Folks. Keep up the social distancing. It’s tough, but you’re going to get through it. Downtown is still too crowded for me to feel comfortable taking a walk, but in general it seems like we’re doing pretty well. My mother’s friend has been making masks, and apparently some are in the mail for me. That’s probably better than a bandanna.
In any event, please wash your hands right now.
Democrats get you mandatory mortgage forbearance for up to a year with no additional interest, and SBA loans that don’t have to be paid back if you re-hire.
Republicans have you killed for even trying to apply for unemployment:
And speaking of SBA loans for the Paycheck Protection Program, you will be better off working with your current banker thanks to Patriot Act excesses that hold all lenders (including SBA lenders) financially accountable for money laundering for TERRRISTS.
That’s cool if you are a) already working with a bank that participates in SBA and has experience, and b) your local banking account rep has experience with SBA, and c) the branch where your account is serviced has experience with SBA.
If not, then you may be fucked. And then, by extension, so will your employees. Because Trump and Mnuchin have dog-fucked the rollout so badly that most bankers are clueless about how to proceed. And their senior managers are telling them to only move forward with applications from known customers to avoid Patriot Act stings.
But there is a work around of sorts: SBA Disaster Relief loans along with furloughs. These loans you have to pay back. But the terms allow for early repayment. So you can obtain the cash you need right away from the Disaster Relief loan and then pay it back early with PPP loans once Republicans quit fucking around destroying lives and ruining the economy long enough for the agency to write rules that work.
And if you know of employers out there just firing everyone (Hobby Lobby) for the fun of it:
Fuck. Those. Assholes.
Never do any business with them ever again.
After voting by mail, Trump denounces voting by mail
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” — Frank Wilhoit.
It’s always the socialist who’s last to realize how much effort needs to be put forth to maintain three different residences in good condition.
Jane’s been nagging at Bernie to redecorate for months now. And now there’s all that campaign cash.
Sen. Sanders has dropped.
He’ll be a powerful voice opposing RapePublican corruption in the Democratic controlled Senate next year as Chairman of the Senate Budget committee.
And like clockwork, The Tree of Teabaggery will bloom anew freshly watered with a river of Conservative Tears.
Shorter @ 1
Democrats = “Free” shit for you, but YLB’s kids get the bill.
Well, I’m done.
Bought Lipton (PEP) at the bottom last month?
Perfect gift this Christmas for Every Republican You Know.
Ivanka created 15M jobs.
It’s true. I heard it from an Oompa Loompa.
Shorter Q Clearance Pussy
Republicans – Free shit for billionaires, no masks for doctors.
Also, sorry ’bout that economy… again… and again… and again…
The Republicans pretend to be the party of fiscal constraint, but they are not. They would like to spend like drunken sailors on their pet programs. In fact, it’s insulting to drunken sailors to compare the sailors to Republicans when it comes to reckless spending. Republicans make drunken sailors look like tightwads.
Well it’s going to be Joe.
Speaking of unintelligible…This was also a lie,
How many zeros are in a Cubit?
@12 – I think that’s 18 times 10 to the 17th power, give or take.
@ 12, 13
It’s a simple “57 states“-type misspeak, but since this is junior high school, be sure and run with it, y’all.
Get your protein this morning?
Millions of evictions on the horizon?
A third of U.S. tenants didn’t pay rent in first week of April, landlord group says
CNN Poll
55% Government is doing a poor job on Covid-19
44% Approval of DJT
55% DJT should be doing more to fight Covid-19
But the TV ratings are like the Bachelor Finale!
It’s like Godfather 3. The more of it you watch, the worse you realize it is.
14,000 > 15
“The leader of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said he’s received death threats and racist insults while running the global efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here you have a microbiologist competently managing WHO’s response to a pandemic, and they want to kill him for it. Over there is a bumbler mismanaging the U.S. response, and they’ll vote for him. And they call liberalism “a mental disease.”
The takeaway from all this is that crazy people don’t realize they’re crazy and other people are sane. It’s our duty to remind them.
@14. President Obama had two or three “57 states“-type misspeak for the course of his eight years, and I remember the alt Hate media mocking him constantly for weeks about them
The impeached miserable failure misspeaks several times a day. And when called on it, you act victimized.
The latest rightwing bullshit is that you’re not really dead, it only feels that way:
“Some of the biggest names in right-wing media are questioning the official Covid-19 death toll. Indeed, they’re suggesting the numbers might be inflated in an effort to paint President Trump and/or the crisis in the worst possible light. In recent days, a version of this theory has been floated by personalities such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson, Brit Hume, and ‘Diamond & Silk.'”
I’m not sure, “I never read the report my top aids prepared warning of over a million deaths and total economic collapse because I had a tee time And a fundraiser and a rally” is the good excuse Donald thinks it is.
a simple “57 states“-type misspeak,
His name was Chopper.
They called him Chopper.
1400 NYPD cops have COVID-19.
Can they breathe now?
Side note, another Donnie and Fox News early talking point now looks pretty fucking callous.
Covid-19 surpassed H1N1 deaths yesterday.
But this thing is no big deal and so much not like Obama’s pandemic, right Mr. Hannity?
You forgot about “Executive Time”
@ 19
Dig a little deeper, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Here’s Japan. Not the GOP. Japan:
Then there’s the ass-kissing of China by him:
The guy has been the WHO’s version of Bill deBlasio.
“US intelligence officials were warning as far back as late November that the novel coronavirus was spreading through China’s Wuhan region and posing a threat to its people and daily life, according to ABC News.
“The US military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) compiled a November intelligence report in which ‘analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,’ one of the sources of the NCMI’s report told ABC News.
“The source told ABC News that the intelligence report was then briefed ‘multiple times’ to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House.
“Repeated briefings were held through December across the US government, including the National Security Council, culminating in a detailed outline of the threat in the President’s Daily Brief in early January, according to ABC News, whose report cited four sources briefed on the matter.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We know Trump despises and ignores U.S. intelligence. We know he doesn’t read the Daily Briefings. And from this, it sure looks like Trump has American blood on his hands now.
The majority of Americans aren’t fools. Only 45% of us are:
“A majority of Americans — 55% — now say the federal government has done a poor job preventing the spread of coronavirus in the United States, up eight points in about a week, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS as the nationwide death toll from the virus rose above 12,000. … A majority, 52%, say they disapprove of the way Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, and 45% approve.”
Doctor Dumbfuck, who ought to know better, is a fool.
It’s too bad this was taken down. It was Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s best opportunity to help his family make up for a decade of his financial failings.
Rovell: U.S. Presidential Election Betting Lasts 15 Minutes in West Virginia
Oh. The Donald was up while it lasted.
CNN & CNBC aren’t reliable sources.
In America, “social distancing” means that …
” … when there are not enough coronavirus tests to meet demand in hospitals across the United States, those who can afford it and have the right connections can still get tested.”
One area of equality remains, though: There’s no cure for this deadly disease. All that privileged access to testing gets them is the knowledge that it’s time to update their wills.
University of Washington Radiology’s approach to the Wuhan virus.
@31 Everything is relative. CNN and CNBC aren’t perfect sources, but they’re more reliable than your coloring book.
@2 “And if you know of employers out there just firing everyone (Hobby Lobby) for the fun of it: Fuck. Those. Assholes. Never do any business with them ever again.”
Sorry, I can’t do that. Impossible. Because I never did any business with them to begin with.
What ought to happen is the workers Hobby Lobby fired shouldn’t come back. But many will, because the poor saps desperately need these shitty low-paying jobs working for a billionaire asshole who pretends to be a Christian. They don’t have a choice, because there aren’t enough other shitty jobs to go around in this shitty Republican economy that doesn’t produce good jobs for anybody but software engineers.
@3 What Trump really means is that voting is “corrupt,” and his party will do everything it can to prevent it. He and his fellow Republicans know how unpopular they are.
@4 “And now there’s all that campaign cash.”
What are you babbling about now, fool? You’re confusing Bernie with Duncan Hunter.
You’re not even 60 yet, and already weak-minded. Sad.
@5 It does look like the GOP could lose the Senate to this tsunami of corruption and incompetence.
“Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia on Wednesday said that she and her CEO husband Jeff Sprecher will liquidate their individual stock share positions and related options after weeks of criticism of the couple for selling millions of dollars in stock amid the coronavirus pandemic.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In theory, this could serve as a mitigating factor in sentencing. But to an objective judge, as it does to me, it may look like profit-taking after the market has gone back up.
@6 Why should only the rich get “free shit”? Do you have an ideological objection to the workers whose labor creates all of this country’s wealth getting a few crumbs of it, too? After all, they’re taxes pay for it.
Speaking of free shit, for a HNWI flying his family to the Bahamas for a weekend getaway, his private jet is a deductible business expense. For the maid who cleans his house while he’s gone, her bus fare isn’t tax deductible. But even worse, because bus fares are insufficient to cover the cost of public transportation, which is subsidized by sales and gas taxes, her bus ride is a socialist redistribution of wealth. This makes her a “taker” instead of a “producer.” After all, what does cleaning a mansion produce, besides a clean mansion?
@7 You’ll be back. Like bad pennies, troll imposters who appropriate and misuse the names of famous people always come back.
@14 Man, that just overshadows all the lies Trump is spewing about coronavirus, doesn’t it?
If you’re a doctor as you claim, you’re too intelligent and well-educated to not realize what a pathetic picture you make.
The only reasonable conclusion here is that you’re a self-loathing mama’s boy. Maybe a closeted something or other, too.
“@14 It’s a simple “57 states“-type misspeak, but since this is junior high school, be sure and run with it, y’all.
To give him credit when due, Doctor Dumbfuck knows junior high school. The dumbfuck’s been running with it for years.
And so begins the “I never thought I could support Biden.” rationalization.
@15 How much protein is there in a quart of horse cum?
@ 44
Steve, thank you for pointing out my consistency. Both above and in your 2019 example I blew off then-candidate Obama’s verbal goof as nothing of importance, in response to the same asshole trying to make something huge out of a verbal or typewritten goof by Trump.
You guys have just sealed Biden’s nomination. You sure you want to set the standard that every verbal goof by a presidential candidate or president is mockworthy on HA now?
Something tells me we won’t have time to talk about anything else if you do.
@27 Show me your evidence that the “death threats and racist insults” (that’s a direct quote from the article I linked to) came from the sources you’re referring to.
The article also refers to “criticism” from various foreign quarters, but the unattributed “death threats and racist insults” the article refers to sounds very Republican to me.
If you can contradict this, let’s see you do it.
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus, The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”
“And we are in great shape, China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they’re working very hard. We’ll see what happens. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries.”
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days. Nothing is easy, but he will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone. Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!”
“I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we’re working on the — the problem, the virus. It’s a — it’s a very tough situation. But I think he’s going to handle it. I think he’s handled it really well. We’re helping wherever we can.”
“I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control, I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that’s a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard.”
“Well, you never know. I think they want to put the best face on it. So you know, I mean, if somebody — if you were running it, you’d probably — you wouldn’t want to run out to the world and go crazy and start saying whatever it is because you don’t want to create a panic. But, no, I think they’ve handled it professionally and I think they’re extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it’s going to be resolved.”
“It’s a tremendous problem. But they’re very capable and they’ll — they’ll get to it.”
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”
“Look, I know this: President Xi loves the people of China, he loves his country, and he’s doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation,”
“No, I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He’s working very hard. I think he’s doing a very good job. It’s a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He’s working very hard to solve the problem and he will solve the problem. OK?”
“We’ve been in very close contact with China, including myself with President Xi. He very much wanted this to happen. He wanted this to get out and finished and be done. He worked — he’s been working very, very hard, I can tell you that. And they’re making a lot of progress in China.”
Cleans Tedros’ clock. If not in eloquence then at least in volume.
Caterpillar maintains its dividend. Given the steepness of the slide in its Asian markets and the China production issues of late, this is a nice confidence-booster.
Dividends are important. Hell, even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will agree with that statement. He held onto GE way, way, way too long in part because of its dividend. Which only months after his full-throated defense of GE was slashed by 96%.
Key point isn’t that China is engaging in a coverup.
But that Trump and the GOP were in on it from the start.
For all the usual reasons.
See Loeffler, Kelly, SEC statute of limitations on insider trading.
@30 Easily explained.
“Drug wholesalers shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to West Virginia in just six years, … according to an investigation by the Charleston Gazette-Mail.”
West Virginia has a population of just under 1.8 million, so that works out to about 433 pills per person over 6 years, babies included. And you expect these people to do math?
@45 See first sentence of @34 for explanation, since you’re too dumb to figure it out yourself.
@47 “trying to make something huge out of a verbal or typewritten goof by Trump”
We’ll remember this is how you tried to excuse Trump’s vile lies. You’re going to see this phrase again. In fact, you will be constantly reminded of it.
Q Clearance Pussy continues to struggle with the rampant partisanship of everyone else.
Of course we do.
Every verbal goof by a Republican candidate or president. Absolutely.
That’s how it works. Once they green light going after Bridget McCain they’ve pretty much got it coming to them no questions asked.
Instead of fake pearl clutching and whining about “incelvility” Q Clearance Pussy needs to get back to his beloved pro-Putin hashtags.
“Steve, thank you for pointing out my consistency.”
Assuming you’re talking about your consistency at being a dumbfuck, you’re welcome.
@50 You don’t have to worry about dividend cuts. Must be nice to have that peace of mind, as long as you can overlook the new market price of your pet stock.
Democrats = “Free” shit for you,
I predict a VAT in the future.. Something other prosperous countries are well acquainted with.. Even conservatives like Bartlett support that.
Like this country hasn’t been underwater before.. WWII anyone?
“expect these people to do
Case in point: as we regard with stunned awe the prospect of Q Clearance Patriot mewling for “incelvility” and “consistency” while defending president RapeHero try to keep in mind that this very same “president” appointed these two:
– to one of his key advisory panels on the pandemic response.
If you dig around you can find the newly minted WH Press Secretary on Fox News about President Obama golfing while Daniel Pearl had his head chopped off.
Born: October 10, 1963, Princeton, NJ
Died: February 1, 2002, Karachi, Pakistan
But she’s nice to look at and Donald is all up on her like a dog.
You have to go back less far to find:
“We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here, and isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama*?”
She’s perfectly suited for this stellar presidency.
*See Charlottesville, World Trade Center bike path, Pensacola Naval Station… also See H1n1 fatalities in a year as opposed to four months @24
“Democratic leaders are on a collision course with top Republicans over the next round of emergency funding to help the struggling economy, with the two sides at odds over the scope of a package that GOP leaders are pushing to immediately approve in the Senate.
“The White House proposed an additional $251 billion for a small business loan program … [a]nd Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he would move to quickly approve the bill in his chamber on Thursday, with calls from the Trump administration for the House to quickly clear the plan by Friday.
“But on Wednesday morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer laid out several major demands, including $150 billion for state and local governments, $100 billion for hospitals and community health centers and more money for food stamp programs. In addition, the Democrats said half of the money in the $251 billion for the small business program should be directed toward local lenders that benefit farmers, women, veterans and minority-owned companies. …
“McConnell has yet to officially comment on the Democrats’ latest proposal — but the GOP is signaling that it believes the small business lending program, known as the Paycheck Protection Program, should be the initial priority — and the other items should wait ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, fuck the state and local governments, the hospitals and community health centers, people who need food stamps to survive, and the farmers, women, veterans and minority-owned businesses.
At age 17, I was a Goldwater Republican. Since age 18, I’ve been a Democrat. Even as a kid, it took me only 6 months to figure out who’s on whose side.
“Rio Tinto will proceed with its $3.7B dividend payment this month, Chairman Simon Thompson told shareholders today.”
Roger Rabbit is gonna get a dividend and Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t, neener neener.
(Full disclosure, if one is needed: Roger Rabbit owns Rio Tinto shares.)
@60 “– to one of his key
advisorydeath panels on the pandemic response.”ftfy
Doesn’t mean Obama wasn’t golfing. Just that he was’t president at the time. As a state senator it would have been a public, daily fee course… where they allow The Blacks.
I think we all know what The GOP RapeHero was doing:
Biden 2020.
“He has not killed 14,000 of your friends and family. “
@61 “the newly minted WH Press Secretary” can be described in 4 words: Immature and not credible.
She’s not stupid. Studied at Oxford, and graduated from Georgetown and Harvard Law. Smart lady. So the explanation is something else. “Opportunist trying to make a name for herself in conservative media” to earn the big bucks seems to fit the bill. Better money than foreign service (what she trained for) and less strenuous than trying to make partner in a D.C. law firm, although that’s probably where she’ll end up working (or maybe a K Street lobbying firm) after her 10 minutes of fame has passed her by.
Dig the new “federalism”:
Fifth largest economy in the world.
Our most sincere best wishes to Idaho, to Utah, to Nebraska, to Kenucky, to Mississippi, …
FEMA? I don’t know him.
“US coronavirus cases top 419,000, with more than 14,000 deaths. But future projections are better than expected”
“Researchers predict the coming months won’t be as dire as initially feared, though they estimate tens of thousands of Americans will die” (CNN)
“Dow rallies 700 points, retakes 23,000 as market rebound continues” (CNBC)
We’ve learned two things over the last month: What value Wall Street puts on 2.4 million American lives, and the value Wall Street assigns to 82,000 American lives. The difference is roughly 4,800 Dow points, or approximately 2/1000ths of a Dow point per life spared.
In the Seeking Alpha comment threads, which are heavily populated by Trump fans, the new generation of capitalists is already bitching about how much the government is paying for ventilators that may never be used. I guess they’d like it better if it turns out we need them, but they’ll still bitch about how much it cost taxpayers to save those lives.
Doctor Dumbfuck is right, in a way, about Seeking Alpha. As a source of investment advice, you have to roll your eyes. This is a fault of the format, which allows anybody to post anything, with no meaningful editorial oversight of content. Seeking Alpha has some knowledgeable contributors and worthwhile content, and even some useful comments, but you have to wade through an awful lot of chaff to get a little bit of grain. It can be done if you know what (and who) to look for. But lately the comment threads have been overrun by rightwingers blowing off political steam, and are now all but useless. Teh Dumbfuck assumes I read Seeking Alpha way more than I actually do; I pretty much limit my reading there to Russ Koesterich, John Mason, the Old Prof, The Heisenberg, and a few other authors who know what they’re talking about, and I mostly ignore the comment threads altogether — don’t even glance at them — because it’s pointless to argue with people who are both wrong and closed-minded, and those people certainly have nothing intelligent to say about making money, either (which is self-evident from the tenor of their comments). I have no idea where Doc gets his investing ideas, but probably from somewhere in his colon, as it’s hard to see anything else with his head up his ass all the time.
Wasn’t some jackass here, or maybe two, Trying to say that The Hump Family don’t stand to financially gain from The Hump Gamily Virus?
@71 Their Sanofi stock holdings are chickenfeed compared to the massive depreciation writeoff for real estate developers that Republicans snuck into the bill. Can’t imagine who might have instigated that provision, or for whose benefit it was included.
Might be some black-market-type profiteering going on, too …
Spain and Italy are ahead of us in deaths but we have so many more cases. We’re going to beat everyone in deaths. Few days, tops.
The United States is and will be number one in all things.
Thanks to what we’re doing but the fake news media doesn’t say this.
And Congress is heaping trillions of dollars on me.. Thanks! I’m a shoo-in in November.
With that money I’ll reward my friends.
And punish my enemies..
@74 You won’t be punished. You’re too small and insignificant to be picked up by his “enemies” radar.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124@75 You’re confused. I won in 2016 by the largest margins ever. The largest crowds attended my inauguration and my inauguration received the largest contributions ever seen.
This phony crisis was manufactured by the democrats and the fake news media.. At the very end, the strong (drumpfuplicans) will survive and the weak (democrats) will die.
The congress keeps heaping money on me to do this. We’re going to do everything we always wanted to do in spades – like the wall. I’ll even gold plate it.
I’m the rewarder.. I’m the punisher..
American is great again. Thanks to me.
A golden wall … Imagine that.. I’ll base the first recruits to my space force at the wall..
They’ll guard and protect my golden wall.. They’ll launch into space with the golden wall as a back drop..
America is back.. And it’s all thanks to me.
Amazing stuff about my good friend Dr Tedros
@77 “You’re confused. I won in 2016 by the largest margins ever.’
I see. You’ve outed yourself. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your name is rapidly turning to mud:
” … Americans are souring on President Trump’s leadership during the pandemic. After a brief period during which some polls found more Americans approving of Trump’s coronavirus response than not, … ” your approval ratings are dropping like a stone thrown into a well.
This was inevitable. You can fool 42% of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool 54% of them any of the time, with 4% undecided. There’s a near-exact correlation to the bell curve, ie. anyone with an IQ over 85 sees through you.
Remember Trump’s poll bounce that Doctor Dumbfuck bragged about? His horse is laughing at him now.
@81 Fake news… the real numbers are reported by the great Sean Hannity.. the great Lou Dobbs..
And now the great Kayleigh McEnany.. Isn’t she a doll? So easy on the eyes..
She will report all the great things we’re doing to media that is fair.. Like Fox.. And the fake news media? They’re the enemy of the people.. Kayleigh will deal with them appropriately.. She knows what to do .
@72 this isn’t America anymore, it’s South Sudan.
I don’t get it, for someone who is supposed to be the best and greatest of all, even God, he’s more stupid then Dr. Tedros. The nerve to put his name on a white coat, like it’s some stripper pole.
the great Fox News Channel.. the great Epoch Times.. the great RT.. the great NewsMax… the great Rush Limbaugh… the great Gateway Pundit… the great Twitchy Team…
this and so much more is the fair media… true news reporting… nothing fake!
The bootlickers are being sent out to praise Donald for having a handle on things, specifically Mike Pence on Hannity laying blame on WHO tonight.
1/20 – Washington State announces first case in the country.
1/28 – Donald praises China’s amazing, really excellent handling of the situation. So magnificent. Won’t be a problem here folks.
1/30 – WHO declares a global health emergency
1/31 – Donald announces total ban on travel from China (this is not true. Flights are still allowed to arrive.)
1/31 – Administration reports that foreign nationals cannot travel to the U.S. unless they undergo 14-day quarantine. Though no facility for enforcing a quarantine exists and arriving passengers may or may not have been told by customs agents to pinkie swear to self-quarantine maybe? Relatives of U.S. citizens and those with residency status are exempt because none of them can be carrying the virus apparently.
2/1-24 – Flights continue to arrive from China directed to JFK and LAX only. No health screening of disembarking passengers occurs.
2/23 – Surge in cases in Italy.
2/24 -Air China flight 777 from Beijing arrives at JFK. Unclear if any screening for health conditions is done though accounts of U.S. citizen passengers suggest….no
Also 2/24 – Administration for the first time requests Congressional funding to combat the spread of the virus, well over a month since first case in the U.S. and almost a month after WHO starts screaming to the world this is going to be a big problem.
2/25 – Multiple flights arrive at LAX from Shanghai, Beijing
2/28 – “15 soon it will be down to zero.”
2/29 – First U.S. Death from virus.
3/9 – Donald floats the line (again) that the flu kills more people and assures America everything is just fine. Under control. Locked Down.
3/10 Donald says it will go away when the weather warms
3/11 – Administration announces travel restriction from Europe though same lax attitude to relatives and residents stays in place. Because surely those people can’t be infected. Oh and if you’re flying in from Brittan, no problem.
3/13 – Donald declares National Emergency (note this is six weeks after the supposed “FAILED” WHO issued a Worldwide Alert that Donald repeatedly said was a hoax, a democratic distraction, didn’t need the numbers to go up from a cruise that wasn’t his fault, was a hoax, not worried about it at all, China started it and it’s their problem, the flu is worse, Obama did it, it’s a Democratic plot, it’s a hoax.
Who developed the talking points?
So one responsible way to respond to Tedros and push back might be to endorse Taiwan’s application for membership.
When is The GOP RapeHero going to do that?
Or any Republican?
@87 “Who developed the talking points?”
I have no idea, but this must be encouraging to Kayleigh, because she can’t possibly do worse. Well, maybe she could if she really works at it.
smell that @87 ? fake, fake, fake news… the fake news bezos amazon post couldn’t have faked that better…
everything we did was PERFECT! perfectly perfect perfection!
Stuff just amazing here
@87, January 30, 2020 Tedros and WHO were still China centric
“However, Tedros was adamant that “the main reason for the declaration is not because of what is happening in China but because of what is happening in other countries. … Let me be clear — this vote is not a declaration of no confidence in China.”
“”There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. WHO doesn’t recommend limiting trade and movement,” Tedros added. “
Puddy read this and immediately thought of the fools at ASSeshorse…
Seems the hospitals lied, especially the ones under Mayor DiBlasio’s charge.
Oh BTW turkeys, did you see the poll Rasmussen did about which DUMMOCRETIN do you trust around COVID-19?
Puddy off to beddie bye. Puddy can’t wait to see what goodies John T. Durham has to say about Russia Russia Russia.
Puddy sez hi to the dumb wabbit too!
@92 Tedros was born very close to where obama was born…
very very close!
I sent out detectives and it was incredible what they found!
fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake fake…
did you see the poll Rasmussen did
Didn’t he predict Romney would win in 2012?
Either way that election was STOLEN! By a black guy born in a shithole country. And I don’t even like Romney! That schmuck badmouthed me and then voted to take me down!
fake fake fake fake fake fake fake…
I’m going to say that a lot.. It’s my ticket to win in Nov.
Hey PI – looking at my 401k this morning….it’s -2.38% YTD, and over 1 year period I’m +.42%!!!
How about you. Still living in Mom’s basement? Hiding under the moldy couch so she doesn’t find you?
Maybe I should invest a little now!!!? Make some gains while others only get back what they lost.
Gman’s Investment Practices!!
Back with a vengeance and absolutely NO RAGRETS!!!!
Multiple sock puppets, bizarre random punctuation, RAGE-fueled all-caps, creative spelling, strange syntax, and furious double-post-palsy. Something for us all to look forward to after we are done cleaning up the giant Trump Body Pile from the GOPlague.
FACT: Low level sex offenders who have successfully completed treatment are being temporarily released into family confinement and community supervision to limit the spread of the TrumPlague.
FACT: after two years of absence LOOON suddenly regains internet access and resumes posting.
COINCIDENCE? You be the judge.
So far it looks like Moscow Mitch is failing to portray as “obstruction” the Democrats efforts to block his More Bigger Slush Fund relief bill.
Schumer got a bill marked up and introduced for extended job security and more help for doctors, nurses, cops, paramedics, and fire fighters ahead of Moscow Mitch. So both had to be taken up and defeated (failing to gain unanimous consent) almost simultaneously. That seems to have prevented most of the media from falling victim to Moscow Mitch’s con job.
With Democrats you get your job back, hazard pay if you have to face the risk of the TrumPlague, mortgage and rent forbearance, and SBA loans for your small family business to keep it afloat until the Trump Crysis is over and his body pile has been built.
and a huge body pile with your Nana in it somewhere.
16,000 > 15
As coincidental as Bears shitting in the Woods.
@94 Glad to see you’re alive and swimming, squid. The abrupt and prolonged vacancy in your crevice had us worried about you, in view of the sharks you hang out with. They eat cephalopods like you.
Prospective TrumPlague Economic Czar proposes the following:
Tax all non-profits;
Cut salaries and benefits for public employees, including teachers, college professors, doctors, nurses, police and fire fighters;
Discontinue federal support for expanded unemployment insurance;
Cancel the $1200 TrumPlague stimulus;
Oh, and of course, give twelve month tax holiday to all big businesse… naturally.
Because the best time to close down all the fire stations is right after your house catches fire.
@98 “FACT: after two years of absence LOOON suddenly regains internet access and resumes posting. COINCIDENCE? You be the judge.”
I think he was captured in the wild, kept in a lab for observation, then dumped at night from a car into a distant neighborhood when the doctoral students concluded further study of his habits would contribute nothing to scientific knowledge or their theses.
I think it’s far more likely that his Goat-cult elders caught him thumbing through the underwear section of his wife’s Lane Bryant catalogs and sent him to a re-education camp.
Now he’s been “furloughed” following an outbreak of TrumPlague within the cult.
@103 No competent grifter would let the deadliest pandemic of our lifetimes go to waste, and grifting is one thing Republicans are good at.
I tell you – these American nutjob pastors and evangelicals are fucking worse than the Muslim Mullahs. Bunch of fucking Nazi mother fuckers they are.
“FACT: after two years of absence LOOON suddenly regains internet access and resumes posting.”
Or maybe the loon really did get himself lynched but the denizens of Hell now have internet access.
Look at the bright side, HA libbies:
Mitt Romney’s hyperaccurate 2012 assertion that our nation’s greatest geopolitical foe is Russia may no longer be the case.
Time to pivot, Steve: For 2021-2024, aka Trump II, I’m gonna be Xi’s tool, not Putin’s. Revision time’s here.
@107 In the finest Stalin tradition.
Falwell may have his own cops (why on earth does the state allow this?), but he doesn’t have his own court system, nor can he choose the jurors.
And if these journalists are actually arrested and detained, he may be handing them a false arrest/false imprisonment cause of action against his fake university.
How to recognize the front gate of Liberty University:
I must say, it’s been an enjoyable ride back up from the most recent plunge. Some of my forced purchases are now profitable and most of the others are down only single digits.
Factor in that a slow further rise is in the cards as the numbers continue to show deaths far less than feared, the Fed chair’s comments about a robust recovery, the timing of that recovery just as the general election season gets into full swing, AND the knowledge that the bill for all of this will be paid by YLB’s kids, and I think the last several weeks will be looked back upon as a resounding success.
A testament to the American spirit. And to Steve’s impotence.
@112 ” … the Fed chair’s comments” have less to do with today’s “slow rise” than this:
“The Federal Reserve on Thursday announced a bevy of new moves aimed at getting another $2.3 trillion of financing into businesses and revenue-pinched governments.”
To wit: The Fed chair talks, but money talks louder.
And your optimism about the “general election season” is less moored to reality than this:
“Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a wide lead over President Donald Trump …, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. … Independent voters break for Biden, 52% behind the former vice president, 40% for Trump.”
The significance of that poll is that it reinforces a recent developing trend of worsening polls for the impeached miserable failure. I was especially impressed with one a couple days ago that showed only 38% of Americans trust Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, which is less than his base of diehard hell-or-high-water supporters.
We could, as a palliative for severe house-bound (in my case, burrow-bound) boredom, discuss key states and electoral votes blah blah blah in greater detail blah blah blah but as I have better things to do than watch you stroke your zucchini, I’ll just refer you to the RealClearPolitics poll results for key states and let you play with one of the readily available interactive maps.
More riveting is the trend in Senate races, with possibly up to a dozen GOP-held seats now in play. The Democrats’ rapidly improving Senate prospects are getting downright interesting.
Now, nobody expects the occupants of the lower third of the bell curve to ever see the light; but as things are trending, it doesn’t look like there’ll be much left of whatever grip the GOP had on the triple-digit-IQ voter demographic.
“Now, nobody expects the occupants of the lower third of the bell curve to ever see the light.”
That attitude is why we Deplorables voted for Trump in 2016 and will do the same in November. Here’s a hint: stop acting like you’re smarter and better that everyone else. You’re not.
@114 We’ve never claimed to be smarter and better than everyone else. We’re smarter and better than you. That’s different from “everyone else.” Way different. You lower thirds are in a decile* of your own.
* The terminology is proper and accurate. WhiIe your demographic occupies a third of the physical space in the bell graphic, you collectively have only 10% of the total brains.
@114 You chose an appropriate screen name. Hillary was right about Republicans being “a basket of deplorables.”
Jerry Falwell’s imitation of East Berlin did more than try to silence journalists; it clamped an iron curtain around its students, too.
Here’s a valuable resource in the fight against coronavirus the Trump administration could be using but isn’t.
If I were running things, I’d grab every doctor I could get.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 115 proves that brain volume is irrelevant when brain location is up one’s own ass.
Every. single. day.
And to think it only took a few weeks and a massive Trump Body Pile to move Q Clearance Patriot from assurances that the “inevitable” breaking of 30k would guarantee Trumpublican landslide sweeps in November to “Whadabout Recovery”.
“Something, something… BEACH WEEK!! 2018 RED WAVE” comes to mind.
Dumbfuck has been consistently wrong now for forty one straight months.
HE’S DUE! Right?
Phoned in from choir practice.
Or maybe even from beyond the grave, right?
Dumbfuck, you wanna know what makes Democrats better (and probably smarter) right now (aside from, you know, staying the fuck home from choir practice)?
Not calling for cuts to the pay and benefits of doctors, nurses, cops and firefighters as a way to boost the economy makes Democrats better. There’s lots more where that came from.
But that’s enough.
How cute.
The dumbfuck @ 113 who continues to parrot the irrelevance of the 2016 presidential popular vote result shows his consistency in parroting another national poll for 2020.
Dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck.
All you are doing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is worsening the future despair of Even Bigger Fucking Moron Formerly Known as The Fucking Moron II by giving him false hope that Biden stands a chance in November.
You’re not worth a ventilator, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your family will beg the hospital not to use one on you. You’ll be awake to hear them do it.
@ 120
Now do Summer of Recovery.
The Commonwealth is a very unique creature.
They still cling to a few legal conventions pretty much entirely because once-upon-a-time Thomas Jefferson did it that way.
This is an example. Falwell Jr. or his minions can go to any magistrate in the state, including “retired” and swear out information to get an arrest warrant. So all it takes is one magistrate somewhere in the bag for Liberty University. A magistrate in The Commonwealth doesn’t even have to be a lawyer. They often are not. Most are retired or semi-retired good-ol-boys looking for a way to serve their community and feel important. Quite a few are retired cops. They get to review minor criminal complaints and conduct prelim bail hearings.
Their say is by no means final. So this Fallwell bullshit goes nowhere. It’s a stunt. But a very visible stunt. And in that sense it might actually lead somewhere.
The Commonwealth Assembly has been talking about reforms for decades.
This oughta do it.
“Summer of Recovery” really only works if…
– 2010 was a presidential election year;
– Two-term President Barack Obama was a Trumpublican;
– Senate Democrats spent that year trying to cut the pay and benefits of cops and firefighters;
– We weren’t recovering from the Bush Housing Collapse.
We’re already at 25 million unemployed. Q Clearance can keep watching his portfolio. Doctors, nurses, teachers, cops and firefighters who vote are going to be watching Moscow Mitch and Arthur Laffer discover novel ways of taking their homes away from them.
Somebody in here actually held on to GM stock?
@119 I didn’t have to prove it. You did all the work.
@121 Remember what Rev. Tony Spell said: “Christians welcome death.” He’s probably helping their relatives celebrate.
@122 To quote myself, blah, blah, blah, key states, blah, blah, blah, although honestly at this point it sounds like I’m quoting you.
You do realize, Dumbfuck, that you’re going out on a limb? Have you thought about what will happen to you on this blog if Trump loses the electoral vote? Granted, all the advantages of Russian interference, organized vote suppression, voter roll purges, targeted polling place closures, 10-hour-long voting lines, a partisan Supreme Court, a slavery-based electoral system, etc., favor him. But you may be underestimating (a) how badly he stinks as a president, and (b) the intelligence of the 58% of voters who aren’t zombies after your own fashion. Your incessant taunting about key states blah blah blah and electoral votes blah blah blah might not work out the way you’re assuming it will.
@126 Dunno. Ask Dumbfuck if he did.
“I think the last several weeks will be looked back upon as a resounding success”
I’m sure the families of the dead cheer your words.
“Dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck.”
Nobody knows that better than those here who have read your dumbfuck tripe.
“the timing of that recovery just as the general election season gets into full swing”
I take it you hope this prediction is going to work out better for you than your stupid bullshit about tornado deaths?
Really, Doctor, at this point, you’re beyond dumbfuckery. You’re just fucking stupid. And a traitor.
“You’re not worth a ventilator”
And you’re not worth a rope. But you’re going to swing from one anyway.
@132 “You’re not worth a ventilator”
Hmm, I didn’t notice that one. Probably because my Tripe Overload Breaker Switch had already tripped. He has a point, although not the one he intended. If there aren’t enough ventilators to go around, and it comes down to doctors having to decide who lives or dies, it seems to me the lowest priority for ventilators should be given to dumbasses who volunteered to get sick. E.g.,
If one good thing comes from this virus, it might be thinning the Blundy clan and their camp followers some.
A New Hampshire judge has struck down a GOP-passed voter registration law that made it harder for young people to vote in that state than to get into college. A separate lawsuit is still pending against another GOP bill that imposes a poll tax on students.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What New Hampshire needs is a law making it a felony to be a Republican legislator.
Doctor Dumbfuck calls me an “asshole,” and I admit to sometimes being one in certain respects, but I’m never this kind of asshole. It usually takes a Republican and Trump supporter to become this special breed of asshole:
AOL headline: “Discontent with Trump growing as virus crisis unfolds. Three new polls this week all find a majority of Americans disapprove of the president’s handling of the coronavirus crisis.” Story here:
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
716,548Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Coronavirus now leading cause of death in US
Coronavirus takes harsh toll at busy Brooklyn courthouse. Judge berates lawyer for complaining about having to appear in packed courtroom. 2 weeks later judge dead from Coronavirus.
More Than 16 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment the Past Three Weeks
>>For context…this is twice as many jobless claims there were in the entire 2008 Great Recession.
>>”How do we know it’s not one person filing 16 million times?” asks a trumper.
Well, apparently it is no longer the performance of the overall economy that will assure us of president RapeHero’s certain re-election. Now it is merely any statistically significant improvement in one degenerate casino gambler’s pile of chips – assuming as always we all agree to ignore his decades of losses and the neckless goons idling by the curb.
YLB’s kids
and mary kay will survive pos rapey mcdimfuk..
what a better world that will be.
Why no complaints of Kamala Harris raising money in wine caves from the rich and famous?
@137 >>”How do we know it’s not one person filing 16 million times?” asks a trumper.
He knows his master well.
@140 Speaking of whom, Harris tops most lists of pundits speculating who Biden’s veep pick might be, with Gretchen Whitmer as runner-up.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron tees it up for Megan McCain by tweeting, “On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the more than 500,000 American warriors captured while protecting our way of life. We pay tribute to these Patriots for their unwavering and unrelenting spirit!”
Meghan McCain, “Except for the fact that you don’t like people who were captured – while publicly attacking the most famous modern POW while he fought cancer…. No one has forgotten or will ever forget what you said and did. No one.”
Will any of it rub off on Mitch. The GOP brand in KY takes another very public hit.
@144 You can’t change a leopard’s spots, any more than you can teach a Republican how to act like a Democrat.
Oh FFS. Even her own wife has forgotten.
How’s all that urban density working out now?
Mort Drucker has died. He was 91. If you don’t know who he was, you’re not a boomer.
148. I enjoyed his work for decades. I read about so many movies in Mad Magazine I didn’t see until I was much older.
Examples of his work
@147. What was the viable alternatives with only so much land and people unwilling to pay for new and bigger roads or fund wide spread public transportation? It’s easy to be an asshole and criticize decisions, it’s hard to be an adult and offer real solutions that cost money.
“Only so much land”….have you been in an airplane and looked down?
Being stuck in an apodment or 400 sf jail cell…oops, apartment I think you call them? Shit, no wonder you all are losing your shit after staying indoors for a few weeks.
We warned you. But hey, you all said “let’s pack everybody in! Density Uber Alles!”
Utopia? More like Shitopia.
Tell it to rural Florida, northern Mississippi, Jefferson County Montana, Sun Valley Idaho, Albany Georgia, and Eagle County Colorado, among many, many others.
Seattle has plenty of hospital beds, ICU beds, ventilators, and doctors and nurses.
That shitty little ER in Lake Chelan might not.
Wanna know why?
Cities are dense because cities have resources.
When will these ignorant, self-righteous greed-head Trumpublicans realize that the absolute worst possible time to criticize government spending on public resources is in the middle of the biggest public crisis since World War II? Trumpublicans are just not cut out for this work. Never will be.
Gosh! I hope this isn’t too great of a disappointment:
“Barr tells FOX there probably won’t be a Durham Report.”
No report. A handful of recommendations to the FBI and a few stern letters for some employee files.
151. Again criticism without solutions.
are you advocating endless unmitigated sprawl? Are you willing to pay for more roads public transportation infrastructure traffic jams environmental degredation global warming? Can you get everyone else to vote for that? Are you factoring in the benefits of density allows as mentioned in 152?
I Can get in my car and drive to any hospital in Seattle I want…I prefer Bellevue or Kirkland though.
You however, are stuck in your urban petri dish.
Enjoy being trapped in your apodment. We are doing just fine – having BBQs, bonfires, and not going fukcing insane while being locked in an urban hell-cage.