The Supreme Court agreed today to decide whether federal law protects LGBTQ people from workplace discrimination. Meanwhile,
“The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concluded in 2015 that Title VII does protect against LGBT job discrimination. The Obama Justice Department took the same position, but under President Donald Trump it reversed course, opposing that conclusion”
because Republicans think God wants them to be bigots.
In other words, if a bank is robbed, jail the teller.
(2) GOP Sen. Joni Ernst says it’s “not necessary” for Mueller to testify, and the Senate Judiciary Committee should spend its time confirming Trump’s judicial picks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, if a bank is robbed, jail the teller.
(2) GOP Sen. Joni Ernst says it’s “not necessary” for Mueller to testify, and the Senate Judiciary Committee should spend its time confirming Trump’s judicial picks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ernst is a fanatic and nobody on our side listens to her anyway.
(3) Howard Schultz is getting roasted for a campaign ad that claims, “The majority of Americans aren’t Republicans or Democrats. The majority of Americans are Americans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too bad he wasn’t around 150 years ago, when he could have saved a lot of lives by reminding everyone there were no bluecoats or rebs because we’re all Americans. The shooting would’ve stopped immediately.
Jon Snowspews:
From NPI website: “NPI builds support for causes like revenue reform and transit for all, while fighting right wing initiatives.”
Translation: We are big government people who want a state income tax..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Maybe in your language, but the Plain English translation reads: We work on fulfilling society’s needs and helping people instead of promoting bigotry, racism, and intolerance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The days when thug cops could wield brutal “street justice” aren’t over but hopefully are on the way out.
@1 and one day they’ll figure out how to do the same to the Blacks and the Jews and Latinos – sucks to be them.
With the news that the Social Security trust fund will be in some trouble as soon as 2035 – wrong again, Harry Reid – allz I gotta say is I’m glad YLB’s kids will be slaving away at dead-end jobs to make sure I get my monthly check.
Hey, YLB, explain it to your kids that they are paying for the sins of their mothers.
@8. What do you care? You will likely be dead.
The final demographic selfish fuck you from boomers, they will mostly be dead after sucking all the money out for themselves.
Boomers are born between 1944 and 1964
In 2035, that would make them between 91 and 71
And given a life expectancy of 78, most will be dead. The remaining boomers will have to deal with the backlash from the next generations saddled with the debts passed on to them.
Eliminate the Social Security earnings cap
Use the estate tax as a means to cover the shortfall
Tax day trading and second trading for Social Security.
“Because we are coming for you, old racist white men.
Remember this: you’re old. Your time is fading. You racist grandfathers, you angry old men, you graybeards screaming about back in my day: you’re scared. You know your era’s ending. You know we’re coming with our deviant haircuts and our gay marriage and our insectionality. You know we’re coming with our pitchforks and our torches to defend the weak you have trampled on, the poor you take advantage of, the environment you fucked up.”
I posted about boomers dying off and I find this an hour later. Can’t happen soon enough.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Despite Growing Evidence That Mueller (Russian Spy!) Report Is A Giant Collusion Coverup, Nancy Pelosi (D-PMS) Blocks Impeachment Hearings, Tells Maxine Waters (D-PMS) “Colored Sit In Rear!” Concerned Demorats Ask, “Is Nancy Pelosi (D-PMS) Compromised? ( i.e., Another Russian Spy!!).
Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said there is enough evidence in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to move forward with the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Water said, “The Congress really does have to step up to the plate.”
She added, “The fact of the matter is, I think that when you look at this report, you can see that there is enough information there not only on obstruction of justice but also on collusion or conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, to move forward with impeachment on this president.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And then it happened.
Well, waddya know ’bout dat.
I’ll bet you didn’t know that the very first ever in history official action to impeach a President of the United States came about from a citizen petition from Wetumpka Alabama presented by Virginia Representative John Minor Botts, to remove John Tyler who was acting as President upon the death of William Henry Harrison.
Don’t take all that much, actually. Cheeto Benito’s giant fat ass is just too big a target. And he’s given us all so much to work with. All it takes for any committee chair to take up a resolution and it is begun. Not a goddam thing you and the rest of the trailer park can do about it, either. Gonna git yer gun? Call Mueller a spy? Blame a black guy? Burn a cross? Wonderful.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “in some trouble as soon as 2035”
Meaning either the economy will have to grow faster, or taxes will have to be raised, or deficits incurred, or benefits modestly curtailed, or some combination of the above. See #10 for additional options. The possibilities are endless. Don’t worry, millennials, Social Security will be there for you despite the endless efforts of Doctor Dumbfuck’s ilk to fuck you over. Better have armed guards watch your 401(k)s, though.
But no matter how you slice it, it’s not the crisis you asswipes make it out to be. You just don’t want the working class to have a retirement, just like you don’t want them to have health care. For no particular reason other than you’re misanthropic pricks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 I’m a boomer, too, and I just want you to know that not all of us are selfish fucks. Only the Republican half of us are.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Trump Finds ALJ To File Frivolous Lawsuit, Demorats Note, “This complaint reads more like political talking points than a reasoned legal brief, and it contains a litany of inaccurate information.”
President Donald Trump and his business filed suit against Democratic House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings on Monday to block a subpoena sent last week seeking information about the president’s finances.
In the complaint filed in Washington, D.C., federal court Monday morning, Trump’s lawyers said that Democrats have “declared all-out political war” against him.
“Subpoenas are their weapon of choice,” the filing states.
In a statement, Cummings said that Trump has a “long history of trying to use baseless lawsuits to attack his adversaries, but there is simply no valid legal basis to interfere with this duly authorized subpoena from Congress.”
Cummings added: “This complaint reads more like political talking points than a reasoned legal brief, and it contains a litany of inaccurate information. The White House is engaged in unprecedented stonewalling on all fronts, and they have refused to produce a single document or witness to the Oversight Committee during this entire year.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit spent most of today in a hospital with breathing difficulties, but was released this afternoon and is back in his burrow now. This wasn’t your day, trolls. I’m still here to fuck with you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 How come “Make America Great Again” was edited off the red hat?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Beautiful Women Pageant News–Miss Demorat Universe;
(×480.png) Resigns Crown To Continue Pursuit Of Old MAGA-Hat Nazi Jews. Runner-Up Takes Title, Relates, “I Thought That Ugly Bitch Would Never Leave, Now I Can Finally Relax.”(
Early in April, Rebecca Parker Mankey, 46, decided to launch a public shaming of a 74-year-old Jewish man named “Victor F.” in public accounts of his encounter with the woman.
Mankey saw Victor in a Palo Alto Starbucks and took issue with his “Make America Great Again” hat. Calling him a racist and a fascist, Mankey took to social media to attack the elderly man.“He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my town ever again,” she wrote in one of her posts attacking the man. “If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism.”
But almost immediately, Mankey experienced a backlash against her social warriorism, so much so that she was fired from her job for attacking the man.
Now it appears that Mankey has gone into hiding, Fox News reports.
BTW @17, Best Wishes Old Fart, You Will Never Leave
Nice try. Trying to impeach the pig is futile. Nancy knows better politically, even though it is a tough call, and maybe they should just blow everything they got just to impeach the fuck! I’d rather they try and not succeed and have 4 more years of the fuck, at a chance of impeaching the pussy grabbing bigoted bully treasonous terrorist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Sure hope so. Collins is a slippery one. Lots of weasel words but her votes reveal what she really is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You already posted about her on 4/5/19 @35. Recycling material now to save trees? My forest friends thank you.
I thank you, too. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit is immortal, but I’m not. However, today was not the day.
@17 wishing you well Roger. Hope you are feeling better and fully recovering.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The empirical data is unequivocal.
Investigatory hearings drive down Presidential approval. Done right, they drive it down a lot. And there’s more to that than just getting rid of their beloved president finger rape. How many toddlers they torture, spouses they beat up, or crosses they burn will depend in part on how much support they can claim for it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Rest up and feel better RR. When its time to punch Nazis we need your strong left jab.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24, 26 Thank you. I may be in & out of HA this week. I have followup tests and doctor visits ahead of me. It apparently wasn’t a heart attack and most of my vital signs are good but some of my body chemistry is out of whack. Don’t worry, I’m a tough old rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not just border vigilantes …
“A leader of a New Mexico militia that has been detaining migrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border said the group was ‘training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama,’ according to an FBI agent’s sworn deposition describing reports phoned into the agency’s public tip line.”
“A 33-year-old man suspected of punching a 72-year-old monk at a Burien gas station was arrested Saturday, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office. The Russian Orthodox monk was pumping gas on the morning of April 16 when a man came up to him, made a statement about President Donald Trump and punched him in the face, said sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ryan Abbott.”
The Supreme Court agreed today to decide whether federal law protects LGBTQ people from workplace discrimination. Meanwhile,
“The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concluded in 2015 that Title VII does protect against LGBT job discrimination. The Obama Justice Department took the same position, but under President Donald Trump it reversed course, opposing that conclusion”
because Republicans think God wants them to be bigots.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Democrat thinks it’s wrong to discriminate against others. A Republican thinks it’s his right.
In other news:
(1) Trump says he can’t be impeached, and claims “it was the Democrats who committed the crimes.”
In other words, if a bank is robbed, jail the teller.
(2) GOP Sen. Joni Ernst says it’s “not necessary” for Mueller to testify, and the Senate Judiciary Committee should spend its time confirming Trump’s judicial picks.
In other news:
(1) Trump says he can’t be impeached, and claims “it was the Democrats who committed the crimes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, if a bank is robbed, jail the teller.
(2) GOP Sen. Joni Ernst says it’s “not necessary” for Mueller to testify, and the Senate Judiciary Committee should spend its time confirming Trump’s judicial picks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ernst is a fanatic and nobody on our side listens to her anyway.
(3) Howard Schultz is getting roasted for a campaign ad that claims, “The majority of Americans aren’t Republicans or Democrats. The majority of Americans are Americans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too bad he wasn’t around 150 years ago, when he could have saved a lot of lives by reminding everyone there were no bluecoats or rebs because we’re all Americans. The shooting would’ve stopped immediately.
From NPI website: “NPI builds support for causes like revenue reform and transit for all, while fighting right wing initiatives.”
Translation: We are big government people who want a state income tax..
@4 Maybe in your language, but the Plain English translation reads: We work on fulfilling society’s needs and helping people instead of promoting bigotry, racism, and intolerance.
The days when thug cops could wield brutal “street justice” aren’t over but hopefully are on the way out.
@1 and one day they’ll figure out how to do the same to the Blacks and the Jews and Latinos – sucks to be them.
With the news that the Social Security trust fund will be in some trouble as soon as 2035 – wrong again, Harry Reid – allz I gotta say is I’m glad YLB’s kids will be slaving away at dead-end jobs to make sure I get my monthly check.
Hey, YLB, explain it to your kids that they are paying for the sins of their mothers.
@8. What do you care? You will likely be dead.
The final demographic selfish fuck you from boomers, they will mostly be dead after sucking all the money out for themselves.
Boomers are born between 1944 and 1964
In 2035, that would make them between 91 and 71
And given a life expectancy of 78, most will be dead. The remaining boomers will have to deal with the backlash from the next generations saddled with the debts passed on to them.
Eliminate the Social Security earnings cap
Use the estate tax as a means to cover the shortfall
Tax day trading and second trading for Social Security.
Dear Entitled Old Racist White Men, We Are Sick Of You
“Because we are coming for you, old racist white men.
Remember this: you’re old. Your time is fading. You racist grandfathers, you angry old men, you graybeards screaming about back in my day: you’re scared. You know your era’s ending. You know we’re coming with our deviant haircuts and our gay marriage and our insectionality. You know we’re coming with our pitchforks and our torches to defend the weak you have trampled on, the poor you take advantage of, the environment you fucked up.”
I posted about boomers dying off and I find this an hour later. Can’t happen soon enough.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Despite Growing Evidence That Mueller (Russian Spy!) Report Is A Giant Collusion Coverup, Nancy Pelosi (D-PMS) Blocks Impeachment Hearings, Tells Maxine Waters (D-PMS) “Colored Sit In Rear!” Concerned Demorats Ask, “Is Nancy Pelosi (D-PMS) Compromised? ( i.e., Another Russian Spy!!).
Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said there is enough evidence in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to move forward with the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Water said, “The Congress really does have to step up to the plate.”
She added, “The fact of the matter is, I think that when you look at this report, you can see that there is enough information there not only on obstruction of justice but also on collusion or conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, to move forward with impeachment on this president.”
And then it happened.
Well, waddya know ’bout dat.
I’ll bet you didn’t know that the very first ever in history official action to impeach a President of the United States came about from a citizen petition from Wetumpka Alabama presented by Virginia Representative John Minor Botts, to remove John Tyler who was acting as President upon the death of William Henry Harrison.
Don’t take all that much, actually. Cheeto Benito’s giant fat ass is just too big a target. And he’s given us all so much to work with. All it takes for any committee chair to take up a resolution and it is begun. Not a goddam thing you and the rest of the trailer park can do about it, either. Gonna git yer gun? Call Mueller a spy? Blame a black guy? Burn a cross? Wonderful.
@8 “in some trouble as soon as 2035”
Meaning either the economy will have to grow faster, or taxes will have to be raised, or deficits incurred, or benefits modestly curtailed, or some combination of the above. See #10 for additional options. The possibilities are endless. Don’t worry, millennials, Social Security will be there for you despite the endless efforts of Doctor Dumbfuck’s ilk to fuck you over. Better have armed guards watch your 401(k)s, though.
But no matter how you slice it, it’s not the crisis you asswipes make it out to be. You just don’t want the working class to have a retirement, just like you don’t want them to have health care. For no particular reason other than you’re misanthropic pricks.
@9 I’m a boomer, too, and I just want you to know that not all of us are selfish fucks. Only the Republican half of us are.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Trump Finds ALJ To File Frivolous Lawsuit, Demorats Note, “This complaint reads more like political talking points than a reasoned legal brief, and it contains a litany of inaccurate information.”
President Donald Trump and his business filed suit against Democratic House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings on Monday to block a subpoena sent last week seeking information about the president’s finances.
In the complaint filed in Washington, D.C., federal court Monday morning, Trump’s lawyers said that Democrats have “declared all-out political war” against him.
“Subpoenas are their weapon of choice,” the filing states.
In a statement, Cummings said that Trump has a “long history of trying to use baseless lawsuits to attack his adversaries, but there is simply no valid legal basis to interfere with this duly authorized subpoena from Congress.”
Cummings added: “This complaint reads more like political talking points than a reasoned legal brief, and it contains a litany of inaccurate information. The White House is engaged in unprecedented stonewalling on all fronts, and they have refused to produce a single document or witness to the Oversight Committee during this entire year.”
Roger Rabbit spent most of today in a hospital with breathing difficulties, but was released this afternoon and is back in his burrow now. This wasn’t your day, trolls. I’m still here to fuck with you.
@11 How come “Make America Great Again” was edited off the red hat?
Bye Bye Susie
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Beautiful Women Pageant News–Miss Demorat Universe;
(×480.png) Resigns Crown To Continue Pursuit Of Old MAGA-Hat Nazi Jews. Runner-Up Takes Title, Relates, “I Thought That Ugly Bitch Would Never Leave, Now I Can Finally Relax.”(
Early in April, Rebecca Parker Mankey, 46, decided to launch a public shaming of a 74-year-old Jewish man named “Victor F.” in public accounts of his encounter with the woman.
Mankey saw Victor in a Palo Alto Starbucks and took issue with his “Make America Great Again” hat. Calling him a racist and a fascist, Mankey took to social media to attack the elderly man.“He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my town ever again,” she wrote in one of her posts attacking the man. “If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism.”
But almost immediately, Mankey experienced a backlash against her social warriorism, so much so that she was fired from her job for attacking the man.
Now it appears that Mankey has gone into hiding, Fox News reports.
BTW @17, Best Wishes Old Fart, You Will Never Leave
“Concerned Demorats Ask, “Is Nancy Pelosi (D-PMS) Compromised? ( i.e., Another Russian Spy!!).”
Nice try. Trying to impeach the pig is futile. Nancy knows better politically, even though it is a tough call, and maybe they should just blow everything they got just to impeach the fuck! I’d rather they try and not succeed and have 4 more years of the fuck, at a chance of impeaching the pussy grabbing bigoted bully treasonous terrorist.
@19 Sure hope so. Collins is a slippery one. Lots of weasel words but her votes reveal what she really is.
@20 You already posted about her on 4/5/19 @35. Recycling material now to save trees? My forest friends thank you.
I thank you, too. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit is immortal, but I’m not. However, today was not the day.
@17 wishing you well Roger. Hope you are feeling better and fully recovering.
The empirical data is unequivocal.
Investigatory hearings drive down Presidential approval. Done right, they drive it down a lot. And there’s more to that than just getting rid of their beloved president finger rape. How many toddlers they torture, spouses they beat up, or crosses they burn will depend in part on how much support they can claim for it.
Rest up and feel better RR. When its time to punch Nazis we need your strong left jab.
@24, 26 Thank you. I may be in & out of HA this week. I have followup tests and doctor visits ahead of me. It apparently wasn’t a heart attack and most of my vital signs are good but some of my body chemistry is out of whack. Don’t worry, I’m a tough old rabbit.
Not just border vigilantes …
“A leader of a New Mexico militia that has been detaining migrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border said the group was ‘training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama,’ according to an FBI agent’s sworn deposition describing reports phoned into the agency’s public tip line.”
“A 33-year-old man suspected of punching a 72-year-old monk at a Burien gas station was arrested Saturday, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office. The Russian Orthodox monk was pumping gas on the morning of April 16 when a man came up to him, made a statement about President Donald Trump and punched him in the face, said sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ryan Abbott.”
What the hell is wrong with people?