– Maybe we shouldn’t reward Chuck Schumer for being so wrong on Iran by making him the next Democratic leader.
– Seriously, birthright citizenship is the best, and anyone opposing it is the worst. QED.
– The seawall project is over budget.
– The Breitbart people should be ashamed of themselves. Part something in an infinity series.
I know that as a consumer whenever I’m lacking confidence
in the economy and watching my nest egg plummet due to an impending implosion in the foreign country that has been loaning us the lion’s share of the money that we’ve been borrowing, I always feel a whole lot better when I go out and repeatedly spend a lot of money in Seattle restaurants.
VIX “fear index” skyrockets to highest level in nearly 7 years
Last time people were this scared? Obama’s first full day in office.
Metropolitan Grill, anyone?
As of March 31, households and nonprofits held $24.1 trillion in stocks. That’s both directly, and through mutual funds, pension funds and the like. That also includes the holdings of U.S.-based hedge funds, though you’d have to think that most hedge funds are held by households.
Using the Dow Jones Total Stock Market index DWCF, -1.45% through midmorning trade, that number had dropped to $22.32 trillion.
In other words, a cool $1.8 trillion has been lost between now and the first quarter — and overwhelmingly, those losses occurred in the last few days. This will probably be the worst quarter for stock-market destruction since the third quarter of 2011, when $2.8 trillion was wiped away.
Hey, we can save some money if we eat at Ivar’s instead. I hear you don’t have to tip there.
Maybe Goldy can create an options market on Seattle restaurant NAICS numbers. The November 3 expiration options would be particularly popular.
“We’re creating a world of dummies. Angry dummies who feel they have the right, the authority and the need not only to comment on everything, but to make sure their voice is heard above the rest, and to drag down any opposing views through personal attacks, loud repetition and confrontation.
Bill Keller, writing in the New York Times (link is external) argues that the anti-intellectual elitism is not an elitism of wisdom, education, experience or knowledge. The new elite are the angry social media posters, those who can shout loudest and more often, a clique of bullies and malcontents baying together like dogs cornering a fox. Too often it’s a combined elite of the anti-intellectuals and the conspiracy followers – not those who can voice the most cogent, most coherent response. Together they frment a rabid culture of anti-rationalism where every fact is suspect; every shadow holds a secret conspiracy. Rational thought is the enemy. Critical thinking is the devil’s tool.”
China opens with the Enron gambit:
China on Sunday published finalized rules that allow pension funds managed by local governments to invest in the stock market, according to Reuters. Under the new rules, these pension funds, with assets estimated at more than 2 trillion yuan, or about $322 billion, can invest up to 30% of their net assets in stocks, equity funds and balanced funds.
Can invest. Likely in the same way that North Korean citizens can cheer for their leader.
1-3. If only we had some sort of safety net, that wasn’t subject to the whim of the market, where events totally out of our control, like across the world in china, or management decisions in another Enron wouldn’t gut our retirement.
Oh yeah.
“From Rand Paul to John Kasich, from Marco Rubio to Rick Perry to Lindsey Graham to Ted Cruz to Jeb Bush to George Pataki, all agree that Social Security should be privatized.”
Bob seems giddy about the stock downturn, reveling in the misfortune of others.
“The Breitbart people should be ashamed of themselves.”
You would have a hard time finding any still-living Nazis who are ashamed of themselves. Invariably, the people least ashamed of themselves are those with the greatest cause to be. (See, e.g., the bankers who crashed the economy; and all the fuckwads who voted for George W. Bush.) We’ll have to settle for telling them they’re shameful and letting them know of our contempt for them. That’ll have to do, because it’s all we’re going to get from them. Note that I didn’t even say we should round them all up and put them in concentration camps, or execute them en masse — that’s Ann Coulter and other rightwing ilk talking about liberals. The right feels no shame. They couldn’t be what they are if they did.
@1 How does an idiot like you become a doctor? I thought it takes some brains to get through medical school? On the other hand, there are gobs of doctors who make tons of money by gouging Medicare, insurance companies, and patients, then piss it all away in their investing because they’re stupid about investing. (Some of them don’t live long enough to make it into the poor house that way, because they’re stupid about flying their private airplanes over mountains in bad weather, too. There are a lot of dead doctors out in the North Cascades.)
Listen up, moron, the Master is about to give you an investing lesson. You don’t get rich by chasing “hot” stocks. You get rich by harnessing mathematical compounding. You turn a dollar into many dollars by making 5% a year on an ever-growing pile of money that grows because you keep reinvesting the gains. It looks like this: 1.00 x 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.05 …
And that works BETTER when stocks are cheap, than it does when stocks keep going up and keep getting more expensive. This type of investor doesn’t sell, so high stock prices are meaningless to him; he buys, so he needs (or at least wants) low stock prices. Comprende yet, dummy? Real investors LOVE corrections and crashes, because it allows them to buy cheap stocks when they reinvest their dividends! Last month I bought more shares of Exxon for $81 a share; today, I can buy more shares of Exxon for $71 a share. You think that makes me sad?
Shit, I’m wasting my time, you fucking doctors understand nothing. Go fly your private plane into a mountain and leave me alone. I’m a busy rabbit and have better things to do than listen to your asinine whining about the stock market. I don’t care what my net worth is, because I don’t spend my paper wealth; I only care about what my income is, and cheaper stocks mean I can buy more dividend income with the same dollars and that means I own more shares of stocks, and owning more shares always makes you richer than owning less shares. Why do imbeciles like you have such a hard time understanding this simple point?
If you think I’m all wet, go ask Warren Buffett what he thinks of this. He’ll tell you the same thing I just did.
@7 “Bob seems giddy about the stock downturn, reveling in the misfortune of others.”
No doubt it will bother him greatly to learn I’m reveling in this. Literally rolling in clover!
@5 Yeah, just take a look at who the “angry Republicans” are, it’s your ignorant Tea Party types — the “keep goverment’s mitts off my Medicare!” crowd.
Sounds like MoveOn.org or Huffington Post.
Yeah, stocks are on sale now. It’s a good buying opportunity,
Rabbit, IMHO, anyone with an education can become a doctor. It’s not that many conservatives are lacking in intelligence, many conservatives seem to be lacking in empathy, the capacity to care about others.
“This research builds on earlier evidence of correlations between empathetic traits/moral values and political affiliation, and correlations between threat/disgust reflexes and political affiliation. Those scoring higher on disgust/threat indexes are more likely to score lower on empathy and vote conservative, whereas those scoring higher on maximising equality and minimising harm are more likely to score higher in empathy and be left wing.”
“It is going to be far harder for conservatives to bury the hatchet and cooperate for the good of the country than it is for the exasperated socialists on the other side of the chamber.”
Shorter RR @ 9
Dollar cost-averaging.
Bogle of Vanguard, not Buffett, is most famous for recommending it.
The “Master”? Dude, you’re not even adequately equipped to be a masturbator.
@15 Value investing..
No, Dr Dumbass, Buffett didn’t invent it.
Graham and Dodd probably didn’t invent it either.
@8 “Shame”, I’d say, is pretty much a foreign concept to the folks at Breitbart.
“Meanwhile, back at the economy” (with respect to the late Mr. Rukeyser), can someone explain why crude’s down to $40 a barrel but we’re still paying three bucks a gallon at the pump?
@15. It’s amusing to read bob’s cheap shot middle school level personal attacks of rabbit, exhibiting exactly the anti intellectual behavior the article defined in @5.
Cheap shots at the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit worser?
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is the biggest cheap shot artist here! Now that the stock market has lost 1200+ points in the last two days it seems Obummer’s eonomy works great!
https://grabien.com/story.php?id=32165&from=allstories – JACK LEW IN CHINA: CHINA’S MARKETS AREN’T ‘LINKED’ TO REST OF WORLD
@ 19
Hey, Better, did you see what else was in that piece?
Together they frment [sic] a rabid culture of anti-rationalism where every fact is suspect; every shadow holds a secret conspiracy.
Kind of like wondering if it’s a Corporate Lie that there will be some job losses if a substantial increase in the national minimum wage were to occur, doncha think?
Oh. As long as you’re going to point out personal attacks, maybe be less hypocritical and more consistent by pointing out more @ 9 of them.
@ 18
We don’t pump oil, we pump gas. Oil has to be converted to gasoline. Refineries are under pressure to be ‘clean’ and sometimes it’s cheaper not to produce gas at a loss than it is to be ‘clean’. It’s the summer driving season so demand is up. Oil companies sometimes drive demand by taking refineries offline, thereby reducing supply when demand is greater, increasing price of gasoline.
Oh, and then there are taxes.
Take your pick. Any and all are contributing.
Nick Hanauer
Trickle down economics intimidation tactic of the 21st century: Don’t ask for fair wages or we’ll give your jobs to robots.
RepubliKKKlans are now aiming their racist disdain at Asians. Jeb! Bush! says it’s Asians that are dumping their “anchor babies” here. And others are screaming about Xi Jinping’s visit should be cancelled because whatever. Nice “outreach” assholes.
@1 tell it to monkey bush and the tea party, you dumb fuck.
@ 25
Asians like Paresh “Bobby” Jindal?
His parents moved here specifically to have him in the United States, and then used his birth in the U.S. as a reason to apply for their green cards.
@22 IMHO. Rabbit was responding to your sarcastic posts in the same spirit. You cannot be an ass and then complain people are not being nice to you .
Republicans. Pulling up the ladder after them.
@ 28
Funny, I don’t recall complaining.
I’m in the minority in these parts. Look at what I have been called, just in this thread. Complaining would be pointless.
Besides, things are going pretty good for those of us who haven’t hitched our wagon to Hillary. Not much to complain about.
Yep, the libtards go apoplectic when we deliver their actions back at them. The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! is an ASS. Big time ASS.
Actually, Bob….going back to your first comment, I’ll go along to a degree. One correction…not the restaurants. The bars.
Met Grill? Hell, I presently work right across the street from there. Even THEY have a happy hour. If you’re ever forced to come into Seattle for something or other, give me a holler.
China isn’t stealing our jobs – American Corporations are giving away those jobs, and making all the rest evaporate.
So the three who stopped the train terrorism attack received a special medal from France, the Legion d’honneur. Fantastic!
They’ll be booed by DUMMOCRETINS because the terrorist was beaten up and choked out!
@ 32
I’ll keep that in mind, thanks. Every time I’m there I step into the bar to look around. I haven’t seen an empty seat. From what I recall reading – Eater, I think – they have a great burger during Happy Hour.
Yes that quantatative easing really worked well on the US economy… $4.48 trillion so far.
Hasn’t helped all those stocks falling these last three days! And the horsesASS manure delivered by VOX to describe the free fall is hilarious. Anything to cover the Obummer ASS! http://www.vox.com/2015/8/23/9.....own-august
Butt butt butt HA DUMMOCRETINS claim the economy is robust and humming along!
The things written by left wrong libtards!
Many European countries are building walls to keep out the aliens… http://www.ibtimes.com/some-eu.....ut-1978765
Where are the screams from the HA DUMMOCRETINS on that? Y’all love the European socialism so much you want it here!
“Can I just say one quick thing? It’s better to die like a lion that be slaughtered like sheep. And this terrorist coward deserved what he got, and the PC crowd needs to recognize terrorism for what it is.” – Emanuel Skarlatos, father of the National Guard Train Hero Alek Skarlatos,
DUMMOCRETINS of the PC crowd want you to die as a sheep. Hence Puddy has called DUMMOCRETINS sheeple before!
So Carl, are you calling Harry Reid the Worst ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzQovm8j8_k – 9 year old killed by stray bullet in Ferguson… Peggy is from the same streets! That little black life didn’t matter. Where is the protest over the death of this little girl who died in her grandmother’s arms! All we have are bourgeois wine sipping whitey leftists supporting blacks killing blacks!
Don’t y’all remember this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlJx7YV0ICM – Black lives matter!
The latest from the killing fields of Chicago! http://heyjackass.com/
Mostly True – http://www.politifact.com/pund.....-staff-no/
Breitbart breaks it down again libtards! http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....l-scandal/
@ 40
Why should we care? It’s black people killing black people. It’s not like any black people really give a damn either and law enforcement in Ferguson is only concerned with generating revenue for the City.
I can pick up a hot Glock on the street in Oakland for $150. Last time I was there, it was practically an open-air market.
So, Schiz, I take it you agree with these folks?
I guess thats what you get when you let the Conservatives run a State.
– Maybe we shouldn’t reward Chuck Schumer for being so wrong on Iran by making him the next Democratic leader.
Why Carl? Because the article author believes on how to have a girlfriend in another universe and that’s good?
Butt butt butt that’s okay for Heilary Clinton to be preznit when she received money from Wall Street (her senate state was New York) and using it to buy power within the Democratic Party. Because Chuck actually thinks now and then and this “signature” fiasco of Schumer being in the NO column hurts Obummer? http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....opposition
Seems the real DUMMOCRETIN scum have raised their ugly heads and the Dull Knives are out!
Ron and Rand Paul are the most corrupt teabag douche bags in the world.
Ted Cruz is scumbagger
Chris Cristie is fat fuck foodbagger.
Why should we care? It’s black people killing black people.
– Thanks for playing vomit producer… Your StormFront beliefs shine brightly!
So why are you screaming about cops offing blacks vomit producer. It’s just another black dying right? Puddy cares about everyone even you whiteys.
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, Puddy has been raising this issue since 2005.
It’s not like any black people really give a damn either and law enforcement in Ferguson is only concerned with generating revenue for the City.
– Well we see how white power policies of DUMMOCRETINS have kept blacks needy and with a handout.
“Americans are struggling to cope with the fall in today’s markets driven in partly China’s slowing economy and the fact that they actively manipulate their economy. Rather than honoring Chinese President Xi Jinping with an official state visit next month, President Obama should focus on holding China accountable over its increasing attempts to undermine U.S. interests. Given China’s massive cyberattacks against America, its militarization of the South China Sea, continued state interference with its economy, and persistent persecution of Christians and human rights activists, President Obama needs to cancel the state visit. There’s serious work to be done rather than pomp and circumstance. We need to see some backbone from President Obama on U.S.-China relations.”
– Scott Walker
See, the problem is, that their whole schtick is getting stale. I think that people that are whispering in these men’s ears and holding their wallets are starting to notice this to some extent, and their only recourse is to double-down on the bullshit, simply because they don’t have any other ideas.
They just cannot fashion the concept at all that people are a tad bit more educated than that, and do in fact have the cogitation to spare to spend a little time thinking about statements like this for more than a few seconds. The problem with this paradigm is that, because they have spent the last 50 years insulating themselves from the real world by surrounding themselves with sycophants and fellow grifters, that they think that is how the world should function, and they’ll burn the entire world down before they’ll give any of that up.
Pure, utter, selfishness, and money-hoarding behavior is always the primary symptomatology of the Chronic Asshole.
The difference between the political criticism of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and Puddy regarding the national political candidates is Puddy’s is based on web sites while the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is just vile bile.
Glad I got out today. China stocks tumble for a second day.
American companies giving China all the jobs.
Puffy cares about everyone. Even child molester Duggar?
Remember last week how the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla busted on Deez Nuts? Wanna read it again? Really? Well… teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla read this… http://thehill.com/blogs/ballo.....em-primary Deez Nuts likes Bernie!
You are the vile bile. You are the anti Christ. You fucking Nazi.
What’s s matter you don’t like all bad name i give to your monkeys? Oh but it’s true to keep calling Obama s Muslim or non citizen? Go fuck your self, there, there’s mor vile bile for you.
When Obummer wants to remove you hell hath no fury… http://thehill.com/blogs/floor.....s-menendez
Quinnipiac University released a poll that found Ohio voters oppose the nuclear deal by a margin of 58 percent to 24 percent.
Butt butt butt Ohio likes the DUMMOCRETIN right?
Imagine if GW Bush said this… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....ial-deals/
Imagine if GW Bush said this… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....ial-deals/
@ 54
You take some issue with the President getting rid of a crooked scumbag Congressman? Even if Obama was somehow involved, why should you whine about it?
Seems to me that such is part and parcel of the responsibilities of the office. It’s not like over a thousand people working in the Nixon, Reagan, Bush and other Bush’s administrations were convicted of anything, not because they weren’t crooks, but because they were. They were protected by the President.
You really are bad at this, Schizo.
Man this vomit producer must eat its own vomit…
John Koskinen was told by Congress produce all of Lois Lerner’s emails in 2013. A subpoena was submitted in 2014… Magically 422 backup tapes were digitally erased with Lois Lerner’s emails. When did we learn this happened? June 2015. Was Koskinen fired for this willful lapse of subpoena direction? NIPE
General David Petraeus – Caught with his Outlook Calendar on private email. Life and career destroyed.
General Stanley McChrystal – Told the truth about the Joe BiteME and the white house in Rolling Stone. Career destroyed.
General James Mattis – Told the truth about whitey house morons like Tom Donlon and Obummer fired him!
Oh Puddy has many more examples vomit producer! And your kind got your pink panties in a bind when Bush fired some Attorneys! These guys were protecting America!
@45 Sadly, not by a long shot.
Conservatives run California?
Here is the type of people that Ron and Rand Paul like to pal around with. What fucking frauds they are. Corrupt as Cruz is insane and Christie is a fat fuck.
I’m sure more than missing emails will be going on in the whitey house if theses fucks ever got there.
Not sure if Obama ever had that much baggage prior to running for President. But it doesn’t matter conservatives like this kind of bulldhit just not when it’s from the other side. They hate terrorists but they are the inventors of terrorism and create terror every day.
Talk about liv. Conservatives are crooks and adulterers.
Conservative family fun.
Anna Duggar’s brother calls out cheating husband Josh http://www.nydailynews.com/ent.....-1.2336063
Stock market up today by 400 points – boy that Obama is really good, he must have fixed everything. Always having to fix what Tepublucans fuck up.
And my consumer confidence is up today, going to buy some property in NYC, maybe a half million or so, now that Onama fixed things again. Republicans are like drunk drivers always running fucking things over.
Benghazi, Benghazi
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla farted… Oh but it’s true to keep calling Obama s Muslim or non citizen?
Got proof? Where has Puddy joined the birther movement?
Maybe you’ll grow some marbuls and ax the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch to scour the crazed databaze! Although it may not be any help because it still thinks Mrs Puddy is an SEIU member. Got that from the crazed databaze too! Just Deez Nutz eh?
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has had 12 chances to grow some marbuls butt won’t ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch to scour the crazed databaze!
@67 you never denounced it, that’s as good as joining as far as I’m concerned. I suppose if you were around during Hitlers time that you would have said “at least you weren’t involved and opposed but just sat back and were an innocent bystander”.
@67 you never denounced it…
Got proof?
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