a fishing lodge in Columbia surrounded by empty liquor bottles, cocaine residues, and red trucker hats.
*Future of the entire GOP, really.
Wanna know how a good campaigner cuts through the Fauxcahontas/ButterMales Smear Kiddie attacks?
It looks like this:
Whoever the nominee is they have to have this ability to connect and to keep pushing forward through the smears, while remaining warm and genuine. That is not an easy thing to do. It wouldn’t be easy for anyone. But let’s not forget that these people running for President are often highly accomplished, extraordinarily talented people with decades of achievements constantly surrounded by people trying to boost their self confidence for the good of the campaign. It has an effect on the ego.
The campaigning itself is exhausting, repetitious, and deflating. Clearly Trump is someone who thrives on the attention, the crowds, and even the confrontation, needing probably very little in the way of ego support from his campaign staff. But not everyone is like that. And when the bot farms go into action next year to smear the nominee it’s absolutely crucial that whoever they are, they cut through it, keep going, and keep connecting with voters.
Warren gives a Master Class here. Every single one of the other campaigns need to study it. She refuses to take refuge in the abstract or distance herself from the question. Instead she goes right to her own personal story and uses it to make the connection. That is the heart and soul of good campaigning (and good marketing). Don’t give people reasons. Give them your story in a way that makes them feel. Do that, and they’ll come up with their own reasons.
From the GOP Trump Defense Operation:
So after four years, in total control of all branches of the US government, overseeing and controlling the United States Department of Justice, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, and controlling every major investigative committee of the United States Congress, the GOP wanted Ukraine to do an investigation of Hunter Biden?
These two things cannot both be true. It cannot be true for a US President to shake down a foreign President for a legitimate, honest investigation of a US citizen and simultaneously for that same President to have “deep-seated, genuine, and reasonable skepticism about that foreign President’s potential or actual corruption.
There is a way for those two things to be true, but it requires a small change. If the investigation the US President sought was to be illegitimate and dishonest then it would all make perfect sense to any rational person.
And of course this has all been completely obvious right from the start to any rational person who looked at what the GOP did. And it’s also why a House leadership who did not want to do impeachment and had repeatedly made that commitment had no choice but to reverse that decision. Because the GOP is a criminal bugfuck.
Seven days after the DCDC rejected the White House challenge and ordered private citizen Don McGahn to respond to a House subpoena and testify under oath, the DC Court of Appeals has refused to issue a stay of that order.
The pace of this is not what I think the GOP was hoping for here.
@19 Well, you gotta admit Warren is more huggable than her possible November opponent.
@20 Anyone with a shred of common sense (not you, Doctor Dumbfuck) can see Trump knew what he was doing was wrong and get him in trouble if he was caught. A president conducting legitimate foreign policy doesn’t do it by using a private citizen to go around the normal diplomatic channels and then hide the records and tell the witnesses to shut up. The majority of Americans know wrongdoing when they see it, even if Republicans don’t because they have no moral compass.
Some pundits are expressing shock at a new poll showing that a majority of Republicans think Trump is a better president than Lincoln was, but I’m not a bit surprised by that. Lincoln freed the slaves, forcing cheap labor conservatives to pay for labor. Republicans would repeal the 13th Amendment if they could.
At Parnas and Fuhrman pre-trial hearing this morning:
– AUSA describes discovery in the case as “voluminous”
– Exceeding 9 GB of data
– No wire surveillance involved in the investigation
– AUSA mentions a sealed, redacted application not related to these charges
– AUSA says there may be a superseding indictment
– Judge sets motions date for two months and urges def to take up the government’s offer for guidance on the discovery
– Def indicates they will do so
– Judge indicates intention to release def to respond to House subpoenas
– Pending modification of protective order
– AUSA indicates readiness to work out modified order
So the bagmen are ready to testify and will be cooperating further with federal prosecutors.
Rudy Giuliani, call you lawyer dude.
I give you the eminently quotable Stringer Bell on the 9 GB of prosecution evidence in the Parnas and Fuhrman criminal trial:
Rudy’s answer: “I mean, I guess. Why? Is that a problem? Did I mention that I’m a lawyer?”
And now for the next witness …
“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about his distrust of foreign leaders and criticized U.S. President Donald Trump …. ‘If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us,’ Zelensky said ….”
1 & 3:
You’re BOTH assholes.
“The Trump administration has quietly released more than $100 million in military assistance to Lebanon after months of unexplained delay that led some lawmakers to compare it to the aid for Ukraine at the center of the impeachment inquiry.
“The $105 million in Foreign Military Financing funds for the Lebanese Armed Forces was released just before the Thanksgiving holiday and lawmakers were notified of the step on Monday, according to two congressional staffers and an administration official. All three spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly to the matter.
“The money had languished in limbo at the Office of Management and Budget since September although it had already won congressional approval and had overwhelming support from the Pentagon, State Department and National Security Council. The White House has yet to offer any explanation for the delay despite repeated queries from Congress.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, who does Rudy know in Beirut?
@28 I can’t speak for Teh Dumbfuck, but I sure am. I’ve been arguing on this blog for over 10 years now that Democrats need to behave more like Republicans, and I practice what I preach.
CBS News has a story tonight about homelessness that focuses on Seattle’s homeless problem. According to this story about 11,000 people or roughly 1% of King County’s population are living on the streets.
Another CBS story says 44% of Americans work in low-wage jobs with a median salary of $18,000 a year.
Gee, I wonder if there’s any connection between these two stories?
The party of racist incel is responsible for this
Merry Christmas: Trump Announces Tariffs That Will Screw U.S. Companies
“In addition to costing American companies and consumers, the abrupt imposition of the new tariffs may scare other countries worried about dealing with a capricious reality-TV businessman who seemingly makes major policy decisions based on likes. “It ought to make a whole lot of people nervous,”
And contrary to rightwing mythmaking, those aren’t kids flipping burgers to earn prom money:
“Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren’t teenagers or young adults just starting their careers, write Martha Ross and Nicole Bateman of the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, which conducted the analysis.
“Most of the 53 million Americans working in low-wage jobs are adults in their prime working years, or between about 25 to 54, they noted. Their median hourly wage is $10.22 per hour — that’s above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour but well below what’s considered the living wage for many regions. …
“Low-wage jobs represent between one-third to two-thirds of all jobs in the country’s almost 400 metropolitan areas …. Smaller cities in the South and West tend to have the highest share, such as Las Cruces, New Mexico, and Jacksonville, North Carolina, where more than 60% of workers are low-wage.
“But not only small cities in the South and West have a high proportion of low-paid jobs …. ‘Places with some of the highest wages and most productive economies are home to large numbers of low-wage workers: nearly one million in the Washington, D.C., region, 700,000 each in Boston and San Francisco, and 560,000 in Seattle,’ Ross and Bateman wrote.”
(Same link as above)
Note that Doctor Dumbfuck is against a $10/hr. minimum wage. So are most Republicans. They think a wage rate at 70% of that ($7.25 / $10.22) is just fine.
To a Republican, someone who works 70 hours at week at 3 jobs for $7.25 and needs food stamps to survive is a “freeloader,” but a billionaire who pays no taxes is a “job creator.”
You don’t have to be a billionaire to create jobs. Anybody can create jobs when workers aren’t paid for their time and labor.
Major stock indexes saw their biggest one-day fall in nearly eight weeks on Monday, after U.S. manufacturing data showed a continued contraction in November and fresh trade jitters put investors on the defensive.
@33 Fine with me. I want to buy more stocks, but they’re too expensive. Today’s drop of 268 Dow points is a start, but not nearly enough. Tariffs! We need more tariffs! to make stocks tank, so I can buy cheap stocks.
@36 The mild rally of the last few weeks has reflected unwarranted optimism about the economy and trade. Ray Dalio, who manages the world’s largest hedge fund, is betting big money on a correction within the next three months. He’s not the only big trader who’s skeptical of this market; lots of them are.
“WEEETCH HUNT!!! … errr, guilty, your honor.”
Trickle-down is bullshit. Also, “the trade war has done very serious damage to the economy … we’ve gotten sidetracked by really bad economic policy.”
“The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee looked into allegations that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election and found no evidence to support the claims, according to sources familiar with the matter.”
41 how long does our democracy last if Republicans nullify the rule of law and our Constitution?