Congrats to Representative, soon to be Speaker, Jinkins. A good liberal will make an excellent speaker. I am excited to see what her Speakership brings. It has been a long time, probably too long, since the Las Speaker election. Also, definitely read the article if for nothing else, the sine die joke.
Look, if you call us bigots or racists it hurts our feelings and THAT’s why we vote Donald. That and economic insecurity.
The Atlantic
@2 As if one congresswoman was the whole Democratic Party and could impose her will on the entire country even if any of that nonsense were true.
How the hell do these people manage to be so stupid? It must take a lot of work on their part.
And they wonder why intelligent people have no respect for them.
The fact that president peepee was raised Presbyterian means he has deep ties to known terrorist groups.
Impossible to get around that. In fact, there’s barely a religion on earth that hasn’t been recruited into the justification of terrorism at some point.
Thus, the only thing different about his deep ties to known terrorist groups and Ilhan Omar is that president peepee is a white man. But mustn’t mention that. The White People are very sensitive about it any time a minority notices when White People treat them like shit.
president peepee’s support, and his supporters are appalling. Clinton was absolutely right all along. They are deplorable. It’s a very sad thing to see. He comes along and they collectively debase themselves in his honor.
Now ask yourself why their support is appalling. Ask yourself what it is, in particular, about president peepee that makes them willing to set their own standards aside and essentially abandon decades of conservative ideology. Don’t shy away from it. Don’t be afraid of it. The stakes are far too important. What exactly is it about Trumpism that is so appalling?
In the end, it is not the ugly red hats, the tacky gold spray paint, the gaudy banners and shirts, the flabby arms, enormous bellies, triple chins, and veiny calves all tarted up in faux patriotism, and faded myths of glory. It isn’t the limitless corruption and selling the government even, although that is truly awful.
In the end it is the racism. It is the fundamental hatred of all things “non-white”. And the knee-jerk reactionary response to any “non-white” daring to demand the same rights and privileges as any “white”. That is the consistent theme. That has always been the consistent theme going all the way back with this person and the people he leads. From BIRFER to BabyRape. It’s the same damn thing.
“In the end it is the racism.”
Considering Nixon’s Southern Strategy as being the Genesis of today’s GOP, it was racism in the beginning.
Worth noting at this point, with media apologia like The Atlantic propagating and WhitePower/alt-Right counterattacking shrieking “RACE CARD”, that at no point in the last forty years have Republicans and conservatives been the least bit hesitant when it comes to demonizing Democrats and liberals with smears and name-calling.
They’ve called us “commies”, “faggots”, “leftists”, “Femi-Nazis”, “traitors”, “murderers”, “Dyke-lezbos”, “radicals”, “perverts”, “terrorist sympathizers”, and worse. Every successful Democratic politician elected since Watergate has been subjected to a ceaseless barrage of rumors, false claims and fabrications. And the MSM take it all in stride as just “politics as usual”. And now when their president himself engages in the same, the media fall all over themselves seeking to “explain” it for the sake of Republican voters.
Times up. They used up their last lifeline accusing Hillary Clinton of decorating the White House Christmas tree with cock rings and condoms. They’ve had five decades to adjust to the kind of modern, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society that a global, post-industrial economy demands. They’ve had four decades to recover their delicate sensibilities from the haunting reality that Nixon was a demented crook unfit for office. We have to move forward without them now. It’s well past time for Democrats to wake up and realize that we can never, ever move forward as a society in the company of these kinds of people.
They aren’t getting any better. They never have. They never will. And it is just not our responsibility any longer to find a way to make things work with them. Not any more.
Bipartisanship is dead. FOX News/AM HateRadio Republicans killed it.
Time for whatever comes next.
@6 What you’re saying is not different from what I’ve said for years on this blog. You can’t negotiate or compromise with these people, any more than you can negotiate free passage with the smirking kid wearing the MAGA hat. We have to walk over them to get where we’re going.
Apparently it was unwise to refer to a substantial portion of the House Democrat caucus as a bunch of racists.
Your next phone will cost $200 more and your “friends and family plan” is going up $10 a month. The 64 inch 8K you were eyballing at Costco just went up $500.
And your retirement fund just lost 10%.
But so worth it for #tankfullogas and permission to shout “SEND ‘EM BACK TO AFRICA!” just like back in the day.
“My goal was to stay alive.”
Indeed. A traffic infraction while black? He’s lucky he and and his family weren’t all shot!
“Wealthy black family held at gunpoint by rookie state trooper over traffic infraction: ‘My goal was to stay alive’”
@9 Well, at least your $10-a-month tax cut will pay for the increase in your “friends and family” plan.
@10 Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m a rabbit and don’t have to worry about being shot by the cops. I only have to worry about being shot by hunters and farmers.
Of course that cop should be fired; gotta nip this in the bud. I’m confident the good people of Pennsylvania (i.e., the ones who didn’t vote for Trump) don’t want another racist on their state police force for the next 25 or 30 years.
@10 Where is Doctor Dumbfuck’s outrage? He’s white, so I guess it doesn’t matter to him, because he figures it’ll never happen to his family.
@20 Puffy should have listened and had the same goal.
Poor PI probably lost a bit today. Maybe even enough to no longer be a quadrillionaire. But I lost none of my moonlighting job money, and if use it or a portion of it to pay down my debt I get closer to becoming a millionaire.
But I understand it’s hard to find a job in a scooter
@10 hopefully they get billions from a suit. And every hillbilly has to personally pay for it.