There is a crow’s nest in the tree across from my apartment. They must have just had a chick, because they’re aggressively dive-bombing people. Over the weekend, I saw that avian asshole attack 2 people so much that they ran away. Fortunately, they haven’t gone after me yet. But others have. I feel like they’re more aggressive than usual this year, but I don’t know.
Oh look. It’s another rally for free speech.
That’s some mighty fine “patriotism”.
““…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
A person like you knows nothing about free speech.
Teach them to attack republicans.
Avian Antifa.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Right. Because mass shootings aren’t terror (if they’re not done by Muslims).
Or maybe, just maybe, it was an effort at reassurance to residents of a city in which 49 people were murdered in an attack less than a year ago, one described by CNN as the worst terror incident in the US since 9/11.
You’re nothing if not consistent, Goldy. Stay classy.
I guess it’s because he’s so far ahead in the polls.
Democrat Jon Ossoff declines a 6th District debate on CNN
“The Atlanta Press Club has a 25-year history of providing Georgia voters fair and balanced debates through its Loudermilk-Young Debate Series,” Strauss said. “We regret Jon Ossoff has declined to be a part of this debate, which would have helped inform the voters of Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District and engaged viewers around the country.”
Although I can see his point. Why would Ossoff want to inform 6th CD voters? It’s not like they’re his neighbors or anything.
Goldy’s world:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA 11h11 hours ago
Replying to @GoldyHA
3/ These fascist “alt-right” hate groups know history too. They use violence as a political tool because history tells them that it works…
The world the rest of us live in:
A New Wave of Left-Wing Militants Is Ready to Rumble in Portland—and Beyond
In Portland, Rose City Antifa’s coalition at this weekend’s pro-Trump rally will include the local chapter of Redneck Revolt, a national network whose outreach has targeted right-wing militia members.
Redneck Revolt is just one among a handful of left-wing groups that have pledged to resist emboldened white supremacists and right-wing extremists through “direct action” that sometimes goes beyond nonviolent protest—including picking up arms. Some see themselves as the heirs of ’60s radicals like the Black Panthers, while others look to the antifa movement for inspiration.
Don’t know much about history…
Shortly after the Inauguration Right Track/Wrong Track polling climbed to a dead even 47%/47% Just a few months later sitting at 33%/61%.
Fake news since it’s R friendly Rasmussen.
Heckofa job!
No President blamed Mayor Ron Norick for the Oklahoma City Bombing. No President blamed Mayor Rudy Guiliani for 9-11. No President blamed Mayor Gregg Nickles for Seattle Jewish Federation shootings. No President blamed Michael Bloomberg for the Times Square bombing. No President blamed Mayor Tom Menino for the Boston Marathon Bombing. No President blamed Mayor Carl Austin-Behan for Manchester Bombing. A president did Blame Mayor Sadiq Khan for an attack in London.
We’re left with three options.
1. He’s racist because all Muslims love terror attacks.
2. He’s an incredible asshole. (not a policy statement just he’s an asshole)
3. Both
@ 9
Which of those mayors, following multiple terrorist attacks in a short period of time, told people there was no cause for alarm, Cz-252?
Did Trump blame Khan for the attack? Or for Khan’s detached response to it?
One of these is not like the other, clown.
@ 8
Shortly after Obama’s re-election, 12/2012, the right track number was at 41%.
In April of 2016 it was at 24%.
For most of the final two years of Obama’s presidency the right track number was in the 20s.
What is your point, Cz-252? That Trump has a ways to fall, still, before he reaches the Obama lows?
Reading comprehension.
“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”
The Trump response would presumably be.
“Stay in your homes with the gun in your hand. Don’t go to work, ANYONE!! It’s not safe! They are going to kill us all!!!!!! MOOOSLIMS!!!!”
Well at the current rate he’ll hit Obama’s low by the end of his first year. For comparison at the end of Obama’s fist year at innauguration time it was 27% R / 63% W Six months later it was 37 %/ 55% in the early days of the great recession.
But thanks for suggesting, quite wrongly, that DerTrumper is doing well with the public.
He could have added, “While he’s out golfing and not preparing for Hurricane season…”
@ 12
You could use some reading comprehension yourself.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”
4:31 AM – 4 Jun 2017
Where, exactly, in Trump’s tweet did he blame the attack on the mayor of London, Cz-252?
That’s what you wrote @ 9.
“A president did Blame Mayor Sadiq Khan for an attack in London.”
So did Trump blame Khan for the attack, Cz-252? Or did your reading comprehension skills fail you, asswipe?
Amid the turmoil leading to today’s third straight day of Evergreen closure, HuffPo has this:
A Liberal’s Perspective: Evergreen College And The Fascism Of The Illiberal Left
These so called “activists” are not interested in dialogue — one of them said exactly that in a video of their confrontation. They are only interested in their political agenda being enacted at all costs, without any negotiation with dissenters. To me, that mentality is inherently illiberal and undemocratic. It is close enough to fascism to warrant use of the label “fascist” at this point.
The majority of Americans who utterly reject the ridiculous behavior of this growing group must not let the extremists control the narrative by characterizing their behavior as being politically rebellious or “on the right side of history.” Instead, this behavior must be portrayed as it truly is, as a shameful and pedestrian surrender to authoritarian political doctrine and mob mentality.
It wasn’t the pro-Trump demonstrators shut down by the Portland police yesterday, libbies. It was your ilk that drew the police.
Doubt you’ll learn your lesson by 2018. Maybe you’ll learn it in time to avoid Trump’s re-election.
“We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!” Donald Trump Tweet, AKA, Britain/London isn’t taking it seriously though as usual, the first named perpetrator is British born so a travel ban would have done nothing.
@ 16
So while Trump criticized the mayor’s response to the terrorist attack, Cz-252 infers that what Trump actually did was blame the mayor for the attack.
This is why you libbies are so surprised when you lose. You believe so much which simply is not so.
Would be easier to admit you erred, Cz-252. First rule of holes.
Hey, Elijah, look at the bright side. You only have seven months’ worth of comments to revise. Oh, and your entire online existence on HA.
It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class.
Observers have often used the education gap to conjure images of poor people flocking to Trump, but the truth is, many of the people without college degrees who voted for Trump were from middle- and high-income households. That’s the basic problem with using education to measure the working class.
In short, the narrative that attributes Trump’s victory to a “coalition of mostly blue-collar white and working-class voters” just doesn’t square with the 2016 election data. According to the election study, white non-Hispanic voters without college degrees making below the median household income made up only 25 percent of Trump voters. That’s a far cry from the working-class-fueled victory many journalists have imagined.
The ultimate unfairness might be the value of a college education. While YLB’s degreed children will struggle to find jobs, after which they will be working to fund my retirement while chances for a funded retirement of their own grow increasingly smaller, a lot of GOP voters seem to do very well without the sheepskin:
To look at it another way, among white people without college degrees who voted for Trump, nearly 60 percent were in the top half of the income distribution. In fact, one in five white Trump voters without a college degree had a household income over $100,000.
Fun factoid: I bet a bunch of those uneducated hillbillies who make six figures and voted for Trump are union members. Thanks, AFL-CIO!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
LOTS of white people in Seattle have no black friends, yet it’s “bad” that an immigrant brown-skinned Socialist has no Republican friends?
Let’s get a little closer to apple/apple comparisons here. Goldy, in the Seattle area how many white elected representatives of the people have no black friends?
It’s truly amazing what a complete dumbshit you are.
That’s been my point all along, genius.
The people who elected a pill-drunk puppet of a Russian Dictator in 2016 just because an (R) appeared after his name on the ballot are the very same people who elected Captain Codpiece in 2000. The racist, ignorant, debt and cable-porn addicted sloburban NASCAR dads and soccer moms. You ignoramuses want nothing more than to pretend that this embarrassment of a Presidency is somehow because of something, something, economy, something, something, Oxy, something, something, “Dey terk er jerbs!” And that Fuckface Von Clownstick is somehow the Democrats fault.
No fucking sale, dumbshit.
Your party regulars and stalwarts nominated him overwhelmingly. There hasn’t been a more Republican Presidential candidate since Reagan.
He’s all yours. 100% Republican, conservative, Heritage Foundation, Contract With America, yours. You people, every single one of you, will forever hereafter be associated with the most embarrassing calamity of a President evah. It’s not the trailer people’s fault. Lets face it, those people don’t vote, and they don’t really want jobs either. They turned out for your Orange Jesus, but it was guys like you and the rest of your fellow Republican trolls who put Vladimir Putin in charge of the U.S. nuclear launch codes.
Too bad for you traitors that the hillbilly bell has been ringing loud and clear for the last twelve months. No unringing it now. The Republican Party will forever henceforth be the party of David Duke, Stars and Bars, The Lost Cause, Biker Militia Patriotic Blue Lives Matter Pizzagate Jade Helm Birfer Keystone Light Okie Noodlin sister-fuckin Hillbillies. Embrace it, bitches. God knows you worked hard for it after a few thousand pro-Putin hashtags.
Take heart, YLB. At least a lot – most? – of the dough you dropped on your childrens’ education to be Uber conversationalists wasn’t your own dough.
The Diminishing Returns of a College Degree
Rising costs and declining benefits mean the rate of return on a college investment is starting to fall for many Americans. Some observers have begun asking whether it might not be better for more students to forgo college in favor of less expensive postsecondary training in vocations like welding and plumbing. The New York Federal Reserve Bank says about 40% of recent college graduates are “underemployed,” often for a long time. They sometimes resort to taking jobs as Uber drivers or baristas. With some inexpensive vocational training, they could easily get jobs that pay much better.
Nowadays, because of underemployment among college graduates, restaurant owners can hire bartenders who have college degrees. Credential inflation is at work. In the mid-1970s, far less than 1% of taxi drivers were college graduates; by 2010 more than 15% were. Is it possible that by 2030 a master’s degree in janitorial science could be a prerequisite for a job sweeping floors?
I hope your Bickles-in-training can still bunk with you, YLB.
Seth Rich
Death Panels
Jade Helm
Mailbox Stickers
Vince Foster
Intelligent Design
Voter Fraud
Supply Side
Whitey Tape
Gun Grab
Homosexual Agenda
Largest inauguration evah
Obama’s Trouser Tent
Global Warming Hoaxers
End the Fed
Center for Medical Progress
Sandy Hook Twoof
bleep – bloop – internet is broken by Teh Hillbilly Stoopid
Welcome to wild Washington. It’s what raven’s do when they have chicks. They will stop when the chicks are out of the nest. Meanwhile enjoy the entertainment the birds and your neighbors will provide. Make bets with friends. Set up an illegal casino for those escaping the crows to stumble into.
Wild Washington!!! Almost as exciting as the wild wild west.
@1 Odd your using an excerpt from a work that would not exist if it were not for free speech or thought. Government has a lot of reasons to ban such works. Should we discuss the reason the film maker used “Singing in the Rain” including how the movie maker mimics the original, perhaps to contrast with the violence of man? Also note the painting, it’s not just a random part of the work, Stanley put it there intentionally.
The movie is of course a work of fiction, and not reality. If you feel that the author though got the future right then you are also saying we have a government that controls us even if it does so with good intent, of course in the book the government is not doing it out of the goodness of it’s heart, but wants to control people for it’s benefit and the benefit of oligarchic friends.
@4 Not at all they are just crows, or perhaps Chief Seattl’s ghost is having a chuckle or two. Silly city dwellers not being smart enough to avoid the ravens.
Someone will probably call animal control. They may hear laughter at the other end of the line, or the wheels of the city will start rolling and there will be a crow massacre, the tree destroyed and protests on the streets of Seattle.
@5 Of course most mass slayings in the US are not terror done by Muslims. Since any killing of two or more people can be considered a mass killing, most mass killings have something to do with drugs or alcohol rather than terror.
@7 Clearly the mayor needs to act like Justinian yet avoid a Nika Revolt. Yet if a revolt happens he should force both groups into a small area and slaughter them, doubt it will be 50,000, but doubt the mayor is that kind of leader, but like Justinian he is using one or both groups to his own political ends.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s kind of guy,
“Official Resigns After Blaming Flint Water Crisis On ‘N****rs Who Don’t Pay Their Bills’”
“There is a crow’s nest in the tree across from my apartment. They must have just had a chick, because they’re aggressively dive-bombing people.”
Yeah, a crow strafed me this morning while its mate glared at me from a tree branch. I must have walked past the wrong tree.
@9 The Mayor of London is open to criticism. If Teresa May could fire the man he would already be gone. As it is there is going to be a conflict between the government, and the City of London (the seat of government). We avoid this conflict by creating the District of Columbia, thus our capital is controlled by the Federal Government and it’s security falls directly on the Federal Government. This may affect the coming election, but afterwards the Conservatives if they remain in power are likely to have a few proposals concerning the security of London. Kahn might not be out of a job, but he may find he is no longer in charge of it’s police or security.
@11 Only matters if he intends to run for reelection. Perhaps he intends to be a one term President. We won’t know until after the midterms. So lots of fun fun fun until then and more fun fun fun after he decides to run or not.
A British adaptation of a British novel would be unlikely to have depended on your faulty middle school concept of United States Constitutional law…
thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil.
@29 Darned crows.
You are suggesting that the mostly liberal citizens of Metropolitan London would repeal the Greater Lonon Authority Acts and relinquish local sovereignty to the of late conservative central government. Guess what? Sarah Palin can’t see Russia from Wasilla, and you can’t see Southwark from your trailer park in Bonney Lake.
@2. Freedom of speech? How about just plain old freedom?
“You believe so much which simply is not so.” Kids say the darndest things. Spoken like a true dumbfuck.
Who started a war in Iraq based upon repeated lies? Who defends a POTUS that would rather align with Nicaragua and Syria and give the proverbial finger to the whole planet? Better yet, who continually bleats that we need a business person/CEO to run the country like it is a business? Yeah, it is working out real well for us now, as we had over our moral high ground and standing as the leader of the free world because we have a petulant child with a cell phone that is allowed to tweet statements that are anything but “diplomatic”. Trump acts more and more like a sociopath every single day.
Is pharmacology a great candidate for next AI based app?
Is boob still in afterglow?
Hey shitstain steve…
Regarding Flint Michigan …
Probably the manager was a white DUMMOCRETIN who hates blacks like many DUMMOCRETINS on this blog whom hate blacks!
Should we discuss the reason the film maker used “Singing in the Rain”
He didn’t.
After five long, arduous days of shooting the very same two minute scene over and over, struggling to find a way to make the randomness and gratuitousness of the violence serve the story, Mr. Kubrick asked Malcolm McDowell if he could dance. That was the full extent of his direction according to McDowell and the other principal actors. McDowell ad-libbed the rest.
How would conservative traitors explain the random and gratuitous violence of fake “free speech” bigots like Jeremy Christian, Based Stickman, or Patriot Prayer? How does it serve their story? What does it say about them? Same thing it said about Alex and his droogs. They’re nihilists. And as a great man once said, “Nah, Donnie. These men are nihilists. There’s nothin’ to be afraid of.”
They say first impressions count! Now imagine that your first and only impression of a black man was of the loon and his exploding head.
This can’t bode well for the loon.
“‘Major Trump supporter’ accused of fatally stabbing black man following bus stop political argument”
Egad! He’s deteriorating before our eyes!
“Trump Holds Bogus ‘Signing Ceremony’ To Pretend He’s Doing Something”
Much like the loon and Doctor Dumbfuck. It’s like treason drives people batshit insane or something.
I’m solidly Gen X and I really don’t feel bad that I killed JC Penny’s, PanAm, Oldmobile and Circuit City. I did not wish to work in the Steel Mill so I killed Bethlehem Steel. I would not eat TV Dinners so Swanson’s is dead. It’s my parents fault for coddling me. I used less paper plates so I killed all the lumber towns.
Granddad loved Boxing but my peers would neither box or watch boxing as adults though I listened to Ali/Foreman on the AM HiFi. I heard that horseracing used to be broadcast weekly. Maybe I can start watching and bring back Superstars on Wild World of Sports.
Get off my lawn…
‘Psychologically scarred’ millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it’s their parents’ fault
The media is so liberal it’s impossible for a conservative to get a job on TV.
I mean singing about queer guitar players (hate ’em), dreaming of the great times ‘If the South Woulda Won’ and comparing the president to Hitler and saying he’s a Muslim who hates cowboys and loves fags would get you blacklisted faster than Kathy Griffin cause it’s like HUAC for conservatives these days, right? Everybody knows that, right?
ESPN brings Back Hank Williams Jr.
@ 43
They don’t have the money to spend.