– Huzzah. It’s raining. Remember, people forget to drive in the rain every summer in Western Washington, and I’m sure this year will be worse than normal.
– A homeless woman was beaten to death so can we all just get on board with encampments now?
– The Seattle Times Editorial Board Can Go Phở Itself
– I think Donald Trump could check out the HA Bible Study if he wants to find a new favorite verse.
– My worst nightmare would be being Tim Eyman.
In checking your website this morning I noticed two ads asking people to contact Maria Cantwell to oppose a ‘deal’. It turns out that the ‘deal’ is the agreement with Iran, and the reasons pumped out in those ads are lies. So why is that on your website?
CNN doesn’t want Carly in the dabate… Why? Because free air time to destroy Heilary, their coronated candidate! http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....y-fiorina/
Vester Flanagan became upset when someone brought a watermelon to work, he thought that was racist. Is that the way you think rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Yes that Jacuzzi Reset Button… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....he-got-it/
Well here is what is got the US… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....aggression
Krauthammer nails it once again! Obummer, weak on foreign policy!
It’s ok to bring it to work. It’s tossing it off a tall building that creates problems:
“Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of roof of the 300-foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second….”
Higher education in Washington state. Gotta love it.
Since Carl decided Puddy’s ACLU entry was off topic
LucasFoxx spews:
Friday, 8/28/15 at 8:11 am
Only the mentally challenged at Breitbart, and people who parrot their crap, interpret the ACLU’s position that way. They are only concerned with HIPAA exemptions.
Did you read this document? Page Four and Page Six are what Puddy was discussing LucasFoxx. If a mental health professional, a PhD like Da Perfessa, said Vester Flanagan was mentally deficient, one must go to a judge and get that blessed? You can’t see the slippery slope that presents? Some deranged gay black libtard could have claimed… “Well I legally purchased my two Glock firearms because a judge didn’t rule I was crazy”. Only the psychiatrist or psychologist did!
Puddy sees many mentally deficient DUMMOCRETINS post here every day. Puddy would NOT like to see them as gun owners if a PhD decrees them to be mentally deficient! Butt LucasFoxx would have no problem!
Thanks for the laugh. Higher education DUMMOCRETINS hard at work creating tests!
Meanwhile Mark Halperin, lover of most DUMMOCRETINS, nailed it… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....terrorists
Kurt Shilling was castigated by the libtards at ESPN for tweeting… ‘It’s said only 5 to 10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How’d that go?’
Didn’t Hitler’s Nazis perform illegal medical tests on Jews?
Yet the heroes of some DUMMOCRETINS are doing this http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly.....2968259855
NBC News can’t see the equivalence. Shilling supports Republicans. That’s a big no-no- to ESPN and NBC. The libtard keeps shining through!
So Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez are wrong? Eliot Engel is wrong? Claire McCaskill is right?
You have no problems with secret side deals only exposed by that great US Senator Tom Cotton?
You have no problems with Iran performing self inspections of known nuclear sites?
You have no problem with Iran having 24 days to hide their nuclear activities from western inspectors before said inspectors arrive?
You don’t believe the Bible when it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3: ‘When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape.’
Do tell dude!
@6 It’s important for those sites to imagine “slippery slopes” to everywhere. It’s the only way they can gin people up. Reasonable people realize there are no perfect solutions. There is nothing we can, or should be able to, do if the individual has not had their “full due process” in a court of law. That doesn’t mean we should do nothing. The ACLU is not against background checks. They only object to invasions of medical privacy and the lack of remedy for contesting NICS data.
“Given that HIPAA does not pose a barrier to the transfer of information to NICS under current law and regulation,
an express exception is not needed.”
As Puddy leaves for work Puddy noticed this one
– A homeless woman was beaten to death so can we all just get on board with encampments now?
Well well well Puddy went to the news first…
Where are the Seattle DUMMOCRETINS for homeless support? Why do DUMMOCRETINS scream over homeless yet do little to help them?
Why aren’t DUMMOCRETINS opening their musty wallets? Oh wait DUMMOCRETINS always want someone else to do it.
Seems the “suspect” had mental issues. Was he a libtard? http://www.seattlepi.com/local.....469801.php
Seems DUMMOCRETINS are such a compassionate bunch! So HA DUMMOCRETIN readers, were any of you in that area Monday night around that time and didn’t stop for Scott Davis?
Puddy feels sad for Scott Davis.
Pulphus has a criminal history that includes multiple convictions for drugs, forgery, misdemeanor assault, obstruction, resisting arrest, third-degree theft and property destruction. Kline wrote that he has a long record of failing to show up to court.
Libtard justice in Seattle. Now someone is dead!
@11 sez: They only object to invasions of medical privacy and the lack of remedy for contesting NICS data.
Which is libtard speak for no mental health data therefore no crazy check for gun ownership! And freaks like Vester Flanagan will easily get a gun and libtards like you will continue to scream for gun control!
Google Ads. This site regularly has ads for Newsmax too.
Yes. Shumer has his
AIPACreasons. Menedez has hudreds of thousands ofdollars from AIPACreasons.As someone who has spent his entire adult live moving around the country (“town to town; up and down the dial”), it is difficult to have strong opinions on local issues. Mail in ballots that give me time to investigate ballot issues via the voter guides, the internet, and sites like has been very helpful. I often get more insight from the comments here, than any of the “legitimate” local news sources. Part of the the local news problem is that there are two sides to everything. No matter what they report, someone will bitch. There used to be something called the Fairness Doctine that allowed access on their channel for opposing opinions. Now, they are so concerned about upsetting advertisers, they don’t seem to even bother. Thank-you for maintaining this cesspool.
On break so we learned something from Univision…
PuddyCommentary: So that was Jorge’s real mission. Thanks Maria for exposing this to all of us!
And above sino más bien ‘Trump no tiene idea de lo que le espera’. – Yep Trump had no idea the ASS Jorge would demonstrate hisself on national TV! DUMMOCRETINS always act like petulant children when they don’t get their way! Did Jorge ask one question at all? Another activist just like George Steponallofus!
Remember if you are a conservative Hispanic Univision hates you… http://www.bloomberg.com/polit.....-of-a-feud
Back to work!
“member the heady days when Piddles was salivation over Jorge Ramos’ coverage of “Fast and Furious” speaking truth to power, covering what the mainstream media wouldn’t blah, blah, blah…
But now that Jorge Ramos is confronting a racist about being a racist, and that racist is in fact the de-facto voice of conservatives at the moment, well….defend the racist. Ramos is evil!
You didn’t bother to read or google translate that whole article did you. It’s about how much respect the author, a fellow Univision journalist, has for Ramos and his confrontation of Trump.
Remember, if you are Piddles and you tell Latinos (still clinging to Hispanic I see) what to think, the GOP and Piddles still hate brown skinned illegals. And they’re all illegal. They have brown skin. Piddles and his new hero Trump and the GOP hate them.
How’s that Latino outreach going.
How’s that Asian American Voter outreach going, GOP?
@14 “Which is libtard speak for no mental health data”
Is that “nutjob speak” for “I’m home-schooled and don’t understand how the adjudication of “incompetence” already makes the appropriate data available via NICS?”
What “mental health data” are you looking for that can be legally applied under existing law? You can’t be suggesting more mental health barriers to gun ownership. The Deadbart Home for the Mentally Unstable and the Daily Cracker camps will kick you out of the troll yard for that.
What a load of hogwash about voting. Right wingers always vote. Every election. That’s why we’ve got the extremists running congress. If you don’t vote, you have yourself to blame. And I don’t want to hear your foolish whining. In fact, this article could have been written by a Ted Cruz operative.
Oh checkmate…
Did you actually watch the press conference? Jorge stood up and started yelling a statement. Maria actually said it correctly above. You are editorializing it and delivering your standard train wreck! Jorge LIED about him waiting his turn. Trump didn’t call on Jorge. All Jorge did was want to talk. There were no questions! Even when Jorge came back in. Where were the questions. It was Jorge activist statements!
Also Trump should be like Heilary in her latest press conference. I will answer just one question… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....titled-to/
Yes the GOP should be just like Heilary right checkmate?
Now onto your racism rant. Did Donald kill two people because of some slight? That’s racism, the kind you libtards don’t want to discuss because it’s not in your box! Donald said some of the Mexicans are criminals. Others from below Mexico are criminals too!
Ever heard of this libtard organization? http://www.migrationpolicy.org.....nforcement
So when you look at the whole report checkmate – there are 820,000 illegal aliens in America with criminal convictions. Of those; 690,000 illegal aliens are convicted of a felony or “serious” misdemeanor. Your kind of people right checkmate? Invite one home right checkmate?
– We’ve seen Kate Steinle – dead by illegal alien
– Documented in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders
– An illegal alien and registered sex offender sexually assaulted a 16-year-old teenage girl with down syndrome on Monday checkmate.
– Jose Andres-Jose, illegal alien from Guatemala raped a child in Pennsylvania two weeks ago.
Some more of your peeps in action checkmate… http://www.immigrationshumanco.....ims_2.html
The list goes on butt that’s racist right DR checkmate?
@1, I know it’s been answered below, but comes up from time to time: Google ads are driven based on words on the page, viewer location, probably past searches, and more. But it’s automatically generated by some combination of an algorithm and who is willing to pay money for it, not selected by Goldy or any other people on the site. That said, if some cause I disagreed with wanted to buy a premium spot, I’d encourage Goldy to take it. Let them waste their money on it if they want.
@6, The post was deleted because you asked me to justify my gun control stance in a post that wasn’t about gun control, but about gun owners stepping up and being responsible. Someone before you brought it up in a way that engaged the post and if you had just addressed them, or even made it a general statement, I’d have probably let it through.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 5,
“It’s ok to bring it to work. It’s tossing it off a tall building that creates problems:”
Hmmmm…A 2006 article about a community college that no longer exists, and does not involve bringing a watermelon to work or tossing it.
That’s pretty fucking sloppy, lazy work, there, Bozo.
Oh Piddles..
Nice change of subject. What some other group that has your jockeys in a wad that you perceive as more racist doesn’t change the fact that Donald Trump, the current lead spokesperson for the Republican party, is a racist.
Or do you think all Asians talk, “Me likey want good deal.” Or everyone who crosses the boarder illegally is a drug dealer and so Trump is not racist, just right?
Loretta Sanchez said something racist. Piddles was all over it.
“Donald….wellllll some other group is more racist than Trump so I’m still going to defend Trump from the Latino Anchorman.” Piddles, translated.from Spanish…
Darryl @ 24
That’s pretty fucking sloppy, lazy work, there, Bozo.
Win some, lose some.
Enjoy your weekend.
Darryl again @ 24
I must profess some bafflement as to why @ 5 merited a response from you, while something like this
wasn’t enough to elicit a response from you, or from Goldy. Was I not sufficiently sloppy when I was writing with serious intent?
Or is it possible I may have had a point?
you perceive as more racist doesn’t
Really? Many people have said the same thing except the libtard msm!
Also Puddy delivered libtard figures on bad illegal aliens and you don’t comment on that!
Very telling dr. checkmate!
The latino anchorman is an activist. Even when Megyn Kelly confronted him he had no cogent response dr. checkmate!
Notice no response on those illegal alien victims.
The Dow was down today and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was MIA!
Predicted by Puddy!
Also notice dr. checkmate never answered the “Did you actually watch the press conference?” question!
dr. checkmate gets his “news” from libtard sites. Whatever they say is gospel to dr. checkmate!
@21 dude, I understand your point, and there is nothing wrong about promoting or telling people to vote even if you tell them for the wrong reasons. But republicans have won by gerrymandering. Democrats got more of the popular vote overall combined than republicans. So I think that kind of says more democrats than republicans voted, but they lost because the district lines have been drawn in such a way where the minoritirs become majorities by segregation and integration all at the same time.
@21 but if what you are saying is that more of more democrats who don’t vote need to vote because we have to fight harder to overcome a uneven level playing board. Then you have a point. But republicans didn’t win on popularity.
But regardless if you try to get more democrats to vote in a highly level district of democrats all you get is a democrat win with a larger margin than what would be there win. What really needs to happen is democrats need to move to highly segregated republican districts or redraw the districts evenly or get rid of districts all together which isn’t feasible but the majority can always win the whit house unless republicans fuck with the electorate college, which the do,
They are fucking Nazis!!!!!!!!
@31 remember you aren’t a scientist.
@31 you should have stuck with the left side chart and reposted it.
@31. MIA. No just working, with enjoyment and enjoying myself after work at dinner and after dinner drinks with a friend. A straight married man – imagine that.
How’s Ashley doing, you sharing her with Josh?
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“wasn’t enough to elicit a response from you, or from Goldy. ”
Didn’t read the comment (Goldy probably didn’t either).
@31 and @37. I’m sure your dirty mind took that as if the married man is having sex with me. Sorry, get your fucking dirty stupid mind out of the gutter.
Surprising that republicans or conservative republicans don’t see any correlation of this
How a Kentucky Clerk Became an Ultimate Symbol of Bigotry http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....54238.html
with the ideology of terrorists such as Hamas or ISIS. Benghazi, benghazi, beghazi!
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
@33 And how did it come to pass that Republicans gained to power to rewrite the districts? It was people not voting.