I was reading another post #metoo redemption story. This one about will Al Franken run for something. I won’t link to it, but it is already becoming a genre. I believe in second chances, and that people can change. But it strikes me that in all of these there are a few related things missing.
There’s very little discussion, sometimes nothing at all, about how the person has changed. At best there’s repeat an apology and some vague reassurances that they understand that what they did was wrong.
The thing that I never see is any proactive steps taken to make sure that women are safe around them. Or at least less unsafe.
The thing that I never see is any proactive steps taken to make sure that women are safe around them. Or at least less unsafe.
Um, Carl? In its best interpretation #MeToo is a proactive step to help women be safe(r) going forward.
“Think on your sins.” applies to far more than jabbing y’all HA libbies about what your choices in 2016 hath wrought.
Mistreatment of women doesn’t have to involve a casting couch. YLB has suffered online abuse for her gender expression for years. Fortunately she refuses to suffer silently. Unfortunately her IQ is in double digits, and her exclamation and all-caps keys get stuck waaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone here seemed safe.
Brooklyn – Mirage. Friday Evening
Mixed crowd – not a gay event. Although seeing the Rainbow Flag may give you that impression.
Hattiesburg, MS militia left his weapon and an eight year old in a car. The child will not have died in vain. This blow struck by the enemies of freedom will not stand.
Unfortunately it doesn’t come with a return of all that cash stacked on pallets.
U.S. to Restore Sanctions on Iran Following Withdrawal From Nuclear Deal
Fuck you, Barack.
“Think on your sins.” applies to far more
I take it you’re upset because I didn’t save you from your own hashtags. Or something.
@ 4
The child will not have died in vain. This blow struck by the enemies of freedom will not stand.
When the cop
left his gun, safety off, within reach of his 3 year-old son in the minivan while he went into the minimart in Stanwood, was that a blow struck by the enemies of freedom, too?
Or a consequence of a bad decision by a trained individual who was late to a wedding reception?
Meanwhile the rest of the world, knowing that UN monitors signed off that Iran was in compliance trade with Iran. Cool we have a new festering Cuba where no one else supports our position.
You really are a Dumbfuck.
@ 6
I take it you’re upset because…
Steve, think of what has transpired beginning November 9, 2016.
Why would I have reason to be upset about much of anything?
Sorry to trigger you. It’s almost like far more people are killed accidentally or in domestic abuse situations than are protecting themselves or property.
Oh wait, thousands of statistical analyses and stidiea have proven just that.
@2 “what your choices in 2016 hath wrought”
There you go, blaming the victims again. We’re not the dumbfucks who voted for Trump, so our choices didn’t wreak any of what’s happening to our country now. That’s your tribe’s doing.
“Fuck you, Barack”
Um, cash that was actually stacked on pallets, about $12 billion, was lost by Bush. In Iraq.
You never did think on your sins about that one, did you? No, of course not. Much better that you fast forward and make up shit about Obama as your orange moron hands the keys to America over to Russia.
@5 “Fuck you, Barack.”
For what? Giving Iran their own money back, after they kept up their end of the deal?
Thanks to Trump trashing that deal they’ll probably will have a bomb within 18 months. It’ll be his fault. And yours, too, because you’re responsible for what you vote for.
“Or a consequence of a bad decision by a trained individual who was late to a wedding reception?”
Dumbfucks will be dumbfucks….Bob should know!
@ 8
…knowing that UN monitors signed off the Iran was in compliance trade with Iran.
As long as you ignore the evidence Israel stole from Iran proving that all the stuff they were supposed to destroy is being retained for when the agreement expires, sure they’re in compliance.
Funny, but the NYT piece didn’t mention that.
You’re a disinterested liberal mouthpiece, Cz-252. Which is a pity, because unlike the YLBs and Dumbfuck Rabbits around here you are more intelligent than that.
So the Dumbfuck’s point here is that the militia was especially well trained?
“Why would I have reason to be upset about much of anything?”
I see your point. Now that you have a new pickup truck and a horse trailer, why should you give a fuck about the fate of our nation?
@ 13
Iran probably will have a bomb within 18 months.
See @ 15.
Yeah, here’s more cash on pallets for the Dumbfuck
The Trump Republican Victory will give us an additional 2 trillion in debt, spiraling inflation combined with flat real wage growth, moderate strict constructionists on the courts, a few thousand sexually traumatized Honduran and Guatemalan toddlers, a “tank full ‘O gas” tax cut, and a nuclear armed Iran and North Korea.
But Clinton not President. So worth the treason, I guess.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
@7 Ten years behind bars, never being a cop again, and a lifetime of guilt and self-recrimination seems about right.
all that despite the militia being especially well trained.
Go figure.
“There you go, blaming the victims again”
Actually, I consider Bob the victim..hes’ become unhinged, unglued and a bigger dumbfuck than he’s ever been. I’ll take it!
@9 “Why would I have reason to be upset about much of anything?”
Good point. Surging racism, exploding deficits, mismanaged foreign policy, mistreatment of immigrant children, threats against new reporters, etc., mean nothing to a dumbfuck like you.
If you put this in the perspective of other racist things, I’m not sure what the complaint is.
You know – it’s like some gay person should be happy with things here in America because in other places you could be tossed off a building.
Amirite Puffy!
NASCAR CEO (Hillbilly) arrested for DWI and possession of Rush Limbaugh drugs.
@15 If you’re confident Trump can denuclearize NK and Iran, why did you move as far away from Whidbey NAS and Bangor as you could get, and park your stringy butt in central Oregon? Not that it’ll help. But at least you don’t have to worry about Russia’s arsenal anymore, because Trump will surrender to Putin without a fight.
Yes, you are not a dumbfuck who voted for Trump. You’re a dumbfuck who voted for me.
The pant suits.
Shrill “tone”.
Not nice enough to Monica.
Wouldn’t share her Emails.
Got paid to talk to bankers.
One of her aides married a skeevy bum.
Called this guy “deplorable”.
Forced the Loon to look up the word “deplorable” in the dictionary.
Yeah. No wonder old white guys were so triggered.
You and 45 were dumb enough to fall for it.
Under the agreement Iran was required to maintain historical records of all Nuclear research for history/discovery/verification
“We had a raid. We found these documents. They didn’t destroy these documents so they could restart the program” Netanyahu
“They have paperwork. Pull out” 45
“Well now that you’ve pulled out…guess we’ll get that research and start it up again” Iran.
Poor guy…..but things could be worse….for the black lady, of course.
Puffy – Amirite? I mean, rope could have been involved.
“Forced the Loon to look up the word “deplorable” in the dictionary.”
Right after looking up Fudge Packer.
@28 False equivalency. Some votes are more dumbfuck than others.
I’m sure Bob would too…..poor horse has competition.
But I bet the horse would prefer to catch a break once in a while.
The GOP – Party of Russia. Party of Bigots. Party of ISIS Validators.
@31 Notice there’s a motorcycle parked across the street. He doesn’t have a problem with that one. (Maybe it’s his? dunno.) So it can’t be the bike. My guess is he’d be okay with Hells Angels parking in front of his house. Maybe he’s even one of them, I dunno. I suspect this is all about a black coming in “his” neighborhood that’s setting him off. Even worse, a black woman, and a ballsy one who stands up to him. The humiliation! Being told off by a BLACK WOMAN ON A MOTORCYCLE. Yeah, I can see why he’s going to pieces. His whole miserable little world is coming apart. Everything he’s ever known is falling to pieces. And here’s not a damn thing he can do about it, boo hoo.
@31 Parking a motorcycle while black. What was she thinking?
“Paying for it” happens to be precisely what makes it legal.
For readily re-programmable meatbags who’ve spent the better part of the past year pretending that Donnie Jr.’s meeting was about orphans and debating the meaning of the word “collusion”, all this is just more than they can process.
I’ll try to simplify it enough that maybe even Shortbus can comprehend.
Let’s say I’m a federal political campaign.
And let’s say I want catering for my next Tiki Torch Klan rally.
And let’s say I know some Russian caterers, because I guess I really like blinis. Whatever.
I can hire a caterer. He can be a Russian national. Hell, I can order the blinis air freight from Moscow and pay in rubles. It’s all good. Nothing illegal. Because I expense the catering to the campaign and file a report disclosing the expenditure.
Now, instead let’s imagine I meet with some Russians pals who know of my unquenchable lust for blinis. And they inform me they think they know where they can get lots and lots of the very best blinis for my Klan rally. And they suggest they might just show up at the rally with a huge wagon load of these blinis, with caviar and all the fixins and just hand ’em out ’cause that’s how they roll. Yum I say! Probably still not a crime for me. For them? Yes. Definitely a crime (see the pending indictments against dozens of Russian nationals). But for me? At least I’ve got a credible defense, that I never asked them for the blinis, nor expressed any expectation or understanding with regard to the supplying of blinis. It’s not so clear cut, for sure. But I’m probably in the clear.
What if I form an agreement with my Russian pals about the blinis? Maybe not an explicit quid pro quo, but an agreement nonetheless that if they supply blinis I’ll be their friend? That’s almost certainly a crime. And if I asked my lawyers that’s what they’d say, right after they got off the phone with the FBI. What if they mention they intend to steal the blinis, and I know about this and maybe even encourage it and then spend the next six months lying my ass off about it every chance I get? Oh fuck yes, that’s a whole bunch of crimes. And if I told my lawyers they’d jamb their fingers into their ears, start yelling “LALALALALA” and resign.
Donnie Jr. is in there somewhere. Hard to know exactly where. Donnie Jr.’s lawyers probably know. His daddy’s lawyers probably know. Maybe the OSC knows. My guess is he’s somewhere in between “almost certainly a crime” and “oh fuck yes, that’s a whole bunch of crimes”. And that’s also why I really don’t believe Roypublicans pretending to be so “confused”. I don’t think they are “confused” at all. I think they are traitors.
“serious boob” weinsteining in public again??
I’m too bored to laugh..
@38 You can’t explain anything to these dolts. Think 3 monkeys.
@36 and @37
I didn’t watch the whole video but I think the article says it was in Dorchester (Mass). If anyone knows Dorchester Mass, I think you would know that it’s probably 50% African American.
Shaking my fucking head.
At least the Cop said “I don’t have to ask her”
Your image left out the fourth monkey wearing a MAGA hat with a Bad Dragon dildo up his ass choke-fapping himself over pictures of Bigfoot.
It’s not about explaining anything to these freaks.
It’s about deconstructing their shitty little Orange Potemkin Village. Their own leaders have done this to them. And at this point, the only possible explanation for why those leaders let it continue is that it keeps the “aggrieved” old white guys down on the farm. These fantabulist conspiracy theories about an inexplicably powerful Hippie Derp State are crucial to feeding their cynicism and anger. They fake it till they make it. Until faking it is all they have.
Sure. But that still leaves Boston as the most white among the 10 largest U.S. metros. And where you got more white, you get more “whiteness”. All the Nobel Prizes and old money in the world won’t change that. The only way to change that is to change white people. Now there’s a trigger.
“Rick Gates, a longtime business associate of U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, on Monday testified at Manafort’s fraud trial that they committed crimes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Manafort is sooo fucked!
“Vice President Mike Pence once argued the president of the United States should be held to the highest moral standards to determine whether he should resign or be removed from office. …
“[He] moved beyond the specifics of the Clinton case [and] made a far-reaching argument about the importance of morality and integrity to the office of the presidency.
“Pence wrote the columns … when he was a local Indiana radio host … arguing Clinton had lost his moral authority to lead the country.”
And now? Crickets chirping …
I’ve been sort of amazed at The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s defense strategy being focused on blaming Gates.
Essentially admitting that all sorts of laws were broken makes this strategy very high stakes. They’ve got to convince at least one juror that The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager, the firm’s only real rainmaker, left major operational decisions up to his flunky, despite a host of damning testimony and evidence showing he called the shots.
The defense has to burn Gates to the ground under cross for this to work, while simultaneously claiming that a guy who spends millions on his clothes and then tries to expense it on his tax returns is “aw shucks, just plain folks”. Maybe they’ve got a surprise in store. But I doubt it.
Hate-spewing Colorado pastor claims God is burning down California as punishment for “the sin of legitimizing homosexuality.”
@46 I’ve always been amazed by how stupid Republican lawyers are. See, e.g., Dino Rossi’s 2004 election contest legal strategy. When it was over I thought, “The GOP paid their lawyers $2 million for THAT?!”
Hey Dumbfuck?
45s the guy who raised on his Pocket Rockets at the flop and turn, doesn’t notice the open ended straight showing and thinks the guy calling him is bluffing. No River Ace but he went all in anyway.
Bolton goes on the TeeVee and says we’re not going it alone on Iran. Coalition of the willing?
@49 Who’s he got? Montenegro?
80% of Suffolk County… Dorchester, MA voted for #CrookedHillary!
Nuthin new in Boston… https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/video/how-bill-russell-overcame-discrimination-boston
Been there forever… http://www.umassmedia.com/opin.....f28c9.html
Till Next Time!
600 billion? 800 billion?
Nope. How about 1 TRILLION…
Plant and Equipment? Wage increases? Shit no!
The whitest big city in America is the most racist, so naturally “Stephen” concludes it’s Clinton’s fault.
What happened to blaming it on “rap culture” and “low expectations”?
@51 you might have a next time – you better hope.
Say what you want, but I’d be willing to bet you $100, or any denomination of your choice, that that man voted for The Hump.
What difference if 95% of Suffolk Country voted for Hilliary – doesn’t mean that the actions you witnessed came from a Democrat.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Suffolk County includes Boston. But Dorchester is about 50% African American and Bi-Racial mix and Spanish, so that leaves 50% White. Given that the make-up of the Unites States is about 50% Republican and 50% Democrat, that leaves 25% of them whites Republicans. 25% of the racists that is.
Nice of the loon to drop by to lay some hate on us.
“Rosie O’Donnell … said on Monday that ‘most of America’ agreed with her that Trump should be out of office …. She added, ‘I believe that Trump is loathed in America, that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t have to be a Rosie fan to loathe Trump and look forward to him leaving office. And many of his supporters are loathesome, too.
Emmett Till has been dead for 63 years, but Mississippi rednecks are still shooting at him. Amazing how a dead 14-year-old black kid terrifies these people.
Sorry HHTL butt your logic FAILS! Dorchester demographics demonstrate that the city prolly voted in higher numbers for #CrookedHillary!
See ya toots!
Till Next Time!
Hmm, the loon’s hate is weak tonight. It’s like he has no mojo. Maybe yesterday’s Peak Hate episode tapped him out. But the loon will be back and he’s gonna be full of hate!
Fascist Skies over America
Are HA folks concerned?
As far as Al Franken is concerned he should be done. He should have told the woman and his colleagues in the Senate go pound sand. Gee at the time this happened the man was a comedian and comedian writer, and an entertainer. He managed to get elected to the US Senate. Which means having a backbone. He should not be electable except to dog catcher somewhere. If he really wants to become electable he needs to go hang out with Jesse Ventura. A few months in the wilderness with Jessee he will have a backbone, and have achieved some level of Jedi ice fishing.
@2 The Catholics church has always be very concerned about the safety of women. Using their sacrifice in the arena to sway minds. The church believes they cannot be pope because they must protect women.
Women were not allowed to vote in the US to protect them.
Much is done to protect women. Surprised women would buy into this meme. Unless of curse you are a woman seeking power.
Perhaps women are responsible for their own personal safety, and should act as a human being in those situations. Getting these gentlemen balls in their hands or a small knife to the balls or a small revolver is more likely to induce these bastards behavior then silence and then Me Too.
It is reasonable for you to expect me to protect my mom, my sister, maybe my female cousin, my wife or girlfriend if they need it. They may prefer to fight their own battle, just I should be ready to sit in the jail cell next to them. I do however refuse to come to the aid of the church lady, and others. They open the can of worms I should be able to sit back and watch. I may even smile. When a woman goes to the beach or other place dressed provocatively she is inviting attention, and if she gets it so be it, I will not protect her from it. I will step in if she hits the jackpot and gets a rapist or guy who is just into hurting women. Although it is not unusual you end up fighting the asshole and the woman. I think you are well meaning Carl, but have thought through your comment using common sense, or using feminist thought.
@7 A jury could not answer the question. it is tragic as is the other case.
@13 If the Shah had stayed in power the Iranians would have had the bomb by 1981 or 82, or at least all the blueprints. Might have taken another blackout of the east coast to get them the fissionable material. Or telling the Israelis they were not going to bomb a certain breeder reactor built by the US in Iran. About time the Persians get the bomb before the Arabs.
@18 Just because the US pulled out does not mean that the agreement between Iran and test of the signatories goes away. Iran must still comply, unless there was like Russian collusion. French collusion? Iran cannot build a bomb for a decade. Eventually it will be a nation like Japan or South Korea capable of putting a bomb together in less than 48 hours, and in possession of tons of fissionable material. Just a matter of political will or necessity.
@12 The natural consequence of the break up of the Turkish Empire continues. The Turks used a mixture of paying off the Arabs and sending in the troops to knock heads. Maybe the US military and state department are becoming more savvy, Doubt it.
@27 If the man moved to central Oregon to be a survivalist or to be in one of Robco’s vaults it is not a bad choice. No fear of North Korea’s or Iranian nuclear weapons as Oregon does not show up on maps in either country. Other than the state capital not a lot of reason even for the Russian’s to drop a lot of nukes on most of Oregon. Where Washington state is going to glow. Probably not on Iran’s hit parade list, but definitely on North Korea’s. Wonder where the mot likely units that flow into Korea during a war are at. Including guard troops. Sure they are all for a European theatre operations. Maybe the North Koreans will put their bombs on balloons like Japan. Might get lucky and take out Seattle or Victoria, British Columbia. Of course that happens the Chinese will be told get the fuck out of the way to the Yalu River. Ally with North Korea.
@30 If Israel found documents on a raid then those documents were not under the control of the IAEA and a clear indication of a violation. Hilliary Clinton would have pulled out. Israel pays both parties and buys both parties when it interferes in US elections.
@36 I think having George Jefferson show up as Archie Bunkers neighbor would have been to controversial way back when. And then George And Archie becoming biker buddies and hanging out with Mr Forbes in their new biker club. George’s wife would never let him own a motorcycle.
@38 So you sat down with your attorney and asked him these questions? What did he or she say? Did they say talk to attorneys familiar with election law? If so did you? What did they say and who are these attorneys. I do not think there is anything illegal about a campaign looking for dirt on their rival. Just seems you can do that with the Prime minister of GB or Israel, but heaven forbid if it is a Russian attorney removed from the Kremlin by two or three people that is forbidden. Seems Major Hogan would talk to the Russians for dirt on Col Klink or the French or British and even NAZI scientists.
Look forward to you posting your attorneys back up to your statement. Though in the end it is all rather up to that institution called the US Senate that the Republicans will likely have a majority in after November, so whatever happened in the meeting matters squat.
And if Mueller goes after Donald Jr that has a political stink to it, that may allow President Trump to shut it down.
I am waiting the outcome of Manoforts trials. Mueller needs a big win, more than a conviction on a couple of minor violations. The first trial is the easy one as all that has to be shown is a misrepresentation was made on some document. Rather like those folks who claimed cabbage patch kids on their tax returns. Clever and stupid at the same time, and the defense is poking fingers in the Prosecutions case. I suspect the Prosecutor will get a guilty on a few counts, but not enough for success or to support the second trial or get cooperation. At best they are getting Manafort on the everyday corruption that is present in Washington DC, and it is good to see corruption exists as that means there is something for both parties to steal.
@45 Could be he thought he was doing his patriotic duty to ensure the integrity of Americas first first man. Clearly all our First Ladies have been stellar in the honor and integrity . categories, And perhaps principles become a little fuzzy when one is a heart beat away and ready to take over from a leader who should resign. You might think he was an eagle scout. He is definitely a Hoosier.
RR you want the moral and all around nice guy Mike Pence in the oval office? You might get a chance to vote for him in a couple of years or six, He looks forward to your continued support,
@46 And they only have to pick off one juror. And they have not gotten to the you were lying then are you lying now. Are you protecting your son from federal prosecution. It will be a fun cross, especially if the defense has ammunition. Or heaven forbid the truth is Gates was autonomous, Or it all does not mater as Manafort had less than a 51 percent share of the company. And the Judge has already made it clear he is not letting the prosecution make their case on the basis of Manafort beig a rich guy. So the jury may not be hearing about the closets of cloths or told to disregard,
@47 It is a free country and he can say that. Will not get him invited to any of the good parties in Hollywood though.
@48 Only it nearly worked. He could have prevailed in the count, and odd things in the recount allowed a lawsuit. If he had won the re count there is not reason not to believe there would have been a Democratic aw suit. Maybe over in Spokane county. Perhaps it would have been best had the judge thrown the whole thing out, but apparently he believed here was cause. At least the lawyers were happy with the result either way.
Of course it did demonstrate that a Republican in Washington state could win the governorship. That the hegemony of the Democrats is not guaranteed, and they can loose, and that loss can be such not to depend on lawyers or recounts.
@52 Without knowing the normal amount for buybacks year to year or the trend while 1 trillion sounds like a lot it may not be. The article does not even suggest that is a record amount.
As it is economists argue over the benefits and costs of buy backs. Most suggest in small amounts and for the right reasons they are good for companies and the economy. Yet are fuzzy over where it becomes less son. Few argue they are totally good or totally bad.
@54 Well hope you take your mark for more than a hundred as you would be splitting the winnings with the gentleman who voted. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Guess you been playing a little three card monte on the streets of New York.
Of course in Boston there are those who think the Irish or at least the Irish Catholics are a mongrel race. And you cannot mix US statistics and local ones for Boston and the township you have to use the actual local ones. After that assuming the person voted at all it’s just more likely the person is a Democrat that is called statistics that you are trying to misuse in your response. Could be the person is even a Communist party member as that party exists in Massachusetts, but statistically they are most likely Democratic. And you should be willing to pay better than even odds to encourage your mark to make a bet.
The us is not 50 % Democrat and 50% Republican. Both parties typically are roughly 33% each of the electorate. Both maybe down to roughly 25% each with the majority being independents. Odd how you present your facts on that. So I will just make the assumption you made a mistake in your haste. (
And the majority of American’s may well be non voters particularly in non presidential election years, which makes any blue or red waves unpredictable and total dependent on turn out which is usually low though usually more partisan.
@56 And some of this ilk comes across as just plain seditious.
@57 I would have to look at the other signs in the area. Some good boys and gals shoot at any sign in some areas. Now if they are shooting at this one particularly then you have a valid point. Then again if all or most of the highway and street signs have bullet holes except in (or especially) in built up areas then it does not mean anything.
@58 Puddy maybe correct. Boston has had a very strong political machine and the top cat has always been a Democrat.
Since the last top pol of the machine just retired in this decade and was a Democrat I would conclude Boston likely has a higher percentage of Democrats that independents or Republicans, and it will take a decade before all the good old boys of the machine are out of office and it dies, and probably two decades before the city could go Republican. Or Independent or progressive. In Boston it’s very likely over 50% of the voters would be Democrats. Not too unlike Seattle or parts of Seattle. only more blue than Seattle, and more than skin deep. I mean a core group of hard core Democrats. Put Elmer Fudd on the ticket they will vote for Elmer every time unless maybe the Pope is running against Elmer.
You missed was was widely reported by media that wasn’t Mossad/Roghtist Israeli and USA Chickehaek sources at the time…
“There’s nothing new in the material that Netanyahu revealed yesterday. All of it was information that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) already had and has already commented on,”
Israel released, claimed it was a daring raid, information that had been disclosed to IAEA but not disclosed publicly. 45, you, Dumbfuck, and a lot of US media got played by Israel into doing Natanyahu’s will.
EU and U.K. aren’t so stupid.
I also think that everyone has a chance to fix everything!
I want to suggest this useful site: