Hey, now would be an excellent time to call your member of Congress and ask them to impeachment President Trump. If you are represented by a Republican, let them know. If you are represented by a Trumpy Republican, let them know.
by Carl Ballard — ,
High school student improv class makes fun of #FatNixon.
A Trumper parent complains.
School resource officers rap off the side of the SWAT chopper in full body armor to take sworn statements and inform US Secret Service who “liaise” with them on the investigation.
Investigation still “ongoing”.
Too many police.
Why would an FBI attorney do this?
Jason Howerton✔
Here’s the video… @tedcruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement for the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?”
IG HOROWITZ: “That is correct. That is what occurred.”
11:13 AM – Dec 11, 2019
The House Republicans should ask for an impeachment vote by the full Hosue tomorrow and move the proceeding to the Senate for the trial. With a bit of luck, we can wrap up this impeachment stuff before Christmas. The likelihood of Trump actually being thrown out of office is pretty small, but I suppose the Democrats want to make a statement. Well, let’s just get on with it, Democrats.
Tom be patient, we can’t have theses types of things hastily moved along during election year cycles, such like a Supreme Court Justice nomination hearing. Besides you sucked as a President. Don’t know what the truth of the matter but I don’t have to, I just know you suck, probably even sucked off a goat or two or even a horse.
@2 You don’t seem to get very excited when cops do it.
@3 “I suppose the Democrats want to make a statement.”
I suppose they do. Let’s try for several:
No one is above the law.
Presidents can’t do as they please.
It’s not legal just because a president does it.
Obstructing Congress is an impeachable offense.
Soliciting foreign interference in our elections is a high crime and misdemeanor.
I expect Republicans to make a statement, too. It goes like this:
Because what else can they say when their guy is guilty as sin?
@5. Well, to Bob’s defense the only thing that gets home excited has got 4 legs and live in barns..
@4 Probably did something to his black slave woman, too. In fact, we know he did.
@7 And laughs at him.
@1 What was that kid thinking? He could have been shot! By the police!
Enough of Louie Gohmert’s antics. This isn’t funny. The House should censure him.
4, 6 & 8,
You people are going to get Trump re-elected.
Quite a statement!
Wherein Donald Trump schools Bill Clinton about impeachment.
@12 Not at all. If he gets re-elected, it’ll be because of the votes of fools like you. He won’t get a single vote from us.
@12 and? What’s wrong with The Hump. Something you got against him Tom? You shitless founder.
@14. Actually I might vote for The Hump too. I’d like to see the deficit blow up. I got no tykes or grand tykes and retiring soon
A federal judge has permanently enjoined Trump’s attempt to tap $3.5 billion of military funds for his border wall.
I haven’t read the briefs, but it makes sense to me. Congress, not the president, has the appropriation power. When Congress appropriates money for X, and the president uses it for Y, he’s exceeding his authority.
And when Congress appropriates money for Z, and the president hijacks that money and holds it hostage for dirt on his election opponent, that’s abusing his office. Anybody but a Republican can see that.
@12 Since you still don’t get it, here’s a civics and history lesson for ya:
@18 the Pussy @12 ran away….wets his pants, like Bob, the other snowflake. Not just horses and goats that they have in common with each other.
@19 This guy looks like one of their tribe:
“A Bellingham man has been charged with a hate crime for allegedly assaulting an Uber driver who is a follower of the Sikh religion. The Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney charged 22-year-old Grifin Sayers with second-degree assault and malicious harassment this week. According to court documents, the Uber driver picked up Sayers on December 5 to get fast food and cigarettes before taking him back to his apartment. … Sayers allegedly became verbally and physically abusive. The Uber driver told police that Sayers grabbed him by the front of his throat and squeezed … [and] made comments about the driver’s ‘dark skin’ and the ‘turban’ the driver was wearing while assaulting the driver, according to court documents.”
@20 right up Tom Tom’s alley, I’m sure he approves he just forgot to take care of it in the ConTWITution.
Not only is our top Troll, Bob, ignoring everything that is happening on the right relative to the atrocities or just the blatant look the other way, he has proceeds to Double Down on his hope of distractions……risky move on his part. Even Tom Tom tried to warn him and now just checks up on him every once in a while. Tom Tom no longer tries to warn him, he probably just comes back to see if the Horse is still being mistreated.
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.
Be proud Bob
Carl, Trump isn’t the problem, it’s the other Republicans that are the problem. I think it would be better to just call them, tell them that they suck treason goat cock then just hang up. They really don’t care if you think that The Hump should be impeached, but there’s a slight chance that they might care if you think THEY suck goat cock.
@ 5
@2 You don’t seem to get very excited when cops do it.
When “the cops do it” it doesn’t overturn the result of a national election and it doesn’t disenfranchise 62,000,000+ voters.
Moronic comparison, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
On Monday, when QoS McHillbilly was doing his best YLB cheerleader imitation over the Horowitz report, I pointed out
that the ACLU wouldn’t be very happy with it.
I wasn’t kidding:
While the report found that there wasn’t an improper purpose or initiation of the investigation, it also found significant problems that are alarming from a civil liberties perspective. For instance, the litany of problems with the Carter Page surveillance applications demonstrates how the secrecy shrouding the government’s one-sided FISA approval process breeds abuse. The concerns the Inspector General identifies apply to intrusive investigations of others, including especially Muslims, and far better safeguards against abuse are necessary.
I do more than troll.
Eric Ciaramella.
@ 11
In his remarks, Gohmert did not specifically identify the person as being the whistleblower. Democrats on the panel did not immediately react to the remark.
That from your link, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Eric Ciaramella.
Why won’t Obama back Warren? It’s not because of the Fauxchahontas/Lie-awatha thing.
Memo from 1990s pollution case shows Elizabeth Warren in action as corporate consultant
Rather, Warren was representing a large development company that was trying to avoid having to clean up a toxic waste site.
The memo, which Warren wrote in 1996, used legalistic and often dense language to argue that businesses faced the “risk of the unknown” from a growing threat of lawsuits, and that defended the company’s right to “maximize its returns to its unpaid creditors and to survive as an employer.”
“Environmental claims, product liability claims, and mass tort claims, for which we have currently only seen the tip of the iceberg, are multiplying against American businesses,” wrote Warren, who, according to her campaign, was arguing that a different company should bear the cleanup costs.
– WaPo
It’s because he knows she can’t win.
Elizabeth Warren helped make Washington state a toxic dump.
The 1996 case, in which she represented a real estate development company called CMC Heartland fighting in court to avoid having to pay to clean up a polluted old rail yard along the Puget Sound in Washington state, stands out because her memo offers a road map for how she made her arguments.
CMC Heartland Partners was trying to avoid a newly enacted Washington state law that could put it on the hook for about $4 million of the cleanup costs, according to local news reports. The company, which had acquired the land through a bankruptcy proceeding, argued that the legal maneuver should have shielded it from responsibility.
Same WaPo piece as @ 28
If the #MeToo exclusionary concepts were applied to politics, Elizabeth Warren would be radioactive by now.
Although her lies haven’t dissuaded enough Democrats.
I wonder what Mayor Pete will have to say to Warren at the next debate.
Looks like somebody got locked out of the barn tonight. By the horse.
@25 What about the 65 million people who were disenfranchised by Russian interference? That doesn’t bother you. Not in the least. Nor does Trump’s thwarted attempt to bribe another foreign government into interfering in our 2020 election. With taxpayer money, yet. You’re a piece of work, doc.
@26 “I do more than troll.”
You also cherry pick. What an impressive pair of talents to have. They complement each other.
@27 Also from my link @11: “Andrew Bakaj, the whistleblower’s lead lawyer, … has threatened legal action against anyone who reveals the name. In a statement last month, the whistleblower’s lawyers said ‘identifying any suspected name … will place that individual and their family at risk of serious harm.'”
Doctor Dumbfuck is now “anyone.” The best he can hope for is that Mr. Ciaramella is not the whistleblower, in which case he’ll be sued by some other lawyer.
@ 35
Nothing more limp than a C&D letter.
Bob is a pussy troll..
This was your Twitter feed, Goldy.
The Freakout Over Trump’s Executive Order on Jews Was Wrong
Law professors and journalists and celebrities bemoaned the appeal to white supremacy. A few voices on the Left, such as Media Matters’s Matthew Gertz and the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt, tried to stem the tide with accurate information, but they were barely heard over the noise. The refusal to apply Occam’s razor was astonishing. What was more likely: That someone without legal training was misunderstanding an executive order they hadn’t seen, or that a bipartisan coalition of Jewish policymakers persuaded Jared Kushner to convince Trump to issue the preliminary groundwork for a 21st century version of the Nuremberg Laws in America? You can guess which tack got the most retweets and likes.
With real anti-Semitism on the march and on a day when gunmen targeted a Jersey City Kosher Supermarket, murdering four people (three of whom were Jewish), a chorus instead rose up against Jewish allies engaging in a largely symbolic legal exercise.
Goldy Retweeted
Rabbi Latz
Goldy Retweeted
The Volatile Mermaid
@OhNoSheTwitnt …
Goldy Retweeted
Ken Tremendous✔
@KenTremendous …
My nationality is American. I am a Jewish American, not an American Jew. To call me the latter would be like calling Trump an American German… or an American Fascist. #Judaism
Dec 10, 2019
Goldy, on December 10th you were a Jewish American moron.
Y’all HA libbies had plenty to say when a racist killed Heather Heyer in Charlottesville.
Where’s the outrage about the killing of two Jews (and a third in subsequent gunfire) by racists in New Jersey? Might it possibly not fit your narrative?
Elizabeth Harrington✔
Horowitz: “There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable and the answers we got were not satisfactory”
2:16 PM – Dec 11, 2019
Durham can probably help out here.
The voters certainly can.
Summer 2020.
Fuck that Ghostbusters trailer. You don’t reward regressive fanboys – many of whom created an atmosphere of racist, mysoginist toxicity that led to a leading lady leaving this very platform – by MAKING THE VERY FILM THEY WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE
7:18 AM – Dec 9, 2019
This is how y’all gonna git more Trump.
Bob’s Narrative: “I’m a Troll. I’m a troll. I’m a troll”. Quite the narrative.
All that “evidence”!
Yet still not one single Franks motion for a hearing counselor?
Not from you or Ted.
Not from Sydney Powell.
Not from Bruce Rogow.
Not from Kevin Downing.
Not from Caroline Polisi.
Not from Cippolini.
Not from celebutards Toensing and DiGenova.
Not from anybody.
Why would an
FBIattorney do this?BTW, more than half of these attorneys have made sworn filings to the federal court judges hearing their client’s cases that contained material omissions and/or alterations that have required subsequent filings to correct. O! M! G!!!!!!
Why would an
FBIattorney do this?Keep fuckin’ that chicken TrumpTard!
#FatNixon needs you more than ever!
By not preventing you people from voting for him?
Don’t worry. Some of us are working on that too.
“When Congress appropriates money for X, and the president uses it for Y, he’s exceeding his authority.”
Once upon a time, was itself grounds for an impeachment irl.
Times have changed. And so has the Republican Party, eh?
Wherein Bob acknowledges that impeachment is working.
Quite the come down. Three years of breathless gobbling of Orange Throat Yogurt only to have it all end, as it inevitably must, in utter disgrace.
To be accurate, I wasn’t mocking the report. Nor was I cheerleading the report.
I was mocking you and every other TrumpTard for nine solid months of ball-spiking, hip-thrusting, hair-on-fire end zone dancing over “informed sources” about the report.
It was some of the finest comic performance art we’ve seen since the entire Republican Party decided to go full Marlin Applewhite.
And btw, I won’t be holding my breath for Senator HatchetFace to introduce legislation making it harder for lazy fuck federal prosecutors to assemble evidence against international narco-terrorist groups. I wouldn’t mind it if he did. Moreover, I wouldn’t mind it a bit if you and “your ilk” finally recognized how corrosive sweeping, unchecked prosecutorial powers are to a civil society and respect for the rule of law. But at this point we can all agree that “you and your ilk” are too far gone borrowing into the Trump family collective bung hole for that.
Given the reaction I read to the older generations that has been lost to fox news and trumpism, and the younger generations who reject it, I am seeing a subtle theme of families rejecting each others along cultural divides. The not conservatives are editing out the trumpers from their lives because they feel the trumpers are too toxic to be around and the trumpers are complaining that nobody cares about them any more. The trumpers feel betrayed by their kids rejecting them.
I’m trying to imagine another decade of this trend. Whole generations of olds who feel rejected and betrayed and willing to lash out, even more.
Perhaps sometimes you think you do. But in every instance I can count, that is a presumption on your part born entirely out of rapturous ignorance.
You quite simply don’t know enough about the law when it comes to warrants for intrusive searches and surveillance. But it is the law itself, and not the activities of investigators and prosecutors, that deprives criminal suspects of civil liberties in these instances. The law for good or ill, gives investigators and prosecutors permission to lie on warrant applications. And they do it all the time. To gain that permission the government merely has to argue that the lie was unintentional and didn’t ultimately change anything. And that’s normally incredibly easy to do. Remember that the threshold standard here is probably cause, not proof beyond a doubt, etc. Probable cause is a ridiculously low bar to get over most of the time. “Cause” can be just about any material thing or circumstance – like for instance a douche-clown like Carter Page routinely bragging on record about engaging in sketchy conspiratorial behavior with known criminals. “Probable” is really nothing more than asking the judge to look at that “cause” in a light most favorable to the applicant, not the target.
So even when the government gets caught lying their asses off on warrant applications, which they do every single day in America, it normally does not strip the application of probable cause. Because it is stone simple to counter argue that whatever the lie may have been, it was just “a goof up”, and besides it wouldn’t have changed how the judge saw the application when viewed along with subsequent amendments, including amendments that “fix” the original “goof up”.
That’s the law, Dumbfuck. Def attorneys cry about it every damn day in this country. Just nobody pointing a camera at them. And btw, change that and you’ll be putting a shit ton of pretty serious crime lords on the street because, television notwithstanding, police investigators are a whole lot lazier than you think they are.
@49. i do enjoy reading the racist incel republicsplaing the law.
Betsy DeVos ignored her own staff, forced students defrauded by for-profit colleges to pay
DeVos overruled findings calling for full debt relief. Now she wants to gut the debt relief program entirely
“Under law, cheated students have the right to have their loans fully canceled, This partial denial scheme will force thousands of families to pay fraudulent debts that never should have existed in the first place.”
This should be a surprise to no one, but DeVos is heavily invested in student loan debt collection and for profit education companies.
Do you think she is intentionally reshaping education in America to keep our students ignorant and in debt?
That isn’t “the law” he’s republicsplaining.
It’s more like a narrated tour of the wrinkly contours of #FatNixon’s warty sphincter.
I think one of the most awesome products of the republiclown embrace of #FatNixon&Co. is seeing the entire amorphous mob of 63 million mewling dimwits being hitched to the company treadmill and led around in circles for four years of faithful plodding through growing piles of their own wastes by FoxNews and affiliated media. And all of it in service to a family of ill-bred, bucktoothed hacks and con artists who can’t get out of their own way.
That Democrats could lose to these people is the greatest failure of our system and the corp. Masters of the Universe who hijacked it. As they have so many times before, they took a very good thing with the potential to do great good for the most people, and in yet another effort to steal it for themselves, they turned it against us all. Only this time, instead of blowing a $17 trillion dollar hole in the economy, they are poised to blow a giant orange hole through The Constitution.
Time Person of the Year’s new twitter profile, “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.”
Yeah, like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron will ever take a stand against Putin or Prince Bone Saw when they can’t even bully a little girl without getting their asses handed back to them.
@ 43
BTW, more than half of these attorneys have made sworn filings to the federal court judges hearing their client’s cases that contained material omissions and/or alterations that have required subsequent filings to correct. O! M! G!!!!!!
Out of curiosity I am compelled to ask how many of those instances involved intentional falsification of evidence.
QoS McHillbilly, you know what the attorney did. You know it was not a misspelling of the name Smith.
Jason Howerton✔
Here’s the video… @tedcruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement for the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?”
IG HOROWITZ: “That is correct. That is what occurred.”
Embedded video
11:13 AM – Dec 11, 2019
I can remember when libbies were upset with anything that might possibly someday result in the US government having an ability to peer into the lives of US citizens. Like phone data archived by AT&T.
For some reason, though, the spying upon a US citizen by Obama’s FBI doesn’t seem to be a problem even though the evidence permitting it was known to be false at the time it was submitted to the FISA court.
Hey, maybe Durham has more info on stuff like this. Maybe not, but…
I can wait.
Stop while you’re behind, and before you drown in your own drool.
It has to be not merely “intentional” but with malice.
And it has to be material.
That’s the law for everybody, you and me, and the FBI, and your local state’s attorney. The standard is and has been extremely lenient toward the government for many decades. It’s baked into the system. Getting a warrant can be time consuming in some jurisdictions. In some circumstances it can require a lot of procedural hurdles to be cleared (instant case in point). But in each and every one of those jurisdictions and circumstances, falsehoods included in the application materials are not and never have been fatal to the application itself nor to the admissibility of the evidence collected there from.
You raging twat.
That’s the law. Same law for everybody.
No special law for preening crybabies demanding “a do-over”. Not a single Franks motion in all these cases after all this time. All of these people convicted of all these serious federal felonies hired teams of very expensive criminal defense lawyers with decades of experience trying and appealing these cases.
And here you are repeatedly insisting that you and Tucker Carlson know the law far, far better than any of them.
Well done.
@ 55
You forgot to use “no controlling legal authority.”
So Hunter will take down Grandpa Joe.
Joe Biden Still Can’t Answer Basic Questions About Hunter and Burisma
Barack & his OFA crew will take down Sanders and Warren.
Who’s left?
Mayor Pete? Andrew Yang?
Still at it, I see.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit dismisses this stock because it doesn’t pay a dividend. No money to purchase rectal catheters unless one sells one’s shares.
10:22 AM EST, 12/04/2019 (MT Newswires) — Varian Medical Systems ( VAR ) has an average rating among analysts of buy, with an average price target of $146.
A week ago UBS raised its target price to $160 from $155.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit preferred GE over VAR, in no small part because of GE’s dividend. It was not long afterward that GE slashed its dividend by 95%. GE now trades at less than half of its share price when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended it.
How the law confronts challenges to warrants and evidence in criminal trials is not some narrowly drawn, highly technical specialty area needle threading you dimwit.
This is fundamental 2L shit covered on the bar exam in most states.
PS Today, Charles Krauthammer is dead, having never enjoyed one single erection after his 23rd birthday. And Al Gore is still a multi-multi-millionaire who fucks…. in a private jet.
He’s like the energizer bunny troll. Must be very hard on the horse too.
You’re not going to get these people to ageee with your point of view. They are Marxist-Leninist zealots and aren’t going to change.
Either one would be my preference
Do trolls have points of view? I haven’t heard one point of view from any troll….including you
@ 60
And Al Gore is still a multi-multi-millionaire who fucks…. in a private jet.
So is Bill Clinton. Jeffrey Epstein could have told you that, although not lately.
Nobel isn’t White House. John Roberts and Samuel Alito can tell you that.
I have my preference for the primary, Warren,, but will campaign like hell for whoever earns the Democratic primary nomination. All are better than the current miserable failure in the White House.
Today I am working on a proposal for an Energy Resilience Project in NYC. Part of the funding, $45M, is coming from HUD. The Project evolved out of HUD’s Rebuild by Design Competition (RBD) in 2013 to address communities impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The city is kicking in another $26M towards the Project. One small little project of the many that will be required or completed across the globe.
You Trolls are going to pay for Climate change one way or the other, and the other is probably more of a temporary band aid than a solution. You trolls are idiots without any fucking brains.
@65 is one hell of a point of view……that’s what I’m saying.
Why don’t you tell us. After all, you’re a troll.
Sorry, I couldn’t find the MSNBC headline announcing that she had tweeted this nonsense out in the first place.
Rashida Tlaib Deletes Tweet Erroneously Blaming White Supremacy for NJ Jewish Market Shootings
Cz-252, you’re always so good with linking to everything you post. Perhaps you can find a leftist source praising this POS for blaming the actions of Black Hebrew Israelite racists on “white supremacy”.
@69…I expressed my point of view in @67. Any questions? Fire away. What I expressed is by far greater than any point of view of yours or any other Trolls’ here.
Now – if you want to get into a fancy debate with fancy words to prove your superiority then your end game is no different from being a troll (your starting point).
@ 67
You TrollsYLB’s kids are going to pay for Climate change one way or the other…ftfy
If you want to call me a Troll for Trolling a Troll then ok I’m a troll.
But I don’t hang out (all day, every day like Bob) on any right wing sites, just to troll. Heck this is the only site I make any comments on.
I’m here to have a discussion to better the World not to banter back and forth with stupidity of partisan talk, like Bob, and the other right wing fucks here. And the likes of yourself, that are here for no fucking reason at all.
@72 and I believe you have claimed you pay for YLB’s kids, so in essence you win again.
And when the day comes when no money at all will fix the problem(s), because it is too late and never addressed properly by you fucks, then what? I hope your grand kids suffer for it.
@39 “Where’s the outrage about the killing of two Jews (and a third in subsequent gunfire) by racists in New Jersey? Might it possibly not fit your narrative?”
See @60 of previous thread, dummy. Btw, here’s what happens to morons who try to school someone else about their own shortcomings:
Maybe there’s a lesson in there for you, too.
I don’t see why Cz-252 has to do anything until you address White Supremacy in this Country first.
White Supremist – 99
Non White Supremist – 1
White Supremist – Winner
@40 You’re positively hilarious when you’re attacking law enforcement. Do I need to explain that?
@48 “The not conservatives are editing out the trumpers from their lives because they feel the trumpers are too toxic to be around and the trumpers are complaining that nobody cares about them any more. The trumpers feel betrayed by their kids rejecting them.”
There’s nothing new about this. Toxic antisocials have been ostracized from polite society since the dawn of time. It’s a kind of self-defense.
@77 see how fast the Trolls run away!
I have to get back to work – it’s been fun!
Neither is Pulitzer.
And $15,000 in prize money is not $1,000,000.
Know what else? Twenty two years of education only to step into a career that pays less than minimum wage is a very, very shitty deal.
And if you were anywhere near as “smart a hillbilly” as you claim, none of this would have to be explained to you.
@50 For laughs, yes. And for the priceless opportunity to make fun of a dumbfuck doctor trying to school lawyers about legal matters. See @75 for example of what this can lead to when a dumbfuck president tries it with a not-dumbfuck teenager.
@51 ” … DeVos is heavily invested in student loan debt collection and for profit education companies. Do you think she is intentionally reshaping education in America to keep our students ignorant and in debt?”
No, if what you say is true, it’s just another example of a Republican using public office to line her own pockets, and of the corrupt conflicts of interest that permeate this administration. Here’s another one:
And another one:
There are more, but there’s not enough space here to cite them all, because the GOP’s corruption is bottomless.
@54 “how many of those instances involved intentional falsification of evidence”
Well, I can think of a U.S. president who’s currently being impeached for using taxpayer money to coerce a foreign ally to intentionally fabricate false evidence against his political opponent, and I also can think of a dumbfuck doctor who sees nothing wrong with that when the president in question is a Republican.
Do you think you have any credibility here? Really? Do I need to explain why everyone thinks you’re just a troll? Heck, you’ve admitted you’re trolling. We mock you because you’re not very good at it. In fact, you’re lousy at it. See @55 for more details.
@56 Let’s hypothesize a case in which there’s “no controlling legal authority.” Do you have any fucking idea what happens then?
@58 What Doc doesn’t get is that 54% of the electorate will vote for the local street corner drug dealer before they’ll vote for the drug dealer in the White House (Bolton’s description). And that’s before Trump does whatever he’s going to do between now and the election, which he’s bound to do, because he can’t help being Trump.
@59 I can cash my dividend checks at my bank. If you try to cash your stock price targets at your bank, you’ll be arrested for check fraud. See, that’s the difference between a rabbit and a dumbfuck: I don’t have to risk jail to collect my investing rewards. It takes a dumbfuck to turn making an honest buck into a criminal act.
@61 It’s gotta be harder than hell on the batteries, which must need very frequent replacement.
@62 It’s always easy to spot a dumbshit holding an empty hand. When he’s got nothing, not even a pair of deuces, he plays the “Marxist-Leninist” card. It’s a sort of joker card in this game.
@65 And making history by getting impeached isn’t the same as being remembered for winning a Nobel Prize. Any historian can tell you that.
@69 Explain how a liberal can be a troll on a liberal blog. A troll calling someone else a troll doesn’t count.
@70 Lost the links to your favorite “sources”? Here, I’ll help you out (finding these took me all of 4 seconds):
The Party of Leopards Eating People’s Faces studiously pointing out whenever tigers eat people’s faces and making it absolutely clear so that nobody mistakes it, those are tigers.
Got it. Feeling so much safer now.
I repeat @ 57:
Hunter Biden will take down Grandpa Joe.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s baby mama will get to grill the vice president’s son under oath about money he made from Burisma and his ties to foreign companies as judge orders him to be deposed in the child support case before Christmas
In a separate order, McSpadden said DNA tests have been accepted but he deferred a formal ruling that Biden is the father until the next hearing. He also told the lawyers to refer to the child by his or her initials in future filings.
This allows Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to claim that no deposition should be held, as paternity has not yet been definitively established, and to move that the depositions be delayed until the First Wednesday of November 2020.
@ 86
@59 I can cash my dividend checks at my bank.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the GE quarterly dividend is $0.01/share. You owned 200 shares.
You probably spent more than $2.00 on the Depends replacement you needed when you got home from the bank.
Stellar argument, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Stellar. You really got me on that. You must have been an attorney once, amirite? Marcia Clark School of Law and Hair Perms?
@94 Now you think the 2020 election is a paternity trial? Yeah, I can see how a dumbfuck would go there, while ignoring the issue of characterless leadership confronting voters.
Yeah, keep fucking that chicken, dumbfuck.
Every Republican You Know voted into the White House a guy who laughed and bragged on an open mike about raping women, then ditched multiple wives to pay strippers and porn starts to fuck him with money stolen from charities, and then structured payments from his campaign fund to shut them up.
We know this. They don’t even bother denying it anymore.
And yet somehow the Qanon/PizzaCannibal media are convinced that some other guy can’t ever be President because his 50-year-old son might be skeevy.
All their once mighty pulpits now lie smoldering in a pile of Diet Coke and Astro Glide soaked embers surrounded by spent condoms and oily Quarter Pounder wrappers.
Just listened to an impassioned plea by Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) to “step back” from impeaching Trump. His arguments: Impeachment is becoming too commonplace, promotes tit-for-tat politics (citing Robert Bork), and is divisive (citing the Clinton impeachment). This is a guy who voted to impeach Clinton.
Now listening to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) whine about Democratic “tyranny” and accusing Schiff and Nadler of “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.” Then argues “ya gotta go to court before it can be obstruction of Congress.” There’s a reason why Gohmert is widely considered the dumbest member of Congress.
“Hunter Biden will take down Grandpa Joe.”
I foresee our future including coming across this exact same sentence thousands of times in these threads.
@99 Too bad the stock market isn’t as predictable as Teh Dumbfuck’s bleating.
Yeah, that and “Just wait till you see what’s in the Durham Report! Yup! Yup! Huhr duhr, YUP!”
Same as it ever was.
You Bob grabs stuff out of thin air when one day he tries to tell you Mayor would be ok but in 2028 after some time in DC, the very same place that he and the other Repukes rail about, and voted a Hump that had no political experience but an actor of comedy show, and yet today says differently but only when he can add Andrew Yang to the sentence.
Bob your arguments are full of holes and shit
@102 “Bob your arguments are full of holes and shit”
That’s like saying water is wet.
I was on the Subway, rushing to type my comment before reaching my stop, the next stop. A couple of words missing – should be “You know” and Mayor Pete.
Not that that changes @102 or @103.
Jeremy Corbyn is celebrating his crushing victory over Boris Johnson. /sarc
@ 99
I foresee our future including coming across this exact same sentence thousands of times in these threads.
Steve, the issue is whether you’ll see this come to pass in November.
U.S., China strike partial trade deal that cuts tariffs
The move would add to another 2020 campaign-boosting trade accomplishment Trump achieved this week: a deal with House Democrats on a new pact to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Any China announcement would also cap a week of other political wins, ranging from House passage of a defense spending bill that included creation of the Space Force and an executive order to combat anti-Semitism.
Three people briefed on the talks said Trump was partially swayed to close a deal by a Chinese offer to purchase $200 billion worth of U.S. goods and services over a period of two years. That includes a meeting a demand to boost imports of U.S. farm goods to $50 billion within the same period.
Gee, it’s really too bad the impeachment effort is going so badly for Democrats. More and more this is looking like a Trump re-election.
I’m guessing by summer Democrats will be praying for RBG to keel over so that they have something to rally support.
Parties should not let anti-Semites into leadership. Parties deserve what they get if they do.
Ian Murray✔
Every door I knocked on, and my team and I spoke to 11,000 people, mentioned Corbyn. Not Brexit but Corbyn. I’ve been saying this for years. The outcome is that we’ve let the country down and we must change course and fast.
3:42 PM – Dec 12, 2019
What a disgusting POS Corbyn has proven to be.
One-fifth of the federal judiciary is Trump-nominated now. He’s still got five years to go.
Trump Ends Liberal Domination of 9th Circuit Appeals Court as Senate Confirms Lawrence VanDyke
Hillary had a 2-to-1 funding advantage and Obama’s FBI/DOJ in her back pocket. She still lost to him.
Hunter Biden will take down Grandpa Joe.
If Warren is your plan B, might as well quit now, libbies.
Somebody should tell Goldy that it’s still an Electoral College election.
I say, in the 2020 presidential primary and general election, how about if we all just vote for the person we each think will do the best job running our country in this historical moment, rather than confounding our ourselves with unknowable “electability” calculations.
“If only Hillary had a larger majority in California.” doesn’t help you, dude.
Alright, how many predicted that under Trump:
• DJIA 28,000+
• Unemployment rate 3.5%
• Inflation 2.1%
• Trade agreements with China, Canada, Mexico?
OK, now run in opposition to all of that.
Fuck, no wonder y’all are bettin’ the ranch on impeachment. If it doesn’t work, y’all got nothin’ else..
We have #FatNixon for the next eleven months.
You have him forever.
@111 you don’t have to run in opposition to it. All you have to do is put in in perspective for what it really is. And that is nothing.
DJIA was pretty much on that trajectory – anything but that is a complete failure. Wall Street is pumping it up – fuck if someone farts a rose they love it.
Unemployment – same thing was on the same trajectory – only 1 percentage point below where it was when taken office. What was it suppose to go in the opposite direction. And those jobs, just like Repukes like to talk about, majority of growth all low paying jobs. I bet the average annual # of jobs is no different or not much different than before the HUMP.
Inflation – have no idea never looked at it…but I’m sure it’s relatively the same.
GDP goal – not met – Repukes always spoke about the current figures being paltry.
Minimum wage – which brought peoples average income higher – fought by Republicans. Will they continue to fight for $15. Yes.
Trade agreements. With the help of Democrats – made it happen. China – still a fucked up mess. Farmers had to be bailed out.
Deficit – a fucking balloon – all the Hump’s doing.
Then you have the Feds that bent to the Hump’s pressure…when interest rates were low with Obama, Repukes complained that it would cause inflation…but no, and now they love low interest rates. Interest rates were on the rise before the Hump – did that hurt Obama’s economy?
Corruption – Wall – that’s what all they have to and should do.
See if you twist your little story from reality – it looks great Bob.
Address each one – but you wont, because all you are doing is Trolling. Now Democrats are scared to phrase it this way because they can be very short sighted at times.
Now if unemployment was on the rise before taking office and then dramatically turned downward, then maybe you have a point. But once again you pull shit from thin air. Inflate it and yeah people are brainwashed….dumb mother fuckers, but brainwashed and dumb.
And after another 5 years and Climate change is worse – boy that will be a lot of winning. People want to be stupid, they deserve the worse in their lives, and I’ll be happy to watch. But I also will fight for my rights and causes – no laying down my arms.
@107 What boom? All I see is China getting what it wants in exchange for buying some of our crops. But hey, if my stocks go up tomorrow … I’ll vote for the Democrats anyway.
So will the 54% of Americans who, according to polls, have already made up their minds about not voting for Trump under any circumstances.
But Trump can still enjoy Boris Johnson’s blowout election victory vicariously. Maybe Boris will even invite him to No. 10 Downing Street as a tourist.
Bob, go take a look at the inflation rate over the last 5 years.
2016 – 1.5%
there after it crept up to close to 3% in 2017 and 2018, it peaked close 2 time. And now you are celebrating current 2% and on the rise. It’s never been below the 2016 rate. Nor prior years when it was below 2016 rate.
Bravo Doctor – you are a genius. I think I know the reason why you had to settle to be a Radiologist.
@110 In which Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates tyranny of the minority. (But only when Republicans are in the minority — ed.)
@111 What trade agreements with China, Canada, and Mexico? There’s not much more in them than Joe McCarthy’s blank sheets of paper. But hey, that’s what rightwing bullshitters do, when they can’t do anything else.
Go look at the GDP growth rate. A lot sadder under The Hump.
@116 “why you had to settle to be a Radiologist”
Because he was kicked out of social worker school?
The graphs tell the true story.
Check out the consumer confidence one….Consumer confidence dips right before the 2016 election – why? Because Repukes brainwashed people with fear and gloom and doom nightly.
All the current economy proves is that people can be fooled easily and are stupid brainless fucks – dogs (sorry Roger) are smarter than them. No wonder sometime your dog stares at you with that look of “Boy you are a stupid motherfucker”.
In the link provide – you can add a trend line.
Jobs rate is been trending down ever since the Hump – over a 5 year period. Great accomplishment.
“Steve, the issue is whether you’ll see this come to pass in November.”
The issue, Doctor, is your being a dumbfuck. As we saw with your thousands of dumbfuck Hillary hashtags, your being a dumbfuck changes nothing. But please feel free to continue with your dumbfucking.
“DJIA 28,000+”
Jesus Fucking Christ, Doctor, are you still ejaculating over your orange moron failing to achieve the DJIA gains realized under both Bill Clinton and the usurping Muslim commie Jihadist from Kenyan??
Of course, if a last place finish behind the previous two Democrat presidents makes you feel proud, Doctor, then please feel free to continue to sharing that with us.
Don’t stop believin’.
American Leftists Believed Corbyn’s Inevitable Victory Would Be Their Model
Here’s the most recent laugher quoted in the piece:
“Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn Might Create a Revolution,” Robert Borosage, The Nation, April 2019
Since then, Bernie’s had a heart attack and Corbyn’s committed political suicide, but you go, Nationites.
“The American Left Has Found a New Hero,” Paul Blest, The Outline, June 2017
If there’s anything YLB craves, it’s a new hero. Her kneepads need to get out sparkle.
“Only Socialism Can Defeat Trumpism,” by Nicole Aschoff and Bhaskar Sunkara, The Nation, November 2016
“As with the collapsing social democrats in Europe, the Democratic Party’s best bet is to move left and embrace a platform that speaks to the real needs, fears, and aspirations of working people. …”
Y’all libbies gonna be way, way far left before it’s clear that Klobuchar wasn’t kidding.
Some of you might not have heard that
Hunter Biden will take down Grandpa Joe.
Revealed: Hunter Biden ‘possession of controlled substance’ charge kept under wraps while father led drug war from Senate
Joe Biden’s son Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged at a time when his father was pushing for the incarceration of drug offenders drawn disproportionately from minority groups.
What a POS.
You forgot goodbye Labour Party. Without Scotland there will never be another Labour majority.
Goldy Retweeted
David Rothkopf✔
Goodbye, Scotland. Goodbye, Wales. Goodbye, Northern Ireland. Boris Johnson will rule the smallest country of any British leader since Aethelred.
Which, if you think about it, is the price that should be paid for a party that chose Jeremy Corbyn as its leader.
Ivanka Trump
Verified account
Congratulations Prime Minister Boris Johnson!
9:03 PM – 12 Dec 2019
YLB, the above is the proper use of an exclamation point. There’s only one, and it’s not part of a sea of all-caps, girlfriend.
@125 We’re voting on Brexit next year?
“What a POS.”
I take it this means you’re voting for Putin again.
@ 130
I’ll vote for Klobuchar.
Conservative turnout increased by 2%.
Labour turnout decreased by 9%.
Make that formerly our greatest geopolitical foe.
Russia’s only carrier, damaged in shipyard accident, now on fire
Blog comment to avoid Disqus censorship:
Demokraten scheißen ihre Hosen.
Les Démocrates chient leur pantalon.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t get it. For him it’s a thrice-daily occurence, as routine as checking email.
“Make that formerly our greatest geopolitical foe.”
Which makes the way you and your orange moron allow Putin to lead you by the nose as you betray America in benefit of Russia particularly disgusting.
@133 “Make that formerly our greatest geopolitical foe.”
Yeah, now they can’t invade any more countries on their border, threaten Western Europe with their tank armies, park missile subs off our coasts, launch ICBMs, or fuck with our elections. At least a dumbfuck might think so.
@ 134
Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn: I got my ideas from Bernie Sanders
“Bernie called me the day after our election here,” Jeremy Corbyn said in an interview published Thursday by the Intercept. “I was half-asleep watching something on television. And Bernie comes on to say, well done on the campaign, and I was interested in your campaigning ideas. Where did you get them from? And I said, well, you, actually.”
Corbyn, who won the leadership of the Labour Party in 2015 and held it after a 2016 challenge, has frequently been cited by Sanders as an example of how left politics can win.
It’s really too bad for the GOP that AOC is too young to run for president in 2020.
@ 136
Yeah, now they can’t invade any more countries on their border, threaten Western Europe with their armies, park missile subs off our coasts, launch ICBMs, or fuck with our elections.
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, so much of that was during Obama’s second term. When he had all of that famous flexibility to bend over for Putin.
It demonstrates it knows as much about NY-14 as it knows about the law.
Outgoing GOP Gov. Bevin sells a pardon to alien body-snatcher for $22,000 –
Seems like a nice guy.
Fair to say Bevin had a mountain of campaign debt to retire and a sudden loss of financial support.
So he sold what he could.