The Mueller Report Indicts the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Not only was there no conspiracy with Russia, there was no cover-up, either.
The Mueller report does not just dispel the conspiracy theories that have engulfed political and media circles for two years; it puts to rest the most popular, recent one: that Attorney General William Barr engaged in a cover-up. According to the dominant narrative, Barr was somehow concealing Mueller’s damning evidence, while Mueller, even more improbably, stayed silent.
One could argue that Barr’s summary downplays the obstruction findings, though it accurately relays that Mueller’s report does “not exonerate” Trump. It was Mueller’s decision to leave the verdict on obstruction to Barr and make clear that if Congress disagrees, it has the power to indict Trump on its own. Mueller’s office assisted with Barr’s redactions, which proved to be, as Barr had pledged, extremely limited. Despite containing numerous embarrassing details about Trump, no executive privilege was invoked to censor the report’s contents.
Hillary needed an excuse for her inexcusable loss so Team Hillary came up with Russian collusion. It’s in Shattered.
Give it up, focus on 2020. Y’all bein’ clowns until then.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
2 – Hillary lost because she’s not likeable and she ignored people in some of the states the Democrats thought they had in the bag. Those normally “sure bets” voted against Hillary because she and the rest of the Democrats took them for granted.
I believe Joe Biden has the best chance of defeating Trump in 2020. The Democrats have to decide between ousting Trump or adhering to the progressive party line. I suspect the leadership will choose the latter as a course of action.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The only conversation worth having with a teenager caught with an AR-15 is, “What are you doing with that gun?” then taking it away from him and telling him you’ll kick his ass if you catch him with another one. The only teenager who should be allowed to touch a military assault weapon is a Marine or Army trainee being actively supervised by a drill sergeant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Spinning like a top. Russia, with hostile intent, subverted our election and Trump & Co. eagerly accepted their help. The fact they’re too stupid to formulate a criminal conspiracy doesn’t make them innocent. And you shill for these people. Shame on you.
@ 5
The fact that Comey decided not to indict her doesn’t make Hillary innocent.
And you shill for her. Shame on you.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
5 – I don’t have a dog in the fight between Republicans and Democrats. I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in 2016. I simply stated that I believe Biden is the most likely candidate to beat Trump in 2020.
So fuck off!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Have at her, dipshit. I hope you fuckwads run against her in 2020. Lock her up! Good luck with that as your party platform while the voters worry about pre-existing conditions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 ??? What’s that all about? Doesn’t seem responsive to #5.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the Mass. judge arrested for helping an immigrant evade an ICE agent who staked out her courtroom?
“Massachusetts district attorneys and public defenders are filing a lawsuit Monday to stop Immigration and Customs Enforcement from patrolling state courthouses. The lawsuit alleges that criminal defendants, witnesses and civil litigants have all been affected by the agency’s policy, thereby impeding court business.
“‘Entire communities now view the Massachusetts courts as places where they cannot go, for any reason, greatly impeding access to justice and undermining the administration of justice in these communities,’ the complaint reads.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Judges absolutely do have a right to prevent disruption of court proceedings and remove persons whose presence impedes the administration of justice, even in hearings otherwise open to the public. This is no rogue judge; she was doing her job. If she did it improperly, or with improper motives, or failed to follow court system procedures, then ICE should take that up with the state’s judicial discipline body.
In his memoir Arlen Specter related that Joe Biden called Anita Hill a liar.
There exists a substantial number of BernieBros who would vote for Trump in the general if the Dem nominee is not Bernie.
@ 10
This is no rogue judge; she was doing her job.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, she turned off her audio recorder. Would you say a LEO was doing the job if an intentional silencing of an audio recording occurred at a sensitive time?
You’re moronic.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would have you believe that Kim Foxx was merely doing her job.
Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case
Conservatives love to attack public pensions. But the real problem with these systems is that they’re being looted by Wall Streeters and other people who generally vote Republican.
Why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will pull the lever for Trump next year.
Over coffee recently in midtown, an investment pro with a long history in Democratic politics described the struggle to resist the unexpected pull of Trump. “What matters more?” he asked, looking up at me. “My social values or my paycheck?”
The thing is, for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit there’s no struggle with that. He possesses neither money nor morals but with the limited time he has left it’s way too late for any redemption of the latter. So he bets on MMM and votes Trump in hopes that this one will pay off for him in a way that GE didn’t.
After all, shilling for the left has resulted directly in what a pathetic fuck he has turned out to be.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit held GE way too long and got burned because of it. He realized his support for Democrats will end up with the same result.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sometimes, one person can make a difference. In our region, one person did.
@11 There’s also a substantial number of Republicans who will vote for Trump no matter who the Democratic nominee is, despite the fact he’s a corrupt liar and cheat, racist and bigot, hatemonger, pussygrabber, serial adulterer and bankrupt, and all-around incompetent who spurns our allies and cozies up to our enemies — and you’re one of ’em. Shame on you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 If you can’t tell the difference between a judge and a cop, or courtroom procedure and street policing, I can’t be of assistance to you. It’s like trying to teach nuclear physics to a dog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Roger Rabbit has posted zero comments about Kim Foxx and you’re now moving into the realm of Making Shit Up. Next thing we know you’ll be fucking unicorns.
See, your problem, gman, is that you keep trying to treat your parasitism with an ever-bigger worm.
Andy Ngo✔
Mariam al-Sohel, a Kuwaiti academic, says gay males have a worm in their anuses that feed on semen. She says she has developed pills inspired by the Islamic prophetic tradition that can be inserted into the anus to kill the worm & treat homosexuality.
7:18 PM – Apr 28, 2019
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “After all, shilling for the left has resulted directly in what a pathetic fuck he has turned out to be.”
Did I ever say I’m not a pathetic fuck? No, I’ve never denied it. I’ve always admitted I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, which in your eyes is the same thing. All I’m saying is you’re a pathetic fuck right along with me. There’s no difference between us, except we graze on opposite sides of the fence, but we eat the same grass. We’re two peas from the same pod. You could be my twin brother, except you were born with shit for brains.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Too bad they can’t make a pill for congenital stupidity. Sadly, we have to write you off as incurable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s hard to find a word in the English language that appropriately describes Doctor Dumbfuck’s stupidity. So I’ll have to do my best with descriptions:
Doctor Dumbfuck shills for Trump, thinks 3M is a bad stock, and has absolutely no chance of passing a background check for employment as a horse farm manager.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
5, “The fact they’re too stupid to formulate a criminal conspiracy…”
Under the statute intelligence is not required. Nor “intent” as some drooling, bootlicking unqualified purity angels might define it. The statute requires:
1) An agreement directly related to committing a crime.
2)An overt act in furtherance of that agreement.
It isn’t clear at all of there is evidence yet for conspiracy. But there is plenty of reason to suspect so. And under our system it becomes the legal duty of the House to investigate that.
Most of what Teh Dumbfuck’s author speculates about as “conclusive” is as yet unknown because a) it was not for the SCO to make the determinations the author claims were made, and b) the overt acts of obstruction listed in volume 2 of the report are very likely to have destroyed any means of proof that would not also compromise sources and methods that the SCO is legally obligated to protect.
Other than that, these sad clowns are left with lying and bad sleight of hand. Suggesting that any obstruction investigation focuses on AG Barr is so clumsy and inept as to be laughable. It certainly won’t do much to distract from the folks who did the actual obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct. When the president repeatedly asks the White House Counsel to revise his official testimony those meet the statutory requirements.
Perjury is a criminal act. So any agreements formed within the White House for false testimony, however “informal” would meet the first of the two requirements. Making the request is an overt act in furtherance. The facts would seem to indicate both obstruction and conspiracy. That’s pretty fucking obvious. Certainly enough to begin an investigation into the things the SCO was forbidden to investigate.
It’s marvelous to see how frightened they really are. That should be exploited.
How does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spell success?
Shares of 3M Co. MMM, -0.55% fell 0.9% in afternoon trade, putting them on track for a 3 1/2-month closing low. The consumer, industrial and health products company’s stock decline erases the 0.5% bounce on Friday, which followed Thursday’s 13.0% drubbing, the biggest one-day drop since 1987, after a disappointing first-quarter report. Since the earnings report, one analyst turned bearish and nine of 20 analysts surveyed by FactSet have cut their price targets; the new average target of $195.25 is just 2.8% above current levels, and down from $206.88 at the end of March. The stock has now turned down year to date–down 0.3%…
Quite the flexible definition of intent you have there, QoS McHillbilly.
You had a different one when Hillary’s future was at stake. Pity you failed to factor in the nation’s future when you protected her.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
12, “…she turned off her audio recorder.’
Can’t speak authoritatively to Mass district courts. But in most lesser courts I’m familiar with going off record during proceedings is quite routine.
These are courts of lesser jurisdiction with very, very busy dockets. Proceedings are run very much assembly line style. Defendants and their counsel are brought forward in sequence and quite often public criminal defense attorneys present will be representing a number of the defendants. Similarly the local prosecutors will often assign the same handful of attorneys to represent the people for all of the docket on a given day in a given court. Things are constantly in flux and the precise sequence of proceedings is always being changed for various reasons. A lot of what judges, clerks, and the attorneys discuss off record has to do with their personal schedules or other unrelated commitments that can be impacted by the constantly shifting docket. A lawyer might not want the fact that they have to pick up their kid from soccer to become a permanent part of a criminal trial record.
Even crusty bitter fucked-for-life federal judges will be aware of those practical realities and by very sympathetic to this judge. And I’m quite sure that USA who brought this piece of shit knows that too. That really isn’t the point. This is not about the law. This shit is political theater for dumb asses like president obstruction and his mob of hooting, obsequious boot lickers like Teh Dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Assuming you are referring to the two part test for conspiracy it is not my definition. It is the law.
1) agreement,
2)at least a single overt act in furtherance of the agreement.
Pretty easy to avoid if you think about it, Teh Dumbfuck.
Say some pharma rep meets you at your favorite Outback Steakhouse and offers to let you hide in her closet and choke-fap while she takes on the bartender. And in return for this mighty boon you agree to fake a shit ton of medicaid billings for the Laetrile she peddles.
All you have to do is welsh after the fact and you are off the hook. You still get to abuse yourself in a smelly dark closet.
That’s why Don McGahn is not in trouble. He jerked off for two years in the White House closet to advance the slate of FedSoc robots. But in the end he welshed on the deal, didn’t he?
I mean, what kind of lawyer takes notes? Right?
Hey, NPV peeps:
Until you get enough states signed on to make the whole country live with California’s voting results, I read something online today you might want to keep in mind.
You don’t win by racking up the totals in safe states. You win by taking states away from the other guy.
Sadly for Hillary, WI, PA, and MI weren’t as safe as she thought.
Of course not. That’s no way to describe consideration of the euthanasia of a healthy but unwanted infant freely breathing room air.
Goldy Retweeted
Julia Pulver, RN✔
Replying to @VotePulver
NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//
Apr 27, 2019
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
After Oregon and Nevada this year only 68 more EVs to go.
Look at it this way, Teh Dumbfuck.
Once president obstruction has finished destroying the GOP, NPV will dramatically improve the chances of fringe weirdos like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or Ross Perot of perhaps actually winning maybe possibly one single electoral vote (?).
And you won’t have to feel quite so “impotent”.
“Piece in The Nation is enough to make Steve cry.”
It’s a good trend. Let’s keep it going in that direction. Maybe seniors don’t want to be punished for preexisting conditions. Democrats want to protect Americans from preexisting conditions. Maybe seniors don’t want to be bankrupted by medical costs. Democrats are trying to find fair solutions. I guess they don’t want to wait till after the election to risk the republican secret health care plan.
The difference is that Democrats try to make the government work for everyone and be fair for everyone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Wow, 3M gave up Friday’s gain today, I’m ruined. Grasp at straws much? What’s your problem? Is the horse’s butthole on vacation this week?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Quite the flexible definition of intent you have there, QoS McHillbilly. You had a different one when Hillary’s future was at stake.”
Please enthrall us with your legal perspicacity. We lawyers enjoy your laughable ignorance of the law very much. The perfect client is a stupid doctor who pays us hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend him and goes to jail anyway. Because, as Elijah points out, stupidity usually isn’t a viable defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Thanks for advising us that all we have to do in 2020 is remind midwest farmers that they’re getting fucked over by Trump’s tariffs. Not that they’ll need much reminding.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“… the republican secret health care plan.”
Soylent Green
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
From the Report volume 1:
The following transcript of a text message retrieved from Donald J. Trump, Jr.’s Twitter account text message received from WikiLeaks in September of 2016 – ““A PAC run anti-Trump site is about to launch. The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?”
The following transcript of email sent from Donald J. Trump, Jr. dated September 21, 2016 – ““Guys I got a weird Twitter DM from [W]ikileaks. See below. I tried the password and it works and the about section they reference contains the next pic in terms of who is behind it. Not sure if this is anything but it seems like it’s really wikileaks asking me as I follow them and it is a DM. Do you know the people mentioned and what the conspiracy they are looking for could be? These are just screen shots but it’s a bully built out page claiming to be a PAC let me know your thoughts and if we want to look into it.” (emph added).
Kids, that is the elder failson admitting a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.*
So far as I can tell, this is the only instance in the Mueller report of a declination decis based on what I have to guess is “too stupid to form the requisite criminal intent”. Telling that Mueller does not in fact discuss his declination decision about this. Hard to know why. Maybe because in fact all of this was already public knowledge before the report. The Atlantic covered the series of Twitter DMs between president obstruction’s failson and the Russians WikiLeaks in Nov 2017. And the HPSCI minority report released the failson email admitting the violation last spring.
*Yes, plenty of people have gone to prison for this, albeit usually for accessing financial or defense data, not campaign websites. I happen to think the law as written is over broad.
godwin a christian?…you can keep asking every day and you’ll get no answer from the man without any conviction, whom lives by the wallet and no morals, standards or beliefs. But maybe godwin is a Jew.
Heck – he is incapable of replying with a statement regarding this article –
Even if the article had sprinkled in some mention of Robotics I doubt that could have enough conviction to make comment.
Poor guy thinks he can take his money with him below ground.
Hey, our resident dumbfuck brought up Wisconsin.
Hmmm…Wisconsin. “Big things happening there. Yuge. So, So, so many jobs. Thank you FoxCon. I did that. See Wisconsin. The fake news won’t tell you but I brought FoxCon to you. I built you a great big wall of jobs.”
Those commies at the Wall Street Journal noticed… Dateline April, 29th, 2019.
The impact on Mount Pleasant, by contrast, is palpable. Its debt rating has slipped. Local politics has become fraught. Neighbors have fallen out over land seizures.
“At some point we’re talking about things that are just imaginary,” Nick Demske, a commissioner in Racine County, where the plant is. “We’re just pretending.”
Leslie Maj, a 60-year-old former business manager, raised her hand. “Is our village going to go bankrupt? Is our county going to go bankrupt?” she asked. “I’m telling you, we’re afraid.”
Racine County voted for Donald. Don’t suppose there are any 60-year old former business managers or County Commissioners that are now very much aware they got played.
Donald took Wisconsin by about 27,000 votes. Tammy Baldwin just held her seat by nearly 300,000.
Steak Sauce and Dumbfuck will still be linking to the guy in 2020.
Jacob Wohl caught on tape trying to concoct a sexual assault smear against Pete Buttigieg and promising to make the accuser wealthy. Now the supposed victim says Wohl and lobbyist Jack Burkman made it all up.
Daily Beast, PJ Media, Gateway Putz all ran with Wohl’s latest claim this morning. By noon they were peddling backwards at a Wile E Coyote off the cliff before dropping pace.
How about starting with talk to gman?
Piece in The Nation is enough to make Steve cry.
The Mueller Report Indicts the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Not only was there no conspiracy with Russia, there was no cover-up, either.
The Mueller report does not just dispel the conspiracy theories that have engulfed political and media circles for two years; it puts to rest the most popular, recent one: that Attorney General William Barr engaged in a cover-up. According to the dominant narrative, Barr was somehow concealing Mueller’s damning evidence, while Mueller, even more improbably, stayed silent.
One could argue that Barr’s summary downplays the obstruction findings, though it accurately relays that Mueller’s report does “not exonerate” Trump. It was Mueller’s decision to leave the verdict on obstruction to Barr and make clear that if Congress disagrees, it has the power to indict Trump on its own. Mueller’s office assisted with Barr’s redactions, which proved to be, as Barr had pledged, extremely limited. Despite containing numerous embarrassing details about Trump, no executive privilege was invoked to censor the report’s contents.
Hillary needed an excuse for her inexcusable loss so Team Hillary came up with Russian collusion. It’s in Shattered.
Give it up, focus on 2020. Y’all bein’ clowns until then.
2 – Hillary lost because she’s not likeable and she ignored people in some of the states the Democrats thought they had in the bag. Those normally “sure bets” voted against Hillary because she and the rest of the Democrats took them for granted.
I believe Joe Biden has the best chance of defeating Trump in 2020. The Democrats have to decide between ousting Trump or adhering to the progressive party line. I suspect the leadership will choose the latter as a course of action.
The only conversation worth having with a teenager caught with an AR-15 is, “What are you doing with that gun?” then taking it away from him and telling him you’ll kick his ass if you catch him with another one. The only teenager who should be allowed to touch a military assault weapon is a Marine or Army trainee being actively supervised by a drill sergeant.
@2 Spinning like a top. Russia, with hostile intent, subverted our election and Trump & Co. eagerly accepted their help. The fact they’re too stupid to formulate a criminal conspiracy doesn’t make them innocent. And you shill for these people. Shame on you.
@ 5
The fact that Comey decided not to indict her doesn’t make Hillary innocent.
And you shill for her. Shame on you.
5 – I don’t have a dog in the fight between Republicans and Democrats. I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in 2016. I simply stated that I believe Biden is the most likely candidate to beat Trump in 2020.
So fuck off!
@6 Have at her, dipshit. I hope you fuckwads run against her in 2020. Lock her up! Good luck with that as your party platform while the voters worry about pre-existing conditions.
@7 ??? What’s that all about? Doesn’t seem responsive to #5.
Remember the Mass. judge arrested for helping an immigrant evade an ICE agent who staked out her courtroom?
“Massachusetts district attorneys and public defenders are filing a lawsuit Monday to stop Immigration and Customs Enforcement from patrolling state courthouses. The lawsuit alleges that criminal defendants, witnesses and civil litigants have all been affected by the agency’s policy, thereby impeding court business.
“‘Entire communities now view the Massachusetts courts as places where they cannot go, for any reason, greatly impeding access to justice and undermining the administration of justice in these communities,’ the complaint reads.”
(Emphasis added.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Judges absolutely do have a right to prevent disruption of court proceedings and remove persons whose presence impedes the administration of justice, even in hearings otherwise open to the public. This is no rogue judge; she was doing her job. If she did it improperly, or with improper motives, or failed to follow court system procedures, then ICE should take that up with the state’s judicial discipline body.
In his memoir Arlen Specter related that Joe Biden called Anita Hill a liar.
There exists a substantial number of BernieBros who would vote for Trump in the general if the Dem nominee is not Bernie.
@ 10
This is no rogue judge; she was doing her job.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, she turned off her audio recorder. Would you say a LEO was doing the job if an intentional silencing of an audio recording occurred at a sensitive time?
You’re moronic.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would have you believe that Kim Foxx was merely doing her job.
Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case
Conservatives love to attack public pensions. But the real problem with these systems is that they’re being looted by Wall Streeters and other people who generally vote Republican.
Why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will pull the lever for Trump next year.
Over coffee recently in midtown, an investment pro with a long history in Democratic politics described the struggle to resist the unexpected pull of Trump. “What matters more?” he asked, looking up at me. “My social values or my paycheck?”
The thing is, for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit there’s no struggle with that. He possesses neither money nor morals but with the limited time he has left it’s way too late for any redemption of the latter. So he bets on MMM and votes Trump in hopes that this one will pay off for him in a way that GE didn’t.
After all, shilling for the left has resulted directly in what a pathetic fuck he has turned out to be.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit held GE way too long and got burned because of it. He realized his support for Democrats will end up with the same result.
Sometimes, one person can make a difference. In our region, one person did.
@11 There’s also a substantial number of Republicans who will vote for Trump no matter who the Democratic nominee is, despite the fact he’s a corrupt liar and cheat, racist and bigot, hatemonger, pussygrabber, serial adulterer and bankrupt, and all-around incompetent who spurns our allies and cozies up to our enemies — and you’re one of ’em. Shame on you.
@12 If you can’t tell the difference between a judge and a cop, or courtroom procedure and street policing, I can’t be of assistance to you. It’s like trying to teach nuclear physics to a dog.
@13 Roger Rabbit has posted zero comments about Kim Foxx and you’re now moving into the realm of Making Shit Up. Next thing we know you’ll be fucking unicorns.
See, your problem, gman, is that you keep trying to treat your parasitism with an ever-bigger worm.
Andy Ngo✔
Mariam al-Sohel, a Kuwaiti academic, says gay males have a worm in their anuses that feed on semen. She says she has developed pills inspired by the Islamic prophetic tradition that can be inserted into the anus to kill the worm & treat homosexuality.
7:18 PM – Apr 28, 2019
@15 “After all, shilling for the left has resulted directly in what a pathetic fuck he has turned out to be.”
Did I ever say I’m not a pathetic fuck? No, I’ve never denied it. I’ve always admitted I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, which in your eyes is the same thing. All I’m saying is you’re a pathetic fuck right along with me. There’s no difference between us, except we graze on opposite sides of the fence, but we eat the same grass. We’re two peas from the same pod. You could be my twin brother, except you were born with shit for brains.
@20 Too bad they can’t make a pill for congenital stupidity. Sadly, we have to write you off as incurable.
It’s hard to find a word in the English language that appropriately describes Doctor Dumbfuck’s stupidity. So I’ll have to do my best with descriptions:
Doctor Dumbfuck shills for Trump, thinks 3M is a bad stock, and has absolutely no chance of passing a background check for employment as a horse farm manager.
“The fact they’re too stupid to formulate a criminal conspiracy…”
Under the statute intelligence is not required. Nor “intent” as some drooling, bootlicking unqualified purity angels might define it. The statute requires:
1) An agreement directly related to committing a crime.
2)An overt act in furtherance of that agreement.
It isn’t clear at all of there is evidence yet for conspiracy. But there is plenty of reason to suspect so. And under our system it becomes the legal duty of the House to investigate that.
Most of what Teh Dumbfuck’s author speculates about as “conclusive” is as yet unknown because a) it was not for the SCO to make the determinations the author claims were made, and b) the overt acts of obstruction listed in volume 2 of the report are very likely to have destroyed any means of proof that would not also compromise sources and methods that the SCO is legally obligated to protect.
Other than that, these sad clowns are left with lying and bad sleight of hand. Suggesting that any obstruction investigation focuses on AG Barr is so clumsy and inept as to be laughable. It certainly won’t do much to distract from the folks who did the actual obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct. When the president repeatedly asks the White House Counsel to revise his official testimony those meet the statutory requirements.
Perjury is a criminal act. So any agreements formed within the White House for false testimony, however “informal” would meet the first of the two requirements. Making the request is an overt act in furtherance. The facts would seem to indicate both obstruction and conspiracy. That’s pretty fucking obvious. Certainly enough to begin an investigation into the things the SCO was forbidden to investigate.
It’s marvelous to see how frightened they really are. That should be exploited.
How does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spell success?
Shares of 3M Co. MMM, -0.55% fell 0.9% in afternoon trade, putting them on track for a 3 1/2-month closing low. The consumer, industrial and health products company’s stock decline erases the 0.5% bounce on Friday, which followed Thursday’s 13.0% drubbing, the biggest one-day drop since 1987, after a disappointing first-quarter report. Since the earnings report, one analyst turned bearish and nine of 20 analysts surveyed by FactSet have cut their price targets; the new average target of $195.25 is just 2.8% above current levels, and down from $206.88 at the end of March. The stock has now turned down year to date–down 0.3%…
@ 24
Quite the flexible definition of intent you have there, QoS McHillbilly.
You had a different one when Hillary’s future was at stake. Pity you failed to factor in the nation’s future when you protected her.
“…she turned off her audio recorder.’
Can’t speak authoritatively to Mass district courts. But in most lesser courts I’m familiar with going off record during proceedings is quite routine.
These are courts of lesser jurisdiction with very, very busy dockets. Proceedings are run very much assembly line style. Defendants and their counsel are brought forward in sequence and quite often public criminal defense attorneys present will be representing a number of the defendants. Similarly the local prosecutors will often assign the same handful of attorneys to represent the people for all of the docket on a given day in a given court. Things are constantly in flux and the precise sequence of proceedings is always being changed for various reasons. A lot of what judges, clerks, and the attorneys discuss off record has to do with their personal schedules or other unrelated commitments that can be impacted by the constantly shifting docket. A lawyer might not want the fact that they have to pick up their kid from soccer to become a permanent part of a criminal trial record.
Even crusty bitter fucked-for-life federal judges will be aware of those practical realities and by very sympathetic to this judge. And I’m quite sure that USA who brought this piece of shit knows that too. That really isn’t the point. This is not about the law. This shit is political theater for dumb asses like president obstruction and his mob of hooting, obsequious boot lickers like Teh Dumbfuck.
Assuming you are referring to the two part test for conspiracy it is not my definition. It is the law.
1) agreement,
2)at least a single overt act in furtherance of the agreement.
Pretty easy to avoid if you think about it, Teh Dumbfuck.
Say some pharma rep meets you at your favorite Outback Steakhouse and offers to let you hide in her closet and choke-fap while she takes on the bartender. And in return for this mighty boon you agree to fake a shit ton of medicaid billings for the Laetrile she peddles.
All you have to do is welsh after the fact and you are off the hook. You still get to abuse yourself in a smelly dark closet.
That’s why Don McGahn is not in trouble. He jerked off for two years in the White House closet to advance the slate of FedSoc robots. But in the end he welshed on the deal, didn’t he?
I mean, what kind of lawyer takes notes? Right?
Hey, NPV peeps:
Until you get enough states signed on to make the whole country live with California’s voting results, I read something online today you might want to keep in mind.
You don’t win by racking up the totals in safe states. You win by taking states away from the other guy.
Sadly for Hillary, WI, PA, and MI weren’t as safe as she thought.
Of course not. That’s no way to describe consideration of the euthanasia of a healthy but unwanted infant freely breathing room air.
Goldy Retweeted
Julia Pulver, RN✔
Replying to @VotePulver
NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//
Apr 27, 2019
After Oregon and Nevada this year only 68 more EVs to go.
Look at it this way, Teh Dumbfuck.
Once president obstruction has finished destroying the GOP, NPV will dramatically improve the chances of fringe weirdos like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or Ross Perot of perhaps actually winning maybe possibly one single electoral vote (?).
And you won’t have to feel quite so “impotent”.
“Piece in The Nation is enough to make Steve cry.”
No, but I do weep for your dumbfuckery.
godwinha are you a christian?
Wait! I think I just heard a rooster crow.
A majority of seniors now say they definitely won’t back Trump in 2020
It’s a good trend. Let’s keep it going in that direction. Maybe seniors don’t want to be punished for preexisting conditions. Democrats want to protect Americans from preexisting conditions. Maybe seniors don’t want to be bankrupted by medical costs. Democrats are trying to find fair solutions. I guess they don’t want to wait till after the election to risk the republican secret health care plan.
The difference is that Democrats try to make the government work for everyone and be fair for everyone.
@25 Wow, 3M gave up Friday’s gain today, I’m ruined. Grasp at straws much? What’s your problem? Is the horse’s butthole on vacation this week?
@26 “Quite the flexible definition of intent you have there, QoS McHillbilly. You had a different one when Hillary’s future was at stake.”
Please enthrall us with your legal perspicacity. We lawyers enjoy your laughable ignorance of the law very much. The perfect client is a stupid doctor who pays us hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend him and goes to jail anyway. Because, as Elijah points out, stupidity usually isn’t a viable defense.
@29 Thanks for advising us that all we have to do in 2020 is remind midwest farmers that they’re getting fucked over by Trump’s tariffs. Not that they’ll need much reminding.
Soylent Green
From the Report volume 1:
The following transcript of a text message retrieved from Donald J. Trump, Jr.’s Twitter account text message received from WikiLeaks in September of 2016 –
““A PAC run anti-Trump site is about to launch. The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?”
The following transcript of email sent from Donald J. Trump, Jr. dated September 21, 2016 –
““Guys I got a weird Twitter DM from [W]ikileaks. See below. I tried the password and it works and the about section they reference contains the next pic in terms of who is behind it. Not sure if this is anything but it seems like it’s really wikileaks asking me as I follow them and it is a DM. Do you know the people mentioned and what the conspiracy they are looking for could be? These are just screen shots but it’s a bully built out page claiming to be a PAC let me know your thoughts and if we want to look into it.” (emph added).
Kids, that is the elder failson admitting a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.*
So far as I can tell, this is the only instance in the Mueller report of a declination decis based on what I have to guess is “too stupid to form the requisite criminal intent”. Telling that Mueller does not in fact discuss his declination decision about this. Hard to know why. Maybe because in fact all of this was already public knowledge before the report. The Atlantic covered the series of Twitter DMs between president obstruction’s failson and the
RussiansWikiLeaks in Nov 2017. And the HPSCI minority report released the failson email admitting the violation last spring.Crickets.
*Yes, plenty of people have gone to prison for this, albeit usually for accessing financial or defense data, not campaign websites. I happen to think the law as written is over broad.
godwin a christian?…you can keep asking every day and you’ll get no answer from the man without any conviction, whom lives by the wallet and no morals, standards or beliefs. But maybe godwin is a Jew.
Heck – he is incapable of replying with a statement regarding this article –
Even if the article had sprinkled in some mention of Robotics I doubt that could have enough conviction to make comment.
Poor guy thinks he can take his money with him below ground.
Hey, our resident dumbfuck brought up Wisconsin.
Hmmm…Wisconsin. “Big things happening there. Yuge. So, So, so many jobs. Thank you FoxCon. I did that. See Wisconsin. The fake news won’t tell you but I brought FoxCon to you. I built you a great big wall of jobs.”
Those commies at the Wall Street Journal noticed… Dateline April, 29th, 2019.
Racine County voted for Donald. Don’t suppose there are any 60-year old former business managers or County Commissioners that are now very much aware they got played.
Donald took Wisconsin by about 27,000 votes. Tammy Baldwin just held her seat by nearly 300,000.
Steak Sauce and Dumbfuck will still be linking to the guy in 2020.
Daily Beast, PJ Media, Gateway Putz all ran with Wohl’s latest claim this morning. By noon they were peddling backwards at a Wile E Coyote off the cliff before dropping pace.
Tell me more of your thoughts on Jussie Smollet…
@44 Is that the best the Russians can do?