Amazing protest of ICE yesterday. It seems like every day there’s a new horror. Baby cages. Mass deportations on the first day of school. It would be great to have human decency at the border.
If you’re a white cop with Klan sympathies and put your house up for sale, it might be a good idea to take down the framed Klan certificate and Confederate flags before the open house if you want to keep your job.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe it’s just me, but I think KKK members should be kicked off our police forces, because I can see where it might adversely affect their job performance.
Violent toddler and infant porn? You freaks are fucking sick in the head, Doctor.
“White Supremacist Arrested In Boulder For Violent Toddler And Infant Porn”
The conservative racist incel is consistent, It’s all about money and nit picking.
The base may love :
Children Left Homeless, Crying in Streets After Massive ICE Raids of 680 Undocumented Immigrants Across Mississippi while the employers don’t have any charges filed against them.
but it appears to be selling badly to the rest of the country.
I expect we will be at war, have a scheduled terrorist attack and russian hacking by the election to balance this out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you’re a Trump supporter, whether you’re a racist or not, you’re asking to be branded as one, and it’s your own fault.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Can you predict elections, too?
He says he can.
He repeatedly assured us all that Moscow Mitch’s brilliant stage management of the nomination for Associate Justice BeerBong McDateRape would produce a tidal wave of electoral support for the WhitePower! party from college educated suburban white women.
He insisted that Billionaire Plutocrat TaxCut would produce an explosion of wage and asset growth that would usher in a new era of American prosperity and ensure WhitePower! hegemony for generations to come.
He also told us RBG was dead, Hillary had a stroke, Podesta eats babies in the invisible basement of a pizza parlor, and the IG report will be released tomorrow.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“I think KKK members should be kicked off our police forces…”
I’d gladly settle for it being included in Brady disclosures.
“We now hold that the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment… Society wins not only when the guilty are convicted, but when criminal trials are fair.”
Who the F cares about GE stock anymore? Anyone still heavily invested in it is a fool. You sound like that guy still badmouthing his rival middle school’s soccer team 20 years later.
Given how trumpers project all their sins on everyone else, I wonder how much the conservative racist incel retirement fund was lost on GE stock? 20%? 80%?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I expect we will be at war…
Unless president peepee declares war on Ukraine, Vlad would never permit it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“’What if, in truth, the conservative movement’s inability to self-police itself against racism and establish firm guardrails against racists in the movement has resulted in an American right increasingly beholden to racism and racist arguments?’ Coaston asked. ‘And what if, in truth, it’s the left that has seen this most clearly and that has been pointing it out again and again?’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is how we got Trump, doc. Not because of Hillary. Or even necessarily Putin. We got Trump because you and your ilk are miserable fucking failures who can’t do anything right. You couldn’t even keep Nazis and the Klan from taking over your party. Now you own it, and they own you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican economics. Again. You’d think they’d learn from their failed experiments in Kansas and Wisconsin, but no, Republicans have a zero learning curve. Now it’s Alaskans’ turn to suffer the consequences of Wingnut Wacko-Nomics.
But only after having sex with the horse and goat.
Is today the day the terrorists got the Puffballs?
Who the F cares about GE stock anymore? Anyone still heavily invested in it is a fool. You sound like that guy still badmouthing his rival middle school’s soccer team 20 years later.
He’s a one trick pony he fucks horses.
@19 The one year anniversary of the loon’s lynching is Monday, the 12th.
For my part, I hope the loon’s wish came true and that when the time came he floated away on a silver-lined cloud with little Baby Jesus at the helm, both of them laughing their asses off at HA DUMMOCRATS as they soared up to Heaven.
More likely, though, the loon burns in the fires of Hell for all eternity for having been a Republican and a member of the SDA doomsday death cult. SAD!
As you read about the men implicated as being involved in Epstein’s sex ring, recall that one of the reasons that Bill Richardson never got traction during his efforts to become president is that he had this way of making women feel uncomfortable, both on and off the campaign trail.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Still struggling to find the time to read all of McCabe’s filing.
So far it’s a doozy. To be expected considering the team that prepared it. Very detailed, very technical in terms of the relevant code and regulations, and yet concise and largely lacking in any adventurous forays into speculation and hyperbole. It will be read with respect and I suspect some sympathy.
Also worth noting, McCabe is not seeking much. Essentially he’s after declaratory relief which could produce speedier results in at least a couple of his claims. He wants his pension back. And I think he has a good shot at getting it. Even if, as it appears, the DOJ will fight this with everything they’ve got. Because pacifying the tender ego of the racist ManBaby with brain parasites is the only performance metric in any GOP administration.
McCabe argues, and the DOJ appears to have stipulated, that his last official day as an employee was Friday, March 16, 2018. According to FBI regulations, and given his status as an employee on accrued terminal leave, that was also the last full day of service as an employee he had to complete in order to qualify for his civil service pension. The suit argues that as of 5pm that day a “full day” of statutory employment was completed. And according to the records produced in FOIA disco, the FBI recorded that day as a complete full day of accrued vacation and furthermore paid McCabe accordingly for a full day.
But Sesh never got around to firing McCabe until 10pm. And so far, DOJ has withheld from public examination any of the deliberations or other determinations that later caused them to decide that it was not a full day and therefor deny McCabe his pension.
That’s just the first of about a dozen claims asserting errors on the part of DOJ in carrying out McCabe’s termination. Of course they all hang on specific language in the USC or in the FBI regulations. And also on the interpretation of that language as well as established precedent and past practice.
That last bit may prove quite important. When asked to intervene in disputes between employees and employers on matters of workplace rules, and the laws governing employment, when they involve language that is open to some interpretation, the courts customarily defer heavily to an examination of past practice and legal precedent. I’m willing to bet that McCabe can produce a great deal of evidence showing that FBI past employment practice has been to count 5pm as the end of a final full day of employment.
But I suppose the DOJ lawyers can always argue that time space distortions created by the invisible dungeon under a pizza parlor 2 miles north of FBI headquarters means that 10pm was really 5pm. Plus, also…. um… (fuck) um…
@22 it would have been great if he did run for President and he was overheard talking about grabbing pussy and attacking woman.
@21 I kind of picture the scene with a cage atop of the cloud. And inside the cage are ropes and tree limbs to swing from……or hang from.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Some say the same thing about your nominee for AL Senate 2020.
Some of them with retainers and subscriptions to Tiger Beat.
Care to comment?
Last time I saw Richardson in public was at a museum fund raiser last fall. Not a single soul there under 40. He was tan, but other than that he looked bad (although he’s much thinner now). Taller than I remember. But he had trouble walking. Hair loss that he appeared to be trying to conceal. Bad suit and cheap boots, but wearing what must have been a small fortune in turquoise and silver (high end artisan shit according to people who would know). I’m sure there are some wealthy New Mexicans with less influence and relevance than Richardson. But I can’t think who they might be.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That’s just the Republican way of “making a woman feel comfortable”.
Bart and Squee can fill you in on the details, if they haven’t “had too many beers”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”
Okay. That’s enough, right?
Right people?
Or does he get more chances? How many more?
Nobody is irreplaceable. Nobody. Even a white dude.
Maybe what really went on in Mississippi was big republican donors like Tyson getting a quid pro quo from their sock puppet. Maybe it was meant to damage Tyson’s competitors.
While this campaign video didn’t cost taxpayers as much money to make as Trump’s July 4th campaign videos, the cost in human life and deliberate ripping of America’s social fabric was staggering.
“George Conway appalled by Trump’s tone-deaf hospital visit campaign video: ‘Would even Kim Jong-un do this?’”
My God, the music. The happy, smiling faces. I suspect Kim Jong Un has way more class than this.
I wonder which was more revolting, the making of an El Paso campaign video with the worst music ever, or was it the WH releasing a pic of Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron doing a stupidly grinning, thumbs-up pose with a baby who just had just been orphaned by one of his motherfucking supporters.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
So sorry to hear about your stupid tornado, or whatever it was.
With you in spirit.
Thoughts and prayers, etc.
Ex-PFC Wintergreenspews:
Judicial Watch just sent me a document showing that 38 states have counties with more registered voters than people in those counties than are actually old enough and eligible to vote.
But I’m sure this is just a coincidence. Surely there’s no voter fraud going on, oh no!
@ 23
Also worth noting, McCabe is not seeking much.
Also worth noting, McCabe’s GoFundMe effort raised $538,000, and he’s closed the account and pocketed the dough. He doesn’t need much.
I wonder if George and Kellyanne still do it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Associate fees at Arnold & Porter start at $450.
Two partners plus two associates on the team.
$550k is a good start.
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: If the felon’s entry wounds are in his chest, he wasn’t fleeing when he was shot.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
To say nothing of the important documents they’ve sent you alerting you to the existence of an invisible dungeon filled with insatiable hippie cannibals eating babies under a pizza restaurant in Chevy Chase.
Aren’t you going to do anything about it?
Or have all the ChemTrails drugs finally gotten to you?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
When shit like THIS is happening nearly every day, it’s no wonder Teh Dumbfuck needs to travel back in time to feel good about himself.
I know! Why not do Crystal Magnum next?
And hey. If that’s gets stale, you can always return to GE.
I’m sure Trump seemed like very honest person to you. Somebody like you, who “tell it like it is”, who you could trust, and who would never lie to you so openly and so blatantly. Right?
Guess what? Only Republican voters thought that.
@ 40
Magnums are what gman buys for his top for the evening.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
42, spellchecker
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The Environmental Protection Agency told staff scientists that it was no longer opposing a controversial Alaska mining project that could devastate one of the world’s most valuable wild salmon fisheries just one day after President Trump met with Alaska’s governor ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It isn’t enough for Trump to mess with the air we breathe and the water we drink. Now he’s vandalizing our food supply, too. If you vote for Trump, you’re a vandal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 You probably believe every black man who gets shot by a cop was “bull rushing” the cop. Racist cops don’t make fine distinctions, either. They’re racists all the time.
Maybe Michael Brown had good reason to hate white cops. And Ferguson didn’t just have a racist police force. It also had a racist mayor, city council, city attorney, municipal judge, and court clerk. Its all-white city government was based on exploiting poor black people. I’ve never seen you speak out against that.
I’m not calling you a racist. But sometimes I wonder.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And the funny (not-so-funny) thing is, I haven’t been able to find any data to indicate either the frequency or the last time a Chicago police officer was killed by a 12-year-old wearing Spider-Man PJs.
Although I’m sure if that officer saw fit to train his semi-auto assault rifle with safety off on a terrified child sobbing with fear in his own bedroom it is because it was policy for him to do so… if he felt like it… and if the kid was non-white.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fired for worrying about election security. At least, that’s what it looks like, and in Washington, optics are everything.
When I opened ie to check in here, an old link of something Roger posted the other day loaded, it was of the Repuke NJ pol that doesn’t like gay people. The picture of him had a rose corsage pinned to him – he looked really faggy and gay wearing it.
@42 stop fantasizing, you already have the horse. Unfortunately, the horse has you.
@33 I never new one could be eligible in a casket. Did they count all the horses and goats too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Why don’t you hide in the bushes outside their bedroom and report back to us what you find out?
Never mind, you can skip the reporting back, we’re not interested in whether they’re still doing in. OTOH, your curiosity about their sex life is fascinating.
Makes me wonder what else you’re up to.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Here’s some info on one of McCabe’s due process claims.
In Jan of 2018, acting under orders from president peepee conveyed through Sesh, Dir. Wray called McCabe in and offered him an ultimatum. He could announce to the agency that he was “voluntarily” taking a demotion from Dep. Dir. and Wray would give him his pick of line agent jobs. Or, if he refused to “volunteer” he would be demoted to a role of Wray’s choosing. McCabe refused the deal and following the meeting applied for and was granted terminal leave pending his retirement on March 16. As a result of his refusal to take the DOJ deal, and following his stepping down from his role as Dep. Dir., Wray ordered McCabe’s employment reclassified as a regular line agent, on leave, pending retirement (due process fuckup number 1).
Two months later, under pressure from the AG and the peepee president, the OIG agreed to break off a separate report from the “Big Big ButteryMale Report” dealing with McCabe individually. As a result of that separate report, the OPR recommended to the DAG that McCabe should be fired (due process fuckup number 2). So on March 16, at 10 pm AG Sesh sent an email (due process fuckup number 3) to McCabe ordering that he “should be removed” pursuant to AG’s authority under DOJ order 1202 (due process fuckup number 4).
By the numbers: (1) because Wray followed the RageBaby orders and demoted him way back in January, on March 16, the day when he was terminated McCabe was no longer acting Dep. Dir, but just a regular FBI dude; so (2) OPR had no business referring it’s findings to main justice because it was Wray’s exclusive statutory authority to terminate line agents; and so (3) by agency regulation his termination had to be in writing, hand delivered, stating the precise date of his termination, stating the reason for termination, and specify the procedures for appeal of the termination, not a email saying “go away”; and finally (4) Sesh could not be the name on the pink slip because according to the DOJ order cited, the AG’s authority to terminate an FBI employee does not extend to plain old vanilla line agents like McCabe.
The brief is quite a bit more technical and very boring. But it looks very solid, which is what you would expect from guys like these.
Though this absurd, reckless, and incompetent Republican administration may be a shameful disaster for most of America, it’s looking like a lucrative cottage industry for white shoe law firms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Sounds like he’s not only going to get his pension, but also back pay at his highest pay grade to the date of final settlement, because he never quit and if a court finds he was improperly terminated then he’s still employed.
A typical settlement in a wrongful termination case is one or two years’ salary, but these fuckups have a remarkable ability to cost the taxpayers one or two million dollars every time they throw the dice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another day, another Trumper terrorist with a hit list; fortunately, this one was stopped in his tracks before he killed anyone.
Kinda reminds you of early 1930s Germany, doesn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican, vetoed a bipartisan bill Friday that would have created an independent redistricting commission to draw the state’s voting maps.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course he did. Republicans are an unrepresentative minority party and they can’t win unless they game elections. This is simply self-preservation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I read in the Seattle Times that Washington AG is suing the private company that runs the Tacoma immigration detention center to make them pay detainees minimum wage instead of $1 a day for their work.
This is what GOP privatization of government facilities look like. They become gulags filled with slave laborers, and the money goes into the pockets of private “entrepreneurs” who “invest” in GOP political campaigns.
Never let anyone tell you Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s support for a stock doesn’t move the market.
GE’s stock sinks toward 7th loss in 8 sessions
Published: Aug 9, 2019 11:48 a.m. ET
You must mean the border between Mississippi and Alabama.
Mass deportations on the first day of school. It would be great to have human decency at the border.
Why does a 16-year-old racist have 20 guns? Isn’t there a minimum age for having guns?
@1 When the Dow loses hundreds of points because of Trump’s trade policies, GE goes down. Amazing! Can you predict elections, too?
@2 If you don’t know what “decency” means, this might help.
Not that you and your ilk will ever have any. You haven’t so far.
If this little girl thinks she’s hurting now, just wait until she gets to a Republican Toddler Rape Camp.
“Weeping Girl Left Abandoned By ICE Pleads With ‘Government’ To ‘Let My Parents Be Free’”
If you’re a white cop with Klan sympathies and put your house up for sale, it might be a good idea to take down the framed Klan certificate and Confederate flags before the open house if you want to keep your job.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe it’s just me, but I think KKK members should be kicked off our police forces, because I can see where it might adversely affect their job performance.
Violent toddler and infant porn? You freaks are fucking sick in the head, Doctor.
“White Supremacist Arrested In Boulder For Violent Toddler And Infant Porn”
The conservative racist incel is consistent, It’s all about money and nit picking.
The base may love :
Children Left Homeless, Crying in Streets After Massive ICE Raids of 680 Undocumented Immigrants Across Mississippi while the employers don’t have any charges filed against them.
but it appears to be selling badly to the rest of the country.
I expect we will be at war, have a scheduled terrorist attack and russian hacking by the election to balance this out.
If you’re a Trump supporter, whether you’re a racist or not, you’re asking to be branded as one, and it’s your own fault.
He says he can.
He repeatedly assured us all that Moscow Mitch’s brilliant stage management of the nomination for Associate Justice BeerBong McDateRape would produce a tidal wave of electoral support for the WhitePower! party from college educated suburban white women.
He insisted that Billionaire Plutocrat TaxCut would produce an explosion of wage and asset growth that would usher in a new era of American prosperity and ensure WhitePower! hegemony for generations to come.
He also told us RBG was dead, Hillary had a stroke, Podesta eats babies in the invisible basement of a pizza parlor, and the IG report will be released tomorrow.
“I think KKK members should be kicked off our police forces…”
I’d gladly settle for it being included in Brady disclosures.
Who the F cares about GE stock anymore? Anyone still heavily invested in it is a fool. You sound like that guy still badmouthing his rival middle school’s soccer team 20 years later.
Given how trumpers project all their sins on everyone else, I wonder how much the conservative racist incel retirement fund was lost on GE stock? 20%? 80%?
Unless president peepee declares war on Ukraine, Vlad would never permit it.
“’What if, in truth, the conservative movement’s inability to self-police itself against racism and establish firm guardrails against racists in the movement has resulted in an American right increasingly beholden to racism and racist arguments?’ Coaston asked. ‘And what if, in truth, it’s the left that has seen this most clearly and that has been pointing it out again and again?’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is how we got Trump, doc. Not because of Hillary. Or even necessarily Putin. We got Trump because you and your ilk are miserable fucking failures who can’t do anything right. You couldn’t even keep Nazis and the Klan from taking over your party. Now you own it, and they own you.
Republican economics. Again. You’d think they’d learn from their failed experiments in Kansas and Wisconsin, but no, Republicans have a zero learning curve. Now it’s Alaskans’ turn to suffer the consequences of Wingnut Wacko-Nomics.
“Free speech should be secret. “
GOP donors
Not all hero’s wear capes.
@6 Feed her to the Dogs!!! She’s not a fetus!!!
But only after having sex with the horse and goat.
Is today the day the terrorists got the Puffballs?
He’s a one trick pony he fucks horses.
@19 The one year anniversary of the loon’s lynching is Monday, the 12th.
For my part, I hope the loon’s wish came true and that when the time came he floated away on a silver-lined cloud with little Baby Jesus at the helm, both of them laughing their asses off at HA DUMMOCRATS as they soared up to Heaven.
More likely, though, the loon burns in the fires of Hell for all eternity for having been a Republican and a member of the SDA doomsday death cult. SAD!
As you read about the men implicated as being involved in Epstein’s sex ring, recall that one of the reasons that Bill Richardson never got traction during his efforts to become president is that he had this way of making women feel uncomfortable, both on and off the campaign trail.
Still struggling to find the time to read all of McCabe’s filing.
So far it’s a doozy. To be expected considering the team that prepared it. Very detailed, very technical in terms of the relevant code and regulations, and yet concise and largely lacking in any adventurous forays into speculation and hyperbole. It will be read with respect and I suspect some sympathy.
Also worth noting, McCabe is not seeking much. Essentially he’s after declaratory relief which could produce speedier results in at least a couple of his claims. He wants his pension back. And I think he has a good shot at getting it. Even if, as it appears, the DOJ will fight this with everything they’ve got. Because pacifying the tender ego of the racist ManBaby with brain parasites is the only performance metric in any GOP administration.
McCabe argues, and the DOJ appears to have stipulated, that his last official day as an employee was Friday, March 16, 2018. According to FBI regulations, and given his status as an employee on accrued terminal leave, that was also the last full day of service as an employee he had to complete in order to qualify for his civil service pension. The suit argues that as of 5pm that day a “full day” of statutory employment was completed. And according to the records produced in FOIA disco, the FBI recorded that day as a complete full day of accrued vacation and furthermore paid McCabe accordingly for a full day.
But Sesh never got around to firing McCabe until 10pm. And so far, DOJ has withheld from public examination any of the deliberations or other determinations that later caused them to decide that it was not a full day and therefor deny McCabe his pension.
That’s just the first of about a dozen claims asserting errors on the part of DOJ in carrying out McCabe’s termination. Of course they all hang on specific language in the USC or in the FBI regulations. And also on the interpretation of that language as well as established precedent and past practice.
That last bit may prove quite important. When asked to intervene in disputes between employees and employers on matters of workplace rules, and the laws governing employment, when they involve language that is open to some interpretation, the courts customarily defer heavily to an examination of past practice and legal precedent. I’m willing to bet that McCabe can produce a great deal of evidence showing that FBI past employment practice has been to count 5pm as the end of a final full day of employment.
But I suppose the DOJ lawyers can always argue that time space distortions created by the invisible dungeon under a pizza parlor 2 miles north of FBI headquarters means that 10pm was really 5pm. Plus, also…. um… (fuck) um…
@22 it would have been great if he did run for President and he was overheard talking about grabbing pussy and attacking woman.
@21 I kind of picture the scene with a cage atop of the cloud. And inside the cage are ropes and tree limbs to swing from……or hang from.
Some say the same thing about your nominee for AL Senate 2020.
Some of them with retainers and subscriptions to Tiger Beat.
Care to comment?
Last time I saw Richardson in public was at a museum fund raiser last fall. Not a single soul there under 40. He was tan, but other than that he looked bad (although he’s much thinner now). Taller than I remember. But he had trouble walking. Hair loss that he appeared to be trying to conceal. Bad suit and cheap boots, but wearing what must have been a small fortune in turquoise and silver (high end artisan shit according to people who would know). I’m sure there are some wealthy New Mexicans with less influence and relevance than Richardson. But I can’t think who they might be.
That’s just the Republican way of “making a woman feel comfortable”.
Bart and Squee can fill you in on the details, if they haven’t “had too many beers”.
Okay. That’s enough, right?
Right people?
Or does he get more chances? How many more?
Nobody is irreplaceable. Nobody. Even a white dude.
Maybe what really went on in Mississippi was big republican donors like Tyson getting a quid pro quo from their sock puppet. Maybe it was meant to damage Tyson’s competitors.
While this campaign video didn’t cost taxpayers as much money to make as Trump’s July 4th campaign videos, the cost in human life and deliberate ripping of America’s social fabric was staggering.
“George Conway appalled by Trump’s tone-deaf hospital visit campaign video: ‘Would even Kim Jong-un do this?’”
My God, the music. The happy, smiling faces. I suspect Kim Jong Un has way more class than this.
I wonder which was more revolting, the making of an El Paso campaign video with the worst music ever, or was it the WH releasing a pic of Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron doing a stupidly grinning, thumbs-up pose with a baby who just had just been orphaned by one of his motherfucking supporters.
So sorry to hear about your stupid tornado, or whatever it was.
With you in spirit.
Thoughts and prayers, etc.
Judicial Watch just sent me a document showing that 38 states have counties with more registered voters than people in those counties than are actually old enough and eligible to vote.
But I’m sure this is just a coincidence. Surely there’s no voter fraud going on, oh no!
@ 23
Also worth noting, McCabe is not seeking much.
Also worth noting, McCabe’s GoFundMe effort raised $538,000, and he’s closed the account and pocketed the dough. He doesn’t need much.
I wonder if George and Kellyanne still do it.
Associate fees at Arnold & Porter start at $450.
Two partners plus two associates on the team.
$550k is a good start.
Funny thing is, I thought you already knew all this?
They have no choice.
Kinda like you choke-fapping in OfDumbfuck’s closet.
Five years ago today Mike Brown learned that grabbing a police officer’s weapon, then bull-rushing him, were not good choices.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit learned that the internet is forever:
What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: If the felon’s entry wounds are in his chest, he wasn’t fleeing when he was shot.
To say nothing of the important documents they’ve sent you alerting you to the existence of an invisible dungeon filled with insatiable hippie cannibals eating babies under a pizza restaurant in Chevy Chase.
Aren’t you going to do anything about it?
Or have all the ChemTrails drugs finally gotten to you?
When shit like THIS is happening nearly every day, it’s no wonder Teh Dumbfuck needs to travel back in time to feel good about himself.
I know! Why not do Crystal Magnum next?
And hey. If that’s gets stale, you can always return to GE.
I know this may come as a terrible shock to you, but I’m afraid you may have been duped again.
I’m sure Trump seemed like very honest person to you. Somebody like you, who “tell it like it is”, who you could trust, and who would never lie to you so openly and so blatantly. Right?
Guess what? Only Republican voters thought that.
@ 40
Magnums are what gman buys for his top for the evening.
42, spellchecker
“The Environmental Protection Agency told staff scientists that it was no longer opposing a controversial Alaska mining project that could devastate one of the world’s most valuable wild salmon fisheries just one day after President Trump met with Alaska’s governor ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It isn’t enough for Trump to mess with the air we breathe and the water we drink. Now he’s vandalizing our food supply, too. If you vote for Trump, you’re a vandal.
@38 You probably believe every black man who gets shot by a cop was “bull rushing” the cop. Racist cops don’t make fine distinctions, either. They’re racists all the time.
Maybe Michael Brown had good reason to hate white cops. And Ferguson didn’t just have a racist police force. It also had a racist mayor, city council, city attorney, municipal judge, and court clerk. Its all-white city government was based on exploiting poor black people. I’ve never seen you speak out against that.
I’m not calling you a racist. But sometimes I wonder.
And the funny (not-so-funny) thing is, I haven’t been able to find any data to indicate either the frequency or the last time a Chicago police officer was killed by a 12-year-old wearing Spider-Man PJs.
Although I’m sure if that officer saw fit to train his semi-auto assault rifle with safety off on a terrified child sobbing with fear in his own bedroom it is because it was policy for him to do so… if he felt like it… and if the kid was non-white.
Fired for worrying about election security. At least, that’s what it looks like, and in Washington, optics are everything.
When I opened ie to check in here, an old link of something Roger posted the other day loaded, it was of the Repuke NJ pol that doesn’t like gay people. The picture of him had a rose corsage pinned to him – he looked really faggy and gay wearing it.
@42 stop fantasizing, you already have the horse. Unfortunately, the horse has you.
@33 I never new one could be eligible in a casket. Did they count all the horses and goats too.
@35 Why don’t you hide in the bushes outside their bedroom and report back to us what you find out?
Never mind, you can skip the reporting back, we’re not interested in whether they’re still doing in. OTOH, your curiosity about their sex life is fascinating.
Makes me wonder what else you’re up to.
Here’s some info on one of McCabe’s due process claims.
In Jan of 2018, acting under orders from president peepee conveyed through Sesh, Dir. Wray called McCabe in and offered him an ultimatum. He could announce to the agency that he was “voluntarily” taking a demotion from Dep. Dir. and Wray would give him his pick of line agent jobs. Or, if he refused to “volunteer” he would be demoted to a role of Wray’s choosing. McCabe refused the deal and following the meeting applied for and was granted terminal leave pending his retirement on March 16. As a result of his refusal to take the DOJ deal, and following his stepping down from his role as Dep. Dir., Wray ordered McCabe’s employment reclassified as a regular line agent, on leave, pending retirement (due process fuckup number 1).
Two months later, under pressure from the AG and the peepee president, the OIG agreed to break off a separate report from the “Big Big ButteryMale Report” dealing with McCabe individually. As a result of that separate report, the OPR recommended to the DAG that McCabe should be fired (due process fuckup number 2). So on March 16, at 10 pm AG Sesh sent an email (due process fuckup number 3) to McCabe ordering that he “should be removed” pursuant to AG’s authority under DOJ order 1202 (due process fuckup number 4).
By the numbers: (1) because Wray followed the RageBaby orders and demoted him way back in January, on March 16, the day when he was terminated McCabe was no longer acting Dep. Dir, but just a regular FBI dude; so (2) OPR had no business referring it’s findings to main justice because it was Wray’s exclusive statutory authority to terminate line agents; and so (3) by agency regulation his termination had to be in writing, hand delivered, stating the precise date of his termination, stating the reason for termination, and specify the procedures for appeal of the termination, not a email saying “go away”; and finally (4) Sesh could not be the name on the pink slip because according to the DOJ order cited, the AG’s authority to terminate an FBI employee does not extend to plain old vanilla line agents like McCabe.
The brief is quite a bit more technical and very boring. But it looks very solid, which is what you would expect from guys like these.
Though this absurd, reckless, and incompetent Republican administration may be a shameful disaster for most of America, it’s looking like a lucrative cottage industry for white shoe law firms.
@52 Sounds like he’s not only going to get his pension, but also back pay at his highest pay grade to the date of final settlement, because he never quit and if a court finds he was improperly terminated then he’s still employed.
A typical settlement in a wrongful termination case is one or two years’ salary, but these fuckups have a remarkable ability to cost the taxpayers one or two million dollars every time they throw the dice.
Another day, another Trumper terrorist with a hit list; fortunately, this one was stopped in his tracks before he killed anyone.
Kinda reminds you of early 1930s Germany, doesn’t it?
“New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican, vetoed a bipartisan bill Friday that would have created an independent redistricting commission to draw the state’s voting maps.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course he did. Republicans are an unrepresentative minority party and they can’t win unless they game elections. This is simply self-preservation.
I read in the Seattle Times that Washington AG is suing the private company that runs the Tacoma immigration detention center to make them pay detainees minimum wage instead of $1 a day for their work.
This is what GOP privatization of government facilities look like. They become gulags filled with slave laborers, and the money goes into the pockets of private “entrepreneurs” who “invest” in GOP political campaigns.