There has been a long time where people would say about Trump, that you might not like his positions, but at least he tells it like it is. Of course that was always bullshit, Mexico isn’t sending rapists, and we can’t build a wall with their money just because. At the time, he was several years into his investigation of Obama’s birth certificate. So no. He never told it like it is. But now that he’s saying that he sees planes full of Iranian bribes that don’t exist, and that Obama founded Islamic State, can we please stop saying that? Thanks!
Gov. Inslee’s opponent refuses to say whether he’ll vote for Trump, but at least he admits he’s a Republican, which I guess is progress.
But, but, but He tells it like it is.
Several months ago I made the observation that there would be no softer, gentler, pivot Trump because, “Assholes gotta Asshole.”
In Arizona, there’s one of these in every small town.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The proper response to someone like this is, “Please speak real English, not trailer park dialect.”
Everyone is being accused of being rapists……except the raping frat boys!
were just seeing the tip of the Republican base shitberg.
As their nominee continues to unravel, slip in the polls, step on his dick, humiliate himself, and punch downward throughout his own party, these supporters will continue to lash out angrily at any perceived slight. I just hope none of them decides to rampage with one of their weapons.
Come to Jesus time.
Love to be a fly on the wall.
Priebus under pressure hoping to pull the team together.
And Cheeto Jesus will go in to set them all straight.
Donald Trump is as bad at sarcasm as Dennis Miller.
The only time I ever thought that was when he was cutting his opponents down to size and they were too cowardly to fight back. Once the primary was over and he had to state positions, because now his opponents are not so spineless, he quickly showed his absolute ignorance on every subject. Now I’m glad he says what he thinks because we clearly see he’s a flim-flam and a fraud.
Tax experts say Trump probably is paying little or no taxes, and it’s perfectly legal, thanks to the generous tax breaks developers get.
So it looks for all the world that the DEA has come down on the side of racial injustice, the alcohol industry and private dungeons.
Don’t you just love the irrationality of prohibition? It’s past time to vote for freedom. C’mon California!
@10 Not to mention preserving their own jobs.
Even Nate Silver is beginning to speculate about a Clinton landslide, but I doubt Clinton will ever carry Oklahoma, even if Texas goes blue.
@11 To a great extent the DEA kept them prohibition agents employed. Of course the DEA has to follow these things called laws. The White House also has a Drug Czar and that person has to toe the line that drugs are bad, because that is the law. Neither the DEA or the Drug Czar can implement the drug policy expressed policy of candidate Obama.
No idea what the policy of Hilliary Clinton.
@13 I believe the Democratic Party Platform calls for a “pathway” to legalization.