I’m writing this yesterday on the bus home from Drinking Liberally. So if there was something particularly Trumpish in the mean time I’m not ignoring it by writing how stinky the bus is.
But, y’all! It’s like stale fries with a side of burning oil. Why? I don’t see anyone eating fries (or burning oil).
Also, probably unrelated, but it was 18 minutes late. One Bus Away should have a feature where they let you know how your bus will smell, so you can choose the next one.
From inside the Trump bubble:
“President Donald Trump on Wednesday complained on Twitter that the government hadn’t told him that his former campaign chief Paul Manafort ‘was under investigation.’ Trump’s tweet … came as Manafort entered the second day of his federal criminal trial ….”
Look on the bright side – Hillary Clinton will never be president!
@2 Even better, you won’t be put in charge of a weed control district or an irrigation ditch.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Borders are Racist! Smash Racist Citizenship Laws!
Majority of Democrats: Illegal Aliens Should be Given the Right to Vote
A majority of Democrat voters now say that the 12 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States should be given the right to vote.
In a new poll by Rasmussen Reports, a majority of 54 percent of Democrats said illegal aliens in the U.S. should be given the right to vote so long as they pay taxes. Illegal aliens paying taxes ensures the identity theft of Americans. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/31/majority-of-democrats-illegal-aliens-should-be-given-the-right-to-vote/
Yawwnn @ bbq pork sauce..
So Rasmussen is taking money from Vlad now, eh?
Breitbarf certainly is… at least since the Mercers cut them off and half their advertisers canceled.
winningwhiningAs I’ve said before, never, ever leave a child or farm animal alone with a Republican. Nothing good will ever come from it.
“Largest Christian music festival founder busted with 18-year prison sentence after molesting five children”
“His 18-year sentence comes with no possibility of parole.”
So Breitbart’s position is illegals shouldn’t pay taxes? Figures. I don’t know anyone who thinks they should vote.
“The flag of Nazi Germany was sighted atop a flagpole in a public park in Laramie, Wyoming. The US flag that usually flies from the pole lay crumpled on the ground when police arrived on the scene Monday morning ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hitler has been dead for 73 years, so I doubt his Wehrmacht soldiers invaded and captured Laramie over the weekend; the pitiful few still alive are in their 90s now, frail and feeble, and no longer devoted to the Fuhrer and ideology they assiduously fought for more than seven decades ago.
No, this is the work of some indigenous asshole who probably rants on Stormfront, Breitbart, Free Republic, and similar forums about football players who “disrespect” the American flag he threw on the ground by taking a knee during the national anthem to protest the ongoing slaughter of unarmed black men by white cops.
Could even be some Republican candidate for Congress or legislature, for all we know. The way things are going today, that’s not too far-fetched to entertain as being in the realm of possibility.
Some people still living remember the Holocaust, either as perpetrators or victims or veterans who helped liberate the death camps in May 1945. My guess is whoever hoisted Hitler’s flag and threw the Stars and Stripes on the ground has no real idea of what that flag stands for. Maybe he’s even a Holocaust denier.
Probably, though, just a protester. And this is just his way of saying he’s had enough of white people like him being victimized by affirmative action and all the other special privileges that blacks, browns, yellows, and reds get in our multicultural society. Look at any NFL team, there’s hardly any white guys, or anybody standing for the national anthem.
Or maybe he’s protesting against child abuse. You know, Hillary’s pizza parlor pedophile ring.
Yeah, it’s probably just a protest against something or other, by some oxy-popping yahoo who doesn’t know a damn thing about anything, who’s completely harmless in and of himself when he isn’t playing with an AR-15 or Glock out behind the barn.
““I’m very sorry for the pain I’ve caused. I agree with the scriptures. It would be better for a millstone to be hung around my neck and be cast into the sea. That’s what I deserve,” he said.”
Yeah, sure – he was just trying to save his ass. It would have been much nicer if he just said “I am going to hell” heheheh.
Oh look the latest in fashion for HA trolls:
“Pizza gate on bath salts” Curt Schilling approved.
3 – Even much better is the fact that YOU will NEVER have any role whatsoever in any government anywhere! And, you’re nearly dead, too!
Talk about win-win for everybody!!!
@12 That’s kinda funny. Nice try, though.
A bunch of hillbillies could be about to lose their jobs. I wonder if they’ll consider picking fruit for a living versus living off the government tit.
@14 Didn’t you hear there’s a recession in the orchards?
And they won’t be able to fall back on food stamps …
But there’ll always be roadkill, thank goodness.
If it’s good enough for vultures and rats, it’s good enough for Trump’s voters, too.
Venezuela – Escape From a Failed State (Deutche Welle, August 1, 2018) – available for viewing on YouTube
All of you liberal progressives who are thinking of picking up the title “democratic socialist” need to view this video. Socialism has failed miserably in Venezuela. One of the richest countries in South America is now an economic basket case and likely to stay that way. The video showed citizens eating from piles of garbage because the socialist government can’t provide the food that a capitalist system can. They even had a bit about a lady who tried to take her starving kid to a hospital, and the hospital wanted her to bring her own medicine, IV tubes and catherers because the hospital was out of supples.
Each one of you liberal progressives need to watch this video. It would be especially good if such clowns an Thom Hartmann and Sean Penn were to see it, too. Socialism requires totalitarian government force to “work,” and this “working” is a life of starvation and humiliation for the very people socialism is supposed to help.
Someone should tell Bernie Sanders he’s a fucking idiot, too!
@16 Oh look who’s back! You’ve been gone for a while. We’re capitalists now. Actually, we always were, so not much has changed here in your absence. Same old stupid trolls, too.
Of course, there’s no totalitarian force involved in forcing women to have babies they don’t want, or making athletes stand for the national anthem, or ripping babies from their mothers’ arms and throwing them in concentration camps, or any other aspect of American conservatives’ political agenda, now is there?
President Rawdog PornSweat is pleading like a helpless bitch to his AG to shut down the OSC investigation he started. And it looks like once again Sesh is telling PornSweat to fuck off.
What a sad pussy. The impotence is just off the chart. When a twisted up little pervert like Jefferson Beauregard Butterscotch Nancy Drew Sessions ignores your direct orders, it’s really no wonder you have to pay hookers and porn sluts to get laid.
I just checked, and yep. There’s no doubt about it. But also no surprise that you missed it. That porn fucking reality teevee star you put in charge of your party is licking the ball cheese of no fewer than three commie dictators.
@16 (continued) Want to know what socialism is? Below-subsistence minimum wage. Nobody can supply their labor for $7.25/hr, and taxpayers have to make up the difference by supporting welfare programs for low-wage workers, which effectively are taxpayer subsidies of cheapskate employers.
Here’s something else that’s no more fiscally responsible than what Venezuela is doing and can be expected to have similar results: Running deficits we can’t afford to give tax cuts to corporations and rich people they don’t need.
If you’re against socialism, don’t vote Republican, because the whole Republican economic agenda consists of socialism for the rich.
Carl your bus could be running on bio fuel, and warm weather may also make the smell more potent.
@7 Your statement is problematic. Worse the example you are using is of unknown political persuasion. I have not found anything showing he is a Republican or even that the 14 board members and deacons of his organization are of any political persuasion. The fact that he was involved with a case where a couple had been accused of starving children and convicted suggests maybe parents should not be entrusting youth to the man. Clearly the man misused his political power in an religious organization. It may just show politics corrupt, and making assumptions based on a perpetrators politics or party affiliation is not at all helpful.
After all there are serial killers out there who have not been caught. These killers could be predominately Republican or Democratic party members. Or non member. Party affiliation is unlikely to help investigators identify these serial killers, or be of limited statistical use as the hay stack is very large, and it’s not know if the needle is magnetic or not.
@7 And to test what you are saying I am sure someone at the University of Washington can get a grant and do a study to include 1000 members of the Washington Democratic and Republican parties and send out questioners, do background checks, and dig for any information that these people are sexual deviants, have committed sex crimes against adults or children, and see if the results show a one party with a higher number of sexual criminals. I suspect there would be no difference or such difference would be within a statistical error, and take in factors as to whether 1000 Republicans compared to 1000 Democrats is equally representative, I suspect a thousand Republicans would represent a higher percentage of party members than Democrats. Perhaps it should be 5% of each parties membership. Taking inyo account individuals who are members of both parties.
@8 There are politicians who would support illegals voting as long as the vast majority vote for them. And there are elements of the La Raza movement who do believe Hispanics in America should vote. Oddly Mexican Americans suddenly become Mexican citizens of some importance in Mexico, and the Mexican government believes their citizens should vote in our elections, too bad these Mexican citizens were not important to the Mexican government until they went to El Norte.
Well okay, it’s once again time to check the surveys and see how the Populist Revolt is playing in Peoria, and other points east and west, north and south:
” … thanks to Trump, college-educated white women would apparently be pretty happy to see the Republican Party annihilated and replaced with something else.
“Trump has had the same effect … on every other demographic group too, wiping out most of the Republican Party’s gains made during the Obama era … even for all those angry white guys, I wonder if they’re starting to see Trump as an empty suit.
“Sure, he talks big, but there’s still no wall; NAFTA remains in place; North Korea still has nukes; he caved to Europe on trade; Putin seems to have him by the balls … Trump better start delivering soon if he wants to keep all those working-class white guys in his camp.”
Guess we’ll find out in four months.
@24 “There are politicians who would support illegals voting as long as the vast majority vote for them.”
Name one. Putin doesn’t count.
@9 This use of speech though ugly is not criminal. A lot of speculation, with no basis. With out knowing who or a you tube video of who raised the flag (assuming Google didn’t censure this newsworthy video). We are all overreacting. If someone had raised the skull and crossbones, or Trekkies had raised a Klingon or Federation flag in a similar manner, there would be discussion; probably limited to Laramie. but not this overreaction, with our speech rights actually taking center stage as folks would not be overly upset.
@11 RR the happy big moneyed capitalist probably owns stock in the t-shirt company. Ain’t capitalism great. Those GE profits went somewhere, and I wish him success if he made the call and put down on this investment opportunity. (Collectors buy your shirts now, no telling what they could be worth in 2020 or 2050, though if we make it there then some of Q’s predictions are wrong.) Did you get your shirt YLB never know when you need to blend into a crowd.
@14 US citizens should be picking US fruits and vegetables, ect. One thing that should happen is the separate minimum wage for agricultural work should be abolished and current minimum state and federal minimum used. Liberal progressives in Washington and New York can make that the law in both states. And the Federal minimum wage should be raised. (At least doubled.)
@16 Yet things go well in the Nordic socialist countries, and Denmark, and things are ok in those European nations such as Great Brita and Germany that retain some socialist democratic policies in line with the style of democratic socialism that Bernie Sanders supports. Venezuela’s democratic socialism is more communism yet things go well in Cuba, China and Vietnam. Could just be the curse of having been blessed by oil.
@17 Some neo cons are Democrats like Hilliary Clinton. Seems the policies she and the Obama administration have had an effect on Venezuela.
@27 “This use of speech though ugly is not criminal.”
Who said it is?
“A lot of speculation, with no basis.”
I see you figured out what “I guess” means. I wasn’t sure you would.
“With out knowing who or a you tube video of who raised the flag”
I’ll take another wild guess here and opine it probably wasn’t the Israeli ambassador to the United States. I know it wasn’t me. That rules out two possible suspects. Process of elimination.
“(assuming Google didn’t censure this newsworthy video).”
Do you know the difference between “censure” and “censor”?
“We are all overreacting.”
No, we’re not. Public outrage at this twisted desecration of a public space and our nation’s flag is fully justified. Whoever did this is suffering from serious maladaptive behaviors, poor socialization, and pathological nonconformity. There’s probably some attention-seeking going on, too. Maybe one of the local high school kids. It has a juvenile flavor to it.
See @15 and 14
US citizens will soon, if not already, be eating from garbage. Matter of fact I seen that yesterday while walking from home and I think Carl exoerienced something similar in that bus.
(Associated Press) Spending on U.S. construction projects fell 1.1 percent in June, the biggest decline in more than a year as spending on public construction dropped at the highest rate in more than five years.
Don’t have time to read the article at the moment…..maybe Dumbfuck can for me and then provide me with the Cliff Notes.
If the link doesn’t work – then later, I will try to provide some of the information from the article.
What the DerpState/QAnon FACTS! teach President Sweaty PornFuck and the Roypublican Party:
– The OSC is not investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election at all. It is in fact secretly investigating Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and a global pedophile ring of liberal “elites” centered in Hollywood, CA.
-Ankle monitors – all the big scary liberals are wearing them so that their movements can be tracked 24/7 (if you squint just right you can see the bulges under their pants – no not that bulge, Dumbfuck! Wrong bulge! Jeezus, what is it with Dumbfuck and Obama’s bulge?). This is in preparation for what comes next:
-The Storm: this is when “the military” (who persuaded Sweaty PornFuck to run) will sweep up all the liberal pedophiles at the heart of the conspiracy and imprison them all.
Who believes this? Lots and lots of leading Roypublicans, a bunch of Townhall and Breitbarf columnists, growing numbers of PornSweat Fanboys at midterm rallies, and vast numbers of PornSweat voters who have driven the social media numbers for this “science!” through the roof.
This is who they are now. Really. Paranoid, delusional, racist meatbags locked in SSI disability, surfing 4chan all day being programmed by GRU bot-farms. They are a real and present danger to America. They are all registered to vote and they carry guns.
In 2016 eight term incumbent Roypublican Congressman Pat Tiberi* crushed his Democratic opponent by more than thirty six percentage points. Disgraced into retirement the seat was vacated and is up for a special election next Tuesday. The Putin-bot the Child Molester Party has chosen to run for Tiberi’s seat now finds himself in a statistical tie according to the latest polls – in a seat Tiberi never lost by less than nine points – a thirty six point swing in less than 24 months. And now PornSweat and the Child Molester Party are having to pour resources into a special election in an overwhelmingly Roypublican safe district.
Elections have consequences.
from 36 above,
*Pat Tiberi is the Roypublican who spent $65,000 of donor money on luxury box tickets to shows in New York City.
@35 Not very surprising to see America’s dumbfucks flocking to the Dumbfuck Party.
From CBS News homepage:
“Illinois lawmaker resigns amid revenge porn allegations”
Without even looking at the story, I can tell right off the bat, this guy is a Republican.
“A first-term Republican state representative resigned Wednesday after an ex-girlfriend claimed that he posted nude photos of her on a fake social media account under her name. Rep. Nick Sauer of Lake Barrington tendered a letter of resignation Wednesday afternoon to the House clerk’s office.”
How did I know? Simple. Behavorial profiling like the FBI uses to identify serial kills. IOW, this behavior has “Republican” written all over it.
Meanwhile, the suspect being sought in the murder of Bush41’s doctor is an ex-cop.
Cops called for eating lunch while black.
worst part is, he was using porn pictures of the ex to catfish other dudes.
Which, when you think about it, also fits the profile.
Beatings, sexual assaults, forcible drug injections — that’s what migrant children are being subjected to in Trump’s concentration camps. And according to Ivanka, it’s all their parents’ fault.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just as Hitler will always be chiefly remembered for Auschwitz and Buchenwald, likewise Trump will be indelibly associated forever with migrant children camps barely distinguishable from Nazi concentration camps.
In Toddler Torture Land, the infant children of Xtians fleeing violence in areas controlled by terrorists deserve our help.
But the infant children of Xtians fleeing violence in areas controlled by drug cartels deserve to be sexually assaulted.
Don’t try to make sense out of it.
@41 Black while eating lunch. What was she thinking? She could have been shot!
TrumpThe Republican Party will be indelibly associated forever with migrant children camps barely distinguishable from Nazi concentration camps.ftfy
And that is precisely why, as a political party, they are pretending that immigration is an existential crisis on a par with the rise of global fascism and the outbreak of WWII. They need an historical reference point that can justify their cruelty, racism, and inhumanity. But it is worth recalling, that the 2016 voter file data indicated that the counties which saw the largest swings from Obama to Trump were counties with the lowest rates of immigration. These were meatheads reacting to FOX News propaganda and “press one for English” rants on AM Hate Radio.
Now that they know they are guilty of facilitating the rape of hundreds of infants and children, they must believe that it was justified. This is who they are now.
I’m expecting Doctor Dumbfuck to unleash his inner “Q” any moment now.
That Trumpism has managed to entangle and corrupt even the Galt wing of the party is testimony to the power of the messaging to those who are open to it.
It isn’t as though they teach critical thinking in medical school. Mostly they teach obedience to authority and coping skills to suppress overwhelming suicidal ideation.
Another day another militia….
This well organized group also disbanded by self inflicted gunshot but not before taking the fight to a separated but not yet divorced woman.
Russians are still trying to hack U.S. elections …
… which is just fine with Republicans.
GOP = Party of Putin
“Swelling government debt levels are shaping up to be the biggest economic challenge for President Donald Trump ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t say I didn’t warn you, because I did. Trump’s Dumb-O-Nomics will result in higher debt, higher deficits, higher inflation, lower growth, and a lower standard of living for everyone except the already-rich.
Dumbfucks get what they vote for.
@49 “Well regulated militia” = Deranged wife beater with homicidal tendencies
@49 In NRA Land, a deranged wife beater with homicidal and suicidal tendencies = well regulated militia
Pay attention, kids. ‘Cause this gets tricky if you don’t pay attention to the subtle, highly technical details.
You may “stand your ground” and shoot a guy dead following an assault, oh, and he’s a black dude and <b?you are a white guy.
You may not “stand your ground” and shoot a guy dead following an assault, oh, and he’s a black dude and you are not a white guy.
Got it? Are you sure? Go back a read over it a few more times just to be sure you understand the subtle, legally nuanced, technicalities involved. We wouldn’t want you to make any mistakes here.
@ 39, 42
C’mon now. Who among us has not sent naked photos of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s wife around for laughs?
They’re the only things Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has ever posted that were truly funny.
Rest assured, Dumbfuck, you’d be the only one who would use them to lure other dudes to truck stop bathrooms. Well, you and any other random Roypublican.
“I’m an advocate for having the president go to Pennsylvania between now and 2020 as frequently as he can,”
I too am such an advocate!
Keeps him safely away from the White House, tucked away in an airplane hanger draped in bunting to conceal the empty seats, endlessly reliving past glories (along with the Dumbfuck*), bathing in the lunacy of his adoring QAnon followers, and stumping for lost causes.
*Yes, the Clinton campaign overlooked weak polling in the Keystone State in 2016. That contributed to Trump’s win. You know what else contributed?
Russian spies. Lots and lots of Russian spies. And more than a few Republicans who helped them. Plus, also, probably the promises that Putin could have Syria didn’t hurt either.
Latest on jailbird Dinesh D’Souza’s latest:
“Death of a Nation” enjoys a zero percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The Hollywood Reporter called it “painfully unendurable.”
Orange Julius’ idiot son loved it and so will the HA troll freaks.
@58 It was obviosly made for the QAnon 4chan echo-chamber of dumbfuck traitors, which includes the loon, if they haven’t lynched him yet..
“In “Death of a Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza is no longer preaching to the choir; he’s preaching to the mentally unsound.”
58, 59,
Putin and the NRA have spent a fortune promoting it to their fans.
The other target audience? People under 25 who don’t regularly vote. I dunno. I guess we’ll see. I’d much rather see our nation’s enemies pin their hopes on this kind of ham-handed nonsense, than on actual electioneering. It might drive bat wielding skin-heads and Tiki Torch wielding Nazis out to their local parks to look for immigrant toddlers to beat up. But I suspect it will have about as much effect on turnout in targeted Congressional districts as any Michael Moore or Davis Guggenheim film.
Here’s a heartbreaking story …
“The wife of a former Marine and Iraq war veteran is set to be deported on Friday …. Her husband, … who describes himself as a conservative who voted for Trump, wrote the president a letter … asking for a reprieve ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Your wife is an illegal? You voted for Trump? Sorry, you get what you vote for, dummy.
@54 Doesn’t she know that’s a “whites only” law?
@55 What’s truly funny about Doctor Dumbfuck’s new fetish is any kid can find pictures of female rabbits on the internet and none of them have clothes on. So you’re into rabbit porn now, doc? Here ya go, she even poses like Melania:
@58 “Orange Julius’ idiot son loved it and so will the HA troll freaks.”
But wouldn’t that get it a 1% rating? Unless they hated it, too.
Looks like Donny Jr. has joined the band of babbling idiots trying to rebrand Nazis as “leftists.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I had no idea those swastika-brandishing white supremacists were Bernie bros. I’ll bet they didn’t know, either.
That’s just so weird. Because you know who else’s wife is an “illegal”?
Oh, that’s right. I remember now.
“Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) unveiled a novel idea for offering parental leave to more Americans on Thursday: Having them pay for it with their own retirement savings. Instead of mandating that employers cover paid family leave, or proposing new sources of revenue to pay for it, the proposal would give new parents the option of dipping into their future Social Security retirement benefits so they can have time off to care for a newborn. The trade-off would be significant: lower Social Security benefits for life ― and possibly waiting as much as a year longer to retire, according to analysts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So here’s the Republican version of the New Deal, New Frontier, Great Society, or whatever you want to call their vision of social welfare:
(1) Public schools will be abolished in order to give tax cuts to property owners. Parents who can afford tuition will send their kids to private or charter schools.
(2) Future workers will go into six-figure debt to get a degree that will enable them to get a job.
(3) Workers will pay for their own training, transportation, uniforms, child care, health care, retirements, etc.
(4) Only wages will taxed, so workers will pay all the taxes, but this isn’t as bad as it sounds, because government will be much less expensive and require far less revenues after all social welfare and safety net programs are abolished.
In this brave new world, the owning class, also known as the “idle rich,” will never have had it so good. To participate in the economy that Republicans are constructing for you and your kids and grandkids, you should start accumulating stocks now, so that they, too, can become members of the owning class — because if you think being stuck in the working class sucks now, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Okay, so I have a proposal for public officials with private religious objections to issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.
Here’s my proposal: You bigots don’t have to perform public duties that violate your religious dogma, and we taxpayers won’t pay your public salaries when you don’t perform your public duties.
Will that work for you?
Make sure your Viagra is American-made. You don’t want Russians meddling in your erections!
This is gonna be a tough one for the loon…
Abbas appoints a Christian as Depity Prime Minister.
Opening an account with PSE while black. She should consider herself lucky as many blacks have died for less.
“Washington utility company says it accidentally sent black woman the n-word as her temporary password”
Speaking of the loon, his white supremacist friends are acting a little more rabid than usual this week. I sure hope he stays safe.
In attacking the press yesterday, Sarah Fuckabee said:
“One of the worst cases was the reporting on the U.S. ability to listen to Osama bin Laden’s satellite phone in the late ’90s. Because of that reporting, he stopped using that phone and the country lost valuable intelligence.”
When you don’t fact-check — an easy procedure that takes less than 60 seconds — you look like a fucking idiot. See, e.g.:
Of course, you have to be a fucking idiot to work for Trump in the first place.
Oh look… a white guy killed by police, four shots to the chest… https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-say-veteran-shot-by-cops-in-own-home-may-not-have-heard-commands-to-drop-gun/
Nary a peep from the HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
@74 didn’t see that news, but heck, it’s about time,
Hey shitstain @71,
Puget Sound Energy seems to have swung to the DUMMOCRETIN since 2008. Must be that new mgmt software eh? https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00101592
Remember, Puddy introduced the HA DUMMOCRETIN to Open Secrets. Just ax the creepy clueless crazed databaze deala for a crazed databaze replay!
Till Next Time!
Oh senile idiot wabbit FART @61
Do you even read the various articles and process what they say or is that parasite you received from that “chemical exposure” hitting you hard again?
She tried three times for parole in place and was turned down. If those three times were during Trump’s office time they would have published that. You can be pretty DAYUM sure at least one of two of them were during Obummer’s sadministration!
“On Tuesday, the family, who lives in Davenport, Fla., received a call from their attorney saying Immigration and Customs Enforcement agreed to review her most recent “parole in place” application, but they have rejected her previous three applications, according to Stars and Stripes.”
Reading the story Stars and Stripes story it was Obummer’s sadministration that told her that under Clinton’s sadministration: “They told her that in 1998, when she was captured and released, she signed a document used on occasion by border patrol officers called an expedited removal order. Unbeknownst to the teenager, she had signed away her right to ever become an American citizen.”
Once again the senility is strong with this FOOL! Blame it on Trump TDS is strong in this old FART!
Till Next Time!
It’s always nice to see the loon show up and to know that he hasn’t been lynched by his rabid-with-hate white supremacist friends yet. Because if he had been, well, I’d be so…SAD!
The Puget Sound Energy system automatically created “NiggaHHJ.”
Only from the libtards in the northwest!
Till Next Time!
I saw that bit about Sarah Snaders and Jim Acosta. If Jim Acosta wants to get into a battle of wits with Sarah Sanders, I advise him to not show up unarmed.
I wonder what Amarosa would have to say about the loon’s precipitous mental decline. SAD!
“Paul Manafort’s bookkeeper testified Thursday that [he] kept her in the dark about the foreign bank accounts he was using to buy millions in luxury items and personal expenses. But he otherwise approved ‘every penny’ of the personal bills she paid for him …. [Her] testimony … undercut an argument by Manafort’s defense attorneys that he can’t be responsible for financial fraud because he left the details of his spending to others, including his longtime associate Rick Gates. [She] said Gates was only involved in Manafort’s business dealings, not his personal expenses.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s sooo fucked! He’d better get used to prison food, because he’s going to be eating a lot of it.
@79 Wow! That’s a doozy! And to a black customer yet! One who volunteers at the local NAACP!
You’re the computer expert here. (At least, you claim to be.) What are the odds of a computer-generated random password being sent to this particular customer, as the company claims?
Gotta be in the quadrillions.
So I think you’re half-right, it sure looks like there’s a nefarious human hand in this, but it isn’t liberals who go around using the “n” word. Must’ve been one of your friends.
“In “Death of a Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza is no longer preaching to the choir; he’s preaching to the mentally unsound.”
The HA trolls indeed – all messed up mentally.
@80 Battle of wits with Sarah Sanders? Are you kidding? That would be like invading a kindergarten.
Never, ever leave a child or farm animal alone with a Republican. Nothing good will ever come of it.
“Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter”
@ 86
HIV+ and gay.
gman’s Western cousin, clearly.
Yawwwwn. Fuck the HA trolls.. And racist drumpf voters..
Fuck them..
Yes fuck them to hell…
“The Trump administration says immigrant advocacy groups should be responsible for tracking down more than 500 parents who were separated from their children and deported without them. In a court document filed Thursday … the Justice Department suggested the American Civil Liberties Union should use its ‘network of law firms, NGOs, volunteers and others’ to find the parents ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I thought these guys were the party of personal responsibility? Guess not, at least not when it comes to them taking responsibility for their actions.